HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-2-20, Page 7THE ?TONAL : 3O0ERTCIL ONTA RID
44'4* + f + -4- 'w- "a• * 1N
E 'The News of the Distri•ct .
. 1
ff+ 4 4646**4.4'464°4 464** 41 44 - 4646'.4t +
MAFEKING t30DERlt;rN T'OMffkstilP. t
Mosiuy. Fish 17th. Mottoes. Feb 17th.
tian-ttnat, Feta Ibtll
The t•egufar monthly meeting of the Lase.. t.ta "4. -Tb. "Iiri.i, at
W. M. S. is connection with Unionpee.tet IS ter}- wrimebe to tbo...wbe
church was had at the now, of Atm. Mae been waiting for it. Very vitae
Owing )(o ns to Wednesday afternoon. , heavy as h.uling bbeen dose upt,1 the
t g thth
e atorasy weather e at- lea few dayTh
s ....e Henan Brae-
etsdaooe was small, but the usual ere host belled Preened hay lied
business tout t..saacted, which shows strew to lluekv.rw at pressen .. Roy
the keen interest' int this auxiliary. lead Albert Allen ere twat' drawing
The next a-eetiag of the W 14. tik will blocks to Lurknow toe Hoary Mullin
he held .t the bowie of Mrx. Robt.
*gsc. Norma -The nwe fel of wow
sauce we have bad has made the
isighine excellent... lease Cranston
44, the Neighborhood last weak
oath fir. wood -cutting outfit Mies
goner Hasty. at Detstarnou. is visit -
* ow sister, Mrs. Joins Blahs. .
I. and Mrs. H. J. Blake vented at
gra Wm. Blake's on Friday lint
la the debate. -Resolved. that tLe
remit has bad a greater influence for
poi than the press,- the leaders were
(ase the affirmative Ernest Stake died
far the negative Isaac F. 8totheaa
the srgat to a woo. The entertainment,
.hick was held to the interests of the
Reward Movtwsat, was well as,
tingled •suite • weather of friesds
pros ,tettrnbtiriag appointznenta being
Mouniv. Feb, 17th.
Mrs. A ez. Prase is tithing her sir
mai Mytb.
tie W. F. M_!v, met in the manes
w Neatly y afternoon.
pawwwl• Bradley M getting rid of
mimed ars bones. bat will not part
wipe the grey.
Forty body is exported to bate a
-i►l.g li...r+ge. - as notice for tenders
}ria kern posted.
A Literary ronteat will be held la
tat rburcb N rdneeday evening. Feb.
gnats 21;1h. Thr captain of the tip
wag sides are Miss Mary _ametros(
ad Miss Lizzie Webb.
John Reid and Jas. Courtney will
dial* with two young seen from
ittbel, at Pine hirer Methodist
eksr•et. in the near future. oo "Tray -
Alegre Reeling. '
Ztt David Ityrngrtone centenary was
eiterred it+ tbe Presbyterian churvb
seeasy .-t ening. February 16th. the
!meg people taking the service. it is
wry fitting that this church should
'bas. Alton, cur merchant. bad
a trip to London on F 4day lint. Now.
D.nattlu Gondwis; who bad beers via we wonder bow these flying trips will
king his sister, fees_ t3 . Illaellath. left read_ Iris tIl very well to call th
on 11 ed business t sem
ceche far Weyhers, t>y.k. ripstuno .bas they are
- - Franklin Jubtsstot. has ppuutrhased t
Stared Up tor Your Rignts. Nose _PbIxK) near Eltewewr.
Wavr!t daeon 't require • Sherlock Mr. J hnat. h. o and fae are seis ly frroem oto ur
Holmes to detect the relied motive of rids
lbs merchant who •urns to his own tar tet we all wish t•nes every
Profit your willingnesss rin their move to r dr vet
to be led, who locality. The new neighbors are very
eapttaimee yr•rir lack of firmness and fortunate to hare in their midget a.tnaa
cuavieuoa by persuading you to with the ability of Mr. Johnston.
accept a.ubeUtute of imitation, when
hie only ttaatate is a sew additional Accident to Wingham Lady.
C Wks in profit. W ingh•an, Feb. 14. - --Slipping at
On the other hand. it is a tempus Wheel on John street last evenin
treatto the int••Uittvnoe of the Mrs. Nelson Griffin sustained a sec
customer who relwkes with dignity fracture of the hip. Mb. is at pret.e
the mar• t who says : -Yee, but here is in W!ragharr hospital.
J'oat a. good. •-
Thre sespecially gram whenwell-known preparations for restoring DISTRIC
health are '-ooeezned and it is
con-monlyknown that substitute. - -
oKered for Seou s F:mulsio. contain The Wroxeter Ririe! Telephone G
aloobol. wipes and opiates wben in ha. ^i telephones on its arystam.
r'eaiity such ingredients ate detri-
mental rather than beneficial to Tbt E1eter fall fair will he held this
graph, and the oil nand in many year on f'eptetnher lath and 16tb.
intent. brands is made rancid rind Mrs. John Leathnrn died at 1Wir
impure (poor careless handling and barn on Monday last at the erre
exposure to nements. 7be moral is : eighty-three years.
Stand un for your rigbta and declare ' Mies Hannah Musgrove. daughter,
your independence. Thew. Musgrivt, of Tuntherry, died
on tbe 7th inst. at Griffin.
COt_lfORNE. Dr. F. A. Sentry, of Hen.all. pm
Ton -yr -awn Correll.. -The munici- poses moving sbnrtly to Toronto :
pal council of the township of (' 4- engage in dental practice there.
borer met is the township bail on NA tole at work in the hush gkiddin
laid .'!th a *creme- ass a former pas-' February 11th, Memhers all present_ snntt loofa irk. caurpten cif Ethel. bad
Mr. Rev. 'A'aiter instil., tram assaari- Minutes of last meeting read and en his ri fit
std with Livingstone in Africa motion of Messrs. Mrl.arty and Out -
John . ken at tbe ankle.
R at.r.n gave sots* interceding inn ware adopted. The fullowipg Ile"Fleece Stewart. of Seafortb, whet
rimisi••,<•ocee. Vise Liasie \V..1.h counts were passed and ordered paid was visiting his brothers at Portland.
!3►g Printing G, >� l+, J D � Oreyt'op• returned borate least week
Datatx.--A goodly at:mher of
Fairish, 132 loads glare!, ilAdD: Juba David C+.x, of Palmerston, t G.T.R.
You'll Know it's Quality
Some Day. Why not
next 'Monday
thirty -4414h year. Her hothead died
last ssepttsuher, and four young ehtl- Doping Cough
be dren are left without father „r' 1
in utnlher. t QI K adlt9 asltaaa CORM
1 i iia GLS COHN
Word was received at Henri 1
week that Louis Wainer. jr., sono
with his parents some months ago
reside in tiask.t000, but had sin
hose 00 • homestead several mil
from that city. had died from t
effects of exposure and cold. You
Wolper was ♦ mere lad.
ea 1
be -
DX ! i • aaraw.a..ca ria
• er.araa ata. ase .as.z... a.�+rw.r lir bro.
l u r a .teen awe.•r a e�
._,,. aam rs.o., ww•dw t•arsrsCe•Ww raaa.w.
A..taaceCGwaw,.tasaa Itiasp-MOM i_adewo•
•••..Nina floc asst ea.�aeiwteala.aaM�as,...n•
metes coons. k i ae.ea.ea s y e-rmaF.a -�
wore d.l,.i'-a 4 ad frena• fur a•+•�•nma.r Sunk
T eRellet.ette
TAB1ElS...TheTM...wat er
Myr OW They 'c` stet a.
Ili r`"`
Vp. Grains. C.
=vdRr.a / T.
I....liwt Wag ta.1a,.a
A. Johnson., of the :on line of Mor -
d ris. bad a narrow a.eape front serious
g' injury ince day recently. While)
ele working in the bars be pulled some
at loose lumber down nn himself and
was found bs- his son in a batt stunned
ccnditiou !No hoses were hruken,
but be was severely bruised.
Mn. Thomas Datoey. one of the
early settlers of Hoick township,
,. died on Monday. 3ed inst.. atter a
abort illness... The deceased was bora
in ('ountvCarlow. Ireland. in the year
I feki. In the year 1966 she and her
husband carie to Howick. Her hus-
foul eons and one daughter sur-
a rive..
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
4 Harvey. Exeter. was the scene Of a.
pretty wedding nn Wednesday. P.
rtary, 12th. when their dauebiar,
- Ethel May. was united in marriage to
0 I Lawrence F. White. of HarwelL Sack.
The ceremony* was performed by Rev.
1% G. H. McAli-ter in the lbrescooe of .
g about fifty guests. '
Boltrllls•ed a sob. The nal P
flim*eve stlltp trainman. had his font badly crashed
people, met in the church on neKeiL ins a, gat 311: cheeks
Wednesday evening to listen to a de- pectinth it: Herta How*, at Wingh..m station a few days ago.
1st* oe Ow subject. Resolved. that& $efeanioRrlLdit h,�i: Daniel i(d4Jtwd nfWth death atord has received Seg'naw-. M,eh . ,4
the pulni; has done more for the ski do: J.. Buchanan, 1'!t toed* ! Mr* William H. Davidson. a former
eeIr flan the inert',' the alffrtnatiye Reartf lteLdt+: at dituea t
twat**i 'sin, by Mew"-R'alt rtRtrel., _" each. The • resident .f Exeter.
llr.•e:u. !t••id and Moyes Bell : and the treasurer tt{u,rte.l basing had aa offer 1 Mex_ t1 m. Reit. for mane veers •
t+et.tiye ha' Mees Nellie flours«y,
on debentures for s{,tel.{� et five per 1 resident of Moro and }}.,.lett ham-
�t.e•h and nellie 1llie Con. F:a- rent. Moved rt' A. Young, seconded chip.. died- on the :,th Inst- at New-
teel, ai l emadeon holh*ride. by John McLarty. Chet th- council in- l t
atruct the trea.ur.er to sell the tele- 4 bridge..
bin the affirmative was sustained- anon. debentures and have tbe h am.% Arte . Val. nim rL Sm, II f'nn-
1 F'Lol t:I-hitt Ciaso i.S . v :lost - rasher( and pay tb. outs+and,nir notes I �I1 .. R.v. } Ncl_ llJ re nttiri-
At tie at,n.,iil meeting of the Pine and pare the balance in the hank to i cud.
The happy rnuplt w i)) reside at
Riot Prr•sh.yeri•n ehurrb report. the credit of the townvhip to b.- used Cnrlanrt.
wets read ebi-h indicated • prosper- for telephone purposes. Moved in .lent lt,res.aci;, wid..a of ..the late
owcws�itinn of all departmeoee. The aal.ndm.nt ht Nit, B,-r.t, seconded lamer Forg'tb, of Errnorrdvill«. died
rest ib.tion. to missions by the ton- by Me. Hetbertngton, that the matter' in T•msntn Monday of last week, aged
17 *the wee.• Jurih)e those cif the lite- . he laid over for t hr -e day. until W. 'evenly -six years.
vim teat. The treasurer reported a hare legal advice as to whether it Th. nonacid of Exete- has I -steed a
lair lir of }l(;,. hesides three month, would he legal to sell tete debentures fesolutioro in favor of redurfng the
Mary pail in Advance. Twenty at th. precept or not. Motion carried. numbered liquor license- in that town
asltslNrs were sodded during the rear Vetted by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. trntto thrrt tci rwn.
1tr organ fund is growit.g rapidly Clacton, that the McIntyre dispute he
ani it N likely that the pew inslrn- 1 Mee, jlneef•t }'rented A f urine on
treat will be Inwtaljed witbio a fern, left neer till the council hare an op- dent of Gsf•,rth, died at t/rilbia on
theta per tunny to instiPct the pt„t. rt' } • ('lir_ Tueobry of bast week- She had
ried. Moved by Mr. ffe}arty. seconded passed the fourscore meek.
by Mr. Young. that all uni otlected
taxes io ltxling 1P1.1111°`'txlrs_ uouW 1 pleasing event trek place At the
he p.id het.we March L.', otb.rwtia Wed of e's.Roof
last Drrsdate.
wbeIfirDalt it
the c-nllector be instructed to Pr•o.ee•d R.. t d iu a tf last wee., s :in thein
to collect arxording to law. Carried. men dao} hist. Emma. . was :inked in
The cleric was in-trtct.ed t, notify' Mrs. Galbwar, wife of David Gallo -
Wm. H.11 N Sots to rem.,:, .',•u „ir WAY, died on Sunday, lith ins. at her
the react and not ;deo, ant ,1.,t, „oleo home on the 1iuh c.int -coo of How -
Ona a. supplement t. similar ee•.r'bu- tart the h.ghway. „kik WAS ii,_ wk. She was Oft ys(our years of age.
ti= etf the r-rte.entatien of rhe four •tntrted to send L.. The M iniri At the arse,
we.pal al nrroting of for Do
wtroialoles at Goder•ich. Jeauary "Ty s pl .c, 3Invr: tolls and styes minion shorthorn Rteeden' Assoda_
Sk3k ara,l asking for an isyvsligmrMn "Ty sapplirt Mca'ed ht- Mr. Clutton, tion, H. Smith. of `tipringhurat Farm,
e st salt of the Ontario West seconded I.y Mr. Young. 'that the air- Has towns -hp. was elected IxrsidecL
rwn Electric of the Ont he the On- prating of „Alecto, he laid over till
tstia Rl- it and Municipal h said. Net, naeetrng. ('agreed. \loved by Samuel Helene, of the z.nd r onces-
gesvrf Stewart and Ii.ltnp .Iso Mr. 1 Dans, rnu!e.l rev 11r. Herber- Ston nt3.v e, died Janitarc :ilei at the
n,a.a a rwoiutinn that the minister inertia. (het rise tend...! -o ('he signal
lig. of seventy-nine year.. fkrstawed
f Erleay. and Canals he notified E rating to- for towe .11 •, e•,;. . ;,.g he
ilei we object In charter being asxsepsted (srried. c ,!..,,pd
mend to the Huron Lake Shore ..r tet meet 4.,„ the wrc•....�. _ 1..y in
styotaercompany covering the some miltman
Ai .i e ea eek p. rue .Lat}t. lt.
1e51 317 nes that of th • Ontario West ]Ir'It w -atm, (leak
lb]' 1ivsdtnft •fnresasd int'e.0
Dat nn was ceneeat to
' file the trio oil ing of the bridge fee- SAGE.
nand lots In and 11, L R. This was
r 'Otto councillor Dd(on. John Dal-
twial..o made claim of IIS for the hay
• two ac•-ee lost in 1912 frvwr, thin
hike g+•ing down. No action at
ttwaat. Auditor Long and Finlay-
sre enled their report, which was
leno eel, on motion nt Mesara Alton
int I)iji,, - A revolution was DA•se.d
'*.snug . effete of interest from the
*^(iso Hank for 1912. the aw ,mist
'isinied t..ina the dilierenc- between
keret -mt. hank diecotsot and Slee
Pe test- true disooe't, salves aakinr
nun for eureent year. P. yeCettby
assented an oral claim for $Bel for a
hate isai.1 1.n have died from • broken
atter- ; awed hs a sodden scare at e
vareout in the roar(, cnseession 6.
:Les Nuns was left rivet for inrn.tiga-
ti.a lin motion of Mea•ea Johnston
aN Dalton the rnlleetre was given ea. .*alp.
?castor M time on roll to Next were.- It aaakee the heir w,fL glossy apes week is the presence of Mr Torn. pub-
s*6. Auditors' acrtwot, towa„.hip of inxorlast. lie school ('Apef'tr+r for Went Herron,
�Ksss* htmndary account ares three
''the Mall accounts were ordered
Ind id a~ 1 °ooutsell adjcetsoed to March
if d+'a 1 p. w Tura A ta.go. (auk
M,trritnay, Feb. 11th.
Tow soul', C..rc(-1L -l`.instil met 1
Fal.: all present. Minutes of Janu-
s/ 1.1 r'esa and approved. on motion
4fees,. Itattoo and Alien Messrs.
Dalton snil Steuart mored a mento
eras one of the early t eak/a in this
Fifty root rarlc.ada of sugar beets
were shipped from Exeter station re-
cently. The paire paid to the farm-
er for them was in the neigh not hood
of 1673.111,
Alone, Heiden had hi. 1 -ft Arm
dnght in the machinery at the l .e.di-
use it as a Dressing Banish I)a'sdrno tart lour mill. •rith the result that it
-Stop Falling Hasse aged Scalp Itch. was )W0II •n ant he received a ..vase
Parisian Sage. the 'Ie'ightful and ohakrng up.
invigorating hair tonic, is a true bair _Anel Tindall, • form., resident of
nnur,.h.r. it r•enetrattes int.. the Grey township. died at the hone of his
emir. g -:s tc, th- roots of the heir. datugliter, ]Its. Wen. Fox. Wain -
kills the dandruff Kern's. hTMl supplies weight. Alta.. nn .l.nuarr 2'3ad, in his
the hail with jurist th• kind of nonri-h- .seventy seventh year.
trent it mots to make it grow 1 Thomas Di^k. for satiny yetus w rresi•
atom antic, dot on the 2nd line of Hay township,
Since it. introduction into Canada died at Egm..ndrille, t.. whieh place
Parisian sage ha. had an num.-ores . he te0Ted • few year. ago. He was
sale. and here are the r, -aeons : eighty eight years of age.
It dames not contain pctisnnns sugar Next:. hex. Hicks. a f inner resident
of l••ad. nitrate of edges or aolohnr or d Hensall sec'tian, died .n the !r h
any injuria ice iwttndient. inst. at Beawiecilte, in her .events --
it MOOS dandruff in two weeks. by ninth year 71st remsina were
killing the dandntff Rrtwt. br ught to Rescan for interment_
i' straps fa11mg hair.
1t prompt!* stops itching of the
The new puhlir school of Zurich was
foromlly opened oe Tueedar of last
It give, life and teaut y to r be hair' and a aumet b°I. lb. resident.' of the
It i• bot sticky or messy. tion.
It ie the daintiest perfumed hair 3411.11 R Kerney, tth line of Norrie.
tonic stride. has eon -hatted this Unser, farm of the
it is the hest_ the most pleasant and late Wiliam Knox. 3rd hoe cf Morrie,
iarigor'atine hair 4rwaing made. fat tete sec of imam. Mr n. Knox and
SUFFERED Malt nnly in *'.nada 1'y amR. T. family will remove to the West is the
Hooch Co. lad., Fort Erie, Ont. Tale mer futnrn%
price is only 7.1 cents st drug .tort. Gilliam Gram, probably the oldest
With Biliwtsnesr .ad S Headacbe. and "1"p_ Ipr wb.rt tasil.t ttnnds ale of th. einflr•.r resia.nt. ne the Grs►n-
.otd. K R Wigle gnannteea it. ship tM Hay. diad iia Friday.:rb )wit,
Calgary. Albert., July ti. 1911. at the home of hie daughter. Mrs.
1 •'e • gy'eat eafferer fee a king An Optimist. Jaw Jarrott Rills Greed, at the age
twit with /dpioys.wi, wick at ajtt.ty-,son Tema.
Nat hear timed& ltlothi headache " 1-e',"'mill the tWither. •'i Asp an Mea I. T. Rend, of I3nraa.I.. who
dw any "rd. 1 had albn�m+..t. twit 1 isrlierr one ran etre toe
"L Jennie w given optimi+tie. A man was at the top of bad tlav ta•ii.npf.tg fimah• keit w v'1(t-
fits I de ided ao try a twenty -story ak}-irn>er and be lir least pain in her ell. and re. meting
a%rl°s iron a
FIG PILLS. ppi .the � h andory he
hedwas As be heard that is rats d the violent Eta . d leros*fi
elite i ee shrift hast a h n the to min 'vet cbswiefy : • WVeir. 1 ,n all 1.611. 1w ara�ad a rib_
�'�""v'.d pped said way aAswit, right en tar. anyway.'' Alto. maws, Metisewnetb. on Jan -
21f6 % :na fort halm 'wit
Kskl wee the slaty !b. Mem Lasinae Bang tt,*, elf
ea h ,sly i"' ateN.t d�a sevwt, 1 Sae eve Pont ' Mia alai fhe. a. Miami Weep torn.
tea. h and liver aaaahle m Pile fltr Dreary I1sr,-- It'e a braetles world Maj t#s nailed is marriage tr Jar
Moe Yang Ruauax. 1 t .have • .faaan did tlrflten wpf *Y. fk.f rtb. of Teeeletut► t% a eA:
Wt at ell drab.' in !ti psi s.k "Ply*
. s04 fir; star rsom't►iwg to I lite
y sow tla toasai by Rev. T. A.
*h,'" 11sailwd by the flit PIN CJ,.. aid yfQhe 'Vaal Mea
trtaeglmc. )era- W H ~attar f anemia Ni
h p' 7r' l I. IN Wimle Master ORm • tlffbs. row s anile(,. gaffs wwaf+l, w► fh•w..1a Me�ryn
taw`s • j oM sets. "fw raw st 1Mr•sttA M
Th. County Preceptor r of the Royal
Black Knighta of ).eland for Huron '
and Perth meet in Wingbam February '
:t1s l,rand County Mar'er Walter
(.oursey in the chair Clod W. Switzer
In the d-pety-chair. There was a
good Attendant* and a large gain in
membership doling rear was re-
ported. The next ann 1.I meeting
will be b.id at Clinton the first Friday
in Ftbruaiy, lel(.
.fames Dennis. of VC in*)rvns. paced
away on Tuesday of last week. after a
few weeks' illness. in bis severty-third
year. He was born in l' arnwan. Eng-
land. and came to /'and* when very
young. He resided ir. Lanai -won
county until twelve year, ago, wbeb
became to this county. He is sur-
vired by birwife. taut eons and Otte!
daughter.. The cbildr.rr are all mar-
ried and living in Witq(ham.
Mr. and Jilts. Alex. Morriinn, an
aged couple living on the 13th con,'... -
Wm of Stephen, nearly 1 *t their lives
by tine one evening recently. Their
house. a frame one. caught fire Oran
the chimney while Mrs. Morrl.on WAS
taking rare of bee hu•hand, who wait
ill. and she did not notice the tire. A
twig -blot. however. SAW' it and ramie
to their a.•istanoe. just in time to get
the old people out before the roof fell
lhs 1sturdat, soh inst , Jas. Mclins-
ald. a well-known resident of tb. 16th
concession of Grey tnwnehip, Passed'
away after lista oke of rarely-si•. The de-
eea-ed was born in Pert h.bire,ccotland.
in 11:3+. arid came to Canada when eleven
rears of age. ' The family lived in
Perth county for two years and then
came to Gree township. 'When a
coring roan Mr. Mellaneld mad. a trip
to Bt itish Columtia, gnrng(hy tray of ,
Panama. az .d reaoA'ned in the Wiest ;
eight trees. Oo his return he per
charted the farm nn the 16th rnnces-'
e••t(n of 't:.ev whieh had ever. since'
peen his home. His wife, four sons 1
and four daughters survive him.
Two Brothers Die lir Ptaeasmena
Willi API Prime, of the 6.h contra•
-ion of 1-•.hnnre, tossed away out
Thursday. nth lest. at the age of prc-
enty•four tear. He vasa native of
Yorkshire. Englatiel. and came to Oka,
Aide in 1s.31. As Ib. following Toes -
dray, the 11th Inst., Thomas Pytiio.. of
the same township. a twntber of the
deceased William Pvhus, died at the
age of six ynine seer'.. Pneult.onia
was the cause of de.ih in hoth rears.
The loonier, resided try, -ether.
• t
ale I
should have nth. red blood
and sturdy*, healthy botliw SD
withstand cold rain.,
seasons and winter stoma.
If pair child is weary what
rising -lacks energy and am-
bition -has no appetite or
possibly sallow akin ma pinched
face -it is for want 4 vital body-
noutishment: this `rowing
period demand% special. con-
centrated. comity digested food
for bndyderetopment-mental
lief-:- pbyuical chatters.
ms's Emulsion is the
greatest body -builds known -it
wi nature's whoiev,me strength -
Maker --without alcohol or
#at1111tst-s ewse►o• may aM.11a
salute Men( .ear* Awa*o and
karst♦ dtn/wt,
Meg pee asset ham $ QT7'S
Women's eonusonesp mamma
-the root of so much of that
+I hheakh--pronaptfy odds to
the gentle but oertsin acaciartr
of Na -D -C Lasattves•ar
25c. a box at yedruggist's.
in t. a.a
N oasasti ��
. CNCWIaat C
}.mire... et Britain ..
Em retire+ ae Ireland ...
F use ••,• use ltritatin
Lake ManiiW1a
Empress M lte(and ..
Emotes, of Bruin
Lae ] .aitoba
Rtyrewef lr land
Banger s al Britain
feed 't
Mar. S
Mar: A
_toed e
_sreil 1
Maw 14.
T3:fets a.d all informarrorrfr-n1 any
-term -b,n agent or J. Kidd, Ars,:.
1'. 11... initiator -et. • rat_
GRAND TRU N1(sy'R" le
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
.s the shortest and quickest route
between Winnipeg. Saskatoon. Ed-
Fa trk.•c- leas r �tinr,ii•+C lir :
6.00 p. rn. Daily
8.45 a. tn. Daily c%cept Sunday
P.,•txxe is Prairie Rivers
Mdsritle Regina
Watrour Saskatoon
Tofield Cameos.
Wainwright Edmon on
Fsomh Rosdhed
1. re•trir.l.a4td sleeping ianerb
dinieq ewe eet•yinr
Aak ?nearer? (l, a'.( Trani Arent for full
ritem &.k*i. literati -r. et^., ne writ. A. K.
INA. ie. 1'. G. T. R_. Tor.weto. tart_
STOAT voted. ONT .
The b.' isogonal training -men to
' e+ :.ria Tate.• de.aresset . treses
vial, worn bawd and Tde*ra.try- A tI
come.= are tawwgs swat paeei.'•t.
Teoorlems are esswrt,serd ant eras
we- are please iso Willeewk W. gore
t*Byrd asl asteettaa sad rtaerri. away
font r tat .ay thaw Write a see oar few
e tabrot e M saor.
D. A. McLACls . \. Prior -11w
Orap Iran •Heil
Scrap Bras.
Very hest Twice,
Cell or write
sting whin
K to offer.
i1 AT. Pansy' iota 30, WM
Spring Goods'
First shipment of W.
G. 8 R. 'Shirts to hand
in the newest patterns
and styles for Spring.
Also a shipment of the
Latest Fitwell Hats in
Call in and see them.
rlcLean Bros.
Agents for Carbartt Overalls. StanSeld s Underwear.
Arrow Brand Collars and Cues,
Fitwell Hata
Your subscription to THE SiGNAL
for. 1913.
Ie N. C.
Gasoline Engin,
in t•.leecting a Oaoiine Envin.. of all paints to 1s;
rc•n.-,l-red, hi' fur the mist Imp'rtant is the repot:,
ti.ao of the mwmrtwctur--rs. The i•u.rnational Het -
rester(`o.'s r'olior of literal treatmen• and fair de.,'
ing.fa•t• in Ili- fwrior'-. where every effort is made
to p.,.duce the ia...t Engine possible. 1. H. C. trap •n-
sitelity does not cease when the sale ie made Mn -
continues as long a* the Entine is in eerviee.
i.npnrtnnee of nhtaining an Engine hest adept. to
the condition of set vi i. ton often nndereaiimat.eJ
The I. H. C. 1 n. inel,ide. ererc tyre and size of
Entine adapted to-fatua, sh .p and mill ohs.
livery detail of I H (`. Enzin., ia the result of
Team of thorough land ronsrientinr.s inresrigvtir.n,
No part enters into their mrtw(.rurtion that be not
whsol.it.ly ner.caa -3 tC% the errwinn,ira) operation of
th• Frgin., and that- h•. not 1...-, p'aseer a hr Ili--
ra.n3t exhao.'ive test to ha the simplest and ni•,-•
efticien. design that ....LI Is• deyieed tor the purpo
aso 1 inn *Engine 11
will be pleased to gine a free demonstration fro
one who is thinking of buying a
GUARANTEE 1. H. C. Engines are of the
' an • f..
s.. m.
thorn» slily tested before r'
the literal pobey of the Com• pany and their rsp otaerted -
tican fear highrst-grade mat -hint -a that will give 'be
i .
I t TI c are ..'.fully le*f.et.0 i
lea ing the fm^tory. Th.
wore ref an 1 R C. Rnnne t for -thew
Iw•st economy and long
highest rtua+•tvatsd
in exert rt a..• RLat
!mc K
ays remember that 1. Fie C. re1
sponsibility does not cease when- the
sale is made but continues as long
as the Engine is in service.
If yon n«e1 an FCngin. for miring. graying. . n
inv, grinding..do-filling, in foto. for aro-thing wb. r••
pourer is frimt ed. tall and let GS gents you.
Wp also beadle a e'wspl•te liners( I. H. C. F•arwslnlf
1 tupieesent..
The Ray 4rle Egie
have rest
wri�e>gt��t+t• Plumbing and Steam- ing
IsilerLi.ited S .5 1 res.toe H.rd t ts.l, 8adt (lord. v t. ,
�► OAP, Wand, CM5� Ma. deny, n0 hos.....
ii===2 0