HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-2-6, Page 10FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Folks Should tae Careful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine. We have a safe, dependable and alto- gether ideal remedy that is particu- larly adapted to the requirements of aged people and persons of weak con- stitutions who suffer from constipation or other bowel disorders We are so certain that it will relieve these com- plaiots and give absolute satisfaction in every particular tbet we offer 0 with our personal guarantee that it shall cost the user nothing...if it fails to substantiate our claims. This remedy is called Rexall Orderlies. Rexall Orderlies have a soothing, heading, strengthening, tonic and regulative action upon the bowels They remove all irritation, dryness, soreness and weakness. They restore the bowels and associate organs to more vigorous and healthy activity. They are eaten like candy, may be takes at any time without Ineonven- knee. t.o not taunt any griping, nantre, diarrhoea, excessive looseness, flatulence or other disseteembie effect, Prier Its'. and 10e. gold only at our .tote -The Retail Store. H. C. Dos - lop, God.riet. 10 TISCaan►!, Frxatr►ts 6, 1913 THS MAL': GODEBIOH$ 0 New Styles New Samples For Spring 1913 New Styles and new Samples have anived from Lowndes Company tIkkb Century /hand of Cluthiogl. We invite you to call and see the latest styles and inspect the largest lenge of cloths shown by any tailoring house in Canada. Our Special Order buainess is growing and %tilt continue to grow. It must be admitted With Century Brand " has it" in the three essentials -- Sty Ie. Pit and NVorkusanehip. We are Sole A gents. Walter C. Pridham Reduced 1913 Annuals Atter taking •to_i of our An- nuals. we and we have too many in stock, and are therefore offer- ing them at greatly reduced prier.* Boy's Own Annual. regular $1.75 and $1.110, ►par"hal while they fait. $1.25. Chums, regular E1.75 and $1.90, special $1.X5. Chatterbox. regular Sc,;rspe- cial 6Uc. 1913 DIARIES Diaries. -Iaat We Forget," prettily bound in red leetber, reatular UOc, special 50e each. Smaller Pocket Diaries re- duced as follows : Regular 75e. reduced to 411c. Regular rbc, reduced 1 it.46e. Regular, 35c, reduced to 3D0. Canadian Almanac tor 191:4 bound in ckrtb, $1.1111, "Peloubei s Seleet Notes' fir 1913 This week only. $1.00. The kilobit Ieet Stere ONO. PORTER, Prop. 'Phone 100 iseistereeteriseeiresoverattees Goderich. CALDWELL'S MOLASSES MEAL is a d.cld.d Economy and an excolleat iavestmelnt- • tut. *flare tela' J1 ♦ O. Beesais it makes other feed Caere palatable and digestible. It else puts stock in Ina -clam condition 'very quick. Caldwell's Molasses Ileal Ls 14% Purist Case Molasses with 16% a special variety of edible - moss possessing tfuiq.e digestive action. Thousands of stockmen and farmers are consistent users of Molasses Meal because they have proves it to be the best conditioner on the market. Your feed man likely has it. If he hasn't, it would be wed' worth your whi to write for prices. THE CALDWELL FEED CO., LIMITED: DUNDAS, ONTARIO. The Most Remarkable Offer in s Grafonola THE Columbia Eclipse Eclipse Grafonola - SMALL PAYMENT DOWN & SMALL PAYMENT EACH MONTH A Perfect Musical Instrument that will Met a hfetiine. Guaran- teed by the largest manufacturers in the world Made In tinh ma. bogany, embodies all the Iateet Columbia feature.. -the continuous and uninterrupted ton., chamber, the perfect Columbia reproducer, the Columbia, tapered tone arm, the Columbia tone a.ntrol shutter". the foul' leas and noiseless Columbia motor (doutde spring drive} and it has the musical tone quality that these Columbia features write to produce. Let the family combine together in securing at onre this de- lightful musical opprotunity-the source of many a cosy hour in the home. if you b.ve ever hesiiat. d securing a musical instru- ment of your own, on account of expense, you have no treason to do so now. Many will tbinkrit quite impossible to give much a wonderful value at such a low cost, and to these we sae, HEARINU is BE- LIEVING -and your money, back if not delighted. We will t* pleased to have you call and hear the Columbia Grapbophone. WALTER H. HARRISON JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN GOD KRICId Goderich Opera House j I_ 12 Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. i Special engagement of MR. FRED BYERS Tuesday, February 11 The Dramatic Comedy Succors The Girl Drummer A Complete Scenic i'roduotion Wednesday, F.brwry 12 The Laughing Comedy Success • irlt: Tramp in roar Acta PRiCES - 25e - 33e - 50e NOTE. -Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton and London are the Mass (deities this company la playing;playlet Lodes Saturday. February hl h A O C A R A N T R R D t?TRACTION, A PROGRESSIV& CHU Annual Bunnies Mermsg of tilt gatioa of Koos Churdr elfleA year's successful work won in- flected cted io the reports and statements presented at the annum meeting of the cuegtesation of Iguoz church, held on Wednesday etiming of but week. Financiallyltbe year was marked by a large locrease in the wiasiutury of- ferings. Of the total number of con- tributors to the cbureb funds seventy- eight per cent. contribute to missions. The total receipt. for congregational purposes were $4.347.50. • h'zpeadi- tures were as follows : Sala:ice., $2.1110.00 Grant to Sabbath eotooL 200.01.) ('hoir expenses 46.48 Misoeltanenus l,Sd'd t5 Benevolent objects 114.141 $4,313,74 Bglances carried forward to 1913 are : General fund, $403.80: relief food, $11:1); session fund, 8100 - total. $515. The manasrera reported that the plan of free sittings adopted at the he- einning ot last year bad worked well. The interest and 49U of the principal on the church and manse debt had been paid, reducing the principal to $1.:'J10. The amount raised for missions was 11,810. It is expected that the balance of the amount asked towards the general "budget," $1,600, will be made up. Specie] mention was made in the session's report of the illness of James Buchanan, the senior elder, and grati- fication was ezpreeeed at his gradual recovery of strength. The number ot families on the session roll is 4J). During tbe year sixty-seven tames were added to the oommnnion roll - thirty -four by certificate and thirty three by profession of taitb. Re- movals by certificate numbered thirty- seyen and by death nineteen. The total number of communicants is now 7tt3. During the year there were twenty-nine baptisms and fourteen marriages. The Sabbath school reported an en rolment of 560. During the year twenty- eigbt scholars became mem- bers in full communion with the church. The Young i'eople's Society of Christian Endeavor reported eighty- three members. The Society holds weekly uteetinge, contributes to the missionary fund, and engage. in prac- tical Christian service in tbe com- munity. The McGillivray Mission Band has a membership of 107. in addition to contributions of $88, a hale of goods was prepared for mission stations in the West. The Order of Recruits for the Min- istry has been increased to a member- ship of L veh-e young men who are studying with a view to entering the ministry. The Pastor's Aid during the year visited new families, ministered to the needy and sutferiog, and in gen- eral assisted the minister in his pes- tle al work. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society reported a membership of forty-eight. it engages in systematic study of missions and during the year cent supplies to mission fields it the The Woman's Home Missionary So- ciety reported an increase of member- ship froin forty-eight to ninety-six, $**4 raised, and fifty warm quilts wade and forwarded to hospitals and homes in the West. The Arthur Circle is a new organ- ization in connection with the W. H. M. 8. All young women of the con- gregation are invited to become mem- bers. Mince its organization three months ago the Circle baa raised $00. The Ladies' Aid reified during the year ti76 and bas a balance on hand or$' :. The retiring manager, A. D. Mr - Lean and M. O. Cameron, were re- elected, sod Gordon Bisset and W. J. McNevin we e appointed to flt1 the vacancies on the board of managers caused by the death of the late John Lawfion and the late James Tait. Frank Hounder, Alex. McNevin and J. W. Fester were appointed to fill vacancies in the missionary com- mittee. The salary of the pastor, Rev. Geo, E. Ross, was misted from $1,000 to $1,800, the organists salary was in- creased 3100, and the caretaker's $60. wtaa�w�Yspestates at.. >t �sty. ,a/saataistaz rr U vlrttiC estaatrr Th. trisects of !i7. Tows t'o.usth wdp ars .arra to ►ear iMac w 1. .,tem too t e that ILA nasi ander t he A.Aara�� and hope that she e►Ul moo be 1+etvMt Judge Revisits/Mts. Doyle len w T for 8avaouah. tieurein. where they wLU nd t�a�e� tow ./ader pf the winter. l'[b�1se of South. h wish them + pieataut aetlwrre a the Southern GLmc. Oilman nen rine torr wEaaJ lid ward Cowan Left Mat weak for W inalper. Ms.Uwd Doan telt on Tue.dar fur Van- couver. M. Locale McCreath Jr vt.luus In Toronto tut two week.. M. fi. Carriacou. K. C., etas returned from Mr trip w Roston. earl Caaplont war up from Brantford for a few days tide w eel'. Jerk Prottdto.: returned to Saskatoon last week after wveral week,: holidays v. Wins Jaffrey, of Port Arthur. .pent :rum day 1n town, et the home of Ube.. A. Nairn. Richard Paruoo., of at. Marys. formerly pre- prtetur of Peron.' Fair bore, le in towu 10157 Mr and Mr,. J. A. Balato l have moved In- to the Saunders house, ouruer Newest* rtneet and Cambria road. Serval! Ohio vet M1-- tiwau her returned trots t.oderloh and. we uoderstaod, lutvuds living with her mother. Rev. A. N. McRvoy. of st. Ueoree's church. Toronto, is s sodfnx a week with ter brother. D. McKay, Byfield road. fawn. Mr. J. Plana and family, formerly of tkde- nlr* and lair of Stratford, have moved to Tor- onto, where they will reside is future. Nehoe Yee and family have Dome from Oodericb township to live in tows and have taken a honer on Newest& .haat. We wel- ..ome thereto Uoderio` Ripley exprees : Mrs. (Dr.) '3. [L M. Gordoe and da ter. Don.ida, who have been no an extended visit to friends in Ripley and 3t. Helene, returned to Ottawa on Weduesday. Clinton New Kra: Mr. and Mrs. James Teeter w spending tie week-sd 1a Gado - rich Mb. Verna Melanie, ot Ooderieh. Ili ddting u the borne of her uncle, Mr. J. O. H. J. Morrie. D. D. 0. M of the Aooieat Order of United Workmen. haw been bury vis- iting the lodge« of his diarist and installing tine vaaoees Ibe tins lie(, week he visited the lodger at Walton. Auburn and Carlow. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. bowler. Armless& etrest. who removed to rows from Bela -rave about a yenr sea, IMi yesterday for lenersoil, when Mr. So* ler has purchased a doer, feed and reed banners. Their friends an sorry to lose .eek irons' entwine trout tows. but hope they will les saaewdul in 115Mr row loosum. A Special Attraction. 'The Girl and the Drummer,-' the title selected for Mr. Byers new pla y. suggests touch that is prevalent in New York, both in the social and in the business world. The action et the fleet two acts takes place in New York, and of the last two in Mexico. The leading roles of the "Girl" sod tie -Drummer.- Mia Mann and Mr. Byers, have parts in which strong, dramatic metes predominate, with a dash of humor to offset the serious nese of the situations. Plenty of comedy Ma deftly into t8. play', with here and there touches of tragical in- terest. The scenic investors of the play is eo appropriate that people are eotbusiestic in their praise, Mr. Byers and Mia Mann have surrounded themseIves with • most capable com- pany, and the entire production is even more successful than their offer- ings of previous seasons. This play will be given at Victoria Opera House nett Tuesday evening. February 11. AUBURN. THURSDAY. Feb. title. Mr. and MT.. Wm. B. Patterson were called to Galt to attend the tuneral of Mr. Patterson's brother, Robert, Roy Patterson left on Monday for the Went,. Thos. Poulton and wife called on James and Wm. Mutch on Sundry. Rdwasd ttraughan, of Nanton, Alta., visited his uncle, Thos. Straugban, the past week. Mrs. Wm. Hottzeuer, of Preston, has been home preparing for the removal of her pimenta, Mr. and Mn. J. Knox, to Preston. A. C. Jeeksoe left on Monday for Heydon. havtog leased a chopping will at chat place. A. Asquith received a ear of flour and feed on Saturday. G. F. Yung - Nut received • car of corn for the elevator, and shipped a car of cattle to Toronto Saturday. Howson & I.sw- eon shipped a oar of rollers on Mon- day. Temple Clark, of Luckoow, formerly of Auburn, who has recently started bousekeeping agaio, was here to take his furniture to his Lucknow borne. The home of Mrs. Wm. J. McBrien was tbe scene of a pleasant event on Wednesday,when her youngest daughter, izzie, became the wife of Percy Vincent Rev. A. Ling offi- ciated at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent will reside near Whitechurch. John H. Gravenstein, of the Alberta Government 'Telephone Department a former re.id.nt of Auburn, has taken to himself • wife, the lady being Miss Edna Pearl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fleming, PERSONAL MEN rioN. Mn. W. T Pollee 1s vitiating at Toronto. rM k r. Martin wee **Stine at Leaks arra r. J. M rteRhe in Tersafirs rasa eat a Ulm vow Is v1111111sm DeUresiliplineerlivIM waseiseass. elf per Ri ori wen al tar Meeretas de le tem triws�Y eldt- e.aAiat�asartorws �ta ke .ass wag he see t tat.4 s eey eat eek lose limgtgll MrgaasaMa osa •.,ai,,m"" abet tenn'l anmuaiamalL W alt Maple Leaf Grocery HAMILTON STREET. GODERICH. Have yon tried our choice Teas Coffees? We can recommend our lines. AU staple and fancy Groeer•lee nn head iu frst:dass quality and at removable prima. Try as lar BMWs and a� S. J. Young TIMM I at Flagstaff. Alberta. After toe honey- moon the young couple will be at boberta. tt 11 tO their friends at walto wburet, Knox OHvaeri Axten'ai eART. Auburn Preebyterianecelebrated their snoiv*rsary with great suoa.se. (l. Sunday, both morning and evening, they had the pleasure of bearing Rev. W. D. Turner, B. A., of Blyth, who gave two inspiring addresses. On Monday the people gathered from far. and near to enjoy the anniversary supper and concert. Supper was served in the basement In sumptuous style, after which the program of the evening was given in the main audi- torium. which was tilled to its cape. city. The pastor. Rev. Andrew Laing, acted as chairman, and with hire on the pplatfortn was Rev. R. A. Miller. the Methodist. pastor of Auburn, who gave one of his huluorous addresses. The main part ref the program was given by • trio from Toronto, and consisted of elocutionary and musleal numbers which, judging from the hearty applause. appeared to be highly enjoyed. The proceeds of the evening were $150 At the annual congregational meeting of Knox church, held recently. the reports presented showed the taugregation to be in a flourishing condition. The number of communicant. on the roll is 150. The Husseini statementabowed total receipts for the year of $881. including van raised for mission Tie lace to be --the Baptist church next Friday. HOCKEY. Wiartoa Morelli. Friday. The O. H. A. committee bas ordered home -and -home games between Wiar- ton and Goderictr, winners of their respective districts, and the first of the games will be played in Goderich Friday evening of this week. It will be a game well worth seeing, and there should be a well-filled rink. Oodetieh goee to Wiarton for the re- turn game next Tuesday. Ptitars Defeat Furniture Factory. In a clean game of hockey on Tues- day evening the Printers defeated the Furniture Factory at West street rink by the more of 4-1. Both teams worked hard to win. The star player for the Printers was Leslie Webb, and the best for the Furniture Factory was G. Smith. The tensa lioed up as follows • 1 Furniture Fatetory -Goal, It. Bow- man ; point, L. Durrell ; oover-point G. Smith t r, win``, 3. liq� oeotre, R. tieabrouk. ; 1. wing, 1'. Schuler ; rover, W. Drew. Printers -- Goat, ti. Tsethewey point, J. Beck ; cover -point, B. Town- send ; r. wing, L. W ehb ; centre, F. Tuwneend ; 1. wing, F. Robsrtsoa ; rover, H. Tuiotti, lieferee-W. Snaiel. The Presbyterian ohngregations of Whitecburcb and Laagdde bare ex- tended a call to Rev. J. Uri Stewart, of Napier. eon of Mr and Mrs. James thewart, of town. They oxer Mr. Stewart a stipend of $1,000, with holi- days and a tree manse. AP LYRIC. THEATRE The management of the Lyric Theatre wishes to announce that commencing Saturday, Febru- ary dish, and continuing uotil furtber notice they will run a big double program consisting of FIVE THOUSAND FEET OF PICTURES EACH NIGHT. Entire change three times weekly -Tuesday, Thursday and Ssturday. Each program will comprise every variety of subjects, all of the highest class obtainable and guaranteed to please every taste. Thursday and Fridayeach week will he shown a TO OR THREE - REEL SPECIAL FEATURE. special eiuging three times weekly. Fist -class music at all per- formances. General admission, I0c: chil- dren, 5c. One hour of the best enter- tainment possible. Geo. Buggins Proprietor 1111i11•ORUC ars entirely different bean others both Li thee compr- ;rind their effect --corn atlort without purring c. nfort. 25c. s boa at your drurrlit's. rt*TN.t*L •are aa• 0M1Mcat rq. Of cmaAea. U.Ir1. sy Groceries ' When you ate buying Parody Groceries. the first oonaideratit,u is Quality. We guarantee that our goods will stand the quality test every Lime. We want you to try' them, and it for any reason you aro not perfectly satisfied we want you to let us know, leg are hen to give you Satisfaction in Groceries. Give us'a trial on your next order. Sturd) & Co. Grocers, The Square, Ooderieb 'PHONE •i fp 11 Ladies' Furlined Coats$37.5011 1 Ladi&Coats with Fur CoIIar $1L50 r These Garments go on Sale Saturday morning. HE LOWNESS of the price for qualities so high tells you better than words just how determined we are to empty the Coat racks. These Coats were bought after Christmas from a manufacturer who was overstocked. The prices we paid were much below what they had been eelling at and the above quota- tions are under regular wholesale prices. If it had not been for the mild weather they should have been all sold in January. We are going to clear them now, for we cannot keep the amount of money they repre- sent tied up until next season. There is not likely to be as good a chance for a bargain in warm, stylish, serviceable Winter Coats come your way for many a day. We guarantee the quality of each and all absolutely. Ladies' Fur -lined Coats $37.50 Seven Ladies' Fur -lined Coate. Abell of good quiplity all -wool Austrian broad- cloth. Dollar and revers of high-grade Aiaka Sable. Lining prime, heavily furred Muskrat skins. Manufactured in one of the newest .tyles. Right up to date. Workmanship the best Regular Tallies $30.00 and 11155.00. Commencing 0urday morning, your $37. choice .3 �J)VV Tweed Coats Half -Price Jost a few Ladies' and Children's Tweed Coate left. All are new garments tbie season. We have made np our minds not to tarry one over. Regularria,. P up to $E0.00. Choice, commencing Saturday fag, Exactly Halt Original Price Coats with Fur Collars $11.50 Ten onlyLadies' Black Beaver and Broadcloth oats, lined throughout with quilted linings, collars of Western liable and Black Martin. These are exception- ally good garment.. They will look well and prove most satisfactory wearer and very comfortable. Regular values up to 125.0(1. Saturday morning $11 .50 clearing at only Three Black Velvet Coats Half -Price Thee are new garments this season. High-grade, imported by ourselves direct from Germany. Regular 18.00, $40.00 and $48,00. Tale your choice of the three for ExActly Halt -Price 20 Untrimmed Shapes I9c 15 Trimmed Hats 98c These It'S Hats represent all we have lett_ They, must he out of the road Saturday or Monday, as we want the show- room for other purposes for the next couple ort weeks. All new this season. Any Untrimmed Shape 19c Any Trimmed Hat 98c Embroidery Sale Still doing On our pest 1<Mwtot.r Hata of Rtnbrn,ldasry now In full swing. it lel Ib greM.i I.t tlf Ilua4a i« .ver offered for sole in wets - Mk ri'• tow nMikes ram ambwid.tiea at fig 7r. 1$e, Me, ter and MN dot eta weed as bunt bei as arnseb *gala. Still a big mewt- astwt M ideate teem First Showing of New Wash Goods kr Spring Saturday and Next Week Latest creations in Ging-hams. Vesting. and fancy Cotton Ma- terial. 1n many beautiful weave. will be shown for the nest time. Worth yo.r while to come and eau. and you ...d t..1 tinder obligation to buy. IIODUENS BROS.