HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-2-20, Page 5TIM SIGNAL : GODERIC I. ONTARIO 1111MINDAT. Pnutio tr ak IDS $ LOCAL TOPICS MMt slurs. Liberal Convention. ,Oren:ion of the Liberals of port Huron has been coiled for Mo.- Mmrc'h .ted. iu the T.wperaoce mby ,..slerich, to commence est 1:90 It I. ripe -dad that Hugh Gutb- Mthe aide member of the Souse of mmWellington. ill old 101.1 •ddrrr.s the gathering. woe Leat s Social Evening. maple leaf Lodge. No. 27, A. 0. C. s.. trill have atthe lodge roomsoyster supper on ad oraleveutnR Toroit � ,r airs allua _ requested inst. W be resent' And each may bring his lady st other tneud. The ladles will assist ig ood.ug lbs sapper. Supper will I. x, red from 7 to S o clack, to be fpQ,ae,l I y a program of spee'rhe.. etc. e Neespeper Change. t ne N'irgham Advance will change .__-I, ,;n tbe fiat of March. Theo. loo a no, has beetsproprietor shout ttsed otitis "f the paps rmoo pas told it to Geo. Mpolton. the Sell -known proprietor of the Spottoa 5ai10. t'oliegrs, who wiU conduct ibe hu.tnees tinder Use name of the tliiogham Publishing Co. Mr. Hall sed ho tsi'nIy will go to the lifebusnoes sheer he will engagein of sage -growing. February or April i A tall of rain. a.-compeoteJ by thunder sad lightraiso, made it mem this w .rv. us as if we had jumped two months of the colander mud were into April. But don't govt- Away your overcoat yet. Death of Samuel Linfield. One of the old residents of t'ollxn•se township, a man widely known aid highly respected. departed thio life os Wednesday of this weelf„ in the person of bamuel LlnairW. The funeral tskee p►mae oo Fndmy afternoon from the family residence. Poplar How. to Colborne eemeter y ; the service at the house to commence at 1-.39p. so. Horse Fair Next Tuesday. The next horse market will be held on Tuesday.Febrvsry 23ib. At the Januarymaseveral buyer.. were pre. - sot and puecbassd a number of boors at good prices. but owing to the icy condition of the roads some farmers eould not get their animals in and consequently the buyers could not get SE many es they required. Those wbo have horses to dispose of should make a point of having then at next Tues- day's sale. ihrkor Notes. The ...wading of the harbor soder tydirection of V. M. Roberts reveals &oh of seventeen to twenty-two b„ of w titer. Robs. Clark is gutting ice at the North side oor and is getting is kit supply fr s tom_ week • channel wee en ariobey ice to allow the steamer Beaverton to move forward and be unloaded at tbe tioder'lcb elevator. to Veer) men are looking r seemly olio Ing of navigation. Professor Morison.on Friday Evening. The 'third {moue in the Collegiate intitute °Surge will he gives Friday .,smog of this week at the court braes by Profeawr Morisse. afQueen's sirenuty, Kingston. His subject will he-seot.toh Soeiaty o-' One Hein - g, years Ago intermit in ibis corer of addresses is ittmemsdog aid • aueodeami tat Professor Mori- sse' uri- pe lecture is expo --ted. The mem- bers of Inverness (:amp (dons of Scot- hd are taking • spatial at otin the event and are planning maids u a k.•lv twos their lodge rooms to the lecture ball, Su Ninety-first Birthday. Today • February 3OI is the ninety - fest hirtbdwy anniversary of Mrs. Ersng-li. Hawley, and this after - Doti, a i.t-ae nutut.er of her friends lave c ll. -i upon .her et her Dome on Nelsen etreet to 'eater" their coograt- ulMiosa She has been the recipient of a great many rememhrancas, needy floweret. and being in wondei•- • fuay good health *be bas enjoyed the alaiversary greatly aid bas been very cuch,pkased to see her friends. Mbe rias assisted in reoeiviog hy her daughter. Mrs. Dee, and by Mn. Me- Is,nald and Mrs. Seager. Tbat she rano into further occasions of the wee nature, in good health and ' pints, is the wish of Mrs. Hawley's many friends and admirers. ANNOVNCEMENT$- Remember the ice social in the °Wallows' Mall on ry Nei. ea • Royal Arch m•Ptiog will be held is the lodge rouse of L O. L No.l lie oft Tuesday evenlai next, 36th im4 Albert Stovepipes. !joshes stt+ssR.1 has purchased Mr. Leckis'.drayy tsttd.� nets and will meet all crease i(i. T. L. and 1'. P. Bo. also all bats dui ARE iia neergattoe season. AU calls eel 1 prompt attentk.n. Or owl at pb..oe RC. • M. Glover. of the Bast strait gar- age. arate. will visit the Toronto mutomobilm show nest week to buv a quantity of automobile sundries. If u race would lite bum t. look up anything in this line while he a in the city, call bine up on talepbone No 243 some time be- fore the first (Ito llooday morning. We wish to call our readers' atten- tion to the new advertisement of the Northern Business 1'ollege, c►wen Sound. Ont.. The management of this shout has been continuous .Ince Pal, wbeo the present principal. C. A. Fleming. P. C. A., founded the school. Students. each term. travel thousands of miles to snood their classes The collage buildlsg was enlarged a few years ago and they are having a record attendance this year. re• Death of Mrs. Elijah Mart,n. to the ninetieth year of her age Mrs. Martin. widow of the late Elijah Mar- tin. artin. passed away this (Thursdayl morning at ber home on Newgate street. The fuoeral will take place on Saturday afternoon to Maitland ceme- tery ; the service at the bouse to be beld at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Martin was identified with the history of Gude- rich fermi an early date. and we cobalt leave to next week a rno=e eztrsded refeteoce to ber long and active life. A Gnat Success. 1 be fancy dregs carnival held at the West street rink on Tuesday evening, under the management of Mr. Gold- thorpe, was one of the roost.ucceasful of such affairs ever held in tioderich. There was a splendid array of tas- quermders, and the costumes sbo wed a high degree of ingenuity. taste and skill in ibair make-up. Tee judges had 'teat difficulty in some of the classes in deciding the winners. there being so many exoeleot costumes. Their decisions were as follows : Best fancy costume (gentlemen 1st Joseph Trembley, "Chief Sitting Bull 2.d John Lauder, "Admiral KiugsmilL" ilest fancy costume tladiesi-Ist Mies Edith Blair, '•Fairy Queen. 2nd Miss LeTouzel. Bridge " Best cowrie character liady or geotle- mmn)-Ist John J. Hoggartb, -Otto in Oto." Ind Jas. Sinclair. **Mr. louses." Best national aoetume-Ist Mist. Mamie Warreter, •{:•nada." 2nd Frances Willard Memorial. Tex Frames Willard mewotiel .er- rice of the W. C. T. t'. wise bold in the Temperance Hall on Mosday after n one. with • good attendance. In the sleets* of the president. Mrs. Brown toot the chair and read the 'Bible les- ess. Rev. Messrs. Brown and Ross t�aan esss eellent addresses on the life of Frwcer Willard. Mies Marjorie Ait- ken yang very sweetly tie solo ••No Broden. Yonder." The service was continued in Victoria street church on Wednesday evening, with Mrs. Col- borne in the chair. Miss Allen read the able lesson, Sid. Belcher gave a fait no •Tewppeerance in Sunday schools' and Miss Miners gave a aorta of the life of Mies Willard. Miss McColl l'indly contributed a solo. tit way Hayden, •'Jack (}aneck.- Beet historical eostume-1st Dr. L M. Mahee, ••ftpanisb Cavalier." 2nd Roy Grigg. ••Mabomtet." Beet costume representing local in- dustey-- Gentlewao, Henry Hemp; '•Meneaetung Manenl Writer." Ldt. M.s.. Maxine Burdens, -'Tim tsigoaL" 1t should be .aid. in justice to all concerned. that when any of the judges was pervenally interested in any of the contestants be did not take part in the decision in'thet clans. GODERICH MI►NTIILY NORSE MARKETS 1913 P EAST STREET ARAGR SPECIFICATIONS OF ,OUR I9I3 BICYCLE __— noose -to' inch. optima 24 inch or :16 incl: winsoLe-2!' inch, (RAR -71 Inch ; PEDAL -rubber or tat -Hap; Tlrtihe ,th1e109 1; NANDLR nagana Ilr4DDLR- eu atomer'v choice ; emit e-1 Pitch Russell Roller; comma - 7 inch oval: t RANK HANt:R.- absolutely accurate and dust - proof;} ROXT F•ORKF eltra Rt runt Tvustst -highest grade. English seaenies • t eel reinforced: ennA.rTKR t. 11AKE - HePCUIM, Ithe brake without the side ass. E.,hiprawn t tool -hag. wreuch and bell. PRICE $35.00 Cash This wheel is not put out as a low-priced or common wheel hut as one that we consider will compare favorably with anything sold today and at a pnce that is reasonable mod within the reach .d everyone. 1f you want a wheel at a lower price we can supply it but would not recommend it. We can also supply Massey Wheels at SEC Ito, $55.1111 and $45.111.I Don't leave the ordering of your wheel to the laso minute, for if it is bought now it is bound to be better that those tesemhled during the rush of opting. Order now for delivery when required. — Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. GODERICH. UNT !'Hogs SSE • Opera Souse Grocery has all the requirements to satisfy the taste for this Beason of the year. FISH Fresh end Salt Water Trout i and Fresh Herring Ladle Horse Marlets will be bold in Holbrook's Sardines PICKLES Pickles and Pickled Onions UODERICH Tuesday, February 25th Tuesday, March 25th Tuesday Apr.l15th Each Sale Day means a day of big business. Farmers, get your Horses of all kinds ready. Buyers. be on hood and you win be ahle to get the beet. Public auction at 2.10 p. m. al.•b Sale I say. We have just received an import order of these direct from the Ould Sod. Farmers' trees setica.d Prier ler lett. sed Eggs geesseeme Give ua a call. 'phone 161, or send a note. UR. W. F. CLARK. V. fe.. President. • JAMES CONNULLS. '.e^_retary. The Late Mrs. Potter. After a long period of ill -health Mra- Potter, wile ut W. 1'. Potter. passed to her reward on Wednesday. 12th inst.. at her borne on *loutb street. The deceased. whose maiden name was Huth Brown. was bort. in Hast- ings county in the year 11th, and in • few weeks would have completed her seventy-ninth year. Her us-,rloge to her now bereft partner tu.•a pleas in Prince Edward county in POO. sod . thus for more than half a oeotory they had shared life's joys rod sorrow*. For some years after their marriage Mr. and Mrs Potter lived in Use county of Northumberland. coming to ibis county %Meat thirty-eight years ato. Tbey resided at Benin.11er for a few yeare and then for nearly thirty years lived oo the fano ou I h• teit.k coucesion of t'olburne w it u,11 'lel* left fire years ago to come .o ...i... -'co. 10f • family of eleven , ...hart is mine survive their mo her. The sots ate A. B. Potter. of Lingo/oft. Mask. ; B., of Colborne township; M. S.. of Wheeling, Va.: W. A . of Chi.aago. and George. of Luilnuw ; and the daugbtms are Mrs. Uro Mciver. of Winnipeg Mn. S. Peel. of (.rest Falls. Montana. Mrs. J. H. Wood. of Mcreoci, Arizona, and Mies Carrie, at home. There are thirty,grandehildren living and one great-grandchild. Mrs. Potter was a woman of sterling chars -leo and halves to her family that best of all legacies, the toetoory of a gond life. She wets a lifelong member of the Methodist rburc•h, and the funeral services on Friday were conducted hy her pastor, Rev. A. Brown. of North street Methodist church. The interment was in Colborne cemetery. the palltmarers being John Tiffin. ('bas. McH•rdy. Wm. Rharman and 3. 11. Colborne. Some alewhers of the family living •t a great dist encs were unable to be herr for the funeral. but Mn. McIver. of Winnipeg, W. A.. of Chicago. and George. ot Lucknow, were. present. Return Basketball Game. 11ie (i.Mletlrh Juirior Y. M. C. A. basket -tail tram went to Lucknow sat Friday ..nd played a retiree same with tb.- ) . -tnow Junior.. the game :malted rr a victory for the L icknow Nitro'- hy the rote of A-9. The tea•n. Were as follows : I.urknow G oderieb n forward W. Straiton T. Ait.•heat.n '• M. SvPhosoo P_ Geildies centre C. Stoddart l Bothwell defence F. McArthur 1•. Reil •• W. Babb Rev. .1. . Duosan, of Lucknow, acted as referee. \her the basket -►tall game the larks,, Y. M. C. A. treated the Gaderieh team to • hetn.ioet and the local Lore sat- that they bad • pleasant trip .I4.j are very much pleased with the Ir..:.tment ac -corded to them by the lou. -know boy*. An Ord Resident Gone. The .death of John Phillips, which occurred suddenly on fooday, re- earet v familiar figure. The decera•rd Wm widely known as a maOufeeturse of serwted waters, rod wee equally noted as one of the most enthusiastic anglers of tie town. His death was dee to an attack ref apoplssy. Mr. Piddles was a native of l,owdoaderry. Ireland. being born there over seventy !ern ago. He ease to 1'anade while still a child and as a youog awe wadi tonne. ted for a number of years with the Rirmell Howes at Ottawa. Be kers' many of the Canadian celebri- ties .1 that period, and especially re- called in later Fears hie ttiend•hip with the late ID'Arcy McOee. He mum to God.rieh about thirty -deo Tears ego. and from that time was ow' gigot in °cmasetden with the tsssinees which has minae developed into the Goderich Minima Water Oo. He wee r airiest diad d meat Walton. sad lo the base faking meson be .pent Andy Wars in his boat on the vmr, Re was sot wtarTteel. and Mea Wahrin. hie sisbsr, i. the only earvivinfl me>• - Ivo of his family This %semi took Matz. au Twasdsy afternoon to Wait - :t* a J. C� .watlw+ a as.De• t aid a"yB. ,bolild Mit' •poicats00 to Ulm TIM BORN. Igoe' Pet'N.-At RaRtaa (At., ea Jaasarf 1111. 71oomesar- a Idsorater 4 'Islet KarMr •ol Wry t •s� MARRIED. SALKI:W' SaWIPES - Al Leseua.oaltater er d. Februarynal1.. try Rev. W. M. ]texts. R• to. tourr ase[tte'a et Ile Ste a �i w Faster el Esse as-. OAL Having purchased the huet- neat formerly conducted by F. Barlow Holmes, we put - paw dealing in Coal. Wood Lime, Cement Fire Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley Coal. two lines which are recognised as the best. We wish to give the people of Goderseh and vicinity the best service pose Mirk, and shall be glad to hear from all of Mr. Holmes' customers and any others who wish anything in our hoes. All orders left with Jas. Vates.%est street, gromptly attended to. ricDouagh&Gledhill Pbooe Nn. 7$ 1" arch, at G. T. R., Ndr.00 Streit Ca M. Robertson Kingston Street Logs Wante T b e undersigned will pay the, highest cash prices for all kinds of good Logs delivered at tbe mill, foot of Angle- ses street, t.odertch. Ctston sawing and genet al mill work done promptly. U1111(0R OF CANADA =Malt; s $8, 375,010 Istat Lenon (life) • $6,IWN ki -11 Save Systematically H+p!,toera. nt&sionai sang seldom rccomplisbaa much. It'o the steady, per'aistsat. regale' depositing of w, many d,dlar•b a week, or. • swath, or season. in the Union Bank of Canada, which makes one flnaeseially lode - pendent. The money aecuruulates all the sore rapidly. too, be- c.tuae of the Interest which i. added evilly' Mx months,. To. it, GGEDDES, Manager Goderich Branch. L_ LONDON. f746.. I ILANCN. W miroetheetrele. _J F. W. Atm - - - Masser, i. M. C. ■ABT MOTEL Aastses it Mainemer. Signify Your Affection Mow t.y giving good lewellert if you give any. Have the ring. the h,-uelet, the locket you give today of such A quality that its beauty will never vanish, its attractiveness never b- lacking. Engagement. Anni- versary and Birth- day Gifts should Ce selected here on ac- count of the beauty aod per- manent value of our offerings. J. S. DAV EY Jeweller and Optician Corner Colborne St. and Square IJ. E. Baechle Sicg Hesdsches-- art not caused by anything wrong in the bead. but by cos!tipatson. bilious- ness and indige.tioa. Headache powders or tablets may dsdea. but cannot cart them. Dr. Morse's Indian Room lis do cure sick head- ache in the sensible way by removau the constipation or sic` atomari which cauwd them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pi11s are purely vege- table. free frogs any harmful drug, safe and sure. When you feel the beads& he coming take Dr.. Morse's • Indian Root Pills DIED. PHILIAPK Iv. 0W ten Reedal. Fetrasl Isla. Joie Minim. .ret 'Xs yeses sad s ..oak. WVF1Bldt- Is , olbrw • nwesospd em , Lhasa. Wel frbswArT _ TM teeerst wet tato pleas hem _t im 1M t• sourer tt carni . sus. at tbervtwa edes so t. wasswer steJaTIN. le Ooderien s TbasoMp. Start Ily Haralle, MOM of traFlssw • is the OM year ber real see. .till O, Mose,sass,, se flet sstFL nee um borne, Parina'yeg_ aser. rSerrvs* aOgs t'"De bows as a 440, nnrrsa. Remember that Pinder is selling all his Stoves and Ranges in most cases below cost prices. Call and see them. W. R. Pinder CANADIAN PACs Fie. AROUND : WORLD r1A "EMPRESS OF ASIA" Neer C. P. R. I'acificSt.aao.hto EMPRESS OF ASI A will all from Liver. Pool June 1&b: particulate of trip trill be amoouoned later. WINTER TOURS To California, Mexico, Flor- ida and the Sunny South AT LOW RATER L. Fon particulars from Jos. Kidd, C. P. R. agent, t,oderich. Or write DO. M o a P. A.. C PToroot 1 have plenty of Gas Coke now. Can fill ail orders prompt- ly. 'Phosse 127. illl BARGAINS D. F. HAMLINK ICE CREAM The otos delicious tlavorswith the best and purest ('ream, nerv- ed at the'1RAL?1ORAL CAFE. Or- ders by telephone for loe Cream in bulk or in bricks attended to promptly. Telephone n:. F. E. BURDETTE AT THE BiG CLEAN SWEEP -OUT SALE Our file lasts only until the end of this fronto ; so you to do Forte shopping now. we will" A CRASH IN THE PRi4' . Clomp in and see the ruins. Men's Suits, broken sizes. regular VOA' to atom, for Si. Men's Pants, regular V,..25. for $1,39 Men's Cap.. to dear ;, .. 19e Medi black Socks. regular 'voce, for ...19c Two dozen men's Fur Cape. regular 13'2.00 up. for.' .....tC.c Boys' Suits, sizes S1''to ! . regular .1.40, to clear.. .... ».....s1.i9 glen's Mitt*. regular tki-, to .tear ... 17c Mens Braces. rt -gulag 2.1c, to clear l9r 'tic `U TOM EN arc fast learn- ing the advantages of Express Money Orders in sending money through the mails. An Express Order is easy to obtain, simple to understand, and always safe. There is no need to register letters containing Express Money Orders. They are loss - proof. All pro- gressive stores and merchants prefer to receive remittances in this way—if an order goes astray in the malls the money is prompdy refunded or a new order tossed free of charge. Both sender and receiver are fug prasected bi using Men's Police Braces. regular 25c. to clear We do not intend to carry over one single garment -there - tote these stattling teduetions in •prices. M ROBINS South side Square Goderich Open in ;the evening MONARCH SIIOES for MEN You may talk about the up-to- date Style of this shoe, the comfort of that and the tong life of the other- but if von want a shoe that vies in style with the most stylish in comfort with the most comfortable and in service with the longest wearing, buy the Monarch Shoe. there is nothing one sided about it. It's the Shoe of all round satisfaction. REPAIRING Downing 8V MacVicar