HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-6, Page 7THE SIGNAL : %Atomics. ONTARIO iragAlifirewl ..a.trasaST.SOSPYINITordi NW MOM - r -Whir rase drama w bp. r wow 0/ CWW s.. Carr r. r.o. :. °i� bora. oSlaw .+..+� r,..,...... Dram Spring Is ming Let u, bad your ordeurlerien suit for Overcoat ad Too well add them soon. Dunlop the Tailor Wes SL.. Gossiek wilt pay the higher cash prime for all loads of good Loge delivered at the esilL foot of Angie. ars street. Godsend". Odom sawing sad remeral Neill week thee premenly. .E.Baechlerl Coal, Weed Line. Cessest Tire aria, Elf - We rid beadle Serentas sad Lahisb Whey Cloak two hoes white are reeseedded as I be bear VI7* via to girt Me people a( Godencle and Twenty tbe beet sisreiescc obis. and simil be to hear tress ell of Ks. ,eettenses and dy ethers 1rWO anytbiell in ear All anises left +with Jam swede' to. . 111122011• tttr ! iall.."11111 de biStridrilialbelibra "de thill It b• 114 tin Sous A VISIT TO ALGONQUIN PARK I =AN" wIta.r..48.4ttar idled comaideadde ottestiois. Ts those litho had Noe the ritteree that e I Amy wee be or added istereat. wages the 'kWh WA °Stile. th The beaver Mansaideg very rep - chief patedis &grim weaker eas. Wag teat teed are SOIL as lease sweempase beaver to weary all the eaknals which ahead actemeetaiseala" theablYste="11111. Meth the Peak the bider sweets ef tame bOINOS urea' ,iat =ebb Men eittastim treat the eider shoe the weer 's dere is do- h is nee the heaver itself stewed W Soothes_ tet dims* NNW dug ISPOSSIS tb* iliblelidt 21 the eight- biome sae he athrthated to the ladies • nee bat whet cremes the greatest *SOS grime they dam 1 be lead mod astedthissed is that me ended weigh- rived in preemie:Om for their -skeese Mg lam thee do headed poen& aan he the 201114011. -bet the Swat performs mei feats of esigistedwit skill hero door is dee to the isitiestry of _ _lbe moth" rif Ow aril- the beaver. They hada s'assres esa la a andlertakier. kegs. not water to arch ea sated thou fre- Whim sod ware its anneeeres ireently culvert* ad destroyed wed aelabeeamasie kept mere Were the 'seedbeds are raised. la this teepee* pima de this breed Deeded we de- they aue the pest of the luxe nen. tare se eay that fewer tallied ie ids Dade ate constimated Mae wield be the rook. seder the sameas ot eitsicet are aver - The heady it chimed as aa dephible tads is tasks. ad it is remarkable oes rodent. It beide eimathe el eels& how meek water is aosessulated in tag both ea land amid se wade It has emelt mese theetitiesee. tas Ismer bread husil tea emseohliss vary meth wrioass. two dams ere heft to lased • hand with the lagers speed. It be- abeeere artier. le a wary thedigh loess so the doe co,dier sesodels which bowed aide, audio UM out. ae the ineskrat. the squirrel asid the let to floisibow balm. a dem wee me. rabbit. keries too large iscieor teeth by the writer maimeriag nearly three ia each jaw distinct bent the molar kindred feet in Pealao. tont.b. Thaw teeth Pre long. cersed These buiy dimais will go aimed and stroasly saaseelled so se to keep any place to geoid timber to *Mt spa=edge. They have persistent' thew. Not far from the rangers' 'grew emetineemedy. The tail, beadquartere. tither we* tak.esi se gate large. flat. oval-ideapsil. sod acrid a marsh. der a railway grade measeetes cede to five Mates at the sod through a tuned sereoty feet widen part. The upper aortae, is long to tbe hearer hawse. gait* rough. A short diet -sone fermi .-tt lenient A story, illustrative of oil industry. in that ace thane ot. entry. a tamily W told of a posse beaver in Regret's beaver were at tracked try dug which Park Gardens. Loodon• At 0000 013C had eutoesd.d in WOHL ing hi. way a. fialleers. parted bratene nab Algeseeds Part. Os - wires rest satusel playismad the imethaseterri Weise el the Preis - Immo Ifentime hes bees mei ies Orem en• s Was whisk lis:tielbseas hae mode hies Ihrlasell gar pesserao rad mmilernere et his ameditsems ham bows esmem eamidesible interest. It is jest draw menthe sieve N.r. !fellows as▪ ourchsabas trip hemodit the Part: and as the scribe. until dor. has laded le armege hit 'Mae in nereative tona. he takes dreatase of this seadembis epperreary to give The Signal made be gathered vibe. liviag within the sow& oe that wonderful health re - The term -park' fails to give tbe readier a &rides idea as te the extent ea • area d Madge acres it is almen twice the ens of the Stete of Rhode bead and is seatains sixtreix equine dies mare thee the awe of Deir- dre. The ama of Priem Edward Mead is a masa fraction more tiese that of Aigeoggie Pork - le the day. al Sir Oliver Soviet,' =years age, the Park was set as to provide • suitable terri- tory for the preeervation of wild The proma Govsrosayst has rises added several tiereohips. At the anteet. six edgers end a emporia- tandleat were plead in charge of the territory to ems that Do poachers aed Weepers were elbowed to operate within the bounds of the Park. As a result of these restsie anis the Park barters todiy bb even greeter per- ciaatege of wild life than it did at LOC tied of its creation. la the early days there were oo way facilities and the rowers were fereee in bring their stores by canoe rota untiorille. Mei r ureters were then at lotioe Lake. shout threw days' paddle from the source of sup- plies. Since that time Lbe Ottawa. Pembroke t Parry Souod Railway einiliarly called the *Booth road." afver its builder. J. R. Booth, the great lumber blew constructed tbreuga the Pai k_ This reilway to tater years was known as the Caned& Atlantie. hot it is now opel elect by t be Greed Ti unk Rini way ecnripany. Tbe reviler rah at pi event commits of meaty -tight rangers. They live two and two together mid travel in pekes over the unitary meigeed to them. le doeseser a urge part of their -hem" is covered by mem. while in wider the greater port Mus Asir sari me made over the late. cm sedirtheen The Goverromerat bas- h( seed shelter hasser hod; for then aeNNMENIalaNkall. but ease of the ewers are alliewee to have their fam- ilies with them This tuts been the =atom wag does tbe Park wile loot aside edit it wised by aced as aa unnecessary budder far the mesa. It is claimed that if ell tie tedlies of the rangers lived at headquarters, at Alganquin Park static's. tbe mew would oe more contested, and that if the tiovert _provided for deb a elders a -aimed tettiement would be flermod. It would be at lame mei- Moody Wipe to warrast the erection of other redideite of civil - holies into the life cil the &push 'ewe Vaster prevent conditions the oda MOM SIMObsbly isomeei.r.es mod meseliateedieleL Were their families Algesmaie Park ...ethic they would llat is abed constatit touch with them bald tam ma ter would not he de - =lialtogether of every element of tife as be n snider present condi- ler et ler III HEAR171 DISEASE aocur has mid. "1 dew midatise sea cadet dna Irma Heart Dieseithillie di liming sae leisere soce• ficesie oiliCh IMO foil infOrtok WOO 111100108. foil tor Hamm Disease ad an Kithaay Trwaleks• mail ▪ eidely heeded is Pills chased by Lbe IWO1VOIL Meer sad elder they calor.-giviag tionspilir mooch that -Pat- took te the weillor. supping toto rapids LO his thin. By and by a big stag appeared, add pared quite near to Paes piece ofina- by a pack of the busery beasts lige. but, as be saki afterwards. 'They eves stop to say good dity.' There are other stories WM, Moe tristice of t he fact that travellers sal SNAPSHJTS IN ALGONQUIN PANS day_ it was pieced at work. LILCO a tree ! noder their dwelling. Hit - twelve beet. tong. said t wo feet xi z ' resented -by tbe t wo oil nearer, who , of 'snerces" without due cruse inches thick. The bearer begust by naiad« a comic nei nut set on the ia- The caim.yeileae. barking tbe tree a foot from the , trodrt ohirti eddei in 1 be canine's 00e of the Deo birds which base been ground- That dace. be attacked ,the i snaking a hurried est: and departure ihueoliaced into the port veto" re_ wood. He worked hard. alternating ;from that oeighborhood. his labors with dip in his bathing, °sirloin to btarn. how the beaver aathaetisomeaTearli i...,....• t4e c"I'Per'cailitoe .,._ sr4kood Th_____.ill is pod esti! 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I would act when _then home was dam- owes,. of tb"-e7woods.---Thi. ,PL. --17: wire be ate his nipper of bread and aged, • settler in the stone eternity ma,. a I.i ar.ra, mad ta rireZet anti carrots. .kfierwards h e paddled parpomly descroyed Part of their wits ,,,,,,iiitauthiced'into seoussad awe abort. in his pond until 5-3.1 o'clock. boase and redied • stvIrt distance to the apiaries become astitiet there. Re. Te. valuate+ later, when only one inch await derelopesents. Very eoon two ......so ._ . _ _ OLT! came to the rangers' bead. of the tree's diameter TealaiDeli 1101.1eL. of them were at work busily rtigagel qr-usTuers that large Mocks of theme WAS nee soeverT throoichoet the Part is mach to be admired. bet in the early ilays IL swab ere* MOM eadrIdabg. Practically ael tbe timber has bees totes elk bra time amodos that ragged beseety Stet is theresheriellie al the eamemaded weldidevot Pew to the lovesios et the ismiar kiwis. the womosorow labia cod rivers were Bard to the ormsea sage with the maisair =art may memos ef the yew. hoe game the Pea ate omiable woriii-wide reinandem As a Maas water tho farm of its leatii.eanomit=the drew edam away sagters from Great Broils Ida the Part is rake to tams swim the erasures at the Isaac tom awes. the Part • pease= IleithisChbosal restaread awe day to Ommasded doe is op owdowe amerawr. thd the Bedew 4 his vire isitim be tsars them me be tbsymehly reliably ems sad wee sesuissfy seryiriarei elemeedi mode of Wm. "Will. they isisidied sir." was the reply. yosi hied. every thee I Ada up." The eldhsdieff ()Mold vise thee blond& that ranger' sal guides is that meestry bad set alingsterl Ws custom at aseadiers say was. asethor they ads% Owe MO 1257 egoit." sees Imp treat Tbe Oeimeers leas &tows to it awl his efroisobee osie--«11141. yea kaiser. we did get ammel as hig es that eisa" The misisielled that et wee =111117.1.1111.11 deo the °steer] wee beet es eararkes. lisaliss bales a pagoda visor for the esejer or romper is wenamar. Ihigarafflk _raft ea sew losted epos ea se idiot whew resert."..1 dale of the Glessed That way WASHERS armor/ lime. busessasst *ha Eselemellies et the **be lid. Is seeded plass. mesh at YOUR PLUILISING Pet satiediery fistangs. with lateery week and mil mob- lastiss Oresedea. ass us INK gin our relimaira he reeve ed his work and the tree felL in repainag the damage. • o Bet ore it fell. Use braver ran ae met' ever. is tree of them under ail circuee rue when they have tired a bide staaces. Dues whieb tbe rangers h tree le on the erouted he ad lumbermen fled necedary t -) de - to gnaw. He warted st of time bodies et water is tbe Part have bed as sight, cut the log into three parts. relied two of the portions into the grater ad reserved the other for erse ie his premised( shelter. From othereatiosts et their work in their ewe ministry. and fires actual experiame, Kr. ond the writer few willing to place full credit be this emery. While iiiisito5rapbtut one at meet Omer bed the privileste of albacore- iact close mass. a bright. many attersoc-a is the direetios et a broserer hems which heel bens sia;hted a few days mei. defy. On the opposite side of the railway to that ow white the bode wee men. there was diadem that a beaver bed Wee Oat veer rearetty for heal' Stood. Tbe newly:eat stumps cif whiles birth asplinee wed qinkie notice - birds have bed seen U2 the 'methane portico of the Perk. it out mentally and again "troy ottee are rebuilt entlen a re- The dines of eereral of fhe large Low Neoref. ereey sormg. Tim, tar is Use tirremies: Thai bike is *VMS FRED. tiUNT WIWI% Ms. aumbers the rangers trap from 700 tz cage i! the • wee for "Lake of dried aad prepared for the outs krt. ia Mikes long aed is the larger. bodzsgle the usual way. Tbe average twice ob- waiter le. the Whole reserve. wiped tor eisch poN illeceitou is said to have heen named meet is flee°. When it is desidenediremega helm( in Ube fee mirth - owe beaver coat ad that theme peke be leee' le merest is do WWI. aim • „mamma so. wg. most ow dm Preochmee awed Lake Onimben shoe the teat is sold fee SIN It is the sad/ &Ifs Pnivisions Were allysi Amstar' miens. who este the prat efieellilbeY Ma Pee en it. wawa „Lima that tit. ,,promme from seer Cache Lake. nese. the 1101110. d„,, ot the effomomo Ties Peetawagra River was aim* pLy fo..--tig-tanning and au after an I Mike 'poem Toe DI ado - the Mohr work its ocieuectioa irith the weal": or tbe &war. 28 00 amides the two rigors jest stms- inagninavear irbef "1"1"1" 41 tinsel there ars astreeisi ether streams g rerled-Lale traPPIng "ea.elt- "11 which has their soureas is the Part. most northers part of the Piemonte PO %be bees erse eetert•leed "me' the staffed beaver ts tee the place of awe 'reread be found /101,7 alt 111118 the goose or turkey urine the festive When within two ban- INSOMOS dred,yards of the place be was expected to be heated, their hearts wows Are Numerous burned witli eathanowe when they across do treek taineds his birth ear. aliowed widths the Peir wthreadiser el= yaw ors lone homier walk Isiemelly As nO bebsteet. dee on the farther beide. are tepidly isetweibst le emselserst Jen hers it debt be beet to media They bod sue great swam bowsaw,. • peadier molt is the edam at the 'which ir hold same! So kill then braver whoa ershosbra. histesi dilbeet bodge. amid in theity par Isoldwor for a duiter mar at hood leis emit. of the mom he is aseeries elbetstias is his way. hi on resters at wiry Thr assisaal sollairedi to is mom to doe quietness. of kb owe the despised timber welL Nosy heare. *Sorts we made to knew the armeher lath Comm at this tray nererthaliatia ba eseelse AS we wept doors hide bite Ire ois- arrysel him eseis wort as a smolt trio about these isobar I inanhitier, sad by the time lee esiched • spot cre- =Ire the ierloastess swims was restrdire se. he pared. and etas eye- less as wargkeseasty be ditsWeilt tees ad corsoamosof eippedietly meets a serprise that lee re - ler • groasiot, bat she attest mai stevarad vet., eisreelay. Thee Ilse emileesmot hews mid Ow =le as boor tiss iamb him hy the 'Mee with thy memots." la allamal the prier t/i yaws, the me doted armee hied.* with the Wee es the priesser rad. Poe all *311 Letts the Prowiatied Goversawast pays a enemy Ms pelt. hat sow mem he emir the Govormostat. On lorry odd eeriest the leallims seta a chance to sheet a& ses, bat eves Uses the aide era is term at the ersh's eirap- the. It has hem loose thee the most escomidel iambs& or Wes then is to lay est bait of pohmeed eradess. oseralog is the wolf Ibis le is ted to haver peribrased Sate • are almost. barrel rivetfiallty. Oss waif, when esseels in MIS to whir* wee somehed a WNW, pada. is tows to base drampi it iota a lat. sod is this way saILMI ler ammo diatom* so the NMI ak/Ift she shwa. Amoebae ass was uallortessee ode* eel hove ease of les paws esemed • Meal trap. ft Rides Bow costereal ; the Amiable de Food twee with to the Ottawa Ride, w an and the smith branch of the Kai - bob* Mew flow westward_ This tea - semi roselitios is tie revolt of the otreowao hairiest Ilse* smarms is the isemediste vicinity of the height of lad in the Part. 10▪ 111VOCS would sot he eassidego if we SAM to mention the ear stay by Seperiatedost, Martian mid Ilempers diabolism arid Ilardmit no asked dress Osier Swiss of childless are les said- -I saw • ems moklag a ham: llamesed---Tos moot be isier takes, surely." •lles, I am met ti meams. fly had the borer neerl; jest salliagyet the feet." FOR THE NEW YEAlt TU BUY VASSAR SHOES FOR WOMEN HARTT SHOES FOR MEN These are goods that will give the wearer satisfaction every rime. They -are sold in Goderich by J. 1-I. rIcClinton East Side Square. 'P hone 622. eisagisit waist deep heft Hs loom brake the tamp lemeatilress sasariae• eerie% or• bZodlit prist bar hem sem OM siert tins awe /he sod Awe that time NM tell-eale Irate reasor. he was hart ware amolle ille =limp the 4. • wester Mairegesmoser el ebe whet le thy hoed lisislial • wee* ea =111111= weft _ so seer he eseseiltese He Ilislisws was wakirks this ledliant theffigithernd los. hither. seed see at hie `Nessomellies." rad to a stiweeses Mort sag. Pas NNW sp oars the browsr hal bore Asia. as a datoebsei wisher hootdre. To le at host • deem psalms bet rat. Th. gro0111. of dm oldlo, easoly esemesiled dram bin tomb weds Ueda silleer7 sirossootesere the wog hes mem ars know' to attack • homes him is hoc hr is ware If tresaddre wore ts sass wish as eseeirst. his sodebes, hair fltoomemona 41064 DRINK HABIT rweinsit• 4 wives. mothers awl doors sae owAlisforaboofe thok proles of (1111111311L boasses it bee enrol their awed grew et the 'Vete* SAW as/ IME emu *SO SIAM par bow. Ark 9. Ihrih Son Sews. Goilindt THE SIGNALS CLUBBING LIST 1913 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe .... St.160 The Signai and Toroato Daily Globe 4-50 • The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 11.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.73. 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The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less Si .00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : Ties Syr/ ael The Weekly Glebe The Farmwife Anvecine Says hoe UAW Lye -making the price of the three papers $z.95. nip Twasis Delis Sear (11. at ISM LIS Tbe W Gioia (111.1e ime *All* -le -the four papers fori$3.6o. If the publication you want is not in above list, kt us know. We can supply almost any well-ksown Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cbeque) to The Signal Printing Co. Goderich