HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-13, Page 10tS 2waaD.T. Mamba Il Lie Ting 8IGFAL't ( ODS$1Ctp ' OXTAIL/0 Easter and St. Patrick Cards A large display of artistic Easter Cards, pretty Folders and Book- lets, ranging in price from 5C up to 25c each. Easter Post Cards, 2 for Vic. A special line sc each. .St. Patrick Cards A full line of St. Pat- rick Cards for Monday, March 1 th. Price 2 for 5c, and Sc each. The WNW Ink Stere Vaireilvereentiewerviseesesernewaersernseelles Specials at 11,e Maple Leaf Grocery 'Drays Days From baturday.Februarylbtb, we will offer you your choice of our entire stoat of staple unci taocy (rockery and Chinaware so HEAVY DISCOUNT Prices. if you are in went of any goods in three lineeit will be to your Advantage to call and note the values we are offering. Grocery Specials FOR SATURDAY Green Vegetables. --Rhubarb, Ooioon, Lettuce. Radish and Yeasts --$pare Ribs. Fresh Tenderloin, Sausages. Weiner', Cooked Ham. Jellied Tongue aced a Cemplete assortment of Smoked nests. S. Jo Young ng 'PHONE 5? Special Values in CUFF LINKS 45c to 75c PLO Links for 11U1 C Walter 8. Harris." COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA la good for Growing Girls and Bays ---rad they Ike i, it stomifkea hoer hide bodes and Dake. Brim defy and tong. Creels Casa, as ye re limas yvw era.. se abeekorey pare. thief taro ea reused be der bas el is hjies poi u/ Caste hem% Preis h shad t.:tttpi kir bail. ileal o pep.iee d do Gam De Tao dm m l tla's Cease i DISTRICT Creditors now has • telephone service;. Geo. Todd has purchased J.a... O'Bricei's Arty acres uo the Lad con- cession of Hay far Et 400. Mks. Owes Smith. formerly of Grey township, died recently at her hone et uelpb. M as Ague. Brownell died at her bots et Seaforth on Wednesday of last week. Bowel. has • project on nod foe the enlargement u1 the knitting fare tory in that town. Mrs. Patrick Mahoney. of Mount Cermet. died very suddenly on the Std inst., aged eixty•se.en yeast, Timothy ern y, a former relideot of Exeter. died co! the 28th ult at his home in London. in his eighty-first year. Ed- eawbon has purchased John Morton's lu.t•aate farm near Crediton. The price was is the neighborhood of 17.(UUu. Smallpox bas broken out at Exeter. Toe cases are of a mild type. but the authorities air taking every precaution. ''. The Seaforth town council has decided to purchase a (tampion street sweeper. manufactured by tbe Ameri- cart Road Machine Co. of Goderieh. 11saiae Pearen. of East LVawanosh, has sold his farm to Thos. Taylor, of the same township. Mr. Peareu In- tends moving to Medicine Hat. Alta T. B. Fowler, a former resident of Clutton, died it hip tome at Balt on the r'iiii ult. His wife and a -Oster, Mus Fowler, Siring in Clinton, survive him. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Patterson. of (trey township. leave this week for Expanse. Seek., wbere Mr. Patterson will engage in storekeeping and will also open a blacksmith shop. Chas. L. Burns has resigned the priocipalship ' of W iogbam business College owing to ill-bealt.h.. He is leav- ing ter his od borne w tbe State of Maine. His successor is W, T. Mone, of Buckfield. Msioe. IL Kirkby. V. S., of Belgrave, was united is marriage un Monday. 3rd Mae. to Miss Aniue 13. Scutt, Denali daughter of the late Walter Scott Rev. Mr. Fel gusen performed the nuptial ceremony at the bride's home. The residence of Stewart Finlay. 15th conressicn of Howick, was txrtned to the ground early on Mon- day wotntng .4 IML week. The fire is supposed to bate caught from the chimney. 1 be huuiie wee almost new. Mrs H. Reynolds, of Har, was burning same iubt'itit in the stove when an riptoawn took place. burn- ing her face haul•. It iii be used the soul? put in tbe stove include' a pack- age it arid, %hick canard the txplo- One evening la -t week stout fifty perroue. repro enurg the adult Bible ckiri of the Met hoot Sabbath bend at Ethel. gatberrd at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. W. Hall and pre -second Mrs. Lyall, the teacher Ill the cta►i, with a r eckecgthair. News has been received et Belgrave of the death of Lemald Robertson, who went West .boot fifteen years ago and whose home was near Han- na, Man. He was aepbyxiat.d by gas tarns the coal stove. lits wife is dead and he was living alone Mr. sod Mks. Sala. Johnston, of the 1st lune of Morris, waw are leaving to make tbeir huuoe in Grey township. were given a beudotf by their neign- botte, about one hundred of whom getbered at their home and presented teem with an aldrem and bandeoure gifts. Mr. and Mrs. George r3rown and Miss Lurie Brown. who are ieac-ing Brasses to live at loroe.to were given a send-off by their Brusseb friends. who presented Mr. Brown with a Mor- ris chair. Mrs. Brown with an oak cocker. and Miss l.itsie witb a gold oecklux set with pearls. The fine brick ceside:we of Samuel Carnocbaa, jr., on the 2nd cuocem.foo of Tucker -smith. was completely destroyed by fire. together with iia conteota, on Friday afternoon, 28th ult., while the faintly were sway. There is insurance of S1,80Q which will only partially cover the lows. At the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Kennedy. ('Hotel, on Wednesday of last week. t heir daughter. G iadys 1.., was united in marriage w John K. Armstrong. of W inghaas. The aere- tnooy was performed by Rev. D. K. Grant. After tbe customary ftyttivi- tiss Mr. and Mn. Armstrong let for Heir borne at Wingbam. A recent wedding, which took place at the Preebytenas manse at Rei- mpose. was that of Miss Dorothy Hooch tel. daughter of Mr. and Mts. %h.s. Ynechtel. of Wingham, .tad Bert Elliott, of 'Saskatoon. Mask., formerly d Wingbam. The groom is engaged in the hardware business' at Saskatoon. On Wednesday 2&h ole, at the benne of Mr. acid Mrs. James S. Miller, Clinton, their eldest daughter. Amok, B.. was united in marriage to Wilber L. ('antelou, of Moosejaw, Beek. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. E. Jerkins in the presence of im- mediate friends and relatives- Mr- aod Mrs.. Cant.elon will reside so Moo.etaw. The other day as Wm. Ward. of Grey township, was going to the home of John Beirnes. to return a pair of scissors. be fell sad the eels - eon penetrated his left side, near the heart, about ego sad a- bad inches., la Morns a y_ ere wowed. A physki•. u:see a dare . ly It ki b edtibmtei petting war 'wee bp ea right. tLe A owlet welrg . took giae. Wed- , atnday atter.eww. Mimi 7 . .i rho Jamie street Metbedhit Roster, Him i elltb M., Mr, end Mrs II Re7solds, et Hay. a.d T. Herbert Meuse. wig oe Mr. aid Mrs 0. ti. Phillepa, of seater, h. - tat salted to mate leosy by See. W. 0. H. McAf1trt. Mr, and Yea, PM lips t. 8•.katnoa is make tint A breper, ..em tout pies* hens elfe. wed Mfr i.: tareskeewseleip. es Woboe diode emendtari usweisilien Tem. the arappeay.a ihewa inedding pair will take tr se the la The Lane Hama Mama • trete .a�.�Mame ilik � .rsrsd away oft noonday. Tab , at 6hiif. ttow o et Window is hie ageatlty- foueth yeae. The deemeed was tore in Peel meaty and owed there mall 1871. when he mowed to a tars sear Mildmay. 1a 11874 be moved w weft Wawaawk ..Aa* sear lit. Habig Hen be reesalnilli anilwrites ha moved to WIngbaat Mr. re - massed in the town for a .bort thine and again took up farming, mo to a farm about a mile south of tows. Twee years ago be again gave rtp farm - leg rad made his hose in Wladias), Mr. Haase was an honorable and up- aad made ems t seam in all hie friends in the different localities in w he resided. In religion eras a Presbyterian ad in politics liberal. He ss survived by his wino but no family. The funeral took plane on Monday afternoon of week to the Wisgbam cemetery. Tun wAWANOIN. Tvaeina i, illtie..J Wier*The esetpUsei et Hrimese resat, hhwasedyhie d ve e•+At•�., with . t.a..a- aidre s si� ird by as canappre- chherdii be all its departasatsa ' The es preseat.d en Mr. loam' y anaivsrsaey. CARt,tJW. Ta enamor, March lkh. Tru Lars ?stomas Fat ua-V.—After e a dhows of many soothe, Themes Fagan died on Mueday at tis hose of Ids bather Jams. or the Std 000- cenies. Tim deceased wee the sewed boa of the late Ws. Feagaa dad we. lfty-fee years of age. He war not mai rind. He u surrived by his he mother, who is over ninny yeanof age, a awl alas by three beotbsee— Witham, w of Godwin. Janes sod John. 01 this towesbip--rad three sister—Mrs. M. last Carl Mks Henry Rooansoo lad Mea Donley. all of UThe e de- oeased wee an industrious men. a Methodist is religfoo sad a Conserva- tive in politics. The funeral took puce this afternoon to Colborne town - hip cemetery. 'MYTH. TrsaDAT, Margie 11th. To BREAM THE TsutiT.-1t is quite evident that the people of Blyth are going to be independent of the coal trust Ilex( winter. trudging 'by the Wye quantities of wood which are oomisg into town this winter. The weather has been Ane for the farmers working in the bush. but the sleighing has not been good most of the time. O i MCSPEIi»ED SENTENCE.—Melia. Beer and Cole, who had their trial at Godericb on Saturday, for stealing belting from t 6e aawmiU here, pleaded guilty and the judge let them off on suspended sentence- Tbey have to pay all costs. which will be quite heavy. as quite a number of witnesses' from here were in attendance. Arrnou rgo JtDus—John Jackson who a few years ago was a practising lawyer here. but who lett tor the Wes settling at P000ka. Alberta, has bee honored by the Dominion Cavernosa with ao appointment to a )udgeabr with headquarters at MacLmod. Hrs .nano fnemdi here are pleased to hes of his appointment. THE Bit. TIME AT OTTAWA.—Grea interest is being taken lie the "ong iugs- at Ottawa the porn week, an the daily tapers ere in great deenan as won ab they arrive. Every perso u wvndet-ing whether it is to be a gen oral election. a backdow-o by the floe- den os den Government, or the elm ute Any one of these three moves has is difficulties for the preeegt Govern went at Ottawa, which seems afraid t give an opinion on any difficult quer- tion. We a'annot understand how an right- thinLing person tar, support men of thin calibre. EN-METALN71ENT'S.— St, Andrew' Sunday school held a concert in to duspry Hall, on Tuesday evening o thin week, which was greeted by a packed bouse. The entertainment was given by tht, scholars and they did their work rplrodidly, rue to the indefatigable work of Mrs. (Retro Turner and others. The Metho- dist Epworth League intends giving a cioeert in Industry Hall on St. Pate rick's evening, March lith, when it is expected the young people will be greeted by a full bonne, as they are sparing no pains to make it a success. PststsoR4L RED C.ctxu.r_—MIs. Betty Spafford. wbo was in attend- ance at the millinery openings at T,or- ooto, secured a position at Alliston, and u now there The millinery departments of the local stores are to have tbeir millinery openings on Match 22nd, when it u expected there will be a large turnout of the fair sex. Luxton Hill was fn Toronto last week purchasing an engine for his sawmill. The new engine arrived on Saturday and the men are busily engaged getting it in shape to run Mier A. Bell was at her borne north of Ripley last week, in attendance at the funeral of her father Messrs. P. Kelly. F. Kelly, H. Bainbridge, C. Taman and W. (:ole left on Saturday for the West and on Monday Mr. and Mrs. R. Howard and family left for Edmonton. That is the way this great Wert is swallowing up our Dung wen Mr. and Mrs tf. 13. McTag- gart aid son visited relatives at Exeter over Sunday Miss Alma Cook tertsioed a number of her friends at progressive party on Friday evening. pleasant time being spent Miss ageie Johnston held a party on Fa- y eveniog for • number of bee aur friends E. t, s LOYAL, TritssbAT. March 11th. ✓ A So(w EVKNI.o.—A very en- joyable oyster supper was held at the t Loyal Heart and Hand Club last Fri- day evening Atter ail the members d had done ample justice to the uymters d prc.v-ded. Robe McMillan, sr., was n appointed chairman and opened the merting with a lengthy talk on ••Bin- der Twig' Other interesting ad- dresses followed.' Ralph Workman gaee • very interesting speech on fat ming iotbePiairie Province.. The neat widens was given by Wm. F. Young, bre. on the naval policy, but y his views met with couaiderabls op- position from Wrn. McMillan. who de- clared'he knew something about the mair.;enarce of ,.hips. Wm. McPhee: • .peke on the destruction of weeds, racing be was the only one that knew, f hr w t keep cteax of the daisies. ' There was some dl.eupsioet between Win Grein and John Patton on the ratting and care of honer. John' ad- mitted that be leeked menu, on the horse qutrative. tut said that he could show them all how to grow end feed hogs. Frank Young spoke on the and draining. This was followed by a discus.f�n on the telephone queensta • Rohr. McMillan, jr.. thought tar, Rural gave ted gest service, as be could talk t, Sbeppardtos, altsomt the subscribers were few. -Wm. Young, jr.. mtror.gly upheld the muni- cipal telephone, saying be could talk UP to Carlow to find out what kind of t shape the aravel pit was M. Jansen G see atter lieteaing decided in fevov of Wm. Young and said be could talk over the municipal to Blyth and As - tare and always rot quick replies. Thomas Shields gave a few puistere on farming. coodudiug by saying be had sp-ot .. eery pleasant eresing and hoped to meet oo anntber similar oo- Bnlba—Tapl,ing for maple RTrup baa already somnie•oed. 16. mason is an early one Crows and other spring birds are in evidence, and it looks as if we had been about the last of winter for this year We regret to report that Mrs. Gallagher contin- uer in poor health John Levyhas undergone au operation, since which he i. iespoving, and we trust he will soon be b hie usual health Mn. Thos. Burne L on the sick listHer niece. Mrs. Cooper. is herr from Loo - don to wait upon her The funeral of the late W. L. Ferguson on Monday was largely attended. Rev. AL. Laing. of Auburn, sod Rev. Jae. Hamilton, of Goderieh, officiate4. A further reference to the deceased, who was one of this beat -known residents art the township, will be wide next week. OD a a da y Bender, general merchant, was taken witb a seri.r attack of acute indigestion on Tkmr.- day, which necessitated bis remaining at home for • couple at days. best we are glad to see be is now thoroughly recovered Mar. R. M. McKay was confined to the hoose for a few dap the past week Mr. Heater. ahs bas been in tbe West for some tisue, visited with his cousin. Jas. Beatty, the peat week. tearing for Kincardine to visit triads there before returning to bis home Mr. and Mrs John Colclougb visited with relatives sear Clinton on Sunday Mia stone and daughter, Mrs W Halted with her sass bere the pelt week.. One of Blythe popular youeg ladies was united in saarnags M Winnipeg on F� 37th to Arch. W. Young. a 1 contrac- tor of Hattldbrd. by Rev. Dr. Gordon. Mea J. Beaostt received word on Theaslay that her ass Frank, who hoe bars eenesfd 1. the baking bwtl- asee at Oanra aI for some time, had bees beseaed sot, keine everything. la eddiliou be rad We wife were both injured lie the Mea Mrs. Mt for Dormant es the after - sem tress. Low Rates fee Easter Via Grand Trunk [railway Sysa.w. Tie;gip will be teemed at 'eagle fare for rimed trip beamed. .1 Aeneas is Orur& sant d Peet Arl se.Wee to ai sell Peet Berm .her Beak .mid MelRs yt hMrilaTd�Min s= 11.g' woad W. irf mei�:wRest eneetta F. Fa.a. & lane. Teem Pe Thee a. W- iw h....Oend WN. es.s` 1111 . •.le ssff y hew Mora Nr wee week era atr.lrrq r Roe fit Hair w• gayOw wyen reg B.t..tr milli" het rith Trade dugs ask prela al our agemiase tab hob sets We swift d Ws. t. en het bee isa U Tata W. to fes.d.d bah t• is the w wast rem p b it at our at. It it dem wedleraha ye wi efii e seem sois sk dig ase r the 11 WW1 ~ts' *,kir i1<1�.1l dere imeitalen. alep the bar sed se•ree.e a saw orewaart ress bat be se end ark s ear rs dos maw emssub flerall rer Veal it bed atekerma we You wag radiants laetrile& fair? it st to seam that wealeeatt make dseek Ilbe al der If we did sat,dy trine tial Red •'9t" Mar Team at do ea we deka Ter it — tthtt h ell do all sad mem tics say saw semene ire tow everyday these i>t a de- mobs e- mmad el the M. istrs� .-seas ti met sere.% Time •se mere ..titled ms .f "91 Hair Tale thea any preparation we mi. girt a treatment d gtsufg "all Rare Tame Wawa yes ail Sey. ek sus flex this sdelea Tomo sis Inaba. Ms sad it Yoe era Dip Berl -911- lair Tonic is this ..masons sob at our macre: H. C. DUNLOP. Gedeeaea The Urn awe oetwie Tess s Mesa glob 1a —Iessitoeisay yen ear GOT v the Uaieel beseme. Caneie sed Grant Belebb.. Tera L a deser began sir �beemedy4ebf Drnn.w a far et ie k le we etmeeaee. Tee gena Mame gere £. bm•s tlebeer Mom • MILLINERY Miss Campbell announces her opening of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods and Pattern Hats for Wednesday and Thur icy March 19 and 20. The ladies will find an infinite and choice variety of the artistic shapes and novelties and patterns in the new spring stock now ready for their inspection. Miss Campbell Kingston Street Yea. Why Not At times fashions permits that you may eo without your bat or witbtot your coat or your gloves. or even your collar and ti.. But the time has yet to came when taahion permits you to go barefooted. You must wear shoes to make good. Why not wear good oboes to make good with? For .171e, appearance and quality in foot- wear go to J. H. Mct'uieroto cation before long. The evening came Garter, of Brussels, to • close with a few violin *elections s, delivered a and the singing of "I Love a Lassie- ("erharl Hetntsman piano at Cornelius be John Patton. Moores this week. New Clubbing Offers' The Signal has • clubbing arrange- ment with The Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire whereby every subset it,ee to the combination will receive ;,leo, without airy extra .barge. The Do- miainn Poultry Guide tui toe year. That is, The Signal. The Weekly MW and Empire and The lootinioi Poultry Guide—all three for Meod all orders to The Moral. Godes rich. One The Millinery Opening You are cordially invited to attend our formal opening display of new Easter and Spring Millinery in our new show -rooms. The open- ing will commence at two o'clock p. m. Wednesday, March igth, and will continue Thursday, 2oth, Saturday. 22nd, and the following week. ERE'S another three - button style for Spring that exhibits refinement. style and good taste. The fact that it is loth Century Brand is a full guarantee that it is finely tailored and will give satisfac- tion. Reedy for service or wade to epeeist measure- Largest range of esespiee is Cowsia to ebee.e tion Walter CO Mete I fFrA fief talk tart Sete Geri A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF LADIES' SUI'T'S 115.N and E25.19 C_jWith Easter so close at hand youjwill likely have to buy one ready to put on if you want your new Suit for that,day. You can do this with ease and satisfaction if you make your selection from our magnificent stock of new Spring Suits. We are specially proud of our collection this season and prepared for a much larger business than ever before. This means a greater variety of choice both in style and fabric than we have ever been able to offer. The very newest fabrics are repre- Fented, such as, Whip Cords, Bed- ford Cords, some of the new fancy weaves and the ever popular Serges. There is a good variety of colorings and we are showing all that are most, in favor the coming season. The garments are cut in the season's most favored styles. Each is tailored perfectly. The style and finish all that is to be desired. A special showing of these garments this week. o, - W Theselillustrations give you an idea of the appearance of two of the many styles we are showing at from $15.00 to $25.00 Fresh through the Customs this Week g We bare just parsed through the caetoms saw of the largest obi to we hate ewer re- oei red di rest from the Ord op try 7be goods are being opened sp into stock as quickly as possible sad by the time this paper reaches you they will all be ready for your fsepeetiea. &N w wr D • remeGoed.; rad liana •►ii. -asset .we,F'g.,g:-'t� Facey Oottou Drees Goods aid Wash _'-Matas= .rials raja! ! kited* direct from the Manchester redo.. 116w Curtain sad Drapery Materials. A full amartment of Whit. Cotton. Ging- hans, ObiuMmRs.d ether atepise direct from the milts of the we, . greatest mradfctere a is MasebsAsr. Aa eiseeptioadly large emortmeat of band - .err. Tapestry,Velvet ..d Asethea - Hess whfeh we will .row for the Ira time ea Setae - day. Fine Damask Table Cloths Clearing at Bali-prke This may seen unseal, but the reason u simply this : la the lad lot of •bbcoois" we re- ceived teem the makers there was • w.tpirse of Lige Clothe. Them are $ yard.. 114 yards. 4 yard" aid 41 yards Merit. The melee ohm have been cleared out to tie Let IMO sad we have are over otos& .d trete Imre dem ea Ms*. Theme we bare decided to deer rat weakly toad offer tics Rua MerlSjset•I amortmat be these who da wee Clothe of area. Tie minority are 1< or sj yards lows. but we have a good ..wriest of the extra Isar Cloths. his is • fpledfd opp y to se awe as extra•law (loth for spec{•1 oeeeeione at • vary o.o Remember the whole stock will be cbared out at 'moony os. -belt tae original pries. Help Wanted Two appretetiom Se Mere tis misery. Ter wethrree geed gersewersrel ss fee the drew - one seed di heed. ompied oat mbar. MeetV ueeeb. Appy n erne. 1 II