HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-27, Page 8a Tleoa.na v, Mimeo n, IRA
When you ere buying remit)
Draperies, the first coasideratu.o
is Quality.
We guarantee that our good's
will stood the quality teat every
time. We want you to try
them. and if dor any reason you
are not perfectly satisfied we
want you to let us know. We
are hers to give you s►ti.fsetion
in Groceries.
Give us • trial on your next
Sturd3 & Co.
Grooms, The Square, Goderich
is selling
all his
Stoves and Ranges
in most cases
below cost prices.
Call and see them.
W. R. Pinder
Hamilton 8t.
New Spriiig
Coining to
Goods. Everythingein Spring
It will pay you tocome
and see us.
You will double your
money buying from us.
ai 1. Robins
Square Goderich
T. Swans
'Bus, Livery
and Hack Stables
MouTaxAL RTagwr
Jto r riry Tai SQQans
Passengers called for in
any part of the town ler
.11 omits at O. T. R. or
C. P. it . depot.. Prompt
wevvieeand easetd.tten-
Our Livery and Hack
soul., will be found up•
In emery reepeet.
'T �rwnmermagesotldted
Phase tour Bloatre st lit:eat
The members of the Ontario Agri-
eultural and Exp.riane•tal Upton are
g=to state that foe Iain the, are
pi�parsd to distribute into every
township of Ontarlo matelyd of high
quality for experiments with grains.
crops. roots, grasses mad
clovers, .e follows :
N�. Exprriesent& Plots.
2. resting 0. A. C. No. 21 bar-
ley and muster
lb -Testing two varieties or
two -rowed barley
3 -Testing two varieties of
hulloes barley
4 -Testing two varieties of
endue/ wheat.
S -Testoug two varieties d
e -Testing two varieties of
field pale
7 -Tasting two varieties of
s- ng wt o varieties of Soy,
Soja, or Japanese beans. ..
9 -Testing three varieties of
10 `husking corn li
three varieties of
I [ -T two varieties of
sugar beets for feeding pur-
12-Cling three varieties of
Swedish turnips. .
13 -Testing two varieties of fall
14 -Testing two varieties of
15 -Testing three varieties of
fodder and silage corn
Id -Testing three varieties of
17 -Testing two varieties of
18 -Testing grass pees and two
varieties of vetches
i9 -Testing rape, kale and field
30 -Testing three varieties of
21 -Testing two varieties of
22 Testing four varieties of
23 -ie unR three varieties of
field beans
24 -Testing two varieties of
sweet corn, including golden
98 -Testing extra early Eureka
and Davieb' Warrior (late/
varieties of potatoes 2
at -Testing three grain mixtures
for grain production 3
30 -Testing three grain mixtures
for fodder production.. 3
Each plot is to be two rods long by
one rod wide, except No, f, which is
to be one rod square.
An person in Ontario may choose
any ONE of the experiments for 1913
and will bbfurnisrhed in the order in in webiicb
the spplicatioos ere received while the
w ply lasts. 1t might be well for each
applicant to make a second choice for
tear the first could not be granted. All
material will be furnished entirely
tree of charge to each appli,mnt. and
the produce will. of course, become
the property of the person who
conducts the experiment.. Each person
applying for an experiment should
write his name and address very care-
fully, and should give the name of the
county in which be lives.
('. A. 'LAvrrz,
Ontario Agricultural College,
Guelph, March, 1813.
Men and women -do you want a
splendid bead of luxuriant hair flee
from scalp itch and dandruff ?
Do you want hair so bewitchingly
radiant that it compels the admiration
of all who see it ?
Do you want ascalpaeimmaculately
clean and bright as a newly -minted
coin ?
Do you want to use a hair dressing
that will surely prevent baldness,
that always refreshes and invigorates
and makes your entire bead feel fine P
Then spend 50 cents this very day
and get a bottle of Parisian Sage at
any drug store or toilet goods ro�pneer.
Use it es directed and you will''itever
care to use ordinary tonics again.
No poisonous sugar of lead, no sul-
phur. no injurious ingredients' in
Parisian R. age. Ask for Parisian Sage.
Wigleguarantees it.
The New Maid.
Mint ase --"Mary, wasn't that gentle-
man asking for me ?' The New Ma id
-"No. mum : he described the lady he
wanted to see as being about forty.
ah' I told him it could not be you.
Mistress -"Quite right, my dear. And
ycu shall have en extra afternoon ori
tomorrow." The New llfaid-"yes,
mum ! Thanker, mum. Yes, mum, 1
1 told him it couldn't be you, as you was
!about fifty !" Mietrees-"And while
you're taking your afternoon olf you'd
better look out for • new place !"
How's This ?
we otter es. barbel denim reward for soy
sass of catarrh that amain be oared b Hail's
Catarrh Can.
F. J. CHRNrY h eo.. Tai.da to
we tin ■ have knows P. J.
h0 �s.
see�■rrtaaffaedrr tail la ate m sassdews believe
obligations male by W aide to eat say
WAAtonse. Lases & inserts.
Wholemeal* liveggies, Teledo, O.
Hain, letartil Core Is takes
lag tumour secs OM roe .tisees ear
Mow et the system mat_
lakedHsapTiaO►!Mr e
ti W
What Kind ?
Never had there been such a oom•
motion in the little home, and the
most wildly melted person was the
sister of the yoga, mother who bad
promoted twins to hes husband. off
ebe rushed to the postotlloe for
steams to spread the great tidings
; •broad'grasps, phase," she rid.
se BM Rung down Mr tsooey. "How
messy, mise asked tom clerk. -Two,"
Itthe Mad Uy, "Whist hied r "A
boy lied a�"
iller Qutck`''and Permanent Strength.
If you are rear down or tired out, 1f
ase homing flesh or har, Mine e'
you take cold estelle, hen. no lts.
of lowered vitality. try rep Ms's
Nwtovatce Boder age guar
tee to refund the pries pi, Y enthe
remedy fails to give straw swfiefeetbn.
1 t aYe en asp the bermes
WHIM and wirrTer a p� erg
fe0admr a bat
Os a Oat Piss ed. by IL R.
w --
Nue R.�,.la,l.re flrierra �~ lyTENIFIC
'to•owarecoley �d
the imp.. of air:711
end the
tear c by ee
esetiowe sabres imposters
••1. No iatportir for
improvement of ,tool shall be
milled free of duty unless the o
le a British subject. resider' ea
British Rewire, or if more titan
and i ~'~ by 1d11 Idwtrrse Ues ,tee -Foss
loose Partly O..weli.h.a_
thea Latus Less of Life
d-' --
wear _-BIN for easy years has soca a
vastergatevasterOars*u tea
day width tore acro.s the
mime, each is a British subject,
resident in the British Respire, and
there ie furetehsd an import oeetie-
cats dating that the animal is recorded
in a Can.dlan Mationa1.B.cord or is •
foreign record reengniard as reliable
by the National Record Committee,
owner,orA statutory
of the declaration
wners, h t be
is a British subject, or that Back 1. •
British subject resident in the Bridle
Empire, and that such animal is the
identical animal described in such
certificate, must be provided. and that
such animal ie beide imported into
Canada for the improvement of Hoek.
"2. In ryas ouch certificate is not
at hand at the time of the arrival of the
animals, entry for duty may be
accepted subject to refund of the duty
upon the prnduetioo of the requisite
certificates and proofs in due form
satisfactory to the collector within
one year from the time of entry.
"3. Tbe Corm of certificate to be
accepted for the tree importation of
animals for the improvement of stock,
and the customs procedure in oonnec-
tion therewith shall be subject to the
direction df the Minister of Custom*.
"4. Tbe above declaration sha11 be
attached to the free import entry
and may be anode before the collectoe,
sub -collector, surveyor or chief clerk
et the port where the goods
entered or before soy functionary
authorised by law to administer
Uoder the old regulations a. British
subject residing in • foreign coon
or the citizen of another country li
ing in Canada could secnre the frog
entry of properly registered animal..
whereas under the new order foreigs
persons or time are excluded from th
Custoilegms. officers are required to ex
amine carefully the aaitaads presented
for entry to see that they oorrespood
with the descrtption contained in the
import certificate and if they do no
duty is collected.
The statutory declarations required
an e>t7 length Fbrtaraatry the are kiss
was net abroad that day. la the United
States the storm wee severe. Ia In-
rbS Meatry at hese 44 to 7e mire
an hrer, ls.vfag la Its wake deaolW-
etl harass, eara.ted bere,. broke.
MlMI* mad %alopecia* poles, fallen
ehlaweya, scattered firma, and great
lease which had bees broken of like
Irlskw.od. Ter egk the property loss
Y eery heavy the low of lite toetaaat.
1 tr wan not heavy. Harold Hill was
Jelled lI a tenths rod at Msatord.
I"�lrsm•• Kang of Stemma Falls was
red by a taitbag hose tower while
`ran Ramie air S7ty ter were
and two mea were frowned
SL Clair River. The (atboile
abaft at Cobalt was destroyed, a
well at the Merle Arhaks& remitter
ellognawas bora '+e feeleiley at Owes oat, bw
wadr. et bermewere
the Tyree SlunImiroalledMk.
� caor of
r iedd
away. Height urs at Mama were
=trtatmes spire at skrgetowa
e bre mills aattkTl
taiena were
weethieE shipping at Benda wee
demape1 to the extant as MOW
Lawmen* • greeaborsea, Torero.
were destroyed; a hogs crane at the
Hamlltsa Bridge fays wort
wee wreaked. ted root of Cote's Tim-
ing Mill at Norte Bay wee ripped of.
The ret could be marred to almost
diem a million *Dare' damage was
L passer
le were
rwa at about ndose anddeaths
j taw reported- in the Illealestpp! and
I Deb Vafy regime Rab people were
is ret erred dead .and allttooa of dollars'
sirs done. Reports tram Alabama
- erste the lois of life was heavy In
that state the number of dead there
bibs platted
Lowered teianirlsisbt The
1'eseetree was ptso
t tins' wiped out Two were killed in
Doreen, two la 'tesame-q three le
Oble, two 1n New Taft, one in MIMI
gm. wad two 1a Louisiana.
regarding citizenship and identit
will, it is hoped, effectively preven
abuses that led up to the passing of
the new regulations.
A. in the past animals are subjected
,to veterinary inepection at the port
of entry. O®cials of the health o
animals branch who do this work ire
required to make a report as to color
and markings. If it is 'found by the
Canadian National Records that
foreign certificates .3f registration do
not correspond with these reports
Canadian registration and import
certificates for the animals in question
are refused.
1 tlsashted of Murder. Ne is Seeteired
8fasihlWatts at` Own Shad
g in silence, 010 lips em-
planed, and his brows drawn down
over We eyes. Charles Beery Love,
convicted by a jury of the warder of
Ida wife, whose body wee tend In a
Itrona fa the cellar of the Love home
at Corlett, was .statioed at Owen
Sound by 14r, Jostle. Loam= to 1e
hanged on May 2T. Love ealaly ac -
*Wed the sentence. bat
after he had been takes to his
which overlooks the a courtyard
'I M which he L to pry ty for
the heinous crime. TII eidetic* of
his mon, Areal aged 11 years, was the
cadet for moay against him. A
datrg0ter fought bard to save her
father from the gallows. memo
minutes atter the priso.er mid been
returned to the cell Love broke tato
bitter declamations. whtie the Rev.
Mr. Maloney, his spiritual adviser
mince his incarceration. endeavored to
cheer him wtta a few words of corm -
fort. A few minutes lacer be became
hysterical. and pranced about bas cel1,
declaring that the wttae..es for the
1 the Crown. neighbors, In whose nidal
be had lived for the part etre years,
!bed taken endue advantage of hlse
milagivea Wee testimony . "I have
llama tried by tee adbmpepere all over
?revises and found guilty." he ex -
I crimed_ "1 have been wontedly
csev1eted. I am ineooest of the
MIN& For alnoet twasg4ve years
4 site sod 1, in our own hest*
wet. lived to pare and hsppt•ese.
4hr ahemll4 I kill Mr' Tier l a
terrible Me. I have had to taco a try -
lag sedsal, ash la the nee of all my
earrew my baby boy thrifts against
*a My datothosr told the trete. I
arum Mimeo! to the Salvation Arty,
sad probably bad I stip been cardsg
fa a)r lot with test orptii,atbs 1
weer not have bora fao.ag tads awful
Stratford Tied Up.
stenosed Heescoo.
Stratford was, wben the Hydro-
electric agreement was made, rushed
into it by Hon. Adam Beck, no devia-
tion permitted, and with bur little ex-
planation. One of the clauses of the
bylaw directing the city to co-operate
with the Commission in endeavor-
ing to dispose of power is now
interpreted by the Legislature as
mandatory. This bylaw was only
adopted in Stratford by a majority
of 211. The last Stratford Street
Railway bylaw contained a clause
allowing the company to secure
power from other sources or develop
it, if it could be obtained on more
favorable terms. This had a majority
of 444 in January of this year. This is
a clear indication that many -prob-
ably the great majority -of those who
voted for the Hydroelectric bylaw did
not then realize bow the city was
being tied up for thirty years.
The extreme interpretation put on
the Hydro -electric agreement by the
Ontario Government means, probably,
the overthrow of the Stratford Rail-
way undertaking,
,The more the nature of the agree -
meat to take Hydroelectric power is
examined the more iniquitous does it
seem. Soon we ,ball be unable to may
our souls are oar own without the
permission of Hon. Adam Beck or Sir
James Whitney.
A Liberal French Canadian.
The real opinion of the loyal
French • Canadians of Quebec, apart
from the few who were led astray b
top Nationelist-Tory &tliance, was ad-
mirably laid down in the (louse
Commons on February 35th by Mr,
P. Pacaud, the Liberal member fo
Megantie, when be said :
"Canadians believe, Sir. that withi
that Empire of which they form part
Canada is called upon to play an int
portant part.
Situated aa we are our ambitions
our national aspirations should be to
spread in this new world the ideas of
freedom and of justice which we have
learned to cherish from England, and
for the defence of wbicb she has given
her strength, her power and her Intel
lett to introduce sod to maintain in
the old wild.
To achieve this work, we need
what we alreadys.. that without
which Englanpone... berself would have
bpoenM for good -local self-
"Witle a Canadian navy, Sir, we
have no stela difficulties ahead of w :
we have DO such eontrovemies to face;
we have a clear view of the course we
are going to follow. We kip the
Lmpirs when is seed ; the build we
roan at home the Metes which will be
under our own eo•trol. We speed
Qsaaiiw mosey In Canada for the
gooier beagle of Canadlaas, we let
the world know that what a
A•,tratiaa nae do brave
can aro do. Brally. we do see& has
wmebododyuld foere o do what we our-
lves'Teat's a heavy harden Tort have
Rot, my Imre," id a
'lee so' • Norden," sa
en, �l the girl
it's ay wee Anther."
8.--'NM.'t it strange that en many
little assn marry tag wave. r sus._
" i0 le a great deal stvamme that OD
many tall women marry little maw,+
rte Hansa t.n
Fel.rrr..tOe Cure
n 1'rlmiimaaa. Op ea 11r.
Uwe to the slam eha•osd la various
porta of tae eoualtry bats who elate
to be doctors wbs haw Melon txmab.-
ironed by Dr. Tito 1ks.aa to as. kis
tuberculosis callara Dr. lYM4aaaa
bee replied to ther magnet.. with
- the !et etatorosat that he is tee ay
me in tide oouelry a•r administerU, Termed?
eat "errata
Thee lettere mad telegrams are
hem patients err weird -be psreste .f
maths fe Aaeee.a, ease wbo bar.
let ft be Moir ter, as Sayegh 'Pearl er.w with
Dr. F1rred..aa they lave bees pissed
ndabiter ei position obeuebr le+tle. tenuous turtle ss* bar
Mem Tree Se reader
Djavid Pasha, with a 'T wleb army
aNenthertag « le e 1~fie ea the Omar
Muir. ia Dleedd Putts wee
eemmanger et the Semite Army
Owl* eadat w 4
military Pn
Certs of Caesar
Beare Jar noires.-AMedre Nom
soppier et tot. �
be toe bees — diem OM
Misr error lair fuer thew fir Mil-
ler et tilt- Lanae gre the Orel
deet p u y pregred weer gOle
asps .. Orem* Was
by a Maeata^ '
A amok pf low mental type UMW'
aboest Mat George of Greece o•
zrMadyy of lr.t weal at Satestaa.
war, Him elesty was wadding along
the ,dost wise tleel el by area the
seat*• rushed up from baker wed
abet the King through tis heart •
TWO Cretan muitary ireco a.. who
went acting ee an escort to tee Ktag
raked at Sahfaas, the murderer
oat pIrimed Isis arta before
1rs oonid are again. I N'heo
1Pragccoiadhl saw teat Ur
mere* had bra arrested he turned
le Ines Otseega, wen be supposed bad
era psi awr.etbed. but was terrified
be alai ht. Majesty stretched oa the
wsiwe1. Sore soldiers who had
been ataese.i to the spot by the shote
Meg the King from the gonad mad
elfMtM him to the hospital but be bad
elthsi Miler, he reached the plana
Ili bibs is even for the crime. The
Mere eager eon. Comteatlaa, who
wag theme of troops at .
w»MlM daS wmEpos ao•ed, mad E
arsBtwl was sworn in as the new
A M.wlreal Petleie of Dr. Friedmann
le Much Setter
Mls. Marie Dubois, one of the Vssmstreated by Dr. Irresdaoaan 1n
Ma made mar narked pro-
rthe towards recovery. Mrs Dubois
bel bees
0.1 for
metes, ntes, one side
es that it era almost Iapassthle for
IMF to eat In aldttlae to this she
was enable to wall at all, aeoordf*,s
b her statement and bad bees was
a bet foe' fully four .eater prevfow
beteg treated t Dr. Trist am&
Me can partake d food, the
has praotie*ty disappeared,
Ira saie can walk about the hawse
Ties lasressed Schedule Adopted by
the Grand Lodge
The A.O.U.w. Grand Lodge adopted
the new eohedal. of Parr b more
Ora • two-thirds vote. TMs schedule
sthipted rat rear had been hese up
�a courtbat it L claimed
ere was taken y this year.
TM new rata* are in some oases
army doable tae former schedule.
Pine Penn Near Guelph Bought For
a Seat ef Learning
'Mount Tara," the beautiful farm
el Thomas Bedford, • mile from tea
tag at Guelph, ham been parokased
0 the Moiety of Jesus, better ]mown
ea the Jesuit Tethers of Canada, for
the sena of 428.000, and on this farm
they will institute a Jean novitiate,
et Mflege, for the edmatfon of prises.
Rev. Father Doyle states that this
will be the only 1egu.h Jesuit no.
vitiate m the Dominion of Canada.
These L one at Montreal. where both
19e811mh sad French students attend,
but it has been decided to separate
the two.
Federal Minister Emphatically De-
s.clares No Election In Sight
Speaking at Toronto on Mondry
elghG Hon. W. T. White. Minister of
1Tsarc% refuted the predictions that
these would be a general election
shortly. 'The Government," he said,
"ba•s't the remotest intention of
bring on an election, and let me
MC you another thing, the lar thtag
M the world the Liberal party wants
10 as election and this naval bill will
go through"
Tony -one Clubs olu--lit-antfsrd Man
Per President
Representatives d UtIrqone'ciboria
slabs met !a Toronto on Monday sad
united to form the Liberal Club
Federation of Ontario. A score of
other clubs are to join the federetime
Iaaedlat.ly. Tbe orgeoratiaa 1. d►
leaned to promote the prlseiptes of
Liberalism. 24n W. B. Puerto" d
Brantford wag sleeted as the anal
President of the new ormainatiee.
CaaaNart &woes,,
Tae revenue of the Dominion for
Ur fiscal year whish closes this month
la dose to $170.004,000. Thy repo-
ends an Wreath of appeosthasseer
th e the maser'
the preceding millions over
total expenditure fori leer. Tb.
*mated at betimes i1 near t•
$1$1114,01111.000. le 4 '�'� aeshd
ples et some
etzteen millions over as ee peoapzim
cm booth fund and capital
Reel Meter Up North
stto�vafed to ha district northIlleporter f� nearly a mak. Trete
lever district moms s totee wit
the roma erre. In White River
used• mow drifts were plied atm ter
Sylvia we &Merest
Sylvia Peakkant tee militant wt-
fregieta, woe hr freedom item Hello
war Prima b msas of a Mager
melba Bar release was greater M
the greread that to farther
w4 endanger bar n. dodo lbw
A sins
Mtha OM r a s en s the atom 41 * el. stir
Dam fie Wester
!tl resent• w Alaska posed the
paws la ankauss .trees r wase.
Money Given Away
I am buying old Rubbers
at 5c a pound.
Horsehair at 25c a pound.
Old Iron at .soc a hun-
Rags at 6oc a hundred.
For Cash or Trade at
David Brown's Store
The Square Next Lyric Theatre
Ladies' and Gents' Slippers
Boys' and Girls' Skating Shoes
Ladies' and Gents' Skating Shoes
Boys' and Girls' Slippers
Bootees for the Baby.
Everything in besot dol. comfortable and esrviceable Footwear.
Styles Right Prices flight
Corner East St. and Square
Na-dru=co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice
and Chlorodyne
'The Store That Phases" 6eisttch CJats ria
Give Your Boy a'
rlEvery farmer wants to provide for his sons, but seldom
will the old homestead, developed with toil. safes to meet
their needs. The boys have been brought up to the land.
Tblfamiliar are ith ll the of f�uThey
ssrd have land of their own. Hphases 0.� ening
to meet this emergency ?
The Logical Answer Is Western Canada.
Thousands of acres, divided into ICI) -acre farms, are
being thrown open for entry by the Dominion Government
along or near the lines of the
Canadian Northern Railway.
The land gives s wide choice. Tire are some plots an
the open pearls and others sear in the wel-wooded, well -
watered distgfefs in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
A large number of these homesteads ars p•rtieularI'
adapted to mined farming.
Write or Enquire Today.
An agent d the (bandies Northern Railway, fir t h•
nrrdurs gn..4, will bs glad to send, ors amb r:kW 4011 in
formation' M b the twat*. of these i.�rrtr.y and rho
way M secure Mid reach them. Weer for •mss Bread
Becket." •11&001) Peat S.aae.teadm," and our Pease River
Booklet You wOl be Ihtereet d.
R. L. Fairbairn, (}eneral Palmer 1
68 King Street a. Toronto, Ont.