HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-20, Page 3;ses
re have
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Id urge
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It alter-
60c and 71ie
-0e nasi 75c
e l and Pail•
• sew Hair
st Tho, 11.000
.M and $1.110
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LW .. .181.00
11m lawmen
am 111.sams.,
..as • �' El .lean
of Wilton,
every make
d• wide, at
moors UP
bound or repaired.
allet TA der•etoVAl.. tq s 1ving
ri�oaert.t e
sumo ilieterise.
sate Ara▪ m • *lana ie Tsimasse
F. J. B. VUM/1owe lad +�—EYR,wRtu�AtR,,
Yorklei Aural Imstetue
taiaaemi t'
oppealte Kase Omen lienees R
r I2 m. r to l R a.. 7 tag a s Tsisehme
gs, Oils
ed here. We
ie of goods of
Cod, Ltd.
oy a
ins, but seldom
suffice to meet
u to the land.
'arming. They
farmer going
'n Canada.
are farm., are
on Government
d Alberta.
re panful ekefil
away, et the
tea• k ..d ten be
Pas engsr
a, net.
e'. barristers, saYMese, motorise petals
kaon n, the atarttga•s them ate. Pnvate
ibb.ai to send et lowest rater of taws.
�t Iwo ,tide Assam Oederleb W
Kut; a uoT, K. C. R. C. MATS, J. L
I LE..oucllor. mart pasha user—
`too Street, Oudsich, bird door from
Jet Ne*s
palmed in position as Vlintoa.
Miss Areas Kelly felled at Emeses as
the lith inst. to bier eighty-fourth
$M,'. sad Yrs. John Peoeh lett Bros -
sale last week to make their home at
Her. Dr. listen, of Brussels. la re-
oovering from the illness wbich has
laid him aside for several weeks.
James O'Brien bas sold his efty-acre
farm io Hey township toOeorge Todd,
for 88,400.
Hobert Johnston has sold his
restaurant business et Wingham to W
A. hiller, of Moorefield.
The reeideoce of Jacob Kennel, at
Blake, was completely destroyed by
ere on Thursday, 0th inst.
Charles Lovett. of Summerhill, has
ranted his farm to bis sun Albert and
intend* moving to Clinton shortly.
Samuel Brown haeretired from busi-
ness as • general merchant at Credi-
tors and is sue,ssded by Faist Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. leharp, 11th coo -
cession of Grey township, held their
silver wedding celebration on the 7th
The Egmondville brewery is to be
closed dowu, the proprietors having
disposed of it to the Brewers' Ammer
Andrew Hess, who wee clerk of the
Division Court at Zaricb for some
years. has reigned the position, sed
Henry Neeb has received the appoint-
Miss Clara David.oa, daughter of
Mr and Mrs. W. Davide:ea of Me-
Killop, was married at Tomato re-
cently to Percy little. a former Me-
Kulloe boy.
Tbe borne of Mr. and Yrs. Williaso
H. Dearing, of Stephen. hes been bee
reared by the death of their twelve-
year -old sou, Cecil Victor, fon/wing
as attack of pleurisy.
Harry C. BorbrWgm. of 8t. Tbom•a
has purchased d the boot and Moe mock
tit James Twiteb.11 k Soo. Clinton.
Harry Twitcbell, J. junior member
of tbe arm, wall probably go West
Mrs. Z•sbe, wife of Karl Zueee, of
Use..Jl. died on Friday, 7th inst., in
ber twenty-first year. Deceased had
been a resident of Hensel( $ little over
a year, having cows from the West
Mr. sad Mr. Chas. Cols, of Clinton,
celebrated for sixtieth anniversary of
their marriage on the 7tti kat. Tb.
worthy old couple wete married at
Holme.ville and lived for a good
twaoy years in Godericb township.
Miss Mabel Govenlock, of Seaforth,
has been appointed teacher of domes-
tic miens at Windsor, at a salary of
MIA a year, her duties to begin after
LAKLES GAKILOW, L.. BAR- the summer holidays. Miss Gowen-
, &UMw (sasg, didwr. Me, Gods lock is at present teaching in Toronto,'
ad M
at snst rates.Alexander Wallace, who purchased
u U. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER, the Reinke farm in Tuckersmitb, south
BJ -stover. -- -- — r. eaten pablle. of Egwoodville, last fall, has removed
-iso: u.muts meet, asMise.O't. with hie family to bis new none from
Comber, Essex county. Mr. Walls,.'e
AU TIOMEEE. u s native of Tuckersmitb, having
moved to Essex county with his
parents several years ego.
Us 1, 0.derlon An t.wresU.es by mal
rrItit st egrimi eats will be promptly et.
reedit In ueise nsi Id. mom 1111191
J �U koro. — to M. O. C
n.etiuer. HasslY,a hetet. Gederisa.
W R. KOBMRT00.01.
tag tog lraarsme : Bribe. C madam mad
£z*a ,, ar (Ztl fees *ND am eaOrnnef Iiaaar-
tar .1 be uoseaum��aa��ieetat and Oversaw
ftsrtnsurr.ram measure imam: The U.S.
nim.utz, mod Gsasssaesa0saap..y.
Moo at madams, mortising @tae, Of !ne-
bwels and tit, ltsvid's stands. Phnes 176
• seal aontiasttasmogs6- 11=lisagtng
Soft eotes en bar salt ag hltnesisea
l e,
r . at masa trier *Yesteaa bluer.
fda letarse. J. W. Clt&JGli. O. aat.
tah tem
• . 40 K A N C s C O.—yarn .nd Iodated
wows B. Mel Pros., BU•asrta P.O.;
�*a (meolb. Vts►s'Ien�'OWW rP. O.;
tmes. !L bay.. non -i aeabRi P. 0.
tlm*et.rs It Y ]0e0stasr. $e.1.5i ; Jab
9'41.vs. w ;WRim. Orast.ilc
�� Jam m•r.ma'am
*mete : J. N . Y.er. R. S lti,
lar so k • %-mien (11,-y, Sssfasth ; K
31.1leoape.Weites,i. Fera . ....re nt»,
k (mu. Ureters, iLaeuma s
On March btb, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Kernick, U.borne,
their only daughter, Miss Eunice, was
married to J. Wesley Stone, of Saska-
toon, Rev. W. G. H. McAlister offi-
ciating. Mr. and Mrs. Stone will,
mike their home in the West.
Edward Armstrong, an old resident
of Morris township, died on Tuesday,
11th int., of pneumonia. Deceased
was born in Brant county sixty-six
years ago, but had lived nearly all his
life in Morris. He was unmarriea,
but leaves several brothers and sisters.
A pretty wedding took place at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willert,
Dashwood, on March 11th, when their
daughter Clara was united in marriage
to Louis Restemayer. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. G. Thun. The
newly -wedded couple will live on the
Rstemayer homestead in Hay town-
The friends and neighbors of Mr.
and Mn. Maas Maxwell, Bluevale.
who are leaving that locality, as-
sembled at their home to give them a
formal farewell. Nr. Maxwell wise
pteeentad with a gold -handled um -
Mrs. Maxwell with a silver -
bandied parasol, and Miss Jean with a
handsome bar -pin.
A quiet wedding took place at the
parsonage, Ethel, when Rev. David
Wren tied the nuptial bew uniting Miss
Mary Alberta. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Cole, and Douga id Joseph
Hutchinson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mor-
ley Hutchinson. The happy oouple will
EAR/HAGS LIC*IISEB reside JO the groom's ane farm on the
0th eonnession of Grev.
On '' hursday morning. 8th Inst.,
Miss Mary Adams and Robert Kling
were married at the manse in Sea -
forth by Rev. F. H. Larkin. The
yours couple left after the ceremony
to make their home at Da ton. Ohio.
EDFORD BLOBA RBSR 1010n e. Con's oaee at The bride wasi Seaforth ffor�Um Bell
Oit several
WALTKtt S. S111.1.Y, J. P..
Forty years In use, 20
years the standard, pre-
scribed and recommended
by physicians. For Wo-
man's Ailments, Dr. Mar'
tors Female Pills, at your
ears, and the groom wee assisting hb
at the Dbk Horne.
John Mitchell, an old resident of
Exeter, died on the 8th host , anew as
Ulnae et ever four years' duration.
Ditileesneed was born seventy-four
yo iia the township of Stephen
Inti lived In that neighborhood
hely 1M whole period of his lite.
(ie b servivsd by E. wife. three sons,
eilltiliseigifillers thirty seven grandehil-
OMa seventeen great-grsndehil-
At the home of ber son, John Gal-
•Fheath, Wfagh.m. tea the 8th Inst.,
ieakere Maimed. widow of the lata
Also Oellbrolib. pealed away in her
sov.ety �sa r. Th• dmmm.sei
wig • ao( glgdeai. Fur .oras
ym� she and husband lived le
ohm i welsh* et ••d thirty.
Iv. years asp they moved to Wino.
ham. Mr. Galbraith died about a
TW mop. Three e mm and two detail,.M Ws. Cleanse, was of the
the of hid
M the 'Ehems et
of his film wear spent bj the damaged
in MoKdIop and 8safortio
Jaime Cswaa's S41s.
In spate aver'y untsvorble weather.
James Cowan's dfseserdoo sale of pure-
bred tattle sad other farm stock, held
at bis farm near Me.lorth oa the nth
=et., was quite successful. A large
crowd was preesnt, many having eoMO
from distaai points. Most of the stook,
however, was purchased by residents
of the county. Thirty-two animals
(thirty (anal= and two males) sold
for • total of $3.d73, or au average of
about iillb per bead.
Mayer Gibbiags Leaving Clmto•.
Tb. Clinton New Emmy, : The ciU-
sens were indeed ,urprised when word
was around town that His
W pit= Mayr was going to go
to Winnipeg, wbere • position awaits
him. It will be remembered Clinton
nearly lost him • year or so ago, but
he decided to complete his municipal
work here. He will be in charge of
the April council meeting and will
then probably resign the office. The
New Bra is indeed .rry to hear of his
removal, as be has been an active
worker in politic, lodge choir work
and municipal again. Mr.. Gibbings
and =sully will not move West in the
mean) ism
Wm. Sloss Main a Good 5ala.
Th. Daily Colonist, of Victoria,
British Columbia.. of March 4th, has
the following paragraph concerning
the stood fortune of en old Huron
boy : One of the largest sales of acre-
age put through an the city of Vic-
toria for a 000siderable time past was
successfully negotiated when the ex-
tensive property covering about sev-
eat -two acres, situated on the Cedar
Hill mad, about three and a -half miles
from the city hall, changed handy for
• mom estimated anywhere between
1100,(1110 and 1160,006. The property
belonged to Mr. William Sloan, form-
erly member of the Ds•nioion House
for Como z -Alin. and the purcbaseis
are English people. Such an exten-
sive purchs.e of acreage on the three-
anda half -mile circle is generally re-
garded as an evidence of the unshak-
able tante which "the outside investor
has in the future of the city. It is not
definitely koown what the investors
propose to do with their buy, but it is
understood that it will ba subdivided,
and for this purpose it ie claimed that
the property has admirable qualifica-
President Wilion, ata .limier in
Washington, ton, said of s statistician :
• His figures are se precise that one
inclines to doubt them. He is like the
American sugar planter in Hawaii
wbo, tattiest his friend to the edge of a
volcanosaid :
'"Tha,t crater, George, is just 70,004
years old.'
But why the four?' Georgeaeked.
"Oh, I've been here four,was the
reply. 'It was 70,000 when I came.''
Qiestions of Law. .
From The Toronto Mail and Empire.
W. S. D., Clinton.—Qu.—An insur-
arce policy on the life of a widow
names two sons as beneficiaries in
equal amounts. The policy was W-
iped twenty-five years ago, sod the
sons have paid the premiums. Can
the sons will their interests in the pol-
icy to their respective wives and chil-
dren ? (2) If one of the roue should
die before the death of his mother, can
the smother direct that the amount of
the policy shall be paid to her eurviv-
ing son? (3) What action can the
eldest son take to prevent has wife and
children from being deprived of. their
share in the policy?
Ana. -11 The sons may will their
respective interests in the policy to
their wives and cbildrec. (2) The in-
surance act of 1912 says : "A benefi-
ciary for value" *hall mean a benefi-
ciary for a valuable consideration,
other than marriage. Section 171
mys a beneficiary shall be deemed to
be a beneficiary for value only when
he is expressly stated to bead) in the
contract or in an endorsement there-
on. signid by the assured. The game
section tut ober says : Where there are
several heoetkiarie., if one of them
dies in the lifetime of the asured,
without disposing of his interest in
the policy. the insurance shall be for
the benefit of the surviving benefici-
ary or beneficiaries, in egnal shares.
Section 178 says : Where the contract
of insurance provides that the insur-
ance money or part thereof shall be
for the beoeft of a eon or other "pre-
ferred beneficiary," such contract
"obeli create a tru.t:' in favor of such
Wn.Sciery, and so long as any object
of the trust remains the money pay-
able under the conu'act shall not be
subject to the control of the assured,
or form part of his or her estate. Sec-
eo-tion 178 tram. to Dover the owe In
(leestion. The mother cannot deprive
nae of the snot, or his wife and chil-
dren, from .baring in the policy by
any •wlgnment or transfer which .he
ay make. (8) The eldest eon will
have to rely upon the Insurance sot to
protect his interest. But he should
give the insurance company fnU no -
floe of hie claims under the policy. eta.
.1. M., Illyth.--Qu.—Myowns
fifty apes of lend. My mother keeps
house fe! him. Can he prevent me or
my wife from elsltion miry' mother f (2)
If ry wife goes to visit at his bots.
o•0 6e ratite to .droit her ?
lis.—Your brother owns the hoots,
and be has the right to peeve/lit any
penton fro w,
there. Hs e
it M chooses. forbid any person from
tge.peedep tope W property, sad
tae prevent thio from doing .o. If
your mother wisher to eye you she east
go to year own boots. ill A. your
Halban owns hie hours, he can re-
feree to elbow .ay parson to enter. The
bet thee be is year brother does not
confer� in yeepo sty withoi ► open yen the kraal sort* b
to every
member of your
patiently tllNW%
ltiwialWAT. MASON 19, Ire $
TW0 womEN,
Twelve stout letter bosun are beingTESTIFY
Mat Lydia E.Ptnkhsm's
mobilo Compound Did Foe
Their Health—Their own
Statsmeob Follow.
HaUbarto., P. E. L :—" I hada doctor
examine me and he said I bad &ab a ed
the womb, so I have been taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
it has dams mea lot of good. AS the
bearing -down pains have vanished. I
have gained tem pounds in weight, the
discharge im all goner and I feel better
than I have for a long time. I think any
woman L foolieb to stiffer as I did for
the sake of a few dollars,
" You can nse my letter se a testkao-
nisi. It may e000arsge other poor women
who suffer as I did to nee your Vegetable
Compound." — Mrs. G.o. COLMETr',
Halibutton, Lot 7. P.E.1.
Bead What This Woman Sayes
New Moorefield, Obio. — "I take great
pleasure h tbankint you for what your
bas done for me. I
Ind bearing down
Ludas, was dimly and
weak, had pains in
lower back and coold
not be upon my feet
long enough to get a
meal. As long as I
laid oD my back I
would fed better,
but when I would
get up those bearing
down pains would come back, and the
doctor said I had female trouble. Lydia
IL Pfnkbam's Vegetable Compound was
the Only medicine that helped me and I
have been growing stronger ever since
I commenced to take it I trope ft will
help sfbigr saffetlilg women as It bas me.
You arm we this latter."—Mrs. Ca.9ltii
Issin New Moorefield, Clark C .,Obio.
The following situ i typteal of
Spurgeon's humor : One day he re-
marked to floe of his 'ins, "Can you
tell Inc t he reason why ane lions didn't
eat Daniel?" ••No,.ir. Why was it
"Became( the most of bin was back-
bone, and the rest was grit."
tic Call's
Nee 541
Spring Opening
Easter being early we made arrangements to have all
our spring goods delivered earlier this season than usual
and now the spring stocks are complete in every detail.
New Coats New Coats
Stylish Navy Serge Coats, three-quarter sod full length. These Coats
promise to be very popular this Spring. Special 810.50 each.
The above Coats also come in black and tan. Natty styles in Tweed
Coals, three-quarter or full length, very fashionable, from 10.00 each.
The New Spring Raincoats are all now in, large variety to select from.
Prices 16.00 10 115.00.
New Spring Gloves
The new Spring Giovee are here. You make no mistake in selecting
your new Gloves at this store, as we stock only Perrin's Famous Gloves and
every pair is(,uaranteed. Perrin's Adonis "Real Kid" Gloves. all new spring
shades in stock including black and white, 11.00 per pair.
Perrin's Eglantine Gloves, a superior glove for the lady of taste, will
give thorough satistaction. $1.25 per pair.
Perrin's Chamois Kid Gloves, very fashionable, per pair $1.011.
Perrin's Long Kid Glotf`es, 18.button length. every pair guaranteed,
black, tan, white and grey, per pair 12.50.
Kayser Silk Gloves
Kayser Silk Gloves, the gloves with the guarantee, double eager -tips,
(lack, white and colors, per pair 5lk and 75c.
It Kayser long Silk Gloves. 12 and 10 button length, fully guaranteed,
black and white, per pair 11.(10 and 81.25.
'special values i0 Linens for St. Patrick's Day.
W. B. Corsets McCall Patterns Perrin's Gloves
Miller's Scotch Store �%
Because it makes other feed more palatable and
digestible. It also puts stock in first-class condition
very quick. Caldwell's Molasses Meal is 84% Pure.
Cane Molasses with 16% a special variety o1 edible
moss possessing =Moe digestive action.
Thousands of stedlmen and farmers ars ens isteat
users of Molasses Neal because they bare proven it.
to be the best conditioner on the market Your feed -
man likely has it. If he hasn't,• it would be well
worth your while to write for prices.
12 Tumors Removed Without An Operation
Enver Lake. Ont., Sept W. 11109.0
Dear Mrs. Currah.-1 am enjoying better bealth than I have for alight years,
• ed 1 think I am entirely eared. I have none of the old symptom& I am very
grateful for my present health. and think Orange Lily is the greater, treatment
for women the world knows. Its
use In my case caused 12 tumors
or growtha of some *ort to be ex-
piated. sane were as targe as 1 ban's
egg, and others smaller• down to
the dee of a walnut. You may use
1Dy case lo your advertisement, for
It Is the solid truth, and pen
cannot describe all the gond It has
done for me. Mrs, Louise E. Bolte-
hla letter gives an indication dt
the positive bents that aleave
follow the use of Orange Lily. It is
an applied treatment and comes
in direct contact with the sulferine
omen. it produces results from
115 start In all one.+ of woman's disorders. Including pe Mini periods, falling if
womb, Irregularities. leucorrhoea. etc.
t win *end • sample box contslnlr.g 10 days' treatment absolutely free to an
mellowing woman who has not yet tried It If she will mord me her addr..as. Enclose 3
d eem mad address NRS. FRANCES a. CURRAH, Windsor. Ont. .
For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere.
Make Us Prove It
W. dare not exaggerate to you. W. are dependent tips
your patronage. To get it wo must have your treat and oesdl-
dsuaee. We make the fe*ewiag stateinents with a fun under.
standing of what they meas te as. Yee are satin wins yes
balky* in these stataeeuts.
For the Bowrls
of bowel lls and In s .hart tom
usually seeks neasseasa-y the er
If sad . tanned uss of ylkyales
edm =Whig to stop s we
m4 kava been formed.
b�eg ss amber .rte about reememesd- then es we are. They
Ma ems*. They .m sse sadly i s
Measure. that the tabftae d them
• Leven ekadren like RasaR Order -
Ow and you know twat if a ma -
dee appeals to a ekfld. ft will upped
to oowm►-epa
khb dime dons. Mem aid
did yea Meaningfeel y 1h.M
he. the firsta= —mad heap
bee— hems
.ad vordisr
i sites thee regatta (Pent fN
isli►w~. ..�
u..esm...d ream= the stria
Make us Prove This
We ds not ask you te tabs ore
cased for this W. west roe so maks
sr wore i; sad at .o amt to pea
Bio a bee of Hardt ('d use at
our stare. Use them .nes, er use up
the =bobs T'bs.. N you se
set tath5edjust eome
baskrad ell t
wlarsut you or question-
see tee vol return the money
yes pad me fes them.
Dome'( that Isdleats that Real
Ordgdfm ars at wet worthy of trial?
Domes it peeve our faith le them?
D.em's it merit year eeeidee.ef
C.e� any ds be more fair torso?
We )tiiwietly ewo__..s.4 Bamidr
:•t :y�ppraat der:
sl : o M' Iie68e M M WMR
a die sssuaase ma sold by ag rut
orb M est doge:
Ladies' and Gents' Slippers
Boys' and Girls' Skating Shoes
Ladies' and Gents' Skating Shoes
Boys' and Girls' Slippers
Bootees for the Baby.
Everything in beautiful, comfortable and serviceable Footwear.
Styles Right Prices Right
Corner East St. and Square
_Money Given Away
I am buying old Rubbers
at 5c a pound.
Horsehair at 25c a pound.
Old Iron at 40c a hun-
Rags at hoc a hundred.
For Cash or Trade at
David Brown's Store
The Square Next Lyric Theatre
Na-dru-co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice
and Chlorodyne
—nib sum use Plwre"
linhei t► dew*