HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-6, Page 8l
• TtewwoeA t. Meats 6 MS
T. Swans'
.w m shills
les, Livery
lba an Sesame
J abecome
Passseases called for in
say pert d the Mer for
all tries at G. T. 1 or
C. P. IL depots. Prompt
awns* and careful &urn
(Mr livery and Hack
service will be toned op-
1.t state is ever) respect
Your patronage satin text
Pismo 1(57 Yosae.i Street
The Maseey-Harris Agent
5 Cutters
to c�irr net at cost pais. If yan
need a truth moms mad ase whet
we have.
Wo- base the
BAIN WAtiON8 and
FERT TIER. Try a few
Modred -it will pay you.
I have just received a caviesd
d the Eamon Proal Pesos and
Gats and Steel Penne Porta.
When you ate in town corse
is mad see what we have_
Eamiltom Street. &odericc, Oat.
is selling
all his
Stoves and Ranges
in most cases
below cost prices.
Gall and see them.
W. R. Pinder
Namikc'o `L
The moot delirious lla'oms,with
the Mot ted t theme ~� °reaea. ares.
,ice Rataeosat Cars. or-
ders far lee Creams
is bulk se hi bricks attended to
ply- Talkie■. P.
Matie Live
11ka aced
'16:2 best rnw+•r
Oen a write
hays ier.
The llsth lariae Ems'
do Beller G., Liaised
• i (4ODERif M
Or Minim % Meredith Presse to Hie
•yart is WINO see 4ys t,' Toted
Not tee Was $1.M,ed
! Wme'm Merwdlth who iavesti-
.ed the dersers Beat stairs at tea
req.est d the to mistme Goverwtaest
Ms p me std k10 report ta witek the
Shale blame ter the failure of the beak
is ascribed to tee reckleneams sad
teed at these estraeted wttl the
aasalsment d the beak. sad eat to
the lteettas ef the menth as try the
T iesseey !heard la so tar ss the
Ttens.ey Beam is ooeconesd the Cem-
inlmlM ser beds that tees bee sewed
1r Miming shay %smelter farrow
Ss the etc -12,410s Illaistar or his osi-
1 mane. W the suet that ere prop -r -
b le char'.! agefeet them is -la
emir or ldaasmt- ells eerie el
Arig iset 1•y 2 accepts& the re-
tested agtrpaces sail weeklPerted
ward of Travers ss to the o.rre tame
st the mem stataaemta of the bears
Malta 'thee smalrftsg a eatieleat17
simmlidem tawdry as to the truth of
eittwfhas - made by various [members
a ltialtaaat The dike *mace says:
nitwit itaMkmg the 1rtte-aWities
eta the lett of Tttammes sed Me mar
asiaet la with the PO
melba Lm the '4. _, the vers -cites
mikes, tee ehtt d [the Panama i Desk
had hpse. predeeky amt ...milt.
'sealed Thera -is se nesse why k
shed1 kW= a seetealet TIM
itis that had hese Own
4 were ler the meat part
wad, were aelbe meaty pf4, alma
K. tees that it the imenti .hs
Id the Treasury land hod trot Leta
Belml.d the snag at the ieroboldees
mid depositors woad 'sot bar. bees
lag the eleimit cases of teat loos
tees the rs.klassw .ad treed eel
Wee ssereahi with the aasegement
et the seek ted act the grants* d
1h. e.ett/csta The eabeseeent mes-
.Melmeeet et the ttltfra or the beak teas
eltinee• arkel by gross rtrinetagessa
>leilessees. laces'esescy. ear
tr ole* trims• sad hes rswR.d r the
imam hemi of the paid eqp capital sad
OS web of tae deeasita, and. after
musing for all that cam be extracted
lass the shareholders on their doable
ttshrb, a Wit asneamtlag to no lee
Chia $1)111,427. tarriaa a record ear
perslieled'.ta the hbt.ry of ally bank
M Oonada, or. as alar as 1 awl swarw,
1 w other C011867 ' 8tr William
says that et the $250,000 raised by
'havers. 1114,411 was borrowed on
tisreisibrs' motes a collateral
"idle Travers said he had been field
la aced. Tib proodare was abso
Web teaisetitable. The latent of
the provisional directors was evident
lir to sett the tarter to Travers. sad
Pater Rim did not nodes a renes
far $$.101 alleged by Travers. 81r
7/lles ands so rectommeastiona
R.eirW. Adapted by Coterie Bonds
et Trails
The Oatark , Amisciatd Boards of
Trade at the aaenal withering fa
Load= adopted a resolution asking
that auaidpaikles be allowed same
imaere of local option le ammo -
moat Tlth resolution as oAalsahy
eebedtted, sad as adopted atter
ameadmsats had been voted down,
was as follows: 'Resolved. that hav-
La r'aiard to the increase fa certain
localities sad at certain periods in
the va1M M last it is expellent that
municipalities should be 'Wowed some
seaaare of local option in the ievyteg
of tames apes the land rather thea
upon the tmprwvemeats thereon."
The followk e resolution, sub-
ubemitted by Belleville, was adopted with-
out debate :
'That a Commkwkoe abou ld be so
pebnted to investigate the canoe. and
Ile recommend mesas for remedyta'
the moot of the present bkgb cost of
1b� M Canada. more especially with
regard to the tee essentials: food and
The Aeo :fano& sine eallmend a
psepe.al for 0ovsrasest eaestrsetlw
of electric railways an plans Medlar
to the Hydro.ieetrie pewee dbtrlbe-
nes et3eaa moss the eemmes might
of way and aaafamely adopted a
ressfsllos in favor of parcel post to
Well isomer together producer and
consumer. and te fsotetate trade.
Cemm1bd by the Magistrate Sect Re-
leased M Hai 1
Mery Panksurwt was committed tee
triad at >lg.om se a thanes of taaN.
fel ethers le !smile th. lioy443euege
raeldesea O. poufs that she would
keep mast meth bar trial. the was r
basad es heat Her d..gbtat. sytvl .
1n repand mitral, iv t. Aertnwees
Ail became d ceases to vat R is
lepartld Chet the Oseer..mt w.
Wig h a NI whls pswvyee /r Mets
s/eteve 4anlheg wffh ridlei swarm
flare*-snitlnl eta the mihei the
alpeh% Reaersde Alba auras amid:
-ti as. nears et the fast tea dem
1 atm sass to de wiry beet to break
km thin Unsay d esgsshsd Mees-
Bmaise. 1t 1. >• the Werke, et
Ike people sad N insert rl that this
4eq.eha that bee deserted the
eases elf trem.s sad pot back their
Mesese assay years be tetudemetsd
M msm.-
A T1ee4aP Mrs. 1'tiakb.rst. tbe.gb
ea hat. Illidbund a fiery epee& et
meetingPlemellay mob
the rid 10. s rry.ee�in bed
r M piecesed from v4.ivm.n try
the Pones
To again" the Noma
T1112.Im r Statemass leaves ter
m1a.10 . Mina tweet
whaler st pereilmesd ler the
ealeIkties by the (*Nakao Osaka -
MO deasa ell i
sr les /Dad wf
be font tear pane eel MOP fiat
his him Ile et Ike wire sips et Ike mite
trta ~eaeghrti i epees talliesake
MOM dtho
ter %!Where Reale Liee Lasig, (____
themsmith Pear In
a flanks ._Osis
bvesjg.tias to a.
Ileo their_IP
Deamesk tw�a. Bs&si-
head. tem and Norway.
wide aihrd,
flesh'%he•► dee. nes Gess* wheat
besot el a single sameakekam. rowelwith ahem BesM * ger• ars
the eels.. R.i.eda,
P.rworet Marls[.
Pels.bei ars tie IMMO gar11rse4kw M. prefab at 111 l..gsssMartel. ?me w-
PaU wheat, bice! ....$ .1f a 4 ./l
Or. .111.M .fR
NrMttt ill, Retire* Fri.
Pana,' emits limes.
taltMra Application et a Familiar
Tsetse -What h. lithe Means by
"Potlew Tiler" -T1s. Paster
Claims Eads "rue.- a r.ar, s
Themeeu4 Attendtion .ed • B.
tiem� Ills
eceeJtwh..s54 .M.141.M 1.14
bay14.10 14.44
Ha_12.00 L2414
1.10 4.0i
14.0e 15.40
t.owe�. a u"iehwt mise that
!sass 1sa. 275 peewee who awe seep
sad Le�ar.a 3.011 Is stir testis Qett01 ay
time LD1 years aid, ttoammee a 1�� dO
Bscllssi . has a os atsemeie. to winery Btraw. buedted
1,411 Liabisemam sod teems heels the Busk, latae
illesstaatissad r...ed tee aid people. la
nue glare time died is Hotrnis IND
peewees who W awes led the caster,.
Became She I. Delors !;limey Pills
.ml They awl Ret Rath ssisa
cial i leioto 10. r arch My
that eked hot beekaehs sad td, -seem..
thea, from which rhe bed eudered for
eases.foortess kra. Mary ie t 01014'.
this pine.
Eldney Ms to ail her neighbors .ad
9 1 had skem.mtsr .o had that
a.r4tmecs 1 wend wt up nearly .11
sight,- M. Cook states. 9 lata
shosaght I woesd try the donors. noses bet
leichity I needed to tee v Deed's Kid-
ney Pill. first One hoz of Dodd".
Kilaey Pith cured me, and I didn't
seed to tly the doctors at all.
I Sud that 1 could guarantee
dodo'. liid.a7 Pills to a.yone suer -
a.. I did.'
Mean Thing.
Kathryn : -i can't do anything with
my hair today,`
Kiuye : "Must be something wrong
with tbf hair. I'd make en, take it
elorneseekers Excursions to western
The Grand Trunk Railway System
will issue round trip ticket& from
stations io Canada to poiou in Mani-
toba. Sastateh.waa sad Alberta 'tech
neseday. Idarcb 4-110 W October ]'Rei io-
elneve, at low rates. Tickets are Rood
for sixty dart Through roaches and
Pullu.an tourist sleeping cars will
Leave Toronto 11.0U p. at. on above
dates. menthe through to Winnipeg,
via Chicon sod St. Paul. without
r.ge. Tourist tars will be equipped
bedding sad porter in charge.
Bertha may be .neared in there cars at
a nominal charge. The route via
Chicago I. an attractive one. as sans
large cities and towns are passed en
route. which breaks the roonotcny of
toe jouu'.ey. The Brand Trunk Pacific
Railway is the shortest and quickest
route between Winnipett-Saskatooe-
Edao.ton, with 'Mouth road bete,
elesiaic-iighled cheep. a g cam through
the newest, most picturesque, add
most rapidly sectoof
Western Okada.b tickets
.old and tesee'ttitions made by all
Greed Trunk arrests. Costs 4o more
them by other routes Trains now in
operation, Wiaoipt,g to Rapine. York -
ton and Cason, Seat, also to Cam -
rose Minor sed Edson, Alta. Time
tables. land neonate -vs and other
=aim literature relative to the
Trask Railway may be obtained
on applicateen to Grand Trunk noels
or write C. E. tforning. distant
weeesew .cast. Toronto. Ont. F. R
Lair.. -t & Some. town pa.eeprrev
sad ticket ame.te. tioder,ch. 'Phone E.
MAW 11 C*'tDA Mwrr}ILT. -31boj
moot** were fairly formed as as tes-
eriHior pubic a few years ale. when
it was quite the thing to leave the
theatre .!tee vaudevil a was eerier and
the,!!a beiaa. Bet is the siert
PPesee�seoe• of shit eze trace they have se
be that the sootriag picture
character, su tickled the
rmeshese i berme* quite thetas it
teem that et the vee.hir Mast % sad
eke Charier Probe.. hi.mit. 0remand. ie throatemelegt to kis the
maw of the modems elT"the eimies."
tar the peruke domes are pleased
andttstl.i is the subject ./ am ankle.
"Dm Magda* et tin *kJ*" is
Dank Came& Sarah Odom thea mad 1sieest4
e of the Maks* sod
adearittemi R. A.. Denim win the
eery of the bagiamia. to "Neer Os-
tee'b said the hawed of.nrdy pion
who west here tut Reidy
.1, amd
kid !neededWag Wore keel es d that
neon d !'!chem farms.
Missy[..ke has a *pry celled • e
Newt at limy rot" which
vita a bee Mair .1 w
world ; war I.gees.R'e seeeedetary
el aid Lomb is sodded 'le the !Levis•
tag '
f'Mseses Rands" Ziemer w.2i
pawl the ematome at nee-
w�leader taus. 01 '1. flame
` ie "The Phi* cif
istras_syr4eMsti whet begmased
mot Deemed mendiemce Nellikes
Made : •'air' nsetessee bet L
cease : Orme Heise arae melba
shwa • ofleant ..i.it to her
Isgh.m'i Is-
vleatists'•1111.6atva- this
.oris" MMagni
saw lak, 4veem.. .25
de. creamery ... . he
Cr 1t. .11
Duels -ss
Gam" 11
UM find. 1►.. ' .16
- cash
•• Tethers
Teteessel6 liege
ram* 'hep
teller .12
Termite Orsi. Prime.
°mars. Wheat -New, No. 2, winter
wheat, whits, red or sized. the to lie
Ne 11.10. Wbeat-New, No. 1 Nor.
tic; Na 2 Nor., 12.; No. 2 Nor., Mc.
feed wheat. sic to the.
Canadian Webers Oats -New No. 2.
42c; Na A 40 14c ea tract. lake porta
Oatarte oats -New, Pe to sac. 010. -
Wile. 37e to 371.2c. Tomato.
Cote--R1L tiled -No. 2 ,allow.
Me; the. 1 yellow. i41ie; ass. No. 2
Yellow tptosept shipment). Mu, all
nil. Midi Torwte.
Rotted Oata-Per bag of 10 lbs.
12221-2; per bbl. 14.70, whoiasale.
Windsor to Montreal.
Peas -No. 2. $1 16 to 31.20, car iota
eeuide lnomi'a1).
Buckwheat -No. 1. 32 to bac. out-
Ryc-No. 2. 6k to the. outside -
Barley -No 2 barley, 6th; Db. 2
extra. 4$c; No. 1. 41e; teed barley,
41c. lata porta.
Millfeed-Manitoba bran. W to
!20.62; aborts, 122.00. at skipping
point.": Ontario bran, aminal at 111
to W.50. to bags: aborta. 122, track,
Toronto Ca* • Market
Export cattle, choice ... f4 LS to 16.21
do bulls .... ...... 6.00 6.76
Butcher Da11a, choice._ . 6.26 1.76
do. medium 5.75 .25
do ooamee 6.10 5.25
Butches avow eidse3. M 5.14
do melt= .., •4.26 4.74
C 1.si 4.10
%Lmrn! .. -2.75 2.MP
Beteher hells 5. M I. si
do. mews 4.64 6.40
Bologna balls .;... 2.n 4.26
Feeding Reese 5.23 1.76
Stockers. delft* 5.25 5.73
da mai m% .._ 4.75 6.7S
4. �l 4.25 4.73
Y140s40, abaft seeL54.00 75.00
meek* 10.00 11.10
aprisepek, Chile. 110 . el 75.10
4* WO= ...... P.et 11.00
;mit light ewes 6.51 7.10
t/u.isq ewes 4.31 5.10
leis tad calls -. 2.54 6.75
Chaffee hied. 1.14 1.75
Medium lam. 3.id 1.M
do. cab 4.44 7.40
Rosa. Lo. b. 1.13 v .M
do. fed sad wsbeed1.41 1.14
100. weighed .elf cue,75 Si
Calves M 14.10
East 1ulale Cattle
Cattle-Reeekte, =,141: agile*. The
to 25c higher. Mae steers., $5.51 to
11.76: butchers. 14.04 to 11Asi; it.11.
$5.00 to 37.00; tabes betters, 44.00 is
54.50: shipping. 31.5. to MSC heifers.
46.00 to 3'.75; owe, 1340 se $7.41;
stockers and fester., 14.60 to $4.75;
hes now• sad grillers, eWvs matt
steadyat 1:2521 t. 312.00.
Verb Reouspee. 1 /11; serve sad
Needy at 14.10 its 112.0.
liege-Itorelpb. 11,444; active sad
Ilk to 26e Maher; heavy. 49.10 to
40,16: Word. 0.10 to 4925: yerke.s
esti Ossa tsse to 1125; roe5b, $sale
to 3111: mass. 41.01 r 17.16: 4.111.•.
49.00 to 1123.
Ph*" tied Lambe -lee tpta.16.104:
.dive: Tentage. fee higher; baba,
16.10 t. 4l.ge. 1x00 25;
webers 44.16•.10: dpeat37,44: ewes.411.50t. 3 q
KM. 10.op. talle< PM t. WI&
Chose. Cam.
f�attle�lmee%b. 17.141. market
•tecta. serves, R a 49; tease eba.i4.
4524 e. ; ws354
'Western •ea
le 37.10; storhrs sad teedora. OLP
ewe 11.15; cows tad heifer. SDI te
47.10: 0s"een. R ie Slee!!.
Dugs -- lreelpeo PAW mallet
•teal iJOst. PP to tee.47[.3;
ed. UM to 11.41: Meavy. 1511 M
ts.d1K:: • rousts. 31.21 to 49.15; Ole.
/1 M to 11.21; ilei el .s1 . 4444 to
Blas+►- be,otpla 22.144: merle%
•tome. Motive OA M 43.15; Wer
two. 35 76 to R; remlim a r.K b
49; Iambs. sot*. PM r 114-75.
limed Meg and 410.
Row bar. Bae 1 ittell a$ .M
de. Is.. 1 . .. • M 10.0
es. les. 2 .. 4.10 4.10 della
"salty ... ... • " 4.10 11:44 eel Three chemists, see.
to br
de fed mseef. • . • 4.0 M ami M sliest their l f u sly
!versa, eke sats death.
Havana. Cot'.,
Derr 2. -Pastor
Remelt is delight-
ed with Cuba and
dose not fail to
tell attention to
the wide contrast
betook peevtilant
salutary conditions
OM those of a
&hart time when t lid
.[tinea ewata.ual-
Iy teem yeciiow. sev-
er sad other bop.
ictal ailments. T'6.
Pastor referred to
General Wood as the one through
whose merry and skill Cuba's resta-
tatnan and rejuvenation name about
A000r to whom 'triter is due.- ape
pears to be nate of Pester Russell's
monose The text ma Acts 316-21.
'T1ms of Restitution of a1l things.
which God hath spoken by the mouth
1 of al His Holy Prophet& sine the
tresrid began • Be seed :
Ise Panaau a week neo I saw one of
the stupendous works of man in sub -
Aim 'un-
making it su-
hisp How wisely
God has hit the suisig of he earth
b man i A bleesigg must come to
humanity from 'numerics nature- I
testified respecting the increased edu-
cation of mankind through modern
inventions, which speak to use a the
dawning of the 13.w Era so long lore -
told In the Bible.
To -day I point you to mane :n-
cTeasing skill along other lines. The
laws of hearth are betier understood
than ever be4ore. The laws of chem-
istry, applicable to nearly everything
in life, are marveloe.y clew and
greatly extended beyood anything <'f
previosa times. This increased know: -
edge lies close to he work of smite -
mon. at widely approved. The sodden
influx of knowledge is a sign of the
dawning of the New Day of God's
Millennial Work In Cuba
The Pastor urged his ooggregation
b coeaider the wonderful transform. -
lire in their lair island an exesepli-
Soaiion of the great work to peeved
weld wide slasrgy. It properly raises
our estimation of Inman iatelligeae�
and of the beaeficienoe of the raised
States Government, whose agent Gam-
etal Wood wee m this transforming
work. What has taken place so`
'markedly in Cuba under sanitary
sgdations is gradually being accom-
plished all over the world.
The Scriptures everywhere associate
the glorious work of human uplift
with ¥e.iah's Kingdom. Perhaps
many have expected this bleating to
Dame in /soothe- way; nevertbeie se.
all should see the facts and acknowl-
edge pephdieal f.l�seata. Instead
ef being �d�.p,po�iated that God is us-
humanitytylo- the fttliteeat of His
gloriosa progenies, let us re�oioe that
m shod may be aaroeiated troth the
marvels d Divine Wisdom.
Bast et ABs-Muuan Restitution.
4 aaa fell from the image end
itImemes of God, ReMaetdaon to him
' mess a :eters to that image and
shams. of all the Re.titutioa woe.
dem. this will be the grandest,. Were
� prospect plean.g,'• sad ho.
isearty vile. sinful, iiplleei-mm_
morally and physically -the
would stall rest ow the earth -
lifting of emcee of men's ignor-
ed superstition is by no means
tealizaiiss of what is to be expect-
ed- II a taste of Divine favor and
modem be re r'ashing, what Inn
lievers is the fell draft be 7
human evolution.las Diebr
liewingin man's tall from the Divine
image is the Sash, these must logi-
cally dry aha the Redemption. and
aL necessity for a Saviour to die for
our sins. Surely they cannot count
it sin to experience rwolutsoa, as
they clam; sad if "ia has not bets
committed, there mold he n�
Redemption from cin nor Retention
h' • 000drteos enjoyed before sin
misled the world.
AU sea theories. therefore, are na-
acriptexsL For this meson they rte
antagonistic b the Bibi. view . fist
mat. h'11 fres God's image au thous-
and years apt that he hes pared
niece! ma peat Days in which them
been a rain of vis sad &ma h.
him. y ad* this Satan. amidsmelt hada ings, "ma has
meth of the Divine haw. , sed
beta.* more et len bend.
ievtitati.s was net dee whoa Je•ma
gave Bio Idle ma ssse'e Badmep eso.t_
but it is dee sow , he we are
im time delta d the great Sn-
eath winked -Year Da] . Mean eh.
fhb wart as the great King is shoot
to be inaugurated. He u about to
bled ilat/ss - - "that rid eine eut, the
Devil " He io about to bless humno-
nr by
roiling away the curse et.
lieths.1 el heaths Restitut.or fir
pentibie, however, [mid after the
asellstina ed tae Church. Se par
nearly feeble el Gad'. Pies
doweled ter stomas lion
*mad is e.sigsed 4w erre et
amehtai. Gid i. a-hslttg a mak*
Hit chilies' es the high.
tenor -
Clever midst, ton
liked straw. AO .se
"et elillibe-
1. 112.4411-th le te, M lersex es add thing -
24.10 .0
II M 11.0 '• wn.r
1.45 • M "tTT4..e w drys!.' we 1640011
1.11 1 le er w UIQ, id • NIL ar•.
4lAty eta 1
de. lits.
fl *
eet/!. Ire 1
4.. Be 1
else de.
�.1l► a.... f.i L
You may talk' about the up-to-
date Style of this shoe, the comfort of
that and the long life of -the other- but
if you want a shoe that vies in style
with the most stylish in comfort troth
the most comfortable and in service with
the longest wearing, buy the Monarch
Shoe. There is nothing one sided
about it. It's the Shoe of all round
Downing 8' MacVicar
Washing Machines,
Wringers, Clothes Racks, etc.
Our stock has been caretully selected.
have here some}.,of the best makes to choose
Think of ash -Day. Think of the hard labo•
time, wear on clothes. and money that can be sated
with a good Washer and Wringer.
Ask to be shown our High -Speed Washer.
Sold under a five year guarantee, it runs so easily.
You can return it after thirty days' trial if you art
not satisfied and price will be refunded.
Howell Hardware Co.,
To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
Low Round Trip Rates each Tues.
ear, March to October inciusrw
WINNIPEG and return 1135.00
EDMONTON and return µ3.00
Other po'nts in proportion
toms Unita 4r.
TOtramT si ulnae caws
_ 4 berme
•_ .aem.ri..a C1*r aM
wita temeao. ea. or
eared at eeotma'. r throe X
er.Fsor satire
e alba
, ilpntlal Weiss
WM Lie Ws
9..1.e ad
amass 'reli-
s.saY a.e
Leiria• T.
.use. Wet
omit ni
Towel neap
CCl0ese? Lusa OR ALL Teach
�. 10. essays tar ,Dare.
Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and crest
Around the World via "Empress of Asia"
Tbo 1 of Ails' will Marmai i Hew Joe, IOW at M.i.4a, Owe Taw
slooles B aide car .511 . V e eb.l0 r Arg nt >R o.eal R
.t s1.aa 1Cage.•em* was is 10'. orales Hite ro lsaoiw at nalerr
rawest eat dausRms M-2itaseeos sf seri' ead:•eapww
Yell particulars trvem 1. Kidd. C. P. R Agent or write Y. t;.
Murphy. District Pa.mmew Agent, Teem.to.
Transoms will be one of the g++at+.nt r.ifws7
manes ef the W44. The Demi T`rw.k Peede ys
large sleek lead there, the ('wadies 1'1sife
Railway bee eMhklebed Ismesas fiat¢• ptuiq sad
it Ike hem penthematty rssated that the tarsitis
Mortise. Ralkitery will move their MOW skips lhom
Fort Rouge to 1teameeme.
Traweosa . fence e s eiuei._imekis dlr. as
well as a rail ws7 emotes, is amemed. sed s mm l Mege
is4emtsise are aLo.dy e.tabilebd, rare a Lege
.camber of .ae.
unsay timer ever ie the welt two titers. sad these
ane bler peeitn ler the taverns wee ley. today.
W. have a tsesn.10 cif lata to sell at 74eseeees
amidd eller them wry 'steamboats' Moms to Ade-
perehase s.
Write tar ecce booilet, whisk hells all sheet
!Late, & Co. J. T. Goldthorpe
t27 Ono& Agent is 000111.1011
Recd Telephone 0 r •