HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-13, Page 7lays!
rifting am pet,
I" is we.te&
'Isi..tm •en
w.d are
WO.. artiae
onate a b,e
nark awl wilt
n may axat
York Cite
) AL
,urchaied tit .u. .
erly conducted
Holmes, we p
, • wood
• Cement
Brick, Etc.
beadle ranattrw_
b ValleyCOL two
h are risompi.r as
We ale begirt
t Orsini ale
me best sarwiee pie -
shell be stag b
en Mr. Sim' ,
and my Mem
, anything i ear
eat leift with les.
st etre -t, protege;
& IIedhiU
one !Co. Ti
T. R. Felson Street
Dow prepay :
ceetasetors wits
N of Moulding,
nen sed ePmi .._JGene!
innne! L.
g Material.
he a specialty ,.1
Flooring in flak
est and Matching
et irais DNr G•
B Li earn
ocerie s
ere are buying Fnm,'•
the float cweside•'a' ,
lane teat es goon
IM teunity tent every
s west yN in fry
1 Le any ware. 788
astimisil we
it me know o We
give yaw setidartBoa
• trial em you• r.esn
NI) 1cCo.
TsgfM-y. -- lb Mar 3
WT. allOgallt•Inellirranin
w saera�
▪ a,..• u.. ale sow arra ..r
of e,aripw ga/r ibem.
l(Nl.ib"...111110.110eiel m.. aa,ea.a.
rimmone. Omega
Spring Is
lat em ban Yew
• Tee ail Neel dine
Dusk. the Tartu)
Was et., Q_ifi l
s Wantd
T b t undersigned
will pay the highest
ask prigs for all
kinds id hood Lona
delivered at tate
eaitL ins at Anglo-,
sus street. Generic
num m•will g
enc general will
wort omit promptly.
Best Scranton Hard
Coal -all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates -the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire I)ome s t i c
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
MatcEwan Estate
•,ephooe SS
g T-
re a mall itmw, baa apse Ise
ammo. et Me SOU
Mat is asaielaa►
rad asa
ts of
m▪ em ie an. MI net gene
s •22 slfas ~yasiwy.e s
g rlsoerie
How the
Lumberman Lives
Wain he lite IMO y ATM. 4111411CAMILI
Bleat an She mg. t, ne err dn. whit tie 'tsaaasei�rr''
Ow bsldW alba. at Ow beg- . waw I fall es s meang pion Elle the alio'
-is' mai d>• s e tin •ab•r �s.1
.amin rile me �nsem salt All time
here kingIngin aserenagglege. W ire d The
W emir o eatwitwe'res peas
rile fres hem mime 6ittrrr one at sod
ler mem emigehe t i Laefltusite hen rah ailed Fad.
. rash Mei as pie ad sin humor
ha the
mist 4 sora at Melee filit�bs�it
nun and bawd mem. ���
f eattaieenl fret heir. ae- apt fare rut ---Jras.inie
geeingting dean remit -}1 eon In wet- Dud new Ila lade
leu- i rials Ile lbw altar ,ed ass s test •a tberN 1 -
Md more andel huhu. Of Ibis amaaaai im as ap.3ed.te road.
>�w dirt e1the
iNseeem. at ane v the Borth amps
:NhwaeN'1` bengir �a'.eiter.st'oraned .. re :moi.
eon day : ltfi w EANt
et. Itll w 1.IM�s.ei� peewit
et Men
Meipeon" et nINIO. n. 70 tarsen t nest.
d• be 7e womb t banter. 39D pmts
at enter. 90pre nni is
et cuisine. B min
et bokingpowis eel kW pews& et ,
pewee.. In the ones Milts of aliment
the arse camp fatty -0w Imine ale
these and a -half tans t by sed Ir
esvfeome ne me est as esegrrkl
es it be was ii min t a ends/
amimmity. die WA of time hes
imee miliss. aaei
rasa oenents , wast Nos
Me were mauled to swan Laos"
sur o•a1 kaewit ,. k is tae wile t
Ms wntar nine at the Meet at deb
Miele a enmeshes d the life t al
Imbe jedt terosepthre years oto with
the Omen Ad.eate it..itway.
It was ase einem ere .an etre amp
.Mme the .ar..rt far
mash, eras •eaitbm nen
see see ani /r Noes
swim eel .es
the Mender milt 7 i •
teresegule die et MS.
Tate ealiwayb "l. l the him
lama knws.ep
e MLM.wats4ee��
ern* tie woad gees 11re nn.0 slap
ua anti t the lean at • si heat,
Lens nips altsem ie •emli.
mite ly intim sen at the end at
shout turtle aims it tans. a
errs M..Mds the esatherew-
in ee hems leer oarreated
the pest year ser at the ,reent
et armit the mad aiaf. bush& Ir
attar tesaireeng
About 4 . r. the eternises
a nap was
gria=r. '116111.6611.11111ee: I& is
Was by beasbanstm
swasIdag Is dr mime awe
Yrs ati ae� dee Um Imre
••••••••••.. the Inn rut niece tie
inn bee hen .1 tom off in the
ennety to serves Y a
� �wtay Nees.
eemties et • met wile•
n or thiol f• Ow bog style
by the meth soaks ate causen
was iron SW tram. One
Aantare wa► ummirad an one et the
sere lea oars acad. ser lmsrwey to aur
ieetier tier, nes a.. raoa.twarnnd.
A ■wd •e.
Deetsete rad faller and the weird-
ness at the merry as lee�sp�1ed in ear
mem W Skil- created
as iwpaaeei_N that ME elft won be far.
Meder lulus ea • fat _Iry is ma
encs el erperiess lee the aadinasy
that of the mar is the mite to camp.
Time marked Movement is his sone
n telien shwa Oe qpeemt to t.
"Where 1 ..that waist to a lumbar
comp thirtywuom yeas ago." began a
y 0- -batter. "tiekage were aboet
bad dry •vii Ce, The then
line thev had
thea. • Bye thee wan saw to ea t teal of his
experiences es a rive aim. Part et
his work, be arid. was to wad out on
the Mars and break jags with his
•peery." Now an dist work is done
with block and Lathes
The use, and wenn cif axes were
discussed. In the gamer day. all
• weighed
at Isegiso pounds amid
✓ .t
wee taboo in tkie 11111111111.
pii,hment of being skb to 'fie m" •
Is -th•t is rut it ogres Ida Maze.
Tee axes used today in the amp vary
im weight The heaviest in lour
pounds. •
Wage. Are Better.
'The lira[ year 1 gram in camp.- be
oo•tamd, "road cutters were paid 06
per warts ; lag cation got 110 is 114.
while same wi t.h a team reee43ed a
gni • dry and thought it was a big
1 mut ober time taste .rhe
n ips y mots per day far a teem rases
•.---lend a fair wage. Mime%
quite a rimer.- he gild. "as a ammo
amid him team receives ewer $ to 3-50
par Am'
Teem -bare ayambed f hi.. : he
s • bsmistmea W beam en tne
it ti
wee me* et Masimmis Park. "be
dame dim" be asig. "'die Park wee
ainther aYtiwed river driver who
W Mowed the life of ale eburs.
�i-r t ter yuan Manation ted .
The Minnie/ Easy.
•Te etyitve ,yam ago.' be and.
-are W whet wee did a 'cmaiNei
camp. it was are liege h•Yslt
Mich serest s cendise nt
sown Mei beebbei a eewhlesi hi -
snag t •,ewe tie ember -..s mesa
ieswd. The calaboose. be exgieiud,
wee a iwghei alma ase feet sy.ara.
its de twee t tar hsiiiag- Aiew
ess and ser lbw 'bra bda" mast
twee best amide. is wild pearsorly all
the eardieSf was dwa le dales "Mol"
brei Maass sed rest saw aet#d i
Ir Mei meet Thr I.rd wise seas
with cesndareble rise mod ewer to
gay the leaberjedk Imre far •
Tract' 4 $mast and bees. anrpesd
Is fish sty.
Ike ",easier" also was past 4 Yee
�m�met fee oeukiee; musamss. B
i�NiArf et am wtaewmr.et Mahe
aesbrms whin amen he mamas ass
e• thio is alas aegaiest
he seed lam the rook eiam.l hie
psis se the tower •t the .m-rhmer
nee .new dim menet mob ie
thrsl and tut! arm Misr Maud.
ret+ M radar' ftrsimbmd aim o
'tell. raw ted tet tat tbe arwet et bread
be amid ib brad wee eamast as
the .writ. We 1•rhtet by tar wap.
me Ola .sly pis 4 ftssiteas 4 be
Malls fs Ye Ne.'1. Be Mae an dims
es d ebeob to at W 'tsasrk."
dile 4 w was Mare I.Rw..m de
fat as rbm lour. ' bee She teal was
mar the amts - 111*re • met wry
ea Me mow Mag 4 the weer and
M .Met r the wail snow MI rad
M owls Ore rill hear m*mbeL
no sMier ore
War aeiaMalssi.A. a 11110
oiler, gas sewer eio n.d tame hi •
slide sepses.
Ilbe arty mew et kite at dent
wee dal seisms ireTnese a,ev SO
lama ea i dasnht be abeam
•assin 4 legs
Algonquin National Park
le the Highlands of Ontario
Mshds e r oat.. When dr. Shcows
tv'iitd tiffs camp last Oct-eber the
1 pale postured of 190 M.ggima A
i„ftesh 'tied" killed ewty seorni•g
was sprat of the daily life tthe omen.
The aeeesmodatias ethereme as
merit improved. The ss we have
a conifortoble beehbe ee eon a
maims dieing -mom. As adient to
the eating corm is ale msbi gssa es.
l b. re the cook ani bis face aaneteess
ow kept busily engaged papering
are wary palatable and whalebone
Med tae their large fee ls.
Is the essiy d aye lege fieri would
hail ire hien long benne daybreak
ad ie sews caret, their wart lay t aro
to Ogee elites from the camp. Off,rn
mea win teams a"ould have a half -
day's work dour before dawn. Now
log -cutters do not ?urn out till dac-
ihemsit. Teeseer•i, lease the camp be-
le/ewe I sed 1 o'clock
The esetbii eat ha.ndlieg loge Lase
chart fel •wsirerabhy. Tse me sed
as lied debt sleighs. Mich .tris on
nsmme d five ups each day. Ile
'9ietii" was used. an the logs wog
Weil by hid. Tray • tem el
Lew eel a line are lased for the
sane wank. Pattie. len in skid ways
basila was the Iambi one perms
Hewes a very mei le adde ,Rie
itito Ings in dimer
ieeieita the femmeeg elf ell the limbo
sed keen ea the tile.. in a ins&
ars came bele some ot•k is deed by
two oma tai a seem and teams .-
The ee.arpi.w and the waterteek
are hmpiewsn which hare been ie-
eneneen into the wort of the lumbo -
semt late yeses. The weighs swag
tasty ago meet hays.eliago•hob
Midie ilp
. wase e e*es eeet i the dye
Ohm ass Mee. Toe ep.to•ieem UMW
O ar has bunks ete.st to ft.ntesae fee
is silts.
Al the timber cut is the pianos.
days Was white nue. It would set be
smuggled at the silt Mese • it sone
Um Isco shake. spook ad keen.
Amens req o mens's ail it a tae
alio fitteee Seim is die enter t
Me tush AI the tember see ahwp/sr
dew se that lbs Where man he mien
by tib a it t. A pest dal 4 - was
wafted by abs.atlas sap t Oil gees
to take els ibm liras. but army Sr
part d tie ewe es admen ie see-
•gpeiwd air be t c medaW male.
!ke awe of nee has - • •esend-
seir , NMeslen is fluor' piss. To-
.d g a weed does Mag 4s se a arae -
lad sots yard Meg MM, nest a lag
as M • eawner sirs would ter
venni at 451. i'ae and air matte
the average pates d • ileo»
At tie hurts Coq..
Amar tie /lemerl.msuolsetis
Eerie Ines ammeelleooasm 4 • .ague
ith Sr. IL IL
fie use Berth Morn engibisr supe
War Me lewnwiha. 1a the pending
reeed thio mein, sr eget Mee bees
rade se •sway to the mane rem
iMs 4 humor arm emelitiess is tie
pram day s well s is Ise deme of
owarey4'e years one. Maw •
bind edmtaee te germs! em a aeeees
k 4 ailindear taweee.t.
e awns We awe $sural at Al-
Aretite ark radar in draw4y km -
mem mus atter • nee 4 Masa browse
t Sr- mast
was rmadadeftig
Wass Was a stalker sisalsim w
tare .ills am w rear me ap pe rsmee
at • Warms emir It emorriss as
ims `'hot pedals fee de �•s�1
esa Wirt
aim1 maws at
ar► i • aririmill prat see
tsrliar at any time. bet u ben one
Eadie ' being ?rapidly pushed
illipac` (the engin wet at the
Mall. timed dvarn hill... tee mi i.erienoe
neelb amenblds a trip aro a rollea-
eesmer•rSombero' Beach. At I• -n ia
ser dmaieenie_ was reached and after
siennighlpseensaisdassoe ad die# tahe fore-
man aamp w gmen rl to our
iekbo a MI were smite many to
obey for
lights amt' at 9
ellock. Sleep was not Mg 4. naming
t• give rest to our Mg hin and
she first thing that brake ague our
numbers wag, the emnnance see our
"bedroom" at. 4 :91.1 of the w stmt Ili to
knife the .fire. V err ab' ally
Mier -
sons die longing of a bell a..eeee. i
the fest call tae awe&fe- t end soon
the wheie mug wee Mir.
Our stay he ate sump ws - deueid cif
any oeeaaetee t .peci.l , interest. 1 t
wee who we were ready t. leas $hat
we monied nor third degree. We
found that with our large awae t of
luggage. there being no ,•ab .a the
train, the pilo, of the engine sea tie
only availatde place for uN to Imam
ourselves and our realises. Time pleas ire
of t he trip leek aeshame Me lett,
with We maw ie isrg •e.
Werth Aldine. '
/he timber trite known as Egan
notate woke psi cha.el by Abairpaaa-
amt owner. 1. Q. Buena.nearly
peers ago. limey were wain at o.tshabe
elfinYu. Sborey eltes*u.-ds dbe par
dream was offered a.additional St. -
f* far t.be property, tint M r. Basta r e-
issd. wucb to the disnesk, it is acid.
4 bis bankers. Ener oilier Egan
Bente ham hee.o the mem cif teeny a
lowim' camp and after all tie Mem
gni hes brim r•eteeaai daring the
gm yam it is eetifeeted net the lbw -
kb OM, sue worth at hoes I fine -
OIL At tae preret are et ami et it
dil be NW hens the I ha
iwasgem, thio
kr damn= may, wetly sriel. as
Mea a aderry aimed ,vas r in swat
f-ir a life ebea. /be agitate. has a• see
4 freer 111/aeleete sig.
le ria gore J. 11t. Booth wee
altdlarttgbt��tda, litre. be was
emend be inn ides a Ma Met to
cleat lemming. He third the ale ter
i ase hussar. and i tie aroma. tet
1 Wag kw a bmmwra ilia, b., nweesamd
theme lfi I ItLn faller ad termed bis
1 atilo neete ay tele les.
Aline a few be swat •
sill m B. set e,atieewt M
S N. Beiepmismat ris are. be last e■
owner 4 in es Mose every
moues le (Sages, lir. Ilaatb 1
rMa+y ass yaws at ap eel eagys a
fair wear t pall Ireton.
1• aesl.flato Yin esammes he aft
stay M the Boas amps ; M
gestalee Aos1
=idler the _any Main deadness
sesfiaesr m. 11Mfr itis he oar ba-
bel( were bnarCi, amasslisamil.
step Wok awe oar ...t Mrwae L
Y yea are saw fees or Vend art. if
feat take add early. new t o
se Wee fu+ •r hew al Ler ao
t h*umei sUwMty tet was .
urealSeamease mem oft, gnams-
.fel the paws pail It ire
eneeelly nib Ingle. et aiimemsum
i. wed ahem - arilpaw
weft...IL Oso lane a asina
lisamalmialremd by OM. wle"ti a�ii
1 Int unit MARKETS
Farmer •lamt■rt.
Mamie* an u4 tawe
t wwe
Ili Leat nein SO lemmas
T -
e en.-
malobo.$fled..-4 -47to3 -ds
tigNtlwbdabobbose.M .S
t ./11'in M
1.40 1.13
lbw Ons L H IS 14.44
he. 1i. 1 .... 11.00 13.09
thine ell/ 1.40 0.00
deists•, $molest 14.40 u.me,
Meat;. biome ... 6.00 4.48
Wan M.afl., .34 3136
liteerharF - .a
Feet dna rt .a wunames .0
esti 1812
Darr 2
Ta .6 .2:
Ons .16 is
Libre iew . i..... 14 : t.
▪ Ch'-- _e • 11 .14
• Deanne 1 c 1!
' This. 10 22
• Bars ._.... .12 1:'
Petnees. bets . Pi 1.1 b
Apnea. bowel 1_M 3.0e
Deemed hags 12.$S 13.41
Toronto Grace Prbna,
Oatarlo 7Pbeat-Kew, No. 2. wino
Meat. white. red or mined, 55c to lie
Mede$• Wheel -Near. ane. No. 1 bier.
ale: Na. 1 Its. Oh; N:, 3 Nor., lie:
feed wheat Sic M lie.
Camden Weems Oats --New No. ?„
42c; No. 3 441 -De ea Wick I.bo mote.
Ontario oat. -Naw. D1c t., Ile. wt•
sink 37c to 17 14e, Tereeto.
lion -Kiln dela/-%a. 2' ceIL•w
See; No : yellow, idle; new. No .,
renew (prompt ab.!}meet)
{ ran track Toronto.
1 ilii . Oats --Peer beg of 90 no.
312314; per Ylsiar ?4, wbta{jssale.
Pase-Ne. 2. *1.15 to $150, car iota.
o segge (enm/i .; i .
nerkebeat-No. 2, 62 to 53c, out-
door --No 2. 62c to 65e, outside.
1 Ihe1ey-No. 2 barley, Ler: Nb 2
satin 45.; No. 3, 49c; feed barley,
ase iala ports
]wail -Manitoba bran. I"0 to
a113s: Swats. $22.00. at shipping
Palen: Onesrao bran, nominal at 529
Om 1 0. 3. iN .less ; shorn. 522, track.
Toone Caen Market
Export omen $6 66 to 17 .10
do. ball 6.110
Butcher cattle. chile._ - 1.25 7.tte
Ido. medium ..3.75 5.M
do. common
Butcher cows. choice... 4.71 6.M
do. medium .. 4./A 4.16
Cutters i.ac 4.41
� • 1,7E
Bucher bulls s.0e • i.:it
do. medium .. tie 1;.M
Bologna bells LM
Feeding steep . .. r1.a1<
Stockers. -choice saki
f do. medium .. 4.15
do it l ...... .. 3.5
Mllk.rs. choice, an*.
as. .medium 411.41,
ikeren. choice 35.4
de. medium . l.M
nisei. deg ewes 1;M
berry ewe. 4-710
Burke wad culls 11.24 -
Good hnS* .. . 1.30
Medium lambs ........
do. culls ^..-. 4.M
Bogs. f. 0. b. •f.al5
do. fed sat waet.M_ 0.M
do. weighed an ars_ 0.711
Calves 4.M
c .l'i
7 09
nest flt - ± Cotes
Cattle-ieenss s lis; active. 11
ane ZSc Miner; grime Miner•. 41M n
15M: -ah'ppsAg. VIA be $t.ie: hi
ober& 6.fie to 5110; heMeea. 4145 n
'Ulu; o.we. 13.74 to 3713; Imes tilts
to *753; Mei* sed Neimg. 5.74
117 M: nMek foie, KU he Mae;
boob tows and geneses. steady.
181640 to $42.50.
Vasa Eeoefeta, 1.605; active and
tic furor. 14 le Sant
14M.; sego. and
Me t~ 10e bur bran and a1xed.
$11.15 ie Ind: Wawa mad pis. 15.24
se sill; rets•. ISM 48 hi IS; Rags.
NMI to VAIL' gneiss. OLIO to WM.
Obs sod Moms -fleas ate. 17.000;
mieee. Was sed Mrr4; lash.. sow
aid fife lscrosr; ksba. 41M to NM;
yerlIaSL OM le WO; weenies.
nag n 52 awes. 4135 to 51.13;
• trey. steed. $150 48 1]1.75.
INW Shag wu. s•••••
Plea w. L. Yeelersa, Lien was
a-NdsMef a Swim is Moorib Tett
tieelle in OM endirs le the
Plage Uwe KM
17.000; market
weak. See.•..u 111.14 to 155.; Tease,
aftosa. 413. In 0*; 'tacker* std
seder. PM se 141.11. cows std
Wank 4133 M «; calvees 57 te *1L
3--nmede .. TEAM: a ilmt
wart Lit 31.3 to 41z•; ohm&
Meir MA; May, OM le Nei;
rem. NM v Si; OW $5.1M ae
SM. gni et oaks, $.sc w W7ih.
MM5. terbnt
wont. ls1Mlve. 41 tn+ 11 7e r1lrra,
rM ee NAM: mob& te-tee. N as 41.
avid Mr me Mir.
lien hay. No 1 311. M le I N
dr. lis. 1 f . M 10 at
M. Iled 5 41 • se
away. tales& 1st
mann WIND 11 n
de. and .441iAM M
lake Mw 0.111. K
arae lie. 1 311. M to 111.40
de. lues 3 10 . he 11.55
de. NS. I 3.40 IN ea
7414J. Ns 1 1. • 1.
ds. no 1 1.16 tit
Asa Beed 1.00
Med Meer. ate. 31.40
1 o^
A tir.1001) RESOLUTION
*These are goods that will give
the wearer satisfaction every time.
They are sold in Goderich by
J. H. ricClinton
East Side Square. 'P hone 642.
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe . - • • $1.60
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe . 4.50
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star 1.85
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto).. 1.75
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily World. :. 3.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.3o
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
Empire 1.bo
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate. s.35
The Signal and Canadian Farm 1.85
The Signal and Farm and Dairy
New... I.6o
Renewal - ... 1.85
The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35.
The:Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.5o
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free
Press. -.... ...-...... . 1.6o
The Signal and London Daily Adm
"the Signal and London Weekly Adveebler
The Signal and London Daily Free Press
Morning Edition ........
Evening Edition
Signal and Montreal Daily Witness...
Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness.
Signal and World Wide _ .. .
Signal and Presbyterian
Signal and Westminster ...: _ . .
Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster
Signal and Catholic jtegister
N ew 1.7o
Renewal .. 1.85
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto).. 3.40
The Signal and McLean's Magazine ....... 2.25
The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)..._ 1.75
The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.5o
Tome prices art f or castle awe, in Oaeada or Great Britain
The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine.... _ 3.25
Inathding postage to Canadian rrulog ibsea.
The Signal and Woman's Home Co111paa ink w
(New York) 2.75
Including postage to tleaadian eutrcribets.
The above publications may be obtained by Sig-
ibnal subscribers in any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above leas aii.00
representing the price of The Signal. For instance :
Tie Signal ser Tie Wendy Ghee... • . 61.48
The Fomes Anima (fess has UAW,' e .35
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