HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-2-6, Page 9ONTlrST Powder YD PRIZES 01hl..as.iscaw f1... $2i .1• cin►. 11. la Cask sod RAM(, 1.3 idytrsWed. styrws Wed, pe► all answers oust reach N . AL the replies will 'et thirty three correct e order drawn and the useful Kitcbea Utensil. 'er Today. rhe pities are awarded employed in the menu Ara. food ' cut from a aro oe .0 mom theo mot lowirer to le • mamma prise oto compete is the alobnsing wy Woes Lomas Dspartaaa.. CO. LAM Lw„ Tousle, FAL'S NG Globe .... $1.60 :the y Herald onto) ►orad . !ws Mail and 4.50 1.85 1.75 ,2.25, 3.25 2.30 I.60 to 2.35 1.85. News.... tide :ly Free 1.60 1.85 1.35 1.50 1.60 rertiser2.90 kdvertiser I. 60 'ee Press 1n 3.50 an 2.90 ritness 3.50 Witness1.85 2.25 2.25 2.25 lstminster 3.2 5 . 1.70 1.85 Toronto) 3.40 ine 2.25 ►ionto) 1.75 'Winnipeg) 1.5o As or Great Britain mine 3.25 hserl here. :companion 2.75 beer bas, ibtained by Sig - the price for any Lbove less $I.00 For instance : =tale It .35 Saga fS $2.(5. .M lib ds in above list.. let any well-known agent or by ank cheque) to g Co. Ontario leitlettelloateleelkeenatteadir THE SIGNAL :vODERIC1I. ONTARIO 1'revrtdgsAY. rttaavana fie iVL$ • The News of the District I NILE. PORT ALBERT. PORTER'S HILL WEDNESDAY. Feb. 6th. WICD)IK DAY. Jan. Bah.WEDNESDAY, Feb. ,it.b. s_t tilt lTH SCHOOL Gown lt,t'rION.- ac, out convenUoa of the Sob 'chords of Nile circuit isto be to or Thursday. Febt+wty s chorea There will be two . aria see - opening i. J. M. at LSDGlendora B. D.. fly field secretary for the /lab - tib hool Awoofatbo, is to be pres- 1 1 J give an agrees at each session other adifillMa and dlsattliofs .in asks up as leter.sting program. Curtis is president and Clarence w secretary of the convention. COLBORNE. TcswAY, Jan. latith. )VITL.tND ��IMaitland Alain Sunday under the parental red. . )lis. Ede Bean spiel led ;will's with bar sister, Y s. Won. Su,wan t°this weak -end is her home its ..,,.tied .--,.MMyese- 4, et,rda number d4paopw a4 e home on John le coo - "placing the remodelling of his barn sett summer. He is st prevent en- gaged n- R in getting out the neoassary timbre...... W. B.Forster has got his drag -saw outfit set up ready for Wawa The power kr furnished by bM large gasoline engine. Was. Rill k Son intend m In ove-tbeir saw- llaoover luau*, which wwUla new site at the ��great e in tie oe'.uveoience to customers. TURIDAY. Feb. 4th. Bevan. RgroRT . -Tbe folloof l wingi 11e,tending of the pups 1, Colborne, for the month of Jwu- try, based en weekly tarts and gen- es' pr.flcienr•y: ISr. IV. - Alias Fibber on, Lyman Potter 40. Jr. I (lark h7, Louisa Smell 83, ,Vests BrinleyFishe73, !Nation McCabe 41. 67, Orta nley e0. lir. 111. -Roma Snell 73. Jr. 1I1.- 111serl 1oang 90, Gherblts Potter 644, !Mona. (Hider& Sr. 11. - Frank Clerk M. Nancy (Bidets 7S. Verne Mo - Cabe 70. Jr. II. -Jean McCabe 65, •Basal Smith. Pt.. II. -Isabel Clark 71 Pt. I. --Clifford Brinley 77, Mil- dred Fisbrr 74, Ella McCabe 68. Beet spellers for the month -Alice Clark, Louisa Snell, Hazel Yining. Frank (tart. Jean McCabe. Thou marked tkug i•) ab-ent fro.& all examinations. L B. BARKLEY, Teacber. Mrs. N. Oolelougb and son tacit, of Godericb, spent lass week with Mrs. Oolckogh's parents. Mr. and lira Wm. Brioley. We are pleased to bear Mr. Bentley is much better in health. LOTHIAN. TC.ISDAY, Jan. 28th. LOTHIAN LOCAL& - Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hogan entertained about eighty of ti►eie ne�ahbats end friends to a dance on Wednesday night of last week. All preset report • very en- joyable time. Mie Bridget Bogan. of Toronto, la spending a month at. her bonze here Jack MacDonald and Kende Campbell have taken a coo - tract of tutting wood for Eli Mack Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hogan were in Goderieh on Thurdsy attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Whitty Miss Jean Barge has returned home atter spending some time in Lucknos'. 0ODERICH TOWNSHIP. Mary ttaAY, Feb. 1st. Mrs. 0. F. Edward and Miss M. BeU left on Saturda, morning to spend a month with friends at Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. Jobn Jenkins went to Cleve- land last week to attend the funeral of her sister. Mrs. McCallagba who died atter a short illness of pneu- monia. J. I'. Cole has sold his farm on the 6th concussion to James Stirlingg at a good figure. This gives Mr. Stirling a farm of over 230 acres. Mr. Cole may purcbaee another farm. EDC( ATION AND Dow VATIC I.IFE.- On Friday evening tbe Literary So- etety of S. S. No. 1 bead its regular meeting. The stteodaom was ftlir. The greater part of the eversion was taken up with a debate : •Resolved, thatbigberb education unfits woman for domestic Ute." The of irtmative was upheld by R. Rundle and T. Salkeld, while the negative was taken by Miss M. Behan and Mie M. Jobnston. 'ibe judges gave their decision tin favor of the negative. kiAYFlELD. Tt ssDAY, Jan. 24th. EA\ FTYLD BRKK-LHa - Mr's. Mc- gens,e, sr., of Godericb township. visited Mrs. Cowie in the village last week An "election" d.o a was held in the town hall Friday night of last we, k and was largely attended. Surveyors are busy at ..work, on tbs prorwrty recently purchased by a Landon syndicate from $resin Bros.. laying out the ground in Iota and preparing the way for the syndicate's prnlert t f a new, summer maw ground. with at least twenty cottages to be erected during this season. it looks as if Bayfield is to boom as a summer resort, at any rate Alex. Ferguson, we are glad to bear, is slightly improved Mrs Jas. Johnston, who also has been on the sick list. is improving. SONtTHIN.: RZTiA GuoD.-The Ladies' Aid Society of SL Andrew's ebutch is arrangiog for s conoe t, which from all reports promises to be of unusual interest. The 0000ert, which is to be bold on February 14. St. Valentine's Day, will be given entirely by the choir of Knox church. Godericb, and the program will be the same as these performers gave in their home town last November to two crowded audience.. The enter- tainment is an "Old -types Concert" and revives the songs, recitations, speech and dress of one hundred years ago. it will be the treat Of tbe season and no one will want to miss it. Further particulars latae. Catarrh Cannot b. Cured WIN local spvlie tioe., as they cannot reach Steen of the akwee.(alicarrb Is a bleed er e.aaituttonal Mews, sal esdw M w It d�eeee mutt ,ake In Haan Qtarrh Cowin take Mai nets dl- rai1t17 on the blood sneane se.hess. NO 'catarrh atarrh dire is set • geed it was prescribed W ens at time tram _ u till. in roast.y to raMrr end 1e • rte bre. it Is ,�rtt/ibwi•M id wows i combined 'chit erMIC whet comation���Mee��..tD limn erotism nes /a/� • ear h at tarrb. NB F O. 0. 1. CRMiWtk O8� piwia, isird by Take Aali's starslar lMn- LONDESBORO. MONDAY, lfeb, 3rd. R. Adams has been laid up with an attack of congestion of the lungs. WEDDED IN TNIK WE1n'.-At the home of Nelson Irwin, Stoughton, Seek., on the evening of Janilary Bad, Miss Florence Wilma, of Porter s Hill, was united in marriage to Edgar Gibson, of Willow Bunch, Sask. Apar the marriage eeremooy. which was performed by Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Willow Burch. the guesta sat down to a .plendkl wedding dinner. The remaloder of the evening eau spent in music and games. Mr. and Mrs. Gib- son left toe their home nest morning. Among the near relatives present were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Irw e, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boas, James and °u•. Switzer, cousins of the bride, and G. B. Elliott, brother of the bride. B. Brunedoi, late of Port Colborne, is spending some time bore with his parents before leaving for the West, where he has taken a position at a C. P. R. station. J. Hutton's darn suffered consider- able damage during tbe recent floods. A portion of .the structure was washed out in two places, Deoeasitating extru- sive rebuilding. As Mr. Hutton was put 10 great expense repairing the damage done byte floods last spring. this further mishap is very unfortun- ate. 4 pleasant gathering took place one evening last week at the hotr.e of Arthur Jamieson, when • number of the members of the congregation of Knox church, Londtahoro', met to do honor to Miss Florence Jamieson, who for several years bas been the efficient organist of the church. On behalf of the cboir, Sunday school and congre- gation, en address was presented to Miss Jamieson, and accompanying it was a handsome gold watch. DON'T GROW BALD. YOUNG MANI Take Care elf Year H- air While Yea Have Hair to Take Cas of. s rate tan to one bet that the young true who ewe Parisian Sage IS an 000asiert bait dressing will Meer grow bete Theresa raaeae, of course, and it's $ very good and eallieMot one. Dandruff ingssg Maw failing hair sed falling imile thinner hair sad in den tie Persian Sew promos baldness, by dssteoying toe Muse et baldness -the Mils persistent voelterem dandruff pro. If you have d draf or itching scalp it tisane that dastard' Rerun an sap i•1Me the vgy hew the roots d Mr hair. Set iii of all hair trouble by Wag It is Parisian n .tinned yoa, slaitbar doss It eMlieiu p teases wow et M i w eras PIS le hi a sol e Pelperaike walla fake sedp leek wed Nodes ban hillaise bum* fiat r� KIPPEN. WEDNESDAY, Feb. Sth. Fd. Taylor. o< Fillmore, bask.. is enjoying an extended visit with his permits bare. Thos. Gemmell. of Tuxtord, Sask., is renewing old acquaintanceship*. He is also trying to sell his farm In Stanley. A little daughter is gladdening the home of Ed. Morrison, and another has arrived to brighten the home of James Mustard. Farmers are disappointed in the bean market this year. The demand seems limited, pnoes are lower and the beans generally are soft' MAFEKING. MONDAY, Feb. 3rd. New•e Ntrrtts-Very few per from here attended quarterly service held at hope church on account of the cold and stormy weather Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finlay, wbo have been visiting the former's brother for the past week, visited oleo at Mrs. Craig's, of Donnybrook Miss Ray Jamie- son visited at Anson Finlay's last week James Webster called on friends in this vicibity. We hope to see him back in our midst in the near future The Rpbort h League is ening to bald a examen and debate on February 14'b. The subject of debate will be : ••Resolved, that the pulpit bee had a greater influence for good than thepress." The affirmative will he taken by Ernest Blake and Mrs. R. Johnston and tbe negative by Miss Hazel Henry sod Isaac Stothen. LUCKNOW. TUESDAY, Feb. 4th. Reeve Murdoch was at Walkerton last week attending the meeting of the county council. In connection with R. Barrett's har- ness shop, Andrew Lockhart will con- duct a retail boot and shoe business. Andrew, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Thompson. fell while play- ing in the back yard et their home and fractured his collarbone. Ms. W. J. Davison has returned home after an extended visit in the W tit. She was accompanied home by her father, Mr. McMullen, of Ken- bert, Sask. William McQuiliin, Government immigration agent, expects a part.y of single men from the Old Country About March 1.1. Petsoos requiring labgr should end in their applinatioos. The toast hockeyteam de- feated Wingbam in aNrthern League game here on Friday night. The score was 4 to 3. On Monday sight of this week another game was played at Wingbani, our boys being defeated this time by the Wingb•w team. Score, 9 to 5. The re -opening of the Cain House for public scclmmodatioo was marked by an •'•t -home," given by Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Cain, which proved to be a most .uceeo.ful function. Neural hundred people attended. and after the gusts bad enjoyed the privilege tai Looking through the hotel, which hu lately been thoroughly renovated, they were served with a dainty luncheon. Many meg wase as wall r ten ervelottlisei mei kw dr nor mem Use 1sMghdd. Patsies nem mots are tat &A ' es It set it nod. 11 •rel t • d 6e • agate as and ssdreew sem iMM yen Met Padilla Irk tete• awaeaetess M OMFORT In All RIGH Not Like Ordinary Soap, Bu' Better. POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SALE IN CANADA SLY rH. TUESDAY, Feb. 41b. Mtotrr HAVE BURN WORSE.- Dodds McGowan, who is assistant at the 0. P. R.. met with what might have been a serious accident on Thursday morn- ing. He was working at the gasoline edeine used for pumping water into the tank, when one of the section men came in and lighted • match. This ignited the gas, wbich blew into Dodds face, but luckily he doled his eyes and kept the flatpe from them, or he might have been worn- off than he is. As it is, he will be off work for some time. ST. ANDesw's CHURCH. -The an- nual meeting of St. Andrew's church took Dlare last Thursday afternoon, there being a fair turoouL The fin- ances are in good shape and every- thing 1s going along smoothly. The following ofoers were elected to the managing board : Duncan Laidlaw, R. B. McGowan and W. J. Sims. The auditory are R. B. McGowan ar-d Alex. Elder. J. M. Haw&on. who has been secretary-tr.-um er for a great many yeah, thought the work had better be divided, so Jan. McMur- chis was appointed treasurer, provid- ing he would take the position, as be was not at the meeting. ASHFIELQ. MONDAY. Feb. 3rd. The following is the report of the pupils of S. S. No. I6, Ashfield, for the mnntb of January, being based on weekly examinations and g-orr•I pro- ficiency r -ficiency : Torsi 500. Sr. 1 V Blake 400. Jr. I V. -May Menary S23. •Nellie McCarthy :'3Si. Sr. 111. -Irene MrQuoid 457, Violet Kilpatrick 416, Cecil Blake 310, •Patrick Mr(:arthy 454% -Eva Brown 245. Jr. ILL -Ida Rivett 357. Raymond Finnigan 34a, Charlie Rivett 298, John Kilpatrick 174, *Mabel Reid 210. Jr: 11. (a) - Ruby Kilpatrick 400, Lillie McQuoid 351. Jr. IL. (b) -Alma Blake 424. Pt. 11. -Mildred McWhinney 4111, Brom Shackleton 400. Those whose names are marked thus • missed one of more of the examinations. The lust spoil- ers for the month were : Ruby Kil- pstrick, Tena Myers, Mildred Mo- Whinney, Bever Shackleton. A. A. BARKLEY, Teacher. MONDAY, Feb. 3rd. The Kingsbridge Rifle Club is flourishing, Captain Sennett having secured over forty members. SHEPPAROTON. TUESDAY. Feb. 4th. St Hoot Karelia -TM following is the Jaswary of the Sheppard - �tea on general sed weekly feet*. Marks eilidedde Maim p eg� fie. IV. -Ober.led. Deogherty lithe' Llllirei Desgbany 11•. May ~� �1.• eye 0 '[tJ�r.g� 4* slim* Mame 1/1. Sr. ill.-Ylor. end Mk *Nomad S7 UM i.luisse lM�a � . Johanson C1, wesben libgle •!,tens Toeing SOI, sir. 11. -Rita Oiabam Kl, Money Bogie ala, George alter SIT, Jr. IL !k •Har- roM101 811h Wp. Sr. Pt L A- • Racal fel Sr. PL I. 8 -Messy •Vraetty Hawilee ss.. • 114 ,a t�br;r'r ear Ow idled masa ere J•�..ih twee : rell7-11g sea ear awes bielA se New toe. -Lea TiLtk�>` M. An old resident of • the township passed away on the 25th ult. in the person of Patrick Clare, of Crewe. He had reached the good old ageof eigbty- siy year+, and leaves to ruoarn his death a widow and grown-up family. The interment was made in Kings- bridge cemetery. STANLEY. W EDN1OJDA Y , Feb. 5th. Wn.. Ryder. of Almonte, Mich., baa been visiting old friends in this town- ship. The death of Win. Spear, of Kent county, a former resident of Stanley, is reported. John McKenzie, who had been ill in Maoelaw hospital for over two month, has returned to his home at Varna. DEATH OF AN OLD RhS1DENT.-On Saturday, January 25th, !Cobert Elli- ott, of the Goshen line, passed away at the age of seventy-seven years. Death was the result of a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Elliott was of Irish extraction, but was born in this Prov- ince. in !be county of Leeds. The greater part of his life was spent in this township. He was an industrious man and was much respected for his many good qualities. His wile sur- vives, with four sons (George, Well- ington, Mortimer and William, the first three farmers in this township) and two daughters 1 Lottie, at. home, and Mrs. Gibson, of Saskatoon). The funeral took place on Tuesday to Bay- field cemetery, the services being con- ducted by Rev. H. J. Cordell. PERSONAL AND °MOIRAL.-4. M• Hamilton. wbo has tree.. ezpress WEST WAWANOSH. agent here for a 'scooter of roes, has SATURDAY. Feb. let. resigned the position and (i E. Me - Taggart, G. T. R. egoist. hos received ScHooL REroRT.-Following is the the appointment. Th -re is no rtouht report of S. S. No. 3, West Wawa. - that be will make * canahl-- sed • ffi nosh, for January : V. -Della Fits- cient agent Lux' on H 11 has just purchseed another 1Z.0i10 tient of Togs for hi. sawmill. H• is alto ,st afraid to porcbaae too much tor feat id the lack of sleighing. He •xnertw to start up his mill in a short tions, hat ing en- gaged Mr. 9 .wart of Wawanosh, to run the saw 1' W. Scott has sold his house sot lot to H. A '1'h •m i•, C. P. R. agent, the prix- hring in the neighborhood of $ 2, 000 00. Mr. Thomas haw e-rure'l a hr..0 ifnl prop- erty at a tessnnahle !nice 'Phe users of ire here sore comon-racing to get anxious shout their n-xt year's supply ..A. Hahhick attended a hockey match st L'rckn••w F iday evening.. A couple of ,•a'ties are here at prs•eent claiming that they are trying to porch OM enrne la.o't for the purples, of gr owing beans. If that is what th-y are after 'hey should be able to gel mo"r snitsble land to the south, as those who hair-- tried to grow beano in this locality h .ve not root with great soorese Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Poulton, of elev.-land, Ohoo, spout a rouole of .iof this week with the latter's sist-r. Ms. John Bennett ...Roy A.,drew Laing, ret Auburn. rondncted t ho servic-e in 81. Andrew's church on Sunday 1a.t, Rev. Mr. Turner taking the anniver- sary services at Anharn....On M lnd•y afternoon Rev. W. IL' Turner went hark to his old charsh at Norval to unite a young couple in the holy bonds of ma, rimonv ... Dr. McTag- gart and R R. Rloan attended the ball at W•'igham, Thnr.day evening last El. Sha.tt-r, rat H-nsall, vi.itrd with !Henan here silk week.... W. Shortreed, who has heen spending HOLMESVILLE. MONDAY, Feb. 3rd. Mie McVicar, principal of our school, has been compelled to resign owing to p nor health and the trustees have reluctantly accepted bey resigna- tion. We will all be sorry to see her go, for she is a good and popular teacher. T. Elliott, who a few months ago injured his right arm by a fall and has had much trouble with it since, bad recently to go to the hospital •t Clinton for treatment. An operation was tbere performed and Mr. Elliott is now making rapid improvement and it is hoped will soon be quite him- self again. C. 0. F. Iger .LATION,- Gonrt Sel- wood, C. 0. F., No. 57, at Its recent anemia meeting elected the following offloers, wbo were installed by Put Chief Barger John Huller : Chief Ranger, W. Jostling ; V. O. R., S. W. Millar ; financial secretary, H. Tr.- warsha ; treasurer, 0. W. Williams ; chaplain, W. Stanley ; R. W.. W. Johnston : J. W.. 13. McCourtney S. B.. W. Pickard ; J. B., 0. W. Potter. the past mordent w-oks with friends at Walton. has returned to town again Mrs. Duff. of Gnderich, who has been visiting wit h her brother, J. Carter. i, et present visiting with friends in Hull -'t .... Dr. W J. Milne was in stt-ndtn. a .t the conniy council in G rderich 18'-t week ...Miss Rhoda Phillip. enlrrt tin d a au•nher of her yo•ing fr oral. Friday evening last, an enjoy ads time awing so.nt. A negro baptist said tohls 1L.ihndist master :-"You've read the Blhla, I epoae?" •'yew." -Well, you've read in it of one J,,hn the Baptist, haven't your ''Yes." "Well, you ,i.v-r saw out hing alkllit no John the M •thndist, dil you r "No." "Well. ri.n. you see, d.re . Baptista in the BIM's, but dere ain't no Methodists, and d e Bible's on my side." patiick. Sr. IV.-Lnttle Johnston,' Laura Fitzpatrick, Gormley Thomp- son. Jr. IV . -Ruth Fowler, Gorton' Cameron, Johnny Cranston. Tommy Webster, Abie Smythe, Allan Durnin. Sr. III. - Annie Durnip, Willie Thompson, Mildred Fitzpatrick, Jim Durnin, Harvey Wehster. Jr. III. - Joe Thompson, Harry Hurrahs. Sr. If. -Harris Purdon, Wilbert Durnin, Mary Johnston, Lorne-Durnin, John A. Thompson. Jr. lL-Willie Crane - ton, Blanche Webster Clayton Smythe. Jr. 1. -Lurie Wilson, Russel Thompson, Elmer Pardon, Gracie Rohertsoo. Primer B - Rebecca Thompson. Primer A -Donald Rob- ertson. Perfect in attendance--Oorni- Iey Thompson. Rtrth Fowler, Gordon C.meron, Willie Thompson, Lizzie Wilson. E. S. MILLER, Teacher. AUBURN. MONDAY. Feb. ard. Rev. MR )410111 .8 SUtx w. -The Port KIgin Presbyterian congregation. under the peatorata of Rev. J. R. Masa, formerly of Auburn. bis had a saceusafal year. The congregation rated for all ordinary porpoise 111,41124 and bas • balance on hand of 'no givfngs to missions were and the Sabbath school raised 71< snaking s total of *3,0111 rayed his Na year 1912. The year also sheered an Increase ship. Dr .tote the feaster'- missy _wee mallet it PAIR Th. la aha rw• de 11 f R regress hes bee. endle�the daces eervaese have able lowered la e O urine to his ast▪ illses sick .... on ~at. . r "Y.. sir. 1 ttran ao of BInn n r• �t ftp tent►e Ili lilt arose ilka[LST. T... . J~EPIre they °'" ....te,w,.. ",ren. tsS.•.seafrtr 4 R RHEUMAIISM is probably due to uric acid in the system -the blood must be purified - the poisonous acid driven out and general health must be improved. Thousands testify that Sc'.mfwalisiifow rids the systain of poisonous acid Tthe imp0!vw and its con- csatrated nourishment is converted into red blood corpuscles which drive eat neon.. k is especially manias eo aged people.. Aar �r/�/�.�a�for and est •w S. rhos•+1•'. . Tsw.b, Osier,• tis. lee Me CLEANYeT. s.,taaT. W DRAT HOMg DYE. ere car boy -why yes d.&e woe M.e ,e tower .het [IND of Cleo yew Goode ere rade er.--aa M.w.hee ere ImpaWMe. Dead for Free Color cord. Seery Saoalet. earl Bookies eels, remelts of Dyely new after colo.. The ioHNSoNN.Ut AR NN CO.. liked. bilestreal. Cara CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD,ONT. The betit practical training ,ochool in . hnario. Three department+. Conner alai, Shorthand and Telegraphy. All connote are thorough and practical. Teacher are experienced and grad. eaten are placed to poait:ron.. We give Individual attention and andante mar enter at any time. Write for our tree catalogue at moo. D. A. McLACBLAN, Prineipal Spring Goods Arriving First shipment of W. G. & R. Shirts to hand in the newest patterns and styles for Spring. Also a shipment of the Latest Fitwell Hats in Derbies. Call in and see them. JlcIean Bros. 1 SEMI -READY TAILORS AND MEN'S OUTFITTERS. Agents for Carkartt Overalls, Stanfieid's Underwear, Fitwell Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. ID GET THE BEST. IT PAYM. -1_]_iOTT sl •I am an old gran -and many of my troubles inganmo •suer happened."-ELBEKT IIUBBAAI) rrisl white hair and wrinkled faces of our busy men and women tell doubt, fear and anxiety -more than disease or age. Worry ploys havoc with the nervous system -so that digestion is ruined and sleep banished. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of an engine - DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical pLsrveroy i is to the'.lieete organs of the body. It's a tomeBody builder -because it stimulates the livor to vigoros. action, assists the stomach to assimilate food -tem eariehrg the blood, amid the serves sad heart in tun are fed on pure rich blood. ea�is 'le the cry of starved sees for food." For forty years ...Golden ttreater Dilsomo sr•'y" is liquid form has gives groat satisfaction as a tonic and blood maker. New tt tams be obtained in tablet firm -fists dealers to medicine .rsend 6 mese-cent stamps for trial box. Write 14. V. Pierce. Buf ole. Pa. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS 1tefeve eeastipatl a. replace tl t liver. and bowels. Easy to take as caviar. TMeaca Ont., 1. a Coannercial School el the Hlabest Grade! NONE BETTER IN CAN: ADA! Graduates In .trona aemand. Ester sow. t'atakrgoe fine. Wantedi Scrap Iron and Hemp Braes. Very best prices Paid - tall or write station what you have to offer. The Ilsty /arise Eagise do Tiler Cee, Limited 0OD11:RIC!! { Ho1idyGifts. ull ANI) REMEMBRANCES We have a great number of useful' as 0 well as ornamental goods from watch you can make a choice. What would be a nicer and more useful present for mother than an up-to-date Happy Thought Range or a Radiant Home Heater, two of the best stoves on the market ? A number of other Christmas suggestions : pSilver Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons Pearl -handled Knives and Forks . Electric Light Fixtures Silver Knives and Forks Conessi C^ae tr /`•a cans Shot Guns and Rifles Coal Oil Heaters Scissors in cases Hockey Skates Brass Goods Carpet 111 Sweepers and many others too numerous to mention, which we invite you to call and see. CHAS. C. .EE q 0 irkM Phones : St 22 House 112