HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-20, Page 6Te WMDAr MARCH 11, LEP
T. Swarts'
and Back Stables
MONT14MAL .*Mair
J Car Orr THE 8teuaaa
Passengers called for in
nay part of the town for
all trains at G. T. R. or
C. Y. R. depots. Prompt
service and careful atten-
Our Livery and Hack
service will be found up -
to -d to in every respect.
Your petronadesolicated.
Phone 107 Montreal Street
The Maseey-Harris Agent
5 Cutters
to clear our at coat price. If you
need a cutter come and see what
we have.
We have the
hundred—it will pay you.
I have jus? received a carload
of the famous Frost Fence and
Gates and Steel Fence Posts.
When you are in town come
in and see what we have.
The Massey llarrisSnop
Hamilton Street, (;oderich, Ont.
is selling
all his
Stoves and Ranges
■ in mosticases
below cost prices.
Call and see them.
W. R. Pinder
Hamilton St.
The Cbalice of Coinage
Being the Story
Who Drank of
o4 romance
of Certain Persons
it and Conquered
of Colorado
By Cyrus ToUnsend Brady
author 01 "The Kingandthe Man,'.
""The Island of Regeneration," toe"TheBetter Nan,' "Hearts and the High-
i Irway, "As 'the Sparks Fly Up-
ward,' tic.
Illustrations by FFY1.sworth Younger we.°a"ab`.r'a`i s°1G
The Castaways of the Mountains.
The man was evidently seeking her,
for so/soon as he caught sight of her
he 'broke into a run and came bound-
ing up the steep ascent with the speed
and agility of a chamois or a mountain
sheep. As he approached the girl
rose to her feet and supported herself
upon the boulder against which she
had been leaning, at the same time ex-
tending her hand to greet him.
"Ob," she cried, her voice rising
nervously as he drew near, "I am so
glad you are back, another bour of
Ionellness and 1 believe I should have
gone crazy."
Now whether that joy in his return
was for him personally or for him ab-
stractly, he could not tell; whether
she was glad that be bad come back
simply because be was a human being
Who would relieve her loneliness or
whether she rejoiced to see him Indi-
vidually, was a matter not yet to be
determined. He uoped the latter, he
believed the former. At any rate, he
caught end held her outstretched
hand in the warm clasp of both his
own. Burning. words of greetlnj
rushed to his lips torrentially; what
he said, however, was Quite common-
place, as i, often the case. Word
thought and outeard speech did not
"It's too cold for you out here, you
4nust go Into the house et once," he
declared masterfully, and she obeyed
with unwonted meekness.
The sun had set and the night air
bad grown suddenly chili. Still hold-
ing her hand, they started toward the
cabin a few rods away. Her wounded.
foot was of little support to her and
the excitement- bad unnerred her, in
spite of hie, hand she swayed; without
a thought lie caught ber about the
waist and half lifted, half led her to
the door. It seemed as natural as it
Was laevitable for tem to assist ber in
'this way, and in her weakness and be-
wilderment she suffered it without
comment or resistance. Indeed, there
was s b strength and power in his
arm. Eee was so•secure there, that she
liked it. As for him, his pulses were
bounding at the contact; but for that
3natter even to look.at her quickened
bis heart beat.
Entering the main room, he led her
gently to one of the chairs near the
table and immediately thereafter light-
ed the fire which he bad taken the
precaution 1.3 by before his departure.
The most delicious flaeors.with
the best and purest Cream. serv-
ed at the BALMORAL CAPE. Or-
ders by telephone for Ice Cream
in bulk or in bricks attended to
promptly. Telephone M.
Having purcbaaed the busi-
ness formerly conducted by
F. Barlow Holmes, we pur-
pose dealing In
Coal, Wood
Line, Cement
Fire Brick, Ete.
We will handle Serentos
and Lehigh Valley Oo.l, two
lines which are recognised as
the beet we wish to give
tam people of Oodencb and
vielmity the best serviow
dbh, NMI Mall be to
Wm from all of Mr. awe'
embowers and may others
11b Irish anything is our
All orders left with n
:f mai est street' peemlry
Br' vaskilkdkill
•Dams No. ?a
Tares et A. T. IR.. Sebe. serest
In %pate of'HI. Hand the Swayed.
It bad been dark in the cabin, but the
Are soon Ailed It with glerloas light
Abe watched him et bis task aad as
be rose from the hearth queWssed
ow tell me," she began "you
"First your supper, and them the
/tory," he answered, turning toward
the door of the mitre roots.
"Ne," pleaded the girl. "can't you
mei that aothiag In of any tmportaocw
to ms but the story? Did you And the
"1 Lound the place where It Dad
"Where It had heist"
'There wasn't a single melte of it
left- 'that whole pocket, 1 knew it
�, bad mem resort alma by the
"Set Kirkby, aad Mra. Maltlaad
'Ting weren't therm"
I 'Dli tem Mardi far them?"
Vat t e.n't ren bees drwwasd,"
rot enema 5.,.- N bagaa reeneer-
-•"Mirkbyr n ...tarof Inas.
"DM ds roe be., hiim r peened the
f!n r Ono
MAN ems.' M[ 4a meal welsh tgi
darkly at his admission. "1 naysn-t
sees him for eve years."
So that was the measure of his iso-
lation, thought the woman, keen for
the slightest evidence as to her com-
panion's history, of which, by the way,
he meant to tell her nothing.
"Well'?" she asked, breaking the
"Kirkby would certainly see the
cloud bunt coming and be would take
the people with him 1n the camp up on
the hogback near it. It is tar above
the flood line; they would be Quite sate
"And did you look for them there?"
"I did. The trail had been washed
out, but I scrambled up and found un-
disputed evidepce that my surmise
was correct. I haven't • doubt that
all who were in the camp were saved."
"Thank God for that," said the girl,
greatly relieved and comforted by his
reassuring words. "And Robert Mait-
land and the rest on the mountain,
what do you think of them?"
"1 am sure that they must have
escaped, too. 1 don't think any of
them have suffered more than a thor-
ough drenching in the downpour and
that they are all safe and perhaps on
their way to the settlements now."
"But they wouldn't go back without
searching for me, would theyr cried
the girl.
"Certainly not. I suppose they are
searching for you now."
"Well then—"
"Walt," said the man. "Yon start-
ed down the canon, you told every-
body you were going that way. They
naturally searched in that direction,
they hadn't the faintest idea that you
were going up the river.
"No." admitted Enid, "that is true.
1 did not tell anyone. I didn't dream
of going up the canon when 1 started
out in the morning, it was the result
of a sudden iinpuise."
"God bless that—" burst out the
man, and then he checked himself,
Gushing again darkly.
What had he been about to say?
seta gashed across his own
Whet int tato the woman's mind at
the sale time when she heard the
laoompletsd sentence; but she, too,
checked the question that rose to her
"This to the way I agar* it," eon-
tlaued the man hurriedly to cover up
hl. oonfuslon. "They fancy them-
selves alone In these moaatains,
which. saw for ms,. the are; they be-
lieve you to have gone down the can-
oe. Rlrkby with Yrs. Maitland and
the others waited pn the ridge until
Itr. Maitland and his party joined
them. They couldn't have saved very
Enact to eat or wear from Ute camp,
they were miles from a settlement;
they probably divided into two parties,
the larger with the woman and chil-
dren. started for home, the second
went down the canon searching for
yatr dead body!'
`And had it not been for yon," cried
Bre plr. impulsively, "they had found
"0-4 permitted me to be of service
to you," answered the man, sung%.
`1 can follow their speculations exact -
fly; up or down, they believed you to
have been to the canon when the
shoed bunt. therefore then was only
one place and one direction to search
Aad that wast'
"Down the canon r
'Khat did you do then?"
"i west down the canoe myself. I
think i saw evidence that lose one
Bad preceded me, too."
"Dad you overtake th.m r
"Osrtatnly not, thsy traveled sa
rapidly as i; they mast have started
'darty in the morning and they had
several hours the advantage of ms."
"But they must have stopped some-
where for the night and—"
"Tea," answered the man; "it I had
slily myself to madder, I should have
pressed on through the night and
overtaken them when they camped."
"Only yourself?"
"Yoe made me promise to return a
bare by nightfall. I deet know wheth-
er 1 seoaid have obeyed you or sot. I
%apt ea aa long as I dared and still
leave myself time ti get beak to you
Rho bad no ides of the daapsrate
Mead be bad made to Ma her wltle
t was still daylight
"If yea hadn't come what yea did.
1 should leave 4114." cried the girl Ma -
piteously 'Ten did perfectly s' t.
I dot thick I r e sewsr4; 1 Me
set. 1 sever wee sew Were, bete—"
"Deet agates. « egged` M En..
N's sot aaevmary: 1 m distlesnd ev-
Mytkieg yee feel. It was it
bad gives yea say wird sbe book
asset that i left ea Areolae their
I wee afraid that pee /light
spat nm aged ter that tams! bed
"Ix waep't'tltlrlmII Tamed tae t16F,1rt111k
hid whoa.is sea what Sogdian. toe
est het Nina I began to t'ev-
ersthlag. I rja w myself let aloe», here
la these moue alta. lriplslrs. waned-
wttheed a human betel to speak
to 1 could not bear 1t"
"Bot 1 have bees lure aloes for
lee years.: said the semi primly.
"That's different. I don't know why
you have chosen solitude, but 1—"
"Yoe are a womaa," returaed the
other= "and you have suffered,
that a wouata for everything."
"Hank you,.' said Bald, gratafalty.
"Aad 1 am so glad you cans* back to
"Back to you," reiterated the mart,
sad theta he stopped. It he had al-
lowed his heart to speak he would
have said, Back to you from the very
sada of the world. "But I want you to
believe that I honestly did not leave
the trail Instil the ultimate moment."
be added.
9 do believe it;" she sxteaded ber
hand to his "You have bees very
good to me, I trust you ab.olutsly."
And for the second time he took
that graceful, dainty, aristocratlo
hand 1n his own larger, stronger, firm"
er grasp. His face flushed agate; un-
der other circumetanoes sad la other
days perkap. hei might have kissed
that band. As It wan he only held'
It for a moment and then/gently re-,
leaned it
"And you think they are searching.
for nor she asked.
"1 know it. I ant sure of what I
myself would do for one I love --1
loved. I mean, and they--"
"And they will find mer
The man shook his head.
"I am afraid they will be convinced
that you have gone down with the
flood. Didn't you have a cap or-"
'Tea," said the woman, "sad a
renter. The bear you shot covered
the sweater with blood. I could not
pat It oa again."
As she spoke she flushed a glorious
erimson at the remembrance of that
misting, but the man was looking
away with studied care. She thanked
Mtn in her heart for such generous
and kindly consideration.
"They will have gone down the
stream with the rest, and it's just pos-
sible that the searchers may end
them, the body of the bear, too. This
river ends in a deep mountain lake
and I think it is going to snow; it
will be frozen hard tomorrow."
"And they will think ms—then?"
"I am afraid so."
'And they won't come up here?'
' "It is scarcely posalble."
"Ohl" exclaimed the woman faintly
at the dire possibility that she might
not be found.
"I took en empty bottle with me,"
said the man, breaking the silence, "In
which 1 had enclosed a paper saying
that yon were here and safe, save ,
for your wounded foot, and giving
direction bow to reaob the place.
I built a cairn of rocks in a shel-
tered nook in the valley where
your camp had been pitched and lett
the tightly corked bottle wedged on
top of it. If they return to the camp
they could scarcely fail to see it"
"But if they don't go back there."
"Well, It was just a chance."
"And if they don't end met"
"You will have to stay here for a
while; until your 'toot gets well
enough to travel, anyway," returned
the man, evasively.
"But winter is coming on; you said
the lake would freeze tonight s.rd if it
"1t will snow."
The woman stared at him appalled.
"And In that cane--"
"1 am c?ri!d," was the slow reply,
"that cou al!' have to stay here."
• He hesitated In the face of her white,
still face—'all winter," he added, des-
"My 'Cod," exclaimed the girl,
"alone, with you?"
"Miss Maitland," said the man, reso-
lutely, "I .might as well tell you the !
truth. I can make my way to the set-
tlements now or later, but it will be a
Tournay of perhaps a week. Then pill
be no danger to me, but you will have
to stay here. You could not go with
enc. If I am say judge you couldn't ,
Possibly use your foot for a mountain
journey for at least three weeks, and
by that time we shall be snowed in
as effectually as If we were within
the arctic circle. But if you will let
me go alone to the settlement I da
luta' back your uncle, a woman to
cep you company, before the trails
kYpasatble. Or enough men W
make It praelfeable to take you
through the cations sad down the
bilis to your home agate. I could not
de that alone even ff you were well.
1a the depth of *biter."
The girl shook her bead stubbornly.
"A week alone in there mountains
and I should be mad," she said deco•
glvely "it isn't to be thought of."
"It meat be thought of, ergot the
tsaa, "You dont understand, it la
isttber that or spend the wtater here
irfth me."
The woman basked at him steadily.
`Aad what haw 1 to fear from year
''""Nui'*b�lsg. nothing, as God 1e toy
ttes' protested the alert "but
Mho vole r
e9 'be world," sold the woman redo,.
'1 dost *man to say that It
sante* to Ens, bat ft has ,ease
palms for what i1 wade fats sy
ppw." came to her dealdas . lib
num M se hap for ft," she
"we etre Enareeeed"-,she
A1.tIy M she east the eY
tis Vail .nett soullisea
Tdb haw Aft* lite
are a sea aid a gentian*,
octad les I ft say trust
sell .wit N Itea . rats
•m a.etr 0•...54e1 ats
m. tike
tri le *!4lra
C11111DIETS Aidi
PILLS ht Mai II.
Oat rid of YOUR Itbaromaisms ise
good GIN !ice sift Miele semedly.
---they .111 mire yjes•bu mose�
your mossy will be p uppaly sdladed.
•• It affords Mseas Keith apt%, Tel s.
great pleasure to
inform you that I have used GMN ?11.1.8
for about stn mouths and that they have
done me s asst deal of good. I had
Rheumatism far two veno and this
whiter Issued myself from it by %klieg
GIN PILL& I h 1y r conamead then
to the public." A. IRAUDAY.
GIN PILLS Deatrallae the acid con-
dition of the urine, prevent the torna-
dos.1 uric acid in the blood sad same
in the bladder and kidneys, keep the
kidneys well sad strong, and tbas core
and ward off kheametic attacks ;oca
boa. 6 for to Sample free it youwrite Na Dreg
of Canada. Limited, Toronto.1K
Mike—"Olve a konuedrum our yea
to-noigbt, Biddy. If a man's horn in
(Ireland, lives in Ragland. an' doles in
Oiaagae ebwat is 'e r -A karpees, to
b' abure. Mike (with an air of annoy-
snee)--"Acta, somebody's b'n telling
You maytalk about the up-to-
date Style ofthisshoe, the comfort of
that and the long life of the other- but
if you want a shoe that vies in style
with the most stylish in comfort with
the most comfortable and in service with
the longest wearing, buy the Monarch
Shoe. There is nothing one sided
about. it. It's the Shoe of all round
Downing & MacVicar
1 have plenty of
Gas Coke now. Cau
All all orders prompt-
ly, 'Phone 127.
Thank You
Mother'!!. .
See that the name is
tr;1,049, 1.41
When you are buying Funiii
Groceries, the first cone iderati- c
is Quality.
We guarantee that out gods
will stand the quality test ever,
time. We want you to try
them, and 'Mor any reason you
are not perfectly satisfied we
want you to let us know. We
are here to give you satisfaction
in Groceries.
Give us a trial on your next
Stard3 & Coe
rovers, The Square, Oodetich
Concrete is the best
building material
ABROAD wtii Yet Waly tree. The aim of am lam is
bon t• melte his bis miseiab m may 54-
wl ts.. am pamkis. i1. scant labor nequied to gore led
ion to mak avow iaadars■ni wtbeiulas, 7L cafe coma be ever
was weed was that it sane amine le set red ascan ooeveninl to ass.
Weed i sok= asap to Sat Lam. moot btsitiag octant. its cast is is -
nt al a{ emir ascromits. So. from i. stass(bait of aim am -
tits et eDenmer. Camositt is eta bat biros aWstilL
C.asni"e Irmo we tatiilas naw assets, is pospasias to ilia mobs.
iso is imam of amy a!iw otnmtry. Why
Beams day are betas amid wi
Canada Cement —
.m asci' ComsM
essassa of dim 141.4 *rile "WINN whisk lsr
einem ties acmes se oink wsesrte wuA, t
ThaamM d atarrotia ppallie r Caapi lima la
the hires* wli vw base Denater
r .main we two As been i - ail
die t..tla.i • art as mean* is qua`
o) a err atm esmpbtr
.�w�. �..Y sate hops hew d ._1 as
s.6.p, hd ev iekiremodledmamso e.ppW
yaw .sa/a4 11 .aemaasitzgaiwsiblabC
deal r► sn..ayNai.si
11Palts arwrIt ea • to yblow COO 1► Ips
—dah/�wa►asa 1► %oral a wAr.
Csgr & GOIMMA Cisgmay Wise salleatoul