HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-13, Page 81 1 a Tierrat. MarEe s. T. Swarts' Is, Limy id Lid Stables linfvw:al Muhl' J smr oto rata *Ka rt MOM II EST LLL TRAMS AND : PAriaR:MINI : POSTS Pasamsasom alma for 10r5 pest OEMs tars kir el tui at O. T. IL .r C. P. a dweaa tt..pc .sea Basi amental attest Our tt ea- cr.r Livery and Hack arware will be imn& sp tedats is Wray respect. Tosrpssesamse hated - T. 8WARTS Phew MS Mastered c+uaet ROBERT WILSON The Marry -Harris Agent . hay 5 Cutters to clear meta ami plias. If you seal a coda eamasetd are what we have:. We have the FLEURY PLOWS JOHN DEERE PLOWS VERITY PLOWS MASSEY-HARRIS mad MELLOTTE CRKLK SEP - A KATORS BAIN WAGONS lad SLEIGHS GRAY'S. CANADA CAR- RIAGE and MOUNT FOR- EST afUGGIEM OW HOIMISTEAD P TtL 8 Try a few bandImd- aril pay yes I hetes tsemived a oedema d tie hr... Prost Fence and Gatto and Steel Fetor Poeta. Whoa yon are is town come is sad see what we have. TbeIasseyl arrisSN p Remittal Street. Goderich, Ont. THE SIGNAL GODERICS : ONT&R1O PAIIT1ES AT MR it THE COMMOIS Far chs labs weak \Ott. Ibar was i. Cmale.maws Sada ear is ata 4 Damietta a Maws' Oh "Sheen teed arc eh chem -dr/ masa fad t Colada them near be paid and apelike a ma mea enagamd as SIMAISB_ far the mtanw d imm► digesty L.r...i.a ea aliestlw mart dress t eta /mare" irldat . .s - ltils is the law la Lha Rawl M *heck mead a meadows wader at ha meas d Crena tram three *Wait as Maks sEwssm et Ind weak natal Satm+/a rtYsfdt when the eppeaei at tk. Sabha mads Id !epees t to pomata in mammies lar Mir. Aemarainglys& ail&mansagat ea l ah.a =CS Mega/a3 atilt rima bat M mama as Goeuess art swim waw — the ehe■mdm ems roa•rd Tha iaaat. as Las that watt al had /resaebd last ri+riy eMmmam Willl air whack Tummies -mermen. Tama a_r Wilfrid ItAetr akar ter Pgra- mtaat. Mr. ilmedgm themased acid mored that this Osmmdttes Stns then limn, Maar diaa..mia- Mk UMW ▪ 4 Ser edleniblerd. "tat u s air pwpmma Ser les miry watt; hibe hit us ase mm� mail mar W. • who to bene as marvel as seradrmt to M dear that trete M added the were ler the speedy gadadbWi eta Or alarm naval aar.ke la cooperation tallk and in dose Make with the >raglalal Davy... From that m ft was Ogaalp a matter at the Mattis asp- = e.sp foe. the &elate which it ace maga tet astoeoatioall7 bring m a vats. a pram the Oreereadre &Meme. Aller lir Wilfrid ama_adaL Has Mr. tailliimx woke ham 2 -III to LBO •aa. Mr. Eameram M1heasg Wile Ea Mr. McKay:re to LIR W. IL Gee Ma to 10, Dr Sand Clear te 112.11,J. S Me rcil. to K Mr. Bash emaaaading. aid ss es Ihr th• erre week d 11I hours .—'-.amt a.bts. CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES ANO °TSUI $TLAM S H I PS era or ter lamed ....... r v Sentence. 1 alba ... _ter,. sea [ell ... Nae. aaINSrw.f e.aasd........... Awed atigpm • rte.... ... resit ■ Loam le.arwa-. ... earl s .ar•••igdYd. _-..«.. tamp, arise+ d mama ......... est a Mom moa ss alb nes b.. sus W-- '.8.- C.la *0 Liberal Speakers Ie. Liberal msmhms a,riag the weep had that far at the Homes ler esps'miasta y ea number of boars attar Dar names as follows liar Wilfrid Lacier, 326 ; Soon. Wm. Pepity. t; W. E. Lsowles. 2%; A. L. Ma• ear, 2; E. Premix. 1 1-3; W. L. 1.. s. 1; D. A- Ether. 2; Hon. Chau. Neu . 2; R. Cruise. ii; W. Power. ii; L D. Papa :au it: W. Chisholm'. 1 1-3; D. A lilortane, 4; G. H. Bohm. 1; 1. P. Molloy, 1; D. Warnock, I; A. Yavtle. 2; F. F. Pardee. 1%; Dr. hepar. %;:,G. W. Nesbitt. 2%; W. IL, walfe. 1; J. J. Haghes. 1%; C. A. wlmaa. 3; D. C. Soma. 1%; W, M. Garman 2%; Hen Rodolplis Lemieux. WC D. D. MeeReactia 2• Dr. Clark. k Jos. Reunite. 1%; Dr. Boyer, 1%; J. G. T'ur'riZ. 2%; J. A Robb, %; G. W. )Cyte, 1; G. IL McCrazey, 1%; J. II Sinclair, 2%; W. Buchanan 1; 0. ragas. 2: N. W. Hay, 1; Flom. i.n&. 1%; L Gauthier, 2; Dr. , Si L. Lgiotnte. 1%; IL B. Dev- ; Thomas McNutt 1 ; Hon. S- 2; 2; Han. G. P. Graham, 234; Paced. 1%; 1. W. Richards. %; a. IA Btdvla, 4%; J. B Bourses. 1St: L P Mo11o7, 34; D- Warnock. 1. Aon. Sib Paley. 1; Rea. Merles Murphy. Ste: Sea. Jacques hese. 4; Hon. H. a. St■mmem. SIA: !. s. Carvell. 2; . M: lliaedmr d, 4 14; 8. nolle sea. 1: J. Demers. 1%' lashelt Dessra, 2; Hash Oeldeie. IPA' L IIcOlg, %; ;- M. Dreier, lig: r Midiread. I%; A- ieehaao•. VS; C. A. therresa. %. Tis C omessmYr. mallthers or - gonad ti a ndle m kite relays on troth'. cue foam 1 as is O a.m. sad feeder tram f M 4 al a third hams a r L The allots also wariest ten eMfays• Bob dump. Perley. Ron. .1 D. Sal, Rom. A. Z. Romp and Hos. ilMaat Rogers were In the Meat Elam II e the zooming enm 2 la the atter- res. wk_n thew • wen relieved by laTes.a. OsMrsm+ ins edL Parer ate MOM wY sealed tel sr alight- ltitr mYnylt fol i aha tate were eeeAabol el beasts. Crofters. /Leede. DONS& wlrtt. Callers ami Sanaa. Premier Stair me Ste r Clsmsber or oar fast eft It grwatfcally the oafs i ter alar. g11$.dMASO prior la we mlpmamg t er amusia. lir rear far mil bleaal the SSW ao appgamaistimits Faluids ha the ter the adagio- rsien t the kumi.ar and te meat t /M ItallkelY Mr. Chaseellaris LaMar Whoa the &able .►as emend m Yaadatit rears Mr. three nail be W received b table permdsdma to utaks public a letter from Mr- Whales Chsab&& ad two masrassda. raapWwly korner, 12 amid Janrar1 1a. The ram.raada 'ararted that It woad M "who y •gab. tor Camila Oa sagampt the Whim of wlmilps at the present ram nt. The est d killing dhows the pleat alien word, at a testi► error be ap eoadmasale d111u+iS810i. sr It mil sot be ready for four yams. lack a dab' oar may be j.lLf.& ea the reampclaa last Cards is l hear up a eaarlaaaas seri bedews ream tea. mad tape at aeasereisa t ships. star .a fm bias se tie Weir shipyards la menet Braila sad Smarm." The aeramaaLeatlaa was written IS tte Il a hitter from Mrarrate � blt~o &. mar data d Da e---- 11 hat., lawhelk the aaadtaa 2 .a>iar seated trot be reee'storl tie blatmldfsa d mbieraers ter the rid - tag ed war waaide was aeimird with g igot dillimeddia. and as the early ram ase ery a oast sad seeking oea- rmotba se his view teem the A4- . Mr. Chunk= Mated that the tpsawaw to bnibl two feet untie la Omer cord sot be hand eta s full __hare__ et ami tie preliminary re- it teIt was atakelt to get wwritt.ea, amid the maah*er1 monde l for the nemalactsr' o1 ars .nista we. complicated sad expos mks. It had takes Asetrk. Japan ad 8pdia. be a.& many years to estate Usk their plants for building war vow aim, mel even now they bed to mama ti. )deed for their largest vesasla. ML Churchill volunteered the rides fiend tender present conditions It wail lam write for Canada to undertabe tlas formidable task of entering ups, the awRnaetion of war .awes o1 the Illirrt try Liberal speakers following do- weled mach attatioa to Mr. Church - UM -letter, and claimed that it was la tis interests of the British k.d- ndrsltr to diaoaursga shipyards la the *anima. thus preserving the business tar the shipyards d Grand Britag. The desa its& of era rree cram atm - tire. M1etrd-sly cels rt til, ghee la. ell i11.1ne tarot lbws des aro came ors te the 0.luamosmd ether to order a /amaral earthen ell apply the closure width vend r'eedtre apeecial imshmis/lea, Wath in tart weld are L..g dear se ft void be etre mealy apposed by the Ltberaie At time et altim , Item - ever. there is every lmiarlsa at the eebetr °sati ting roarer e.s*sr seri wither moth s.emma.t- Ilia els- iraeese ONO= alma tafbONO= Mwmetas ellsettesa. Mao mambas bar rot _.airy ea Orr deet.. sasses tieso ea cores* mroodit far the 1m' po....r. ware others have kept these - i..1 i .11 tas.e.-l..'. rate try werrylag tae 1111•► .•e. As weight lis _rpemtd sperm r.m tired w-bes they MOB were leodly tisserm out et temper by bad lies. asi stare persoote prams t.ee s.tly psis' w tar es le .maths dire 'Dale'." t Oe Deputy yasf.R There le se Streit flet and t tet merire enitse, wee rat ttieWy stele Mills *Mi a 'teat brmTaneestlsr et w rico warm! peal nesse •.mor- es. Sr Lessees. have awdt tap.. 0s naamdlrif et •chem b1IMMti stile eat PeA.adart .rat el. Clan These tett de MN prirailless des "de • el as than be and eel Mpp1r1 Smarr Oe ddestles cit die Oweem! Irdissdl le O. cues resti•e mel eg.4.aett et metll•aldee ell asaeod endears et Ile nest mades aid powered tops." Tau she slide maw ser t sopeAir i s d M wee* ruse/ le tlMl~imma Ikea 1 neaarad at the pollee re r.ae.11Mag• ' boa t es. etas Noe dm Mathe i IRMO itis drama-- !Moreau, si GentinierbeCesimIlL t Oder Swarsmme MOW is hal OP - The meet .!carr suillst Y lbw re mgapr• whlem hotel ea srbias tib,s laaR Aha AAs* tar beim es WI old et e Mtl Wit Ia1a IIAMNAVY M 3.My's Ratareeke Ie Openirtd The Mita* Parliament Tatiana is the Mere/ passage of tie King's speech at the opening o1 Perham:it on Monday, which related to naval affairs: -During last year the Prima Minister d my Dominica of (*coach and Deverai of hie colleagues, visits& this country la order to oozier with my Ministers bare on patten of common interest especially those relating to naval de- fence. o-fence. and the Minister for Delano* of my Lominion of New 1dbmall hes lately arrfted for a similet pespnm "I ate confident that such .. ex- change of views between mealier d 11a rsponeible gcrvernmenta, will pro- mote romote he wlidarity of the )dptre. The recent gift of a battfoi1p by the Malay States. the read/ crier of the New Zealand Goveesmaat to the re- tention in the North Sea fleet d the battlerby contributed by them. TM ,teddy psatvr towards the estareb- ment or an Australia led sea Oa d1..1'ens DOW pr.eaedht. M ttr Casaba Parliament ms Meltss t trews testify to the ..!venal de- sire esstet rale the Empire for ego ads - teases at cam= mil.ty." NEWFOUNDLAND TO HELP TM G v ewwt.nt w Negotiating with England f.a.r4Ma the Navy With 'a view to partielpdhig is the n aval defemov of tie ciei l0apfra. the septistkois IAA the fmpr1 I llt▪ lhlmet. As asseseeam.R Is Oat +d was mate h the new dearsek Davlissa. C.M.G. >a the spier from the trews at the upas- leg at tie OaiwW I.eeamlatera SUffRA6ETT[S RED TO REAUI THE IX Oasis Ilthemilleast ,iial the e char!. week and be e a g Oar wres breurieg and smosertd tame thatma Fa% d t!m I. Jam e L HqghmR chid at the Thiessen parr ehealtt. ears for the topic of the Ejalshier -maws Tow asugausa.- VIM sem Wore tar oaten! Amain des rah Lair be est past iwr eek sot Ibi the tier art alas the glr••tet the Ap,mii�. Seller Witham oaths el The To. tsuurrtto !tare. will es ' L Jeer 11'1Miisail isaaid a1„' Ade eais t maga wasii�C (3 villas ty ore ilia, !Iasi fad d tar J. h. Ibereaaif. at The T ser . Globs will rime as ad- dress "treom tear S.dIWid far Idle hi Clears." Aram rarer et ere than err - try maim will be tart tett Ire Shims ProbrigI before the amtsimed Were series es " fmd.saei.l Reassete." Mr. Dam= h a Caesar by Meth ami Ms a aalle mel rrpsratam es a apeshir sad weir ea the varied edatiamehipe which bras grow... WWUafs emams ydema e>me tie at a hies sena it •i mmrm..J lite. A. the awe sepe maatativs d the Dorsi peognms Samshe ibis r j i immecee ee a doer. ricer A .zesmothy feared of the pro- grams et the manor depRm.ate .end arises ie • toriessy to pnevid• as Lenge as appartrity be di.earier r pallia. Ts ewer neer amercee sprees ell reused to • mucic uric ori eereiead to flue mtimmieo' tore era. This is evidence d • drift to mate as DO • the r perils at the knee mantas t d takes end egrimva imamate/dr Qdsertity et Tarsus bee &rah plead rim and ismer zoom at the Aaami4t:ion's diver. but fro re dee armed M l�memes interests ate the meetingsto he air as bis note tar that the w gmeatowely pro - visit mil le Y� be tared to the utmost. ?ley Wiled to Mead Mt. Majesty • Patios Set wars Ilopt Seek by Police a.d Arrested HER WISE CONCLUSION. How Dare Nom3ard Famed a Che far Her Hart Pima is Dodd'• Lidary Pile. Jooquieres, Chicoutimi Co.. Qua., March 10th. -i Special r-Becsure her little girl had louod a wry for her kid- ney lineae in Dodd's Sidney Pills, Dswue Jas. Bouchard of this village ons - eluded they w'ght blip the backache and heat trouble frost which .be bad' .offered for so loeg. The result is Riven in her own To ds .Yea" Deme Bouchard .syn, -'I am happy to tall you Dodd's Kidney Pith have made ea well. They oammistay cured my little girt of kidney dime s's, so I made up my mind to try them for my teckabe and heart trouble. I base takes twelve boxes, and feel ere they have completely cured ma. - Heart trouble and backache are caused by diseased kidneys. Dodd's Kidney always owe diseased kidneys. Rises Kim George hes set hoes err tress the asmpetp et tie saltrespettee la the Odd* hiss. Tarr threats have Me. march Chet sera t*Mg wail be dam. by Ohm dreg the erim.ay of the ep11gbng *4 Pew lamest ewe while the Edo est loess were se heir way 'le Weer err es M•mday eve were. db11mpfel M agperk kis Mgmy It Mesel% whl dal ear le bend hiss a pattern angles bed the p leas es t seam Theo dal set ammeae d. beiraer. tit peeve were ea rah► Is seism. Ores Wil arrested Or eadwpalas. There ams s setae, e momaeraiset t kw taut macer do eel a dost ts• e vest erred arhssed M mss Oe Leet pwnssmisa, mina Oe wemea hot te be paracme& tram the IPORMIN1000. t a rob _ esu rwtd to the rear ea eros et the -mrlessia- TM two esfeelsines war were er- eolad la tlhor vidattr t Medbessep!• elms eeespd hes road beslplms .•` Orale *0. mrpeds edema t the pada Thema t -lab Omen mr. de W Web Ora." breeebt Mtpder • reek .d tai a SAM taws& war cathed tee ter the aims deem .Oe muds et Oe pdiem.a. >~ • .tit arrm.ew, bare ter. O• pe++lmr TMen�` * m s. sidesprw Orel Lassie teed. cental Dna Mit se deer eerfMlMe • tad Proda/mi Wodsi Ick • Cruet Thing, Vi Ile -1 •au't you think my new hat a poem. desrr Husband : "It Wok& to me more like as illustrated pita" Settlers' Enc rieses to Alberta and aestareCMwan. C rtrociat Starch 11 th and ooc- tiaaiet every %rmday thereafter until Apra Sot isdmive the Grad Trek MMwss Saha vie ire o.e.way segfrr.r alma /hoes statism is Os- iris. Pe erheemr Pres Samo ori war ds perm it Mitres ami lisekerweraa et esceptie.sif 1•vr err through -mnhee sad Petliee- 'sari* ei.ggg mete will Mee Terra 11.20 p. a ler Wwia.ipeg wither theme on above demm via t alsagottra&at Pend Sesta may as veeumed is toesiet mess .a a aorual chants. The Great Trek Padre Railway Is the cis* tact aid 7aLeaast Meta hs- tames Illridelparibriketassilidiaes- tee. Tease .oris apd/es tpistmi- or to Statham. Terra aril firm hies►., thea to tare e. Miner ami Elea, Alta. Tire tabies had m• to mai tai m,seOLouinav the . - 1kvJ•It Pa ie may be •h. taped wM Over Ovewheat oa��eam�rira� ter vs� M C. E. Hi.iu*0 Oilaf 1 Patargo Feat•, G. T. Mj.. Trso.aa. (mai. P. R Laare r ik biose. Tc -w. Per stagier sad MIMS Agnes'Mae S. Ades/ Maya r iMac Rapadtar. The Jehovah. at West Heren hove made s good choice Mr. McMiWs will wake a Moog coothi te. Se is pomear ilthe etd�i eg. dto � every fab, pps1 tomer ..d .torte ince .o/ fsoir� o r as sigs Gear awl Ira de ens- rising p ct :I . amvthe �iaassest deer.twilitime paali ate�is- mMe- il.. Ymsit a en W g barer M Me .sea df.mry. The imp.. ear amid fest mods • • THE GRANDEST 4F INAUGURATIONS meati* ft Aleadeles Kin- ds. WI/ Eclipse Others. 1. a Marriep Fast and as 1---- - ra1 C.ront.wy Co.tbind- J..d Victory Th+uesgh D.µa Cog - eatrad Kis Divi.. Ehatim to a. Kine ea Kings end Lard al Larro-- la a.itiately iis i.•raatnd a arida. Washington. D. C.. Yards It -Pas- tor . -Pao -ter Samemell armed here thes raceme ea his rearm tam HHavvaa. ��Key West Tarr and Tors - eels. He took for lie tens J saes' wards, 'War the See et lt.a .boli core m Hue• eery. and a.6 the holy angels with Hint. then shall Hr sit upon the Thome w! His glary." (Matthew i 31) said Wires six thousand years acme man Iremegreesed tea Divine command sad same osier the aratenot. "Dy- itleg. ares abaft die." he wee can out at Tam that is iia unprepared earth he might pay this death penalty. then, en. is the 4sciara ie.n that the seed d the waist would even- tually bruise the .erpeat'a head. God implied an *kimaste vioaary ie. hu. ✓ arity over Satan, dm amid death. Later. God's Cova.aat with Abra- ham bid that victory would oome through hie posterity. bet dad not explain Low. Centuries later, Abra- ham's favored posterity, Israel, came into .Covenant relationship with God through Motes. Theo bogie was to keep God's Lew so tbofvogkly as to merit everlasting life. and be com- petent to deliver humanity from sin ted death. However, oeatnris of edort proved that zone oak keep the Divine Law .atisfadlorily. The next Divine lemon wee ore of faith. lamd bald net keep the Law aatdactarily-ocelot not. therefore, have everlasting life. could not teach others to do what they could not do. The lesson of faith was that they should look forward to s cominr lemma="a Prinoe and a Savour." For centuries they waited for Him. Various were: their hopes respecting Mssah. The promisee were aeann*d to note somethrzg concerning li m. ThmvaD the prophet& God foretold id that the was to be the anrtrtype d both David and bokoee on. of Aare and Melchizedek --very great. He wee to reign from ems to ea. (Psalm 72:2.) Bot rig Israel would be hes- . ed by.l1 nation,. home!! forward with pride fo are day rim Messiah raid exalt them very Uglily m the earth. nod ammoniate tis with Himself in bless- ing allpallia. These good hopes ea ]mtogether as no other pogle barren eve been bead They ase th11 waiting, though daovnoerteed •It, the evidences that others art it, &seew respect more favored then. they. rasiah and the Jubilee at Hand. At lart Israel'. Star of Hope is re- hag!. ho-hag:. At last the prophases tell that her morning of joy is abort to dawn; and that "the desire of all nations shall came." Not merely are Jews charming that Messiah's Day is nigh • but Christian Bible students see the same- Mohammedans also see. Free Masons claim the same. All mem ram in expectation of .c ieth0Dg wonder- fel, just at the doors. Tho multiplied blessings in the is - rations at the last half- eaf.rj be - ,peal the New Ditpa.satron_ If the preparations are so grand, whoa will be the inauguration and the Berge /Leel! ! inauguration Suer .f Our Test. Leading in the grand peooerioo picture is the Son of Yak Sellowiag whom are all the fry memespers; but with Him spa. His Thecae will be Has Bride tier -a sahib. few. Thus it is writari: "Whoa Christ . . shall appear, then shall ]r oleo ap- pear with Him i. giay '-Colossr.as 3i; Revelation 31i. Grand as have beam the inaugural aeronauts of the part w..k. they were as nothing. maltreated with the 'Jonas crowning Day ter which earth has waited .ix thousand years. Happy as were the faces which greet ed he President. the picture was tame. oumyar. d with 1 h< Key a man. laud when they realise s hat (had hag wrought! . Wherein Did the Jews Fail? • Th. Jews did hot furl. All God's p.wi.m to thea see all thrift He ewer .*0d them suitor rSwsea, or seep ted taking them to Heaves. The etwa/emt Pur. evil w Air bra. wee the all the lead which .said br tare wild be Ora le .hiss earl his ted- Weer* b . were to Ordesseb=gitpa.p� dee. *MAW arsidtall.o de Dom. a Apart riql0111.6 Sol NossibiA Apse to sr ___ adiesollivalin Mare saki harm ham mailli. At the newt sons e• Jars del dM mere Oar the Sae Mums lie hitt pealed. ice gave *0 ippesbeetep. bar; tea !!.. lea., @are Leered te r GenflMq en/�a.s Oe• e gg: add, sieleut asterisk appebmi�. The aid baa Miele a dart essiplael. The *0. ash ear is *hetes are ap. Jesse ; t l la . lP `mothers t. so M!fd(lbr .air w Seed hspMm s/* sel dna Dia Stars lea ambers el 0*. all pore beyond . the wens . Tog rant r ase the. r or. !edges* 0a weft el iiseelg lie b.seaq is the wpaiL •awes row r maim ed beim sft a mimed •Mew onsondst the saber day. Aaami.dy fwd It. amrhed ase, and eseerwell the aria.` www• "KP eras are a eiestarel drib to No ,boa r. Isere. Dar's Orsi.. 'hl.'. t hat im ebreteart watt will aiMasa-mod hos d tis..' /feria. Doti Abort it d Ire tam the or pals Lapse d 'did sr a,' isn't Sr' whit's sheik �" rd every+ , .em W tpis 1 MONARCH SIIOES for MEN You maytalk about the up-to- date Style of his shoe, the comfort of that and the long life of the other- but if you want a shoe that vies in style with the most stylish in comfort the most comfortable and in service the longest wearing, buy the Monarch Shoe. There is nothing one sided about it. ht's the Shoe of all round satisfaction. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar NORTH SIDE OF SQUARrt, GODERICIL DONT HANG ON TO THAT COLD ANY LONGER S WHEN YOU KNOW THAT Na=dru=co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chloroayne IS A' CERTAIN CURE FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHIAL IRRITATION F. J. BUTLAND "Tea Sere Tint Plusses" G.&erirh, Haters earahrtathaWirnShaWAAOarehathaSSWarhIehWahrOaserWahafehrkareu RENEW Your subscription to THE SIGNAL 1 for 1913. t►cgineer's supplies Valves, Fittings, Packings, Oils Tools, Gloves, Waste, etc. Your wants can be quickly supplied here. We have in stock a good variety of this line of goods of the quality suited to your trade. Jenkins Starrett Rainbow Valves Callipers Packing Sowell ilardware Co., ita. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE TRANSCONA A GREAT CITY IN THE MAKING Transmit aid be ewe et the centavos/the Wei. Zf.Ord ltwmlt Parrs be 1 dump beaded them the Chaeta Praire Rettig/ hasesYliisi isameres In imet pats, and it teas ham rerevd that ere Ossalhr lgees*aaa aH tlw.p wr make their resort shops atoms Pat ■ceps to 7ramorm Tremors tereacaees. r a meuata.tari.g well r w.a redw.yea�etes. M arm& and Missal isthast i...i.asissily Beta dlebsd. repaid* a img>. .ember et mw. PROPERTY WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE nosy Wean over is the pert two yeses. sad times sr big pros fair the i...lar who rye bray. We bake a arise et lab to art at le.a -- sad sir then hey .iiossiegne r Mems to Orr r Wrir for our booklet. wide tads al reel Tresses. Scott, Bill & Co. J. T. Goldthorpe "MAAmid 'Aime�il�tMpim a lm Gt: 91 he ;ce tar ni rep gee ' -?' k a. ')it 71 'a T. v.