HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-27, Page 10MASCO a. Ile Wall Papers ‘Ve hate recently received t w o .Dore large shipments of Wall Paper direct from the wills. very new and pretty. and rrtra good value. t afoat&o Papers commence as I. w ars :re and tic per roll. up to "b'. Import Papers We make a specialty of los port Papers. which are more .Jegaat sad artistic than ever this year. Priors range from 15c per : oil up to S1.00 per roll. Welch .bow window. The Colo'ial Beek Store GIiO. PORTER, Prop. Phone 100 Godsrieh. Singer Store Baby's Wear! Dainty articles in baby's were such as :- Baby's embroidered kimooas, baby's hand -made wool jackets and bonnets. Baby's bonnets, stunned for embroidery. Alen bibs, pillows, afghan& towel.. etc. Ladies' waists in a variety cf designs. Ladies' stamped underwear on beet of materials. Ladies' nightgowns, $1.00 misses' nightgown. 75., corset covers, 25r. comhrnatione, *1.(10. Stamped household linens of all kinds. Handsome tinted pillow tops, centrepieces. table runners, etc. Silks for working. Work commenced for puts chaser. Novelty braids for yokes for nightgowns and corset covers. lace and insertions. Crochet threads for baodbaga. Best shade. D.M.C. threads foremhroidery and crochet work, both white and cok red. Ribbon for fancy work. The Singer Store Next Bell Telephone Cesare'. Rogers Bros.' Silverplate wE invite you to inspect o u r stock of the celebrated 1847 Rogers Bros.' Silverplate that wears. Walter H. Harrison 7roreiler and Optician Gamic& o.e of the sit drips see sod Dieserbve b...r Newkillowl 011OPSY Fib arm the s errta e CIA MI - sop, a� are ireesd rMesrkd sad the ankh wafer, an siahe -r- -d i Iles lam d wise news belle sasd lodge* is the eat .1 the Iletsh sed pe ed the side Ramiro, the Mai Restovisare theers thz icer.. health. There i. e.s sa lGiry Medicine 1 DODD'S KIDNEY Piers Detroit Free Press says : The Kel- logg -Reines Siagintt Party appeared at the Mesouic'hmpie last evening. They gave a very pleasing entertainment. singing *elections ranging from light comedy to greedThe individual members have spleeddid voices, well trained aad quite adequate to anything they attempt. The scene from "Martha" wee well peessattd and well sung, and Iia I%bt t ucbal e. of coed y were never ov+seione. THE TiME Wednesday, April 9th THE PLACE : - Town Hall, Clinton 6 THE EVENT: erry Gow99 . The greatest of Irish dramas, sparkling with Irish wit and humor Under the auspices of St. Joseph's church. Prices: 35 and 50 cents Plan at Fair's, Friday EASTER SPECIALS AT THE Maple Leaf Grocery FLOWERS. - Baster Lilies, Ca. nal ion.. Rtuem. FRUITS. - Pine Apple*. Ben- anas. Or. nitre, et e. VEGETABLES. - Fresh Rhu- bar h, tett..oe. R.dish, Green Onions, Celery. SYRUP. - Log Chin Brad Mtple'Veep. labelled abso- lutely pure. FLOUR,--Sett-rising Buckwheat Flour. MEATS. - Choice Cured and Cooked Meats. COFFEE sad TEAS. -Our own epeeial blend Aurora Coffee and choice Teas. BUTTER sad EGGS. - An ample snp)•ly of strictly fresh Eggs and three* Butter. Cell or 'phone 52 S. J. Young MILLINERY Miss Campbell's display is now in progress. You are invited to visit the parlor and familiarize yourself with the latest in millin- ery fashions. Every week you will find a new assortment of novelties and all articles of millinery which are in active demand. Miss Campbell K TIM SIGNAL GODRRICH' : ONTARIO Anne weimeee inter r,D.iprt taller ootiarool leen Ile fl+ar r ..re was hese hoses Ya rem haiJ. Swiftd t. e -teal, r to Ma ea' the esac Ansa has named feta a tat♦ ur wear* linhas a tea ea Wdeatee iiikeh et nalten'A tet lam week for tn/ ind A Adam le le 0. Da.iis' et Teresa sae 1r theIda Sssfper� tr=eey. hen tree trdw eb eb.�as dna TelliiaW. athrell. et �tt�eer ion ter tr�et tee naet:r eennl.aet +INTLa..a. same lteht Merhaps, et las Wawa*, vete. in slow la town Mhos week. sera W. 1. Clark ad kale Rams ears hem r knew at Teets tar uveas. MrsMes !Hewse wee in tree Tecate tai w eek rising Mr Wee here. Mn. Mamie Maim et Welteerwills. woe swat the asster driers is tee. Ili. air.) Genial. et Leonia, viand in town r rreral dap the Peet weld - Mir � M > w Miss 0. IL Pa of Lem resat teen Mae with her anal. w ] tome, Ii Rani Ina. at the vasa .ask. ]lured., .gest w Seim hiesie at W hems here. y�e,p�a� !/cress • amt rens a u tl�M with Mr. sal Jobs MsA.1sy. Min Minto i daintier .t Mr. end Mn- Emeseeel �le�en, Me mese to Bales neat. Ines (lead Mina nest themea at Haran. the mon ch. her eca.Ir cJYa M A. Penna. et tae Doak et Oeemmse. Berlin_ was area the Eater inane la Mara Cates New Era : Jura Si. Pambaine i srdar • week le Godman vettlat e'dstivga Ma =tom 8. A.. ps.alpal of aswmaa- vtne High Sob.o1. wr la town rt a tow dela J. A. Mcr m. --d, est the Bak et Ganem* Tecate. resumed aemastemen hi tare tide week. Mbar', Isis and Maria Carat at Tereato. o pen Ue Enter holiday with err moan is town Mfr Hubert 8,re.t, a000epasw b Mie. `.wards. seri (,Md friday at her bane at Small Jane Streatham. of Colborn. left tai week ter Pattlead. Alta, when be will spend Use weer. Me. and Yrs lrvieg ttbs Ritter terWy Mir at Mrs.ilt- w.eiaeaaweata.ra di, late et Balt, new lard. Leeward McDowM. et taws. meat the Dram saran.n wan meds ad relative. at Paimeetea Alan Beers was d kill Mr n Loohesw a Sad*y attending the tsar.[ of hs aster. Mae Anne. Jeyes tlonerrine has returned treat a twit .eats�I tot w tore b.othw�arlaw. Ur. Y'erle- .os. Si to Yee tier'* Whitely. whim is attending ib. G.r.srrat ry .t Man at Toraeto. spent Enter at ter.. Yrs 1Caic) Lawes and daughter. M1.. Margaret, sews the Eraser *iday. with mews an Detract. Mi. Yeses ad enedrea spent Vaster san- dy *c yestertb. the men. of Mrs Young'. me- ter. Yr. Stewart Yie Maris Wanwin and Arthur Wanwle. of 1 neon. were witit friends in collo fee a tew days Jii week. Yrs C. k. . sn.ps*. and sen Mervin. of Lon- don. t Kann into Ma. ad Yrs J. kt arm intern ileac. lllir Tillie (fart. cf Port Huron. creat Bawer with het .real.. Mr and Jtr,•. Wm ct.ra Walent.lease. Mayr Berea and Yrs Reyeii. of Walken *M• e.. Melia t r� it L. Revell. Gamin Mrs. Ja I1111a et leoeJt vaned the past weed at ran hset Mr. see lira Thos. 0,1- ban. McDea�Y Wrest. L ise Greig alma amuses left a wed - many .18 - .min he Mara When, they 11141�.h.lrrs spa et Jets A. Behrerna. i.the P1..MroeterDee i wn..etetake * . tt.rtsm ms, ant h.4. Aaeaadsr J. Macken r. of Te. e rr. De~ H a�ad ill Whitely. with lieekesions Mn Mia Poems Amass. d 8w6rtb. same L eAenble with her me t& Mc rd sera Alex. uses.*, 8k. Davits Oast. Mea A. IC CoDe.e and Matra Anna. esti m Weeneeday t. vett Yea Oiborss'. iter, Kra Chea A. Wellington, at Viagra w Ln Cbamme hes remised tram tiewdand where be spelt tae whiter. sed hes retemedt kb parties with J. 8. Davey. $swears. 0*.G ea Mia este Jehmena• et Pada oat.. upset y XL Janata. wir sas 0*.. H. St J. Walkden. et the Bak et Oa - the meal • Y eis1 tan& r wiling triads Seeenelyn . Ms J. 11ro• ad ah8das.. et Gederlei lewaehta ere nsdLe[ s Pew evil wait the tsrmw.eit'er. We. A. Gardiner. Inn sweet. Man Sontag. et Arterior : Mtn Oratre inane. at ar aae.ine .d Mi. Jade Baia. of NewIMkera. are be.. hr the Briar vsoe. OM. MW Ethel Good. of irlionten. who le a: - Olen Mawr Schon .t Tomato. ie w gl'em= MaBBeatrice pPinion tar w Ramer watien spseprgs'llal std ilia estde 4 atMare tend wi"g the ngi get the Omani, liemtiseal e. mhJean and lira d Behan Wei teras. of B atortb ..Dress =in Mang at tae Moher two daughter*.nts her falba. Stephen Andrew. Bares read Jae. J. Bawler. the had Jett relareed free Graveshwr altar eeedieg the water arm. wee at taws Phi week inane his btmtbr, M anrir. woes gone to *1* her et Li. - Punk Bellows. of North Dsisrteed, wee la tows the past week stein W We. Mas Ole trsll ws. Be lit peete4ay ea hi. chews ..d wee aeenpated W Mee. 8aliews is tar ae lois Gael Newtoa. et 8ss AMoeie Tans, ore Keith Newton. et reams, were here tem the lastertine Amides air tamer, aim Novel . ase is rerisads til r the Mae et hie tem Nt. C. G. Nana J. 8. Oartsr. et Tenon. wee le Iowa r issuer. vistas Ids tea. H C. Carry at lbs Irak hisetreaLas . s reedesti etCarter , wia.d eelder : thmV.ns fen y. DeaM Clerk. et the tesr6.ag stag at Perth Qllsni ge latuS waved le urea ea h0stt r 1Y liner verse and gave mama ei► tease that erenis h w r..aerret of -Ifs oeaiidse- at Kam share& week. tl. srum was Alai shred aishrst d=• r th w. tis ser.ipa eter pow ethis spa w uM,u m at Leaden. sw swot Rarer with his M�ether tad Lb; Yeementnalrereerskem. esik sea ether Menem Be edit snare meet week Iia ami eels dew. hes ter weer lee mem. AUCTION SALE&. RatvwwT, Maser IL -Amnia rate et hum MasGee. swat' et Annum ale re.Win Mask. . sesY vie r ai11liAma 1.--/L=11 . sAtsse0. MX of ew eM Ytfs rel celeA/eat- w��.r. ase- askrMotLe4id•ars Sr` t !tike► =ma Ii R eemtN *t�W Imeaosaiml MARcH MONTH-END SALE DAYS Saturday& Monday, March 29th & 31st 1 0 NCE AGAIN comes the Money -saving Month-end Sale. We have the will and the goods to make the March Sale Days record -breakers. Plenty of chances here Saturday and Monday to save money if you take advantage of opportunities like these. Ready for you Saturday Morning at Bap. ui Your Chance to Buy Dress Goods at Less Than Wholesale Prices There is a big lot of them ; so many we were almost afraid to say yes when they were offered to us, but the price was so low we could not let the chance pass to give our customers bargains like these. That's why we said : "Send them along." They are here now, and Saturday morning we offer over 1,000 yards of new Dress Goods at prices under adffal wholesale. At 33c Seven hundred yards all -wool lbws Goods, mostly plain coloring . i n browns, greens, greys, blank., etc. All new this week. Regular 50c qualities. Part of a big clearing purchase made away under value. On sale Saturday morning at your choice per. 33c yard The prices are 33c and 57c per yard At 57c All -wool Black Panama, 40 inches wide. splendid weight for separate skirts or suits. Regular 90e perjard.Two htnodred sod fifty yards awry to setl.commencing Saturday moeu.lwIt.at per 57c yard.. - 36 -inch Striped Silk 89c Note the width. Genuine Emiliwh and Tam- nline Silks, Se incJ?e. wide, bean)" Weight. firm. strum[ weave, a&orted .tripe.. suitable t o r dreses or separate waists. Saturday and Q�� C771. 36 -inch Black Pailette Silk 79c One hundred yards only heavy weight rich black Pailette Silk, firm, strong weave, rich, lustrous finish. will give excellent wear. Very special Saturday and Monday per yard. 79c 7h.c . New Serge Dresses $9.75 Ladies' all -wool Serge Dresses. Out in ,me of the best styles of toe .eeeon. Well and carefully made from all -wool serge*. Trimmed with but- tons. small net yoke. Bleat., navy. Pao. Very special. Saturday and Monday, each $9.75 only.V�7 Misses' Dresses $8.75 Misses' Serge Dresses, sailor *tyle. Davy blue only. Stylish, ser,iceable and handsome gar- ments. "Special Saturday and Mon- $8.75 day. each .w Ladies' Rain Coats 56.75 Ladies' new Raincoats, fawn or monde shads. New tailored effect, guaranteed sbowee-pod. Sewn and gummed seams. Perfect 75 garments In every way. Each only.. .$ CVs Ladies' Cotton Drawers 39c Ladies' Cotton Drawers, made from good quality English oottoe, oversewn seams. trimmed with clusters of tucks end heavy coiton 9 lace. Decidedly special et per pair.... Wim.c i Lunch Cloths 29c Fifty linen Lunch Clothe, pleb* linen. hemstitched edge.. SI Inches .quare. Special for Saturday and Mooday 29c Dresser Covers 29c Linea Deemer (ovens, 18 inches, length f4 inehes, b.• t, stitched edges. Good Toll t. plain linen. Worth 60c .•r 7 _r Saturday and Monday, 29c fifty to sell at each only Fancy Handkerchiefs 3 for 25c One hundred fancy Embroid- ered Handkerchiefs, eke qualit ) muslin, neat dw s. These are re.gular 12 c each. We have this lot to sell Saturday and Monday at your choice, 25c s for Special Selling of Travellers' Linen Samples Travellers' tramples, Fancy Lioen. nice assortment fancy Lunch Cloths with odd pieces of all kinds.. (leering them nut Saturday and Monday at nearly t Nair Regular Pnees• Bath Towels 2 for 25c One' hundred new Bath Towels, a.wrted colors. heavy weight, splendid dryers. Hogs War 1Sc each. Saturday mass- ing your choice, 2 for 'CMC 100 Yards Table !J Linen 79c Two ends very fine Quality Bleached Table Linen, Ile inches wide, beautiful dise4rns. Set ]ar,- t at _ sad Monday per 79c Extra Values in Ladies' Tailored Suits $''15.00 Ladies' Tailored Suits, made from high-grade tweeds, serges a n d whip -cords, modelled in the season's latest styles. Most of the coats are silk lined. Perfect - fitting gar- ments. Very special each, $15 Heavy English Apron Gingham Engiisb Apron Gingham, extra heavy weight. double laid. strong eervio.able cloth, absolutely fast colors. Saturday morning. two hundred and fifty yards W sell at per yard, Se 15 Safety Pins for 5c Fifteen strop*, guarded - point Safety Pins, assorted sixes. Put up. 15 on a card. Saturday morning. per card 5c 3 Large Boxes Hair Pins for 10c Good quality black Hair Pine, assorted kind. crimped 1(k„l. and plain, pat up in boxes. Saturday morning >1 boxes for il Pillow Cases 2 for 25c New Pillow Cares, just in from inked, o.ai..dred 25c to sell Saturday morning at 2 for « t,.»..., AAAA.. More Lawn at 17c Very fine. sheer India Lawn-joet the thing for childrenwear, war -t•. etc. Regular ffic quality. Saturday morn- 17, iogper yard rely... _................ _ Heavy Linen Towelling 10c Extra gaali.y Crash Towelling. all pure linen, red border. 17 inches wide. Imported by ourselves direct horn the maker*. 1Uc Regular 12ic. Saturday mor Ding per yard Quilts 89c Thiry only white Quilts, soft finish, double bed size. .9( Extra special Saturday morning each only t7.7 Colored Taffeta Ribbon 10c F... hundred yard. elk Taffeta Ribbon. b to 6 incises wide. A splendid assortment of calors. Regular lie at least Sat- 1 Ac =day stowing per yard• V New Curtain Scrims 10c New Oueta a Sear, errant or white. • Jul* tib Pig, 1 l. Ate-. for bedroom or kitchen ow tains. Minden wide. pee yeti V Curtain Nets 25c Two hoods•' yards sew Ourtain and Basigdow Nets. White or erre ei.do. Baally tempting patties. 8atnrd!y .15c moe.inf tats your Stoke of this lot at per ysed....-.. Gearing Sale of Linoleum Ends flataeday and Monday too wig else alike robe t of 4.ya,d wide lioolsesr. Our new flpeligg Mot want fan the old Liaelint•r ad of NW way ` t gai end asps suss ` sadr yard > a y a4id Monday at � millars to eeo or. pee .!.see 3c Magnificent Stock of New Rugs and Linoleums We hive just opened up this week a magnificent stock of new Rugs and Linoleum.. These goods have been imported by ourselves direct from the makers in Great Britain. The patterns are new and the best shown for the coming season. The qualities are thoroughly reliable and can be depended upon to give satisfactory wear. The prices we know, quality for quality, will compare with what you can get anywhere. The assortment is by far the largest we have ever shown. If you have Carpet, Linoleum or Oilcloth buying to do this season, do not fail to see this immense stock. All new and all ready for your inspection Saturday and Monday. This is but a partial list of the many things we have read for Saturday and Monday buyers. Come expecting big things at this Month-end Sale and you will not be disappoiiated. H • DGENS BROS. DIRECT IMPORTERS