HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-13, Page 2• iilltree[+A T, M *,cs 13. 1383
rutD ET :Icy THQs8DAT
res was t_itTWeeltell ie•
Tame et Wsettsa
La per saran r.+vest.
Ws : Wiese meetla tea
T. 8te w Mom ..►.st~sa Ili.+. • poor
htrlett, is ads meast
atJrasas wire tae te rsedvs Tea LemaaL
nwel•etr to well A amts a ewer by els
iteataiew esetthe betatYf,eY•aW me
what a
ter abseil beak air
awl the :te
a..a+b�[ Wefts
hearth W ether impar silvielumemes. lee
per der Ow tet fasaftee sad es per re ler
seek sob _.oma dreamer. Metered by •
a*seerse se.la twelve Meas is se foam.
fiswsa rads et ens lies art mw el per
adra7heamnta tat Lir, F1aal. &leges. Im-
seams Vaasa& deardlm. watt.& Hsi
ed• et se Real P owe k Hale s to
artkies ler SW. els, sat eaweither
tare Psi nark imweioa : ler int meati.ter sirs
imat�1* pwseeerrtieaa Leser atreetie
as.wasemeu b ordinary reedier tap em
meta err lbw No wake lew thee We.
any ee.dat awe& the sMaa et wtue► is the
mewisry hereat of say LilviiYl sr areal -
s ss- recited as aivwtlereet sad
nbar.ed wesAtarty.
Rates /sr dleplar sad ematreat advertise
wants will be eves ea seed .H e .
bedtimes W emm.amie.meaa Os
Til C MAMA PSINII1 U co.. Idsleed.
dederOa► Oat-
The ratepayers ell,fitratford. by a
majority of 127, voted on Mooday led
to preserve their park system, defeat,
ing a proposition which would have
allowed the C. P. IL to erode the city
alongside their river arid nrnamen W
Stretford's industrial interests have
been taking on large proportions of
recent years. and a eonne ticso with
the C. P. R. was urgently desired—
circumstances which make the vote
oe Monday all the more striking as an
evidence of independence and fine
public spirit. Jne result should be to
strengthen other municipalities in
bolding out for the preservation of
natural opportunities for tbe pleasure
aad recreation at the people against
this destroying band of material prog-
ress. Tbere is soeh a thing ea. paying
Loo high a price for industrial prosper-
ity. sal the people of Stretford de-
serve great credit for the example
they have shown in standieg by their
park system at the risk of displeasing
a big tail way oorporrati,n.
It is likely the U. P. R. will before
long find some way of entering the
city which will not be objectionable to
Use citizens. In an!v case. Stratford
cad get along without the railway
about as well as the railway east get
along without connection with Strat-
At last the suspense has ended.
For warts a pall of anxiety has hung
over tbe riding of West Huron. and
tbe constituents of Edward Norman
Lewis have been agonizingly watch-
ing for Mme word as to the doings a
their member at Ottawa in this time
of crisis. in previous mea&ions Iwben
his own party was not in powers be
was well advertised by his five bills
and two resolutions iwhich. by the
way, never amounted to anything ex-
cept as a demonstration that eadvet.
tieing pays". Of' late, however, be
has almost dropped out of eight and
hearing. and it ie with at. indescrib-
able sense at relief that we learn from
Ottawa revert. that be is still tt,ared
to bis country. An account of one a
the (light sewions of Parliament con-
tains the glad views tbat
Edward Norman Leads, with a
brown felt fedora oyer his eves.
moored softly in bis ooroer seat.
"A man of strong impulse, infl.x-
itrle resolution, quick and keen die
cerium tit and habitual a .elf-com-
s.ared. ••
"A man whose religion is not of tbe
theoretical kind. bit siooerr. constant,
earnest practice.'
In all bel labor,. • miegionary. en
explorer and a British consul."
"Greatest not as a scientist or an ex.
pions. but as a aaaa and a rniesiou-
Such are the opinions a men who
knew David Livingstone. the centen-
ary of whose birth is celebrated this
'mouth in all parts of the world.
He was born March It th, 1813, near
OMarrew. At the early age of ten he
obtained work as a "pincer" in a fac-
tory in Glasgow. and added his mite
too the support of the family. Part of
leis wages was *pest for books. and
tale* are told of bit (mopping a heat.
Grammar before him as be et.00d at
his machine, which required the tea
of kr beads bet not of his eyes,
Later be became a spinner and teeth
better wages was able to support him-
self veti1e taking bio course in college
ia both divinity and medicine_
0. bad decided. be had even offered
bia.it. to go to Chios as • medical
mietiso*ary. but weer he bed Merp se-
aweed and was ready to go the Chia-
su.Opino War beck* out mud made
rt. Sod visobis to proceed to that
cannery, and be was sent te Able
it P reached (lmpa Town. deet the
leas ger werfatrme roma. In Mk
and ahem* r.mdi.tely j ssneeyed
ovine MO undies •areew._d l the mfr.
reins slalfes at Eursrasa, whom Die
Moffat was thou labor . 11. ne
Nmds.j wire biro tor stem.n tams.
ate dyi.[. weeping. perlseetag ter a
further advance into the dill news
wilds. end wi.nieg. Moo. the love of
the daaghtsr of Dr. liedtate his fumes
devoted aid unmated wife. Then be
placed himself im the yaaguasd d the
miseiomary foreae moving northwark
diecovsries sod exploring the La 1.
Pres -thing and wiasist be native
tribes to kis Mister.
1t work' take columns to give even
a brief account of the errs aces he ren-
dered to the tribes of the district& he
entered. het the valuable additions iw
Laude to tin knowledge of tis interior
at tbn'elarkcoat-bone' of of bis ooa-
tributioes to seieece. Hs was aa in-
defatigable worker. earths for bimrstaf
only as • poaible inttrumest i. God's
bands to further Hie plana concerning
In DIM letters reached hie triesds in
England with reports of his deoears
even desteiptioss of the manner in
which he came to his dos:b. Many
believed the reports and much wxrow
was expressed, but no surprise, at his
untimely end. But aomedoubtrd, chief
among them being" Sir Roderick lur-
dmi.oca. who ieduodd the Government
to despatch an expedition to rnveati-
gate The result was that. though
the party did not actually nod Living-
stone. ample proofs were obtained
that the reports were mere fabrica-
tion.. sod io 1ttl18letters from Living-
stone set the minds of his h-iends com-
paratively at rest.
In 18dle The New York Herald cote
miscioced Hermry M. Stanley to *set
out Livingstone. The story be tells in
his book "How 1 Found Ii.i.g.tooe"
is thrilling and absorbing. In No-
vember, 1871, be reached the village d
Cjiji, where be found the Doctor.
Sealey says bis feelings at the mom-
ent were o intense that be longed L7
tarn a 'somersault, bite his hands,
drab trees. or rent his joy in some
other mad freak, but with difficulty
controlling himself be went forward
with hat !+deed, and in the most cos-
ventiortal manner greeted the Mae 'be
had sought for so many, months. H.
spent some weeks with Livingstone,
learning to admire, to venerate &ad
then to love the great sonl that inhab-
ited the mietaionary's gaunt frame.
To him Livingstone entrusted letters
for tbe friends at home, notes a his
explorations and scientific discoveries.
Stanley tried to persuade him, to re-
turn for • much Deeded rest., bat Liv-
ingstone refused to leave until bis
work was done, and sorrowfully. te-
IucttnUy, Stanley parted from him.
In May. 1873. the heroic rnaoamary
died, with no friends near but native
servants, who at tremendous rick to
themselves carried tbe body of their
.easter to' the coast, where it was de-
livered to Denial atitbnriues and meet
to England. It now rests among the
Dation'e boomed dead in Wanal1n-
ster Abbey.
A great roan, a servant of God. and
thereiore of humanity. his example
remains as an inspiratione a trumpet
call to sees -ice.
Taranto Bur.
If every elector in Canada would
eo.teibute one dollar to tbe canipargn
fund of his party a mighty blow
would he struck at oterruptioci and for
independence of tbe money power in
At the last Dominion election each
party polled torr than tikt.tMl0 votes.
The dollar contributing) plan, making
an ample allowance for those who
could not or would not contribute,
would raise a campaign fund of half a
million dollars. which would go • long
way t.cward legitimateezpeoees.
And why should not a nun wbo be-
lieves that the principles of bis party
are sound. and that its rause is lust,
be willing to smoke that very small
financial sacrifice'• Why should he
n ot support his party as be would sup-
port bis church ? It would enha.ee Lite
value of bis vote. It would give him a
000reption of government. not at a
source of possible favors to him.-te
but as an Instrument for benefiting
the whole country. It would give him
w int.e•reet io the affairs of the party.
and • feeling that be had a right to •
voids in iIs policy.
Men complain of the influence of
corporations and :.f powerful miosyd
interests in politica. If they allow the
corporatioo* and the wealthy mea to
supply the campairn funds. they
must expect that these ecmrssaenteene
sod men of wealth will seek their re-
ward in plutocratic legieiaioa,
It is well to forbid tstmtrlbutiass
teem large eorporatemes. Bet thane
mast be • eonatauctty, milky as well
as a probibltioe. 1f yes dry up a
tanner from whid ossteaineose
wader may flow, yrs sewn roes up •
source of pore water.
Aetutrelia W. ensue end a mUolr
its .we cavy.
Moe. Wlaabs. (imebM r ail right
Re le jest a (lithe Ono bandy wke the
ode that's all.
Raab sfi-eglgt r bee. •rent
Soireerei peewit eek. It Wed Ii sprri� •r. this
'The C,rassestliw party io abso-
b»sy miler -as the wire is meed
—esdng t.e people at the loons. I
Mr. Borden see ill either akesisS
kis eontribm tion semen er — *S
people ea oppart mity to vele epee'
Midland is talking of raising a fund
of SLUM to be sprat is advertising/ the
tows. Pusiirity is the big thing these
The London i Sag. Daily News nays
that Preemie Borden's coarse is regard
to the naval bill is as ill service to Ise
Pedal unity.
Canada may toot he able to build
Deeadsougbts just at present : bait is
can do vary nicely wittiest them until
she as build thsas.
It the Opposition at Ottawa doesn't
soon 1st up. The Mooseal Star sad
The Toronto News and a few more of
them will have to be put in str'ait-
Wouldn't it save a lot of trouble -it
the Government world withdraw its
contribution bill ..d vaso the bat
arouasd among the loyal Tory twiilioe.
aires to rams enough to pay for those
tort Dread.osgbts?
The genial $pottos►, proprietor of
half-adczen Huainees Colleges, baa
added a newspaper to the list of his
aetivitiso. W. are waiting to vee
what will Imppse. Will the smile
tads, or will 4 get rid of the newt -
paper —or
paper—err wit/ be prove himself a
gooier and keep both the smile and the
ppm p
In the House of Commoos the other
day the Hon. Sam. Hughes declared
that so bog as be was Iriaister of Mil-
itia be intended to •'1» boa." in bit
Department, .ad would not tolerate
interferwace trots Old Country of11-
otos. Wby ie .ot mon of the same
sturdy Cacade ism show ie the Ot-
tawa Governme.t's naval policy ?
Again the Nationalists select Sir
Wilfrid Laurier as their ally instead
of Mr. Bordeu. What then becomes
of that fearful thing the Bueden•Bour-
a S alliance ? Two years ago, we
were told of Borden's baleful surren-
der to Bourses& Rinke' Borden be-
came Prraeste. Nationalists bare been
voting meanest bine oo every point in
'bleb Nationalise •a -as concerned. --
Kincardine Review.
A. ugly little word of three letters
would properly characterize this sate -
meet. The editor of The Review, be-
ing • member of Parliament, must
know that the facts are not as be
states them. The Natiostali•ts have
not selected Sir Wilfrid Laurier as
their ally. Two of them, Messrs. Pel-
letier sad N a.t.el, are in Mr. Borden's
Cabinet. and.Lbe majority of the Ns-
tionalists in Parliament have voted
right along with Premier Borden and
Hugh Clare.
One Rigel of leper kens •
Idea Adverti,er.
There are Canadians whose idea of
Imperialism um to have British mallets
defend Comedian shores at 25 cents a
day. while ('auadians look on and
contribute three cheers.
Is It Warty While ?
Toronto star.
Shane years ago the Liberals killed
a bill intended to inter -Gee with Pro-
vinc al right. in Ma.oitoba. Today
they are r-e.tating a measure designed
em destroy .elf-goverotaent in Canada.
Wbattier you approve of their conduct
or ''not depends entirely on whether
you think that erlf overnment is
worth def etiding .
A Good Way to Speed phooey.
Bengali Obe,,,,,.
(+odericb breakwater is to bare so-
other extension to it to Dost a quarter
million. If the thirty -eve Millions
Caaad., i• banding over to 11. British
Davy were ezperodbd on the barbers of
Goderieb and Toronto what beneficial
results would follow! With 0odaeieh
harbor improved as it might to be
that port would •oor doable the trade
it now enjoys.
u wades* eeret*eel Pravda <.
Talk about heroes, there's The
Maclean of Loclibuir. -pwner orf aS.M10
acres of the isle of Mull, Scotland.
who proposes to go on tax vaudeville
stage is the United States to earn
e.ougb mosey to mew bis saute. 1t h
pointed ore that Tb. Maclean is a god-
eroe of the Dyke of Argyll, who M ea
yetis of the Klieg. all of white should
have its value for advertising
poesy ie pot stated what The _par-
he.'s restadeellle speriaky hs. whether
he is to play the pipes or dame •
Highland Mier or do a Barry Inutile
Oars : the imrortaat thing M that he
wants to save hie estates and that he
1 wllhog to de what he esu, whatever
that may let byes m to him
The Des C. -mew
Ota.era Mena
Them is too greater of mere iaMdieee
curse riaa that of adenine. it
approec res we ealthily mad grime with a
power that is abase* irresistible. it
gives artificial niter from mintage
widish1 wrwm thae iat habit.
esteem il..isofum more seearely and
taelem copra new ender mere many
la ovary Sty
a tbi namt+west, tel
dowry isyi
Shove tae mases wems hygnlrab
M end weans w.hp tare ajre(etd ts
tido feasthlhii Mlle Wel ef ie
Will W Neap be waved tM bimblisi tf1/
henna paths that .led to the
in y. It is e any cif vies l t t
asomeatary flysnasaiw
and the better seif.t as the versa*,
gr,swct a
am tab dvsg
apes aotaaml (lead... Ws is is
hearts the soy ievaeies el as alien
assay. It Manatee, warms theta death
tie taws ki fats its power.
Ottawa, March 8—The goestios is
being asked, Wby bas the Opposition
Ube right to deemed .a appeal to the
people on Ibis quint ion et a promo -
eat policy oil nasal tribute as per-
eraerated we Premier Suedes? k is be-
elcanoe the Government. it iia raptsort-
ere had voted acoo, dug to their
pfadges to heir coke.tieseats before
the election et 1111, would ha.. W a
mesoetty et Sr instead of taitty. while
had Ron. Mr. Meat beta IQ the Homme
their amejo-ity would have hoes only
five. That re. while they have a
House majority, they have not a pop-
ular majority. T►ie also in a Parka -
swot which se thirties member" abort
d the coo titutiosal requirrmest.s a0
cording to Let census. It is therefore
evident that the Government has not
a popular mejortty behind it on this
q aeet.ion.
On February Nth, when the ae000d
reading of the naval hilt was earriel,
the Goveresseht had a majority tit M
—114 to 84_
loPat liams.t there are twenty
Nationalists—that ie, merahere wbo
were elected to Patiieneent pledged to
their oo.etitae.ca. to oppose any kind
of taxntioe fora aavy.
These ^ twenty lie, lamellate tee
Messer Achim. Barrette, BMlemara.
}Imlay, Biondia. (lodertw Forgot,
Gauthier IGmpat Girard wbo rah as
aq'po ter of a Caoaaias nary, sad
suddenly at the end of the eiee4iom
turned ageism it). Gailbaob, Limnos.
Lesporanoe, Laroarrhe. M undo*
Hook, Seeigny, Daniel- Pagest, Pel-
letier and Rsiav-ille.
Twelve d Mase formed part of the
Government's majority for the nary
bill—Mcsors. Bio din, Naetel, Piquet,
Pelletier, Beiovijk, Coderre, Forget,
Gauthier. Girard, Lev.11oe, Leepeee.
&nee. Sevign voting directly eat, -
teary to the pledges under whim they
were elected.
Bad they been true to their pledges
they would have opposed the naval
bill and redound the Goveeameet tae-
jority to six. Had Yr. Monk been in
the House, he has since stated. be
would elm have opposed tbe bill.
which would have reduced the leajso-
ity to five.
Therefore., had the meaner, of Par-
liament all been present and voted ac-
cording to the diet atei of their constit-
uents the Government's tm■jority
would have been but five—A1tj rag
POPC LAR 10T'$. And for in a House
tbirteea'.nembers short of what the
constitution calls for according to the
last census.
The Opposition position is that a
Government o.ituated hat ro rteggbt
Lo attempt to force threwgh Parlia-
ment a rues ere niatieg so great a
change in the eeastitstaosal proced-
ure of the country without appealing
to the people. Therefore. in the jn-
terests of tbe people a majority. of
whore L60.7 redly represent on this
goertios, they are in duty bound to
bee every means it their power to see
that the valor of the people is brays.
It is because of the very force of these
arguments that, the Government is o
determined to force the measure
tbrougb and even at invoke the clos-
ure to shut off the .oiee of the people.
Rrilf you he my wife ?" he asked.
••Noe" she replied. So be remained a
bachelor and lived happy ever after.
Farmer (on one side of rise hedge to
boy eta the other side,—"Now. then,
dist.'[ I tell you *fit to let me catch
you here again -r Boy (preparing to
rim)—"All right, don't make a fuse.
,You Morsel ca ugh c me yet r
'•Yon cught to be glad that you e-ifl
be eieet.orutei instead of banged,'
said a prison visitor to a convicted
neutdever. • • Wby r' asked the felon
in surprise. "You cutter ready from
rbenmatism. demi you r "Ve•--
"Well. electricity is the best known
remedy for that."
Sags GIN PAILS Are Gard Fee
Pah la The yes
HEX your grocer
tells you he urea a
certain tea is his
owe home, you
tad pretty sore it's
Aod when • pkv
mi`tet druggist
for lm rtess lti•ck-
aehe, you ma feel
gena acre hese is
nothing else gene o good.
Winnipeg, May 19th, 7912.
"Is the autumn of mix, I suffered
w tith a mntlsaal pais is the beak. As
a drogaea. 1 tried various remedies
without any apparent molts. Having
said GIN PILLS for • camber of year.,
I thong* there mart be good u them,
adherent the sale viamdd not iucieame
so fast 1 gave them a fair trial and
the results I dad to be good”.
GlitO“ E. ,kOGERS.
GIN PILLS have well earned the
oanideeee which druggists, as well as
the public, have in them For years
they have bees relieving the pais cd
Rheumatism. Lumbago and Sidney
Zyota&iee gear:any, and charging
t&rtnsad cripples into strong, supple
era ..d wawa.
Why should you goo. eldiesisig when
there m a remedy soeesily obtained sad
so reliabie? GIN PILLS can bat Sae.
a box, 6 far i.So- Mosey back if they
do sort help you. Sample free if yea
writs National Drag and Cheeriest Co.
est Os.ada. Limited. Toronto. t Se
le tags brim Sail of pea thaw@ Cea-
tsies eal.aiir ialana_-' far tae ureic,
aasetat warmer and w►ta*e itee.w. Zs
sags of the lis end tet, ver
iatroiertiraa Vaiimiie icesi®a, Tear
atria et s new s-ar+aies .tisi unarmed
eta far sale swtf inti sbreFetrb tree
wit! errr7 order. Wet ee atoll tion t
!reap wr,0ing 1e48 this writ/ tear was
.tad address_ Your avast A
epeeist atter cote State it pas
.,arta`_-•las or Rowers fee eta.eliet
have a special prise WI- write
atilt it's tram ie 'sat dial
Asthma Catarrh
tai worm flalada c MOM
asrasarase in
• ilk. ONE and ..retiee s.eaemta ea awe.
mins r is ..arse a...,ss ifs se ham ora
ante. Lad cram •mcvemsr.rthin, ...M.
The ,s• a•er'ieg the artiwv....Aa teretes
..iia see+. 5.0,, arelcs Somata, car. swam
e+e e... thenar a•.g ae.pt
mace.. Cma:.,aras i ea.rae.dre ee ,..Fars mit
share Mire -s Ka • SOON Us .....r.• ass
Asara. first uprod •ara.eiplles Sated.
-'-i .e.I.Tn.ee
r.r7r C•fecE
7.B1a7Eserter a+sra.M
er.r._ Tarr are •meets
OrAmiss wed
e., ret- i• to+a •
Tope Gales C.
o enema tit. L1soueur. Cam.
Yea wi mutt to Isar Meas of Os
Blue Amberol Recorcls
as woo as ye11'w beard the Blast
ia gem they art few tad drew lies any arise rebleeds rhea..
They ger! more Weigle
'My them once or pis deem IAN Sens and the
remit is the same, for Blue Aaisel aware comet tiler
set. Wide Isere. they we praracaay wohreekabin.
They refs casl'ml Ind medlesit d eleselta Your denier
oral le pied w pier thaw ine perm r inn need pstio.ls.
Thar A- Wr►10. mel Limb Iia. Omega A L Y. L A.
A iillemOsephe etad Amami .tM be Ord ..
Never wUl you have • better choice tate this weak. We
edlia[ and oett4ag ouaetastly, cert.ie weeder weave &Md ea oa
COM t�ty� siU woo give out. 6iagle sit M te% desk deer
Lee gt be, arm shot W aipoords and Bedtoad Gordo.
New terstened
Wbipcon* New pencil strips Seilearge. Stark. eery and mesas
Serge Seitiegs. The flees and mod comprehensive .sieet4 Ker
shown i. node. -ch. A11 the new weaves sad all we:mated
so►l.-shrunk *ad us.pottabla
Ladies' and Misses' Sults
Our first season for showing the etr-!lab reedy -to -wear Saito.
taik,r made, aerie fined. Serge, Whitmoord sad light Tweed Salta.
1. every detail from the latest Now York models. The faehioaaplt
gored rkfrr with crew pies* Suits at S16.00, $1800 and. .1110-00
Spring Coats
Of men's coaling Series aged Whipcords and Kerb's. cot -.team
front .tyles with fancy novelty buttress. Styles for misses aged
ladies. Prions very moderate, Witt, 110.00, SI!! OU and $1s.00
Separate Skirts •
Fos misses, ladies. end over -elite, not one skirt from last season
One bundred new and beautiful Tweans, Goad. and Serge. at
...... S3.56 and 114.110
Floor Oil -cloths
New p. following widths. 1. 11. 1 i, ,y, Si yards, at per
Exquisite Silks
This aeaaon will N. without doubt one of the biggest for Silk
selling. Direct imoc*t of "Basset's Fleur de Nioe' satin Duchene.
yard wide *ilk*. Tb is most famous French maker's same ea evert
yard. Guaranteed for quality and service. Black, at per yard trot.
11.15 and
Satin Foulards in dainty small neat patterns or very elaborate,
Shantung Silks
Natural coir and that oma be lasdovaj tame as cotton fabric,
at 45c, o(k, qua and ........y........
Colored Shantung Since'
Every fashionable ceder and shade •7 to
yard gate and
House Dresses
Ladies Gingham Dresser in neat striper.
with email Ince Dollars. Special each... ..,.
Rugs for Floors
Our big import is open now for inspection. Hoadeeds t0
choose from—Axminster. Wilton, Brtere4. i'apeet.ry. Following
eiz-.-I}z3, az,, 3x3. 3z3}• 3iz4, 414. 3}z4} yards.
311 Wine. wide, per
-- ....,- Iso
trimmed neatly and
Ladies and Gents' Slippers
Boys' and Girls- Skating Shoes
Ladies and Gents' Skating Shoes
Boys' and Girls' Slippers
Bootees for the Baby.
Everything in beautiful, condi:Mak& sad serviceable Footwear.
Styles Right Prices Right
Corner East St. and Square
Give Your Boy a
Every farmer wants to provide for bis sons, but shalom
Will the old homestead, developed with toil. suffice to meet
their needs. The hopi have been brought up to the land.
Tbey are familiar with all the oboes of farml.g. They
should bare !arid of their own. How is the tarsier [Oleg
Los meet Lbis emergency ?
The Logical Answer Is Western Canada.
Tbousande of scree, divided into Riese2e farms, are
being thrown open for entry be• the Dominica Government
along or near the linen d the
Canadian Northern Railway.
The land gives • wide choice. Thee are soma plots on
the epos +ie and other* main in the wen -wooded. wen -
Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta.
sash ed low
f_.heig. b.trewt..tis err p.rfin.i.ety
ta Write or Enquire Today.
Most of the Oseadiaa "trwtbeen Railway, or the
all be Wed a mod, cin appbcatiost fen is
fsrmatiam as le the lemaeien est time Imimer rade and tae
way to mean ted clench them Writs for •The Bread
Haatet,- 'UI !ties Basham ds. - and ear luta. River
Deakin. Tee en b. ivrmwd.
R. L Fairbairn. Oenerai Passenger
66 King Street E. Taronto, Oat.