The Signal, 1913-4-3, Page 2• TN1711111DAT. Arstt 1. til$ GODWRICI I ONT ARM. PVBLIt klED EV ..RY THIIRSDm►Y ■r THC a SIAL PRINTING CO.. limited. lyMtisse Call No, nt. .Terms of arbecnatioa 1iLria e per an la advssos. L �y J s ; three meontb.. Us To 'Ua4 es .ubn, $1.) seribea Vow ar s Aisne eab.ortbare who tall to modes Tux Plea at rsgelarbf b snail will cedar • tame by ao qsalatlag us d ole tad at ae toady • date as Whin • ohaegr of bare. to $edred. both old and the new address should be erne. AdrertiW- ado* : 1a+a% aid other stadia, adverLsments, lib eacso per line for ypet 1rm Mrrrto t n. Ms..rred by • noeo•sen sista tardy, ilnea to an inch. Smatter Duda d Sr lines and under. t►S per sear. Adv.russmest�e a,�l .I�n,�gst�.sFraf. lioness for uatise1Valet. }Oras fit it u Rant, dale err M aaY artier eta, ■estts�eemd4a t is amr Mets Ieresr advertise mom ha sreMtls e ene.aa...sata is ordinary reading type tea °rota ser One. No aoUrs lees thea Ina. ALT sp•da! °°lice. the Wert el w►th t eke ems ar7 benefit of any individual or amsel- satm. sale considered as advestbmwreat and charred a000rdiagty. Rates for display and eeattest advertise - marts will be Elven as wNteatiR Addrw all oom..ead.:cams tel THE SIONL PRI,\1INU CO.. limited. %iodine!. Oat. 90DIRICH THURSDAY. APRIL 3. MU EDITORIAL NOTES Why doesn't somebody get to work and build a number of medium-sized houses in Godericb ? They a ould • •fill a long -felt want." New York City bas a new regulation enforcing the early cloying of bars. Now nobody can get anything to drink after 1 o'clock a. tn. No spelling reform for us. Having with some trouble mastered the intricacies of the spelling bock, we are not disposed to throw away the ad vantage. The Montreal Stag will go clean crazy if Parliament doesn't soon pass the Borden naval bill. Of coarse The stare readers might pot notice any- thing uousual for a while. The Guelph Herald expresses the opinion that a high standard of political motality and integrity should be maintained in every country. Better pend a [narked copy to Hon. Louis Coderre, member for Hochelaga ! Germany is stsggered hy the im. u ,nsity of the proposed new ex- penditures on the army. Some day the people of the European countries will come to the conclusion that they might as well he at the mercy of an invading army it, to be bled to death by their own tax -gats treys. The refsOn for the reent dismissal of Dr. Campbell. postofice inspector at London. has been discovered. The inspector did not take sufficient pains in consulting with certain small -fry political beelere in regard to the lay- ing out of rural mail routes in his division. fie appears to have enters trained the queer notion that he was a servant of the public and not of the aforesaid political heelers. The fortune amassed hy J. Pierpont Morgan is estimated at $910,001.000 to $300,000,000. it is said of him that he used wieldy the immense power of his kinglike position in the financial World, and that his life contributed much that was of real eel rice to humankind. Granting all this. it must still be held that the gathering in *ley man's hands of such titanic power is s monstrous wrong. Rather, the economic system under which such a thimm is possible is terribly at fault. It means that tbe heirs of r this man have a mortgage upon the earning. of millions of their fellow- men. ate! the obligation of the many to the few. instead of heing decreased ar.d finally cancelled, ICU according to present tendencies steadily iocreaae and become more and more ,.nervus. A.Dother ands most serious aspect of the matter is the incentive to the money -making idea which a life like that of Morgan gives. Nobody ever started out to make a fortune of three hundred millions ; but the prominence given to wealth in estimates of human .ucoess, and the possibility of tasking huge fortune. hy *methods that are not con.idere i disteputtahle, have en a11no•t irresistible tendency to get up false ideals in the minds of men. in- stead of judging the worth of a man by the pleasure which hie mammy gives, by the degree of culture which be has attained. by his sincerity and kindliness. by his ability to make a happy home, or plow a •treigbt furrow. or sail a boat. or Miro a good speech. we ark. "How much money drift he make ?" The thing is ail weenie, sod people are beginning to see it more clearly and are looking fres the remedy. FROM OUR oONTEMPOHARIE$. Just Ukeleles Ottawa rtes Vase ' There's many • small stream be On- tario chase days that gets its name to the papers by noise on a me- though nothing is beard of it the rest of the year. To Keep Heys at Scheel. Bradford Expiator. Once the boy can be trade to under- taod that eveu from a money -making teem. of view it ply to remain at school as long ae possible, tbe present dislike to schooling. and the present disposition to leave school prema- turely. will have born largely cor- rected. lntelligeoce and Industry WW W -m. St rat ford Heasm. The right kind of men will succeed in Censda. This is shown hy the win- ning of the Colorado trophy for the beat bushel of nate shown at the Na- tional Corn Exposition al Oolumbia, s. C.. by J. C. Hill k Sons of Loyd- miueter. Sark.. who had previously taken the $1.000 prize for the beet bushel of oats at the Columbia Corn show. These men carne from London, En,tlaod. and were igootant of farm- ing ten years ago. The Great Sir James. O uelpb Iderrery. Sir James Whitney has the faculty fully developed of thinking that he knows everything. In the Local Howse on \Vedneaiay be persisted in tbe statement -that there has not bees a pound of beef bought in Toron- to for months for leas than fifty cents a pound." Finally one of his own members whispered a le things its his ear and he backed down to 30 cents. That's a shrinkage of lel p, r cent. -a safe margin to allow for Sir James bluff and bluster. The Flowing Tide of Reform. London Advertiser. The cause of civil service reform is making headway. The House of Commons has jestifled the appointment of a convicted for'Rer W public office, and his release Prem prison in order to enable him to enter on his duties.' A Cabinet Minister promised pubUc positions to two perjurers after they had threatened to expose corrupt practises at his election. The Minister of labor has dismissed the postoffice inspector of Londor. dis- trict because the inspector was Dot sutflciently subservient to party henchmen in West. Elgin. Let the good work go on. Wait • While. Montreal Wittier% 'There is a great deal of useless and necessarily misleading talk going on about cures aln!ady wrought by Dr. Ftiedmann's vaccine. No one who knows anything of the nature of tub- erculosis will imagine its being exor- cised in a week. After six months we may hope to hear some judgment passed by the very responsible juries' of doctors which are sitting upon these cases in New York, Montreal and To- ronto, op the succeetees and defeats of the treatments. We should look for both. The only definite result so far is that one of the patients hes died. His was apparently a desperate case. Pa- tients seem. without exception, to feel better. That, at leant, is a wholesome condition. Feeling Netter goes a long w ay toward getting better, but it un- fortunately in the present case does mat eount for much as evidence. Salaries of Teachers. Wiod,or Record. The average male school teacher in the Ontatio public schools, after an average experieuce of twelve years, gets an average salary of $767 a year, according to the annual report of the Minister of Education for the past year. The average female teacher, after teaching fol over seven years, receives but $517. In the higee schools of Ontario, where more ability tied experience are required. the situation is only slightly better. The principals of high schools receive on an average only $1.670. while tbe average eatery of all high echos)! teachers is but $1.312. During the year there was an increase in salary of $i a week. The teaching profession is becoming better paid, but it still falls behind law and medicine as a remunerative field to enter. PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY, Mar. ''36th. PERSONAL Mz rr1oM.-Mire C. F. Hawkins, of St. Thomas, is spending the holidays with her Pieter. Mrs. W. 0. Gray Jame. Olver is reciting relatives at Staffa and vicinity.. ..Mr. and Mrs. Alta d Quaid were guests at A. Schaefer's in \Vingham over Sun- day Mite Victoria Seale left last Thursday for D.troit, where she will visit her sister, 31ra. Alonzo Fleming. ..Mrs. Wallington, of Vienna, as ter .e visiting her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. BMaOonnell• for the last few days Ed. Scboenhals is back to the mill here again, after helping in the Clinton mill for tbe last two weeks. Mrs, W. T. Gil- bert and hobby, of Port Huron, are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson, jr Will Oauley returned home nn Saturday from Detroit.. where he had been working for the last three months.... Dr. W. Y. Hay- den and Mire Evelyn Hayden, of Goderich, visited at their boom here nrer Sunday Tom end Miss May Iliel(son were visitors in Clinton for seemed days. They were guests at lobo ecboenbsls'. Miss Annie Drennan is home from Ooderich for a bolidez at her boas here.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Braley and Gallow are visltigt relatives In Godericb and Oo�ae�� Oseimeh{p Mitt Minnie Cunningb•m V bort from her school .s Ports flan the holidays Thea flews has been ~dem hewed' in Detroit over the holiday Melva Nehemiah I. Met to the yle a iia for & holidays with old 'altsses bora Tho Mem/ vest moutis.R of Christ churns was bgi/ o• ahemenos. Jobs Tiger' and Hent were appointed wageless for ria pneoi year. r tR4Ary 2 /gairna, s ee.the i1dma, to the it is mot haps taat for • lean re Mum all NW bort. act a said- hors * Mom isle. ani 1t eats/ Ulm • tram bow Os bar, titer he the popish wpb whom e eases. THE SIGN A Y ODERICH 0 RTO MSGOUNT 1MOLSELET ANSWERS LAST POST Ths Famors. Field Marshal Died at Newtons, France an His Seth Year Field Marshal Milk (runt Woiadey, oae of the most \famous ort modern Hr1$ish oldierri died last week at Mentoae, France, 1n tits seek ►ear. Little had been heard of Lord Wolas ley since the Egyptian campaign. He has held positions of honor such as that of Gold Stick in Wafting, and 0t course hes name wag "a household word throughout the British }empire. He had been commander -in -Chief a the forces, but for all acere purposes kis military career ended when Khar- toum hanLoam wan metered too late to save the life of Gordon. At the outbreak of the Red River Rebellion ce 16tO Lord Wolseley, who was then only a colonel, was deputy -quarter - general in Canada and was amputated commander of the expeditionary Horne which numbered about 1.200 strong, and was composed of the First Ball talion. 60th Royal Rifles, detachments of Royal Artillery awl Engineers, and two battalions of the Ontario and Quebec Rifles. Advancing througt the +trackless wastes of the Northwest Territory the force had almost Insurmountable ob- stacles to overowme, frequently mak- ing portages c[ tremendous length. J. P. MORGAN DEAD The Geese Financier Died in Rom* on Monday J. Pierpont Morgan, the great finan- cier and art collector, New York, died in Rome on Monday, in his 77th veer. He had been to Egypt for some weeks and upon taking W was brought to Rome three weeks ago and eminent specialists were called in. On Wed- nesday of last week he began to re- fuge nourishment and atter that failed rapidly. Be was ootutpled with the largest affairs and oftentimes the strain put upon him had been intense mad prolonged. It appears that he suffered from no organic malady. but from a progressive nervous weakness. Mr. Morgan in the world of finance had been the greatest figure of the past and the present century. His services In the United States in times of stress and peril had been heroic and of priceless value. Sometimes it had seemed that on him. on his strength his courage, his power to command, and hes loreeight all depend- ed. He was indeed a man of fora sight, and notable among his asso- ciates ssnciates for that quality. A few years ago the sudden withdrawal of Mr. Morgan from financial affairs would have been a very disturbing event_ Butmore of late the great 6nancler has shifted the burdens of responsibil- ity from his own shoulder[. He is survived by his wife and one son. J. P. Morgan, Jr.. who for years been in training as his father's successor. The J. Pierpont Morgan Compaiy owns or holds a controlling interest to companies with a total capitalization o1 nearly =9.000,000,000 and in addition to this is affiliated with 34 bank and trust companies. 10 insurance com- panies, 2 express companies, 32 trans- portation systems, 10 producing and trading companies and 12 public util- ity companies with a combined cipltal- iatlon of over twenty billion dollars. Mr. Morgan's personal wealth was probably one `hundred million dollars. ADRIANOPLE TAKEN Ths Bulgarians Took the City After 153 Days' Siege Adrianople has fallen and Shukri Paha, the gallant Turkish comman- der, with the remnant of his garrison are prisoners. Pasha, the defender of Adrianople. who held tbe town for 163 days against great odds, v;htch included, besides the investing armies, disease and famine, handed his sword without ceremony to General Savoie the Balgs.tian generalissimo. In the stags which they conducted so vigor - misty and with ultimate success, the Bulgarians lost 10.000 men. Retorts surrendering the Turks devastated the dty by etre. ASK MANY REFORMS IN SGt1OOL SYSTEM Important Suggestions to the Govern- ment ment From The Ontario Idle • catlonal Association The Ontario Government has been asked by the Ontario leldseatfwsal As soclation to effect the following re- forms: e- forms: Legatee the elementary earvie bine. Public sebool work amid be casts clearly defined. Dhsappro e of moving pioturrs shows. Rennet mile d eigarsttr to mallchildren. Consult O. R. A. before the lessens of text -books. Rearrange the Pabtio Sokool Spoi- ler. Supply better maps. sd Maks m tng mad 8oaotla compa Redistribute greats to rural seb•afla Order tbat Behest Boards Moen pay teachers' expenses to the 0. 111 A. esaventisa Pees mew rgaleampob for Psb1b Scheel hmesimes co nesse s& TIM w. Mile •eboel .mottos of As d saab. et arab tsostitas Se Prow a mod .h.gnelagr.a r Armoblobs. lab. Nose Mi►- Thp deal Rat boar bee not rot sidrpl dra Wig be faaalatS Sur ata r•ai.. tae Mow Or ham dboaorag aael.. las. 1111LIMILA1111111 WNW if • Every rther skosId smalls* that the skim of boa baby is so tesget that the secretioas of the body often had to rashese, eraptiees, etc.. ail ei whack may w re mai wed by Zamellek. Sures of reatlesa, crying babies. epee eaui.atioe. are bond es he safaris* from some fora of aka irritation or "heat." Dee% let the little oae suffer who Lr auk will curet Mre. L flood, of OS atardsa Avtustara W anipew, mays • I have preyed Ise value of Za -Llak whoa anted t* ob.iarim s cess some mast, eras�oh�astee .11 Ib. it past aroamt & oa` Wed. ��rdrtaale heal. I mak_ kl. to St. Beaches tissua and he rssataed there for two Week& At the ed d teat tl.. he seem letter. was Wee advised t try in again ZRalila t ama L sad.b(nned a wpay. no •dent of the first few sigh mamas was very gratifying. and 1 esa- tiered wink the me of tai beim A stele perseverance remelted in a o..ptt• [-ata" lira P Maher. of Tarawa, ctrl.. says: try tole ban yid bad. sad resells mere .a over hes Ih.W eta AM at'perb•ta ef rem•Ak Maio] the ..e in suet, • parlors .a mar err Lasa a am- was tea ►ah:uu." aearrs et lair mer o..Id he dote . Lam atik kaesat.a.o par►-o..ri. se need .anal lank e• aural marry natter. me astnegent paras It le W Meal baba it Sam net OM, .r>as, wee. igwou 41•11.4111mallAm+1.1matimsbm bum sod - seari. awl bs...5 dmuipileriat er Ewa& Qhs sa•.a••. Mr oma nabs tae lender beamed heibilomel Spring Term from Marc) lith following barter. metas. [stn our Rummer Term in all Departments of -Shaw's School:,_to. rooto-Central Business College with Four City Branch Scbosk, Mr Cen- tral Telegraph k Railroad School. and Shawl. Civil Set -ries School. Pree cat•- loew explain. courses sod advantage*. We invite you to write for it. W . H. Shaw. President Head O -°es. Yours k Oerratd �r-.. 'Toronto. • • Old fc;ks who need sotttetblq cf the kind, find NA -DRU -CO LAXATIVES most effect -:e without anyd1aoomfort, Inca -coed eed doses cwt ased25c. a bog at your dregrist's. Woad Ong m.1 Canis/ e..t tar Mae. tae ■ a• W. ACHESO di SoN Corded Fabrics FOR SPRING SUITS We are .bowing a very large collection -in fact the largest and most complete range we ever showed of the very newest weaves in all the very latest shades and tones. Bed- ford Cords In fine, medium and heavy Cosda, Whipc ids in variety, Covert Twills. The very latest in Suiting*, San Toys and Bengaline Cords, weights suitable for dresses, suite or spring coats. All guaranteed, tbolbughly shrunk and spot - proof. Splendid Coats for Spring Ladies' mad missei Coate of beautiful materials and designs that make you just want to try them on. The prices are very moderate and there are lordly two costa alike. Prices $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 Wash Goods -New Cotton Volies 35c We have just opened a new shipment of .peci.11y pleasing patterns in French waah Voiles. Per.ian and scroll patterns are very collect. •3R inches wide and colors warranted fast.. Shirt Waists Handsome showing of fifty maniples of newest ideas in Waists. Silk, lace, voiles and marquis- ettes. Sizes 34, 36, 38. Prices regular $3.50 to $5.U). Special, marked *2.46 to $3.80 Lace .Curtains Mottingham Lace Curtains in new American designs, 3 sod 3} yards long, 48 to 50 lethal wide. Special per pair 75c. $1.00, *1.28 SIyLSS Curtains Twenty pain only on sale, white Swim ap- pliqued Curtains. Si yards long, in scroll apd vine patterns. Regular price $4.00 pair. Special clearing at 51.75 1 Women's Suits Tailored suite, satin -lined, beautifully finished and in very stylish Tweeds, Whipcords. Sergei. Specially priced for our first nelson's %bowing *12.00, $14.00. $ i S.00. *18.00 Hosiery Ladies' sad children's cotton, lisle and silk Hosier All the new lines are •bowing. Ladies" Bilk lade Hose, black, tan or white. Quality warranted at per pair 335c English Tapestry Squares In great variety at popular priors. We are showing an excellent re,oge of these serviceable, inexpensive Rugs in many different styles and sizes. Prices are very moderate. 2413 yards. $500 313 $6.00 3x3} $6.:t) and WOO: 34:4 $9.0) and 112.00 New Moor Linokums and Oil -cloths in all widths made. We invite your inspection of the Targe showing of I,.inoleums, Carefully and well laid by us at no extra charge. W. ACHESON & SON ladividual Instruction AT TB F. NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO permits stnadents to bezin with ]us any day. Position guaranteed to graduatre. Staff of specialists. in- formation free. C. A. FL w1No. F C. A. Principal. li. D"FLE3tixo Secretary. One of Thomas A. Edison's new Blue Amberol Records was played 3,000 tunes on an Edison Phonograph -and gave just as true and sweet a reproduction the last time as the first This was not an endurance tone after countless playints test for mere hardness. It u it is when new. Your was an endurancetest for Edison dealer will play. quality of repcoduc+- some of these ‘won - tion -to filed if the derfnl records for you Blue Amberol would on an Edison Phoo- be as far superior to °graph. Ask him all outer records is tD do so today. Thr ee aiharhtiro tae IdrrO. Ahem Omasee $1.D.11. A. A'aa Ha060 Ow el UNE Kanaglapip led epi tlill b• 1•eni r JAMES r. THOMSON What Semi -Ready Houses Are A Seim -Ready Home includes everything necessary for the erection of a house but the foundation and chimney. Everything is shipped ready to put together from sills up, inehading all ardware, paint and wall p.per. .4l ode of Construction sheeting is nailed to inside of studding end paper and Master board applied above that. i sheeting is nailed .utaide cf madding and paper and siding. making a eomforteble, substantial house; saving architect's fees retail profits on lumber. hardware and paint. also two- thirds of construction --no extras can creep in. These houses, wben erected, are more solid and sunstan- t ial than the ordinary frame house. ('et plans, figures and all particulars from D. S. Whaley' Interbiea, arranged for St. Marys GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Colonist Rates "O°'" Excursions On Bale Daily SNA 15 10 1Pl, 15 INQXSiVE Free 0008601 to Vancouver. B. C. . Victoria, S. C. ' Spokes. wads. . . . 1.15 spoken., r►aak... San Francisca, Cd. . Sae dtw oi.ae Metro Grayr, WAWN Islesasse tam °ed k whr. 16.e�':~ wheat To Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta Each Tuesday March to October inclusive via ttsicago and St. Paul 71eresab Cefidge psagb�ss p'salass Tiro, NAroeM semi `r .11 W t `i tet Meese el sera WII Stilt an* ,Wire $36.00 (Bete gonwa$dstd Mame $43.00 .12l...agisise at sass r Settlers' Excursions To Alberts and Yks thsoen t11A AT lesemeeer eau .sd Low AM= Thealeps Nth 1rr+mts li pa OZT.Woro 8005 !aper --_-2. and fell A tRrsrollwb Sri P. i. ka-swny r. & So, n T. R. Tows Ap rt& Piro 8