HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-13, Page 3• IS We are .deolor le floss. 0044.611911 on ever turreted e Suras d Sesta Inoaable rest -a w a y was and 6/ 16.00 ertmon .t I �ia.s0 a. at per • • • $Oo for Silk as every its .s .Iabarat., . 91.00 a ▪ Ille eatiy and .. 91.90 eked* to Follow ins 'Ootwelar. [AN quare 1 • canon to abet ▪ land. They ting sada. K IWO malas ewer erta. t • 1 1lllaamas. Masao lh r s al- -th__ 'c f- t jlf _ 11113 1' I 1.1 E ONLY, GENUINE B1WAB1 OF BOLD ON THE ¥SKITS Of BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bead or repaired. BOLD L6lTi RA a LTHER GOODS ata...ads1 to ea Mara* A. K TAYLOR. 9TL .Tvoa:D KEMAI. ilg. W. F. liA.LLOW. III. B. coot aid ents alma GO1Oftd• sant ut,,.esti � gam timeme m F. J. O. vuiwls -SIE. NAL row loa To t�Ualsieb!ie W Aural l sera, Clabou _ ger. Naomi 1 begat altos Samoa as/ l7.erasla yomn . yl demes. era. o a Wi=ea leve meee.ea. dada tat.. Cleemelt. Siem tea&a 2tee►ss Ttees. a TWaaammea 9. ORAL DOGUDFOOT. SAYS a: KILLOR- stocsur, mtit > Orem sea Prison f - se bawd a. sere et iotome. Mot. � r•, F aL c.Haw : J. L 1111.A.dt.4%. G. CA1ISkON. T►. C.. RAR1tlS- "Kat, Mrs& teedinida dew beta oesa•e. r aaiti,fi;8 GAILliuW. LLB.. BAR- Kumar. ra le starts gni W49,Code 'Lao. JUH)!UN. BARRISTER. •ul:aasr. es iterlo ever, Gears Peak'. biaiiY/a .a.wt. UederW*. t-1. ADCTIO m "mom As GUICDRY 1 AUCTtuKtci'a let C. (ioterld W imareai e y renal a bat et nand .tike tura be Memel t t mese �a s . hease teiM-.ns IIaO ' u 0 PSIVAT* FVND14 TO V W lots. yak le IL ,;s. Can- s �AshAmmet. nominee osis Ge.aeea. n K. KUBERTdON. . 11 Datt:I J1.CI aGEWT. hat .s L. La..=t=ae : tent+. Caaseiaa and a•.eria.ua. ai-Gassy:, swam aha tasas/r>•e' :rt . the Name asdee. end -amens% Ladea. lamas. Rai (.sun ass eltalhellIdita.as:: The 0.5. e beauty and oae.s.tlonp.al- rt rardsn L Greedier emus et Tie- bncs et. Isawltsed.ea. 7l7te.a 176 4 W. Midair. LdPL FIRS : ad oaeaetlantmsa age. �e f eemet maw sal am& a aro elloatoll es/ bet .ani sea beaana l•1 . aet tw=KIM ras- west Street cad Greve dais. J. w. Caassaeec bidder& tact (reams ta Yeti 11.1.01) MUTUAL Lh e t R A% C! C wed Wass/ ala Nauru. Pana. aewseti $.0.: lr i energy. $ism. masa+ Y. d> : fuser. wiayta T1kelamear...__assaJan obe ea Saar(musesLJ-J. .r. beastame- D. i..Ea wok . W; _>twlwi b Gilmerand tie or ea a F■ t -ears Onma e. att�ndetR _A>te1.4s UMW 11 Al TRl( IL. a 11.J'a t( TJ. P. INFCLR OF aaaila(iL 1Jtt:I 1.101 swum P8111.09 T1t3DFORD +b+�••lCi Bi400=BAJIBri g.,Moot alai 1•.e i.. etas • MaurMend will be 11. Forty years in use, 20 years the standard,pre- scribed and recommended by physicians. For Wo- man's Ailments, Dr. Mar- tel's Female Pills, at your druCtiat- Brophey Bros. 3ODICILI B Tbs Pasai Mss ire 'ad Embalmers rworoohly loss/, Stift •i HURON SCHOOLS. Reports of Inspectors Tom and Field as Presented at the January Meeting of the County Council. Report of Inspector Tom, West Huron. To the Warden and Council of Huron County. GENTLEMEN : In accordance with the Regulations, I have the honor to submit for your consideration this report on the Public Schools in the Inspectorate of West Huron, for 1912. There are 102 school corporations, with 104 school houses and 1:.4 teachers. RECEIPTS OF SCHOOL BOARDS FOR 1912. Valance from 1911.»-.---- 632,106 06 Municipal grant.. ..-_.,.,.. 33,340 43 Government grants .'..... f.. 10.714 61 Special taxes on property. .,....._....... 44.561 54 All other sources 16,043 38 , Total $136,866 l66 U' EXPENDITURES OF SCHOOL HOARDS DURING 1912. Teachers' salaries 110,997 3 Sites, buildings, etc...., ... »--. 4,329 03 Yaps• apparatus. etc ...... -....-.. 1,765 94 Fuel, caretaking, repairs, etc , • 23,812 12 Total $103,904 47 Balance tarried to 1913 $32,961 55 ATTENDANCE AND C IFICATION OF PUPILS. Biu number of pupils during 1912 4 s 725 Girls roti ' The average attendance was 3,07$, beluga percentage attendance of tic per cent. ,Number of pupils reading in Primer _ ... . First Book. Second Book .Third Book Fourth Book, Fifth Book These numbers include the Crediton and , he continuation clauses. 821 4eti 912 111:, 330 Exeter Ea ACCOMMODATIONS AND EQUIPMENT. West of the school houses . are comfortable and in a ,.good .tate of repair. A few schools should be thoroughly renovated or a new building erected. The chief defects in the school houses are the lighting and the ventilating. These defects vt'oulai soon be remedied if teachers and parents realized that pure air and sunlight are essential for the highest mental and physical develop- ment. Neither people nor plants thrive: where the air and light are bad. Suitable tinting of the walls and ceilings. and proper window glass and blinds, are necessary for the health and intellectual progress of the scholars. These should receive special attention during 1413. There are now 12,646 volume, in the 1(14 school libra- nes, valued at 113,1. These books are read and aplireci- ated by pupils. teachers and parents. Books dealing with the resources. progress and possib- ilities of Ontario and Canada should be added to these lib- raries, so that all our citizens may become familiar with the grand heritage and wonderful advantages that Canadian - possess. It seems tome that the Provincial and Dominion authorities could not make a better use of a portion of their surpluses than to prepare and send free to each public and school library copies of attractive and readable book giving the people a clear and correct knowledge of .the vastness., richness. progress and superior opportunities of Ontario and Canada. Such books would tend to create a loyal. united. patriotic and intelligent people. worthy citizens of the fair Dominion and the world-wide Empire. TEACHERS' SALARIES AND QUALIFICATIONS. During 1912, there were twenty- seven men and one inndred and seven women teaching in tiie Public Schools of West Huron. Three had not attended a training school and had temporary certificates. For 1913. there are twenty-eight men and one hundred „and six women. all of whom have received special training and bold regular professional certificates: There are eleven firsts, seventy five seconds, forty --seven third- and one kindergarten direc'or. u WILTbere have been seventy changes of teachers since March, 1912. These frequent changes are the main hind- rance to the progress of the children and the upkeep 04 tie school property-. The schools which maintain the highest standard seldom change teachers. Teachers' salaries continue to increase in keeping with the high Dost of living and increased expenses. School boards having successful teachers should pay adequate sal- aries to retain their seniors. THE ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. The Easter promotion examinations were taken by the pupils of nearly every- school, tics providing a uniform and independent trot for the promotion of the corpus. jsnior High School *.sauce. -Three hundred and fifty-six pupils wrote, ani two hundred and twenty -dight (sixty -fear per cent.) received certificates. Junior Pahlie School Gradaotioa.-Six schools sent Modest, b this examialtion. Wady per dot. of than won diploma signed by the Illisillor of Biaeation- Net d these entered the sensed formal a high school is Sep- tember. Senior Public &ked Gr7dastira.-Fist pupils of Zurich school what! as Ntis wort. Tho of them obtained certificates which will awe them to a model school or to Form I1I. of a high sth,d- Senior High School Ilvd a■pe.-Pian pupils of Duch - wood school took tau eiamimidam. Saw new successful and qualified for admiisa to a rid Mimi Three of them also rased bei sadeaeee tis a aslssl reboot. These dapa/fa'sl erxambaib s will enable fifth dm: pupils to ps the lower WO Wind wort without leaving their home schools. Before 1912 the departmental ertamimboas began the last week of June and oe>'stinsed to dna middle Si July. Now they commence early in June and are oompirMd be- fore. o -fare the es/ at June. This Amp aid the of noel adrd •e eember lit, impend d die 94 e of As- cia, bis dhoiMaei the wheel peer ler eerierca goyim d lyes rp �► kgs der fret kerb. ttiee elegil na-Y- ! Ewers red Cnefitee hew ,,,, meoeaaas�earl tieis ifiae4a, a, energetic seadiere was uric GGear ataiiioei is 1 1Wiasp sees SAYEDFIU AN OPERITI Haw Lira. Road of S Escaped l Ossia's Kerma, Ilrsk a -"I Me an 1st wog ` derma. IPMenspeom Ldp 1 sad. The dm tar mid I Wit $mar the as theiugeab Ny Naar, no LOS IL Pleidi 's Viper hi. Comemd. std today Iemawelled healthy woman ilii steatite I a7/dad baa biminitia and your aams/rL Wei sensed ma I as glad is Id aspeno what year metrias.s bags/ dime ler sur. Yoe ens um my tt.aliwail any way yes wisbe aid I wad be fi 4 • atsaagse truces."- Mrs Cmii mla Ulm Mel Mei al. Peoria. IL X. Lys,* Also Ardis. Jesup. Pa. -"After the hies of vas tam& chid. I gad severe orgeiieYes} Rada Iwatb have such oenibati/ that it did mama as dm. I cirri sowed it. This kept up fee Gass Ln mintbt, i iso dorms derided that e a epee rim suss waded. "Than seed 4 friends eeemmimiad Lydia E. Pidtb m's Vegetal& cin. pemel and after taking it fartuosmon Iwas awell w.oma."-Mut glledma A. Ltac e. lamp. Pa. Warnes aka tsEer from female IIs Garold try Lydia S. Plnkham'a Vegeta- ble clmpeted, taeo of the most aeee.ms fad rsedlew the world has ever known, Wars submitting to a surgical opera- ilia • Howe -Hunter - "(tut whenever there's a flood I should think the water would always (-nurse right up to the h,.uw." House Atter, t - • •Possibly, sir. But there ere r•teenstif tear properties where stets car filet fish ng from the dioing-roon, w 1'nit,a AoCall's Patterns i I LLAR U SON Perrin's Gloves Spring Opening Easter being early we made arrangements to have all our spring goods delivered earlier this season than usual and now the spring stacks are complete in every detail. New Coats New Coats Stylish Navy Serge Coats. term -quarter ata full length. three Coats promise w be very popular this Spring. Special Nana each. The above Coati also come in Mack and tan. Natty style. in Tweed Coats. three-quarter or full length. very ta*Siooa0k. from $10.00 each. The New Spring Raincoats are all new in. large variety to seise( from. Priors $5.710 to $15 tit. New Spring Gloves 1'be new Spring Gloves •re bene. 1'.o) make seoa soi.tale in selecting your ties/ Glovell at this stole., a. wet atm I. (silty Perron'.. Famous Gloves aid every pair is guaranteed. Perrin'. Adonis -Real Kid" Woven, all new 'Prime shades in .tosk including black acid tamea, $IMO per pair. Perrin a Eglantine Gloves. a sonsdsr glove for the lady of taste, will give thorough .atistaction. $1. pee pair. Perrin's Chamois Kid Gloves. very itellisrable. per pair $1.(Ilt. Persia's Long Kid Gloves. 12-ltetpwss length. every pair gtur.ntced, black. tan. white and grey. per pair $Litt. Kayser Silk (cloves Kayser Sill Glover., the gloves with the guarantee. double finger-tips. 1.1ack, white and colors. per pair SRM and Tae. • Kayser long Silk Glove*. 12 sod 18 button length. fully guarantied. 1 a,'k and white, per pair 51.'10 1619/1111:Z. Special values in Linen. for St. Patrick's Dwv. W. B. Corsets McCall Patterns Perrin's Gloves MilIar's Scotch. Store �• %7ma 1 A- `Feet" that .dal. e 25% to the vain of Stack is s wry short period (Caldwell'• Molaeses Meal . It does more than that it. also insures the health of your cattle besides redncirg general feeding costs by a esbetalial margin. It is 54 r pare Caae Malssw and 15% edible moss selected for its arse digestive action. You know the feeding value of pare Cane Molasses. Caldwell's Meal is the only waataiess form in which it can he fed. It's always palatable and dry to the touch. Takes the pace of an equal amount of other cereal, making it more pdatable and digestible. Most likely your feedman bandies it, but write to to at aay rate for tLe facts. THE CALDWELL FEED CO, I WOW.,, DW(DAL OiNTARO. s LOCAL TREATMENT FOR WOMEN, LiSOKDEtt: s The health we MN, des.rndw seer laaw' r up'." ,•mow L t'.e bl.,oJ circulates M ems 4.dle.. 11.,o,aev w e h:: ye •'2't a lresistyos w' srit hate l erfe•co t. el t,. T:. re is a r••nwtant.wreseley a•'ie -f the tissues i., every rut 49 1.1.* leer. The tae Sad A. wing thrt• _s;:i Ile +•enc curlew of 911111119111910 or d-,.1-s:atte•r whi'e talc bh.uJ ts. h+. the heart tit,outh tie xnstoo twinge the tbwele War dare tlseue, the eeeeree of the) 1..ou we have dip - -' to r. p .e w (sat tau been ear-, reed oar. The camellia se: rim: nut and ezla"Iluwg of IL• dewd matter awl the r.wlseira of 11 wrtb cies t:.nttea. atom i,c stet.,, fines o:. •1_7 and rnght, eats: to . t,ot:t years a c�wa�.ete eta et' has T»•.:, ere,ter: Time very masa and ibenaa fuse -nn et•emt "•: 1.adf ,n every prtic.a et .9 Sora what 1..e ta-he had . year, hakes. It wrasailanee bsapelea Iremerer, hose a ea,iet7 e causes, that eta bleed beemeacs a .rre.s.d !rb cYatann e portions of the body. 11ees emacs that OW blood Ger seta bn those parts beer.b teerhece't Good the eas hhues1a that ',clime of nstu r d? I ,aowwee 111110101-•111110101-•M1n.. cid astagnant The c'.eeeeseaoe M t trait the Gelid seat ter in that part of the body 1. ooh part l*llv.rim away. end ' (•as tom but little of ti•+ a-tv. vita ,Yttar 11. tatro4u .d there to build up an . s'.e:.ttheu the tlaen1 acid n. r‘ea. c' This cooiltian Invariably *I.` -.ti in ad rases ed ► trove disorder. The dead mat' :r retained ba the clip cub tfoar. aside saasela have lo ser. expelle.d. ^••miss sae , a- ntenna aha haaama't7a of the dellrat.e ,,.eu.ieegae eel s•epromili rho serve eer tees. This coy' tarps is t5. Baia t tar agrl•saee phyaual and n.-nt...l .alar sete..•eam lamas trwubles. Te dads reser it a esteem that the fret• -• dentedea be da (e to mat ere et the l taeatt^r ,ch'. h 1. 1N. hole se re deadallea, u lids dear *91. 7. elnna..4 r• taenia there a of .lead pse.he et rased and astte Irismales se tis la! era of t b dews tw.ts, dee. The awn, ea *,,atria wig glee saes s/1/ O9A..5. L1LY h sn sr-:esrtwl 1 coring this eeed',Iuu. It la a laaal Yieaeet.. amid le here Age 10 110r .5.4*. o,$.sett 11s stuns/ .dlaa.ms Ys/ a1.eeW hole the a* ant drew lel • very sport the dead . J...a' mom r ea gg_.. is (raataat taut mead aid petal. est �• and Ile and Ye.;M thea ee4tg ee ate swssr of the deed 9.4 los sierra lr - same ar _1 to • greater sr hew eaaseR sad r edea easem It le se sere!./ am ea be a.wenr. The oar IertO.a m asefeatmad Meer h set mosealo.at Dr. Caa.4l--4 am tlaSetd oe lira P. 9. Cosset rear Oenrdlaa gpeaasata- • e. ler rey maet1, rammed rer liar _j1tiestorty encs. 1 boye aeiasM ler 7 : paera hal as/ w bad wads 1 masa maga. thea 1 W a dieter. is so acid de 7 law a gnaw. ani MOM Ing r urn taus a $tear. 9 I went thegwg'- as sper•ties 1 wsedd ins nee through h. a lair' later 7 awe !w ble and. ar.J he pee sae u - w Il. lay 4aeband t5a sent ler ssa.taar dacaer. wa. por9. ' d .r, g..rat+n.. mit iia r warts gees. I dram,* wash lin 1 sur 4 nisans, hot be -erne w bad o nto not 1 th•etrt4 7 conte Ss as tami/ar sac 1 beto long to die . • rt. de.: 1r laws@ 9111=9e9111=9ebeww sad da a �p a au Mao be ne *ant l•rs C err,. t's .A degas nM tela me a bolts hod sbraall b1. M WOW to bar kw a treat,.. -.-s w*9I e!e fa ' *9 it sus tie hen. dicot I weed& die mierear 1 ow.,:d set uri • aeae+� *9 o•. Thee the curt near tole nae I vzs w,. -we Thee I1'. Wwdb.r.,717 bns;asi gout et 09A11100 t.ILV. sad 11w t.Ard tr.,9.eea $$Gilt sew sae tomer. Ottsw'1 eesrwg9 tetaen r awes had Ices ..w»ged lame saes sae 4 meal semi. 7 b 9 tied Get been OlUde0t L1lsemi.ars/ t ear 1 ant 14 bane disk ter t med. set 7~s/ used' we*d hale thea)$ n r rho.; S t as/ ammo mum eta • att.arilh tlgesett maane •• sir dollar. It :• .•til hs wwMba lw gosa.-MILAS10. timed• 'aa't►ala. Cat. h •%T7he move Seer pelsraaetlelly ecaeiMAW ermaleeeefr sena ••••••1 -. ,, ' •d <ruaah/l bolt rung egg eineh �t.ane the metras keen ser toe tam- ed* sod en.e.eese^.sat bier .epbted Ohndell a aULV Is a pment. sea• . em seeds der 9113=11e tar 1 .1" -1/.. Heroine.. _hese am. sessakes sec sad e- , Jae .a! sa ties 5* ra ileal 1 weed. Y tab.tor nowt. treinne• as It analle be le ...f aim Molartme tsae•'we► tis • braes. a• We or se rearatld leads as all Sad awn* sur d•ei reser w be- ll" lalaased. mod Me mere a darted 110911199 19,11Parla.• end bleed =L. arialltitt= Oahe. e.aa es/ be 't. 1 Well momw the e4watar • +C• 0. Is -1 e or • A Winners of Cash Prizes in February Fun=to=Wash Contest. First Pnee. Mies Mary McKee. IAA H nrk.mer St, Hamilton. Second Prise. " Mrs. A. Hofdetoek. St. Andrew's College, Toronto. Third Prize. Mrs. Alfred Gregory. til Albion St.. W. London. Next Five Prises. Two Dears Each. Mrs.. Willie Hart, Box 3573. Belle- ville Ont. Mrs-. W. J. Robbins. + Nor- wich Ave.. Woodstock. one Mrs. F. Tata! 334 Aylmer St.. Petry4.o.o. Oat •gra A. Nweat..•11, Huron Blt.iitetwd. Opt. Mrs: White, 1&7 Helena Ave., Wychwood Palk, Toronto. Next Twenty five Prizes. One Dollar Each. Mr.. F. W. Tan.ley, 77t sib St E. Owen Sound. Mew. J. Glee&ing, 11't Weiland A re.. St_ Catharine, Jame. Wesley AIinteringham. Mitchell. Ont.. Mrs. A. H. fiauexie;.., 1tr t Dun- dee St.. T.ert.ntn. Nies Lillian Castel . Bur•geseville. Out.. Ceci! K Smith, Box I1:.. for t h, Oat. Mr". Rose Mark, But n -t. Dunn- ville. out Mr.. B. Fis+ber, Ha Metcalfe Kt.. Guelph. (inc. Mime Marie Keyes. _r Manitoba 8t_. St. Thomas. Ont. Mrs. W. .1. Reynold, Boo. 177, Dundas. Ont_ Mrs. 11.. T. 4Lsith, 5E'ti. Duffertn Are . Lesiee. Mame Johanson, !' 1 Nelson St.. Bran tford. Mrs. E. Webb, 345 London St.. Peterbo,o Mrs. 0,,t I bitty . 574 Lansdowne Ave.. Tor: snto. Marguerite AIreGreg..,. 47 Mtn• ray Sr.. d'hatban.. Airs. M 13oaaeat.erry• 177 t'oi- lingwo d St.. Sainia. Ont Mrs. Millie De e'en. 154 Erie Ave.. Hamilton. Mrs Louis Day. 941 !floor Nest, Toronto. Mie. Marjorie Connor. 73 Wel- lington St., Galt. Miss R. Harvey. H.e.peler. Ont. Mr. Frank C. Wand. Orange- ville, Ont. Miss Oswahl. 16 Abrees SL. Ber- lin. Ont. Mrs. A. Fletcher. Bot stilts. Ch;l- lia. Os,'. Mee. W. J. Lagan. sl West 8t... Chathem.10ot. Mr1 C F. Love. Bot 552, Lind- say. Ont. in addition to t:aah Ptiem we are mailing useful Kittbe•r. I -wands to the next semen hundred correct answers. Watch for our New Cowtest. and in themeant+rue sore the cou- plers emu maamy bead.. The Standish Manufacturing Lompany, Ltd. Toronto. l CANADIAN PACIFIC EXCURSIONS To Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta HOMESEEKERS SETTLERS Low Round Trip Rates each Tues- day. March bo Oclebr imitate* Far mellow tea the et ani dYsta Spdd Train trill hese Te mote Bas Inseesa llemb see Apreina 1bisod w th ses dm mama «INNIPEO and maws mom arm EDMONTON and reborn lbagek����Aemem Other n lo Ot plaints .prOpOrtsen vos sett 935.00 943 00 Satan [radar misol►a MANNY fa,ar. o ORM _ Tema* lbw - may owned ma sae la vi• amend a oes ardaeer Mee lotslO61.OInT outs on au. Tama lb Aerie het tort... T1 rew+ yrs.', Toronto to Wi mdom awe mast It AROUND THE WORLD via ''Empress of Asia'' 11e "iagr�. Ai- sr imre (.ear. N ma. are OS.A.NUE LILT odd TLLL VIAL Oaf Ls i w• swat awn ....* (amok wrier awed. t Ona gem wen wave r amp Grey Sem - 1 perm i ire. ws +a l a• M Gabe_ wee* t ear /�Y be tent 5. Id arra le mar sans lyes v..e.at • +bar • le enact • w�1�ele etre. .ad le he�.lsrs� • *III sae sum awne.aMa pad ewe it s. �/astrstb M fee► •ate W M Pan► to aseemhp► • Mi salt .ted llhl L /N Per Sale bylI�e Dr�ists everywhere. to COLONIST RATES v awevnr. It ( t,�= .:.. .7{ $41.15 lagsaoo .a Cal ..«= sas 1.. S.apa eft - ... {( >v hens. Cal asci ep1MthlametL deb, me eonr a[else ammo r esigi mgrs/_ Om J. INK d P.& illoatiormaro Its. A. slteelaphy, DiMisa supra$. Beer. •