HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-27, Page 5"b9
* In
with -
ssnteed to
alists. I r:-
se with
t Fur.
High -
gift. or
e have
Ins eon
T. Meatel El. MI6
„ of f eewees h,
IV yam �..ith
yr M, rllraaes ere ie • 'lam so.Ut& s 6°°1111.
oot pho..s
Lai .lotto Pnsbyte i•a ••••"eimmitm. «
104107_ `w` M at heals es estwsi7 d gra (IaMharia.
woe fesTead. �t esai-r d Louise ami daughter of Mr. sad
•� , 1t. ene swy�ime yogic firs. Colin to Tare Wyatt,
weal. os ■a. arthro .sed d Londna, formerly of Ood.rick.PmsTh.
+� Want. brutes titer- Mel besideltliemony �at 8 o'clock. ormed by Rev.
resses•t+fI he eras tiaee with oo, fatal were unattended. ties. Mr. Melatosb
smRi later presided at a wedding supper at
es. the home of the bride. 9553 York ruese
hove a number d relau res and !Meads
.1.- deo its Sal tis
wd .s Monday toadesedwett* Donahleen. widow ea abte�evaulations and spent
Ye► a J D.Pslimele Her Invited ter the Fourth Year.
• Ars lair - of �dd Prv-
Ira, the result The fallowing from a Chadian
Tr m bar booms • paper refers to • well-known ft neer
she was is her sstvest7- Goderich boy, who.. friend, are glad
ltf your, s.3bs "7 www to notice this mark of &pprecIiIuoo of
two daeghters. T s funeral hie work
▪ , ferias bar WO 'video°.
aes Pnewt°Tof Vic-
Y,e•on to Uolboens osmstarY. feria •iepur My art.Dodiat church
r jean Morrielen On "That Boy." last evening and invited the pastor,
John :yed Aleiestoa, Rev. E. F• Armstrong, back for •
Umt is u' Rive bis 'wawa. '-haat fourth year at an increase of *31) a
Victoria Meet Methodist enttelary• The board also advanced
lo ilb, Wm salary for the prevent peer $100.
e wm b Th. groerusity thio, manifested by the
A treat is in More for all quanaxly board strongly attests the
pd, as Lb. lectssmr is knows beeppy relations between pastor and
t Western Osamuo•e a mea and also shows that the
!Trim. hue. and ere eataeemety %i avenue church
t people are
rMtaiorng talkea Thos whs have bigidy pleased with his ministry
m,.sa" neard bis will be olid to bell among these. Mr. Arvnstroug tbaak-
anvt,rtitsft7, est flee. who to'1 accepted the invitation and will
seensot should teak. a eine d the
sow spend another year in Chatham."
be Agesad br sur. to "ewe ems en 7 Champion' Road Machines.
eoaaing of minim t arms Rene Talbot, of the city of elotbec,
auearioe. The adsimios hs was • visitor at the flake of the Amer-
vnerb dy liar. The church tthodd b. itan Road Machine Co. this week. Mr.
Talbot is the representative of the
Company in tb. Provioce of Quebec
20 Presented. of and . tali ni a good number of Cham-
p. gooday ionise
esteem �Mfila PLIFIre pion ingcoed-arAMplants. T b e
jt. at Quebec Government is encouraging
'tg. T. N. l . A. seems es anti S
the work d r
road improvement by fu
w viers the psewaa.fiem "tithing municipalities with Ills money
aerie one . 0. 1. 7_,..."'""
aitax the porrbaes of road -building out -
pines cettt►e A, so that prospects are good for the
jlwo to an oyster sptser. L ode of a large number of Champion
Diem Presented the eUP to Asa cleats, which are recognies4 as the
o•nmgee of Um U. L teas. hest to be had. It is Interesting to
4sdes followed by 4. M. Robert. knew that the National Beweasids
Fad ____..R°4411":114__. Ernet recently
let• ee from
Mcotbws' b rummer ainsatiatetiate
Melia to Fred Robertson. who is
d wishes of e. Wallet"wee° to be used at the Quebec Battler
HPark. one of the most noted
bell{ for Ottawa. andfwho, 1•klhie ie 'pots
in C'an•da. Another
My, tbsetQbb
ed the !toys at thole ing plantof Goderich make is is
viis. atter wbieb the tato'""[ as at the national park at Beall. B.C.
hate ap with the si ging d Lbs Road-buildieg outfits made in this
liot.•sl .Anthem. tows will soon be in use all over the
U Sort a Can Fecasry. Dominion.
ne Signal bee frequently advocated Fridays Big Storm.
tteertsiisbing d & emamt.g beater This section of country was swept
i 6aderieh and is plemesd to learn on Fridaylast with a violent wind,
hots Preeot to this sed is Hoar tae- which blew nearly an day long, at
/rely es tont- D. F. H•mMnk it ab, Best from the south and lose'veering
rimenever end the intendoe is to &roiled to the "rem„ Reports indicate
signs a comparee and get tam Ian- that the stores was severe all over
err is running order during the OuWio sed did a great deal of dam -
won summer. For the first year age oosteehe escaped very ligbey.
ming but tomatoes will be handled. Hesse fences were blown down and a
sed say prison who wishes to grow few trees were broken. sod the tele-
eleates fol the eospany is requested graph service was interrupted by some
tool) m Mr. Hamlink or Mr. O. F. dieloeotioo of the wires ; bet there was
Shay. L K. Showell, sad SamL no serious damage.
Sam of Wellington, were in town At Geo. I3,.set's farm on the Huron
vekm exonne'ction with lbs pro' road. Goderich town ship, the hie hay
jsct admet a number of farmer" to !tarn, 119 hy 3) fee. was blown down.
ioteeea thin in the growing of toms- A man who was up in the top story et
ten for on ing. the time came down witb it, but was
The Dime Farm Sae not injured, The implements stored
ike Seem:b Expositor notes that in she bare were badly damaged.
his T. Dotson. formerly of Gode- Reptrrts from our ooevamposdsuats
theme:tom the district indicate that a
large number of barns were unroofed
windmills wrecked and other damage
sill Mss old his farm on Ilse Zed
ems of of Tuc'tersmith--the all Dick -
e a bomestrad-to W. L Fewest, at
phot of Godericl. The form coo-
nirn d gee aaxee, being the home-
stead lot and the let i• tbm rear. Mr.
Fuss has se -used one of the most
bends! farm he.eda.es in the
minty and at • reaennable prise. Mr.
Rims still has the 100 aeries aerie
road on the 3rd concision. wbieb
le :keds offering for male by section
• tke 31st of March. wbes his fare
dick and other effects will be dis-
of. We understand, wy..The
heitor. that Mr. .ad Mrs Pick.on
Med ask in their lone In Toronto.
ilR. NRWroll, DIE FFTI r�r. or
lie we be /sueevery lar. Al mads wee
.pat lem tae
lio b•
. Mar. Mb -
Warmer 'Sproul arrived last night
from the West on • visit to his father.
David Sproul ''Suture
Mee John White and Mrs. Elmore
White, of Aylmer, were visit4og their
rioter. Mre. Henry Joie. this week.
tilt W04/1.0 Rar/ND
That 1La ermine of Ilse season is elms, sod if any wort of applies
are required they should be mired at once.
We lave a da.dypair of Search Lights .sitabd. fur • boat. oumleirie
web goo goner&tor, for sale at 1111111.00. This outfit is a snap awl
weU soul buying.
A little sen arrived on Saturday at
the boons of Mr. and Mrs. David U.
Henderson. Co' atulation& !
Deere or Mae. Datum- -Mrs. Tboa.
Dither. an old and bighlyreepectsd re-
alest of Dunne son. pissed away on
h ooday at the age of seven t y-tbree
year. The funeral took place yester-
day. A further reference will be made
next week.
Tag Stowe -like other places in
Western Ontario. this locality war
visited by a severe windstorm bn Fri-
day last. and consider&ble damage was
done in the unreeling of barna. level-
ling of fences, windmill, ata How-
ever, when we read of the bappeainp
on lbs other side of the line, we nes
thankful that we live i! Dnogansion
and not u Omaha or Dayton.
Tastsevse--Wtu.tse. -Te horse
of Mr. sed MrsThee. E. Weller, 212 t
Gladatooe av,nsa, Tomato, was the
sone of a ♦cry pv y wedding ore
W ed.eday. Maeeb 5th, when their
eldest daughter, Hattie Estella, was
serried to Wilfred Warner Treleaven.
Toronto. son of Mr. and Mr. Robert
Treleaven. Dumgaonoo. The owe-
mooy was conductei by Rev. R. J.
Treleaven, of Carlton street Methodist
church. Toronto, unele of the groom.
in the drawing -room. which was de.
coedited with banks of palms and spring
Bowers. The bride entered the draw-
ing -room with bar father, the Loben-
grin wedding marth being relayed by
Miss, Bertha Treleaven. The bride
wore • gown at white duubese satin,
with overdress of Lee and pearls. her
veil being arranged in cap effect ea.glit
with a wreath of orange benenelles
sad carried & show.' d white roses
and lily of ahs valley and wore .p
esee.ld and pearl pendant. the gift
of the groom. Site was attended by
bee sister, Mise Evelyn Weller in pale
pink satin. with shadow Los and pink
erre. The groom was attended by
Conrad Schmidt The bride's another
received the guests in • gown of Alice
blew silk. with gold clock, and can led
violets. During the signing of the
neuter Miss Laura °lark sang "Be-
Bo -ease." After dejeuner Mr. and MIs.
Treleaven !eft for Buffalo and Roches-
Gasoline Engine and Machinery Col'
OODSRIt N UNT. Pitons 243
w eek visiting L Lidos. Mr. sed
Mia Revell. d Waterville, visited at
their son's, H. It. Revell'.
Miss Margaret Bos and Blanche
Elliott. of $trattoed Banners College,
sod Miss Mashie Salkeld. of Climes
visited at their respective
bosses be re Kiss- 121a Naegeli.
of Toronto, is .pssdisg the holiden ea
hon. Miss M. Ree an is wosiist
Mends few days visiting ssds at tL,00sM+st►►
Dateline DTHISTOSM---Tire dere
of last Friday. though sot so vilest
as in sosre plies.wee 7i1 bad ugh
to do oonaderaale damage. Several
barna were partly ue,eetd and sev-
ere! silos were Mown Alma. Aroeg
them who metMed is the latter way
were Moa .1. T. aaieid. Geo. An-
drews sod T. 0wsdr7. Gro. Burnet,
a ►sage abed
Tse rammo m' OrJtri.-Ao interest.
tag mestisg et the Tamers' Cl.b was
held ou Thursday eeeing last at the
Orange Halt In the armee of Jams
Bell, who nut to be the chairman of
the evening, H. E. Revell was voted
to the chair. H. Montgomery gave a
paper On corn -growing and the vanous
w ays of feeding cora. las. McMillan
gave a talk on potatoes and bow to
grow them. Councillor Liodsay also
favored the meeting with an address.
It has been ins Ibis for the secre-
tary to de jasmine in these report. to
the anod ttpoehas Riven at the various
mamissw or Itis Club : to appreciate
them rightly it was necessary to hear
Hams. It was decided atter some din-
utas to bare a tiab picnic early in
Jam It ms dstYad also to enter the
add eneepelltIon In connertios
with the Wait Hares Agricultural
It is booed that some of the
Cabmen township farmers will join
in to belp make the evert a mime.
The nett eneetlpg of the Club, to be
held Wedcesda7, April tad, at the
same piece is to be the last of the
season. The roll will M called, and
a full attendance is requested.
DUNLOP. THE TALE ov Weacz.-The word
TCSADAY, :lar. 25. wind storm in the histofy of this die-
t:Pere t THE ROAD. -John Ryan. trice occurred on Hood FFriday and did
of Satz ford, and family when return• I a greet deal of da u to building' atsd
ing from a visit to his sister. Yrs. fences. Samuel Doer's earn was
Ward, who lives et Dungannon. had
quite a spill on Sunday night The
night was very dark and the horse in
Dome way got off the road and upset
the buggyload o[ bumao frel'bbt into
the creek. Two good Samaritans
were .000 on the scene and belped to
put things to rights and started them
oo tbeir way again with only a broken
Mate and some wet feet as a result
of the breakdown. which might bare
bad a mach more serious ending.
Seim Net/:Ire-Georgy 4I* Cleittere.
who is attending the Gtaelph
is spending his Easter bolidays at t
home of his mach, Couocrllor Glutton.
Oo Tuesday night the yang
Tbs pestiela.s at twaawa sr* at u epi.:' peerple bead a sneial in I.eebnro ludas
►ret Yet M k bother sew --fee err ml I est tr hie evening was spent. and
n NWt ��aaeesmwe.uu -r as at PrilOam s twee- An en joys g
lag north sae $m a Nwir L at a Lu hoar good-bye was said to
las tlws ts mare 1wr ander far "It nriag the outgoing teachers and others who
overseas x wpm.
lea% telt tlkwwa wiasauee aria.lnd inetve
=lade est at Idose le m. er einem
tieee� tm1s
w ast. Clea mew She a bsssA� testantly
snlsatl Omsk.
R S Se
a ises et ti esmssmitbais se
vise several of their ehildr ea cow =it Mee rill Ile 414111 Si lits SOMME.ere WOW op are seas else stgtmn.'easai alis et ys 1a lrii
Accidents Uwir sine- tatty- Om +here vrM be whew
Manb•t. S ole, at the teesdesk
(� J. Ii Edward has disp•oa•d of his ing state orf the roads.
will be taking their departure Lille
week and nest . Miss Stella Mei-ride
um t
our ool teatime is spending her
holidays at bar home in Goderich
David Corbett and Harry T. Williams
are gone to CieveLod, Ohio. to join
the worming foree oo the steamer
Saturn The Women's Auxiliary th
set at e bone of the preiideret, a
Shaw. laweek. The meeting was
well attended considering the shock -
Door Marine En
gr'ne sand 'ler Co.'s trotting borne to J. L. W rte. r . s burse
Tim Bre wort.—rhe teriffie gals
wbieb swept the country on Friday
last did eooeitlerabie damage here,
though not so moth as in some other
porta The root of „John Ferrish's
baro was partly toxo off. sod W.
Bogie. of s3beppardton, oleo bad his
barn unroofed. Will Stirling's bars
would also likely have suffered serious
damage if be. with some of bis neigb-
bora, had not held it doth with ropes.
The ventilators were blown off the
barn of S V. Lawson and M. J.
Tobin's silo was hiowo over. Several
wiodmillswere pard upset and. last
but not Im.mt, the W[ laird d Leebors
was blown &bout and buffeted so badly
as to keepp his in the house for some
days. W e are glad to be able to state
that be is sot seriously burt. though
he did not stake his appearance in
clench on Sunday last, afact emark-
able in itself. Yes we think the
storm of Good Friday,+ March :tuts.
1913, will be long remembered by a
good many of the residents of Dunlop
and Leeburn.
met with an aotHest last Mon. femme, of Columbus, Obi... It is a
thy 'Mich will lay him tip for some beautiful "untie
Ilse. While lift lug a heavy piece M Remember the blah les to be giVeO
pipe with a reuse the toed because too in the Oddfellowi Hall by the
hart and the not sway from Woman's Guil.i of St George's ebereh
is and .truck
him him. His nose wad 00 Thard&7. April 3t•d.
ia•ioold•r were broken and he was
bony shaken up. B. C. Mannings bas ocotrscted with
.dein Yob nghlut, a young man em- the Dominion Goverment to erect •
visyilt at the B.ecbler sawmill. 'set new signal mot at abs Godericb ligbt-
vii a rather seriousaeeideeti on Toes. booms. It is to be forty feet in height.
hy. He was loading lumber on a fiat "Referee Belcher. of tiodericb,
tar vbrn the car sheebd surd be was headled the game in an eMeiest msan-
en fbt hrtw.en the est and a wagr'n. Derr/wort:
sears The Woingbam Tires is itt
b.wal fila were beaks and be was report o[ • recent. hockeeyy mat.eh be -
Makes en telly. Isere tiriregham nd Lucknow in the
No. William Young. Peck .fisc. Lakeside Le*Kue•a
%lleattempting to tastes the mors Harry \vawbington. lod
• ferich boy.
her at her Meet ha ai the step and y employed at Dayton. Ohio. ..d
hats bre Arm at fee wrist naturally some anxiety u felt tegrd
leg him on aeoount of the great die. -
sr that bas het•llero the eity. No
word Me been received from him.
The members of the Goderich branch
of the women's institute will meet
at the home of Mrs. Jas. McPhee on
Thied.y, April 3rd, at 3 o'clock.
Ilsbjeet.. : Spring Sewing. demoo-
stetated by lir°. Swanson ; eme-
tic Devices, by Miss Porter.
H. W. Knight, of Toronto, was in
town on Mossay sed led a
Leen Death of Mrs. Parson.
The community was shocked to hear
II the irides and ase=,sled death of
1 & James Parsons, width oselnre'ed
et lee home. West street me leas-
h*even oR of lad weak. Just after
leleiblog tea, ere she was eeevlsi•g
teiy a t, si tor, the eeseenisd of a
emtba--s cousin over bor. sad in •
rest. The cease et wasasa�opau
sly an attack d (mart failure. lin.
moved on its foundation and part of
the siding blown off, leaving it to a
wrecked condition. John Waidoe's
driving shed was wrecked and part a carried rried away. Wm. J. Dobie's
stable was unroofed. Robert Jobe -
mon had part of his barn 'unroofed.
Jos. Johnston's driving shed s
blown down. The barns of Jest
Raithby, Mra."Wm. Symington, Jar.
Howatt and Jae Hickingbottom were
partly unroofed. Andrew Sbepperd's
Or was a d ile terme if tits
trial Oi t � eWhe s e
U. Craig, wb wms own d the 1 in
Iv of the tows. She wee the hist + slab the 1Lle.'=.1Rte In -
arriving member of the family. Rh. I pmtop. o� As • .0011 the
married be • too to Coot. lams misslty s+hieh W presented itself
eispa one d the eerliest a.vigmton is .__sties with Obi r ° ' •7
v0mt t`pper Lake. She Was • fee- ee esswmesl ss thea �n 17faw t+s7 be
ionise of I, Grog'*•. ssh�tted Man ye* die.
�mte and wait a woman .tt- BOM,
lnnsi betimes who had lbs MRs' LOTTi �. tl.lwI w..W three
s lee •c9wht mea. The err viv ng .sal. asst. r ttr..J1-s. Ml.si La's a
samb"v, u iSaat7. ... ,t �s
't°(>��'itr.;r linea esee.e�*.re�
▪ and tier r a of s clews. 1P All1. 1 a�.'�'.e.es?▪ i, Immeral teat =ram the IMO I es. ihows' •
tlmiBlatoodges Aiwa end Moss M Ma. m�essede.1..t.
eboo =mot
w a w.f"
..t rwit.
Delicious home -mads candy at Bur -
delta's. Try it.
Great *1.83 optical sale of warranted
gold -tilled rimmed spectacles and so e-
elaesse. with Met enserieel lenses.
together with .selee ere examination
of your eyes by Mr. b formerly
maaa3er Rest's ellery st.o.e.
Toronto. for IILIIL Three gleam sold
regularly foSLIM.
i�y o l•
S. elem. Ooderith. Cor.
The Woman's Guild of St. (ieoems's
tthere& !Mend hsiihmg a high tea aid
oosome en the alttmlrseen and
of flfw-ds7, Age* ail. to tdr -
ftte..rX1111.,1,1. /Imam mei bo a .le .f
Maw oil `o
kms sold Irasing or
soli o.
wowed as 4 s'51.0 Tb
M bei. Ida 1♦ser—
00011311011 TOMr11wNf►.
Telliteet, Mime an.
411x— i g=aVleasseir
Neve Soft. Man and Wife Both
men,At d Sy GIN PILLS
LIST how such
diffcreate GIN
PILI.S can make i.
.tbe bone life can 1e
guessed from the
ler below. Where
formerly both
bmsband and wife
were in snore or lees
constant saisem with
backache. they are
mow delighted to be
almost free of the old
Hoo Brook, N.S.
•'You are perfectly
free to use we name
in any way to benefit
GIN PiLLS, for they deserve the high-
est prise. My back has never troubled
me Since taking GIN PILLS. and my
wife feels maeb Oester after taking GiN
PILLS for bar beck, She thinks GIN
PILLS will make • corn lete cute.'
Wby oho kleet ye. or any of rear
friends who say be rudenng wide
Aockacbe. Rlutssat;sm. Lumbago,
Sciatica, weak or Strained Kidneys,
Burning or Scalding Unne. Painful
t'[iaation or frequent colds ;o the
Kidneys and Bladder get the sass
relief that so quickly state to the Name
home when tbev started to uw GIN
Remember, you bus- CIN PiLLS ea
our shading guaruatee that they w�
care or your money will be promptly
refunded. roc, a hoax, 6 Inc $e.so.
Sample free if you write National
and Cbes*al Co. d Canada.
Toresl.. >
two barns wee, uartx•tedl.' Jas. Rep -
ass's barn and Iniac Ball's isplemeat
shad were uaroded pod �Peed Yootm-
hitti bats partly .iroofed. Geo. H.
Hsim kit.has was sseocfed and the
end driven in. John Hood's kitchens
wee loos down and at Robert Scotts.
Orleans, the same siahap occurred.
The al hand and rail Tenon are left
Sansmait mai scattered over the fares.
Ambo son's silo wee blown
dews. J. J. Wilsnes windmill and
tower watt Rammed to the ground.
Ge.. Hesenton's windmill whorl
twisted and left a wreck. H.sry
TayloVh windmill was broken and will
have to go to the repair shop. Samuel
Soott's bare unroofed and one purlins
plate blown off. also shingles blown off
his house. The damage will amount
�o OTHER an�rsMih
Mese., et Yeial.. uar. 7
a,+... /t 411era• ........Mthe. f
lbs lunula• ..... Nee V
napesof nine - . • ..... Jeill s
i41epnm a Minn. ........ Aa•Ml .
W ■tma1� ... . APA s
mtseset ihana........ She •
Ills is, "s minae ... • UM ill
roam. r r idem llee Ira. ear
sl_Ommr seta or J. Ink karat. C.
r.11. theadi s ora
Rose Brand backs and
Bacon, Rose Brand Cooked
Mems, Smoked Rolls,
Tenderloin, Spare Ribs,
Jellied Tongue, Rose Brand
Sausage, Little Pig Sausage,
Corned Beef, Chipped Beef.
Sweet Potatoes, Celery.
Lettuce, Ripe Tomatoes.
Johnson's XXX Bread
banking by mail. Just
your cheques when you
Titin beds Mfr) - WIN -11
Sire Tine When YOU
Are Busy
by .arming on your
mail us your deposits, or
want to withdraw money.
We give -pedal attention to business handled
in this way, and will he glad to have you make
use of our service.
Manager Goderich Branch.
neared. aaSw �t*IU {
ea Three _-_.. tut me
r. W. AIM. a aans,n41e.
ti M. C. MIME MEWL ML _f
All Times
Every clock we ell is a rep-
resentetioo of the inexpensive
twit very serviceable l:iod. The
movements are all reliable, be-
ing well glade and perfectly ad-
All our Clocks and
give accurate time, althougl,
moderately priced. We invite -
your inspection.
Jeweler end Optician
Corner Colborne St. and Square
to a htitggb figure, considering the un-
tavotsble weather and heavy rains
causing further loss in 1 hay,
feed and grain. The two smokestacks
on the Young E.tste mill were blown
doyen and broten.
Finest flavors in ice cream at Bur-
dett.di, the Balmoral Cate.
A mac never quite realises bow
much furniture he owns until be tries
to walk rapidly through his rooms in
the dark.
If we could see ourselves a- others
see us we wouldn't believe it.
—::pre' Stir of Alberta
Y1WAT('11 CAR IAN(,AY GROWL' i Over a million
bushels of wL,at 'vete ehipprci in 1911. Over a
million and a L:.11 from gib. L::L'' ea.,? -tar greatest in
all Alberto.
C:17:7-1! ANC AY is the ship -
pine Cesare far Western
Cah.il'7irt 6.:-r't s.nn,1 wheat
C pis..♦:AN \Y L.- a strategic
Cl::'A?' .%Y haps rich coal
holds 'theft -'y p-oducins.
CAG;.L'a::::a +Y has pure
Latm:et•w.a:.w supply.
C. R'4ANGAY has 53 place*
c f :..:joss -
INVEST II O'A IN ALTA VIi T V, the high-rlrsv retieen-
tMl asstise of Carmangay. only one bloc: from PostotSce
as i CIer Sell. Send postal now for illustrated booklet.
Western Canada Real Estate Co.,
°f"'',., 204 Kent B'dg, Toronto, Ont.
■u>rcw OU►oere •
Msnw"al. olsw saallrw. Seesaw -a Us" dee. Seer eta Ye d..
st•nbhq, ate taaa sic.
Western Canada Real Estate Co..
204 Kent Building,
Toronto, Ont.
Pleats .sad Ise, without obligation on my part literature
eontainisg hien. dames and views tiClmreienell7•
T&sera.da el assbitious boar
are Oast psearieg le bale ewe
air. ee•tw in feet .'rtee em.i. a Maw
neer Actiratie.. Yee Y�lm�11 �e a alt eel -
tette it ema ere airier P-l&fr
tarp Mom ssaees orf lora ImalvY-
set tntoreetien. Expert trashes.
her pert*' extreeiene& Verset
teslme a Is Canada. Saves eate'se-
emit eo••ree her rweOee .
/Unlisted site Cawess'esal Misses
tate Awada&e. of Cas. Sesser
Sellout at fames. SPveton Binders
College. Lemke.
awes Baines College
Geo. therrou
A. }• WARD
f'rWst. Principal
Public Horse Markets will be bold in
Tuesday. March 26th
Tuesday, April 16th
Each Sale I)ay meant a day of big
Farmers, get your Heroes of all
kindn ready.
- Boyers. be on hand and you will
be able to get the best-
eetPublic auction at 20J p. n . ash
Sale Day.
On. W. F. Ctaitt:• V. S., President,
JIM= OoXROLLT, Secretary.
The Kellogg—Haines
Singing Party
which a;.pear. an Victoria Hall on
Tuesday, April 1st
(T. 111. C. A ''overt
Mixed Camsrtmtt e
Male Trio
Seas,s irewa nand and I.ght
ego% prsmened in eaMsms.
Tickets 60c-3 Sc — 25c
Plan at H. T. ill dwsMis'. Oyes
to tist.t-.boiaww, flotadsy, Ms,ah
a : to abs yobbo. I♦esdsy. M.leb