HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-4-3, Page 1nat. -tow Js /our .Gabel? Look at the lapel on your paper and if it its not marked paid for 1913 kindly seed s remit- tance. We need the money. lst tTiig STERLING BANK OF CANADA Cloth+, edge.. trial f .t 29c r, width, es, he quad tt. lir -.r 29c Could You? 1f reverses tame, could you maintain your present mode of living ? The answer depend. largely epos your determination to eve reg- ularly while you have the opportunity. momPUNLIC NOTiCL DOR FIRST-l'LAtitl PAINT LNG. essrstl.a. oar-. awe J. cIMMLNO. Alban TOWN OF GODERICH. 1iWC.AL�IMP�ROTtlrilih7 til DIM ALR8. maesill Weed re commot modest of ~was this rear es ai a how lose Maned err, sed 10 order to bare dtes seMathe.es ee.eeted tyear petit ices toame �y hs 1!s4 with the tows Mort ow Dated tballh day of Murk, 1M3. L 1. KNOX. Tows Clerk. drellitise Isom may be obtained et tows elart's otMaa t [Lit. jiead Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto oderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager WANTED waits� H ELPTIL-PmeaepieuraAND DOMES [lc LimT SI Ones la Wl l[rbig Ileitotetpti l4 LLLIIINNN omit. Orderstt [ l with H.D. R os COL. will mates ss tprImpt Mt .trim I :hiefs inhmid- u quill i t base are 'e have •T and 25c LOOK AHEAD The man who looks ahead places his in- surance now. Place ycurs with A. G. NISBET Agent for Fire, Life and Accident Insurance CuFF1t'E NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE. GODERICH 'Pimple : Onncz Et t Horse 150. P. O. Box 364 •Faster faeey ' em nut Dearly • Pieces -r 25c • 11.t!, best. to'itii 25c quality I inches. Sour - 79c GODERICH 'BUS LINE Ten 'hnsea meet all traits. Private calls have prompt and careful atteotioe. First - class 1 livery outfits at •11 times. 1 Reasonable prices. THE DAVIS LIVERY F. & T. M. Davos Proprietors l South Street 'Phone No, 51 1 • . IIOTICIE TO CORDITOBS. N°"° CREDITORS. Ia THE Unfree Or Ma teliaTt Or WtL•is. L fxaoveog. Lem or Tres Tetrwwtr er Cotao5*t, tx TH6 ae..*IM or HL1ox, FARwtut itmzasam Salk* ls ewes paruesat to 8totate 1, thot havioc c55 .oa.t. �the uent its at CI= WiSlass L Penmen. deceased. was died se .r ebwt the d.y of emelt A. D. MX are r .palated tol seed by pont prepaid. or dearer to the sadeeds.el. *omits, tar Albert Kdwt. lowness. Agee. A ngu• Features ad Los Adelaide F.ew.Mr. tb. ex..-uter aad extee- takr of the &aid &tate. at bid. sleek HAMM- t.n Street. (ioderied. on r before the aftb day of Apra. A. D. Mt their oame., addressor avid deerriptis..and ..1%11 staaosset MM. pock, Mars at their awl the ..sues of the security or earl b time dub setae' the ezeouter and _..0mete L MO a . sr..s.ipre.Y site.. mM�eaa.aiee the titled5556-themes, Ye�tharlottsa* am d.iss. at which they !MW Ne. have ..flee. .ed that they will set be liable for the .sties se 81.1[14.108. sr aur stet tb & is •4 pee` sea of whew Maim theey Wei est til.. hen W Mem M. O- CAM4ION. s t55 . :be lemestse awl Zzewetriees. Date5 day et Marcie D. NM 15c 14 5c lOc 25c hildren 17c 1 J. W. CRAIGIE A88URANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE BETWEEN G. T. R. AND U. P. R. TICKET OFFICES 'PHONR 84 Reemiceci 134 THE order. 1: lOc 89c ride. .a lOc lOc White 25c BIG INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE COMPANIES (enmrMal Cakes Owen Tsrtv.kl» National of Hartford Nora 8ostia tyeai.gisra Mater! Canadine Northwesters I1•etasal Mereka.tr Aar.-Aaetlosa Heim Bay HaMame LIFE COMPANY CANADA Life Assurance ACCIDENT AND HEALTH COMPANIES Travellers or H.rtMrd 4 Lindon Guarantee It Aoeide.t SURETY COM PAN Y United steppe Monty t Gaansets AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE gesso t An Opportunity Missed l lOt BALI OR TO RUT ratR SALL-A HOUSE, WITH seers veemaireas . ea hast stevot. AP Tae 8W A'AL 04101. H-tt 110Q8H FOR SALE. -A WELL 11 massed twe•iari Mott house . an med. a esamodemsa test farther eartiesiers apply' at 810. AL 01TICL WU 'OR PAL -A BUILDING LAT w N.wesuE- strv. ADplr 10 F. pia PRID jk1hFICE4 TO RENT NEXT TO SIG- Nv N sL 0111... Heated ,to hot water awl mak is eeweeetia Apple to J. P. BROWN. lett. LOUR SALE. - FRAME Bl.t:$E, ✓ sevenmem mew Wet .ad Waterloo arena for testae gertinelers emir es 8lti- N AL OFFN 'L Udo LIOIt 8AUL-VERY CHOICE COR- ✓ NRR be0810g 1st. 70z33i tat on North Angst, O.lerMia Aeaty to ]182. E. T. CUFF. North weer. (,•.demob tett REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. vets este for ads Mott thirty tow. Ota. mimeo A 8wWtarrewaan daa,toow tatemeaa. arm PEW' U *5T8 t LILLORiN. Gado - etch. vol. LLOR SALK OR TO RENT. -THE • reseert.W heist Mee at Domer d Hay - Ilea and terivaeiatm .; nine room.: malars emvaolosoto i\a..smle. can be when at oner- A.gs.dry 10 R. B. HiLL L eodr.boto', or PRo1 t)- FuOT. HA Yea & 1t 11 J.(IRA S. Oodericb. 4.i45 L�OR 4ALE.--SOLID WELL BUILT ii' te++idenee at the asatke.at net mer of Elgin avenue sad Victoria .Deet, u..e of The bright room+ : well nod all moven'. 1 party. A,..ly on :corker. 19-11. ks..tMm is tows. ,Nd set : fwrs.oe- O.aea Quiet eels pressM. for tartaer, Our '"City Garden" property has all been sold. Some of this property,has increased $75 per lot already ,, f l-yerd .ad we the awe [Nearing 35c uy Inside Property ler Weyburn Now If you boy Wood! as Mr. E. V. Campion will peteeeally in- spect •md gamboge ria property, where Eaaagststeae a rate and pro- fitable taveslow-- Relays eltttrem loge is the Mgt waYgRRW pert of WHO code.- WYe1 we stet for a tem noels at per mob. 1%•,11111:-O rte .rue • 1! deme keg` este and tonere f U rotate astbs. gt per profit Were Was mad of the year. The 0. N. R. hes tidally aanouneed that the will build Into Weyber3 tie year. Ties ammo Weykmt•e will have the ties Traimeoetlesetel Ramey. doe Um from Obbiage. Mak win* tacillties armemo to Waster's ase e* led an for tln FOR SALR.-ONE HUN- IMt1L1 acme no a. b oonc.ris., 0 adorn* 8641 day torn.. all .edge minim - he term Y u.. reed condition ed he Gobi ea reseenable mems Amity SKIT MOL111e, Oaks** P. O. M-tf. FOR 8ALE - ON WILLIAM sweet • set.erose and Mick cottage with .is Iwr( seehstd mod all ,.meal trait, : barn. W aldo mal honpria. Town water connection ed gee swam .0-. dee awe, of cboiee lade EY= 4* e.. t1I °Mood ar • reams - ab. poise Apply DEN N18 NLVILLK.Oods- rleh. Mot THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1913 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -April $rd, Bdbiiee lot ter Saye Mev KT. Cat . 1 lha14t.a' 1e•ests. ata --Tbe 1.s, gate .. k As llsstfeRedereeMOs s Moe N. r+�seMletlea.�E t Weriell -lam to Great el.aOgYsalils-gtlaelbe All gam FarHep. Waaaai=ass IL Mae Olt ebb WssitedwisedI sprite Pre sheaeieli-.J- 8 Armies sale ---Mgt R apes ... .. . 1 Now Sion- M. 11e• . Realness ad env mss Wasted Water red Reader. -111.- -ee'•.. .. 1 HIgI. Sta flare-MIIM1 Deur (says .. - 1 tondos flak- Jas. Friss. !R A.g..tir e 1 How far nate- Axels et Premiere •. 1 Arur.noll sad Real 1418.-J. W. C?dM. , I Atl.nIie 1torsi. 1`asedraa Northers seem. a►•M....-. ..•• -. .. • Pieria -J. 8. Davey.....,.... ..... ..... Aa Heseallsaarae saafgelleraleere Ce Well Peer 4daaem-Ms-asa Pewter til Dra. G soda -J. H. Cmtletae......... t t'aapbell'• Tenth 81ale-Hewe1 Baeswato 'rimier -Fred Heat.: .. .. 3 Servant Wase -Mae. W. Costal . . . 1 A Weenie ttleaDl+b-D. ]filler it Bev . .. 3 Aston 8sio-Peemidiet. Hale t EIleraw t L'OR paBALE.-FIVE ACRES OF ✓ 1054, rt of im i L it W.. Colbrae Uw.dte. meaty et Hstma. 0. the orpag10 Nde a trews w ham hosad a work sip ; 24 ser 51 rehaM. (.-lore to Moot. oee-halt MY hem e►rei. pomace •ad store- Niro /pIasaopme M • rented tamer. The property Or- ison sicon se Mrs. D. Cammlags, C. bl.sa°. Toms Ms bread hem A. A. WILLIAMS, Dunlop Owl t2-15 TEMDKBS WiLL HE RECEIVED M the ../_sed er sleet el them, for the pereame ed tis Calm 14olim4i to u s Alon.edw tlrimgssst Mate. 14e1.Wg the meth Mated It Pi eme.sies L Wet swa•wh, essmw.at tea sena, sere ire km. The Mild - ism ere V ta•r eosdMio.. end there fa . good ereWd en lila dam. 3. W. SMITH, Oo&- risk THOS- KI NO. Weedsteet, Itmesteris. tett 'DOR SALE -THE FARM OWNED ✓ be the let. Job B.iWer 6. Mr and oo. ee.ise d Cetbr.e, irk acres. Oral gone Mame with frame kit .ad wmdrd : Morose r leen : kr-Amalie wear e...t e••e 7'eb ant ercrd : leo aerie et bait, Cs=rant chareb and wheels Olb ed at • 14aawai. for Immediate .eh. Aprib to Sas.tt.&,LLLIDAY. Cameros oo etre ARI[ FOR SALE --THE EAST a.� et re cm Is the berth mem �teea Divide of the immesh, of Ash M ecus The 14uadt..e aee- •�▪ f.iam Ter Mum r tlar OsileriPIM s fOOT.IiA 11311 MAFOR BALE. -SIXTY-FIVE . est semen.. d L Q Oelberee. Mho .sa • heY hems Mese. Mies red water Meg Mir tri het/. .t Lilt ✓ imae 10 g d water pomp ab . olaw1 see oret ll -o e. w eest at other epi amok at tl saes tree 4111611111101101111111 awl I wpi�llaem� JAMS A� be or bed JOHlf 1114L Y. >DIOR SALT -THAT FINE RIM- E ld �Awiellal p,eemti .a cote mese at Oamte. MED Air Mesta. s. Yrs .Mr isle as treksA. etet�i0�ewnsel s1 odestaiiik Iteam% slab of tom setts. aro beel eel= yyeonasr.� std the nester 10 aandese neatr. Deth b.asas balm mdse 0ae.e••t..e . sad .he gptaoe �e ages 10 .rtWr =la be mil et the meet Omit moo r J. AMAX or t srtd�. ''8i PROPERTY FOR BALE. votes el W pewee. ee.tseed !• • esssa& wYeh we M 10ed.ee o tarire Me there will he seam* how smudge m namess. tan IRh FOR SALL EGGS FROM MT W1iS'4ING PEN of wh11e Parr Err•. ant tor ..moods at Gaee'1^jt fnir. kitss tt for thirteen. t'.sl'L Ll.t, ..y. Arno. Pito EGGS FOR HATCHING. S. C. W. owners.. R C. IL I. red. end 8 C. 1L L red.. MS leghr.r f• pea N.. 1. heeded M p.., white kenplsa eget Pile Oleo holm pa!Mt. end are Stewart ps.reM bio,. Pea Na 2 lawherer. hatted by Ferwa..o owl. Ten psfst. d ssr eweraking. •Gag. it- C. IL I. rade et gage l ahoy. 8. 1 T-. I. coda. Charistwts 4255.. ('o-ke.ei artn.•.ne .+amml art pellet In at Haran c',laaty tt-in- tertlbsw... pest si ;. pr often nark ORO L Lt*? FARM. r;.d.rick, Ont. 01-110 Oen, J..14sMon. Prop. PRAY YOUR ORC H ARDS, -1 4 nen .apply )-m with wanly masa. sad MA - WOW at lewat neer. I have the dry tires an4 sulphur reedy for Wa�M �me���rr�h erase twtw- and Meaper Mae 1110II war Will awl) i any gganuty. A F. HAJ[LINit. Oude'ioa. te'iwt. N It. NOTICE:. Thouch uterus aael..l.. +: • t.. :ns. waver -how-' an •14.00ee of liwnnt„1 b.rtee the Heard of Health derails it .d rt-.htrew...t ra paadble east.m. notion rd the w .ter .a y br rater f -0m tat !t•/tLnd K..er. to d rv1e Moi mud to howl all water. .nuns./ t r d,Mkier pee. po.es, A. C. HUlTltit: M. O. fi. 3 13 MtTCHIU-L 1liee er.e- ANNUAL HEFTING. Tb.. anneal meeting of the Oslo ieb Carina" and Staring Aresi.tese win Ind heti is Dr. Holme., office. court boar. as Monday eee•- ing. Apu IDA. at 8 obbok. for the eleert.s of director. and other gen.n.l ►mutt-, WM. CA Et Godeaieh. April 1. Mit 11 SITUATIONS VACANT. �T AN T E D. - A FURNISHED touts tor summer .mass of to .l. sk. Med fa 0oderie14 ; large and .aemmsdiea, with mmadam tsspeevemeeIm. . Voodoo SOX It. taik. WANTED. -BY APRIL 1&TH, TWO chambermaid.. turn timeworn able MID DAVIS.. Hotel Bedford. A WANTED AT ONCE. -A ,GOOD s.soral eerea.S MRB. C. L 8ALL Kir rem stare, fist TW ANTED. -A 00,30 GIRL FOR T roma' hoorwork. MAIL W. T.M R - WANTED. - A GOOD GENERA L muses at Almendro MarineheapaeL IS Apply to MS G ~art1THN, wrt 10sed..t V- WANTED. -BY MAY 1.-r, A I00114- PKTXNT girl or woman to do moral tbamwnrk for tam ly of two, pgiL Apply at once to MR8- ailt"co-PR Nsrth .ng.t. WANTED AT ONCE. -AN ENGIN- ISAand Immo tor 0e0seieb mom works and Magic Debt MMet Ilise be asp ahb d s.blgt wt en.is10 's Nemo it re .�a.1gtMtle.�iB.t�gs.af�t..Ms rhe riga[ Ma. L L <IiOZ Sea et tag (smmhtigaA� AUCTION SALM AUCTION SALE or r 10 I leave t1 QFtr��aa rssesl Lemsill at k�YItAPRIL Mrs ee the Ow l .t..smpbta, 1 wdsirs.ld 1 Meier 100e. 1 bat mat I sweet.3.Mtua l his amiss f~Leel!/ het 1 ssr1! �itnehmNr s. `a'p Qe wa mower,;mss. 1 CCltwa area eisk serties and other he MC as Mr. Lem tetiettre y MA1tiUiL LTNN. TIROL UUNDR If. Pr.Mttreme Assumes. Weyburn will be the next big city in Saskatchewan - ASAL. ,CUM SA, ARM "TOCK. 1 lirl CHOLD LF11t.11, ETI Jet Flo••� ew�m seg b public anode at tlt Atm TUdD*T. APRIL IR at elk p.m. this (ia.wi.r ,eapory : Oe weel west 1 ihweel sss sew. dee 10 ed teat ; 1 9Abg w es «rets ear ess8 t 10we weer e.mp.t est d hnmfr.tM , 1 �eh10. sse- 10ah e�pt,o�rl tat Yam �.t mwf lees• e,. s era ltel.b.n t 5 bud. 1 de i timeme_erdirrsteste=put. 11 tilos. to...1 ea& rte'. aaeseaba�tey.elsb w► .1Q " s`.aa etre : THII deUNAL PILOT IMO 0(3.. Ltd. Para isima1 RECEIVES A GOLD WATCH. SCHOOL REPORTS. Preesteanon by HoltnesviUe School See ties to Hue L 1tacVicar Mine Laths MiteN'iar, wh.. hes re- signed her positioe as teacher of the Holmeeville school. owing to ill -health, was presented by the pupils and people of the section with a bandeome 'sold watch end fob. The presentation was made et • largely-attetxied gath- ering held at the home of Mr. and Mia, Reeder just before the Easter vacation. The address accompanying the prerrentation was as follows To Yam L etectr.caa. ster/s to Rood awl T.sober.-A. you are ahem 10 senses tress est eo noshes we year pupils Woo s thought it well 10 i teesst see aims teag1W ezpts,.tw of our samestatlon et leer Moe, gteetuos+. and ex. eemy�l••rr�� Metaape trhli. yea have bow .maapi es. We a1 west the circumstances tie wiser rest bet etsma.eli.e to ro.ign a► towbar et ear soled asi we .hereely least year Melte may be tel -Mrs smetred. As a Might Nim et our sad esteem we bee sea to sestet tW W dub : sed while its heed. me W tight et time we true 11a fete trOl mom to reran . ...-1 s et the pir•.t risking @Maio let ween teacher. pupils and hiss& of Molnissville Mead_ Mimed on behalf et the retool sesame. Daxtat Gta000x Treece. - P. O. Poen 10,0.00 MAIM Mire MacVicar, while taken com- pletely- by out prise. waaAble toexpress her thanks for the gift, and alae foo the kindness shown her during her at‘r at Holusearille. Hies Moved ic a r is succeeded as teacher by Miss Lottie Robinson. of Goderich, who has just completed ber snorere at the Norrual School, securing • pet waneut .ecuud-class teacher's cert i fleate. PROGRESS ON EAST STREET. An lnstituboc Which Has Made Good and Established Itself Firmly. East street seems to bare an attrac- tion for successful businesee., for be- sides several of our most successful factories on this thoroughfare the gar- age. opeoed up by Mr. Glover under the name of the Huron Gasoline Engine a Machinery 1e.;- is there situated, and after a "try -out" of a year's duration it certainly- has all the appearance of ••snaking good.'' The old building under the touch of energetic manage- ment now presents a very hoiden...lite . pprat-an-e. a'•d the- busy rst,tll.h- rur.t syn one of our ween tborougb- far.s gives the town a deei•ird air of 5woeperity and "up -to data' -nee•. New equipment has beet. put in, among winch will be found large air pumps for inflating both auto and bicycle tires. the latter being bolted to the floor et the meet. aide of the door-su don't let it fool you by:trying to' pick it up and [eke it to your wheel : fetch your wheel to it, The businese done during the winter jute put was beyond all ezprctatioo•. Altboueh Mr. Glover was convinced [bet a good ope ' g existed fur summer work. be did not expect to receive the bupport. et any rate the first winter. that has been accorded him. However. this may be explained by the quick recognition by the public ut the pruw.ptoees with which work is always done and the courteous treat- ment extended to everyone visiting the place. Although the main busi- ness is in autos and gs.oline engines, the tricycle owner has not been neglected. for • god stock of all parts hes twee put in. and Lhi., combined with the quick.rrvice oo t•epairs, has muds this department distinctly profit- sbie to both the garage and the wheel owner. It certainly gives confidence in the future that exited for our town when we 'nomad*. that all the new concern• that have been opened up during the last year or to can report real, sub- stantial emigrant and profit. and with the completion of the improvements now in course of construction by the Governtuent and town council it is within the range of possibilities that Godericb will rite in the near future to a more prominent place than ever before among industrial centre*. Every live business 000ducted on right prioeipleg is an asset that we should be only toe pleased to have in our It ▪ t- It is to hog hoped that the weather man will be a little more considerate tau summer. so that 1913 will be a banner year for everyot.e in town. A Lot for • Little. We ate pleased ea annono:e that we here made arrangements with The Mail ad Empire whereby we life able te oder our own paper and The Daily Mail and Empire- mall only -Som new to Jaouer•y 1 1914. for WM. er our owe paper The Weekly Mail ad F.snpire for the sea parsed --by marl only -for 80c. Seed or bring all orders to office of this paper. Thome who are already taking The Signal meg have The Daily Mail silo& Respire for the remainder of the year for Bluth or The Weekly Mail and Empire for 110.. For your spring paperhanging me J. Clematisg. Albert street. 8t The sickest ooefertiooa always. o0 Wed at the Baleotwl Cafe. day tr- LS E. V. Campion & Company taken time 1 Weyb.vM, Mark. Ilte.attldggtl. OM., WNW: d{ Martel St. Ai ttatlks a esrempembasibesacit2re.diremed to oar ih dere... i ,illy aRsi let Wigwam. Reek. AUCTION RALES, ITarawa w isvttod to seed tier aaoatkly report- for in.setl.e le till. odum..l I The following is the report of S. S. No. 1, Colborne, for the month of Marcb, based on weekly testa and general proficiency. Total 343: Sr. IV. -Alice Clark 319, Louisa Snell )M. •L Potter 131, *Hervey Fisher 1)1. Jr. IV.- -Hyaline Btinley 156, *Vesta Fisher 163, *Clete Brinley. Sr. 111.- Burnie Snell 316. Jr. III. - Hanel Young 313, *Charlotte Potter UK. Sr. 1i. -Frank Clark 334, Nsjrey Gilder. 3115, Verne McCabe &I. Jr. I1. sal -Jean McCabe 84. •(b► Isabel Clark 'T6. Pt. I. A -Ella McCehe 76%. Clifford Brinley t1t$-•.. Pt. 1. 13 - Mildred Fisher 51ilet. Thome marked with the asterisk abeeht from one or more of the examinations. I. BARK - LEY. Teacher. The following is the report of S. S. No. 18, Ashfield, for the month of March. being tweed on weekly exam- inations and general proficiency. Total330: Sr. IV. -Harold Blake 281. Jr. IV. -May Menary 233, *Nellie Mc- Carthy 1711. Sr. 111. -Irene McQuoid 344. Violet Kilpatrick 326, Cecil Blake 3, 'Eva Brown 211, •Pat McCarthy 180. Jr. 111. -John Kilpatrick 181. Mabel Reid 175, Raymond Finnigan 162, •Ida Rivett 145, *Charlie Rivett 97. Jr. 11. -ea) Ruby Kilpatrick 32t1, Lily McQuoid S7t1t (b) Alma Blake eel Part IL -Mildred McWhinney 310, Brion* Shackleton 2.913. Best spell- ers -May /denary, Ruby Kilpatrick, Mildred MoWhinney, Irene McQuoid. Good cooduet-Mabel Reid, Mildred McWhinney, Ruby Kilpet rick. Tbose sharked thus * missed one or more of the examinations. A. A. BARKLEY, Teacher. CHURCH NOTES At North street Methodist church next Sunday the pastor, Rev. Allied Brown, will preach morning,. end evening and conduct the adult Bible class. Montbly fellowship ureeting at 10 a. w. A cordial welcome to all. At Knox church on Sunday morning Rev. Geo. E. Rosa w til speak to the teaching profession. in the afternoon and evening Rev. J. Robertson, 14.D., of Toronto, secretary of Sabbath schools and young people's oocielie., will be present end will deliver ad- tat d- or e!K.ee. Rev- John 1'.,i -i -.•n, 01 Aleinston. will preacb in Victoria street church nee_ Suuday at both services.. Con- tributions will be received in behalf of the educational fund of the church. On Monday evenio pent Mr. Morri- eon will deINrel.}n • church his fam- ous lecture on •That Boy." Mr. Mor- rison is one of the foremost lecturers iu Ontario. An interesting session of the Sale hat h school of Knux cburrh was h-ld le -t. Sunday. Rev. Joseph Elliott gave an sddtees on the life and work of David Livingstone, the missionary ex- ploiter whose birth took place just one bundled years ago. The medals awarded by R. H Cute for regular at- tendance at Sabhath school during the year 1912 welt. presented, no hewer than for,y-two of the pupils receiving the much -prized emblem.. An interesting meeting was hell in Knox church on Tuesday ce this week, the occasion being the annual tbank- offering meeting of the W. H. M. S. Two excellent papers were read ; one on "Easter and 'rbanL-offering.- by Mts. Strang. and one nn "rhe' H•suty of Sacrifice" by Mrs. Tarlo:. Anoth -r pleasant feature of the pr egrsm was a duet by Mrs. Denlap end Miss Adelaide Nair... The thank -offering a•nounted to -10. An invitation was received from the Carlow auxil•aty to attend theta •usual thank -offering meeting on April 9th. Wrmew- v. April a-A.tdss rale d Awn et..t �rmaaM Irtd h.e.reY terutiss.. at ��t*.st.na•.1aerM►�I tea lizfiie :es% -reek eats et all v, Afire tma. 14.-gAssmltedson, ..1 of r e Igi►et s Rs..ea ire.. oeprignew te-_*k4 dew -- secs..'s see emu& ti Inlet' Wake for spatial ealed PERSONAL MEN TION. Miss Mabel Strung is rl.iUna In Tdtontn Mir Iva Au.,br ok i. Tidung trietAa in Tor nam W. J. Paisley. et Clinton, was 1n town o0 Tveday. MW A. Rase Aitken has returned trot.. • Pelt to Bt.. Marys ad hemmers. Mor Bmia Healy, of Clinton. is the guest of her amt MM Hese. Hates tad. Max. took Campbell. d Port Colborne. .pent Hester with tree relatives to tows, Miss Ida L Venuesse boa retained home R er r spesdla /eater week with triads to MM Jerrie TTta.ase., of Melia. resat her Easter mW at the fsresde.ee. Ter - me. street. Jesn,b tlw.1nY, et CMvdasd, is In awn 10 u10od the pawl of W Ataee-thaw, the late Jab m'pby. esti Mass IR1.1 Coat who Mobs. at Frdwleb. mere • ln�et t« Mame 1me moonless with Mayor (heli[ at alma1srt5 ink di to tows rawer- dqq�n� �beim Inersscriw meaty e0a with a pe bstesy sakasse. Remo Loth, of BressJe was to teen this week dierharigleg W dratie a . member et the meaty d.18aelmet. C. a aware rl#.0 a web.1. a Ogee ae tM yam of Mr miasma's pareses la Oed► h 5Thelma_ho r , hImore.1 Maeta,to their Mae .t Wlse- homes wwas the prom et her duehter. Mrs. Wriglit.. at Breathed. for mem weed. bus retele d to Mr nidaoe, Ts onts Meet. L P.%am ren a the mar d�hs A- risestlm Ce..,le sow isp�.yywhat tad beti.g ap bra raei (.t� Yl�..d oss Jame will 1Ma al lMe. Mr..ossfeaaYhro. R. met 1ltoloe me e5M�d tit l wale ewe8 A `mai*. home ter sem Om Mr. ed lire- 3. W. tlmlu► st stoat left es stssatn and *er 5tttp to tallCease. via_ r eeapoera. reit* 17Mmmah mea . elf Mire /MIL _litthr sie have WO to *IMO . ▪ • Mea .as. LOCAL TOPICS. Apn1 showers Mian May Mwore -sed as seer tett tee at Ptilhom tae Tailor'. will re - it Inter ea le a setts, wells totes Mgt al whhe pas wf1 teak year Met. Imes emit about Orton. ague -.ad those re Medi se that the Met else is tows, i In three eaaeuee ter time matter. to get tittered awe p6eare h•miatt id Smith's Art Stem. Km taus mod e�teek d ase the large and tanto K R. 8agsws,phar snowmen at Moslem et sok we. dmiee Mat w .etas et yell atey Mwill be pair Day et his ewdiw .Resta i.riod to brim MMelr amores d sea s.sae than elsbts s maths .1 age to hare fe p. fates. Clue picture will be wire, The monthly meeting of the Chil- dren. Aid Society will be held at the atu1 court .10hosew. next Tuesday, `itb inst., 4 u The Ladies.' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will meet 4aturday afternoon, April 5th, at 4 o'clock. in the Y. M. C. A. [rooms. The Goderich Mioeral \rater Co. has put io some very tine water coolers in the banks, offices and otber business places around town. A meet ing will he held in the town ball on Thutsday. April 10th, to os - g enie* a hectare team. it is hoped there will be • large attendance. "The New Minister' is the title of a musical production wbich is being prepared by the choir of Zone church or presentation at an early date. The puhlic schools re -opened on Monday after the Easter vacation. Mies Ella Goldthorpe is supplying for Miss Persons, of the Vic'oria sch(.ol . taff, April 17th and 18th are the dates fixed rut the appearance of the Rene- setung Canoe Club Minstrels. Get your ribs broeed up to stand a big laugh. Atter several aJjournmeuts, the trial of the Stephen township b,ibery ',bar Kw II hay been tined fur April 12th. The hearing will take place before the Magistrate at Exeter. Geo. Stewart has some beaujful specimens if o, rhids in flower- et his greenhouses. He hes been giving special attention to orcLid culture and is having gratifying success. The Proctor case. in which Vs illiam Proctor, • former Stratford man, was ase:[sed of obtainiog motley on false tit eleners. we. d. n,IrFPd M- Mtgis- teate ifet.a- I.et H-.lu: day, the private p rose e u ruts withdrawing their e h,.rare," John S. Platt. who, has been super- intendent of the ahippiog deputinPnt of the 1Veetern Canada Flour Mills Co. for a good many years, has resigned the posie.sn in order to assume the duties ret his new position as moot the official weighmosers at the part of Godetich. The new duties commenced ou April 1st. lwldge l.iverp .ul. Sons of England. held a White Rome degree meeting on Monday last, when Harry Mew. Past 13. D . initiated five candidates and ex- emplified the degree. After the meet- ing a short program of speech and song was rend: t'ed and the members end guests free. Lodge Rtrnstable sat down to an eeorllent supper. This from The Exeter Times is one of the beet stories of the Good Friday windstorm webaveseen: "The strong wind and sleet freezing to the rail. on Good Friday stopped the train on its way to London in the morning be- tweeu Centralia and Clandebnye. They had to sand the rails before they could get it stinted again. " Great $1.50 optical sale of warranted gold-filled rimmed spectacles and eye- glasses. with best spherical lenses, together with a scientific examination of your eyes by Mr. Hughson, formerly optical manager Eent'. jewellery store, Toronto, for $1.50. These glasses sold regularly for =3,50, Three day. only. commencing Thursday. April 3rd Smith's Art Store, Goderich. Come early. Findley lake, New York. After fifteen years listening to lec- tures delivered from the Likeside Chautauqua platform. 1 nave no hesi- tation in eying that the two lectures JTbat Boy" and "Plough Deep" given by Rev. John Morrison were as good. if not the best ever delivered from that platform. I can recommend Or. Morr,.on to one end all who are seek- ing for that which will entertain and instruct ---Jolla A. HILL, Treasurer and Grounds Manager. Thor Canadian Courier is conducting • subscription -getting contest aod is offering • number of baodsome prises. One of these ie a college course, and a clever and ambitious young lady of Goderieh, Miss Augusta Macleod, baa set ber heart upon Capturing it. Miss - Maclerd is teaching at Wroxeter, but she spent the Easter vacation in town and took advantage of the oopppp wtuoity to secure a number of aubeeriptioae here. We do not know of anyooe who is better prepared to make good use of a college enures than Mie Macleod and we here she will be successful in gaining ber wish. OODERIOH MARKETS. Twommsv. April era d*5., or14+ab enilli 54se en shot pre Iraab s M 10 e • .M` hil a-. -,,.. 1 es le 1 .110 'ee '" r• 01 11:II:: : « Fir es 2It be t3 0 55010 fate U 0 le nes y;� 4 e to Mee tee pw ::::: 41Mela w 0aa il:$� :EMs �,..... -1tole Iso :5. SI M 4 i Illi per per We. Mgr ti beaIL C. 0.04 weir k. te w M . wells. se a jg