HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-2-20, Page 3ildlatetets
be Dress
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in Viten come
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larr iS511011
Goderleh, Oat.
hose 622.
DIE The National Fruit Co.
bound co repaired.
anorsersreiVr attended to on leaving
A. E. TAYLOR, deasereuto
.esat TR dill. • AL. Goderich.
o&oe and roadways. Neetb street. Octleciett.
"Kb oy opacity RT saga Tierebses 111
- -
owe sad Wrest any. Rouse summon.
yogic Uptithalage sad Astral lostaste,
Cloud ‘a.i.a..Kar. New and 1 use t inn lel,
Rank c.'otiare. and ileoregoid Kyee liovattol,
LOU. Logien& Clam. SI &Waterloo citron.
einulon, opowite Kilos Cherch. Rotas 9,
to p.
7t2D.In. Tweeters'
rut. 1./1- OGT, HAYS & K I LLOR-
AN, bsrostars. sottettara wearies publics.
to the illantsuce Coen, eta Pnvate
Eto bud at lowest ratan Of toter..
Kaet yid* l.quste. Oolerich. W.
PRJCUPutiT. K. C.. it. C. HAY& J. L.
TEL iota:ttar. notary pubLie. 011osa-
kcapaltoo duvet. Uuderic, Ward door frow
CHARLES GAtil.ROW. LL.B., tisk Ft-
easteat. waver,. ilialialtor. etc-. (indu-
ltam. y to Wed at lowest nate..
Wasser. cesnalwawer, notary public.
_ass* Hamilton etretg. Ocidorich, u -it.
A I:CTN./2;1MR
Roi." oodt nch. instrsctions by mall
S let:
• iai odt,e will be prowoUy at
tended to hniddetwe wastalione lis
V lona. spew to M. G. c.o..
emnsuir. Mangum string. 4.108CeiCO.
Tbe Story of an Unsucc
Many Huron County Orc
ested-Not Enough Read
Undertaking Over Its First Lisses.
Enterprise in Which
d -owners Are Inter.
oney to Carry the
,rrear Tenants Webs. Feb. 10.1 and *sof of the orchard had nothing
Upon the Sent petition of H. T. to do With the picking and peeking of
Brown, of W Loon*. OoL, and of an the apples. Be might he celled upon
English fertilizer oopany the Na- to meter, in getting the ripples to the
uooal Laud, Fruit & Iscking ()Oen- nearest shipping point, but his service'
parry, Limited. of 37 Yonge street. would be peed for. The orchards were
wbi.b had an sutborized capitalize- lamed at a stated price per tree per
Goo of $1,215,001/ also a paid-up cap- year, Use average rental being prob-
Rol of at least $301.1.000. went into lig- ably about one dollar. The leases were
uidation on December 9 h last. for seven years and renewable for
Le.t week Mr. H. Pollan.° Evans three years more. They were ten:nin-
th., founder and president of the Na- able tarty try the lessee paying to the
Lionel Land. Frt.it & Packing Cone lessor a sum of money equal to one-
Paay• effected a Iowa of :001V9llo half of one year's rental of thaorchard.
(Sallee in Paris. France, from the well. The lease also stipulated that each
known underwriting firm of Dreyfus. year a certain .unount of money
A portion of this loan will be used to would be spent on the orchard. by the
salvage the wreck of the National lease* in pruning and plantiug new
Company. trees.
Wee' the assets and liabilities of
the company amount to it is impos
5101e yet to say. The eiquidastors, E
11. t' Clarkson it Sons. are now work -
It •
fru LIGRTPLIte : BAUM. Canadian and
&TAPS:cr. nicangig inn LLASILe
try the Ocean Amides% and Uunreittos
...urporaUon, Wanted. Of lanalOo. /So&
Maur". aim Overture:a Boom : I be U.r3.
Malay and 01:artistes CesePallY.
Mice *1 reeidanoa eorteesst maw of tric-
ked' ant M. David s atzeine. 'Phnom 179.
FAIN W. CILLItilil, LIFE, Filth
tl Luc *readout isseraere. Agent for leading
slaw. acid stock companacia. thearatios aii
WM effected an barpampa/A sa Sowea nue.
all at canoe, censer. Wen dtreet sad Square
addrere J. W. CKA1ill1L, Uedench trui.
feeybone 59.
In 1912 a great number of farmers
wbo had leased orcherds to the com-
pany suffered looses through the tiruis
tasolvencv. The notes for beams were
ing on the books and expect to be atle dr &ea up and made payable on
In i• -rue • report in a taw Tb• DoerDecember 31, 1912. The Rim went into
liabilities are not very heavy, the
liquidation on Deceuitier:N. three days
largest creditor's claim Dot exoseding -
but beyond what the company
terms iwprOVed leases** the &mete of
the National are practically nil.
Directors Lose. •
The heaviest losers in the crash are
the directors of the company, who. at
the time of the issue of the winding -
up order, and as far as can be learned.
were : President, H. Pollmen Evans ;
vire-president, Thorn:is T. Rolph, of
37 Yonge street ; Dowries A. Burns.
accounta.ut. 31 Yonge street :Campbell
Dauncey, London. Eng.: W. M. Ger-
man, K. C. M. P. Welland, and E. L.
Taylor, Winnipeg. Mr. Evans rs Said
to baye bad over $15esiter invested in
the company, and Mr. German over
At the time of the organization .of
the National Land, Fruit & Packing
Company the founder. H. Pollman
Evans of this ity. continuo looted with
Hon. Comore E. Foote:. now Ministet
of Trade and Commer.-,r at Ottawa.
apd thin a prominent member of the
Conservative party 111 pposition at
Ottawa, With a .view to placing Mr.
Foster oa the board of director%
Shortly after Mr. Evans' return to To-
ronto Mr, Foster informed hen that
he (Mr. Forage. Would not permit, his
name to be connected with the Na-
tional directorate.
The National Land, Fruit Se Pack-
ing Courpieny was organized early in
the year 1911 in Great Britain hy 11.
Polies/in Evans. A British charter
was obtained, and an underwriting
firm in London assumed the. rayon
sibility of the stock flotation of Clad;
110 sterling in preferred aad CIOL000
in common stock. Altogether about
2.709 people in Great Britain took
stock amounting to fr100.i5on,
When Mr. Evans returned to Toren -
to he immediately commenced busi-
nese operntlogn, under a Provincial
charter. with head offices at 37 Yonge
street. By its charter the company
was empowered to lease apple or-
chards throughout Ontario and to
manufacture cider and vioegar from
the 'apples m well as trade in the raw
apples. The preeident some thine pee-
viously had teen in France, and had
taken occasion to investigate the vin-
egar industry in Nornsendy, and re-
turned home seized with the idea that
if the production of apples in Ontario
could be reduced to a scientific basis
the ipdustry could be made a very
lucrative one.
euRANCK C 0.-1a701 and isolased
ISMS yrupertg
USItcrii-J. /3. McLean. Pres.. Santana P.O..
ki:Lonolly, V ices-Pree.. tioderien Y. U..
h. hags, tisc-Tresia., neaten* P. U.
lrectota- D. F. McGregor. cenforta ; Jobs
Littleve, S% ; unaln Riau, Conetaeow
ifitanewels, ; Junes Krems.
°bawd ; Jana Wau.. nada* ; Malo''
Kat wen, taiseellsid.
AMU. : J. w. Yes* goiniesTilks ; R. amitta.
kariock;William Chesney. Seaton* ; 9.
klachley. tiestenit. Pettey-lielden see pay
seesswerira saa their once esesenes ss
R. J. MarrialiC Cascaras etiere,c *assn. se at II
k LAU • trieeserv. &Wanes otrool. looloorlook
00DVA1C12. ONT.
len= or M.1&011 LICK:218M
LP -ilda wellionere end ~dm gandi
Is Ito game We but *GM= Is abasing.
Mar carumst:loi, ma& UAW/ sisamaselea •
tY. Alkyl Maio
Oar WIN loo roppeorialoTerei
Harvesting of Crop.
While there was a sufficiency of
money. the National Land, Fruit &
Packing Company fulfilled tbemiseion
semi torth in its charter. It leased
the orcheidein various parts of the
Province, notably in Prince Edward
and Huron comities. the Niagara
Peninsula and the Georgian Bay
district : it employed eleven district
superintendents, whose duties were to
look after the harvesting ot the apple
crop, to arrenge Tor the letting out of
new treer and, in genial. to provide
for the apple production of the present
and ct the future.
Msney, though. did not come
in es readily as it went out•
The Mimic() plant cost too much.
Attentiou was lavished upon soma
orchards, and was conspicuous for
its &tames in others. In Prince
Edward county the company spent
over 1$30.000 ore surchard improvements what actually. are the asset. and habil-
in- 1911. Similar amounts in two or ities of tbe National Laird, Fruit a:
three isurtarices were expended in Packi,,ft IC‘imPanY•
Western )(natio.
Iis Mismesellsm °Me back.
The cases is 'Uric Arad
in the Wood. 11 tbe kat-
Ileye did their work there
would be so Uric Acid and
so Lumbgo. Maks the
kidneys do their work. The
it, positive and only
awe kw Lowsbago is
rentals and royalties. Amongst triode
to whom saaries are said to be due
are .-Roy A. Carey, Hamilton: Hugh
Johnston. Arrona I. A. Furrv, St.
Catharine.; J. C. Nash. Frankfort';
Cecil Schuyler. Brantford : Frank
Evans, Clinton; W. J. Morrow, Gode-
rirh ; James Ryan. Bothell; Beery
Cole, Kincardine; R. t'. Ferguson,
Thornhury E. L King. Thortibury.
and Malcolm Beer. Manchester.
A Help to Some.
Despite the company insolvency
there are many fernier- in the Prov-
ince who are better ort than before
they ever heard of the National Com-
pany. for the latter spent large
of money and improved their orchards
and brought then) to a ratite of pro-
duetivity never before dreamed of.
The report of the liquidators will.
it is expecteel., be ready in a week or
so. when. out of the tato r int h of loans
and leases and royalties and deben-
tures. the people interested will know
ten 9. Poor Year.
Another reason for the company's
failure lay in the fact that a large sum
of money Wan spent on lowed or-
ehards in 1911. in whieh year the
apple crop rxreptionaltv prior.
The National Lsnd. Fruit at Packing
Company secured only 33,000 barrel%
In 1912. which was a good apple year,
the, company controlled 2151.01X1 barrel*
Financial stress and the negotiation
of lours wes neceseitated. The tym-
pany paid out in orchard rentals
1911 $97,000. The banks early in 1912
begun to tighten their purse Arings.
and Mr: Ryan.. after mane *steamer,
found it impossible to effect a loan
from loyal baths.
Mr. Evans arranged for a loan of
575,0(1) from the Home Life Associa-
tion, but as the first payment of over
SM1,000 was about to he made to the
National Company Mr. Evans, who
was then in Europe, was notified that
tbe loan had been stopped. Mr.
David L. Dick of this city advanced a
payment of si5,0to to the rompany on
tbe 1912 crop. A town of $05,40 had
been secured late in 1911 fromthe
Union Life Assurance Company. the
security given by the National Com-
pany being a mortgage on the vinegar
plant at Mimico. A number of other
smaller locos were also effected by
President Evans to keep the National
The refusal of the Home Lite Aeso-
elation to pay are $75.0110 loan, whieh
Mr. Evans hal arranged for from
them. was the fatal blow to the Na
tional. A Big Loss.
The fact that 15o,o0n barrels of
apples of the 1912 crop in Ontario did
not reach tbe public market because
of the financial difficultiee under
which the comp
ety was then labor ing
presents another phase of the oers-
tions of the National Land. Fruit k
Packing Company. As bas already
been stated. t he compeny, through its
leases. I -ad ntrol :110,000 barrels of
apples hint fall. Because of lack of
funds the company was able to handle
only 5(1,000 barrels, which meant that
three-fourths of the crop was left on
the trees. The fertners wbo had
leased their °refuels were somewhat
hesitant about making any move to
realize on those apples on the trees,
which, if not soon picked. would be of
no um, becaule they were Dot tbe
rightful owners of the apple.. Same
of them did eventually make an effort
to market or use the apples, but, at,
any rate. a large quantity rotted. It
was only shortly before Uhristroas
that. the lessors found out for a cer-
tainty that the National Company
was unable to market the
Thus the public market was d ved
of the competitive Talus of such a
large quantity of apples.
No Chnetnas Appals.
To Control the Apple Production.
So sanguine was President Evan.
over the possibilities of the vinegar
indoetry in Ontario that be harbored
the dream that at a time net very re-
mote be would control the apple pro-
duction of Ontario.
Previous to tbe formation of the
National Coinpany, Mr. Evans had
organized tbe Agency Land & Secu-
rities Company, which pew:tiredly
played the part of a hloding company
for the National, and secured leases
on orchards throughout the Province.
These lessee were to be wowed on
what was known ea "the Royalty
plea." With a large fraction of the
money raised by stock subscriptions
in Great Britain in connection with
tbe National Company's flotatioo. Mr.
Evans purchased from the Agency
Lead k Securities Company for the
National Company a large number of
the leases secured in his absence.
In May. 1911, tbe National Land.
Fruit k Pacaing Company commenced
Rs career. Mr. 1. F. Metcalfe was
fleet secured as operating sup rin-
blindest of the company. He was a
littie later replaced by Mr. Roy A.
Care of the Wentworth Fruit -grow-
er: tion, at a salary of 1112.010.
A vinegar plant was commenced at
Mimic°, whicb, on its eomOletion, coat
the company !MOO& Storage plants
were lunged at Brantford and St.
Catharines, and a coidetorage plant
at Trenton waa purr:Mord from Mr.
Eben James for IM.000.
I-orty years in use, 20
years the standard, pre-
scribed and recommended
by physicians. For Wo-
man's Ailments, Dr. Mar-
tel's Female Pills, at your
RUSIN 11119
dig do /Aar mai end
11011110111PTO T. M. 0.5.
ILIP1119911/1111Lit SI SOO&
IPIS• le Pr MAY epee
'10V.. 47
alnico Plant
For the 1911 apple crop, President
Beans was making big preparations.
He inetrocted Manager Carey to ob-
tain IVO carloads of apples for the
vinegar plant at Mimic). Carey re-
monetrated with the president say-
ing it would he folly to get in such •
large purply of apples when the
Mimic() pliant was not yet neer com-
pletion. However. aeventy -five car-
loads were brought to Mirnioo. Theme
were aept so long welting for the com-
pletion of the pint dust only • small
percentage of them were eventually
good for any um, and the demurrage
dowses on the ears amounted to EL-
As so illnetration of the enterprise
of the gompacy s bead two vi
esparto were brought over fromntire
mandy to take charge of the menu
Minn of this protect at the Minden
plant. They made a nater of fe:entlj
Wilstakes. however, es they had
to take eognizeoes of the test tan the
conditioos la Ontario were
different from those Is Normandy.
My Orchsrds Limed.
Au orobard leer. wee es these white irlekes IMMO meekest the Nalimak
the gegheei oesegney held, wee eel KIM, alive vats beve heat albeedly M-
a a very bindleg ekseseler. r lee se Wed einalliel IseeSesse esa=
the lerer err esseserel. 1e avers Ike espisost ef eseer
of Last fall ebe oompany had received
191.000 from parties in different parts
of Canada to send bone or apples es
Christina' presents to friends and
reietives hi Great Britain. Thia money
was all returned. because the company
had no Christens apple. to ship.
Tb. oely assets of the company in
sight are the ''improved tense
throughout the Province, and it will
require about 11100.003 tAnatrodithton out
the financial tangle reenitiog in the
liquidation of the Natiosal land.
Fruit lk 1Pac9.itie Conspeay. brit Pred-
deet Inas has sassy this cabled to
friends sod internee/ parties here his
seserartee that nary endltor will be
paid 101) mete on the dollar. and that
no one will lows.
Most of the endings, so ler as ma
he learned, are those ist Ihe heehaw
to whore salaries are as" assy
o re who have received se rosey ees-
sittemtine for sated mere. and
three who hove seMuzIpmeat and
patsy. Mr. Brown --
01 hes a
What Nicholas Burton. of Claremont,
Says Dodd's Kidney Pills Did for Him.
Clat em on t . Ont.. Febi nary 17th, -
(Specials -Nicholas Burttm, the well-
known harneesonaker of this plsce. is
firmly convinced that he owes his life
to Dodde.Kidney Pills.
"Aboet thirteen years ago.- Mr.
Burton states, "I grew gradually
weak. and my akin and eyeballs were
as yellow as saffron. The doctor here
tank me to Brooklin, and later to To-
ronto for consultation. and the final
decision wait that I must undergo an
operation to remove a supposed cancer
on my firer. My chew.. of recovery
were considered as nil, and 1 pro-
eeeded to settle up my business af-
tait•Then from something I read I he-
gan t .king Kiduey Pills. My
condition soon began to improve. and.
in short. I owe it to them that I am
here today."
Fire at Exeter.
Exeter, Feb. 11. -About 7:30 on
Thuteday evening. J. A. Stewart dig-
7arered fire in the genetal store of
Jones d: May. Mr. Jones had closed
the retire hut a fee minutes before.
and had gone home for the evening.
The tire started at the end of the first
counter in the middle of the drygoods
department. Its origin is a mystery.
but in all prohahility caused hy some
one careleeely dropping the stub of a
cigar Con the floor. It was forttipate
for the town thatch, tire did not etfra
good start. as the wind was high and
the town would bay.- been in danger.
The firemen were on the spot and
bad their base ready for business in
short order. and were ta little disap-
pointed in not getting a ...hence : but
the store bucket brigade extinguished
the flames.
The proprietors cart y about 8:So.00e
insurance on the stock. Tneir lose
Iron, fire and water will be about 53,-
Must See Her Pastor.
A elergymsn tells this story about
himself: "My little darrebter was feel-
ing a hit under tbe weather the other
evening, and, therefore, had to be put
to bed early. Sbe bad not been under
the covers more than five minutes be-
fore she called out. •Masoma. I want
to me papa."0o to sleep, deurie •
answered her mother. 'Papa can't
see you now.' In • few minutes there
came a pleading voice, 'Mamma. I
gotta see papa.' 'I can't disturb your
papa now. He is very hussy. Go to
sleep.' There was a silence for nearly
four minutes. Then this promincla-
mento floated down the stairs, 'Mam-
ma, I am a very sick woman. and 1
must see my pastor at once; Then
went up."
super** el infferest te NM ewe -
Second thoughts
they arrive in time.
may be hest -if
'few spring *odd
Are Arriving 9ailq
cite ?few 'Wadi 2taterials
The most complete stock of Fashionable Wash
Materials we have ever had the pleasure to show.
First and foremast. Anderson s Scotch Zephyrs in
plains colors, ebeeke. stripes and fancy weaves,
colors absolutely fare. The new bordered Zephyrs
are very stylish. These celebrated Gingharns and
Zephyrs from 12ic to 5c a yard.
The best quality Prints are bete in all colors
and designs. Hundreds of' pat terns to select ft otu.
Colors guairanteed absolutely fut, per yard 121c. I
Fancy Ratlines.
Plain Corduroys and Bedford Cords.
Figured Vestings.
Fancy- 'Voiles and Marquisettes.
Repps and Shantung Linens.
Galateas and Uniform Cloths.
Plisse 5i
`view fresh 7(5�ds and Suitingd
The new these Materials and Suitings shown
this season surpass any 'wirier shollling for
beauty, variety and quality.
New Whipcords and Serges in all the new
Special value in heavy English Suiting Serge,
in black and nacy only. 50 inches wide, $1.00 a
The new Teviot Suitings in all the wanted
colors. Special 75c • yard.
White Materials will be much in demand this
season for smart Suits and separate Coats. We
have an exceptionally choice snowing of these
White Serges. SOc, 75c and $1.00 a yard.
White Whipcorda. 50e to $1.50 a yard.
White Cashnueres, Albatrose, Lustre*, and
See our special showing of the new Materials
at 50c a yard.
McCall's Patterns and Publications for March
now in stack.
Scotch Store
nest 51
Married Young.
An amusing event happened some
time ago in one of the Paris courts of
justice. A vain, /naughty woman was
called 65 11 witnese, when the magis-
trate inquired her age. "Twenty-five
last August,.. promptly replied the
lady. The next witness was a young
man. who at. once acknowledged that
he Was twenty-peven years of age.
"Are von reletcd to the last witnese?
queried the magistrate. "Yes ; I am
her son.- be replied. Ah !" mused
the magistrate. `your mother must
bare married very young."
Stock ig; Poultry Specifier
We will peed aLelaisly tre9 ter
the asking. Postesi4. sae woe
large sr -pare beaks (with W-
ent). en the common diseases of stock and
posi•try. Tells hoe to feed all kinds of heavy
and light horses. colts and mares. snitch cows.
calves aad fattening steers, also hos to keep
and feed poultry ms that they will lay as well
in winter as in summer. It contains Sig
recommends from all over Canada. from people
who have med our goods. No farmer should be
without it.
You can fatten cattle and bogs In a month's
less time by using our Royal Purple Stock
Specific than you could possibly do without it,
thereby saving a nsonth's feed and tabor and
the cost to you will not be more than 91.50 for
•ir rags or 11.00 for one steer. It will keep
your horses in show condition with ordinary
feed. If you have a poor. miserable -look-
ing animal on your place •ry it on this one
first' and see the otersetk,us result which will
be obtained. Our Stock Specific increase
the milk flow three to fire lb. ier cow per
day. while being fed in the noble. A SO*
package will last a Cow or sone 70 days.
will make your hens lay fast as well in the
winter as In the summer. and will keep them
free from &sea.. The gongs are punt and
unaduherated_ We do not nee any cheap filler
to mak* • largo v-- ailifrent
to.n3 any on the market at the present time.
Royal Purple Stock Specific. 50c tacks.. : four
:ow Deltas . in aa air-tiobt tin. for 91.53.
Royal Purple Poultry Specific. 23e and Inc
pekes.. and 61.50 air -tight tins that hold
f'ur 5& pe
Royal Purple Lire Killer, 2Se and Inc Gra;
Site by mail.
Royal Purple Gall Cure. 26c and Inc Uim
by mail
.Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, Sue bottle;
be mail.
Royal Purple Cough Cure. Sue tin 60c by
Royal Purply Dioiefeetant. 26e and 60e tins.
Royal Purple Roup Cure. the this ; 110e by
Royal Purple Worm Powder. /tie tins : 20c *
t Manufactured Duly by
TheW. A. Jenldnri Mfg. Co.
London. Canada
Royal Purple. Supplies and Book-
lets may be obtained 1 row
A. J. Cooper. Flour and
Feed. Goderich.
No man is
Than his
ler MAW Adviser
*bac r. eamen kw&
V delitais 'seeress
sloe slide& se my Ms
"jia,irf.f "",,;4," 4-1" ' 14472PW#4" ;
LETth. greatest athlete have and his
strength will seen faiL One's stamina -fern -
fullness and strength of mind or masa'
depend upon the blood, and the blood to turn,
requires a healthy stomach, fee the stomach is the
laboratory when the feed is digested and such *a-
main are taken .p -or assenuisted-whieh inedre
ildned. In wineequeoce all tbe organs of the body,
e a& es heart hinge, liver and kidneys, as well ea
&be senses system, feel Idet had effect lf the row
▪ le donned
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
WIPP the Idammeh /Mei bidpserate. err Ile
Ire krao otifoOtp. rooarrotai Ile edema tem the
- M.s 5. wde seem get red Most Ite
abed et anne My arwellieL The seilmeleg banana
Mis sateen ef mews inetseml eleirmikserompolsen
Ines 3*vim •
min ass Ise yes of Laimptell tee tams
Ladies. and Gents Slippers
Boys' and Girls' Skating Shoes
Ladies' and Gents. Skating Shoes
Boys' and Girls' Slippers
Bootees for the Baby.
Everything in beautiful. comfortable and riervieeable Footwear.
Styles Right Prices Right
Corner East St. and Square
Velox Demonstration
at our store Tuesday, February, 25th 7.30 P.M.
All the newest wrinkles will be demonstrated
by an Eastman Expert. Bring a negative with
you. YOU are cordially invited.
F. J. Butland
Druggist, Goderich, Ont. Kodak Supplies.
Transcona will he one of the greatest railway
centres of the West. The Grand Trunk Pacific bas
=Tshops located there. the Canadian Pacific
way has estoblisbed immense freight yards, and
it has been pereistently rumored that tbe Canadian
Northern Railway will move their entire shops from
Fort Rouge to Tranecona.
Tranecona's futore as a manufacturing city, as
well as a railway centre, is aernired, and several large
ind nutrias are already established, requiring' a large
number of men.
many times over in the next two years, and there
are big profits for the inventor wbo buys today.
We have a number of kite to sell at Trene-ona
and offer them very whaatageous terms to Gode-
rich purchaser%
Write for our booklet, which tells an shout
Scott, Hill be Co.
n Canada Life Building
J. T. Goldthorpe
Amelia hi GODERICH
Rand Tiler* Iri