HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-20, Page 44 Tat n taDae, MAse w 13. 1110Lt
District News e
Lactase. ceased ea. -ye
tt�s and will�give .,dtire
atntttsa to the aLeek , ars
a� w111 be towed rimy der. All ahead* meth
b Daataaaoe ter The utgadl t. im the
Beek and titers. where
orders be received forad-
vertWag add auk work, sad "wish ks
given tar aauaatr paid ter W rasa
Te seDAT, Merin Inds.
DcxoAYNox Dotwee.-Miss Mabel
Johnston is visiting relatives at
Auburn ... Mies Retina Sproul haw
returned from Goderich Mis.
Ruby Mothers returoed to Goderich
on Saturday after a three weeks' visit
with relatives in the village and vicin-
ity Dave) Gleno left on Monday
for Port Lambtoo, where he has a
position with the Government prun-
ers The auction rale held on Fri-
day by Robert Armstrong was well
atteoded. Mr. Armstrong hes *old his
dray business to Stephen Leaves and
intends going to Uoderich to reside.
The fuueral of t.h. late Matthew
Young, of Findlieter, Seek., took place
to Dungannon cemetery on Monday
afternoon .. Tbs morning service
in the Metbodiet church on Sunday
last was one of special interest The
W. M. 8. had charge of the service
and papers on tithing were read by
Mime S. E. Sanderson. Mrs. J. John-
son, Mr& Andrew Kirke and Mrs. J. E.
Bunter Henry Fowler has bold
his house next to Erskine church to
Thomas Young, of the 4th concession.
West Wawanosh Miss Teskey. of
Ripley. is visiting at the home of 'Mr.
and Mrs. B. Beoinger... W. Beat-
tie and A. P. Dither have bought G.
Powell's intete.it in the River Valley
Creamery Co.
A GRgAT Sorrwrts.-The ppa•ttrriotic
concert given to Erskine Proahyterian
church under the auspices of the
Young People's Guili, on the evening
of St. Patrick's Day, was • grand suc-
ue-cess in all its features. The character
sketches as outlined on the English-
man, $cotcbmsn, Irishman and Cisme
dien were both instructive and hum-
orous, as vividly presented by their
respective supporter, Rev. A. Laing,
B. A., Rev. J. 8. Hardie. B. A.,
Rev. J. Hamilton. B. A. and Rev.
J. 8. Duncan, B. D. Tb. addresses
were well illustrated by suitable na-
tional chomps., songs and readings.
The local elergyseen. Rev. T. H.
L Young, of the At9g11sas charel&.
and Rev. J. E. Hunter, of the
Methodist denamination, greeted the
audience with very humores• and ap-
ernprIate remarks, congratulating toe
Build on baring securrd the talent
and furnishing so entertainment so
choice and interesting throughout all
its numbers.
8H1ewooD - Rivirrr.-On Wedies-
dey evening, Maden 12(h, the boom of
Mr. and Mrs. Sbadreeb Rivett, conces-
sion 6, Ashfield towns/up, was the
scene of joyous teeteviiies„ the occa-
sion being the marriage of their eld-
est dxugbter. Mary J., to G. Wesley
8herwo, d, of Wilkie, Bask- To the
accompaniment at the wedding
march, artistically rendered by Mia
Sherwood, sister of the groom, the
bridal pair. unattended, took their
places under a beasedul Mttooned
arch. the bride heineegieesemesp by beer
Lather. The eeremony was performed
by Rev. J.K. Hooter. of Dungannon, in
the presence of upwards of sixty rela-
tives and guests. (Jbngratolatiooa over.
• dainty wedding supper was served by
the young ladies, who were the intim-
ate friends of the contracting parties.
The bride was becomingly attired in
white pailette silk with shadow lace
and pearl trimmings. Her travelling
costume was new blue whipcord sod
hat to match. The groom's gift to
the bride was a handsome fur -lined
opat, besides which many valuable
presents were given, expressing
esteem and best wishes. In about •
week they leave for their borne et
Wilkie, Seek., retiree Ur. Sherwood is
engaged in business, and they bear
with them the hest wishes of a large
circle of friends for happiness and
prosperity in their new home.
DL NOANNON Ot1BL1(' Suil001. RE
PORT. -The following is • report of
the standing of pupils in Dungannon
•1 public school as hayed on weekly ez-
amination feeta for the months of Jan-
uary. February and March. The
nbpst:ars indicate the everege percent-
age obtained nn niue subject*: Sr. V.
-Lillian Pent lend 74, Myrtle Allen 71.
Rae Stothers (14, 1311a Hasty 60. Jr.
V. -Lorne McKenzie 66, Linn Ander-
son 58, Melinda Culbert 56. 8r. IV. -
Ethel Brown 71. Marion Disbar 74,
Win. Fitzgerald 73, Mattel Culbert 55,
Pearl Iver 54, Fed Fnwkr 48. Jr.
IV. -Judson Bell T.. Albert Brown 72
Haus Augustine 65, Ruby Allen 54.
Iva Carr :4, Cecil Baxter 53, Delos
Dither 50, Melville Culbert 40, Harold
Sproul 38. 8r. 111. -Lillie Farrington
Olive Glenn 78, Margaret Medd 73,
Marion Bice 66. Redeem Augustine 1r3,
Bert Smith 57, Kosina Brazier e4,
Gladys Fe-Hos/ton 50, Elmer Rbeckle-
ton 44, Irene Carr 43, Edith Anderson
42, Franklin Thompson 36, Jr. 111.-
Wilbth Brown, Amber McKenvie,
Bell Errington, Florence Durnin,
Frank Glenn. E. Carr, Geo. Caldwell,
Warren Irene F. Rowr, Principal.
Se. i1. -Annie Baxter, Mabel John-
son, Wilbur Stewart. Agnes Cousins,
Poesy Elliott. Agnes Caldwell, Nora
Oomm, E. Johnson, George Glenn.
Je, 11. -Margaret Pentlaod, AnnieMi Lott, Harry Carr, Lionel 8s�see,
Br. Pt. Ii t'arner ('�ousine, 14sy-
metad Brown, Leslie Gomm, Lauri
lesragre Orville Ryan, Nelson Culbert.
Maari(e. Imre, Ohre Sanderson, Rer-
ead Stewart Gordon Glenn. A I. -
Tommy Johnson, Harry Elliott.
Jamas Fowler, Mary Keri
Pow Albinos. Mabel Ankh. I.--
as Brown. Arthur letewsut,
aQhlfwel , Margaret M.Nw, La
Versa Pasttaad. Winnie lecture
Memo ahem during winter). G.
rrta. weber•
aid Nies,.
Oa th. SF J.'• et Wool reedier
WItDMtaDAT, Mar. 19th.
T. Leith Sturdy left for Salvador.
Sask., on Tuesday with s carload of
bones end settler's effects, atter
spending Use winter with friends hen.
Mr. Sturdy has a half -section of land
io Alberta and is very much taken up
with the West. Mn. Sturdy and
children will return the following
week. Their many friendg,wish them
prosperity in their new home.
WEEWF.SDAY, Mar. 18th.
The St. Patrick's Day eocial held on
Monday evening, in the basetrent of
the Presbyterian church, was quite
successful in every way, and a very
pleasant time wagspeot. Mn. McGuire
of Se•fortb assisted very acceptably in
the musical pert of the evening's
Robert Beacon], of Goderich town-
ship is spending a few days with
relatives in the village.
Mrd. (Dr,) Smith and Miss M. Castle
spent Monday in Goderich,
Tee OLD BRIDOS SOLD. -The "old"
bridge, having become nook even for
foot passeugers, was auctioned oft last
week, the buyers being Geo. Weston,
Chas. Faulkner and M. Ross. When
taking down the timbers last Wednes-
day, Mr. Weston met with a slight
accident which resulted in the break-
ing of baa ankle -bone. Unfortunately
ernes of the timber, which when taken
down was piled on the little piece of
land known as Goose Island, was
carried away by the flood on Friday,
when the river ice broke, and being
carried out to the lake is a total toes.
Rev. Mr. Oondell is suffering from
an attack of la grippe.
In Dodd's Kidney Pills -How a Nova
Scotia Woman Was Relieved of
Heart Disease.
Eel Creek, Cumberland Co., N. S.,
Mar. 17th. -(Special). -Mrs. J. W.
Leadbetter, of this place, feels it ber
duty to let her suffering sisters all over
Caeade know that they can find relief
in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"I was treated by five doctors," Mrs.
Leadbetter states. "Four of them did
me no good. The fifth operated on
me and that gave me relief for a time.
1 bad female, kidney and heart
trouble. I sets so nervous and run
down that my friends did not think I
would ever get better.
"An advertisement led me to use
Dodd's Kidney Pills and i found in
them a cure for all my troubles. I
cannot praise Dodd's Kidney Pills too
SATURDAY. Mar. 15th.
Towxstne COUNCIL. -The council
met on March 10th as per adjourn-
ment Members all present. Min-
utes of )net meeting read and con-
firmed. A bylaw was read and pamsed
appointing the following pathmasters,
poundkeepers and fenceviewers for the
presentear: Pattimasters - Geo. w
Raithby, H. Deer, G. Jenkins, R. J. w
Powell, Wm. Kehue, Geo. Bent- f
ley, Wm. J. Dobie, J. jr.,oare. Wm. J.
Dobie, jr„ J. Johnston, Dan, Me-
Oowsn, R. Marshall, R. B. McGowan,
F. D. Stalker, J. T, Wilson, Wm.
Walden, W. J. Rodger, A. Robinson,
W. H. Campbell, John Rodger, A.
Barr, M. Mason, J. Williams, J. E.
Ellis, N. Walsh. Fred W. Cook, jr.,
Jas. T. Bell, J. McDowell, B. H. Tay-
lor, W. McDowell, D. Cook, J. Mc-
Lean. A. Bradburn, H. Campbell. J.
8. Scott, Chas. Wightman, W. J.
Cole. Jas. McCallum, E. eltapteton,
Ed. Walsh, N. Bolt, Chas. Jehn*tou,
jr., Cbas. King, P. Gibbons, 0. 0. An-
derson, J. Shoehottom, J. J. Ferguson, J'
Wm. Salter, J. Cochrane, Gen. E. r
Fitzpatrick, A. Robertson, W. Reid Th
W!♦WnsnaT, Mar. lith,
Nohow. -A number of younge
from tide vicinity attended thein.
Patrick's ooaoset to Duoga•non on
Monday evening Making maple
syrup le the oder of the daywith
some of the tanner' in this vcinity.
Wm. Bowles, of Belfast, 1s in
Mk vicinity this week cutting wood
tot the farmers with his sawing wa-
chine..1eies B. Thompson attended the
Evans -Barlow wedding this week.
Heestsa tarots Ass Beet. -There
was a good attendance at the debate
bald in the hall here last Thursday
evening. The subject was : "Re-
solved, that summer sports are more
beneficial than winter sports." The
affirmative was taken by Mrs. R.
Thompson, Miss Mary Cummins and
Gus Kinston, while Miss B. McAllister,
Miss Rebecca Thompson and James
Craig upheld the negative. The affirm-
ative side won the debate. Rev.
Father Dean, Miss Sullivan and Mise
Taylor acted as judges.
TUIISDAY, Marcb 18th.
CoNoRATCLAT10 ie --Milton Naylor is
a very happy young mein now. He
took unto himself & wife, in the per-
sue of Mies Higgins, of Turnherry, on
Wednesday of last week. They pur-
pose engaging in farming inane town-
ship. May success and happiness be
your companions all the way through
life, Mr. and Mrs. Naylor.
Rear ,-Mrs- W.P.Crosier audllittle
son Clifford,of Asheeld,are visiting the
former's parent., Mr. also Mrs. W. H.
Campbell The young people of
this neighborhood els oyyedlan evening s
skating on Bury McDowell's pond
last night George Wightman, of
Essex, is visiting his brothers, John
and Charles, of this place.
Date AT GRSA'r Aug. -John Mar-
wood, one of the oldest resident. of
Wawanoeb, passed away on Monday
of this week. He was s native of
Yorkshire, Englsod, and came to this
country many years ago, settling on
lot 30. concession 7, Hest Wawa/tomb,
where be continued to reside until his
death. He leaves to mourn his de-
parture a widow, a large family of
.one and daughters and numerous
grandchildren and great-grandchil-
dren. Ile bad reached the advanced
age of ninety-two years. The inter-
ment was node in Donnybrook ceioe-
College at Home.
By means of the Spotton Corres-
pondence Schools, every home may
be transformed into a college. Tens
of tbausande of young people holding
excellent positions in Canada --sod
United States ueed their spare
moments and are now reaping their
reward by high salaries. These
courses can be secured and paid for at
any time, thus putting them within
the reach of all. Further information
can be secured by 'phoning or writing
theClinton Buainees College. It will
be well for all young people to read
their new ad. on page 5 of this issue.
MONDAY, Mar. 17th.
Womeses irrenette ,-The monthly
meeting of the 8L Helens Women's
Institute will be held et the home of
Mrs. R. K. Miller on the afternoon of
Thursday, tbe, 27th at 2:30. The subject
ill be "House-cleaning." Roll call
ill be responded to by quetatione
rom Tennyson. The question drawer
H1 be taken up. All are welcome.
News Norge, -John Acheson re-
turned on Saturday from Peter-
borough..Mr. Menzie and W. Ruther-
ford are busy buying cattle for their
pasture term .. ..Rob. Taylor has
sold his farm to his brother Will Tay-
lor, for which he realized a good figure.
This gives Mr. Taylor a farm of 300
acres. What is the use of going West
when you can get plenty of good land
at home?
New Bpoice.-An additional'pur-
c ase of nbw books for the library has
ist been made and the books will be
eddy for distribution on Saturday.
Dee who bate not yet joined our
library should avail themselves of the
opportunity of gond cheap reading.
Fifty cents per year gives you the
privilege of two books a week ; 75c
tour books a week, or $1 gives you a
family ticket.
J. Pattison, E. Walker, R. H. Scott,
H. Perdue, B, J. Tyreman, J. Kerr, 1.
Stewart. J. Mowbray, Herb C. Taylor,
J. Gillespie. Fred Davidson, J. Morri-
son. J. Sutherland, J. 8meltser, R.
McGee, F. Doyle, Cbas. F. Martin. G.
B. Naylor, G. C. Naylor, J. Beecroft,
J. Jamieson, Wm. James, R H.
Thompson and Wm. Nixon. Pound -
keepers -J. Hoare, Geo, Quinn, J. C.
Stoltz, B. H. Taylor, Geo. Cunning-
batn, H. F. McGee, D. Clow, T. Robin-
son, J. Campbell. J. Cochrane and
J. 0. Currie. Fenceviewere-D, Mc-
Gill, Geo. L. Sturdy, P. D. Stalker,
W. Pattison, R. Hhiell and A. Rob-
ertson. A communication from Wing -
ham general hospital, asking for a
grant of money in aid of that institu-
tion, was received and ordered to be
filed. The Reeve gave a report of at-
tending s meeting of the Ontario
Good Roads Association at Toronto
and intimated as a result of said meet-
ing it would he altogether probable
that at an early date the county' of
Huron would take the o steps
to participate in the Provinci grant
for road improvement, Currie -Stone-
house : That as a council we approve
ret the township's accepting the oder of
tbe county council regarding assist-
ant). to be given in repairing the
Prairie road between the townships of
East Wawanosh and Morris. Oar-
ried, Mr. Chalon, representing the
American Road Machine Company of
Godericb, waited on the council in ref-
erence to the township's purchasing a
new road grader. No action taken
In this matter at present. The fol-
lowing amounts were ordered be be
paid : James 1[cfjili, refund of Statute
labor tat in 11.12. $6 ; Fred Toll, as-
sistance os survey Toll drain, $4 : J.
N. Oneepbslb *enemies to Toronto re
then ss meeting 411/.50.J.50, The eoun-
gjcnrtoed to meet actio on
Monday. April 14th, at 1 o'elalk. A.
PoweirsngLD, Clerk.
Lew Rates for Easter Via Grind Trunk
Raih ey System.
Tie4ete will be Issued at single fare
for stowed trip between a8 stacking I n
Clallada east of Port Arthur, also to
and Poet Huron. Mich. B.!.
sa Falls. Blank Rook sad
N. Y, (food
pastes >A fila >� wed It, otiC
* 115tt ti saeW
seer k e am >
a 01.
FIXATE! or MRs. BURNS. -00 Tues-
day, 18th lust., the remains of Mre
Mary Burns, wife of Thos. Burns, 7th
concession, were:interred in Colborne
cemetery. The deceased passed sway
on Saturday after a quiet but useful
life. The funeral cervices were in
charge of Rev. Andrew Laing, and
Win. McVittie, R. M. Young, Alex.
Young and (Jordon Young were the
pallbearers. Mrs. Burns was highly
esteemed by those who knew her, and
was a good neighbor and friend
Turn LAIR W. 1,. FERGUSON. -The
late William L. Ferguson, whose death
on March 5th has already been noted
in thee. columns, was & native of the
town of Goderich, where be was born
on December 6th, 1837. He was thus
in his seventy-sixth year and so far as
we know was the oldest then living
native of the county town. When
five years of age he moved with his
patents to Porter's Hill, Goderich
township, where he spent the early
part of his lite and was married to
Elisabeth Boyd. He afterwards re-
moved to - Colborne township where
he lived oo the 7th concession up to
the time of his death. His final illness
was very brief, as he was actively at
wort tW within ten days c t his death.
He wee widely known as an importer,
buyer sad breeder of bones and be did
a great deal for the horse -raising in-
dustry In this eoenty during the forty-
five years of hie oonnertlott with it.
in religion a Presbyterian and in eoll-
ties a Uberee. be wee a man of irre-
proachable integrity and wee held Is
Hgh esteem
died in those
who knew hist.
family of three sons anted two demote.,a
•arrive : George. Arebie mod )gM
Wean_ of this towns41p+and Albert
anode obthe Ube AArms..1 $antifuserlet b width l
took plans no. lOM h et, Rev.
A. Wag
gar wen Jas.
Wasps, Alas. Powe. Thos. llama
► Y. T B. J. Marra eel
F. *eft Wannest was
ser foser+� irk tAi daewttarK
for witkb Dodds Mem
lirltle are the oaty eoertaia
cwre, la Dropsy the kid-
aeyw ars actually daesesvd
Maced the water, which
ald be expelled is the
fors of urine, bows back
and lodges in the ells of
the 4sah and pa& out the
skis. Remove the filth
whit* plugs u the drain.
Restores the Kidner to
health. 'Isere is caj ms
'Laney Medicine
TegSOAT, March 18tb.
LADtss' Am Osoatrtzen. - On
Thursday last the ladies of Bethel
congregaiioa met at the home of Mrs.
John Lox and organized a Ladies' Aid.
The officers are : President, Mrs. O.
W. Potter ; vice -provident, Mrs. T. M
Woods ; secretary, Miss Maggie Cox ;
treasurer. Miss Jennie Woods. The
next meeting will be held on Thursday,
Msrcb 27th, at the borne of Mrs. O. W.
Potter, at 2 o'clock sharp. All the
ladies of the congregation are cordially
BRsr RING ABA.tnoataD. - The
shareholders of the Porter. Hill beef -
ring held a. meeting in O. W. Potter's
ball oo Monday evening last, and ow-
ine to the present existing law regard-
isg the feeding of offal to hogs and tbe
isolated lorstioo for tilling, it was
found impossible to carry on the busi-
ness in the old way and in the old
place. The Ontario statutes at the
present time distinctly stipulate that
no butchering shall be done within
300 yards of s dwelling house and
seventy yards of s public street and
that no blood or offal can be fed to
hogs unless it has been previously
boiled or *teemed. As it was impose
Bible to make serrangements to carry
on the business and ..•omply with tae
law, it was decided to close down at
least for thio season and 0 will be
necessary in & good mady cases to go
back to the eating of swine's flesh dur-
ing the hot summer days.
TUESDAY. Mar. 18th.
Hemeretsos.-Rev. R. J. McCormick
exchanged1pi with Rev. J. W.
Baird, of Mich on 8onday last
Mr. Baird mesetwo splendid mis-
sionary sermons here ... Mrs. Mc-
Cnrrnick is spending the holidays at
Sweaburg .... fire Mulholland went.
to Seafortb on Theaday to visit ber
daughter, Mrs. pole. Mr. Rath
and family inteted tuoving back to
Clinton in the near future. He bas
secured a position with the Doherty
Organ Co Mrs. Will Jenkins and
Frank are spending the bolida switb
friends in Bruce 'leo. Holland is
sway prospecting for another carload
of cows.
Loses Two Hoassx. --Janes Stod-
dart, of the Maitland concession, bad
• narrow recaps from drowning last
Friday. He and his son weredrswiog
wood &croon the river with a sleigh.
when the ice gave way. letting them
into the isyy water*. fly heroic efforts
Mr. fetoddert and his non got the
horses to s nearby island, but ooe of
them died soot fly alter. By taking a
couple of planks twice the sleigh box
Mr. Htoddart ntangted to get himself
and the boy to land, esus both were
very much exhausted. The other
horse, left securely tied on the island,
was washed sway by the flood in the
n lgbt and drowned. The team was
a valuable one, being wortb $500.
Stock 8c Poultry Specifics
We win end a►sslahb tree, for
tithe asking, pasipaid, one of our
large N -page beaks (with le-
ant), se tete eomeros'Myesaes of stook aid
Poultry. Tens how te bed a0 kiwis of hewer
and light bones, eotts sad massa, mikb emirs.
salves wad tatterize abets. Mee bow to keep
sad feed poultry so that tea will lar r well '
in stater se In mealier. It a etais see
wessamee tram all ever Canada, teas p..N.
s 5 ham mod tier goody, No farmer abe.Y be I
Tea ea* fatter motile end hogs 1n • mouth% i
lees Use by eslvg our dotal Perple Mask
hominy the rem eo,Y p.wbty 4. withtherehv K I
the cert Ps yes a amours feed add labor sa
yo. will .es t more than asap err
els Pigs er flans fee em slew. It will beep
year hamar h mbar s/ditiea with eralserp
feet If yea have a peon, mba.-...- i-
ter animal es year plass try H es We oat
stet acid ser the ar.rvelbs molt whish .111
be obtaiteet Our Sleet apsatae eft i060s0
the milk sew three M awes Ike per cow per
day. while beteg fed r the staid. A MO
paekase wla last a saw er sons 7e dart
will make seer Mss I4 let as sell la the
winter at 1. Nr sestsee, sea will keep them
free hem dies... Toes gesdr sr* *Peer �s.4
tioaoemarseem, we sa ear er
se lees wkme . frets` dlisru t
hem ear ea els els let st the pteseot tiara
Itorol sae m4 gess aotlee. e*e lkeav
NR tiff 11.is.
i - ad *the *bugh Peens" e that h e sad w
Mal Puff* ties ->vsa Me sad life One r
Royal * r 0•11 coma se ..t ehr than: ear
loyal wows tbeasu. ase beetle: sir
hr ink
Seed People Omagh Co.. Pe We eA 1g
Seal 8wt reefs reithesiet Me sed aewe Came�Semmi Seel In
lberliHreel. Ames PoT0004 P.Ne 0101 9t. 10
• Swats. _J oar 1
ri...wMfg. CO.
*tat, bb: t wl ho. an4 "ktok"
A. J, Casper. Mow and
Feed. Goderic i.
For this week we direct the particular
attention of newspaper readers to the
economic features of our offerings with
which every item is more than elo-
quent. Big Easter attractions in many
(just now) much needed lines. Room
only for a few special items this week.
9n `fur
Easter Gloves for women. Long silk, 16 -but-
ton length, Mousquetaire style, best quality, silk
double -tipped fingers, two dome fasteners
. Black
and white. Perrin's.....1
:1.00 and .1la85
Long M -button length lisle, Perrin's, 35c and
Kayser 2 -Dutton silk glover, tipped, black and
white. Prices 50e, 75c and *1.00.
Lisle gloves, 2 -button length, black. white.
tan, grey and opera shades ffic and 50o
Perrin's Kid Gloves in black, taw, grey, and
prices are $1,00 and ........ r....... 51.28
If you buy Perrin's you get the best.
Come here and get the beet English Prints in
the market for . 1lje
Dress Goods '
Are still moving satisfactorily- Our only
trouble iv to get shipments fest enough,
leaders are Serge*, Whip -cords, Poplins and
Tweed Suitings. Colon blue, tab, grey, brown
dal black. Prices are from 60c to 51.88
Dress Trimmings
We never were w well *zed as we are today
for all over Laces, Banding*. Insertions and heavy
Laces. Narrow edgings are quite a feature in our
trimming Kock. We were fortunate In getting
just what le needed.
Lawn Waists
New Lawn Waists, just in. Long and short
sleeves, iil0o, $1.00, 51.26, $1.60, =1.75, $2.00, $225,
$2.50, $3.00 and $3.50.
New Linolemus, 2 to 4 weds wide.
New Floor Oil Cloths, 1 to 2; yards wide.
New Seamless Tapestry, Brussels and Wilton
Dressmaking Rooms Upstairs. -Any Dress Goods bought
here can be made in our rooms by Mrs. Carter, than whom no
better dress and coatmaker can be found.
J. H. C 0 L Oit
Kidneys Wrong?
11 they are you are L danger. When
through weakness or disease the
kidneys fail to filter the impurities
from the blood, trouble comes ataaca-
Backache, Rheumatism, Sciatica.
Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stooea and the
deadly Bright's Disease are some of
the results oi neglected kidneys. Dr.,
Morse's Indian hoot Pills contain
a most effective diuretic wild
strengthens and stimulates the
kidneys so that they do their work
thoroughly and well. Try
Dr. Morse's "
Indian Root Pills
Rose Brand Backs and
Bacon, Rose Brand Cooked
Hams, Smoked Rolls,
Tenderloin, Spare Ribs,
Jellied Tongue, Rose Brand
Sausage, Little Pig Sausage,
Corned Beef, Chipped Beef.
Sweet Potatoes, Celery,
Lettuce, Ripe Tomatoes,
Johnson's XXX Bred
Square and Hamilton Street
'Phone 43
Best Scranton Hard
COai-all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates -the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Dome st i c
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Carl
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEwan Estate
The beat practical training school Is
Ontario. Throe department,, Caesar -
alai, Shorthand and Telsgraptty- All
courses are thorough and peaetfoat
Teacher* aro imptei.seed wed wee_ are pieced to positions. We give
Individual attendee end studente may
enter at any tame- Write for our free
eatalogse st coos.
HLA's, Principe/
Spring Is
Let us have your
order forour Spring
Suit sndyOvercoat.
You will need them
Dunlop the Tailor
West 8L, Goderich
Colonist Rates
On Sale Daily
From OODEWCti te
Vancouver, B. C. . 4
Victoria, B. C.
Seattle, Wash.
Spokane, Wash.. 715
San Francisco, Cal. ■ S
Los Angeles, cal. .
San Diegd, Cal..
Mexito City, Mex. .
Proportionate low rates to ether point* to
Arizona, British Colistbia, C iliarate. Idaho.
Mexico, Monaos,_ Nevada, Orogen. Utah.
Washington, eta rears a angina* In Ontario.
Ask Grand Trunk Agents for fell paeties-
shoetestt end The d sickest Trask Peelle D tweets W lane
To Manitoba. Saskatchewan
and Alberta
Each Tuesday March to October
inclusive via Chicago and
SL Paul
Through remiss and Pullman Tour
let aiuping Oars will leave Toronto
pi m. on above dates for WIN \ I-
P o Change el care
Winnipeg anti return 535.00
Edmonton and return 543.00
nom. good for 0 Maya Proportion
ate lowest,* to odor Mote.
Settlers' Excursions
To Alberta and Saskatchewan
March 11th
lleakeegraW7 thereafter until
A Dom stations In
Pen Hoes nod
Low Rates
e.leaebe ant mama
to weenie/10at change.
leaving Tonal* II R a cm above dates
Berth Reservations, Literature and FuU information from F. F.
Lawrence & Sons, 0. T. R. Town Agents. Phone 8.
In baring a handsome piece
of Furniture added to the equip-
ment of her home. We cern'
a largo range of Furniture for
all porpoise. and anyone &wir-
ing • Dew tint or • single piece is
invited to call and sea our stock.
We are away. glad to show our goods. aced ser parson seed feel
ender any obligation to purchase from sa unless we have the right
article et the right pries.
YOU are invited to oall.
The Square
*lags ter Mseiiisire Pham
G isrich