HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-6, Page 67in-neve r, dance e. W The chalice qf Courage 1.:11.:Aplit.:tmastrations by Ellam ortb Young Being the Story of Certain Persons Who Drank of it and Conquered 04'Romance of Colorado By Cyrus Tott'nsend Brhdy o'4uthor of "71e luny and the Man,' - • Ilse Island of'k generation,' ' "Ike `Better Nan." "Hearts and the H'4 - way, "As the Sparks Fly Up - 'ward, . ' e c tots* loon age the Heather sod res @crest of s..': •; tailed trees' the le the litrt_ bites And It :F is nmudern e( ter.c•e and 1c. modern ekil pamet •met; 10 ramie. that godlib echievemett. Perhal•F the sae rise the en.r.zem. t• 7be bee ilderaient, o Lim who learng bee. blind doth now s Fee, if we can Imagine it not havin !rt>ea a the cr.t a ouraelsea, wi1; Ise a ler ter guide to the saderstanding of te: meas mood** •wase this woman carr: s."dery tato tis Mee* orbit. }it were opened although be woe: ink sew n. Se lrsgit down his new kioulmess sod node Lave Hump of Tet tt nes there. He loved her' With what jot; did ielkirk weicoe:,e. the savage sharer of his solitude' Set, she had bees a mum of hts own tame; bad Fhe been end. withered, l:ie! neon be must have loved her on the Inherent. much more if she were young and besotthal. The *gag sea mei !table. Such pessimism barn. God forbid that w e should eddy it. la the busy haunts of nen where V'11'0 are lir plenty es blackberri� s; to tote Fal - Mare iodine. and abere a maa may oireetimc,s ci:ossee between a hundred, +ra tbos•an1, r.rb loves ape born, tor - ever. A sv:ce it the night a face la tie street. a whispered -re•d word, the touch of a hard. the answering throb of ate other been -end behold' Iv.o walk to- gether niter•* before each walked alone. Sometimes the man or the wom- en who is bore again of love knows It beat, refuses 1e• admit it, refuses to reopeniae IL Some birth pain must awaken the cpn'ciousnesa of the nee :Ufa If tete things are true and possi- ble under every day condttions and is e'1lnars men and- women. hon math mare to this solitary. He had seen tills woman, white breasted lite the teem. riming as the ancient god- dess. hem the Paphian sea. Over that reeieetear as be was a tent}eman aad'a Chrtattaa, he would fain draw a roast* before ft erect a wall. He meet int dwell upon that fact, `.e weed amt linger over that moment. Tet he could not forget it 'Ilea be had seen her lying prune, oliewariously graceful in her aben- attm�, ea the sward: he had fraught a .giiml.e et her white face desperate y upesseed he Iles rolling water. be Aad baked into the unfathomable depth of her eyes at that me.n,e:1 hen she had awakeeed la his armee eo-b a Ftrugglle as had used ' . baanbc,od and almost brume his heat he had carried ler emeeaseiuur::-. `;lastly while with b pal drba n Rause. sl ambling deeperately over the iecke in the besting rain to this. his Lome. There he had held that poor, braised slender little haft in hu bead. y. skilfully treating it. woes he to press his lips passionately upon it last cif all be had locoed tato bet f..re warmed with the red iii t of the the amneied liar weary almost lib blue pods. In whose there Pat lotted We aad light. bee maids heir tamed Crim bF the amus bey • the whits ptl- be Woad Mr. Glad pity him. meant teat dad admission of pet hw earl be help ft! • i W loved wee beers la his 111e ia me d mad and epea�g, but est Nm leo Se dal eat roe - this new Mads la m4 Rpt il past: ther.iere he weal/ amt IL Ramos, be did not aaier- . Eta bs mw had Mai t d ennitsad wend' to knew that t was as edger the supreme fa hes ilf•. that the pre ea i raa&ne :e. C��a vast GOP - sets; sad they bad peopled heir mon- k tilde with mea and semi. Was this t�� roame wertleg of a dtae d .d terata. too 1 too mach tweed apes Its!1f and with e too ta.memdoms a pressen, apoa It • producing aa Insides? Was there in • truth say womaa thee.' Ho would alas the latck sad apes the door and g setso Oe mere til. head want 51.1."1- -1 ply to the latc . a The woman alept quietly 0a No thin e' barricade easily unlocked er easily s broken protected her. Elometaing hi- d polisher. MOlarger aa/ Md . - mows .f his hag helm LammSe telt Ithe a base aid a traitor. 1 be he beam Mas, disloyal. Laity W !deal. wrests is bels r.meea- Was M taesad a tree map! le have that MIMI stmeglib.that ~id Md. that stew" eebsdsow ie. fh•t Weft deem lubes made the T. pees be odea Ind sesta diem trmteest, perlddie. iv- emomeemt! Was he a waddles fiat be de at the then Ogee of asaeolker bees• lb stepped bb omwaelees pace for - oeeml aid backward. add stepped neer Sid fedi $.d trickle deer. the was into end there was areas to merest >r ria send the teach. Whet pis be Mod is def Gd for- bid fMet a Might he sere bot as my' shore with wow ids MY Y thea W all veered. end e M bad ever mew, and tete mom be Mr lemille se. a her betp- hileihm. lm Mr wsemem Whir air puma ma helm lit be wed leek 1110 Mr. he weld Rea se It she im these, hit were all eat a Mem Se dedain et bet d memel ime_spee - and �e hied r 1—•- jw- la' m _ Aar lir Ian Ottsa tangible, yet strange* than the thick- est, the most rigid bars of steel guard- ed ber; something unseen, indescrib- able, bin so unmistakable when it throbs m the breast of those who de- pend on it feel that their dependence 4 not in vain watched over her. Cherishing uo evil thought, the man had power to gratify kis desire which might yet bear a sinister ^onstructlon should it be observed. 1t was ber pre mcy be was invading. She had trust- ed to him. Ftie had said ,o, to bis hon- er, and that 'stood her In good stead. His honor' Not In fire yearn had he , heart the word or thought the thing. het he had rot forgotten it. She had l e t uppealed to an unreal thing; upon that ber Trust was based. His hand idtttbe latch, it fell gently. he drew back and turned away trembling, a conqueror who mastered himself He , was awake 1c the truth again What had he been about to do! Pro Lana, uninvited. the sanctity of her chamber, violate the hospitality of his owe house! Even with a proper mo - tire. imperil his self-respect. shatter her trent. endanger that bonor which so suddenly became it part at Dim on demand• Sh, would not ,probably know; see ^ou}d neve; know unless she awoke What of that? That an - cleat honor of his life and race rose like a mountain whose scarped face cannot be scaled. He fell back with a swift turn, a feeling almost womanly; and more men, perhaps, If they lived in fem- inine 2solatlon, as self-centered as women are so often by necessity. maid be as feminine as their sbste+rs- infinenced him. overcame him. His nand went to his hunting shirt. Nervy He Stared Frew One to the OLxr. oualy be tore 1t open; be grasped a bright object that hung against his breast. As he did so. the Hameln came to him that not before 1n Ove years hod be been for a moment nacos- scions of the pressure of that locket over Ise heart, but now that this oth- er had Dome. be lead to week for 1t to The an dragged It oat. bell it In his bead sad mimed It. 1;e bald it eo tdpaly that it ahusst gave beeestb Se itressg grasp er his strong bead. plea a asar'by trot be drew another sided with kis other handlis took tea tees is the Itght, the salt SO( of Ym wars t♦sa the tabis. sack stared tram ems to the ether with eyes brim - Mg. Like emlmta: gases ha saw .Rive dime thus those preemie te the eased MM. He heard other sm•is the de bait eV the rain seas ire. reit the row et tae loft" dews Ohs mamma A vales that he W weir M well serer Myst, bet whisk Ciell, tomb* bis bad tame sew the diereses. that It might have w settarear. ellbps .d ewid wards se Mm. Moe be babe hate maw tees red. tea wall► me km hems the Mee er isaitas Linea bet cad Mb rho used d glues` amuck► ile heard eimh that neat, tele. nor beim dead mere tseriue *hes Omer par se SOW Iter that five/ the Awe ,tamee bb bed had mele the maantdts Imthe se Weeds Ile tam esesome ea' d dm motel stems eat duan that re =a�� hie &Weae se be haemes i_ �p i » 1p09 wee• TSS SIGNAL GODKRICH : ONTARIG flab able i 11. etas push ter * am amt M nna• i 0t 0i--� •air .s. MaIdas.te aa*1.tisat, .salt. -i• aid the dad wird aid the Odes forest! He Weed Mt be dale. be would be try . team min me power 2a sag ante w& s$sag r heed to drive aid sit his maw se shake his purpose, te mho Nm a new. Imoman. Ob, Vaattaa. Ram- , Oa the other side at the deer the ttM+ea -4r mime slept Mab ea bei reel died awes. flim .ellen tllig seals seat rod grey ask. Within de ter ream the MM dawn Meet idled* th• embelew bashed el wh idi a a tell et kettle -d li, weseds. baa men esus deer human aaaa upturned ea some doss ukases add vanquished sire ay- , tuna shoot hese from the add to the Del ohm who may pity but who has ' est hiloroseol 1 r lash maty have Isske� .ttet feat awful sight a hen be a aa - di de day broke. wttk the syelt tad weas1d not ler him go until be. *rased bio walking, forever after *kik halt - Ing step as memorial. bat with kis blooming earned. Hath this map's b. - Ing won or not • And must he Pay for It if be barb arhieced lt' Aad all the a bele the a oaiaa slept Quietly upon the ether side of that door. CHAPTER XI. The Log Hut in the Mosntalos. What a wakened the woman she did n ot know: in all probability it was the bright sunlight streaming threetiti the ..arrow window before ht. The cable was so planed that the ems w not strike fairly Into the roam eswtdl it was some hours high, consomme/ she bad her long sleep out entirely as - disturbed. The man had made no ef- fort whatever to awaken her What- ever tasks he had performed since day- break had beep so silently accomplish- ed that she had riot been aware of them.' So soon as he could do so. he had left the cabin and was now busily engaged In his daily duties outside the cabin and beyond earshot He knew that sleep was the very best medicine for her, and It was best that she should not be dist;;rt,ed until in her own good time she awoke. The clouds had emptied themselves during the night, and the wind hat! at last died away toward morning. and now there pia, a great calm abroad in the laud The sunlight was dazzling. Outside, a hese the untempered rays beat full upon the cresta of the moun- tains, 1t was doubt}ees warm but with- in the cabin it was chilly. The fire bad long ,ince burned completely away, aLd he had�not entered thereon to replenish 11, Tet Enid lEsiIL...4 d lain snug and- warm under her fsisi- bets. She presently tested her wedmj- ed toot, by moving it gently, and dis- covered agreeably that 11 was much Jess painful than she had anticipated. The treatment the night before had Leen very snmo•esful. Sbe did not d•t up immediately. but the coldness of teemed struck her oto anon as see met eft d bed. Ippon her drat awakening she veal hardly cern soon of bet siOtzthrb; bur sleep hat' sees too long end too heavy. and bel awakening nam gradual for any suet den appended. of the new condttiot It was not ami she had s red arouna the walls M las rude cabin for some time, that she re•iiay where sb' was and what bad bepas.d. linen abs did ,o she aim at Dace. Her fret impdise was to cel Never la bar life Ltd six felt such death like stillness- Even In the eine al- most always there had bead a whir per of breeze through the pine trees, or the chatter or water over the rocks Bae berm there were as picas Levee and se sound of tabs hest cam. to but It, was almost sailed. elle was bean tai dew and P est d rho Yea. She stood upas the reds prtarieia Sew em see toot, scared, Me pest to Mr even the lightest pressure itisd th. other. There were her Mass • chairs had tables bear. the Mese, Such W been the boat thews eat by that hap blase that a brief *spec - ilea ossvtaced kw that everything was tborembily dry. Dry or wet, abe met weds put then on Mace ta•y wore an she had. Ohs Mks' fist there were so bcb em to. dam and ohs mese that del ea, pa,Adsiha abe had was time sem et themed and 0.4.., «tama. 7hhtshe bad Iran aS.w.d her deep .mmogmteed Mkt ht the more cemidest ea that Ohm dressed hastily, although ft was the wet et some Vemily 1a view d her wheel teat anal et the MI esa- dem et her rough. Mad apparel Prmswtly she was coil is*dy (tithed. mae ear that disrobed teat WMh the big aimed Mesas epean 1< ohm mid set draw Mr • d dlasha wailer a •d even V the se was deft est la mill 1. pmt la Mot. The Mmaf• ws •wi im& the pre 0. w. ok riamms sed a 0.1 diet ter Mr demien Med& ea" sear mid set dm MMM neat le de. Ube theespt erf amiss 0. or tet Ila retop, mileitd. al Mosto mud wigglers tt arose ler bs, amt she kei ladmi s to that it Ma Turf bales O0ewlea, she wee Ms spewed th. darn W •im a met bat the epee sr. dew she tea her - silt vbtea1y • pAssm•r. r hd bean thoodir l that r eve, W dismotieed her. Mt ave mea wicked ler She tabs r lar --rimanwdss •" `-*1 d M rsourealarae w eammrmam. Tr SIM beats.,.. std "paw. be Wil. ws be p he to wrath air . jetglieb il�ge aid de eat as hit OPP it berm sir lases /fee tiaeaif do rem The a die weep bulk at bilk re abed taw 4e1R mem is bv Ill art arab one side essaheeh them up In lite sarm regbms,; time were two sbdewst sae ea sithsr mile et the ....r amt. erhita quasi toward the mouthwsi The walls were-mpinitsr- ed saw fa the chinks Mama the mesh hewn hep at which it was melds Om the an diaoe .ad mead es .ms side raa a rode shalt covered with h�lsta die d oto sprertueltr te ea - them although later she wenld mesado taaafter with ever? ms d dim hate the wits oil the ether side were *Ma melee pep; trim mime eft Ihem hums a pair et snow flesh a h...y Wiechitor tree, Me" tackle awl stir a sesswy wtldersass Mr.. she.aOa Oa taemmehew Mr welt had boar abbe were e• sem- I* emu easier emtrss the was sada were plied same seemed paha d loess Him the m mitaa sheep. The fwreibsre consisted of the "ogle bed or berth la which she bead, dept. brat wet the wall In see et the edam a lee table es Mick were most materials and sem. beaks. A row of imeadmd Sebes. w4antty made at suet acmes sal smmaanted by a shier. alum led mad space There ware tee sr three alba. the homework et ire owner. aedhtrtaYs satrap a des et 4141 rads aaastees- tian. On sem other pep bees a &Misr and a sou'wester, a fur over coat, a fee cap sad other rough d.thes: a pair of bran boots steal by the fireplace. Oa another shelf Mono were a number d udeetfae taatrameats. the n atured VMA she Dade awl deur- Mho. eitbeagi ohs could see that tray pm al. !a a beautiful state d prow aleeitioa. 'hese was plenty of rude coma.t la Its team, which was excessively also - OWL Ili fact. these was nothing sat- wMEs hider &Mai way spoke et the edam* at wsoaa--except a picture la a Man row woods d s frame which steed ea the tMi. befbae which she sat down. TM picture was of a hand- some womanleturally Enid Maitland saw that before anytiims.eise. She would not have been i mega* if that had not engaged her attendee more forcibly than any other fad, ti the room She picked it upt sed elbedled t long and earnestly, quite dose scions of the reason for her LL... had yet t certain uneasy tadiesidigt ' Write Ideas f or Moving Picture Plays! YOU 1 s.00�o °MPLAYSEAKPLI We Will Show You How'! If you barte dean -If yam can THIIR-we win sieve roe the neves• of time faseleatissa mesec. imam Positively se srpersemes or bemuse emsdme lee mnr eaesaa. No -'flowery issgusepe' i emated.� aid torte m choir sem milts m met the geed pleb 1e supply e ever lmere osieg demande� The dime ter pheeogispreseadly Tim big dint anasetacesseas are bes d ori t dilikeli and est dam. n . - wilts.sommm . or wilts. Ideanae We have mane mem wads hem me tae aim al ----- as, ..oh eve VITAGRAPa,• EDISON, R9dANAT. LUBIN. 801.11. IMP. Hi HZLIAIICE, CHAMPION. VOA(/ MMtll>flS. iT . arras os to mud pbotoplaya to them We want mew write.. head well *ladle seat; von the secrete of emcees s We are .selling photoplays oiritten by people who "ne)er before wrote a lane for pablication. Perhaps we can do the cads for you. If yea eaa thunk of only ode go eci;idea ea ere wank and will write it oat as directed by us. said it semis for made ReLeh-e l.w eilf.re-- YOU WILL EARN $100.00 MONTHLY FOR SPARE TIME WORK FREREE SK D TOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AT ONCE FOR FREE COPT OF E: EE: OUR ILLUSTRATED DU0H. --MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING' ,D s 4 hesitate. Don't argue. Write NOW and leers just what this new presume may mean lar you add your immure. National Authors' Institute, 1543 Broadway, New York City I . fast while you get ydurse:f reads. It y!eu have set washed. you'll .std a bucket of water and a basis and towel eu aide tete door" He went through the inner door as suddenly as he had come through the outer ose. He was a mat of few wards, -.and whatever social grace he might care have poasees -d. and in more fa- vorable circumstances exhibited, was •• oto' sotfmsable non The to aerness r fib verb be had caressed her the ght Were W alas welshed. His hie lbs.ed bees eoel, almost Persia had dwrhii"ieig and his mannet was a• grim 'as k4 appearance. The roa.tereid _ bad seas a briet one. and er opportunity- for ins;eection of him -*rsepstty Limited Yet she bad, kern lit til. He w_s a tall. iapMMld sot Ne Jaeger yerrng perhaps. teat 2• • the prime of life and rigor. His sees- ,pleaiea me dart and burned browser by leas ebpseare t o sun and wind. wta- ter iii wider. Ia spite of the brash, 1 there was a certain colo-, a hoe of health ht his cheeks His eyes were hazel, sometimes brown, sometimes gray, aced sometimes blue, see after and iears•i. A diwt t4•ick closely cut beard and 1119stncbe covered the lower pert el his fare disguised but n'tt biding i • agaves of his jaw ted the firiraies Olds lips lie had Wena kis cap when he enter- ? and etas be took 11 of she no- .-ed o- . ed that W dark hair was tinged e ' h white. He was dressed in a leatb- r n•inring suit. somewhat the w-or.e h ave warned her of islet Me L .....1 to her bosom This young woman bad not yet had time to get her bearings- She had mot been able to realize all the circum= staaces of her adventure ' So seam a* sbo did so she would know that tats her life a map had come. tail what- ever the course ef that Ills saigin be is the future, he would never again be out of it It was therefore with mbsied and ■bteamiatakie emstieas that she stud - id this Odom She made with a eerie* teseadoest the bold beauty mite apparent. despite the dim fading outlines of a pbotogtapb sever very good. So far as she coal: discern, the woman was dark haired and dark eyed -her direct antithesis' The comet viewer would have found little of fault in the presentment, but Enid Mait- land's eyes were sharpened by what. pray! At any ae. she decided that the woman was of a rather coarse fiber. that in th.nga finer and higher .it, would be found wanting. Sbe was Duch a woman. so the girl reasoned acutely. as might inspire a passionate affect -km in a strong hearted. reckless youth. int whose charms being large 1y physical would pall iia longer and mere istlmate associable: a danger- ous dual fa a charms, het hot aro for- midable iia a steady aempaigt. Theis thoughts were the result of loss and e reest fap.ctios, had ft' was with sem relented* that the 004 at bet - tie' pMlmpapb .shim eel' babel twmd the deer- She was Yee - vi. waLaaomdy ex iv limas 41 b a Nis alarmed, mod W jest abet maim i hair sled to r!e aid stum- ble amt es eche s. wham abs Mord wisps •sbl"e Ind a Meek era re dot. '.. "WastMitrthestilledlate- "flay I come lar 'Tea," was the quick mower The mea .maned the deur. MS It alae' ski setw et the rem g��* fee bees swam sly. 1a beim abruptly. .Not very." 'T didn't disturb yea, Min >� seeded edam more this amplabd Nota How d• ems teIT "Greatly refreshed, torah flea" `Ani aaagry. I .-___- "1 will soon *tensed.' that- Tow Mir "It areas much better, bat h--" The god hesitated, bkedhag. 'I errant art tem shoo ea. had ' R#ms I have $.ether leak at U "Ile. i chant believe It ell be mom - miry. Of I mss have eeess d tet Rai asst. er weaves ft toes sem mit es and mw et that htsdu. I think tea attend te it meant bait yew moa. war —did go lir w lemma.-` 'He man mel del: he •ammo m es- Mrnmmd. Ohs trent to W smear Ma eillsem said drew trete it a bees. Ale weeks Medias. ' That is the timer that I sem de gee *sot" he emit "Ad that will ee very siemts." salt the gh1. "It will emir the bsadnsa .sad that is the amts Ylig." The miss lig • VINO Mb kg be Ms at the deft •man MAp of k.srrie kers bed the ism Amort. Aa IMS art le endue the pines a tai. mins a se side, s deet dasalh sprawl ser ki hoes sed baby I ti kb htm< M tralii air slpll war. l os r e mel __4._ 11. lama* heck asm air passs.ee ear we lid terve d tie world -- POS DALY SERVICE IIETWE ll c, DC CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO •^sa+7 seenewm Adael ihoweieee lamed, ice bier ieetlek ea feet. 6 mar bale —fm 4- * b�,i!aa%teir e0 �2m. s�eaeroew-wto is •his high ergestri• reetuu trri�ei�ti�. piss--ee.�asr Pains V Lreat S o.esecsreeelir.a t�oim•.ara b.m,. Dinbirw r beds an in %Writ Ipso •atarwe met i het wow li r Rfer i r ee.taraar as eat dams s Bearerlar weL w'eee Lr Bernet TV Chwid M Hsiab Took t^. - - C emMd, tide Seers Ogees tine. lee Clore Dee- len He Caught it Up Casickiy. for wear, but fitting blas is a way be entre fres pias to all itis m eeka Ms paeaht She ed est weeder that he he r. wily Mtd the bier he Mea die sad had imaged to carr* ler-es =it a adpt d bd.!-dm what d �y Ieeapiaat same have hoes a' rRMs trail. which. herdmed se Mt t �t weld have Nes tai endei he h affil rem Jia k tin as cowry • Vino Omss fierese Ormond. Webb lawyer -le what year were yes barb memThe ► sot bio year as rami ofreenes iwyw- antrum M eaiw/- !! I I tie 3.1 Nu iltea/g/ Shat the hs; And/ i tib "nom inti !moledoMweer'tnet feetie -- Nlirt �- Agit ether than • aotss� �. litre aaet teemed lbws he shoal �Wer��pMeek light amigo we ea imd =ilibmratM.dbipt tad hIMO Im helly melee �IDMOD DEMO to wan 101 VAL b the alb>rwsdmtMlasMm a rive eM d temmetest w tr+ 410.1..tmam erdstimmis meld Swisidedom aniWOO• els w • Vile arm lls.L Dr. Plumes mus 11~ Digs Airy ihmi r awe art 1 ar1401 w enilio em art >tIMP