HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-3, Page 4• 4 TNoarrl*T. Aleut 3. 1913 District News PORTER'S NILL. TUESDAY. April 1st. Nome. --Mr's Tout Tiebboene. Goderieh, is viaitingat Hall Rutledge'. Mimosa Kate mad Annie Mellow gall returned Louse on WednesJay, having, spent a week at Port Stanley. Peter McDougel1 and Mrs. James McDosaJd are visiting in Detroit Miss Jennie Burke spent a taw days in Loudon last week. COLBORNE. Tritons v, April l at. Noyes-—MissAmanda Dunt has returned borne after a visit of a few day, with friends in Hullett township. Mr. and Mee. Samuel Schwab: who bave been apeoding some time with friends in this vicinity. left for their home in Rocanville. Sask., last week.. )ors. J. Freeman returned to her borne in Goderirh last week after a short viait at the hornets( Tbo.s. Pennington J. C. Durst has secured the services d James Farrant for the summer Wesley Fisher is busy putting a new roof an Ida barn this week. HO LM ES V I LLE. Trasnar, April 1st. BRIEF?.- Geo. Holland held a eue- ceneful stock sale on 'Tuesday of this week Miss Robinson. of liroderich, commenced her duties at the village school oo Monday . ...A number from here attended the funeral of the late J. S. C. -entire at Clinton on Mon- day Mr•. A.. Huller, we are sorry to say. is sufieriog froze a severe attack of pneumonia Nin Geor- genie Rumball is visiting frieodei at Clinton Miss Emmeline Holland returned to her studies at t be Normal School et London on Monday ....Miss Sarah Tebbutt returned home this week H. Halstead, of (?oderich. was in the village oo Monday. LAURIER. • WEDXENDSY. April nod. THE NEWS os THE \Vggx.— Making maple sugar is the order of the day. Mrs. Dan Neil MacKenzie and babe are home atter spending Easter in London .. Dan MacLean, jr., psrcbaned a fine team of borers at Dank Johnstone• sale... .A num- her of the young people of this ricin • ity were at tbe box social at Lochalsh last Thursday evening and all report a good time . . ..Miss Tabitha Kemp- ton has returned to school after spend- ing her Eastet vacation at her home. . K. J. MacKenzie is busy repair- ing his barn, which was injured by the windstorm ..Mr. son Mrs. Thos. Dixon and family moved from here Let Tuesday to live in their new home et Tiverton . Mrs. Philip MarMilluo and babe, of Luckoow, are visiting at the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacLean. MULLETT. Morusv, Mar. 314. Miss Iavioa Brigham, oe Londes- boro', is away on a vibit to Tcronto and Woodstock. Mrs. Gender Longman is u=pending a month with her daughter, Mrs. George Stevens., of Walton. Wm..Critteuden, of Morris, haw moved to the farm of his brother -.o - law. James Faireervic.-, and the latter will move to his hum near Seaforth. Miss L. Young. of Brantford, visited at her home et L.ndesboro' b.for leaving for Regina. where she bas a position as teacher in a business col- lege. ol- el ge. School -house No. 5 was I.adlyshaken in the big storm on Gond Friday and the trustees have rented the hotel hall at Loodeaboro' and will use it for the holding of school until midsummer. DEATH OF MRS. HLeK.—Altera long Illness Mrs. W. 11. Hoak, of this town- abip, passed away on Saturday. Marro 22od. The deceased was forty yeah of'age and is survived by her husband, her mothir. Mrs. Mogaridge of Clin- ton. ooe sister, Mrs. Chas. Manning of Londesboro. sod two hwotbera, Herb- ert of Hullett and Edgar of Clinton. The funeral took place on Monday. March 24th, to Clinton cemetery. the services being conducted by the family pastor. Rev. J. H. Osterbi.ut. ItHartris or 111E ST 'ItM. --The farm- ers of this township 'offered severely from the windstorm on Good Friday. W. Morrison bad two barns damaged. one on u- •th and one on the Gravel ',road : on the tits the barns of M. Mor- ris, ,n. T. Tigbe, B. Medd, G. Dale. J. Shanahan and Rol.[. Lawson were more or fees .lemag.d. On the Gravel road those wbo suffered moat were: John Reynolds, W. Morrison, Geo. Oaebeet. Rd. Kart. John Farquhar and Jobs Denby. On tbe tth were the horse o1 Joe Reynolds and Dominick Arm, and os the nth Jaynes Brown toed Rkbatd Make, whole house was b.aly damaged. The No. S school heti a big bole bored in it, and it was a blrsing it happened on a holiday, otberwtse serious injury might base Mee done. The two Mason farms o0 Mee Base line were visited and J. Cor- treh lost his windmill. The belfry re the Methodist rhumb at Londesboro' was blown down. Re Charitable before wealth makes thee oo•steous.—Eli: Thomas Browse. DRANK IIABIT Reliable Home Treatment The ORbiRI treataest for the Drink Haft sae he used with ahem to =IIbeer or other alashrnte It destroys IA Amin ha Themeemde leave Hessen► tensed ac ted Meg. blas ...m a.d to Owes st .Ad tsaimlmega arm _ Mwall Ikepernalbd. bosh . IOW rmlf fin i hi 1101.111 dlIl shwa aiilOf attar a lees pry NILE W Et x,.n.:.„a.ob heath. NILE Ns we Noyes.-- storm, c•tn- sidered the roost swee* in the memos of the otiosepioneer, swept over thl vicinity un Friday, leaving "confusion in its train.” A cumber of barns and .beds were unroofed and fences lev- elled, and considerable toes and Ooeoo- seuieoce are tbe results The taw dente from tae G. C. 1. are all holiday. int at their respe.tave homes—Lillian NVatarn, Ohre McNee and Worthy) Ryan Miss May MeeDottmiid. student at Winghatn Business College, is bonne fur vacation Harvey Pentland, of Stratford, spent. the week- end at hu borne Wm. Dodd, of Antons, who has been visiting fritads and relatives here, returned home on Wednesday Misses Edna and Laura PeaUand are spciiding the Easter vecatioo at their home A number from here attended the tea - meeting at Sheppardton lest week. As usual, good entertainment wee pro- vided by toe hospitable ladies. The program was unusually Ear. WEST WAWANObel. Wsa:trgensY. Mar. ''ith. Towveatr ('orrNeit..—(kwuncil met Myrrh 21st as per adjournment : Reeve Wm. Bailie on the chair, Coun- cillors Mallough, Murray and Naylor printout. Minutes of hat meeting read and pawed oo motion of Masses. Nay- lor and Mallough. Treasurer • state- ment read. shooing balance on hand of $5714.74. Filed on motion of lllessrra Murray and Naylor. Mr. Cballen, of Godericb, waited on the coono/ in reference to road uwa:hiaen. On motion of Messrs. Murray and Naylor bi. proposals were laid over till next meeting. On motion of Messrs. Mal - lough and Naylor accounts amountiog w 4131.7e were paid. Bylaw No. 2. 1913. was read three times and passed, confirming the folio wjog appoirt- mebts: Fencevieseers: Jas. Nivioa. John Mills, W. Kinnabao. John Dren- san, Jas. Purdoo, W. E. 4fordon. G. A. Greer. Poundkiepers : John Tay- lor, C. C. Brown, W. McAllister, Jos. Kinoshita. Med Huinphrey, Paul Smeltzer, Wallace Miller. Path - toasters : Jas Gordon. J. Kerr, D. Sproul, W. Weteoo. A. Bruce, W. Wilson, Jas. Ducker. H. G. Taylor. S. Scott, C. M. Roberts, Geo. Pollock, J. D. Nivina, A. Oulbert, W. Oliver, R. Plunkett, A. Church, H. Iteid,J. Milk, Geo. Woods, Alez. Pentland; J. Mc- Lean, W. Campbell, T. W. Culbert, R. Smythe, Jas. F'inh' an, Jos. Boyle, H. Hing, P. Kearney, W. J . Wightman, W. J. Park, S. Cook, Alt. Errington, Win. Wilson, Ed. M. Roberta, R. Mc- Allister, A. Johnston. J. Redmond; Jar. Craig, W. Sillies, W. Brophy. A. Alton, J. Heid, A. Harper. A. McDon- ald, Geo.Stewart, J. Foreben, W. J. Todd, Gus. Kinnabant S. Phillip', W. Armaitrong. Haines, J. Boles, W. Rutherford. A. Campbell, Robison Woods, L. Wemtherbed, D. Todd, D. M_Keazie, D. Ferrier, A. Pardon, A. Riutoul, D. O'Callaghan, P. Smellier, W. A. Wilson. K. Cameron. J. Leona, Jas. Mrt/uillae. G. Webb. Jas. Forster, W. R. Ferrier, J. Clubb, Jos. Laidlaw, Wm. Patterson, G. A. Greer, J. Me- Quinan. D. Gilie, R. Tbowpson, R. Cousins. J. Medd. W. A. Witems, Clerk. 11100 Howard, MOO The rvalart of this Payer wOl b. plsd eto lea r e that there l> at West ess d+e•dad Moses that scions, bas *ea ad to raw le W It. eases. and that ti taterrk. ewes Ostasrb eros to the only 1r. clue sew knees its tee treresal fraternity. Qdhsth, 1a b esa- rtlpsttewei amass. raped a sesAmptasrl nestssdat- Hatt'. tatanb b oaseesuses Iles Wadis/ de Itesedaden t . s ash. mow else they t ou / eedleeF tads. asM elerrialls MEM fa tam dam demob iv ~ Si wet The prowlete sa have se mai Mita ate ods uva •as ued that they a4 ese bookroM didlars farof eailNare leatr It tib. is au.Sal /w Het AYrsr r. J. CHLstE t" t t't t-. Toledo. O. dell W all drsaeb t...3e. Take Salle Family POLL formaair.ariva. AUBURN. QUANTITY OF CEDAR POSTS ft raw sale. Apply' at RtDtlgLtt STORK, Antrum. L t THURSDAY. April 3rd. R. J. Rutledge has received a car of fence wir.ti wbich be has been selling during the winter to the farmers. He to *tot taking orders owing to the damage to fences by the recent storm. The result of tbe balloting for elders in KDox church was aonoucced on Sabbath, the following being melee - toed : Wm. Anderson, John Arthur.. Herman Buboltz, John .1. Wilson, Noah Plaet.ser has engaged with Mr. Chapman, of Bruisefleld and lett fur that place on Monday. Ezekiel Phillips is working for Jas. Sims, of Blyth. at his trade. Atex. Young and Mrs. Hannah, of Wingbam : Mn. Thor. Anderton, of (ioderich, and Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, of It lumen, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Young. DEATH os- ALEX. ROSE. —After srt- fering for over a year. Alex. Rose. of West Wawamosh, passed to the Great Beyond on Thursday nsoresieg of last week. leaving to mourn bis depettasre his wife and four childless. The re- mains were interred in Uolborse cem- etery on Monday enemata The de- ceased was one of the otiose residents of West Wawasosb, having passed over etrveety years is that tsowsebip. Dears or Ilan, JAS. Tomo.-- Aabers lost a m ndeeseatssd resident in the death of Ws. Yam& widow of the late James Yaesg, width sneer ed es Ilearsaay. Marti rift as the m- eek of a paralytic seals. The de- ceased, whose ttariiae tants was Mary Clisabste Pbsrb'y. wee been 1ltM- land in year Iles Wham awns two yarn of awe she same with her parssts se this eassNry sad [shier re- ts Aoierteb ter ansae tis the snowed to atrdt lo. where the es4set at thb amiss wee serried be talc* the lata Jens Tsago M this that ptliw alms at tine octe had bees died .wet fo.Ambers Net hosimme .rd rile hooey two drett stlt yap we Mk% ',he haw the sy,.pch,' where Mem The twieed ewselcyeeskls their Clint - barne easebery yea aims. awoke, Wag Sao. Albs,£ (w Th. 'afternoon % •ten «' tL nem_ wt.. solo. w T. aliY"' aT„ aA /l ybteil'airw` WESTFIELD. W aOtsONoa s , Mar. 8ftth. SUcrarrrtL St seam.—A very esjoy- .Ms wrdal..tdre w sluices of the Doseybrooi apsysse► Lags.. was held at tremi1heaaO yMefdesoelTbomp- pro- ceeeed.mamouated to 1111101). The Mame SYsrp.—West, Thompson sod Was. Robiaeon, the rival syrup kings of West and Ram Wawana.b rsepeetively, report a good flow of sap lately. They each bays about iW tress tapped and use the Grimm evap- orator in tuanufaeturiug the syrup. BAD ROADS -The roads in this vicinity at present are in a very bad coodition. Tbere having been very Ilio. anow this winter. the frost went deeply into the grouod, and on thaw- ing out has left for roads in a very spongy state. We hope Huron county will soon adopt the good roads rnove- menL EASTER VISITORS. -- Robert Mc- Dowell and family. of Ooderich, are *rending their Fluter vacation with friends here Wm. fStaekbour, of Blyth, is visiting hb oepbew, J. W. otaeshouse Harvey and Marvin McDowell and wife are visiting the parents of the former. Edward and Mrs. McDowell, of Cowan avenue, Toronto. Dr erettcrtvg Simko.—In the rue,n- ory of the oldest inhabitant of this vicinity we ',ever had as destluetivt a storm as that of Friday last While nearly every farmer met with some lose. tbe beaviest losers around bete are Ji.bn Kilis, B. H. Taylor, J. W. Stackhouse, W. H- Campbell, J. Mc- Dowell, l.' , Frank C umpbell, J. Hick- ingbotwto and W. Andrew. who bad tbe roof of their barns either blown off, or almost completely strippei of shingles. More than half of tbe silos also were destroyed and 'several wind- mills were turned over. Geo. 'iSal- lace'e extensive poultry bougie was blown over and now tests upon its roof and the sills are high up in the air. STANLE r. Moons) Match31st. P.1. McKenzie and Angus Gordon. Of ort Alt.ert. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil - 500, of Godericb, spent the Eastertide at tbe home of Thomas Baird. SPECIAL SEEv10EIL—Special services will be held in the Varna Presbyter- ian church oo Sunday, April 6th, to mark the sixtietb anniversary of the nrgaeization of the congregation. Rev. 11 C. MacGregor, M. A., of Tor- obto, assistant secretary of the board of social reform sod evangelism, will be the pteacber of the day. WEDDED. --A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, near Drysdale, on Wednesday last, when their daughter, Mies Bessie, was married to Gilbert C. Frectleton, of near Blake. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. D. Johnston, of Varna, in the presence of a goodly number of the friends of the young couple. Mr. Freckleton is a nephew of John Thirst, of the Hay boundary, and has been with his uncle about 'even ye.rs, corning here from the old land. The young couple will settle down to the sterner realities of life on this comfortable bome.tead. OUNUANNON, UR. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF lwokaow. Ewe roomed visiting oot..ide Pointe sad will henceforth ewe htm entire attention to the h3se seethe. Locioow, where oheeawill be teemed every day. Alt modern w.t5- %TUTICE.—THE LOCAL AGENCY In Doawaanes for The fittest is at the aims will Breawl rad s,lo . ard- vert4etsg and Oh wort, and receipts will be Elven tat aoonate paid for the ream THURSDAY. April 3rd. Frank Crozier, of Detroit, spent Easter at his home in Ash4-ld. Wataoo McAuley has sold his farm. just south of the village, to Peter Habits, of Kinloss, possession to be taken this month. Ernest Segues and family have moved to the Bell property. This is the beginning of a seines of rernovab in which several familieswill take part. George Baxter and family moved last week to their new house near Godes kb. Dungaanoo is sorry to lose them. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roach have mored to the term vacated by the Batten. New POSTMAPITILIS AT CREWE.—A. D. Culbert bus sold the Crewe georral store business to Robt. Curran, late of Detroit, wbo is new in possession. The new proprietor. wbo is also the Crewe postmaster, is a malice of Ash- field : so be is not a stranger to the community. Mr. Culbert intends go- irg West. TpE Lan Mite. DISARM. —The death of Mn Tbos. 1)isbar, which, as an- nounced last week, 000utred on the 24tb ult.. removed a woman who was very bigbly esteemed in the eostesD- ity in which .be tad lived for so assay years. Mrs. Dialler. whose maiden name was Mary Jane Oordon. was horn in the county of Mir,nncbi, New Brutswiek, seventy-three veer. ago When • young lady she came with her parents to churebville, dose Brsrup- tas, wbere a few years MAW aM was married to bet now bereft yaabaod. Io the year DM she with ber beeband and family moved to Alhdi.Y. settling os a farm near Asoma io s ail the Ume when ail this pat of the country was grill a fond. Os this toes the do tweed Jived roeU death. Of fats Teaahs by been an Tears e invalid. but bee e ieesweesalwa s horse wbtb ;valiance and fortitude Her death came mbar .mmrpee t tt1 1y at the hat, as the day Isell sew rest. well sed showed so defn et the ap- disssletion : hat early Mam- ie pasead away. fibs was of a hied sed loving disposition am/ her demise is sincerelyaaowneed cbv . Ors brother. J. . O.i4uw, at t • icer.Padres, eon. sad owe de J. is ;i !set taM,.a .g. war M1Ma r•tb.dwe all We. taw semi esrelleas bin Wee* iron ea ieal d by Ternrnmendmi) IL =pram shin A Iliwea relriae. d t1 rambe. was I awn. theme ttrw t s4 Irnairst the 1111111111Minnes teem width Rhoumaffsm. Is this Add IN the Mesa Casaeerer ! acid r l the, If rhos kidneys aa.Mi as they should they edit semis the Uric Asad cart of the eymwn and rhosss.- tisrw woritlit occur. Rhow mallow is a K.dney .ssaa Dodd's K,.incy PAR have seeds a great part elf their Rho •ate s So gR the anus d those TssrLti ttthootiag_ r and ata. aching plats. Thr M hal cos asps may — Dodd's Kidney Pills • I We a. cSsasast . aetns1T, w MST HOW DTE, r am [tae -war y.a free't row r..:,, Yarm mono anaD r CRS' yeas Gmado m.. mood. .t-.d.1a1..tb.. w tr.•..eraie. am/ ler Fes. Orme Card. aro y ut..e oe. rad M..a•e •Neer normo .e D•r•ta twee abut er loz TVJOIDSOOKAICIIIARDOONtd ewe Cyan CO.. Limiest. Whoopi*tg COVin fraMIIIIM COM • SWIM sl)1R Gamin teat A mwrFw,awaae lege ar baa resat oak*" ..tlw*e.. t ar/mr.r 6.eeI.r own tb• warms WerbeveribeCemptiods•••••• sentsn.isG.nreannaa h Y • MOON •. ertrsw.s ens. Amro, tttlsaireerryiete tom aau.yue beme. .nolo./ rya warp a..rb..rri.e ane eb ed .ave soetba• Ib. nee rtersod sense tb.o.A rune* r.wehtl .lobar, It Is tw:a v. M wires wit* “cued amara W pineal as u .i'ties ototr.t. ALL Mt wows -rt. A_Te$ PTIC T 515 T: L tram.TASI7They lir moose .• .t. Tt.ey as rens. ohoortsr- m .roillOtstomps Vase CrssdeassC. ►` `v+tQ In Cain* ones Lseseresg ta' ,at "Was your 'daughter's mood education a profitable venture Y "You het ! i hwght the houses nn either side of us at half their value." eiv Aa Tom 801 MOW .C sY ime ern • Iaraisi t 6 she ais fes d kids d E., • epplyc‘13 alien rad. It Greeeee.11had Ca. amass seoat rFM+I oola erriewC ters!_ellt MP Howell Hardware Co.. Ltd. I THE COLBORNE 8TORE DRESS GOODS, SILK, LACE AND DRESS TRIMMING WEEK THE recent unprecedented growth of our Dress Goods a.94 Silk business is a significant sign that we are in a large degree more than right on these goods as to style, quality and prices. O'ur Dress Goods depart- ment is brimming with the new creations for spring wear. Plain weaves are pre-eminent and the strong colorings are navy, tan, grey, king's blue and mauve. Dress Materials In SKrgee, Whipcords, Maatnys, Diagonals and Tweeds in robe hew shades, Me, Sic, 90r, $1.(x1 end These are new ebb nerwon and our pliers are drsd right oo them. Navy, brown. tan, grey, kingb'. blue. Black Dress floods ar.d Suiting'. Bieck dress goods are apparently much the saw everywhere, but they are not. Ten rents a yard diferenee in pries may cover many debets which you will nod out when the cheap black turns rusty sad its quality is shown. We can rbow black goods of quality and you are not asked to pay a penny more than is right. Pe ices from e0e W $1.75. Dress Trimmings 'A bigameortasont of mw m colon to Goods. y me Isere if ou want the best and cheapest Trimmings to Ae found ofin black. Silks A Dew shm ipent of flirt.. In too, navy, br.t. cede, kings blew, in Paihtta, Bh.atuog and Meii saline. rate values. 34 to al ibckes wide, 3 epeeist lines IS black. $1.(x1, *LIS and 9ll and1.50. You win cur silks, both oolottsd and black, szoeptioaafly good value and guaranteed not to cut sad good wearers, Allover Laces A choice asso`r+t_s_eet in black, white, cream, Paris. navy ad kiag's blue, These Laces Bowe direct to os from Switzser{and and you will fled our prices much lower than you are likely paying in other places. Insertions. Sandings and Edg- ings, in black, cream. Paris and white. Dress (foods At rote ts, we wi'1 this meet put on olds one-quarter regular Priem. All wool, a ad widthcolors. gasaand gest value at the priers we are sking, will make serviceable dresses special pries. Nine pieces, to Bods f four yards to sixteen in good onto fast match our Dross Good in dein brown bluegree. and behest. quality considered. A lot specials or sutra IJ. H. COLBORNE 11 c..••-•maN, EGGS 5c A DOZL3N! If.a man'came around selling eggs at 5c a dozen, he wouldn't sell many, would he ? but when you:can buy Elephant Paint, worth 65c per quart, per quart .4oc you buy it quick. We have only a small quantity and while it lasts we will clear it out at above price to make room for our Spring shipment of Lowe Bros. High Standard Palin The Jowell Hardware Co., Limited E-"11.10.001) OWING TiO TRE HIGH STANDARD! maintained in the popular IJOTT Tomato. use. the demosti be teas psdastas Y iar is erom et the rapoly. Oitse apes all year. Ester now. Writs (w estalesura The great thio( in tbe *mid M cot se moeb to OW*`appistga as to earn peso. and self -u • .:t.—Ilan ley. CANADIAN PACIFIC EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta 11OMESEEKERS SETTLERS Low Rour d Trip Rates each Tues- day. March to October inclusive WINNIPEG and return 535.00 EDMONTON and return 11149.00 Other porde in proportion latera DEE two swaths rouser ammo° cats. w a&teas a rzessoiess C ooterrttabie Muth . sated ▪ - at. tsedetwtsi a takes Swoosh sea le we OCL AtesgT CAMS ON All TRAMS He cheese Mw Sot* Thrown Trains Toronto to wir.nip.R aid west Par .cows tea tl seseis Seedel Trudge Will leave T. toast. Massa Apr gWa ftestbw ad lk ad eh - eat Ise sr IlmdesTedas Leavisfort roe* tel Tool* Z. AROUND THE WORLD via "Empress of COLONIST RATES vane dyer-aQ. ae Y `Dem OV { ewe t Arne Av aw~resp r sa (11 ..a ra.•*w•t ..::. $47.15 ew tr. Atr+M. cell dad Tessio nesse+ idg. iether OISSi FMB weeders boas 3. INK R T. 5st walls 119. 0. ra■*b. srlelea. ftj— ONII61l MM.eir t 1913 Renew your subscrip- tion to THE SIGNAL for 1913, L A 1 In the Spring Time Btightse your bower w ' - a few new pieces of F - biture. Pisses bane is mind that you ma secure High porde Parakeet at ri1th: prima at this /cut's. Whether yon are frembihs as satire betas, Mug rep a rooms. or pareheisi minty a sisal, piece. w.ehsdt Oho le have yowl call aid Ise what we ear do Mr yea GEO. HOHMEIER The Square, Osderlcil 'Phew Na. Ao Avant in. Xxfdhast4 risme.