HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-27, Page 7IND
TmQ>waT. Haim W. - 1
,c A
Best Scranton Hard
Coal ---all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates -the ,,highest
qualtty of Coal that
oan he bought for
the purpose.
Empire Dome s t i c
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ra nges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All'ftinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
MacEwan Estate
Telephone ;f1f1
T b e undereaPted
wtIl pay the b,igbeet
cash prices for all
leads of good Imp
defversd at the
mill. foot d Angli-
ngfrsty street. Ooderteb.
Custom sawing
sod general WS
wort doe. promptly.
we a rut J I , Leto, but upon the
Eieeartios of the right
cud. in asada1 please.
such of
Per istiefactory Retorts. nib -
Wiry wok and real anew
bailee in pionehlug. sus is
feet end get our setineatw.
ih.gltos Streit, %SoT &
Nilo. Resting, Elsatrie
Wiring. eta
Tie out dsee1ess Savors, with
Sg b41t sed poen Cream serv-
o ibe Pausa6taL Oars Or
Nepbaae fat lee Orasio
In T Telephone
- to
Rang purchased the boa -
formerly weaseled by
%rine Holum& we pur-
10wdesiieg in
Lem, Cmeat
ewe •i4ek, Ltc.
ear will Weft eermmaw
~ Lehigh Gellewidth sus nessuinefano
tillatillage,.e.We swish a
Na/le eadorish mid
thea bast, service
'ma sad shad be te
hat from all et Mr.
alason and any lei wise euptbiai admen
4,411 sedate left with las.
diZel set streak proestey
Tits 111I3O13LC1rvi. BRAVEtt.
Idelhi`Pleseed re11Rltate The Weelisp kum °r'
Thom who read Mr. Megnarri.'e
w Paek 1"."1"."cif !tie L .sI sip M it?
Orilla Packet :: in the Sellowtag f> s boat The
Didn't seep Os Reser.
Tie beaver bspsme so pl ntlfel fa
Park a flaw susseas ago
6hsi Oaseda Athirst a seiiwsy had
ooatksd vonYs along chair Sae with
the gnaw booking up Isom the beaver
set 1. Emmy other ways. TM
seetiosmes week at their wits end to
know what to do. One of the
troubles was that the beaver inter-
fered with advert& In desperados
oas gene west to the Perk sspatris-
i tasdsst and asked what they eoald do
to keep the beaver from working
milder the eabert& It was decided to
put a piss ci wire netting across the
ends Orf the culvert and bang a red
Imam there there at nlgat to frighten the
Mit marsh* tbe sectioasisa ap-
pOsrsi at the Pork to say fiat, is etaad
et the wire k-piag the beaver from
they W steed it ali.a good
MI* themflee a dam ad more
the isms ani that. intend of
_ tt♦ pal them. it had
o fatalltali the work, and
so doubt the Meyer wase thanking
their kind bamabetote for so kidly
Doming to their aid.
Dorsad be Live Beam.
There is a growing demand for five
beaver. and Mr. H. J. Bartlett, wpm-
intesdent of Algonquin Park. has
bees receiving regrsste from all over
the country for these •e.lt:ab for
parks, zoos and other purposes. Mr.
Bertiett's difficulty wee to catch the
beaver alive. Last season be made •
trap of his own Construction, but it
did not work quite so well as ex -
inand be tried to get a firm deal -
in hem W manufacture some -
on the same lues, bat none
undertake W .cake 1t. Failing
W Rat • regular manufacturer to
undertake the job Mr. Bartlett
assamged W send bis soo, Mr. James
Bartlett, to Orillls. Hen M gave the
seder for two trap to Church pros..
cad is a west's time had them ready
W take bask with kiss.
Mr. Bartlett Mels on.Adest the
traps will work well, and that be will
sow bsable to meet tbe deesad for
live.masala. About$30 is We price
paid for • pair of beaver.
Not only are there requests tor
beaver. but recently Coe order caste
for mink, bear. deer, Mk. moose and
several other fur -bearing animals.
Game on the rmerve is increasing,
cad quit. planedut. pern cubit l
beaver, which have been diapered of,
dead or alive. in large numbers every
Nomeseekers' Excursions M Western
The (*rend Trunk Railway System
will issue round trip tickets from
stations in Canada to point. in Mani-
toba.Saskatchewan' and Alberta each
Zlsssday. March 4th to October :Nth in -
ides at low rate& Tickets are good
fhridaty days. 'through oosches and
Paeans s.us*at sleeping cars will
heft Tlarumto lLOO p. m on above
dates, renahg through t4 Winnipeg,
dm Cad age and St. Paul, without
abnye. Tourist cars will be equipped
with bedding and porter in charge.
Berate sea be secured in these ears at
'O• charge. The route via
blong* 1. an attractive Coe. as many
large Stun and towns are ,passed en
mete, whish breaks the m000tcny of
the journey. Tb. Grand Trunk Pacific
Railway is the 'hornet and gwickeet
route between Winnipeg t!•skatoon-
Edeseoto•. with smooth radhed,
eieetr eaighted sleeping ear, through
the newest, most picturesque, lied
most rapidly deodopog section of
Wager% Moeda. Through tickets
said alma reservations made by all
Gram& Task scents. Costs no more
them other roots. Trains now in
Winnipeg to Regina York -
test •od Cascara, Seek-, Mao to Com-
mie, Mirror and Edson, Alta Time
!abler, lead pamphlet. and other
=tre literature relative to the
runk Red way may be obtained
os apptiestioo to Grand Trost agents
or write C. R. Hornts}t. district
fips�noggeerr amen. Toronto, Ont. P. F.
Lawatiecs t Sore, townenger
sad ticket agents, Oodericb Phone je
Are Australians Superior to Cana-
dian ?
It is continually evident that the
Australian ides of Imperial defence
runs oo lines parallel W thorn pursued
by Sir Wilfrid L wrier. The Austral-
ians are determined that their own
waters shall be protected and have
the idea that other portions of the
Empire ebonld follow their examinee,
as provided in the agreement of 1909.
Speaking at the Royal Colonial insti-
tute at London on March lltb, fair
George Reid. Australian High Coerce
mieekmer, expressed the .piston that
the limn was not far Anton when
Oessda wreak' have to esdemeke the
deigned et the North Pale& cad
IWO Atleatie, while Mew 1iralaod
end A.etsdia gusspspd11d the southern
fhsiig, then Woks ihighead toe to
m.11emta41 s m. the North Is. and
guard her trade routes. He demises*
that the Austt.ho policy of ba lag
owe envy epm.4Ydr in eon'
with W Wirth Admiralty tenet
eventually he followed by all self-gov-
That Is the poiicy of the Lanai
pasty aromas. As sono as they re-
name w poor tint i. the edf-reeped-
*0i pM.y 9e he parsed by phi• self •
�,... sing Dsm1aion. But se long as
ba.atln mnnsnk11 ender the retrogres-
sive Wile ed tY 41010610aetw Tory-N.-
068011M._,_!slater soothing eon be
looked tee batt • poesy et geito.mad avid Ordalabsed to
sed s Nil gnu tr ozes asco-
t 9s M im 14t
ulsils.na the
shipsIiea, 1ay-
mtMa s iodd denied the
et kir naval sir-
erwhim k to W pay for.
MNd-•'I wasn't aware that you
haw lir. Jaw. Where dM Too
sot atm T Eat. -“Ohs. 1 fall Is
IAA him www shaft r
sskm $ big there acs."
-meow Valulls tin other day. r.w
dee mer i .k as
�g�.h 1y new Yho�m
g hoot to slot
•mitrigew lams k used M'
The E rumple ef Australia
'h•tee ` New Zea THE YES, FIRST
lead therm bels Mss of late years a
very usi /a s' ttrp••.tt .f the swtiwt of say.Rothe et nada sy Mr.
Bryce, one of �pnest her od.olsdad, -
de �whq�bsss ' b'6aises mem el else
met s I. his Olotiocties ars Jesus' Re-
" u°--°aw..itt,' 1pron4 sd Al Others.
tole obi/tt to peed.+ p e dict • at
Iatiile fitters sweets teat pw to fn�b . 1
Na sae lam ammo Mi . Bryce 01 eat Pester Russell Sheers Scripturally the
bsinas lrmPaeWist. Ra ie • Beulah DTP ac. Between Awakening the
.set teitbe41t fist Intense limiting Deed and /tas4rrect the eataoaalbm doss provost. many gag- MS
Miaow from ever being anything Several Were Awakened Blore
more Ulan engUsbesaa. And Mr. Jesus, Rut Ne Was the First Rowe -
Dryer says that there Use bees • - ratted -TM Chinch's Resurrection.
pliable growth of Is�sei•p
tem d h.sNoll• of lata Frees. fret it
is jmet daring this period -the bat ter,
ears -that Asteria has, bees build-
ing up an Met/alias deetY`iiuw ex-
iraordtno. y ! Rave sot our parties
loyalists been telling us that a Cana-
dian navy was a separatist movement
with • reiteration and expenditure of
ink that is to some sublime sad to
others Adieu/oust And now we aro
told by Mr. Bryce that along with •
navy of their own, and side by side
with it, the Australian people have de-
veloped • growing spirit of Imperial
unity. Thu should rad forever from
the wbole future of the navy dispute
Ube inieni anon a Craw nude that
St. Louis Mo.,
March 93.-Pa•tor
Recess spots twine
heal to -day. We
report his address
on the Resurrec-
tion from the text,
He should be the
Ant that should
rise from t h e
dead." (Acts s
Wier startling
clearness t h e
veaker pointed oat
that Jesus' resin -
tame who favor t e idea of a Caw ' reetion was the
spy first, as the text Sedated. He
tions• are seeking the nal Lido led his hearers back to Eden. and let
tion of thea Empire Th. �hfy deice them hear the Divine v for sic
that will break up the British Empire penalty
is friction between its parts It .s a --'Dying, thou shalt die." He ehow-
question open to sincere cad dignifi. d ea that this dying promos operated in
discussion of a very high order, wbicb Adam for nine hundred thirty year*
of the two policies is least likely to before its action was complete.
engender causes of Munro.' depute or Adam's children, humanity, never
territorial jealousies in the future. had Adam's original perfection; for
This pronoungement of Mr. Bry-e. they were fallen at the time of -birth.
gives • welcome relief to what pea On this subject both Old and Mtw
been the nastiest side of 1 he discus- Testaments Wee -
e on so far, the insinuation constantly Mart the Pastor showed that the
hinted at or implied that the support, iGeeak word aaastasis, translated re -
ere of the Canedito navy policy are 1 a.aaetion, means a raising up again
disloyal. We have surely had enough --ilia word again implying • former
in the put of this infamous /hadard. That standard is the image
n ow being basely renewed, of tagging ani likeness of God. which none of
opponents as traitors. He Is the Adam's children have fully possessed,
traitor who besmirches his country. because ,,tie lost it
Let neither side to the debate ever for- "got Passible to M Heiden."
get that Australia bas built an Ana- St. Peter declares that it was not
tralian na , and that in building it
Ile for death to hold Jesus.
(Acts 2i6.) He was perfect. It was
the Father's will that Jesus should
demosatrafe His obedienoe even unto
death. Hence it was not poseib!e for
Jesus to remain ander the power of
death, and God rained Him on the
third day.
Jesus was perfect on the spirit
plane, before He exchanged the spirit
nature for the human. to become
man's Redeemer. He never forfeited
His right to life. He merely laid it
down in proof of His loyalty, to the
Father's will. Hence Hiss resurrection
meant His resuscitation in perfection.
But it was not God's will that He
should return to perfection of human
nature; for He had used that nature
or the purpose intended. He was
'raised from the power of death to,
the very highest plane of spirit be-
ittg naely, the Divine nature.
ThemPastor asked hhiis� audience to
Contrast Jesus' regurg on with the
awakening of Jairue' daughter; the
widow of Nain's son; Unarm. the
brother of Mary and Martha; or any
Cf lbs a Ings recorded in the.
Ohl T These were nothing
seam than awakenings from the
sleep of deats, They were not, there -
Jere. meerrectiona.
The insurrection of cry of these
sleeping ones would have meant
mach snore than was accomplished is
than. It would have meant their
reekeedion to the full image and
likeness of God, lost ie Eden. As
it was, the awakening ones merely
had the advantage of a few more
years in the present life, and then
fell asleep again, to await the glor-
ious rising to the foil perfection tram
which the race fen.
The First (Chief) Resurrection.
The Pastor made it clear that Ithe
Church of Cheat ootooste of the truly
ooneecrated in all deametnaticoa and
some outside of denominational
fences, which are barriers not author-
ized by Scriptures. He quotes Phil-
mpi•na 3:10 and other Scriptures
hick show that the True Church are
to have • share with Jesus in His
esunection. The inherited blemishes
a these are covered through the
merit of Jesus, justifying them. This
sstiAcaiion permits their being ac-
cepted of God as EY children.
The Pastor seamed to give the
thought that in the Divine Purpose
foreordained number d the Chinch
class must suffer with Christ before
e Millennium begin• Thein suffer-
ings are not vicarious. as were
esus', nor necessary for the redemp-
ion of the world, as were our Lord's..
The sufferings are eeeep.ry to prove
their loyalty to God, sod to demon -
trays their worthiness d joint -heir-
ship with Jests. The Church's suf-
kering is their dying to earthly cow
ditimes and ambitions, as did J4.4111.
His faithful followers will experiamoe
similarly glorious resurrection to
higher nature -the Divine. 8m
Jesus' words in Revelation 96 Al
Easter and the Passover.
Pastor Russell says that the word
Easter occurs only once ie our Vele
• on Bible, and is • mistranslation
should be rendered Par=over. Saw
was • heathen festival honodsg
goddess d 8prlag. The name was
aasferxd to the Peasover celebration
the early Church, in boor of our
Ltiatt s 9ewrreetion.
�r the wird orlgir, slP, meant,
teseds now as a synonym iter the
ta�e41s res.rreetkn of the yenta's
frost death. sad fro= Manna
no9999 to gi ry. bnsm and tmssla15
tp-d a revise stets. The rams►
ties at Jesus is Uta guarantee 9se Ste
nam/Msiba et "the Chaim whist lig
His Ilk* It Nae anatres ns of the
wrid'g eaareeceion - that an apper-
ttt.sp fir everlasting life will be Ov
= 0 al skied iw�i Wasiak%
sbe has built ups sentiment of imper.
ial unity.
Free Drainage A offered by
A riadmral Staff. °
Which i. Lb- wettest month of the
year in Onrtario? Probably nioe people
out of every ten would name Appal in
answer to this question, whits as • mat-
ter of fact it is the driest muot.b in the
whole twelve, according to Prof.
W. Ii. Day, of the Ontario Agricul-
tural College, Guelph. Taking all the
stations in Ontario where records of
the rain acid snow have been kept he
ends the average precipitation for the
various months during the past ten f
years to be as follows : January 223
lochs. of rain and melted snow to-
gr.th.�r, February 2 40 inches, March
2.2, April 2.14. May 2 81, June 3.2,
July 3.10 August 2.52. September 2 81.
October 2.54, November 243 and
December 2.fi3 Meter. making a total
o verawe precipitation for the ten years
of 31.87 inches. April, it will be noted,
bee the least preripitatioo of all.
-From theme figures." Prot. Day
remarks, "one re gives another sur
prise -to learn that July is really tM
wettest month, so far as actual amount
of precipitation is concerned. W by
does the driest month seem the wettest
and the wettest seem the driest ?
During the winter the snow ac -umu-
letee and when it melte in late March
or early April it forms several inches
of water which saturates the soil and
drain. away very slowly. Besides, in
the spring there is enol weather usually
coupled with considerable cloudiness
and gentle rains. so tbat eveporauoo '
is leegely prevented, and bene the
soil aid roads remain wet ; in summer
the showers are heavy, but being few
sod tar between, end u a rule with
Cine sky and bot westber intervening,
evaporation is mueb greater they even
the Wavy rainfall, so that the soil and
roads become drier and drier,
"rhe year 1912 will go down in
memory as an exceedingly wet one, , w
yet as a matter of feet 1901 was wetter.
so tar as actual rainfall is ooneerned. R
And 1909 had within an inch as much
rein u 1918. Bot the precipitation of
1912 was not well distributed. Febru-
cry and March were considerably be-
low the normal. May bad nearly
twice as much as usual. June and
July were both much below the
average, while Angust and September a
were unusually wet. But worse than th
the raiofeli was the almost eontinuoue
eloodiuem, which retarded evictors- J
tine and thu.pr-vented the soil. roads, t
sod grain from 'drying out rapidly
between rains even in the summer-
Rrtr.. rhea, f.cton combined to make
the soil wetter during 1912 than it bee s
bees 1s many yeerv,
"Never perMps has the value of
tborstmb underdreinege been more
emphmg'n11y is..•s treted than dun
lag the oat year. hosed that was $
tMmweabir dIsdrwined were Splendid a
steps. dsspla the excessive 'retools.
wWe thn41nnds of afros 01 usdratned
had meed not even be seeded ; and
male that was seeded sod dM produce
a pa dsI ..vp was se wet that the grain
avail sot be harvested. The effect of It
t blsls,son,"says Prof. Day, •'ie r eifeeted ter
in greater interest and activity than the
lanai in matters relating to tile h.
drainage. We ere bolding over a of
larger .umber of applies* ions for
drakes/pi surveys than we bare for
some years pest sad freeb applications
w wee ing th
in rapidly, so that e
de41ima�meunpsige !animism misto be un-
swellyThe Must et Marks. of
which PAL Day bas doom native f
tole dratmese ass vsye for tarsen os
e ppMm11Rh.. ilia ably whey to the
femme big the sssessary teavePMmg
apesses sa.ffteMri wet the=
Thaw advallyaa
n ewer& survey an e on the same ens
wrM. nam e".'srb,
o, A. C.. Omagh, llelr rwivilis •Picea•
tilos forms.
Mr. £Itsan-"l sepOsas you think
etas s emu ewer L.M.vs hes was T
Nis Eldider-"Ole. we I
weed& ImpeiYlea
e /sthe aromas'
to gut a web W he AYs'6 dsaslve
flaw He Maps.
Ingiidtivs Straager-What the
do ler a living in stab •• dead
m 1bni
ON Salt -Me' I'm • fLterso.
lag(nties Stranger -A
Why wen ell sods* de you de wino
yam >;abe • vacatieshe ndsm PUS*
Reprsesattuu, prices •
Export cattle $4 66 to $$. Tf
do. balk 600 6.71
Butcher cattle. chgce 6. 6.64
do. medium 5.71 6 .1i
do mons 6.00
Butcher ease, choice4.76
do medium 4.26
Cutters s . 81
Canners 2.75
Butcher balls 5.00
do. medium . 1 4. i0
Bologna bulls 3.26
Feeding etchers 6.26
Stockers, choice 6.36
do medium 4.75
do. Iugh t 3.76
Milkers. choice, each. SO. 11
do. medium 40.00
Springers. choice 60.00
do. medium 26.00
Sheep, light ewes 6.64
do. beery ewes 4.10
Bucks and culla `3.00
Good iambs 9.00
Medium lambs' 8.50
do. culls 4.06
Hep, 1 o b 9.16
do. fed and, watered9.5e
do. weighed off can9.76
Glees 4.25 9.60
6. se
4 . ei
5 0^
5 e
Toronto Grain Prices.
Quotations at the Board of Trade
yesterday were u follows:
Ontario Wheat -New, No. 1, winter
wheat, white. red or mixed, 114c to 9ie,
Manitoba Wheat -New, No. '1 Nor,
*Mc: No. 2 Nix , 93%e: No. 1 Nor,
90%c; feed wheat, 66c to 64c.
Canadian Western Oats -New No. 2,
41c; No. 3. 38tec. on track, lake pores.
Ontario Oats -New. 32c to 34c. out-
side, 37c to 37 1-2c, Toronto.
Corn -Kiln dried -No. 2 yellow
6 c; No. 3 yellow. 60tic; new, No. 3
yellow ,prompt shipment,, 57c, all
rail. track Toronto.
Rolled Oats -Per . bas of 90 lbs.,
;222 1-2; per bbl., 94 70, wholesale,
Windsor to Montreal.
Peas -No. 2. ;1.05 to ;1.10. car lou,
Buckwheat -No. 2, -52 to Sac, out-
Rye -No. 2, 62c to 61c. outside.
Barley -No. 2 barley, 63c; No. 3
extra. 60c; No. 3, 46c; feed barley.
46c, lake ports.
Millfeed-Manitoba bran. ;20 to
;20.60; shorts, ;19.00, at shipping
points; Ontario bran, 420 to ;20.60.
In bags: shorts. $22, track, Toronto.
Farmers' Market.
Following are the latest quotations
for farm produce at 8t. Lawrence
Market, Toronto: -
Fall khat, bushel $ 92 to 8 95
Bata .39 .00
Goose wheat .......... . RR .90
Barley 5S -40
Buckwheat .51 .05
Rye • .65 -00
Peas 1.00 1.10
New hay 14.00 16.40
do. No. 2 12.00 14.05
Cattle hay 7.00 9.05
Rye straw 16.00 11.00
Strew, bundled 14.00 16.00
Straw, loose 6.00 9.00
Eggs, new laid, dozen.27 .30
Butter,dairy .28 .I3
do. creamery .30 .33
Fowl, dressed Ib. 16 .17
Chickens .18 .13
Ducks .20 .22
Turkeys .26 .26
Geese .16 .16
Live fowl, lb. . .16 .16
" Chlekens .15 .16
" Ducklings .16 .16
, " Turkeys . .20 .22
" Hens .12 .13
Potatoes, bags . fi5 1.1a
Apples, barrel 2.00 3.00
Dressed hogs 12.75 13.25
'East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Receipts, 2.000; fairly ac-
stive and steady to easy; prime Steen.
48.75 to 89.00; shipping, ;8.00 to 43.50;
butchers, 94.00 to ;8.40; belfers, ;6.00
to 48.00; rows, ;2.7s to ;7.35; bells,
$5.00 to ;7.25; Mockery cad feeders,
86.60 to ;7.50; stock lettere. 41.00 to
$6.00; fresh cows and springers,
steady. 835.00 to 00.00
Wal. -Receipts, 860; active. 25c
lower, ;5.00 to ;11.60.
Hogs-Reoelpts, 10,000. active, 10
to 16c higher: heavy, 89.66 to ;9.70;
mixed. Yorkers and pigs. 0.70 to 49.76;
roughs, 88.60 to 41.75; stags, 47.00 to
48.00: dairies, 89.60 to 0.78.
Sheep and lambs-Recelpta, 1.000;
sheep, active. 16 to 260 higher; lambs,
84.341 to 0.25; yearlings, 45.50 to
46.25: wetbers, 86.50 to ;7.00; ewes,
83.10 to 84.60; sheep. rotted, 16.90 to
Chicago Live Stock
Cattle -Receipts, 23.000: market.
steady; beeves. 87.90 to ;9.16; Texas
stews. 86.60 to 47 60; western steers,
86.60 to ;8.10; stockers and feeders,
88.00 to 0.20: eews and betters, 43.46
to 88.00; (hires, 87.110 to 41121.
Hogs-Rereipta, 42,011; market.
steady : tight, 46.65 to 20: mfxwd,
86.76 to 49.15: Newry, 48.66 to 0.10;
rough. ;8.56 to 0.70; pip. ;6.90 to
0.80; balk of sales. 89.00 to 48.10.
Sheep -1 seelpts. 23.000; Ssarket,
steady. native, 96.00 to 17.00; wes-
eetern. felt to 47.00; yearling, 117.20
to 6826: lambs. native, *7.00 to 48.81;
western, 47.21 to 86.81.
Sated Nay and Stew.
New hay. No. 1 *12.11 to ; .00
de. No. 2 1.641 10.00
do. No. 2 1.11 9.00
Clover. mixed. 1st
quality 16.11 11.00
M. >N unci ty8.50 .00
Rated straw 5. N 9 .
!Narrhasts are bing s4 estesfir7
poiwts es the bushel her. as hallow:
Urate. No. 1 111.84 le 1112.11)
ds. No. 2 ti N 11.11
d.. Plc, 2 1 . N 10.11
!achy. Ne. 1 1.46 2.0e
lie MN. !. .. , 1.25 1 11
ilei 4ieear. Pia a7 es s Or
Trainman wW be os» of Use
centres of tie West The Ad raTrs.k llssiis
Railway�M. sst+di hod issionsa freight, yards, aid
it bar bsw pesistestly rumored that the (]seaside
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