HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-3, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS
wooded Presontim Officer.
.harrier u • DDomial customs ea
been appointed to
e .officer et God `ri t is aid
gowoo d tbst tbe nt .t ttsakess an
sedition o the Prevost staff in tin
arss service
g' duties vr411 pertain p&rticularly
$ at the harbor.
w tl, w r Alois
gook of Thos. Wall
of the county jail for
1bv death of Thos. Wall, who had
inusate at that. C7ol Hodgins of I.undoo, is in town
tiff tern
years,cud took The 1 today loot ing over the ground in prep-
111.7 i ,sale on i ed an • was detained ' serration for the lime military camp.
:jet*, prep -
, minded and No announcement has et been made
for haat S- a more about
Mr s bass, 1Je was aiwat oat the selection of Gudeneb for Chir
Nye e++w d •8e and was for- year's tamp, but it is evident that iw
Public lychee' Examiveaaiewa
The Hur000 public school promotion
examinatioas will be bold on Thurs-
day, Friday and Monday. April 17, 18
and 21.
large seeress. in Customs Coliectioes.
For the year ending Mares 31st,
1919. the customs duties collected at
'iiodeneb cad it. outposts totalled
•11u. 7U .3 This is en increase of
MOSS ,.ver the receipts of the
previous veer.
This Year's Camp.
•• went of AahflThe e re
serif ken to
tgoes will be am*T 'r
morning Citi
for burial.
AFo.e Entertainment
fp 1•sr r wasasag n giof ven Victoria
( A, rouse
ow Wogs -Haines tinting ParSouse on Tuesdae eveninag ty and
.. 1 verdict is that it was the
les d the series and altogether one
▪ de soot end3yable entertaininento
Owe in (kw etich for some time. The
Pter•s included a number of the old
vt1 aonpr. several of the comic
variem character songs cad operatic
election, the last being given
in costume. The members of the
coasts: see gond actors as well as
hnasepltsben singers and every num-
in was a succees. Eneores were
onerous and were responded to g`n-
al Sola
Word saw received os Retarday by
y teistives bere that Marra Waitbenaysil -
isyteis. who
dangersof the Aoo cool
w tate aged sound. Harry le an em-
pires of the National Cash Register
Ifni Ella Dickson is at Columb.•,
Oki&and writes to bier Motives hers
whoa of uu a of the ra.ola of tbe
Sod. The city for wary days bad
es Aectrie light, Do water. no trainer
eeoot. so teIepboaa or telegraphic
orrice. Hundreds fled from their
bones in fear of greater floods.
Bps. Tweedy also is at Colum►w'.
3rd word has been received tram bim
Funk Doty was at Toledo. Ohio,
yet seri, anti though the floods there
woe ad of the magnitude of the dis-
asters at Dayton
nodi he other
places sin
J. Slat- some
were under winter.
A quo weddieg took place at St..
Perri church on Monday townie*:
ser. at 7:*) o'lock. wben Miss Maly
Uaika. second d.tutbter of Mr. and
J.n. Janes Dean. Regent atrert. was
media the hoods 04 matrimony to
Yetis Joseph Whitt y. of Pottlaad.
O, . formerly of Asbtield. Rev.
Father McRae officiated. The bride,
views given away by ber father.
sae a russet costume of silk voile
vier silk. trimmed witb Det lace, and
• is: d wbite braid drew trimmed
vita *a (*prey and bandeau. She
cried s pearl rosary and' wore the
Olaf tbe groom. a gold wateb and
(care. fibe was attended by beer
earner, hiss Ida. who was attired in
whtee.lbroideeed mull, with a white
Ian. 1 r groom•wan was James See-
m*. ref Kingsbridge. Foll,wing the
cesnsay the bridal party drove to
tie bene of the * s idea pronto where
tie customary festiviths took place.
The poem'. gift to the brideemaii
toe • gold hraeeiet set with lo
saeeiyst. and to the groomsman a
dead tiepin. Mr. read Mrs. Wbttty
sent • tee days with their relative§
tree earl left cm Wednesdayaftersoon
ter tbeir new home at Portland. Or -
me. followed by tbe hest wiebes of
Boyleend. tor their happiness and
=tilt:. The bride travelled in a
r+rlR.[suit of brown diagonal
-*tk. with bat of black silk braid
:nano' wile two willow plumes sed
mean some.
other place has been decided upon.
New Store.
Ed. Lynn is opening • store on
W.st street, pelt the postoffice,
for the sale elf wall paper, paints,
varnishes and other decorative
materials. Mr. Lynn has had pr-aeteal
experience in the bandliog of these
materials, and solicits a share of the
poblic patronage. His stock will be
new and fresh and heromises good
value in any perches.' from him.
rhe June Excursion to Detroit
The annual (iadericb-Detroit ex-
cursion c f tbe White Star Line will
be held somewhat earlier this year
than usual. The trip from Detroit to
Goderich will be on Monday, June alt .
with • moonlight excursion out of
Goderich the Fame evening. The
boat will leave for Detroit with the
excursionists from this end the follow-
ing day and return on Thursday. June
Kort.cultural Society.
An interesting meeting of the (lode -
rich Horticultural Society was held
last week. Progress was reported in
the [natter of the proposed flower
sbow. It was decided to call the at-
tention of the town council to the
wanner in which trees on the streets
have been mutilated by linemen string-
ing wires and to ask if sometbiog can-
not be door to prevent this. Mr.
Coats reported that the plants for
spring destributioo bad been ordered
and would be here is good time. Each
member is to receive .iso roars—two
dimeerw and eight busboy. Rev. J.
Pollock read a very interesting
on 'Rhe Flower Pot," which was ol-
lowed by a general discussion. At
the next monthly meeting Mr. Coats
and Mr. Arkell are to talk op roses.
Death of Wm. J. Cox.
Goderich lost a good citizen in the
death of William J. Cox, which oc-
curred at his home on Someday. Mr.
Cox was in his sixty-sixth year. He
had been in tuher poor beeltb for
several montes, but the Anal illness
wee of only two "reeks' duration. Mr.
Cox was born in Goderich township
and lived in the township until twelve
ears tato, when be retired from farm -
mg and look up his residence in town.
He bad a'reat lore of "green things
growing. and since Doming to town
be spent most of his time in bis excre-
tive and well -o dared garden. wbicb
was not only • constant Knox of
pleasure to bim but an object of
general admiration. He leaves a
widow and three daughters : Mrs.
Beattie and Miss lily. at home, and
Mrs. Phillips, of Dundee, Mich. Thos.
C. Cox. of Porters Hill ; Mrs. Horace
Messina, of Toronto, and Miss Cox. of
town, are brother and sisters of the
deceased. The funeral took plane on
T sada after0000 10 Maitland ceme-
tery. Rev. Geo. E. Ross coodncted
tbe services and the pallbearers were
D. MaeMusrby, James L. Giant,
David SWlldart, W. F. Clark. C. E.
Sale and J. H. McClinton. There was
sO+'ge gathering at the funeral, iu-
elttaing many of the deoesied's former
neighbors in the townsbip. Mr. and
Mrs. Phillips., of Dundee, Micb., and
Mrs. Newton of Toronto. were he
atteodaoce during Mr. Cbz i last 111-
seedier OId Resident Gone.
Aaeber c4 tbe c.►d landmarks of
Gide irb has heen removed in the
lamb of John Brophey, which occurred
as Maclay in the eight y-' bird year of
w •g' Two months ago Mr. Brophey
duped no the icy sidewalk and in fall -
4 Ira. his hip. aced from the *bock
d this injury. be Devwer recovered.
Mr. Brophey was born in lrelaod sod
one to tined& when • young icon.
Be worked for • few years at Yost -
real and Lando. and ease' bo Oodetieb
fity-ait a years agm resift" here elm'
este with tbe exception of three or
kw years spyot in the Steams is the
"dy H'a. Hie miters to CT,a•da was
Tet at the stirring times d '06, geed
Re the gamed. Britieb.r hs was be
web arses sad went P. the frost •1
ale is with the Coded.* eoatingsat
aPiling the Fmk. hues -
'is•. For he ia iiery oroeth•tooccasion
be was afterwards privileged be wear
the voterse's seeds l and be also re-
mind the hued aM greats
made to those who did mwwbe water
um in that tsosbled period. By
Mr. Bropbey
worked at the trade for a mks-
le►ef yeses before ening into partner -
dike is tips furniture buei with the
hie Alm. Keeseaw. Thi. wee about
llktv-foar year. ago. Mr. Hnwssbaw
fled a few years later sad Mr. Bropb.y
"wtimad the bsri.Gm, In later years
•kh the seeisteeee of baa moos. wadi
he retired in Mil. Mr. Awofibey wsa
• taemsbe!r of ter Aagiit•n_ Dbse eb.
Petra Goal and reteeribilsgt Mak So
Bsrdett.'s Balmoral
Now Cltlbbls0Offers.
Tin dipyl has chibbieg area•+
anent with The Toronto Wacky Yail
enol Empire whereby every wMQiber
to the eombiaetio• will receive also.
without any extra charge. The Do-
minion Poultry t i uide Cue one year
That is. The &gnat. The Weekly Mall
cad Ktnpire and The Doaniniop
Poultry Gude—aU three for $l.00.
Send all orders to The eigest. Oode-
ricb, Oot
Ice cream in bulk or fancy bricks at
Burdstte'.. Tiy it 1 ar your dessert.
'Pboot 6L
Character u built, like the founda-
tion of an edifice, by laying one stone
upon the other. L• hold of rume
single fault and meed it.
A High-class Concert
The Clinton papers speak in high
terms d the concert given in tbat.
town oo flood Friday by the choir of
North street Methodist church, Gude-
rick The News -Record says :
The sacred concert given in the On-
tario street church on the evening of
Good Friday by the cbitr of North
street cburch. lioderieb. under the
auspices of the Mission Circle, was a
decoded success. Despite the fierce
windstorm whirl) prevailed all day the
cboir arrived on the afternoon train
and the estertaiomewt put on was of a
very high order. The choosers by the
foil Choir soder the direction of Mr.
G. H. King were wen reodewrd and
the solos by Mee. Ring, Miss McOltn-
tna and lir. Fowler were very ens.
Mrs. Ring and Mr. Fowler same a
temple d duet which were mtsch
and tbey were repeatedly
seemed. iadwed Mr. Fowler was m-
oored sack time be appeared . Mr.
Pewter formerly lived in Clinton sad
aid friends wens pleased to bear
his voice again and to rots that it has
grow. richer during the interval.
MW hitless. resider, was also well m-
odem' and wee beartfl
bee of the friends of the Melon Cir-
cle mewed tea in the church to the vie -
soat eft o'clock. whys a pisasaat
boar was spent The roue'
Wien of the C.irefe realised a nits
little sum from the proceeds and are
s be a hoe upon putting on
swab . hi co.o.et
in poetics was a stameeh losses`
'•tri RM Mahe► is life did a
fiber d years aAa, and aIsm sees sad Isar deeiglitere
Gamily ant
!be eras are Willem sad Jetsopiwrvjersad.
`nd et Detroit.
sal the :. are Jab.til. r-
Firm. el &It i. ... —Yat fa
lair lllaaOsae ........liar. et
Fraser d breech ....... • .... -April 4
leseares d lanteas ....»......Apt 1s
t.a. M-.nska Asea is
Ferns. ea iteral ...«lea/ s
Emirs. d Denali /law M
near[.. nae .0 ialsrmrassa tram are
tee•isata asset se J. £Md%est. C.
P. ft.. Useerlca. l)r.
sewn 4K -is.
110 bras cad era and, miscue w: ss aid eaesa des maid•-
=isiis Sm ism l3r.ik. W for, 6 oti.a feel con -
ba — 24 wa.w ewe eras was■ mart,
—500 Quasars It 24 Faia.4 th5 air' 1500 •srs —ee lose
h o007)
rs eerar4 lemma.. hri of o.rb—e PONment /est_ ai ws
II.L e.lsc f c_ic a t wry cant Dile ss amc n.Ea
e l a Wert two. tl •se eress re -
crane Y st lanae ..i iasature der Y as _morrow ties 4—
ea s ware of se well s. ui .l
The Cl.v lewd & Bala'- Tam& Ca. - (Did. O.
scam. Oram flim las am Des. is
.A Haman Match Factorg
Thu body .este ss phosphors sufficient to make MAD matches. Mae
bses is ens d fembsme damsels asmpo1.g the body --divided among
boaats,hsi servos apsirm and anther organa The perfect health o body
trepiles a periled halms el the dements These elements mos from the
ked ass est—the stemadi r acia sad distributes them
Bot if stoma& is daalegsd--(M balance of health is destroyed and the
jird does not eery the proper dements to the diferent organs. and there
Is blood tre.kir-serve trouble—heart trouble. Pain Is the hungry cry elf
starved orgasms Phi the liver, soemach and organs of digestion and nutrf-
tfes tato a ooaeiitish of health That is jut what is done by
Dalt. 1P'IEMC PS
which has been so favorably known far over 40 -years It is now pat up is
tablet form, as well as IIgSd, and eaa be obtained of medicine dealers
Por ierce by B uffalo, N.Y. in lc tamps her trial box—
is a bask wa 1008 ~is iaeisamab mese Ie rhea -tineas
•t !eaels A.raems. Ms d.• and Is a
Nesse bide• --seat lc stamIPses LYJ! lmo L
Public Horne Markets will be held io
Tuesday, Marco 25th
Tuesday, April Ibth
Each Yale Day (Lean, a day of big
Partnere. get your Horses of all
kinds ready.
Buyers, be on hand and you will
be &hie to get the best.
Public auction st 2:91a p. m. each
Sale Day.
Da. W. F. CLsax, V. S., President.
JAMES CoSvwoLLY, Secretary.
Wednesday, Apr1 9th
Town Hall, Clinton
The greatest of Irish
dramas, sparkling
with Irish wit and
humor. Under the
auspices of St.
Joseph's church.
Prices: 35 and 50 cents
Plan at Fairs, Friday
r w1110Rel.
Baine+ ' se IlLwk to Ur eel
Ilea g geek, • me Me
wlfllYM.-Lseasesek r d Bare
yr. •• Yes Mtihawentee
dewy. • an.
met; Mis. JAa, f0w•faeM. DSD.
IS"" d. and the Morn Mecad
of teem AA the ase mbere of
♦ ern n boss wrlth tae meantime
w Jabs. who Y tram caw
bf meow his rat y. Tess
eat Ilaa df Lof
b ti.., lea pleyai Ws allows
efts asadmisil lbw.
IL Inatimar-
very mow it UR Basal rle,
9ailhmmws were 0 F Ltardy Jien
4J■riJa be.eller. ha , neat.
se -.sore. les+ ossa.
'Odb Wass v►s•aneei. os :Tvem ar.
er Aiesssaa sem
111 talMealelier.W1W4861,wa
m lamise- 4F0
TIMPINDST. Aran is *U 1 .
trail" 6..e ► a ,375,0
UM L (Ow) - WNW
Save Time 'thee You
Are Busy
by carrying o4 your
banking by mail. Just mail us your deposits, or
your cheques when you want to withdraw money.
We give special attention to business handled
in this way, and will be glad to have you make
use of our service.
J. G. GEDDES, Manager Goderich Branch.
LONDON. EN BRA NC , • I r. W. AtttT. A. - Weaver:
53 Tbrs_d eseete. till 6L 1 G. M. C. MIST MEW Area tats[ .aa.aaer.
were never more popular. You
see them worn everywbere by
tbe most stylishly attired people.
Of course tbere ire P.-arle mod
Pearl,. as well as many aurae -
tire imitations at very low
prices. No [natter what you
pay, we do not believeyp t can
find more attractively designed
novelties anywhere than we are
*bowing just now in
Our Jewellery Store
Come in and see for your-
Jeweller sod Optician
Corner Colborne St. and Square
For Supplying a "Lister."
Clinton. April 1. -Before Magistrate
Leckie. of Brussels, Alex. Routledge
pleaded guilty to supplying liquor to
Charles )/eadoers, of Brussels, "a
lister," and was fined Ir2,3, ani costa
Meadows was alscfined 910 and costa.
Inspector Oliver Johpeyon. of Centre
Huron. prosecuted. The same in-
spector had a couple of similar eases
before Magistrate Andrew.. of ('lin-
Igo, end two -listen" were Aped.
Blackstone's have fresh oyster' on
Saturday. 'Phone 240
faro! Gavot., E
Motor Soso. Mous Cycles a
nd iao A KO arc of Oils, Tiro a and
liey crone
tawars ro all rooms of Autonsolete Mow foes. Mer Cycles, Gewgaw Faro M•*+wry and Power Marc
y 1 '
Al! bUsineE str.ctly
( A F
EAST STREET, fiat Town Hall
Telephone No. 143 '.
t,_OiR l1
. G
We hat[. b/ rtidtrin"ntrattart+Ot complete until both parties were perfectly
the confidence ofboth residents nod risi tors in this torw.
bare provedbeyond a ,hndOW of doubt flail ire ore a better petition than
GasolineGasolinel;wfiJ1es and Rat
the purchase of
d undertake the maintenance - art del*delay..ell, repair n done at a reasonable tprice and lrithout and
this gr+ori can be
utu f(,ct+r the (t
tied up to n0 one wo' tN_ to keeP under no vbiif irn►
We are trill bock up our (sait'te'e by underkal`
and fur the askinf and
any rtrtit le,r,
rfeel our advice is costars f
tire Unbiassed udrite o+r
rte, iso that tint arra f
rtidle in ruuniw
tae e
lse to
and that
f order a at
places lNu
beer Ise relit Ixli plat that ire
boat through us. wucrens is the "Cashon
ire attribute mock of our returned in fall i f a 1M u
lrtotattr yew it to to psiyour money
the prfrilt¢t at any time to ltrttara t lint
i enietlp
has made i1 t else lueviw! ^•o collection re,f out. so
f bill/int but o - bdFi tc able to cit
menta of not leer'
toil,, nun
tie •n f that art ,•'r's'r
l out to the letter.
Heal word a made will t,r0evr a w s Mild We ort careful in ret nkaw ¢ fart of up-to-date
•n f iw f a14st
adopted, trttle et only flus
market and tire oar customers itrrtj aGtorlf
. to b14l/ in the Ckeap or bad debt t ^ '
possible 1r/
,d hare never attempted Cabin t
ewrrler l is food as err frond...
'll be atrrst'
neer "our hew, but ri promise once
d He wr Establish-
"made tarot"' let the lrfer,tt..ol flat weir ceras Citi!/ keep len
! circle of !ricrac soul make 1913keea bar'''er year.
^ short . WI hare sistance (, (sir pr'tntsr
h thea ter weather doriwt the ne feat' months, ire mewl, and with
Poore sincerely y !ca%xBBr
TSB B1'RQ1" G.1SOL1X1 £Jill 1'B ` ' SINUS X GLOVES.
A man's worst difficulties begin
when he it able to do as he likes.
(mood men can more e,dl'v under-
stood bad risen than these can under-
stand the voud
Singer Store
A new shipment of Babies'
Bonnet. and Little Darling
Hose just in at the singer
A full stock of roars, jsbots,
crocheted Dollars and bags in all
the nes shades and shapes.
This is the time of the Near
wesll think of Lingerie. We have
a new assortment of under -
waists, nightgowns and oom-
binatiun suits at very reason.
able prices.
The waists stamped on crepe
marquisette to be worked in
white or colors are the Latest- A
nice a•sortmeot of these to
choose from.
New designs i o tinted
Centres, runners and cushions.
If you haven't seen tbe new
thowvod flower st itch and
heather designs, cell and ser
1 Lem.
.4 nine line of hand -embroid-
ered articles, suitable 1„r wed -
ling gifts. Pried are suitable
We Barry a f uh assortment
of all S. M. C. crochet. arid en.-
broidery threads.
Special lemons on any piece
The Singer Store
Next Bell Telephone Central.
ou boner you said the last time
it raised : '•ill have that leak
flied.- You ought to Umiak is.
for reminding you. but instead
Possihby you have sneer other
little job in salad. It k's is the
eastal workers flee, we am the
epees to do k pravidieg yes wast
aetieleceioe mad flier prima.
aam itea Street Ad.sfr le
P%.•biea'. heating. l eserir
wlrf.d* mer