HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-3-6, Page 3°CHB
Ind eel
d ye
s h.«
IS SI the
41 n
e ra tae
hew from
is neat
atteens io
sty of
la ▪ to Orr .ewe
. w� wi.
Pir . -felt sory
am aa. tai*-
warm Ili_Novvr
At nos awn or
=MP Ils
11111 T.
z.andi .tt
r a'mo%eLsen
brand at repaired
a "avium
L TAYIL►R eraretsctsn
1-.g I F (>'1LL.LOW . lL B
ties Inc maulm,m Nona (me.+a allow-.
.atl. o' - owns heiluzzT>+m• Trow
I►l, t .1 R. j- o *TSR-ETK iEAA.
I na,e enc throat sate'. innate aa4
1.ea lurk tiphtpsiADDC sea.�aamsaalI
Class; lru+t..4r, Vaisala asaa
my./ boar... d IMlralme Apia
inn. twine faeLM� e�
nun, uP,a.ur ►am I,
mLASW. Yis. 1PIA. "peas
astanaa wane
barn 11m01011 Clan. sea. MOND
Loa Ot losadt urns of
saw lira Aida Ssome.
frjp(jottorl. 16. 1.., IL ( &.Ta• a. L.
CAlliwi Cgii. L. C..
tr. it-
taldll404 aiimaQW. LL.B., BAk.
Matti- ansater. ae ielne. star. Cade
haetawes L, mod a Wast 'when.
j0-JOHNSTON. 3&.* •1 STE8.
. realer. cumsrrener. alalrt7 vatlt.
ItlA. leasliltaf •11•r.at- W I IJe.. (1-M.
aFJ Ci'MR.
(i1A, ;•RS
rite, LEA
Ike F. Gwyn -nth AL uaL7Ala ten awl
sot r Signa. utti. r wall be WaaW Q
u, l.en.uahtr 1eMtasae 119
man. Aute i. L C. C4
�lierra..er. Je n,iI s stent, Csaatsa.
11' R. iufiiERTciOy.
/1 �fii sLldCi aGaa2
has set 1.N.sT? JH : iwWW111.Ounaafa' ata
&C:111cN1, ,,Olean. ATM a!a/lM10' L.i.II4
RI •1 h. ,s.aL ,abae�L����,,�,liananare
..erwnuies. nous.+. •�ee tae
lf1MLn•1 Asir 1. t *AA ?MIL_ L�
tabu*law ( Uara.nim -
Md. a, reuW aunt. t ateai naw attar
torr mac 211.1 •r t'id . eta.ar.t 1eleaaa 17e.
1iltl� W. C'1CA1ti1LL LIME, Fa&
YLL mismaanl malamute. ,amisa•tlreaaea
ouzo mutt adorn osumpoom. Saillfl/101/11tioo
a.a.tara uL net` arm owl lmdmaaamtla
all t want punier wgia faaaaeltaeattse
LALaawta arnwti tam.
la I1
�1L11,GP 1!L'TVLL ?mete
as et i it . A C a ((t -dtw sd -assn.
blatiddu .aasso�e�.L�ai►?sea.0sew�su 1 P
tans b." emu-ts.a o.rtmr P. a
dement.- 11 r. **Drwat -e1-• ; Jam
Loos, M mums. warsaallisse &sac
eru swan+•.. wreeehre - amen imee..
__lobe_ :Jaya wow arsiwsu : Rea+
62=1. serrire.. tionessellat, 1111.111.10.
ma as toss aleaa amt deme
: alsa+ns peaitAION1_ a1- s a
tads war.. awstsaws. essieaa
• 11111.lt iaraaea
J TFi( t Apart, J• P..
whams" use.
SITU OF lwaaanaea IJI[Ewaa
District News
sehased lebeerb r new a ole r! an • moeel>i11 at lel. iafii at M
ale mate ea Jtlln.ii est Ashen der* tie w einnienee
is lleeti ori at +lin... i�.iMileintelime
-le a aelt.wg aero eel
w Ike w sed berths her Ids ors lei M
P IhwIldma et Y aline- thenithies weial masawi�. When i
swat. 1-s.
1011111111 ff 0111111,111ate
ett1.11=� imiliallw premed =•b .ria her
+neueRs..v«.ta. Pate. Sea bea been be
sit- wawa Kra. G. bra* d Leittl. end up M Oho dee idyl
wish -- le i wblow kw w owe onnes. sier aseoead din sere
It 6- swab. j d bas aNa.la_ The wed omeaded
aia.awes testi a111111.111110. at men r = far too amen is v.ye ewer the
ledtlrd tri he edam es the int &we
abom lleo ,sail ben • evens Inti at alaai a +and area .o weans tie
.e Apra I. The sere teen Owe the hen baiyr sad • towesres he itga Lw
MI lair ors tegonsiar r al a. fete Lesmd et Pa few. pat as et lbw
J. gr. Lai wows sea aft Idea al 1. widow Ten ars..& alrratneaDe aid a
L Melsee. d l imph..,, ands the ale N M Writ es aae..is IL
His en l+terri, haws etta-
tom* dm the bridgeanti are to reontre
fart eIt. ala the b eeple.l .t Doweir
Jaseen 111.11"1 r 1-r ria miisat aft ale 1 L AW easieieua, for Ilse f et, w-
ilier Grow ren dna. die•1 s. W.newe 'fir w-
ply sI dank week is Lir eiist T.lrrtt Lara.
lost, Mrs. Janos Sri 11w•, a fanner resi-
gn. (f1t. i fieaa'y, at >saasll viscose aret 0 for a,u
rntF, trd *,e "21114.47'ia
ondinia /web ares agtrsaetl.:. gnaw- shadat. as abs bean of her d.lelpew,
natal-' Were sod her tTteeovees ,.
now Lesiew "baa'r. TYe
bad .eaeii taras
e ego aiaMy rase&
Tim rwskrearaa hon. is the !Premien en
skid ail east a
a rent sante ae for rami, v at
n,tl .oto new. air. ea haat JL et
Juba Bata, d Deehaaad diad ere
Sande y , Sidi NIL, yea My rarer
lie war sum ental. hes anew etwe el
behtherr ata -men.
T D Pin s s". obs hes Was pew
ptaruu at sae angel Meds Sib
for e'_, isewi ae retire at
the claim of the p.wat horst year.
Yr ani Asa R . F Breerwtoira,
at Lcrei_. Itaasrr well -knows ,-
• 01 w7aila aa.m, ce letio red the
Otani aaetiwrnaary ut Weir w„ddigg
on tine Illi Uh.
Mime linea Banter• who has been
drputromill etre at Brussels for
nen„ then pans, leaves Lion work for
__wear__, abaft she takes a puslLian iD
Ube wariwiion &beer.
,.After a inn and motion slhI.•e
Ja.u.•e. Atk3erieab an old and estremdd
resident of Rimer . died 1m Fiimay.
Moo ult.. in baaarty- ninth year. He
was a native et hauulph.
Thar. 1. Wilson. wbn for the part
tee year. bas onuaurt.d a fruit mud
.tt.sctsetiousery DLo r at Etrter. has sold
out to .1 A tunt.old. ..f Il,kebwooa,
g ad will eresacr ID t.u.inees to Lnndoe.
Ma.. Aar Rast.kll. of B(neardine,.
Miff mai reed on Tuesday of last week
Vl'nl. J. Cfewenit. Ree. A. .1. Loop -
tort officiating. lir. and Mia. cleat-
111 male then home at Wel-
born. Souk.
Mf.. Marc L. IdcMimlwcn,, aced
t -ft v.•, for Horny year's a mittine,
at W irsgbam. wee found sitting dead
in her carat -store for fire by friends
+•n..,uiesed bre and went in to one it
she were ill••
Mow Leila' G Hoover, eldest
daugiater of Mi. and Mrs. .1. B.
Hoover, of C1it1L1.n. was married .n
1'ueMday Of last bare- at New York t..
C. h. F. VCard. Mr. auo Mrs -Card
rill reside in New Took.
Mrs. Leah Bearer, wife of John
id. Wein, of Crediton. died in Si.
Joseph's hospital, London. on Monday
Of last week. following an operation.'
Wm wag fifty-three years of age and
leaves bar husband. one daughter and
tour winks.
OD fnwe.etday, 2Lnd ult.. Miss Bea-
trice 4l.ar„ of Kincardine ad Gar -
11101 thine. d Seafor th, were tweried
st faMiarl ten Rev. Dr. Bei,
prior •e the Baptist 0bai. lit
and feta Mavis will wake Lbe .r bale
in Sre.fcsr' h.
J. B. Honor, a well-known Clinton
men who is tireering to Guelph. wan
,..wad ter the Chasm Club w,t b a
tea antsy &menial sift. The ladies
of lye Dwain atlas preen t ed M ra.
Bawoor with a beta fire -o'clock
Cana. 1Ieggpeth of the :rad nos -
common of Thifteatoth. has sold his
7i -acre fawn is <Rfaiarr Layton, who
tales pctasessire April let. Mr.
Howarth will ret.nrn to HulkU,
where be resided talfate going no
Bev. A. L. tuned 1. A.. wbn
ksvilg Weisner for the Wert., woes
red with a Aeldineenised en -
a by the pais of tie Winwa m
aitoaiL of the Monottesit datear. ae-
a.rasi.a by en asthma enneedeg
doeir appreciation of bis attains
award- -sea.
The death at John Vann Dane. wbo
Aiwa asst abet. eoweaad ..o tis ilea
net, babierint ea drew& n1 .rweeB-
nee. tar. Ilene use ha his l.wtyerir-
nab ion sad i amfalaaii by b1 meas
need liner abiliwa the trend ask
game es -lanais, wttat, aeellaeire
norther and a heather New
- deanteas eine hew ueiessl her
twir•slbe s tteaMr en the wadi[ et
Nitwit rabic wheel ward i the
warn el wank ingetem be mew go
mom �om aunt Seta. when Abe ahoy
sioai hen : dye � et emein�ir
Min irate Dnfbe., who i ewerl TNog
a a Ile. 1. M.as tewewhip•
Brophey Bros.
The drub at thwer Neff esee+aa
la W bee net ieleei ss tli.ear.
• est. ,tx. Neel bei tem seadeg
tor enema - Dern woe been
Yaw usehla. We wee le
r II 1111 Mika
teed ethle Mb. teemetitt
• Sn amid about taenias Www art.
Mew `less b1- hi ink ase we
a Jaeeph Nene bed m her bane
saIgisenairille .e alibi►. an elk.. ea
ams egieen ei eel ie r.:yo
els ki Neer sa SWIM far
ie rens bens sewely M seenelb.
tsar. taetl'-I ameba pub
The eendiro at loo lab Yore*" L
Tsaemia son d the hr i..taw
bnlleaa, vibe ammo hen bear r
MOW leeemiel
1ea IMO. hutOs Mao Win owl wee a
wee bele olt lbeemeanir
w thmell etriles far a.smrher
et roma .. dna ea>i mi+lrt'i r'� •
r an telt. tier r4141
is Iva.
lbw _4 . a/ w uusei-
lisissoAL r tibia vessel•, atlaeat ] ..
Aron the demob •4 her Mdat.d tan
was a forbears' .1 M_...a far about
throe year.. atter' ankh tie goat to
reside ide with iter thoonee•r new Lsattd
The ,.a iiia were b...abt tM are boars
of her sot s.lrwt wear .. frogs
wain wiser tier fan.t • 1 base pace..
Dan at acts. Tawas C. teawr.ss
T ere d ted at her bwrre ea h.- Nth,
nonose dun tit flew . ea Tu. -day
morning. February Is #, Ma .1411 J.
McElroy, below. d ode of Thom... C.
Rctg«,-„ou. alter feet 111....... •
about 1 brae wre•ka, the can r•• nig
hem•urhage of U.e byilion. The do -
mooed was o dm.yrt. rt .,f be late
John 111. E rine, of M..rt is, sod . was
dors in dant to•nei..p in tire year
Mak Sb, war ua^ r tied f u bre u. .w
r. ft bual.and m Ilii: • tan. rw„n IT 01 ,Nuel►
u ni .D he..,g a -hasty of nu.e-• ierbt
gu•I& aid ••.•r 1s •c, n .u1. 1y :
&$lb. EMIL Flan en.r a••.d A..•y. • f To-
, utaLo
beau• ; Mabel, ..f Gt.d• T•ie1.: •tl,.Lllda.
Lily, Mar. E1b-s, end Chrl U,. h••., ••t
both. f or ,.n.er I lute f r 1 heir
marr,ug. , air. •and Wr. Rcl,t.•, -. •D r.-
s.ded • nor• is acid Rlvth au i t i•4.
yr.7- hwd6 ee•tart o .W ;. 1 i t• w i.ee e
Lhr� rr.D+•ayt lo. r T• -.t T-,.•.. Lb. y
event t.. Bowl lid, ..h.#. so years
were ap• to, art •'-r Wh,rt. Lhey a etu, ned
to 111.0•• 1-s. f► «1enNI .. ..-
of for Wr bod.. • too eft nd •..»,o. art
interest to tar ,• t ' L d t t.„ drnnrIi IDof-
f i,.n. li 'il•. h••1- immr•vu , tauulT
ih- •hal • . fru t,1- • h a. af•d o •e s t•-
br, t., 0.011 • Is her 1. -..
Br'ucebrld Spring Show.
Thr an••ual ore .11 At under tbs.
sen-ern•«s • ;t tor i' .iiiHuron Ag .rul-
111. h I SoCi.1, wan b.'1.4 Irl Jl,.lk•, I.
b.t11 au rinse. Leki n 1• rad • \ . 21.1 ult.
rhe .•1►.ib.t.. a• ..- •t shit. 1y - t, l+1 -•g. „b
a oh•.uL, b.v.• teen, 'n, 1. a qu.,Lly of
the g, a Y,- ....d r• m . exto i. 1 a old
not na Tr tw,•n e1,••11t,•�d Tt.• ;judging
gide d• nue • c I. A. D ., . an r., w -h•. w..0
tr•D1 f,,t 111..1 1111' poo.... I.% 1 h.• ?rev in
Mai Ite,.artcn nt .J Ag Mil ,•f r. H s
drolal:,n. h i; -u• rel o..pr•oS11
a••d Li- elplana - f • • the a-remhl••d
farmer. 1- .0 tL• Lori f's an 1 ursaerits
of the srver:•1 -ample. in each d• port
own; were b•.th totes, i• g and 1n-
.ehurt ivy. He Ilan de•i • t•re.1 a abort
add. ea- as to the test sal thuds+ of
grow ng the arty. el are, I.* •.f „reds
in Older -1.0 nht.nin t.h twat result•. and
iulprr.sed up n his audi®Iror the
upmeg lily for carr in melee i fig Nerds if
Ilfe crop. are to tae raised. The
failoseing Weis* t he pr ize-a 11,net•0 :
White oat-., A. F1c•oa'. t ..ten' i Wmt
00 -
sun ; 0 1-101t.at•1• c. Mat Lbrw
(•tack, Roller Wats•.n. A. EIoO,at ;
Sold peas, Jobs Mel DL.a•b : fi• lu b.•an ,
Ge.a•ge iiilI, R.- Watson. M. Clark :
r.'a•n in ear, AIr1. Mu•-ta'd. .la•nem
I/allrs ; t is Wltic a red. R. I1' -.Loon ;
e•*rty jaitatee& J•hln &nine•, J. Mr -
Kens..: hoe pat *toe-. A EI1 o,.l. J.
Melk eons. IE. Morrison : cmione, .l.
f3niael ; f.tl-g orvn aw .D•. H. Murci-
The meal pnb�s i eat y
w enn tea wet. !. fsiseffasa
In a pinna won haled a wat.ase
.r tmiealnt to that bee,
♦ amiOl�tt nine of Mesmmrale.
l� -i a. *MI
U1111.0111 MTh irmannew weehie. ant
tial r hod et a mens% 1 hat Suener
b en ail w. lis • -emir rat war-
`eima at a Minn 1 tried
Yat., ant t tell lint 1t .and >w
i lit r pie wnawatl t >.
be.i rile St the emeant teetttllE
dies a Mae l Inas aimed often
b Yri nit tier has Sal the
awn t.. I Gate ft-nisbd ea
ewwt )
Ilea anew end bila the dead
eeet•-..aa amass the edit. Thai
seam ea mean* eleneibs a1-
�ti�to areae awl Moe the amen&
wham le ahem m lrrieet Iwo►
seer trans
Tier a tits d Thal vfat the US -
annealbs that 1ner view will he
rammed a t am •at btd� hwL
a. C. Dead•*. tir.Rai.t. (:nderich
Real wort.
Playricbt : -Writing this musical
onaels www a nerve-racking ir.h."
Plane 1•mei : • -It wu.t hare been
send M tint of tart ase jn► e III it
areaatraa ane
aI -Wawa. aids sand ..anconemm1-„
trent ter n.
dhi anneal... 4,'"Wind dr.tp. rary,rlaea• (-madam
.Monat!m.roa,WHY 0, N'yper.jud C.,.,;;1. u.0*,.IM ,.',
MMasnn.dlc Croup an noun,. It inn 0, a . ♦ to au„ernm
tram Aahnt The air carrying t run:n.;rna,•ar.,r.
.nc..r,.a 01111 e.,•0 breath. mak. In.oUung 4140 .
.•..ttni nanot tllmat and Mons the no .,Yl......nr.nk
10.(10* Tight.. It r itn'nluana 1,n n .itna.e en an
young �.. ireu. Scud hada! fur £.Ik..„.,v. M nklat.
£.1..1 natlCCI*T6
TmCliP1,01 t. we
• TaR1 , They
[ antro
itlre0l They ` . +
11e_,.e and1.011....,•••c1
u„ d Mal. lea...
Vans rirerlenr Co.
T.81.w •e palinode. Go On Record
set las Liter Quentin -Ts
end. Caedlaflaeas
The OlttiAw stetmook alt the Daeleow
LIilae.s en lb mealel Wily M
renew Let week alerted the fellww-
hter tnwolutlea:
'-'Thea tale eereentton halls web
-_1ibilleat the satinwood stand takes 1-1
tis Liberal parte la the rewhit a t
stab N. W. aeaees. AR.. N.T.L. ae
tetear el th it fdnb, h•• new auaee '•
M tba Ltntilhr/s net be villaewlar
tae fnwiealae drew te abs Int lee
Me 11441111•11 slralm. wia 111001118 111.16
sear tmJ L+en_ non •a .adman of
i s Ogee wane ,se seems .... ser
~le les tn.eeee' • TIM Ile Wm'
sea lea rw.a rte ran* In sale-
iaal grin is le ..Mitre ti ea a
einem ! wipes wt S. tis ak lin
Mei mala wren de alwrtilma to •
*That Si. essowai.a aria own aria
fhfle & td the lantelstm- nese he
toga Sags te own `.eedenala
neat deed= la weer en hit rmar Alt
a nesesseleilie abs int he ran •
ad le as as la ale seen le abate
lb.' waren t et lgpatlamo lar the
ageinneea et aha lies 1tw1a4 sed
sero set anillent ane w an
Mena at war. Medi amen .n he
babel arae as edblat M wawa
Me aaiYa to do elwet ea l!
'That Ole Mews aweedn a the
sellas at the Pienbidell derennolit
mad Legbill.. la »ales -e.a-
We b is the amines set walk% anis
be -reins* et 1e omit sone 1-s TL
sed mei* ter enedig be seiner►
tweet tett Wei apron tam w• terse
deb io wen at the neer ee t le
.ribs le lie howl 1-I amiealealNe
---thin a w radar went Ilea fel
Thla bete onalell et IMP sow
`s aware war • e elellal
ages IBM SO rellib
MS #!
11111 a
readena t
e Cartes& -t 4.T.
Lean rut 71,.. •,mug
amen e•t, Minns L Ma a
Nay Styles in New Spring Loafs
aping llama bate arrived is al1 their imaetT. Ti. ••J y a ' thwaelinaathee kends i tis
a ss a ky al We .rasa read raw a# be awe thea fie.asi aims pa. no Ohms awn lea
Cent ie .c+a tin reviler sed me are ahwier town to all de tares aaea•iaL
Steam tleti•ni Card. \rJJJw w i Climbs. Every aww_st is parlely I..3_....1 ani •
wafter eat. OP
New Siring Coats front $7.50 to $20.00
And New Raincoats Too
swig J peeaase of Raiaoort«�. etl made up in the neWelle atylea and tboroucb)T rainproof. safe
Raincoat is tee Sanger (Imagined a Mt ore-. it is a necessity in 111111' country of our
New Raincoats at $5.00. $7.50 and $10.50 each
IThe Spring Gloves and Hosiery Have Arrived
New Wasik Goods Just Delivered
Each week brines no enmr•tbing new in Wash (.roods and now our stock is most complete in every
detail with all the season's latesi novelties.
Anderenn a Bordered Gincbam►. very spetnal. •:.or a card. New Vesting, at 15e, AS and 25o• pet
yard. New Piqua Stripes, the soiston s novelty, all 0(1101-0. The new Raunes are very stylish, 2Se to 50r
stet yard.
New Spring Dress Materials
The showing of new spring flies Materials far excel* that of any forager .eason. B. sure
all the new cloths.
In our Ocn-eet Section wa hare added a stock of the popular American W. B. Cermet. This Cors+•;
can now be bad at the Ooreet depart meet in all the newest styles. Priem. from $1.25 to S}i.50 pet pal,
and see
Easter Is Early This Year
W. B. Reduso Corsets Kayser Fabric OIove%
Millar's Scotch Store
RENEW V ' r subscription to THE SIGNAL
for 1913.
To Our Friends and Neighbors
Yon know es. You Imam we wrens sat - tint we coda net
amnion - p i■iraaslw.. Nor tae yen dile- to Devi
tib tiller am till fglicid iadierrc,
Re bad Ibilita'We have the
Yen fwd mei .ear ado - the
limitionter abet
9 damn anoint
Wes wsdle's sen this if we didn't
titan i Si be true We wotddn't
alit air motion by maids sun
aloometedie we not feel sure you
wadi lin epee true.
Our faith is built both an the
d .13.0 Meson aydaiia
re.e ash een si
have peones tat unit
Try them at Our Risk
lit they do not alrtmciantly prove
=writ with you numb
a.>.w..eislraMf:.d.ritbihem -
aewiai[gewrtemett' - and we
wit le On w 7.p mere saywct
We debt ask yon to t•1at a piano .
I®'t thatha fair'
Jut Iot -fib hsadm fail isb-
elong thalr tarok- join lY& iamb
wawa be tarsi sod imwsilete
r lite abbe womb and eatery
ober seas Ian. Tip -bat
boutd have been L,int anon
b pours the trssen
Headaches. bi'eswwsa• amain
tar Inmenaltng owl on -
of and ocannion tibia iaetnar a
fail so act d01Iy as name ialem8ad
All Mus may be avoided, if yon wit
swept on advice.
teen Just W. candy. They ars
s■Mis sad an is amiss. Day
de awl ease jieT, wawa.
erdlbWaen sitioadaii
we eflr _ ilk •ao Der`
lwei diaim . osmate Yuemr
sail awn bin imii la ea et
to dallemblemed. Inch tabs suis
iithisaismismok oidia ae cwt only
Mena the bind hi wow wii_
timbales w.' newa-
mmd igniggigones fan obildren,
ilea w 41011inglia lalsona.
Mee .Ild.tfm come 1n vest -
pain 1M hes 12 tablet* 10r.
L ttdiaR, 211.c; 9b tablet-, 5(11-
0Ltl_tOW: Plea. Ws is trial tint are not said by all shag
lieu Yen ea hay lima oririfmaeyMelo elienie Sturm,
Ton on bus l3eona11sr1ile la abaenemilbati at or awe
GaMrichvas 'era stomp
Q.. lit• M,eu s wr1�rtray end ziwirPloserwq t� ht�i
es�gwd' 1 'I_ tit omenaratariiibisons i
The Una nae. tree Anel - -$ ilarnt DIS MINS
Ladies and Gents' Slippers
Boys and Girls' Skating Shoes
Ladies and Gents Skating Shoes
Boys and Girls' Slippers
Bootees for the Baby.
Emery-thicg in tstatiful. coroiatah'eand aniaiwnlis ihetwase.
Styles Right Prins Rjlit
Corner East St. and Square
Na=dru=co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice
and Chlorody ne
Gadax•.h. Usenno.
sweet, refreshes the farmer wbo
builds a
Concrete Well or Tank
`1-H E. FARMER, abuse all others, appreciates good water. He drinks
mom staler than the city man. The tits-dwelkr is dependent upon
the public water -supply for the purity- of his water, w hilt the farmer can
have his own private etirce of water. and thus he sure that it is pure
and healthful.
AN hasn't found a -.eater drink than .xlo1 water. properly collected and stored. But in order to keep
water fnah and purr. a tank or weft using that will keep out every poasibk impurity -must he used.
IdT e riaslweb mnglr. 1. , reining tg row wawa /n,w, "�� al,
lde11 It ewer an or cane*. it * eptly riarrod •wawa Tens
ad .abet, a .end of airing a to de0at, msaar► sake ie osroaeri
po+wwwe .1V - ]wa so dower
Oro ...mer ts„rlw.,e.r. a rmrea-
.ws w s is -nim -nine.. a P.• -
pro cat .mss bine w peaaae b
germOwasso aa.rrsidu...
MOM 0111104mw..
TNFz17 ate .masa. of briar oma far esatraw en `ear.-_.& emery etas N
` yam essold like to Yew a/bei waiar/er srhoes. -brim doe lmnsr(.a
D. win Onienimr " Thi hanW a isaheip /we
Adam. hila. Ihwwner
Canada Cement Company
dew PIERA D alb eloer7TiJit
tl /asp • env dens.o
be we a►w tea OMNI a1- en
• ars at ales a..rmt. ,lime
sen boas .aa a. pay Om
oenras AN • s e weir.
Oirur clsw ars r e. Am