HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-20, Page 5particular 's to the rigs with :han elo- i in many 3. Room Es week. rily. Our only t enough. The 5, Poplins and h, grey, brown s1.•e lgs • we are today •tions and heavy a feature in our nate in getting Long and short 11 75, 12.00, $225, ride. yards wide. e els and Wilton ought m no E i g' Is lig s have your or your Spring ind Overcoat. ill need them ilop the Tailor West 8L, Goderich reeeesassemesseseasewebeha SYSTEM tkers' Excursions (oba. Saskatchewan nd Alberta My March to October ti via ehicago and St. Paul mob's and Pullman Tour Can will leave Toronto above dater for W►NNI• Change Of Cars end return $36.00 and return 143.00 other pointy. Proportion to rs' Excursions a and Saskatchewan March ltth 7.110111DAY thereafter tin Isin eluelvo. from urban), Port Hope and Low Rates Deems ar1sf, Sleet- NIPSO�'rswiWat change. mem 11 P m. es above dates. diem from F. F. Phone 8. WOMAN TIGHTS a handsome piece added to the equip. home. We carry ie of Furniture for , and anyone dedr- t or a single piece is JI and see our stock. o paean sed feel e WS bare tie right iIER LOCAL T6PICS Knight PHPe•'tir"• I►sai:M Next week. TM pill The spring assizes for the cuuuty of There is a hitch in the is connection with the r,tam nod fou r eaccount ven of a ed dim �tv.ts So „ft far as The Signal sae learn, weever. the difficult/48).4aot hamar- , and tt▪ heviog ie that the the metier la hand • du whatever can be done to have tMpraposltioa submine A te asp rate- Kers mte- P at ss early • leg Late Mn. John A. Hartel. . ice, Neftel, widow of the Tats John d• betei. of Goderich, died on Wed- tt am ▪ bad lived for theo last thirteen Mich township. The was a Dative of re rennins were weight h, and e tuaeral tot pieces to�Maitlland cemetery e ete 7on may afternoon. Rev. J. B. Pother - n. rector of St. George's church, heal were service and tbe ewers four nephews of the heresed Herbert. Percy, Wilfrid and fid Neftel. Mrs. Naftel leaves two sons and two daughters—Henry, .lrihur and the Mimes Rosa and Ethel, all of Toronto. The two sons Bete bete for the funeral. Norse Market Neat Tuesday. ib. next of the monthly horse .arkets w ill be held on Tuesday, the nth inst. Interest incess fairsd mais in- cressiog and • good e !acini for on Tuesday. next. It is apected that the trade in light horses ei! be more to the front in this sale aid the following than in those al- ready held this winter. Two buyers wbudeai in light bones only have addled the committee that they will Mme. Horse for 'bus work, light delivery and good roadsters promise to el is ,lemond Of course, this does sot mean that the heavy horse are to take second place ; they are always ea mat prominent feature of the sails and will continue so. Examination for Masters' and Mates' Certificates. A. Farrow, collector of custuma, sa received word from the Department d jtarioe and Fisheries at Ottawa that is k. cot'r.e of the next two weeks captain Henry W. King. examiner of w rier' and mates, will be in Godericb *We purpose of examining soy can - hates hero who may desire to be eeahieed for masters or mates' cerci- beim Intending candidates should communicate to Captain King, Room 95, Stsir Building, 12; Bay street, 1wseet°. Ont., their intention of pre- testing themselves for exgiminatioO, moat they mar be advised of the outdate oc which the examinations will be held. Sir. Farrow has a few copiesof a pamphlet which 'bows the qualifications required for the differ- ent grades of certificates, should any person desire .ucb information. Ree A. brown Going to Kingston, Rev. tared Brown, pastor of North street Setbodist church, has received se invitation to become the pastor of y�w�m street Methodist church, L( ilea at the end of the present senate -MI term in 'June. The call came quite as a surprise to Mr. Brown, who had no idea that his name eaa et -en (inner consideration by the Lepton board and who expected to retain to Godericb another year. The eydeobam street cbureb is the leading church of the denomination at King - sue. and the minister's salary is S1, - !Mi. After laying the matter before Me board of North street church, Mr. Brown decided to accept the invita- tion. subject. of course to the action dobe transfer and stationing commit- tees. The North street board is now looking about for another pastor. Mr. Brown is tl preacher of much more Nin ordinery ability, and the people el North street church have had splendid sermons from him during his somewhat short pastorate here. t , Doings at the Harbor. The scenes of activity around the waterfront have revived after the winter's quiet and Everything seems to be "hustle and bustle" again. The wharf in front of the Goderich lilecator & Transit Co.'s elevator has hen torn up and replaced with a went front, which greatly improves the appearance and will be a great aid to the lending of boats. The Mai i ton Dredging Co. have been for some time rebuilding the hull td the old dredge Arooldl and fitting s op in shape for work the coming' mason. °Detractor Bermingham is having' everything put in readiness to resume week in full force in a week or sh He is leaving hia scows rebuilt sad ie- ished in generaL Considerable repair work is being ADM to the Olga, an old vessel that mea laid up at the harbor last fall. Most of the engineers on the differ act boats have eommeacd the work dining up their beats so that they Sebe ready for the wallas wawa. who are engaged at the leek art :T eGiadarh.. J A• Huntteer, oft the :a biu mt ignia • Wlltlass . tete mad IL Reid. Coln *enemasJ. Unrmmond ���"11ss��aMM0e, to tea Eersen„0; lbw. yi 'oBitk. II set t1g%od ime us Wrlonisls, Ooiskpih. \\'urtoo. oa the Tie[dfs J. Dene, Kingstog Jaasea Mail. Tor - Hama will open at the court bouse next before Chief deistic" Tuesday, G ' lenbolme Falcoobridge. The following` ease have been entered foe trial : With a jui yy—Flynn v. G. T. R. ; Cut, v. Ballingall : Andrews v. Canada Co. Without jury—Orabam v. Dane] ; Baechler v. Baecbler ; Barr v. Curring et al.: Ritchie v. Standard Bank. Then are no criminal eases for the court, sod the grar.d jury has been dispensed with. Prof. Jackson's Lecture. The fourth and last lecture of the series given under Collegiate Institute auspices this winter was delivered on Friday evening by Prof. Gilbert E. Jackson, of toll University of Toronto. The subject was "The Cross and the l'reeceItr," and tbe address was largely a history of Mohammedanism, with relation to the great powers wits which since its rise it has contested for wor11 supremacy. The address was an exhaustive one and demonstrated a most intimate knowledge of his sub- ject on the part of the speaker. Prof. Jackson showed a sympathy with Mohammedanism which was surpris- ing, not to say shocking, to his hearers ; but at any rate the address was valuable from the vast amount of historical information whicll was given. After Forty-seven Years. Wm. Taylor, who worked with John Tiffin forty-seven years ago on the farm in Colborne, is at present visiting with Mr. Tiffin in town. This is the first time the two gentle- men have seen each other l4 that long period of time, and it is east to imag- ine that the meeting between them was a pleasant and affecting ooe. Af- ter leaving Colborne Mr. Taylor went to Ohio and worked in the iron mills, eventually being made a superintend- ent. For some years. on amount of his hearing having, failed. he has not been working, but be is still retained on the payroll of the company. The two old comrades had lost track of each other, but a few weeksago Mr. Taylor read the article about Mr. Tif- fin which was published in The Free Press and in this way . they got in touch with each other, and Mr. Tay- lor's visit here is the result.. The visitor from Ohio is still freab-looking, in spite of the growing years. He ta staying with Mr. Tiffin for a week or ten days. LOCAL TOPICS N BRIEF. Not too late to fend Easter ,yid, to your, friends. Smith a Art Stars has a splendid se lectbo. at various primas (,all and see them. The rash of warm weather is bringing a r -u h of orders to Ptidham', tailoring emporium Don delay leaving your order nota the warm weather is half gone. Do it NOW. tt R Mallows. photographer, announces that the Arst Moodsy in each month will be Baby Day at hi* studio. Mothers are invited to bring their children of not more than eighteen toothyef age to have their pictures taker. One picture oil be given tree to molt. tf The town council nieets tomorrow !Friday) evening. The Brophy studio will remain open all day on Good Friday. Miss Cameron announces her Easter opening for Saturday, March 22.nd. The Exeter Advocate has a new face of type, and is greatly improved in consequence. The schools does today for the Easter vacation and will resume work on`Mondey. March 31st. The regular meeting of Inverness Camp, Soo. of Scotland. will be held tomorrow (Friday ) evening. The Stephen township bribery ra..ee, which were to come before a mngisu ate at Exeter today. have been again ad- journed for a week. The choir of North street Methodist church is giving a sacred concert on Good Friday evening in the Ontario street Methodist church, Clinton. The county treasurer of the (bil- dreo's Aid Society has received a cheque for $30.05 se a contribution from the Blyth branch of the society. The death occurred in Tot•„•oto. on Saturday Met, of Mrs. Thou.se McGil- licuddy, after a long illness. Mrs. McGillicuddy Was for some years a resident of Goderich, her husband be- ing at that time one of the proprietors of The Signal. in accordance with instructions of the county council, copies of the reports presented at the last meeting of the couucil by inspectors Torn and Field have been printed in pamphlet form for distribution among the school teachers and trustees of the coaaty. At the next meeting of the Goderich Horticultural Society, to be bald in Mr. Lane's office on Tuesday evening next, 25th inst., Rev. John Polloc will reed apaper. Mr. Pollock takes a practical interest in horticulture, and bis address will be well worth hearing. The county property committee of lbs county council met on Monday to receive tenders for the new building at the jail. Only one tender was deceived, and it was decided to take no action upon it but to deter the whole matter until the June meeting of the council. The tee in the river broke awayon Friday morning last and syntit fcr'oed a clear channel out to the lake the water rose to a great height. At Maltford it was higher than for several yams The jam broke away and the water subsided before any daslage of say seseast was dens. At the mow* d the water and semi this week an order was passed ire the p'rws of sago as settimeast le tui s[ IM 6..ur rags shim se aaaalttl l at the Mega Don- ahoe sea 0. A. MED whish brwltbt 0110001111 mei Um soinie power pleat lit Y The originalipal alais wet for IMAM W. Mem Osafiiir dOltpuilar been feta, on the mug; A. leetmraa Lae Fred FI WS , ',ie. The a• 431.1141820i ia Mee- rltt --Mau d Ileae,,y1. 11PSpapposmil se teams 'beset the Ent of nsettiewtb, p ass kites 'll he lost in giakag shags 41st ta.y mayMNe't that 4015 abet oesewatiegt to aloe hat Pla kw years gMsri ngla w'q d~ b W !AT in t the eir home teens wr11a Tgeg, of the wieder s1M Q. 'f wag the Set to flow "Vastrele=i� �SwM, Pgt- et Ike limber woes sd Nib el[ Mil fused I► t stemrlweak whoa the los y pedher atilt the isselit eb. hew We tWaita arare the V+er THK SIGNAL : • ODlcu. ONT Th �metedy w vs. The WI se..bere halm yokes. wteil Is led esti guile to sayattempt attem�The seem frees " " was wallpltelg. sed tb .rt!)w light towhee of eoewere net - overdoos.—Detroit Pres P CHURCH NOTES. Rev..1. E. Ford, of Clinton, presi- dent of the London Conference, occupied the.pulpit of North street Methodist church last Sunday at both services and delivered two able sermons. A large congregation was present in Knox chureb last Sunday evening, when Rev. Geo. Ross gave an address special! for the sailors and fishermen before they ooninence their season's work. The sermon was practical and helpful and was listened to with great in tercet. . The W. H. M. S. of Knox church held their annual quilting bee un Thursday and Friday of Met week. Nearly a hundred ladies were present to help in the good work of making quilts for the home mission hospitals and homes in the West. As a result of their labors twenty-eight quilts are being sent this week to Vegreville and Teuton. Easter Services, Baptist Church. Services full of Easter joy will be 'held in the Baptist church next Sun- day. Special Easter music has been prepared by the choir under the leader- ship of W. Hudson. In the morning and evening services the choir will render Easter aotbems. During the evening service the Harmonic Male Voice Quartette will sing. It being the centenary of the great missionary explorer, David Living- stone, mention of hie great work will be made by the pastor during the morning servifre. Come to the Baptist church next Sunday. You will enjoy the services. All will be cordially invited. North Street Methodist Church. At North street Methodist church next Sunday the pastor, Rev. Alfred Brown, will preach morning and even- ing and conduct the adult Bible class. Esater sermons at both services. The musical program will be as follows: roesnie mavrcc. Organ Anthem " Semis" „Ise le Risen' Anthem -Hallelujah!" Organ postlaie....Feetive March ....H. Smart avgnna szavlce. (!rate voluntary .... ..8priqt Sorg . .Hollins Anthem IAfe from the Dead' Anthem. .. "The lord Is M Suength" Orson postinde... Marche Tri°moh� .. Archer Victoria Street Methodist Church. Victoria street church services for Easter are as follows : MORN INC. 11 O CLOG a. ()roan voluntary Nocturne from Chopin Rmsenkrans &sear sora[ Choir Soio lseteeted) T. Schuler Sermon-- Thomas, 11. Deebtsr of the Resur- rection" ')can po4Jade Marceau, • la Govotte Barrett avuiNe. 7 O Cl.a e. Organ prelude Medttatioe Mor rime Doxology Easter chorus . - . ...fling Hosanna (Mahe eld) Choir Invocation Hymn el: Prayer Soto t.elected 1 . e . T. Schuler Intimation and notices ' Easter anthem "Christ the Lord is Risen' mete Scripture reeding Hytrin ell Scripture leas= Soto "rear Ye Not, 11 New r...Miss Belcher Ssrnsonet.te ... 'Praise'...... ... Dr. Medd sayer erten* -Jesus 8tiu load On.” . Me..ra E. C. Belcher. T. Schuler, W. Drew, S. Belcher. Offertory and prayer Hymn e1 .1 ' dulesa diriteer.anr wee s7t, d Reath street aheree. Ooderish. samm =p+` d IlOglifrillD tore leD=ISItlinrogirsat ~ay. 'Ass Um a ves, j}ilaer1 (]tianWt ...... ... Mlles McClinton Choir master ... .. Mr. E. C. Belcher PERSONAL MEN fiON. Mr. and Mn. Fred Ui•iale lett today oo s. slat to friend* at Buffalo. Exeter Times : Mrs. W. Wood of Huron - dale, vvisitingting bee sister. Lioklater, of Dederick'. Mir Edith Williams len for Toronto this morning to spend the Yaater holiday* with Miss Coo. Wilson. Mr. sod Mrs. Ileo, G. Sturdy. of Goderich township. visited at J. B. Graham's. Sheppard - too. last Thor.dey. Mot Webster left on Tuesday to make 0, Matt of some week, with her daughter, Mrs. D. Johnston. at Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mhephafd and children left on Saturday to spend • week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. Johnston at Preston. Mrs R J. Phelan and Mir Hazel are in St.re:eed to .peed Laster with Mrs. Pixel/Lai parents, Mr. and Mrs P. J. Sullivan. Mrs. J. W. Vanatter, her many friends will regret to learn, wax taken seriouslyill lad wast Bks lamuch better this wee, but It will time before het strength is fully restored. MM Hattie Belcher took part in "The 7 � of Fame." a mndoal production re- eenti) oarrted out at Clinton under the aaspkes of the ladies of Ontario street Metho- dist, church. Clieton New Los : Mr. Ted. Cook len on Monday of this week for Goderiob• where he takes • position to lbs moan taetory there. We are sorry to low ear yocng people. and the (Mimeos' Hood aid loses • valued member. Mir tibia Graham. daeghter of Geo. Un - ham. karst street. ha* oomptsted her °our", as • nurse In training at the New York hospit New Yore City, tad on Marsh 5th grad with kith honor. She will remain is New York to practise bee iwotestlss. Mrs H. Turner and daughter, MM Gladys, left floe afternoon to visit relatives et Berlin and Toreete and will rhea �eaeee� 1e New York City to Join Mr. Turner, sure eaves Mss Tamar saw psessnud with a_e�rt�sasts of Ilgty al N rekip in thew M +eredlpiAok,, et tleeMtr df IliiorUt street M white de was an active dastur. itis* Gladys was a member of the ilistual stag for some time, a5d hes associates In the °Mee wink ber good luck and a happy life. JUNE EXAMINATIONS. 0 EAST STREET GARAGE OUR NEW !!TOCK OF AUTOMOBILE AND BICYCLE Supplies r bee now arrived. We can fill all orders promptly and st the right prices Jericho Exhaust Whisti for Ford Can, 116.00. This is really noisy. A new Barrel of Batteries just in. Don't wait any longer before getting fixed tip for the summer. — Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. OODERICH, ONT. PHONIC 243 entrance and senior public school' graduation pupils fold their papers on June 17th. The hours are in each case from 9 to 1130a. m., and from 1:30 to 4 in the afternoon, with the exception of spell- ing oral reading and geography per- iods, which may curtail the lunch hour or be taken in late afternoon, according to the wish of the stodenL "How do you stand on the income- tax question?' "My motto is this, 'Glue me the incomes of the people and I care not who collects their taxes.' " Schoolmistaees—"Now. Archie, if you were seated in a tramcar, and every seat was oiseupied, and a lady entered, what would you do ?" Archie —"Pretend I was asleep." IF YOU ARE -Al DRINKINGMAN You had better stop at once or you'll Lose your job. Every line of businees is closing its doors to "Drink- ing" men. It may beour turn next. By the aid of ORRINE thousands of men have been restored to lives of so- briety and industry. We are so sure that OItRINE will benefit you that we say to you that if after a trial you fail to get any benefit from its use, your money will be re- funded. When you stop "Drinking," think of the money you'll save ; besides, sober men are worth more to their employers and get higher wages. Costa only $1.00 a box. We have an interesting booklet about ORRINE that we are giving away free on re- quest,. Call at our store and talk it over. F. J. Butland, North Side Square, Goderide No Change in Regulations err Currxalum from Last Year. The strenuous period of examination time is already looming on the vieials of ibonsassds of Ontario students. The Departments of Sd'motion bee limed the tim►tabiw for the annual examin- ations `Jess. sarin as a prelimin- ary waseht that the days of trial are em the way. Them either �y no eunistes. or reparation the thea d lest year, t bath path mad Maah shad scholars aelA e • w! 1 be lose at the sad of Js.. '!1a ere gisehq d res west by he eels beg years whoa the topeglmwt wee talti. prom' wry sehlase ry, the stems of hot July d belga gfa b* teelded. sled the Depare saet ` e &did to make the rigid— peas fit h Itis. 11114006, Mies lire Wilts sad t wer =itbiese MMee hoe 110. Mal ma - the hoer goihwal, mold wtteewe. h186 sliaat COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Is rich in food value and easy to digest. It is just Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground from the choicest Cocoa beans. Nurses and Doctors recommend its use is sickness .or in health. 171 Do You � vis Cowan's Cocoa. 7 aorumse ass sere a slugs. ads om oo.ns.s arsodsst e. tees. swbo+ra■.seaslass •osrarwe... wsw+s/w�eaarwwM+s as•*wsds Caw •taasa 111.01100•••••••••• •.•••rasa TasWsrrind ussrnsssasmonr. x*ieeM did NNW a.srtft sear -.zonae *NW: * ssthmsssasesowed awl raps saser db.sensrsy .aeras adrift a Is swas..ris M taelawc wan ren eddin. Sod prom rev damps.• bas iss, T ernescae. Wanes * ►VIS • .1'4=4= .r,..ta:.,s8,a%s.8011 Total bets (tier) - S65,111311 IJRIO _ ��x 1 k Roney Orders ar c�►rraau . Save Trouble and Loss Hy means of the Bank Money Orders which e e issue, you can send sumo up to $50 to any point in Canada ( Yukon accepted) or to any of the principal cities of the United states with Wei - mum cost and 'trouble and absolutely no risk of loss. Ord... for sums up to 16 cost 3c.—froru $3 to $10, 6c. --front $10 to $30, 10c.—from $30 to $.91, 1.1c. Use them. P LONDON. ENG.. NRANcit r. w. Azar. - • ss Threadneedle. S& E.C. 1 41-11- RAI" f1 C. RA . "otos.-- le..ar.er. Th W• dor CLEANrgT, 55.1.JJT..•d REST rsowr DYE, oeo car boo --Way you dos"( ...s 1..,. ,o tower wt KIND of ChM poor Good. Lae mode oL--ie x55..5.. se. Impossible. Send hen lobo Cdo. Coq. eery Booklet. *a Re.Sr. soros swells M Orals. wee **be. color.. T1s JOHNSONM� RCwdw CO., Wooed, An Easter Offering of Jewellery makes a beautiful and lasting gift. It is an expression of your permanent regard for the one to whom it is given. If You Choose It Here ycu will be assured of jewel- lery whose quality is above suspicion. You can give it with confidence that a little wear will not nuke you ashamed of your offering. We shall be glad to show you a variety of appropriate gifts priced lower than the quality would warrant. J. S. DAVEY Jeweller and Optician Corner Colborne St. and Square CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS ERE'S another three - button style tor Spring that exhibits refinement, style and good taste. The fact that it is 2oth Century Brand is a full guarantee that it is finely tailored and will give satisfac- tion. ea serene( sma they dsreqelrbdsen.!► era *WSenrmtsmaaa, mssO. w Ready for service or male to special measure. Largest range of samples in Canada. to choose from. Walter C. Pridham Sole Agent for Both Century Clothing King Hats Peabody Overalls New Spring Goods Coming in NEW SU ITS NEW PANTS NEW HATS NEW CAPS NEW SHIRTS Everything. in Spring Goods. 1 t will pay you to come and see u5. You will double your money buying from us. 11. Robins Square Goderich Empress of Ireland Mar. 7 I' nteres.' of Britain ,.Mar. 21 Lake Manitoba Mar. n Emprei. of Ireland .... April f Empress of Britain April 18 Lake Manitou April St Empresa of Ireland May 2 Empress of Britain - May lei Tickets and all information from any .tmam.hip agent. or J. Kidd. Agent. C'. P. R., Goderich, (lot. LogsWanted T h e undersigned will pay the highest Dash prices for all kinds of good Logs delivered at the mill, foot of Angle - sea street, Godericb. Custom sawing and genet al mill work done pro:aptly. GODERICH MONTHLY HORSE MARKETS Public Horse Markete will be held in GODERICI I Tused. yMarch 46th fuaeday, April 16th boEnds Sale Day mean, a day of big ranso,s, get your horses 01 all Made ready. bm sol Iib. ba willd and you w !We emelt* at SSD p. a sash Sale Dy. Da W P'. (lfue=. V. S.. Prm ddeet Llan OogaeoaA.T, SsmeLry. WA'S tI I R S are a smtll item, Inst upon the proper insertion of the right, quality kind. in needed places, depends tuuch of YOUR PLUMBING For satisfactory fixtures, satis- factory work, and real satis- faction in plumbing. see us first anti get our estimates. FRED. HUNT Hamilton Street, Goderich Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring. etc. COLLEGE AT HOME Thousands of &midfioas young people are fast preparing in their own hore- to Omeapy hlcrat(va posltions a.+ uteno,t rapbers,bookkeepers. telegraphers, civil servant., In fact every sphere of Bosi • nese Activities You may Antes .t no; Mee If von so wlsb. Poettlons yvaraa. teed. Enter college any day. Individ- ual instruction. Expert teachers. Tbirt. .es...' ►.,,...o,,.,.. t ....o...., trainers in is -nodes. Seven colleges. SWIM reuses for teachers. AMliated with Commercial Filo.. tors' Ae.ociation of Canada. Summer Rehool s• femnns 8trntton Ru4°tw• Coll.ryre. London- • Clinton Business College Gall 8i rc v 1'realde.t. B. 1'•. t< * N n Principe' Pe member The Kellogg -Haines Singing Party which appear in Victoria Hall r n Tuesday, April 1st 0* 1 (Y. N. O. A ( ur.el >d i wed Qn.rtett e Nair Trio Soloists w• weessete�d emblems. light its 60c-3Sc $Sc a M H. T. !boards. Opso th iff . •Sat , Mote