HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-2-6, Page 7cjWAN'S
keg for Breakfast."
du started on Cowan's
los is s day with a clear
Irl and a steady nee►°—
ip full of snap and life.
eta nourishes the body.
is rich in food value and
ty to digest.
T. Swarts',
'Bus, Livery
ad Hack Stables
MicrrttltAL STIexlrr „
Passengers celled for in
any pert of the town fur
all trains at G., T. R. or
C. P. R. depots,. Prompt
and careful title'
Our Livery and Hack
service will be found up-
to•date in ever) respect.
Your patronage 'solicited
Bose !(r
MM•.ntreal street
Tauten.v, fininV.,R ei »n 7
• _ r' _ News I TUC PHILOSOPHY
The Gorrie fall fele will be held thistutee en the d
oth ult. marked the Mose
year on eledurday, October 4tb. ( of a long and useful life. Tbe de-
et Wingbeen is to have tbirteea streetowed was born at Hamilton, of U. Philosophically
bo ithcollections twiw a E. loyalist stock. At the age etDein e
to the township of Hay, there to seer
letter tea, w twenty-uoe he walked from Handlen
Tboine a Appleton. of Mount Carmel, big fortune in the woods. Two years
k dead at the ale of righty-otne later Le married Annie Feowlck, who
survives, witb three .or. and two
daughters: Ephraim A., of Exeter :
Leonard L., of St. Marys ; Egerton
R.. of North Vancouver; Mn. ittev.)
C. W. Baker, of Woodl s.), and likes
Mabel. at home. Sloes 187ttthe fatuity
Mid resided in Exeter. Mr. Folhek
bad reached his revso1v-seventh year.
Opposed to Ontario Station Act
The dog poisoner baa been at work
at Wingbam mood several valuable
dugs have -been destroyed lately.
While hauling hay to teruseeb Wm.
Cardiff, r it of Jame. Cardin, Grey
township, had his leg broken near the
Adam H. Strong. a former Ford-
wieb boy. baa been appointed man-
ager of the Northway Co.'e clothing
etore at Brantford.
Mrs. Vim Pollock, wbo formerly
lived near Hensall for many yerrv,
died at. Seekntoon, Sask., ou January
=kid, aged righty -two years.
Early Wednesday morning of Ise.►
week on unsuxessttil attempt was
rade by creekuaeo to blow open the
safe of the Brussels postoffite.
The Pryne Milling Company at
Brussels has been converted into a
joint stock concern, capitalized at
$50,000 with share. of 111t$) each.
R. B. Harris, formerly of Wroxeter,
has been appointed dietricr organizer
for the Canadian Order of Foresters in
The Grand Trunk Railwayis the
lost direct mute from alpoints
'act thr ugh Canada via Chicago,
etroit, or Butlalo.
Round trip tourist ticket*, giving
hoer • f all the best Motes. to -
ether eith full information, may
• obteir 1 flout any Grand Trunk
F. F. Lawrence R Sons, Towns
4uecger and Ticket. Agents, Gude-
kik. 'Phone 8.
A meeting of owners of entire horses
in Huron county was held last week
at 8eafortb, for the purpose of consid-
ering the Act paused at the last session
of the Ontario Ltegislature known as
"The Ontario Stallion Act." The
Act wee thoroughly discussed and the
sentiment of that meeting was unani-
mously opposed to it. Tbe opinion is
that it will inflict an unnecessary
expense and entail additional trouble
on bone owners, and that it. will
not be of any possible service
or protection to breeders of horses
and that it is not calculated in any
way to improve present conditions.
Tbe bores owners were particularly
opposed to the condition tequiring
coin ulaory enrolment. They tbere-
the"Province of British Columbia. tore unanimously resolved to petition
Shiite), Bobier, who had been G. T. the Legislature to repeal the wbol-
R. agent et Bluevale for several years, A.:t, and if that cannot be done to
has gine to Guelph, where be taker amend the Act by repealing the clause
the position of G. T. R. accountant. requiring compulsory enrolment. It
Mn. Patrick Halpin, an old and is understood that petitions are now
highly respected resident of Iieeforth, being circulated to this effect and that
died on Friday, 2t1. 'Ate. 8be had they are being very generally sigoed
reached the good age of eighty-one by both horse owners and breeders.
years. It was also decided to procure Ow co -
At Clifford, on the, 22nd ult., 'ulna operation of horsemen in other coon -
May, youngest daughter of Mrs. M.
Stockton, was married to R. E. Pat-
ten -son. The young couple will reside
et Chauvin, Alberta.
John Corbett, of Fordwicb, died on
the '21.t ult. at the advanced age of
ninety-one years. He was born in
Ireland, but had been a resident of
Howick township since 1855.
Fred Mowbray bas tented his farm
near \Vhitechurcb to Harry Calvert
for a term of three years and is leav-
ing with his family for Cochrane. On-
tario, where they will reside in future.
An Exeter old boy, (.rover J. Bis-
sett, son of M. and Mrs. G. Bissett,
formerly of Exeter, was tarried at
Winnipeg. on the =ad alt., W Mies
Della, Rollins. daughter of Edward
Winkle of Crestal City. Man.
J. W. McKay hes wild his fifty -acre
farm ..t Moncrieff to George Robert-
son, wbo paid $3,411) fur it. Mr. Rob-
ertson now has 130 screw. Mr. Mc-
Kay has purchased the 100 acres of
Angui McKay, in the e.alite neighbor-
bood, fur $3,(J30.
Mr. and Mrs.° I10bt. M,ixwell, of the
Bluevale road. near W'ingbam, left
hut week to make their house in Clio.
ton. Befyre they left the home
neigbborhood ttey were mode the re-
cipients of an addrers and presenta-
tion by toric old friends and neigb-
While driving from Hensall to Ex-
eter one afteruoon recently Robert
Thomas, of London. and F. Carlin, of
the King George hotel. Hensall, were
thrown out. Mr. Thomas right leg
was broken and he was badly shaken
up; Mr. Carlin'• bead was deeply
1f takers a practical asYes to one et
scan's Schools. Timis, atteadaece
w tq mail. sad be M mem quiOSlr •
t0 sero• on•
• JIe e eaessiems"ins.�-rlq Ires.•. W,
L ebaw. Predigas, TM.at-. tor.
Logs Wanted
T h e undersigned
will pay the blithest
rash pekes for all
k i rids of good Logs
delivered at the
mill, foot of Angle -
toes street, Godericb•
At the Thames Road manse, on
Wednesday afternoon. January lith,
Rev. Colin Fletcher united in mar
ruse Miss Maggie E., daughter .o1 Mr.
and Mrs. Tboi.. Hunkto, of Usborhe,
and George Coward. Mr. and Mrs.
Coward will reside on the 10th eonoee-
tion of Colborne.
The wedding took place at the
Lutheran parsonage, Lasbwooi, on
January 29.h, of Miss Laura Kraft,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
L. Kraft, of Stephen township. to
Fi ederick 1. Preeter, of the same
township. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. tickers.
A happy event occurred at the home'
of Mr. and Mrs. Rahert P. Bell. Sea -
forth, on Wednesday of last week,
when their eldest dsoghter, Miss
Louise, was married to George Per
civet Taylor. a prosperous young
fainter of McKillopp Tbe ceremony
was performed by Rev. F. H. Larkin.
A Canadian Club has been formed
at Ethel, with Rev. D. Wren as presi-
dent, sod Jas. Bowman, M. P., Wm.
Proudfoot, M. P. P., A. H. Musgrove.
M. P. P., W. H. Kerr. Arch. Hislop and
Rev. Joeeph Elliott as honorary mem-
bers. The intention is to secure some
of the public speakers of the day to
address the ('tub from time to time.
by History sad Geology.
Pastor Russell Distends Biblical Ac-
count—Jesus and the Apostles, His-
tory and Science, Support Genesis
Record—Higher Critics Held Rr
spmw'Ibls Fel. Approaching Anarchy
Brooklyn, Feb. 2.
—Pastor Russell
I o.d a y addressed
the Brooklyn Coo-
nnow gen-
known as
"The Bible Stu-
dents." His text
was, "As it was in
the days of Noab,
w also ,ben it be
ire the days of the
Stn of Man."—
Luke 1716.
The address
opened with s
soatbing arraign-
ment of Higher Critics. Our richly
endowed colleges, he declared, are
undermining faith in the Bible, which
mesas faith in a personal God, and
substituting a scant recognition of the
laws of Nature, devoid of sympathy
or mercy. Practically every minister
graduated during the last twelve years
has been a believer in human evolu-
tion. Disbelief in the Bible account
of man's creation in God's image,
means disbelief in a fall from that
image, disbelief in the need of re-
demption and reconciliation, and dis-
belief in the necessity for the Resti-
tution to be accomplished by Mes-
siah's Kingdom
Pastor Russell said that he does
not question the sinoerity of Higher
Critics. His own ezpeneoces along
the same line forty years ago give
him great sympathy for them. He in-
sisted, however, that it is not honor-
able for those who have abandoned
the creeds to pose before the public
ss supporters of those creeds, and to
draw salaries and receive honorary
titles for undermining the faith of the
people, while posing as representa-
tives of Christ and the Bible. He de-
clared such a course dishone-t and
The Deluge Corroborated By History.
Do Not Want Any Competitors in the
Toronto Star. Jar. Eft
Among those interested in the
Hydro -electric scheme
making elec-
trical energy
there is an opibion that the Ottawa
bill to incorporate the Huron�Lake
Shore Railway Company
-joker" that may cause trouble to the
municipal and Government ides.
The proposed route is from Sarnia
to Meaford, thro•igh the counties of
Lambton, Huron, Bruce and Grey.
The bill does not sey whether ;he hue
t% to be steam or electric.
There is a reference :o electricity,
but it is not confined to the operation
of the road. and, in consequence, the
attention of Hon. Frank Cochrane,
Minister of Railway', is called to this
Tbe rbiuse to which objection is
taken empowers the cotupauv to ac-
quire and dispose of elects is er other
power or roergv "which of . be
transmitted to any place in the u.uui-
cipelit,ies through which the railway
has cern constructed," sod to dispose
of surplus pow er an! energy and col-
lect rates. Tbe Dwnioiun Railway
Commission, not the Hydro -electric
('owmissipo, Si to approve of the
charges, eta.
Of the men oh'aining the charter,
as mentioned in the bill, one lives in
Ottawa. and the others ere of Mon-
treal. The head office is to be io Mon-
One criticism is : "What we feel is
that they sbould not bave these power
rights tacked oo to electric or other
roadway charters, ezoept for the pur-
pose of the railway. 1f they are going
in for the power and electric light bur
loess, let them say so. and if not, they
ehould not bave the power. set out in
this bill." ,
'Tbe Hydro -electric Commission
may be diffident about acting in this
matter, acid • Hydro loe Hydro-elec-
r to
tricStar today, ba
Conimiceaton is regarded as the
people's we}tch•dog wbere. electric
power is cobcerned. Power develop•
ment is making head way everywhere
in Ontario, and such joker clauses in
railway bills may' prove a serious
handicap some day. Such a clause as
the one specified imposes no obliga-
tion on the company to distribute
power, but enables the cofripany to do
so. In other words, there is the priv-
ilege witbout any counter -balancing
return required from the company.
Electricity for the use of this railway
is one thing, and the permission to
dispose of it is quite another. is tbe
company s renew or a power com-
pany ? A dual identity should not be
incorporated in one bill. The issue
raised ought to be settled. not n but
gard to this one company alone
as a general principle."
The speaker held that • Higher Cri-
tics approach every Bible topic from
the standpoint of unbelief, and de-
clared that if they weld reverse their
position and seek for corroborations
of the Bible. their success would be
better. These critics, ezpioring the
ruins of Babylon, toand clay tablets
rudely picturing the ark and con-
taining a few words about • general
deluge. Instead of saying that this
confirms the Bible thought. they de-
clare that- the Israelites in Babylon
drew their story of the Deluge from
B•bylounan legends. How nilly to sup-
pose that the beautiful Genesis ac-
count came from a few words record-
ed by Babylonians:
Pastor Russell promised that next
Sunday he would' take duephettoal
reasons Justifying the at
humanity with the Deluge. Through
bis sermons, printed weekly in hun-
dreds of newspapers, those desiring
might continue with him the study
of the subject. Today he wished to
show that natural causes tully confirm
the words of Jesus, the Apostles and
Moses respecting the Deluge.
The great difficulty heretofore has
been to harmonize the story of the
Deluge with the shape of the earth.
This has now been met. The Vailian
theory respecting creation shows that
when the earth was in a molten state,
it, threw off minerals in the form of
gases, which on cooling, separated
more or less, according to density,
and must have constituted great rings
or bands about the earth, similar to
those of. Saturn and Jupiter.
As the earth cooled, these rings se.
quired separate motions, because of
their distance, but gravitated slowly
toward the earth, the atmosphere pre-
venting immediate precipitation.
Gradually each would spread out as
a greet canopy, gravitating toward
the poles, because of centrifugal
forme. Finally the accumulation at
the poles would overcome the resist-
ance of the atmosphere, and cause
Many such deluges occurred before
man was created, and from these
came mineral depoeite. The last of
these rings consisted of pure water,
and spread out as a canopy when man
was created. It retracted the sun's
rays much as would the root of a hot-
house, and rendered uniform the tem-
perature of earth.
Frozen In Solid Ice.
Thomas Warwick. a well-known old
resident of the 3rd line of Morris, died
on Sunday. January 26, in his eigbty-
eeventh year. He was boin in Scut -
land and came to Canada with hie
parents when a boy. He had been a
resident of Morris for the last fifty
years. He is survived by four sons.
two in Morris and two at Vancouver.
The death of Mrs. John Hawkins
took place at her home on the London
road, Hay township, on Sunday. Jan-
uary 2$cb, at the age of forty•eight
years. The deoeaaed was a native of
Hay township the second daughter
of the late William Chapman. About
eighteen yew ago sbe was married to
her now bereaved husband, and one
son, a boy of thirteen, also survives.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Weir, Seafurth, on Wednesday. Janu-
ary y 1th, their sewed daughter,
Myrtle, was united in marriage to
Martin Paput, only son of Mr. anti
{ Mos. C. L Paper, of London. Tbe
ceremony was performed by Rev. F.
H. Larkin. The young couple will re-
did* et Hamilton, where 1►Ir. Papet
btoids a good position as G. T. R. divi-
sionai asset
Custom sswing
and teetotal mill
work dose promptly.
Oa Twsia J� M;
86. Porn abiereb. Dry0Moe
Oslg.s Dedissme bourse the WO et
Looe ioasnh d
fdas+� bressr�y
phan tais
now of 1feslabahewen. The
w•s rfeessed by r
. IS the pawarges of many
reiMjimes wee Meade. Atter
1~11=1).41= With their trim% .
for Hsi htl..
Iherr r LSONsa M/tiWt
IWrite Ieasfor Moving Picture Plays!
We Will Show You How!
If you have ideas—If you cap THiNK—we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new pro-
fession. Pusllively nu eaperieoce or literary excellence necessary. No ••rlowery language" is wanted.
The demand for photoplays Is practically unlimited. The big filen manufacturers are "moving beaven
end earth" in their attempts to get. enough good plote to supply floe ever increasing demand. They are
offering CUOMO and snore, for single scenarios, or et•ittan ideas.
We have received many letters from the film manufacturers. arch as VITAGRAPR,"EDt'ON,
us to sena pbotoplsys to them. We want more writer and we'll gladly teach you the secreta of soccere.
We are selling photoplays written by people wbo "neber before wrote a line
for publication.
Perhaps we can do tbe same for you. 1f you can think of only one gond idea every week and will
writs it out a, directed by us, and it sells for only 5'23.00—a low figure—
Dont hesitate. Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just what this new profession may mean for
you sod your future.
National Authors' Institute, 1543 Broadway, New York City
The Canadian Matrez.ne for February
is noteworthy h-tause of the logical,
coe.tunosense article "The High Coat
of Living." After making a scholarly
presentation cf the cnse, he cams up
the high cost of living in Canada as
tollovc : (1) 'the world-wide result
of increasing gold snppliee, of Ito -
productive expenditure of labor and
material in preparation for war, and
of the checking of agriculture) des
velopmenr, owing to the migration
citywards. induced by protection in
the food exporting couetties. (2) The
Oauadian priliry of protection, has
permitted Nether increased prices in
Canada to an average of :H per cent.
above their level in IUIM). (3) The
ne-ivate monopoloes apparently exist -
ling in oaf hie cities in connection
with i.ome)of the businesses of fond
distribution. the poor tran'pnit facil-
ities, and a system of taxation un-
suited to rapid city growth.
Hydro Lighting Rates at Mitchell.
The Mitchell Advocate says : ''Phe
light and power commission pntpose
revisiog the rates of power and light
in Mitchell, It will have the effect of
equalizing the cost of light, but et the
same time will greatly increase pres-
ent prices. We would prefer going
hack to the old way of lighting, viz.,
meter at 10c per k. w. h., when you
could get as much Itgbt from an eight -
candlepower lamp as you get from a
thirty-two today.
Mitchell Recorder: As some mite
underettnding has arisen with regard
to floe effect of the new
el ct electric
ingretie, retie, we may
Axed charge
of 10c. per kilowatt hour
meottoned in Ian. week's iesue does
not refer to residential li btiog at all,
but only to commercial f tingOetm-
the rules of the Hydro -electric
miseion all the municipaline• in the
Province areDes to
t the Leet ofxed floor retaof
4 mete persquare
per month for domestic ligbting. The
ooty addition to this in residences will
be a coosuUeption charge of five emits
kilowatt hour. For commercial
patisg the full charges are also dir-
iirdirdd MW two parts : first, ten cents per
u rmonth of the connectefor tbe fleet d
hod. sad secondpar
five cents per kilo-
watt lour for all excess consumption.
All MB. will lie diecooeled at the rate
sea test. for preempt payor et
Tey of the (*aro floe resi-
dential ea fist M SMR tis coo'
arm et
01 then �sleMid
ell fire easels perthis
may be redoes* *O Itis SaeaVel
The Math of bosh T.P1* sit Ss- trasatts .8"8118 ti
Did Not Vote at Owen Sound.
Owen Sound Sun : AA item ap-
peased iu some of the Toronto parer*
the day after the election to the effect
that the Hvdro.electric bylaw was
panted at Owen' Souod by a large
majority. The item has been largely
copied by many of our exchanges and
The Sun takes this opportunity to say
that Owen Sound did NOT vote on
any Hydro -electric <by-law, What
Owen Sound did vote on was a by-law
tee ieeue dt-hentor•c. 10 raise the sum
fit $p0 (l) fie intpeoving and extend-
ing the electric hie ht plant of the town.
Unless Hydro -electric rates become a
great deal lower than they are at
present it is bardly likely that Owen
Sound will have Hydroelectric power
for some time yet.
Youngly—"Did you ever notice
that the matrimonial process is like
making a call! You go to adore, you
ring floe belle and you give your name
to the maid ?" Cynicue—"Yes, and
then you're taken in."
Recently. in Siberia, a mammoth
was found with grass between it,e
teeth, frown solid in thick acv. Simi-
larly, a deer was found in polar re-
gions with undigested grass in its
etomaeh. Evidently the catastrophe
which produced these results was aud-
den—sueh as would occur seoordina
to the Vailian theory, said the Pastor
The breaking of the canopy sent a
great flood of water reidenly from
Um poles to the equator Then camp
the glacial period. when icebergs
boating down from polar regions cut
deep valleys, etc.
As the cold at the poles was es -
trams, so was the haat at ties equator
Ocean currents Bron opt in, which
have gradually modified the Arctic
regions and brought the polar ice as
great icebergs toward the equator.
The Ark Divinely Prel eked.
We nates.Uy inquire. Where wee
the arkt Hew was it kept 6+1 Faith
.Dewier, that God sod• esbeedly pro-
tected it. Bet sow Prot. Wright MIN
us that the regbn about Ararat coo -
tabu snomaally deep alluvial depos-
its, as tt M lied been • milling basin
for the Sratitly waters of long ago.
Werhate.'s Cottages.
Hearty SAO workmen's totter..
bath sea hem Wilt
vbin i reload by We.
Reliable dome Treatment
The ORRINE treatment for the
Drink Habit can be used with absolute
confidence. It destroys all desire for
whiskey, beer or other alcohclic
stimulants. Thonsaode have success-
fully used it and have been restored
to lives of sobriety and usefulness.
Can be given secretly. Coate only
$1.00 per box, if you fail to get re-
sults from ORRINE after a trial, your
money will he refunded. Ask for free
booklet telling all about ORRINE.
F. J. !Jutland. Noffh Side Square
Havingpurchssed the husi-
nese formerly conducted by
F. Barlow Holmes, we pur-
pose dealing In
Cosi, Wood
Lime, Cement
Fire Brick, Etc.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley Coal, two
knee which are recognised as
the best. Ws wish to giv3
the people of Ooderich and
vicinity the best service pos
sible, and shell bre glad to
hear from all elf Mr. Holmes
customers and any others
wbo wish anything in oar
All orders left with Jaa.
Yates. R est street. promptly
attended to.
'Phone No. 7B
Yards at G. T. R, Helene Street
You may talk about the up-to-
date Style of this shoe, the comfort of
that and the long life of the other- but
if you want a shoe that vies in style
with the most stylish in comfort with
the most comfor ale and in service with
the longest wearing, buy the Monarch
Shoe. There is nothing one sided
about it. It's the Shoe of all round
Downing & MacVicar
Now About
That Cough?
Don't let it bother you: We have a vari-
ety of standard Cough Remedies, and it is
cheaperto stop the cough than to be laid
up with a serious illness.
Bring us your Prescriptions and they will
be filled accurately and promptly with reli-
able drugs.
North side Square
"The Store That Pleases."
Telephone 19
Tranacons will be one of the greatest railway
centres of the West.. The Grand Trunk Pacific has
shops located there, the Canadian Pacific
Railway has established immense freight yards, and
It bee been persistently rumored that the Canadian
Northern Railway will move their entire shops from
Fort Rouge to Transcona.
Tran.cona' s future as a manufacturing city ss
well as a railwaycentre, Ig assured, and several liege
industries are aready established, requiring a Largs
number of men.
many times over In the nest two years, end there
are profits for the Investor wbo buys today.
We have a number of lots to sell at Tr&or'ona
and offer Ibsen very advantageous terms to Gode-
ricb purchasers.
Write for our booklet, which tell% all shout
Tr engeons.
Scott, Hill St Co. J. T. Goldthorpe
22 ('anal. lefe Rending Arent in OODBRiCH
WINNIPEG, MAN. Rural T.Mpboss 6 r 6