HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-6, Page 9THE SIGNAL : vODERICR. ONTARIO oar NE:j Mgq,yr etc. . lou. from labor, saved V ash er. easiIv. ou are Ltd. SIC Alberta tS Metiers sod [rafts wiri- at this Owl MY ee arie. •••••••••• •*l!► ••°!r••°••#••#• • • (;jt•++ Ne of the Districtrhe ,�+4640446464646444414 +++46 +4446+46 4 -?'4444 44 411 CARLOW. llOeisee. Mar. >fed. b yu,t, rote. -The fiellowneg it ofow Otor & ten 1. Colborne. of t` of Febrsw7, basad ea Wieeiy teats and R'eeerol essieaswsY. oamuteder otos with oo e d .m om � 5 SO: IV.- Altos Clerk (176, *Lyman Potter 217. r ev MM. Jr. 1 V. - Vent* , •Rrdi e B 4niry 27% woe seashell Comte Brinier. dr. IkedadSL. Jr. 111.- Nod ma Ikeda young 4111. QLieAatte Potter dr. 11.-l4Sot Gest isR Newry g 08. eese. sVerb IlcOahs M. Jr. q WA. *Jess lletbbe 1sseel Pork Ihll. Pt. 1. -Total ill .Mildred Futter 114 *Ledford g utty IM. *Elia McCabe 77. Beet for Usti month : Prank Clark. i1p ag. Alice Clark. ki. Dahill -EY, Teacher. Nosey oidt^ LANES. MONDAY. Mar. Mrd. 8 il1i&n [.,well d Fles/mtam was thrgame of his enter. Mss. Jas. Lane, dais lad week. mange aid WW Reed are busy - *cod harm (heir boob lot on It Seery s farm. Sr► )ale Hogan, lir., baa been very S iors,re uta.. bot we are glad to tem. Mr is ..,w improving. S1e eleme ts. hes been all that could to oared amts. the past week. gree .bo ram been waiting tor ameaseg made good use of it. Ism Webster her retained to bis row u lafeltio8 atter opeaibns the erste+ part of ►be winter es the Md - I, property, whit* be has rented. ■came. Raley had the ssid atase to lest a runaway hoes law Reese oma a yet week. Tbs teem Sot osogled .f s ease radars & ,rile distant. LAO le seems damage was down LOTHIAN. TaaaDAT, Mar. lth. Until .[• L x at.a-A ex McLean be ,darned boos after spending ewe one with friends in y L MtNsy sod Jack Parrish et tsrdsL the Liberal convention at fished' on Monday Alen. Barn- Iy.'sf Coiner, ,Prat the week -sod at b ser ►err.... . Miss babe Smith um $ few days bare, the gess[ W )Hie Bowie Barnby .. et. P. R. Me - i., hes o-i.,kms purchased the farm of George 11�sit:.e L"tb coocessioe .... Pat (dies kw -old bis farm to Gilbert arils , of Pataesomst, sod intend, Ping Wet knout Rarest. -The following is tie meet of S. 8. No. 7 for the tsoetb d !•hoary: Names occur in order d set: Sr. 1 V. -Weir. McNay. Lies iallar.d, E•elyo Wellington, ClomrHeodrrsua. Jr. IV. -Jeanie Joi.s., Graham McNay, Ellie Barg Bay Meets. Seal Swann. Eva !i &am 8*. 111. -Rob H -lea. Jr. 111. -Jere 6eelaod, Alex. McNay, Wel- Mir. 8end.-r•..os. Laura. Stein. fit. K,la% Gilmore, Thoma, Helm, idem G boor. Beatrice Stein. Jr. i-3.11 H 'gen. Nellie Kntrland, Dodo Barrie_ 8r. Pt. 11.-ISdward Nose, Louis Barge, Wilfred Hogan. kik 11.-Jthe Esg4ad. Jet E- lsmnfott. Traeber. ST.41ELENS. Meemee. Max. 3rd. Weber Webb rail W. L Miller were b wktgh.,. Tu'day. tW Mrs. Donald Rutberford grTtimd.y at Godericb. Mei T. Rutherford is visiting ber stets. Kim Rothe ford. for a few eat cruise Ile. Wee. W.rkintnst. attended the s• mug„ hobyi.ry [meeting at W ingbaur on [+.alio! lis L Dwgntrre and Mr. Lowe_ of attiad are vititisg at Donald 110100 Jean Webb. Artois R.ather- fwlfsd Christiie Miller, of W iogbam. flet the weekend at boor: W. J. Forben bit porehawd from 1as..(t,, bet lfty♦c.e farm. Asia 1n `.i. ,. rrceireo a g..o3 dgut<. ►f AsiaMI a Wreien . institute bell a very w•ettnc eK Mn. A �rsr+r i lest Thu. qday. Three new crab.„ urge added to the roll. &volt Rae..ire-Report of 8. 8. It I Went W.wawosb, for Ft.brs- ef V -Della F.l�.triek. 8r. IV. - M. G. Inn Pezpatriek. Louie Johnston. balky Thompson. J. IV. -Sorb hin• Raspy Ceenston. Gordon oes�y Webster, Abie %ale Allen •H 'u4,,. Sr. III. Dunne. Mildred P1tWet,4ek. '�T Webster, Jim Dundee Wile ��. Jr. !IL -Joe Tatmp•oo. jmL(haoir. Sr. IL -Harris Per- s` keestoa,Joo� A. leosDumo ti. - Wi/e Oreasion, Webb Perdo� Liens Winos. Ctayte• Smythe Pt. seals �ebeeteoa Jr. Pi 1. a.bsslaw. R. 8. Smuts. ~''two Alberta and emunmeneMarek 11 els wed coo - said and amidst elease U. MUM 1. Oars Twos- sio EA KING 1bfurly re go, widest* Ammo ea above . 9,2131...k Prefilter Rellesem is ✓ dram and ineas 'he. as sperothis= Alen e t nib, bed paeoglibeas Pesos 11/ahmig may he eh. 411 qualleillis se walls to OOta ORNE. Tt.-tmete, Mar. 4th. MAITL AND Ooacassturt NoTEri- Masi Amanda Duret was the gob of bee sheer. lits. Julia M11ok, os eon - day !! lira Leslie /lek Das re- uu'aed from an eztewded visit with frieeds in Mitbi,tan • ..• de - cord and Harold Alen and A. Pen nington left for the West on Friday last. Tbey expect to pp as for as Cal- gary WW1" working around the barn one day last week Deo Schwann bad the misfortune too fall .tad fret -tyre a rib, wbicb will lay lies up for some time We uodenttend that Ezra Piabee intends to remodel bis barn this wmrtter W. D. Forster has a Rant; of timbertnen in his bush this weak getting out ruck -elm for square Umber. following is the Feeruary amicarf. The Lemberg indicate the peresmage obtained by each pupil : 8140V. - *Eleanor Dougherty Ili. Sr. 1V. - Mildred Dougherty S7. Ethel Graben 811. *May Ilesiery 7% *Ida Hawkins A. Charlotte Dougherty 71 Jr. 1V. - Marion Tigert 75. Harold !Acerb 72. *Leslie Johaston 86. Or. 111.-Ohrie Less aerie 84. Kartmerite Joins's. 81, *Fiurenee Johnston 78, *Morena. *Reuben 70. *. II. -BitotOrahase Doug 78. •Looesa Young 81, Johnny &vie 72. George Doorbesty 65. Jr. IL -Walter Tigert *Mary 11 -•Harcsid Johnston 78. Sr. Primer -Tommy Bo •Plant Hawkins Si •Evelyn Dougherty. Jr. Primer - *Bertha Foster. 'Leers Graham - Beet wallets for Me month ars : IV. - Charlotte Dougherty, ROW Graham Mildred Dougherty. III. Marguerite Johnston. Christens &via IL -Rita Graham. Pupils whose aidese are marked thus • maimed tiro or bite days. M. Htentarr. Teacher. A Grave Offence. that 'Jerald be made rie the choicest togiedieate and with the ut meet seise- tilk skill. it is our smediciaai prepare - ties* whim" can be instruessotal tor braid, and bacons.= or detrimental and injurious, aod it is a depinrable fact that people are soesetieses per- suaded to accept a substitute for theott's Emulsion wben these recom- mending meth substitutes know the difference, but for their mercenary profit disregard or ignore the conse- quences of t beir act. Tbe popularity of the curative bene- fit. of lecotes Emulsion bas inopired many i t a lion r," Merit of which con- tain alcobol, wine. or opiates to pleas* the palate and ttimulaie tbe spirit*. but pbysirians everywhere insist oo the purity and wboleboinenees of Scott • Emulsion. koowieg that it °De- tains only pure wholesome cod liver oil. inede pelatable and predigested by scientific process. in sunlit, sanitary GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Tritsote, March 4th. Mrs. W. F. Hick is visiting friends i• Goderich eod ber borne. Miss Elsie Dougherty is visiting at the bome of G. 0. Suardy. Woe Patton is not improving as rapidly as bis Many friends woulo Irish - The Social Iroprovemstit Club of 8. 8. No. 2 (Taylor's Col -peril bold its ennual oyster temper at the home a Mr. and Meg. Wm. Clark, on Monday. was spent in social eliat and d ' sad ebe crowd after hoeing Lent Slue diemeend with mow tballas to thole kiwi hest tub hoodoo. mows hr kiss wen' Bible of Taylemee Cowers ben its moothly meeting Mule house of Mr. mid Mrs. Win Out. of the kb con- ce..nuo. After he busesere meeting the class presented Howard with a Bible sod hymn t•ook. aod Clara. Whitely reed the following address : To NO. llowart Bwasallsoallamdaes. bows net bow omobrbt aro amalsay tam twardas wake' em have bre ems kr the mew psmobief Me see owe Mt hose swan =ritiliatgait nom or am soma w. Cciammanst Oda Mb sed rim bon wei=onees sod sobs. ef tbs Bibb dams Nuairoo. Prodded - G. Dors. escrotary The presratation was made by W. Chimeras and at tbe close of the ad- dress Howard thanked bis fries& for their tied rearetnerance. Tbe rest of tbe evening was spent in playing games end social amusements - BEWARE, YOUNG MAN. It's the Little Deirdre.' Germs Set Are Casein Jleter Hee la Thin Ost-Paribm Sage Sops Polthig Heir sod Dan Net Canis Poises - ors Load or Dyes. The clever Taupe men of today doesn't take say (bows no toeing his bk. A man who le haidiesege as, thirty looks like forty -ales, wed is pdased at a disadvantage whoa seek - lag employmeat If you rare da•druff it seseas eons weer the rams ef yaw bah' es "emu of dew aim= are bate swot mid Tien heir thin. ant Wires rel• verhurgabrillitibik 111114 and &aims owl %Odes seelp4 • is only SD cents • ler Parisian OUNUANNON. � NEWTON, DSNITIST, OF lLalsssloaaksaas tri •saved orating11=V= mem des. aratb- N°11' LOCAL HNCY elks Ilssi sad ter bs �d r wsla4c sad 7sb��+ot. W meryu � M wins will dam for =raw said ter tri. mom MIDDAY. Mar. 4th. Miss Franc McLean, at Lncknow, spent Sunday at ber home bere. Mus Rehm& Sproul is visiting in Goderich, the gueet of her sister, Mrs. R. Wilmer. Mr. and Mra. Neil McComas ,the latter formerly Miss Maud Pisses i left os Thursday for their home at Cron - roes. •Its. Mi. Mary Clark. of Goderiele sprat the week -sod with ber fried, Mies lilva Juhsetoe. Miss Ethel Case. of Roeder -kb. aid tersorge. of at test bsm. i • mem�'�y Mr. and lima Job Johns= visited is Oilmen ter. New days last week. Mr. and lira David Heeaer.es *m- ilted the louse's ewstuse. lura Snyder, in Gede bl en may. Chaim Rabb aid bier. Miss Ferre. this e . sailed es friends ken I Mb !Us Ross persued to New listens/ ,.01 fksrt (day shin a tee menthe visit "nth der .satlhsr. Mrs. J. Ryas Man [[amends. of Coss Qty. Mi.... and Mrs A deserve and fitter, d s at Me hoses of lit. sed Mis 3 IL Mobs►, lwpbes Medd ie an the Oak Set at cress[. but a remedy recovery is h oped le' Rev and lets J 8. Menest swear - tamed the Rpworti League Ml Friday • ins. t good time is reported by Miss Farrow. of Westeeld. is verit- ies at the home of Mr. and Mn. George Irwin. Mime Heater; of Brussels. is vi.iung her brother. 'Rev. J. E. Hooter. On RAND Row M( nom_ -The fol- lowing is the report of Orchard Row 'About for February . Sr. IV.-Otivee Kirke tis. Jr. I V .-Gladys Rivers 81. Marie Sproul 7t Sr. 111. -Stanley Riven 76. Sr. I1. -Howard Sproul 70, Edea Rivers 84. Minnie McDougall tf3 Jr. IL -Andrew Sproul S. Rob- ert 8totbers 7S. MABEL A. BAILIN, Teacher. TE11111111MAT. lents I. MIs • R QAP "hr's ALL The Right Wa to Begin gin the Week - With Comfort Soap RIGHT" risnwaY Os LAMEST SALE Y CANAM Whacking Quebec. heat real Witalow The worst feature &bout silly tirades in Parl •ment like the one teiton by liteonett, of Lialgary. a. thee there are so limey people in tbe other Province. who regarel ehiese of Quebec as the finest politlical sport that tbe comitry offers. Whack Quebec !-this awe to be tbe thief eertificate politic& competence requited on the part of mons of the representatives of tbe people. Whack Quebec, and in doing so convey to as many as possible or the iirsoorrat and unthinking' the inapreemos that every prejudice, and every point of view which can be consterad as • prejudice. and which cos be stamped with the Quebec hall- mark, is to be credited tbe whole 1 Privince and to every French -Cana - &se in it. The Province of Quebec, ' n o doubt.. contains a gnat deal of =twit° use sueb tactics as those the rest of the country. But at Mr. Bassett aro outstwod tog wit Ilpolasil to tbe fact that there is ignorant wed earessonior prejudice elsewhere. As for the igoaranee which empires w▪ ith the ifingtish. For one Enolieb- a▪ nd koows soseethieg of whet the Preach really think, there are twenty or thirty Prenchapeeking Cenadians who lifesek &while and brave acme ap- preciatimi of the English point of view. ft is true that juo as we hese, publeations printed ie English devoted to stirring up political sentiment against ell Roman Cotholice, so there are /Preach publicatiom devoted te stirrieg up sentiment against Protes- tants. It is true thrt appriLl to race and ieligious sentiment is poteut with tbe French at election i I:pep, just as siesflar &ponds me potent with the Englishopeaking electors. On the otber liana, there are larger omits on botb sides wise see that if Canada is to become natioo nmet tie by its various elemental; recognizing eseh other's patriotism and tolerating each At j E. Arsenault a justice a A young man about to be married asked his lather how be got on so well with his wife. The old man coosidered • moment, or two and then he said :- ••lit's like this. John. If your wife is a good woiran. let her have bee own way. and if Me is s bad ime sbell take Spring Term Doss dos= fah gerawing taster: same lato oar flassosor Torn hi all war glom rim cmi- lhaince= with gum.. ova berries nalooll. ft= oda *mg expiates °surer sad edvaateess. Ws ad= amo to write tor IL W. 111. a Gars= ftta. Toronto. MAO LICERS&ECZEMA4YEARS ZAM KIK HAS WORKED ACURE A WOMAN OF FEW WORDS. to prejudice becomes despicabie is the Peace, and statiOn master aft Mrs. Harry K. Bye. Main street ! north. Mount Forest, One. writes : "Tote- remedy for kidney. bledder1 greet relief. Hare taken three boxes and now feel like eying and Lett's' than I hare felt for years and 1 Orel yoUr FIG PILLS all the praise, for they are the best bare ever tried:" At all dealers, 15 Thomas. Ont. Sold in Goderich by E. its Wilde, druggist SAYS PEOPLE WANT VOTE ON NAVY. Hoe. F. D. Moak Finds Chitarie Is Not Eathasiastic About Navy. Montreal, March 3.-Elciti. F. D. Mock. who retired from the Borden Cebiort when be found he was un- able to aceepe, the Prime Minister's an• d wbo has been confined to his resi- dence for souse Lime. has recovered etelleiently to be abroad. He still bears traces of Moms, but is fairly well restored to beelth. Mr. Monk said : -Our Pat liaasent, under the terms of the Act of Coaled- eration, is empowered to deal witb the defence a Canada. Another poled, the ellegauon of unanimity et spin. iao outside this Province is not well founded. I visited many parts a am- tario last summer, taking in almost every part frees Cornwall to Port to ascertain the exact state of public opinion upon this qesetion from the rarest sources - AU Wain to Do Their Doty. °The conclusion I arrived at was that tbe people of Ontario, while mute ready aod grilling to do their duty in this matter. ars by no means • unit as to wbat that duty is, and I failed to =e or fretting at delay. The seemed tio&ADISSMEI for a refer - • la conclusion Mr. Monk said : ”It is geniseelly recomized that there are mows of men in this country. out- side of Pertiament, who hare become mesh too powerful with tiovernments and political pieties. Calls It Grave Danger. 'ell,* ave. hear it stated that these ma whit great imbibe io the de- claims ge importent question*, up! snob • pawkier power in tbe bands it wbe are not ble to genetketes a grave sod is nebrerellve of freedom. It is known be 111.6116fte that a certain mot have agaiksatid with extraordinary skill. =all owe the British Elesphe in ef seleatal contributions to the Nosy. This group have may was eaneyspere, sad seem ready to rid* over all gybe de moo way late dem. Same am deem& rut many ere hotelman. is • awlety or wars sad thereby* Obi • pogo - arse Itself dem am mom entirely tree doom their inlimmisse.' boy." nil Sillemb. -1 sever lineed piZzey sat le Ibis amass dotatorsise. lobe wee that r maw at Ova askratima wben it is used as it wee everywhere 81enintitildio on the Prince Edward used in the last election. and as Mr Woad Rail Bennett uses it, against tle very e way, Says : .„ F'our years ago I slipped in the protons who least deeerve it. station and fell on a freight truck.' bec is well underetood in this Province. - Any leg_ I thought this would heal. The church. as pious *mamas like but instead of tieing so it developed is Surmilir upww, to veeere°'‘e. ""e" of rezone which epreed very rapidly tbe church. at least the Ultrunoetane portion of it, would weleeme tbe dee aed also started on the other leg. of 'beret. t Both legs became do swollen and tore ent. But if appeal A as made ta t he eat I could only go about my work people tomorrow ou this score. Lib- by havir.g them bandaged_ My doctcr eralism would sweep the Pruviuce. raid I muet stop work and lay tip. But, unhappily. this is not under- - Alter six months of this trouble stood in the other Pi "vipers. If is , I consulted another doctor, but with Quebec prejudice mem displeasure. an t no better result_ 1 tried all the selves. Q.sebec is found guilty end 8ir Wilfrid : flatheets and lotions I heard oL but Laurier ie adjodged to be ries poisoner ' Instead of getting better I got worse. at tbe bar. AU of which goes to show. at. least to us in Quebec. that there are some inisuoderstendinge some ma - readings. some prejudice... in tbe °thee Provinces with regard to this Prov- ince which if removed by a deeper and broader reeding air Canadian political history, might render the pas- time of whacking Quebec less popular. Don't you know that_e iu will fill a bossy go and try to borrow it. It you would bow tin value of mid abed mobs, sae than marry um and I let it go at that." Poetic Mrs. !hake: -I suppose you had to streetie for fame T 1912 Poet : Yes, IDAA1111; I work ed fifteen years before I hit ou the sar- dine ad. Polite that. made me a mil - CA R F. v.4"?` BABY MOTHER S4. ommolne SCOTT'S EMULSION im- proves the quality of breast isilk _it supplies the material for boom and muscle - if sc tray Or it mikes it rich and absmissit. For bottle babies a few drops of emulsion widi every loofas( produces marvelous diets - makes new, fine Mesh aad ruddy scams EMULSION is the cream of the purest cod Ivey a delicately emulsified into tiny putides resembling maternal legs mid each panicle ia cooed wit=e-sio alcohol co wholesome. siourab- Oat* Pao= Tom= oral ti-fd " This was my condition when 1 got my Mot box of zaw-Bok. Greatly to my &light that first box gave me re - 'O./. I continued to apply it to the rores. and day by day they got better. I could see that at last I had got hold o/ something which would cure me, and in tbe end It did. " It is now over a Year gum Zane there hos , been no retufn of the Such is the nature of the greet cures width Za.m-Buk is daily effecting. legyely herbal In composition, this =alm is a sure cure for all skin cold sores. chapped hands. Mist bite. ulcers. blood -poisoning, Tart- ars* sores. piles. scalp sores, ring- worm. Inflated patches- cuts, burns ant bruises. Ali druggists and stores sell M Sae box, or post free from Zem-Buk Co. epee receipt of prim waseteeemeseseresesekkefteseeemetaiesone Groceries W ben yOo are buying Fem.?) Groceries, the first coosideration be Quality. We guarantee trat our goods will stood tbe quality tam every time. Ws went yeti to try them. and if for any reason you are not perfectly satisfied we went you to let us know. We ate bee* to give you eat isfaction in Groceries. Give us a trial uo your nex Grocers. 1'hs Souse.. Goderieh Spring Goods - Arriving Fiist shipment of W. G. & R. Shirts to hand in the newest patterns and styles for Spring. Also a shipment of the Latest 1- itwell Hats in Call in and see them. 11 McLean Bros. SEMI READY TAILORS AND MEN'S OUTFITTERS. Agents for Carrara Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear. Faired Hata Arrow Brand Collars and.Caffs. RENEW Your subscription to THE SIGNAL for 1913. the Man Who Does Not Ubse Fertilizer p Dollars Are Thrown Away NATIONAL FERTILIZER will not, only save your labor„bill but at the same tittle crease your crops.' NATIONAL FERTILIZER is better than manure because, while- increasing your yields, it vrill build up your land. This. is the desire of every farmer who has his farm at heart. Farmyard manure is 'Omitted by all growers and farmers in this couni ry to be. the beet term of fertilizer to apply to the soil, and the reason for its being so is common knowledge. but for comparison it would be as well to mention ie. Perm - yard manure M so organic manure, having the three elements necionsry for plant fond tiro ibis form i, and by:its application to the roil you obtain that humus which is so essential for 4 plant life. caused by the decomposities of oreanie matter in it. But tbe three elements, nitrogen, pleopbat es and potash. are not in milkiest qirantities te eatisf v Lb* requirements of Isleteesle and ronertmens Iv YOUR CROPS ARE GRA DI% ALLY BUT 141JRELY TAK1NG MORE FROM THE SOIL THAN IS PUT BACK IN IT. a cattle manure it is human excreta, which is considerably MOM valuable, aod by a epeetal process of sterilization is con - centralise! and brotigdit into such a form that it is as easy to •pply to tbe land as fine It is dry end ion/demos. harm- less to handle and conteins valuable fertilizing properties wbicli are leer:aged be the addition steamed bone flour, bkiod flour and pothole which eseentiale make it tbe most valuable manure on the market. IL has been in use for the past thirty you' in England and there its value is universally reerernized. It is sue able for all crops Owing to its organic base. snd tbe results obtained hy its use on ,generel crops should give an idea of its greet value. Potatoes National Fertilizer ireid. per Acre le toes -1(1.0 bushels Wbeat • 30 bushels Oats . 56 bu.hels Corn 75 to 1434 buebel. The miring of labor in ateeying ties manure is very con- siderable. Aeotber great advantege of this over ordinary. farmyerd 'parker. is mit the germinating power or the quan- titiee of seeds of weeds whiter are found in farmyard manure is crimpletely deroroyed by sterilization in the National Fertil- izer. with the remit that crops are dean and vigorous and their development ie iinhampered by tbe premiere of alien irrowths. We also have a ton of Potanh coming along. as most of tbe land in this vicinity hag been robbed of the se=f Petrels. It would pay you to look into the ram of before putting in your raring crops. A booklet giving its sdvaotaltes can be had by railing at tbe store. Hardware. Plumbing and.Steam-Fitting Beet Me raptor) Herd Goal. moles,' Coke, National Portland Ceram rite Brisk 11 1