The Signal, 1913-3-27, Page 44 ossa a.v. Manta 21, lite
District News
bloiu q y, liar. i4Lb.
The lecture on the life of I)a
Livingstone, which war to be given
Rev. Jas. Hamiliou on Wedyeuja
March 19th. at Union church, $wl
take place. .s the speaker did
arrive owing to the had roads.
Mies Blanche Elliott and Mita M
garret Row are speoding the
vatioo at their homes.
We are ee sorry to learn that Miss
Gerrie Elliott is Still ou the sick Ust,em
but hope she will rover soon.
MONDAY. Mart h .Ith
IN in. Bell. of Londesboto', left 1
weed for Pilot Mound, Man.
Wm. Grantham, of l.e'odwboro', left
last week for Hannah. Alta He was
accompanhed•\trom Clinton by his
brother, Ray.
Mrs. R. P. McBurney and Master
Frank have left for their home at
Menteitle Mau.. after .pending three
months with Mrs. McBurney's father,
SamuelSauel Cole, of this township.
At a mention of the congregations
of Burns and Knox Presbyterian
churches last week it was decided to
extend a cell to Rev. Mr. Reid. of
Alma promising a suspend of $1,000
and four weeks' holidays.
• WEDDED. -A prettyweddine took
place at the home of rs. Annie Mc-
Callum. Hullett, on Wednesday.
March 19th. when her daughter. Miss
Ellen, war united io the bonds of
matrimouy to Albert G. Sanderson,
of Morris. Rev. W. 1). Turner, of
Blyth, officiated. The happy couple
will make their home on the groom's
farm, a short distance north of Blyth.
A SUDDEN CALL. ---John T. Lee' died
veru suddenly at his home at Lendes-
boro' on Wednesday forenoon. He
was sitting reading a paper when his M
daughter noticed him drop the
and throw out his bands. ribs i
Mediately summoned help, but death
MEW in & very tew minutes. D.
Allison pronounced death to be due
heart failure. The deceased had been
in rather poor health for several 'emceedmonths, but the end ens not 'emceed
so soon. Mr. Lee was fifty-one year*
of age. He is survived by bis mother
Mrs. John fee, by four sons -William
and ver‘rd. of Howard, of
Poet st. borne. Med Paoft Seatoeth
-goad one daughter -Mier Pearl. at
boe. His wife died several Tears
ago. One brother and two sisters
also survive. The funeral took place
on Friday to Loodesboro' oemeterv.
TINIP ATi March XIXXIXvid LssoCi* Locate -ilial Jess Ohm -
by tea spent uwader der the paresisl
7, [coat Mise Shaw. % isle of Tar-
now onto, and Mies Rath Slaw, of Nilelic
not pubschool, are spending the boll -
Luys at boboratelir.. T. Hewitt
a,. and daughter, of ttcbrll, are visiting
r the fonuer's. parrs ;Nairn,
lir. cud Mrs. B.
Glidden Mr. dad Mrs. J. Cook
were Olsson visitorsoe Good Fri lay..
Moe CI.mssUne N Uliause, of the
ti. C. L. M holidaying at her home..
George Cluttoo, ea old Lisburn boy,
DOW of Calgary, is visiuog at toe home
.1 his uncle, {4ex. Cl*Ltoo .. Miss
Jessie Liati er is biros from Bay-
ast field Mrs. W. O'Brien, of London,
is visiting her ppaarrwenta, Mr. sed Mrs.
M. Foley .... ltfrees Etta and Anna
Stewart are viaitiog at Clinton at
present.... Mrs. Townsend rod chil-
dren, Gudericb. were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. Sterling last week....
A very high wind passed over here
Istat Friday, doing tea ch damage to
tarns and all outbuildings... The L.
C. E. S. held a social in the Temper-
ance Hall hast night Those who were
there report a good time.
TCEmDA Y, Maw .3-ith.
Faio.ti ,, helot s. -The windstorm
of (heel Friday did considerable dam-
age in this vicinity. A number of barns
were partly unroofed. windmills were
laid low and outbuildings levelled.
Tbe telephones were out of commission
for a short time. Some fences were
blown down, also .dine ventilators.
Balgt'it.-Misr brace McLean, of
Canilachie, is spending the Easter
holidays at her home herr. .. Ted
Griffin, who has been visiting irieods
here, left today for Detroit . Mies
Laura Griffin, who is teaching near
Chatham, is now borne for her aera-
tion (leo. Collinson. Mrs. Collin.
son, Neil McDonald and Mrs. McDoo.
aid spent Tuesday evening of last
week at the home of Robert McDon-
ald .. D. McGill is visiting at the'
to home of Duooam McKsr Richard
McDonald hada big raising on Tues-
day. Mareh ffitb ire .Mrs. Nail Me-
Dsuald, Miss Sadie Taylor and Earl
McDonald were in Ripley on Tuft-
y. .Ne l McDonald has r-
MONDAY. Mar. .4t.b.
Miss Nellie Sullivan is home for the
Beater vacation from Chepstow,.
,where she teaebe. school.
A Vette Dio rareTIvE STORM. -
On Good Friday we had one of the
most destructive storms ever experi-
enced in this neighborhood in the
memory of "the oldest inhabitant."'
Barns, outbuildings, residencre, wind-
mills were more or leas wrecked, and
by reports we get from the surround-
ing community the storm seems w
have 'seen very severe all through the
"faint ry. and especially hard nn wind-
mills. Some barns are nesrlr total
wrecks, and Mast are - 101001.0 or lass
slightly damaged. Boone "marrow
escapee to life and limb are reported.
It is to be hoped (hist such severe vis-
itations will be extremely rare.
Tux Lave Mise OEC v,trot..-it L
our sad duty to record the death of
Miss Mary O'Connor. eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah O'Connor,
of this place. which sad event took
place at Salt Lake City, Utah, nn the
)&b inst., at the home ot• her brother
Edward, of that place. The deceased
young lady was well and widely
known in this neighborhood for her
many amiable and kindly qualities•
and was • general favorite in the com-
munity. About a year and a -half ago
her health broke down a,id in spite of
all that could he done she finely suc-
cumbed to the inevitable and died at
the home of her brother F.dwatd at
Salt lake City, whither she .vent for
her 'health some time ego. Her re-
mains arrived here. aeceempanied fry
her brother lamee end (Stet Ann
co the lith i st. and were interred in
St. Joseph. cemetoty. Kingsbridge.
on Wedreead.y. the Nth inst. Rev.
Father McCormack said the mass of
requie-n and performed the funeral
oieeluiet. at the grave. The funeral
was vert largely attended. The pall-
bearer were Jae. and Thos. Garvey.
J. J. Dean. Thor. Sullivan, P. Buckley
end Iwwreoce Wallace. The deceared
is sort -lied by iter aged parents. ber
Tether Thome', of Roseland, B. C. ;
Jaynes and Edward. of Salt Lake City,
and Jerry. Annie and ('assie, of this
place. Requieeeat in pace.
WeDerEeDty. Mar.:Sritb.
Jos. Moore has returned to the
A. 1'anstone, as delegate of the
Workmen lodge, attend a meeting
at Toronto last week.
kineeere of THS BIO STORE -M.
Pfrimtner load a bad accident during
Friday's storm whieb will lay him up
for some titre. He with Henry Fisher
was endeavoring to shut his bit barn
door. which had hlown open, when be
found the wind too mu.•h for both
men. The wind sent the door back
again, and as Mr. Pfrimn►er was is iia
way the foroe of door and wind threw
him sons distance. lie was found fb
bare three rib. at least broken near
the spine. Kr. Plater only very nar-
perralolas haa000sideesMTfour deem
to their horn roofs, 1. man the
wind taking a good part, if sot all. of
one side 0/ the roof : Messrs. Mel.
Jewell, Howard IYwaal., Arthur
F1s`w, J. McClurg W$ Wastes sad
Was.lIehee. It is said [bat as time
mirth awd eighth emmeeseleas newly
w■wee■ dawn
strewed1Vess pales, theffleami
rem* el the temente winL Cies Mils
elle was dhows dews • • ..Nes. A. Vas -
stows was ie:jered lidly.m 1INaley se
a resell of the peat Who& She was
w *~lame S
t demo is the lsederRai ,IOMR
chased a handsome driver: Now look
e.1, fellows, be's coming Misses
;Mein Johmatase, Pearl Dtennao abd
iiansena Griffis. of the G. C. l.. also
Mies Olive MaeMurrby, of Stratford
Neem& School, are spending the
Baster holidays at tbetr respective
domes dere Murdock MacKenzie, of
Hraadoo, paid . flying visit to this
neighborhood last week... Ken.
MacLean. who has been cutting wood,
intends w thresh ;lover as ..on es the
weather is floe Neil MacDonald
bas sold out hie grocery and drygoods
busibers to Mr. Reed, from near
Lucknow .Our teacher, ,Miss B.
MacMillan, is spending her holidays at
her hone at Port Albert.
TUESDAY. March Sit h.
Saws ov mg WEEK. -Jobe Cox is
visiting his daughter at Springbank.
Miss Minos Johnston and niece.
Myrtle Marshall, lett for the latter: s
borne st Oxford Centre on Thursday
last ..... Mr. and Mrs. Murphy. of
London, spent Baster at George Vaa-
derburgh's Miss Susie Wallis, of
Toronto, spent the holidays at her
brother's. 1'. R. Wallis' Mr. and
Mr*. O. W. Potter attended the
shyer wedding of Mr. and Mrs. George
Holler at Moto° on Good r'ridgy....
Miss Mae Lindsay, of Goderich, spent
the holidays at her mothers Mn.
John MerClure is visiting at Port
RII* LTi[ OF THE SToiui. -.Among
those io our neigbborboeod who suffer-
ed most from the violent wind storm
no Friday last are : Sterling McPhail,
half the roof off bis big barn ; F. C.
Pickard, silo blown down and it num-
ber of bowls off his been • Robert
Beacom, barn badly wrecked : Fred
Elliott, one end of barn blown in;
Frank Hillock. half of barn roof blown
off ; Pete, McDougall, half of shed roof
off; John Sturdy, silo blown down
and pert of barn roof: Leslie Cox,
windmill badly wrecked ; John A.
Cox, barn roof f `damaged ; J. Alex-
ander, roof off barn. Many otben
sustaioed minor losses• such as fences
blown down. trees uprooted, rte.
TrUSDA Y, Mar.''$th.
News NO-rsrs.--May Redmond, of the
Ooderieh Collegiate Ioatitute, 1s rp,nd-
ing the Easter vacation at her borne
bare Wm. Milner', auction We
wee largely attended last Thursday
afternoon. Thos. Gu rdry took the
bids A trot socia under the
snspice• of the Donnybrook Epworth
League was held at the home of
Samuel Thompson on Monday even-
ing, when a good time was 'spent by
all present Proceeds amounted to
118. A great deal of damage was
done to buildings and fences in this
vicinity by the windstorm that passed
through here haat Friday David
McAllister visited Crieff and Puedineb
friends lest week and while away
at tended the Croft __Jones wedding at
Moffatt Jamas Craig has the
sawmill running these days, with Jim
as bead sawyer. Jammer
tail 'Lawyer and Gus. Boyle
There is • big demand for lumbar ked
shiiels, since the wiodsto Dem .... Mrs
M. N. Normais and daughter, Mite
Dothy, of Toronto, spent the holi-
day .t the home of Wm. McAllister.
Nes. Smith. of Loodon. is visit-
ing St. Augustine friends.
Wguntxo.-A quiet bat pretty
wedding toobpihomeee at the hoe of
Mr. end Mrd, Wm. McAllister es Wad-
nesdayi MM Mebecame UbMIA, wham their e
Wide of Yawl desalted, elf Best Wawa.
me*, New. O. Geom. el thtogannon,
performed wilt Lm1Sem friend" the
Aemm am tbmgroomr' , they
Ape Nth. their red -
will be at levee In theirbiwidsw.^'r
Nee Loovety (.altera. rise of the
Iww .iM4 e d w .and
sestbite et the..eeales meow KMalm..w
=memo seas !asp.
Tom of y, erne lith.
News or Trym Wass. - AYm
iwt diet[ tie.: ILL ai phis hate
base Miss HmeimaY
list -owed. is visittlse at her home here.
Miss Dena Ms(.eeia al Leek -
sew. b spendtag • her days here the
drat of Mot 1041. *e[sitb Pat.
bee purchased the bis brother Jim tin
fpm lei• Atherton is the
vae:aden at her home sear Kim
Mr. and Mr .Jo, Swam have mimed to
their farm all Hoi •rood...... Timeworn
oe Prbd•y was the worst ever seen in
these parts. This section escaped
with but a few bootee' wisdmipv dad
fences blown down.
MONDAY, Mar. 24.
News Norma -Nome Of the vitiators
here are t)oeald ('ark, Ot Perth ; Miss
Coleaa Clark, of Ooderi. b ; Donnie
Phillips, of tioderirb ; Mir Elisabeth
Rutherford. of Wingb.m • Miss Mar-
garet.Webb, from Deadwood; Hygb
Me Ctostie, from Clinton ; Misses Jean
Webb, Annie Rutherford and Chrissie
Miller, from Wiogham... .. .D0E-aid
McLachlan went t0 Goderich and Miss
Edna Taylor to Constance for the
Easter vacation D. Rutherford and
Jas. Ramage left Lucknow In Thurs-
day for the West, each with a carload
of settler's effects.... A reception was
held on Tneedav evening in honor of
Mr. and Mn. Robb at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bray Win. Webster
returned home from Cochrane oo Fri-
day A great many in our vicinity
suffered considerable loy the wind-
storm on Friday ... Mies Mary
Murray is spending Easter week in
and around Lucca.
MONDAY, Mar. 24.1.11.
News No vete-Mrs. Peter Cantrell
and son Duncan have left for Bay-
field to speed their holidays. On
their return they intend to take up
housekeeping io the council chamber.
Jolie C. Stothere who has
been attending Toronto t"niversity,
is spending his holidays under the
parental roof. The local Lack -
now 0o0tinuatio.n school students are
spending their holidays at their ro-
ve homes bete Miss Sarah
cue] is visiting friends in this
neighborhood We are glad to
bear that Mr. and Mra. Herb Curran
have arrived home &gain from 1)e-
reit Jae. Webster delivered a
horse to 8. Nicholson on Friday.
Tam Bio WIND.-Tbe windstorm Of
Friday was one of the wont stores,
ever known in this vicinity. How-
ever, there was comparatively little
damage done. James Webster had
his roof badly broken, but by chaining
end nailing it down he managed to
keep it on. John Cook's barn roof wall
badly wrecked. This was the moat
serious damage that was done. Fences
were blown down and L.hade trees that -
were the pride of their owners were
broken, but on the whole we were very
TUESDAY, March ' nth.
Mi'c'a DAMAGE DONE. -This neigb-
borbood, in common with the rest of
the country, was hard bit by Good
1'riday's gale. although no damage
was done in the village, other than
the destruction of some old wooden
fences. But through the country
almost every windmill is down and
almost every barn more or less un-
roofed. However, it is an ill wind that
blows nobody good. dad those fortun-
ate enough to bare sbiogles for sale
can now obtain almost any price for
them. Saturday Mr. Mustard's office
was besieged with orders for roofing
material, eitber shinglee or metallic
roofing, and it promises to be a busy
Reason for the sawmill. Following the
damage by wind the heavy rains of
Sunday and Monday did a great deal
of harm to the unroofed barns, besides
washing out many culvert• and cut-
ting boles in the roads. Altogether
it has been an Rester time that will
0Ot soon be forgotten, especially by
the farmers.
Pgaeoese Met mets.-I)r. dad Mex
Smith and Misr Ferguson spent the
emotion in Toronto . Miss Link -
later in spending her holidays at ber
home in Colhora• Mrs. J. Fergu-
son and son Ji in spent a cdilple of days
in Belgrave.. . Wm. Campbell and
daughter. Miss Ela, of Toronto,
visited relatives here over Sunday and
Monday Miss Edith Spackman,
of Toronto, was bowie over the holiday.
Mn. Alex. Thomson. of Toron-
to, visited her sister. Mrs. John ('-amp-
bell, for a few days . ...We are golly
to learn of the serious illness of Job.
Wbiddon, our esteemed townsman,
who is sick in the hospital at Clinton.
Iowa We understood tbat hie deugb-
ter,Mrs. Armstrong, has been sent for,
to go et once to his bedside.
For a refreshing drink. or a dish of
delicious ice cream, di op into the Bal.
moral Cate.
No April Pool in the Kellogg.
Haines entertainment nett Tueedsy.
pease aria fns .f ear/ Wags Coe.
t♦itr .alliasis.w.irates M t►r farwr►.
maw .t fav blast sad Woe v.►td-*id.
..d.eeb1. et a ev=wly. Ala ssw.d
not 1., r4 instil 15141 .b.wteaeb fry,
e.rb ...*r Order. base er sewh. Deet
delay aridas• ern Ibis .11a Fair soft
..d welts. Your ,sewer wet wady.
asedat Asa nim er.w
•sesWa orfi
l115w..a r maAat. w we
sew • smatem seta flit Wier. *bitwAlb wti Ossa is rear wit
Dept. 11
Cowan's seems to hit the
tight s7ct It is a great
food for husky young ath-
letes: satishes tete appetite :
eas7 to (:iget:: and delicious
7 Calms
1 ‘-'441'1
The great Irish drams. "Kerry
Goer," is to be presented in the Clintoo
town hall oar Wednesday, April9tb.
under the auspices of St. Joeetrb's
church. See notice in advertising o01 -
5's the asADIDT. SNIELST..,g MST tenet
Drs.... rs aae..wtw roe Omer .owo taw r
femme msw.t t7.eb Few Gore w .r.
.a. -.a. ]ire.. .w it e..rate.
Sema -. For. Color Cord. Sw.ry Issida. W w.a.w ~Sr orbrarir moor .rmr color.
r. >aaao = SON CO_ Word.
Mics bels In Your, Scalp
Audited** any ehe
Cemess If t • ea -
hair by Mir emmedy yaw l ,
usb cisim .ate
i..bele verified eminent
This this hapasse to ir Midas, is tier tTE
the=bb s Thin, is
will revive the growth. 11
asp he Maas .
this mouse. b.ld
W. hers of so*bing that Inas
giver ssi mrvermi endive is is
treating the sealP and Lair as
".111" Hair TOW-
1t.kss b.
tabu end's o f faty aby Ppd.m" r as Kggssred
other [snip had Dbatr} ipe ltd
we Where it will do movet .m ,.Ama r.
stops der gen w remove sett
atop lalling Lir: and if early it as ',rill do task tm growth
We want you to webs as peeve it
We will y for a ttprb s Irest - -
d >ls.i` 93" Heir Tonle tad Aer-
ial • trial. if yes we sins k es -
melee to directions, and we scot
thoroughly misted. Whew me
do this, you surely ahoaldd not hesitate
aoat it
t the at treat/nst today. You
mase mouse wit est your. soaq
balk ff you want it. Two •ems 60.
.bud $1.110.
You can buy La this yi Naafi "M. Hair Tease
is only at ear atefe:
11. C. DuNLOe'.
6.derirb Tis 3useJaws
Teen is . Rent[, Eerxs is sesdy tows
w•d art a ares t'wnd guar[ t]..eds a.d
Gnat BnIais. Torr. b . dieweat ger
Ready for roarI, r+«. o.0.ary bows m-
iw eli $iab M u n erd. lbw vwvtiwWt ■
Tae Emil Stars Assrafa.`. Owens[
Furnishing of Homes is our message this week. Yes, it is a little early,
but we want you to know that our store is a good place to buy your spring house
furnishings. We will be in the forefront with a new and up-to-date stock of
Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Window Draperies, Lace Curtains, Bungalow Nets
and fancy colored Savoy Nets in stripe and medallion patterns, Mtislins and
Scrims in choice assortments. We wid be pleased to show you our new house
furnishing stock and quote prices which are what they should be on new depend
able goods.
Does the bores require toning and beautify -
lag a kit is some salaams r Nero a Rug ? The
male thing L to ksow`whwre to buy. Cease dad
tree what we as do in Tapestry, BreeeeLeeea Vel-
vet or Wilton. Values right. 4 [loss.
Our stock in time goads is very attractive.
Bought in the best markets and sold et the Lest
prices. In widths 2. 3 and 4 yards. Scotch and
Canadian makes.
in 1. le 2 and 11 yards wide. We can show you
the has makers' goods and our prices will be
Lound right.
Never beams were we ia so good
pe to
show window trimmings of all kinds as ws are
jam now. All our new pr• purchase. are here
Ai please of Savoy acid err Net., 15e to 45,
a yard. white, cream and Paris shades. A large
[[bowleg of Swine mad N tiag window Mus-
is stripe, spot and eaedallias patterse, from
15c to :Ze a yard,
Our 'tock ie well assorted 1a all prices from
5(k to 1350. Lewgtbs from 2i to Si yards. Ali
prices in whiles and some in mem and Pari.
*dogs. as show some of the one weaves in
these R
If a man:came around selling eggs at 5c a
dozen, he wouldn't sell many, would he ? but
when you can buy Elephant Paint, worth 65c
per quart, per quart 4oc you buy it quick.
We have only a small quantity and while it
lasts we will clear it out at above price to make
room for our Spring shipment of
Lowe Bros. High Standard Paint
The ilowell Hardware Co., Limited
MONDAY. March 84th.
REst-Lve, of Tax Brolly. -The wind
storch oo Good Friday did ooasider-
atle damage in this section. Tbe
barns of Jaa. Alton. Albert Alton,
Robert .Agar. Wm. Henry and Wm.
Twit/alley were wbolly or partially un-
roofed Wei. Bowies' tern was cowl
pletely demolished. The loot was
taken off Robt. Henry's driving shed.
Most of the shingles were ripped off
the eolith side of lin. Mullin's house,
sad ppaarrtt of the roof was taken off
Mrs. Borland'. barn.
To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
Low Round Trip Rates each Tues-
day. March to October inclusive
WINNIPEG and return 11136.00
EDMONTON and return 443.00
Other points in proportion
tietern"llwtt leo matins
TOUMUT aleehNO c*e .
Ws all .xeu..trn. Oe fortabte beetle
hal stap•a with dalIag se
srmbug si a sierste gases Urag b ideal
Far settlors
W :ea:LS
Spefld Trims
win wave Y.
ammo as.
omni CANS ON ALt twa1N.
NoeiThr.tgich Trains Teroe% a Win n We a ~
^swse eet daere West
vla "Empress of Asia"
w•e.....► r sae.
•.. rtiatis Pine, skhariba.14: $47.85
Se.wtlb satc
elm r
feu Dartieuless from A 11[1111..._ft E! Z 1t. 0.
M.r , DOMAN tsemaYer AWN+
teem Marta Pita hAbiriag seat r.
mew Loss e'er Hemmer 7+w.s (. eu
imiler -shave
esh•s wle staff
V/ anrmaw 01v.a ss NA
s yes to tis It. W; p.
Oser.eA eta. Oillosst. TAW*
Idiribil iisttllction.
Owe" ammo Osr7AR0O
permit. students to begin with -
any day. Positions guaranteed r.
nates. Staff ce specialist.. f r
ceasation free.
C A. Ft -=lire°. F. C. A.
Principal. G. D.FLgrti..
In the Spring Time
Brighten your house with
few new pied, of Fur.
(allure. Please bear 1. mind
that you man secure High-
grade Furniture at right
prioae at this store. Whether
you are fsrmi.iisg ea satire
ben" IM R • ream. or
Purchasing may a .legis
ghee. we *well UM fie have
you mall sad gee %Ilett we can
do for you.
Me Square, Osrseiol 'Pious No. 89
Amato `r andbakart Pine&