HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-20, Page 8The Most Remarkable Musical thfering of the Century Less Than 25c a Day � 44; Will Buy This ...- Superb Musical Outfit!! 1 What you get for your money Columbia Grafonola $45.00 for the Complete Outfit A Perfect Musical Instrument that will last a lifetime. Guaranteed by the larg- est manufacturers in the world. A Magnificent Oak Cabinet that will be a handsome addition to the furnishing of any home. A Liberal and Varied Selection of the world's finest music on the incomparable Columbia Double Disc Records, as follows : Any .Selections of Your Own choosing on four io-inch Double Disc Records— eight selections in all. Two Special Selections from Lucia de Lammermoor, being one 12 -inch D. D. Record with the famous sextette on one side and orchestral selections on the other. Thousands of Records of the Sextette, just single face, have been sold at $7.00 each, yet we include the two selections in this outfit. Two Selections on the Columbia Special Demonstration Record. Description of the Outfit The Columbia Eclipse Grafonola In quartered oak. emtodies all the latest Columbia features— the continuous and uninterrupted tone chamber, the perfect (:olumbia reprodu' er, the Columbia tipered tone arm, the Columbia Looe -control shutters, the faultless and noiseless olambia motor (double spring drive)—nod it has the musical tone quality that thew Columbia features unite to produce. The Cabinet The oak music cabinet is a triumph of the cabinet-makers art at the price. It is made of solid oak and has racks for some 150 to 210 double diad records, together with shelf for bolding needles and incidentals. It will grace any home ea a handsome piece of furniture, as well as its practical use of a music cablamt All this is offered for one price of $45.00 on easy terms, which means that we put it into your home at a cost less than 25c a day. The Four Records That go with the outfit are of your own choosing, from the thousands of selections of the world's very best musical pieces. On the Columbia Double Disc Records there is a selection on each side, so that you get two records in one. The special r2 - loch record contains the world-famous sextette from Lucia, and the reverse side has the orchestral selection. This i. a 4 -minute record, and one of the finest ever produced. In addition to this there is the Columbia double disc dea.onstration recerd,whicb is entertaining and makes quite a worthy addition to your collec- tion. As previously stated, every instrument bas our guarantee. The Price Of S45 at which this complete outfit is offered. is remarkably low, and as it can be arranged to make the payments extend over six months, it brings It down to lase than 25c a day. That's all it will cast you each week for six montbe—then the outfit will be yours to give you music every day for years to epee. The Grafonola is so well construct.i that it will last for many years, so that the actual wet spread over is only a few cents aday—less than you spend on nickel allows and many trivial Let the family combine together in securing at once this delightful musical opportunity—the source of many a cosy hour in your own home. If you have ever hesitated securing a musical instrument of your own, on account of expense, you have now no excuse or reason for further delay. While more elaborate Columbia Grafonolas cost as high as $65o, here is an instrument that gives astonishing results at a most moderate price. Many will think it quite impossible to give such wonderful value at such low cost, and to those we say HEARING IS BELIEVING—and your money back if not delighted. Just think of it !—The world's beat music and the world's best artists right in your own home. The Opera—the Music Hall —the Choir—at your slightest command. You can have the stirring strains of the Military Band or songs by the world's leading Artists— all produced in lifelike reality. When you are tired, and your nerves are jangled, you can choose some soothing, soft - toned melody, or in brighter moods you can have the lighter orchestral music or your favorite song. COLUMBIA WALTER H. HARRISON J.wi!!er aqd eptlklan THE SQUARE OODERICH mono _thesnvMt*- kW, See wil the i _the_ wsrstthai ihreheld. Thwe are sassy wade la able mad tbs • is year sad the e t opidsts V that sktss et is ea April ged. see carred for t,1 P. seen, roadster and et.tro.., as well Se heavy egA.sksral and s► uuI Metras beam tasetber Yaws bases ham% siii d�t maim This far is know tllealttbodt Western Ontario as NR of are fest sprint base belt Ttilrress welt) prisms are offered in sol & dee will _ t '! .a.i�opleRa,1 tho eau/les of �Perta, Heaee and i `lose lk ham shown, beet three is hallos set seresininy Ms property of say ON sass. bt4 swami is tam county represealed ewe tote thou two .stsiM item soy one sswty, and two oe sass/ be sept e.sted to make • eesalNldos. The first two entries eeesbt/jaeeepted. but entries must be in the hawk of the secretary not later maul tlaeowdey, Marsh eotb. Send for a prise list and reserve April lard for the Clinton opting fair. SemiReady ilomes A money -saving proposi- tion for those who intend to build in the above plan of homes as given by the H.M. LICKLEY CO., LTD., Gravenhurst. Everything .shipped from lumber to door lock and paint, sav- ing architect's fees. Re- tail price on lumber and hardware two-thirds cost of construction. Get full particulars from D. S. WHALEY, St. Marys, Agent fcr Perth a n d Huron Counties, at Bri- tish Exchange Hotel, on Wednesday, flar. 26th i MILLINiRY Miss Campbell announces her opening of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods and Pattern Hats for Wednesday and Thursday, March 19 and ao, and following week. The ladies will find an infinite and choice variety of the artistic shapes and novelties and patterns in:the new spring stock now ready for their inspection. Miss Campbell Kinston Street New Wall Papers We have recently received two more large shipments of Wall Paper direct from the mills, very new and pretty, and extra good value. Canadian Papers commence as Inw as 5c and Oc per roll, up to 2hr. Import Papers Ws make a specialty of Im- port Papers, which are more elegant and artistic than ever this year. Prices range from 15c per roll up to $1.00 per roll. Watch show window. The Colonial Book Store G1sO. PORTER, Prop. 'Phone 100 Goderich. EASTER SPECIALS AT Tat Maple Leaf Grocery FLOWERS. — Easter lilies, Carnation., Roses. FRUITS. — Pine Apples, Ban- anas, Oranges, etc. VEGETABLES. — Fresh Rhu barb, Lettuce. Radish, Green Onions, Celery. SYRUP. —'Log Cabin Brand Maple Syrup, labelled abets Intel), pure. FLOUR. -Self -rising Buckwheat Flour. MEATS. — Choice Cured and Cooked Meats. COFFEE and TEAS.—Our own special blend Aurora Coffee and choice Teas. BUTTER and EGGS. — in ample supply of strictly fre,h Eggs and choice Butter. Call or 'phone 52 �a Youn Hamilton street. We Invite You to Vstt the Millinery Show -room This Week Visit it this week, next week, any time, any day you find it most convenient. A magnificent display of new Spring Millinery is there for you to examine and study at your leisure. All the season's leading styles are represented. We wish you to feel perfectly at home to inspect them at your leisure. r/s' 91 There Should Be a Rush for Spring Coats We are splendidly prepared for a big rush for Spring Coats. The time has come to shed the heavier gar- ments of Winter. Our stock comprises many exclusive styles and there is no duplication of most garments. The styles, the materials and the values will appeal to you. The Coats are priced at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00 Great Values in Ladies' Tailored Suits Make it a point to see our ex- tensive showing of Spring Suits for Ladies. You will find • the display more interesting and comprehensive than ever before. Every garment man -tailored. The newest mater- ials and most favored styles for the coming season. These Suits are priced at $15, $17.50, $20, $25 Easter Gloves at Popular Prices This is the store for Easter Gloves. Every pair that goes over our counters carries with it our unqualified Kuaran- tee. If through any fault in material or workmanship any pair should prove imperfect, bring it back and we will cheer- fully exchange it for another pair. New spring colorings now in stock and full range of blacks at per pair 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 I-I006ENS BROS. cdretricten 1