The Signal, 1913-3-27, Page 21st eeeme. Masco a, 1114
rag 81arls.l.: G QDBRICH ONTAR1l,
n p
1 H - r. w TI1s gh ne Can No VA us
Terme er ehAw- .setee
WO per.reima chases
Me;arm mesas. hie.
To Hi sthad status selmerlbww ;LAI • year
toned/ Y ads amnia
debearirorilarlyW wwas ln ecenternas cho TIM by xao
aoaiednit as or the tact at al aids • dee ••
Wien . mange .1 "idlers lesedred, both old
and .. Mw madras" sbaaM be gives.
Ads.rtterag h- am :
lord and otter 4Wr .dvauto men , to
ver lea. for Int ineerties and is per
cava eab.egeeat ineetion. M.s.und by •
nonpareil .gala twelve liam to ea bob.
Radars cards of is lines and ardor, r per
Adverthemente of Leet. Towed. Strayed. 1t -
n adir. Tweak 8awatlws Wasted. Hops.s tar
Mk or to Rent. Farms for fids orto80011.
Wes. 3h i I arm masts. ms
Role. eta. set
?tor mo▪ is b lebeement
easwa..m.rL t• ardfoary reading trips W
mete ser lira No ntioe Ile. carr Idea
Any it Mike le the
warilery belg sMta
eg my a e individual er ersad-
&arto be
aeear. soldier as advertisement and
Rates for display and contract &dvrtLe.•
manta will be give es •poil.•ti•a.
Address all osm.aeafeewns q
Tug SIGNAL PRINTiNtt CO.. I.Maited.
tioderiek. O•t.
Sir James Whitney has reneged on
the anti -treating pr'opose'.
Tbe Toronto News says the Tory
papers are "happy and Rood -natured"
over the Ottawa situation. Well, you
wouldn't know it from reading them.
Why does not that brave Govern-
ment at Ottawa take its courage in its
hands and appeal to the people on its
naval policy?
The fraudulent marking of bailote is
one of the meanest tricks imaginable,
and it is gratifying to know that tbs
attempt to defeat tbe Clinton local op-
tion bylaw by such means bas failed.
The Fielding tariff :ontinoee to
break the records as a revenue -pro-
ducer. The Dominion revenues for
the fiscal year which will does. March
31st will be in the neighborhood of
Brant county has bad a district ag.
riculturul representative, for some
time, stationed at Paris, ani his work
bas bad such good results that the
ootlnty council is trying to secure an
other, whose office is to be at Brant-
ford. 1s it not high time that Huron
eousty farmers had the benefit of aim"
ilar servioes?
What a magnificent exhibitior of
courage the Bordenites are giving.'
They refuse to face the enemies of the
Empire with a Canadian navy. but in-
stead propose to send a few empty
ships to the Notch Sea and let others
do the fighting. They won't even ac-
cept the Liberal challenge to meet
them at the polls. And "Bob" Rog-
ers was said to be a fighting man !
The robins and other birds are coin-
ing back for their summer visit with
us. and this would be a good time for
parents and other "grown-ups" to
teach the children to regard the little
feathered s -nesters as their friends
and to refrain from injuring or mol-
esting them. From a purely material
standpoint, In view of their services e.
insect -destroyers, the birds are en-
titled to protection.
^ it th. Borden Government persists
in neglecting the legitimate business
of Parliament in order to force the ob-
noxious naval bill through the House.
the Conservative meml5rs need not
try to make the people believe that it
is the Liberals who are responsible for
the waste of time and the holding up
of public business. The Liberals in
the House are ready to help transact
the country's business ; they are not
ready to let thirty-five million dollars
tbe people's money be voted away
to keep Mr. Borden nut of trouble
with his Nationalist allies.
The Conservatives of South Perth
had a meeting at Mitchell the other
day and were addressed by Mr.
Wrichel. M. P. for North Waterloo,
and Dr. Steele, the member for Booth
Perth. Both speakers gave the cold
shoulder to the "German peril," and
said that any danger confronting the
popire was not from Germany' at all,
but from some other direction. There
°is a considerable German vote in
Routh Penh : s the Borden "rimer-
geney Was varied for tbe occasion.
in ridings where there i. no German
vote the German scare le .1111 trotted
out to do duty for OormorvaUve earn.
manners. Whet a fares it all i. t
fee /Weertag prem the Oaasdlea
0eIiegelar aamte • reaswa0f clew of
all. ass evalilhe
"1!e r .o liar aan-
•.ahar. ted .boot
+mag ..r
her tars while we have no Maar
around oar own eros is antpet
of a real husband. Meade is meas.
The Oaomdiaa claims in Mr
His duty is to bee Orel. W 11 elf
British Columbia and the enormous
interests wbiei she west noes day
have on the Pastils? Ase els wan
ships to be mem the
Mae of 0 , eoastaatly rousing
?hal EseWer 'Rona .sleet
ltd oe tiny be in the Pacific.
defending our interests there? Or,
let us suggest, west we rely en Japers,
the greater.: oompetiter and the great-
est possible enemy both to Canada
and to those parts of the Empire in
the southern sear, to defend our inter-
nteresu ? 11 tomorrow '13i Rich Columbia
had trade interest. in the g
markets of Ubine. ar she 171:=
soon to have, would we leave it to our
greatest rival to protect those tater-
este ? Doss a wise busioees saes leave
it to hie competitor across the stewet
to look alter his internee in & hotly
disputed territory while he employs
his own agents helping some other
rich and able friend to get orders ?
Canada will, sod always must, stand
by Englaod, but she must stand ny
Canada first and last, or betray her
A New Friend, an Old Friend.
A new tried, an pad friend.
A fried tbst ands stalls,
Who dors tbe day ad h.lp+ the way
With vert as well as bad.:
Ya Hat yaw seed us each a tried,
To dee with es or tall.
Wb... wrong or ritbt, we wage t be agbt
Wits locks agate's the w.tL
An o4 friend, a new Mood.
God Bead us bola that day
Whoa Leek tarns back .ad broke aro black
Along Lifer weary way.
For, side by aide, on roads untried
Two boob may better speed
Than nee wbo goes aha road be knows
%Vita none to help or heed.
-14.41...Oawedn. in Lippincott's.
No ebeap Men There.
booties Advertiser.
A cruieer was launched the tither
day in Australis ; but tbere were no
little Australians to say it couldn't be
1s This Oar Sire ?
tamers Free Pres
After we have been blowing about
taking our place among the nasi -os of
the world and saying other things
along the same line tor several years,
•long comes the statement that we
know nothing about • navy, couldn't
sail one, couldn't do anythiog but
hand over the cash. Better revert„ to
the swaddling clbtbes and the bib
without any more delay.
The Art of Coaver.atioe
Windeot Record
Conversation is an art in which but
fewexcel. though all may gain • pro-
ficiency in it if they will. On this
subject a writer has said:
Conversation must be cultivated
and practised little by little, no mat-
ter how imperceptible or small the
progress at first.
A child would never learn to talk
were it neglected end left to itself.
it would only be capable of an un-
intelligible jargon to express its physi-
cal wants.
According to its opportunities a
child will progress. If surrounded by
a refined and educated influence that
influence will reflect itself from the
very beginning, and show not alone in
words, but in a:tions.
Conversation is so seldom thought
of as a study. There is no offort made
to get • vocabulary ; too often the
words which are incidentally picked
up by imitation and desultory reading
are jumbled together in such a man-
ner that the right one can seldom be
selected when occasion calls for its use.
The Churchill Memorandum.
Woodstock Sentinel Re. iew.
The Churchill memorandum, un-
fortunate se it has been in some of its
results, has nerved one good purpose.
It has served •s a revelation to the
statesmanship of the world, and
especially to the British Empire -
of Canada herself no lees than of
England -that there is a Canadian
national spirit that will not always
allow itself to be trifled with or treated
with contempt. We are not assuming
that there was any feeling of contempt
or lack of respect behind the Churchill
memorandum : the utmost. probably,
that can be said is that there was a
lack of knowledge or sympathy with
the ideals and purposes of those
Canadians who are seeking to build
up • great and self-respecting nation
on this North American cootinents
and within the British Empire, capable
of taking care of its own honor and
willing to assume its national re-
sponsibilities. and for that failure to
understand and appreciate, Canadians
themselves are first of all to blame.
The spirit in which the Churchill
memorandum has been received may
help tc prevent misunderstandings in
the future.
Settlers' Excursions to Alberta and
Commencing March 1Ith and con -
tinning every Tuesday thereafter until
April inclusive, the Grand Trunk
Railway System will issue nue-way
settlers Ucketa from stations in On-
tario, Peterboro, Port Hope and west
to points in Alberta and Saskatchewan
at exceptionally low rates. Through
coaches and Pullman tourist sleeping
care will leave Toronto 11.00 p. m. for
Winnipeg without chatters on above
dates, via Chicago and Rt. ill. Berths
may be secured in tourist cam at a
nominal charge.
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway it
the shortest and quickest
twees Winnipeg-Seekatetem•
Trains now in operatbm
peg to Marine. Yorktoo sed t4aesa,
Bash., also to Userose. Kiefer and
Edam Alba,
aziellko, had pamphlets and full
to the Grand
PedelleiTrway may be oli-
tafasd os apsiliestlea to Orsad Trunk
sata, of Welts to C. E. Hoaiag.
DMsIet rtragus Again. G. T. Ry.,
R. F. & Sstaa, Tows Pao
MOW Aosta 'Phos. e
semi a heseas o I b. triss
to weft ngliw, Owe. her mane la
H.0 Honor Decides that Certain bal-
lots Were Tampered With and
that He Must Give EA.ct to Will
of the Voters- Local Option Bylaw
Accordingly Will Go .nto Effect.
Judge Holt on Sat.urdy gave his de-
cision en the matter of the Clinton
local option bylaw, deiaring the by
law carried witb a margin of one and
one fifth sees over the necessary
siz,y per cent. of tis total vote can.
Hitt Honor allowed as cast for the
bylaw thirteen of the ballots est. in
St. John's ward as to which evidence
was given that they bad been tam
pered with. On eleven of these. he
found, the craw in favor of the bylaw
bed been erased and a cross masked
on them against the bylaw; oo the
other two, which were marked in
favor of the bylaw, a crow bad been
placed in the opposite compartment in
order, as be decided, to have them
thrown out w spoiled ballots. Three
other votes were disallowed, snaking
the total vote 327 to 216.
are adjudged against the peti-
ti Reuben Graham. who acted
for the nesse-holders. The costs are
fined at $129 19.
The judge's decision is as follows :
judge Holt's Decision.
"That the total vote polled as ap-
when the ballot boxes were
opened by me was 544 (not including
in this number fifteen blank ballots
andltwo bailout both of which were
marked for and against tbe bylaw).
These seventeen ballots, but for the
circumstances set forth in paragraph
five of this my report, I would have
enlioely disregarded. 1 found one bal-
lot marked with a cross in favor of
local option but which bad in the com-
partment against local option the
word "yes" written. This ballot i dis-
allow. That owing to two voters who
voted not having the residential quali-
fications 1 disallowthese two votes.
"'Chet the este as taken from the
ballots in the ballot boxes eras as fol-
lows: 317 in favor of the bylaw and
271 against it, making a total of b44,
and 1 deducted from this total the three
votes disallowed and this leaves a
total vote voting oo the bylaw of Mk
"Deducting these three disallowed
ballots from tbe number of votes (as
evidenced by what appears from abs
ballots taken by me from the ballot
bones) voting in favor of the bylaw
leaves the number apparently voting
in favor of the bylaw 314 and against
the bylaw L,r7.
-This result would apparently show
that the bylaw did not carry, three-
fifths of the voters voting upon it not
having voted in its favor.
"Evidence, however, was given be-
fore me showing that 334 votes had
been east in favor , of the bylaw and
only 214 against it, • total of 546, and
that this was tbe return made ai re-
quited by statute by the returning of-
ficer on the 7th day of January, A. D.
1913, and it was contended by counsel
that one ballot box bad been tam-
pered with and the ballots contained
therein altered or changed.
"This alleged tampering with or
changing of ballots applied to one
ward only, namely, number 3, St.
John's ward, and in this ward tbedep-
uty returning officer in his returo
stated that eighty-four votes were
polled or cast in favor of the bylaw
and fifty-one against it whereas on
my counting the ballots when the bal-
lot hoz was opened by me I found a
very +serious discrepancy from this re-
turn of :be deputy returniug officer,
as there appeared io the sixty-nine in
favor of the bylaw and sixty-four
against it. '
There is the strongest possible evj-
dence, which to my mind is irresis-
tible. that some person or persons
with the evil intent of making it . p -
pear that the bylaw bad not carried in
some way or other obtained scaess to
the piece wbere the ballot boxes were
placed on the evening of the 715 day
of January. 1913, and between that
date sod the 28th day of the same
month and with such evil intent
opened the ballot hox used in Rt.
John's ward sod obtaired Possession
of the ballots cast in that ward oo the
kcal option bylaw and deliberately
and fraudulently erased the cross on
eleven ballota marked in favor of the
bylaw and placed or marked upon
such eleven ballots a cross against the
bylaw. and further marked upon two
hellots marked in favor of the bylaw a
cross against local option, in order, as
it appears to me, to spoil these ballots.
No possible conclusion on the evidence
submitted and from these thirteen bal-
lots themselves can be arrived at
other than that these eleven ballots
and the two ballots now marked
both for and against local option
were cast In favor of the bylaw and
i deem it an imperative duty that
i should add these thirteen votes to
the number voting in favor of the by-
law in St. John's ward as disclosed by
the bailout taken out by me from the
ballot box used In this ward end de-
duct for eleven ballots from the sixty-
four voting twairat. ibis would
make the vote in St. John's ward ea
follows : eighty-two in favor of the by-
law sad shy -three against it. and by
adopting thin method the vote In the
municipality of the town of Clinton
would be in favor of the bylaw 390,
and against it 21$ making a total vote
of bat
"Prom this total vote I meet deduct
the thews mem elle i esed,
total vote of tea
ore of the teem of ea
the bylaw 511, seat must
tie thele gem trwBowedteem
ej bylawthe
"i therefore awed gket Sere voted In
favor et the WIMP 111e, sad against it
me. and Chet se It would wZrwe
thrsadRhe of Win carry the
namely. Pali 4e. and that VD hosing
vested Is laver id the the bylaw. tsame
was wpm the eta y
Mae 5r ileutiw Officiate.
1 use desire to slowse any of
the either thaw who ectad at
Meth M the eh t
See elekhesimsl treks he
Restored de -Health by Visol-
inssst to *others.
A.zlees mothers ones wee.* wb
their children am so pals, this awl
woes and have ss 1ltus appetite.
Per the Mosel et sue mothers in
ails venlig we pebii* the tullowtag
J. Ifebegad Miller, New Hama,
Oast, says: "11y little daughter, ever
Mace her birth. bad bees ball sad
ttlekly, and was • constant scarce et
worrlseat Several mamba ago we
eemaealsed b give her Visol. 1 tet
madlatsb tested aa improvtnmeat 11
_ Iter Malts and appearance I gave
Mr three lades of Vinod, and from
the good It des done her I tan truly
say it will de all you claim."
This &110'e recovery was due to
the combined action of the medicinal
elements attracted from cods' livers.
- -combined with the blood -making
and strength -cleating Properties of
tonic trap, which are contained is
Vlaol w17l Wild up and strengths&
delicate abedsoq old people and the
weak, ramdewa and debilitated. We
cetera tea WNW In every ease where
it fall
11. C. Dunlop, i)ruggist. Goderieb.
I '
seem to have acted reasonably and
honestly and according to the general
custom pertaining to such matter* for
many years in the town of Clinton."
Reiaspectioa et Ballots Sbows Twe
Which Had Been Overlooked.
I Toronto, March 2:. -The proceedings
in connection with the scrutiny of the
votes cam on the local option bylaw in
Kincardine have ended in a victory
I for the temperance folk -to the great
surprise of the opponents of the by-
Judge Barrett at first ruled that. un-
der the derision in the Wes. Lorne
case, be was compelled t.n deduct the
bad vote cart by Robert Walker from
the votes on Use bylaw. lar. Waiker,
who is the owoer of one of the hotels
at Walkerton, war, it is said, in
charge art the forces opposed to the by-
' law. He was on the voters' list in
two wards in respect of property, and
voted on the bylaw in both wards.
To assist in defeating the bylaw be ap-
peared Judge Barrett io the
bearing, and frankly declared be
had voted twice on the bylaw. The
judge ruled that be had no alternative
but to deduct it from the hallow
marked for the bylaw.
At the resumption ofthe heariog on
Friday the supporters of the bylaw
asked for a reinspection by the judge
of the halloos to one of the wards
where the telly of the ballots had not
aag rr •eeeedd with the deputy returniug
officer's truly. Tbe result of the rein-
spection was the discovery of two
ballot. that Sad been over looked in
Use first count.
In the result, the bylaw was de-
clared by the judge to have been car-
ried with one vote to spare.
indicates indigestion. eonsti .t ion or
liver trouble. Fig Pills will regulate
your system and build up the nerve
forces do that you can sleep and enjoy
life. At all dealers 25 and 50 cents or
the Fig Pill Ci., Bt. Thomas, Ont.
Mold in Godericb by E. R. Wigle,
If we cesrld see ourselves as others
see us we wouldn't. believe it.
Corded Fabrics
We are *bowing a very large collection -in feet the
largest and most complete range we ever showed of the very
newest weaver in all the very latest shades and tones. Bed-
ford Cords in Ane, medium and heavy Cords, WU(pc,rds in
variety, Covert Twill*. The very latest in Suiting*, San Toy.
sad Bangaline Cords, weights suitable for dresses, suite or
spring coats. All guaranteed, thoroughly shrunk and spot -
Splendid Coats for
Ladies' and misses' ('oats of beautiful materials and designs
that make you just want to try them on. The prices are very
moderate and there are hardly two coats alike. Prices
$8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00
Wash Goods -New Cotton
Voiles 33c
We have just opened • new shipment of
specially pleasing pattern. in Pesach weal) Voiles.
Persian .rid scroll patterns are very correct,
28 inches wide and colon warranted fast.
Shirt Waists
Handsome showing of arty saples of newest
ideas in Waists. Silk, lace, voiles and aquis-
cues. Sizes 34, 36 60 , 38. Prices regular
65.W. Special, marked S.2to.0
/■ Lace Curtains
Nattingham Intoe Certain. in new American
designs, 3 and 34 yards long, 48 to 50 ioebe. wide.
Special per pair 75c, $1.00, 111.25
Swiss Curtains
Twenty mire only oo sale, white 'Swim ap-
pliqued Curtains. 34 yards long, in scroll sod vioe
patterns. Regular price $4.00 pair. Special
clearing at .1.75
Women's Sults
Tailored suite, satin -lined, heautituily finished
sod in very stylish Tweeds, Whipcords. Serges.
Specially priced for our fine ..aeon's showing
1112.00, *14.00. *15.00, 1112.00
Ladies' and children's ootton, lisle and milk
Hosiery. All the new lines are showing. Lades'
Bilk 'Isle Hose, black, tan oe white. Quality
warranted at per pair....*
English Tapestry Squares
In great variety at popular priors. We are
showing an excellent range of these serviceable.
inexpensive Rugs in many 'different styles and
sisee. Prices are very moderate.
2423 yards, $5.00
3.3 18,[10
3234 5.50 and 18.00:
34.1 $9.00 and 512.011
New Floor Linoleoms and Oil -cloths in all widths made.
We invite your inspection of the Targe showing of Linoleums, Carefully
and well laid by us'at no extra charge.
Aa Appeal to Wives
You know the terrible affliction that
comes to many homes from the result
of a drinking husband or son. You
know of the money wasted on "Drink"
that is needed in the borne to pur-
unabase food and clothing. ORRINE
has saved thousands of drinking men.
it le a home treatment and can be
given secretly. Your money will he
refunded if after a trial, it has failed
to benefit. Costs only $1.00 a box.
Gome in and get a free booklet and let
us telt you of tbe good ORRINB is
F. j. Borland. North Side Square,
The Blue Amberol
is a New Record for the Edison Phonograph
It is not only proof against
injury, but will never be worn
out by constant playing
But the most wonderful
thing about the Blue Am-
berol is its perfect tone and
the lifelike quality of
its reproduction. In
this respect alone k
is superior to any
other pb000grapb
record you can buy. You
must hear a Blue Amberoi
to appreciate its true
worth. Your Moon
dealer will play soma
for you o0 an Edison
Phonograph. Ask
him today. A. flies% Ms. las lolioAlle Ar.s osa ge•N. ___
• salsas So d Sim wmmegmia and as•mie seal imien>r al
• iA11iR F. TNQM$OM
What Semi -Ready
• Houses Are
A Simi -Ready Horne inelode, ever) thing necessary for
the erection of a boom but the foundation and ebisaoey.
Everything is shipped ready to put together from sills
up, including all 'hardware, pant and wall paper.
/Node of Construction
1 sheeting is nailed to inside of studding and paper and
plaster board applied above that. j sheeting is nailed
outside of studding and paper and siding, making a
oomfortabie, substantial house: saving architect's fees.
retail profits on lumber, hardware and paint, also two-
thirds of construction -no eztres can creep in.
These boomes, when erected, are more solid and substan-
tial than the ordinary frame house.
Get plats, figures and all particulars from
Llte'biew arranged for
D. S. Whaley
St. Marys
Colonist Rates
On Bale Daily
■moi 15 to IS SIE
Fr.. 000€iccu t.
Vancouver. S. C.. .`
Victoria, 2. C.
Beset*, Wash. . .
seesaws, Wash.. .
saw Francisca, Ona.
L a, s A.i .
s tial
teioeMt 0a1 .
To Manitoba. eneksichewan
and Alberta
Each Tuesday Mardi le October
inclusive vis t:lilcsgo and
et Paul
Qms wo en:
ps. a es aMve dat.e 0rvr Pty 1
w Memo of Ossa
Wktelps41 end names $31.00
Edmsntsw and return 111411.00
atWe le Ober plisse.
Settisrs' Excursions
To Athens and .ass tdoinvem
Mardi Meat _
?Apple ti
Loos NOM
isarri r ..-am."=