HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-2-6, Page 5Pie ed - as od all CUD THE SI NAL : GODERJOH ON'rA.R,IO riagrallnalf. Vttesv.s. O. Nis $ AL_!!i0PICS ere Welcome. ew�y and 108;0u-711 t of •sig i'' ode w make het. their s� V They have Panhaseed the .„..g \Vert street led ,.....DP"- aiindd Mrs. James s• 1s M one up ltount/sPing' R. H Cher of our toweeuua a OataUps for Godar d% bor' them wards of the %slay, stoleg e,,;otateet submittedto the t m b uret the James Dickson Sec. a Paten moos m Moeid• � Ohildren's Aid Case. O. M. Bllktt, county officer of L1e Children's Aid Society, had four cod - dote Wore Magistrate Kelly this moashig whom circumstances were south as meeessit•ted some action. After hearing the evidence, and wbeu tb• smother expressed her w W I nines• to give the children into the calm of the Children's Aid Society. abs magis- trate made the usual order, making of imailir if Fisas•• planer unproven:a:4W is doubtless in fey pi t week ell Ike 04 breakwater. sod SWAN* rW sure eimiil-e purpose. 'fie r item for„f $4.900 for repairs to poetry Want breakwater at Mouth - Opp Our townsman James Die:keon. dep- etty oounty regi'tsar, hap joined the Woke of inversive*. He has had pat- ented at Washington D. U., se im- proved Iranian eras, the novel feature of which is a wire attached to the sods of the tines of the rake in such manner aa to shatter the earth through which the rake is drawn with- out otherwise disturbing it. Briefly, cram it is a between a ra and • hoe. The attachment •sem• simple enough, bus as in the oars of most inventions eopeebody had to think ot it fires, and la fhb owe Mr. Dickson got Ube orig- inal idea He is applying for a palest es Ottawa also, we u ndesaesd, and the device has already created consider.. able interest. sePu ' 1. �geodof Trade Annual oMeeting.h -sof Trade will be held 'est 0..- o the Boardroom. North mot over the Union Bank. The /elas°presentedt s s•idrees will be presented tions of Im- �aaumbrtba industrial os to the industrial •ad emu- rsial interests of the town will be hessisbt up for discussion. A general eelt•teon t% extended for meet- ing; whether • member Or not. aort- ass uterested will be welcome. tpol•w wins at Basketball. Iabt-bball nteamJ defeated the Gods - rib Y. M. C. A. Juniors 1a Use 001 - Wigs gymnasium beet. Friday sva- ,owe was V 8 hard-fought ticbb tbboys ex - -�pet g� thissow week. The teams bird up as follows : beeknow' T. Cameron forward W. Straiten Swanson T. centre C. Stoddart A, Rath wall defence G. GanaW. CRAW ilefsree-J. Beck. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The annual election of officers for Y. M. C. A. Juniors was held it • week end resulted in for e►eiee of the following =e Ons: President. Hehrr Pbwell : vioe- pardenr, Willie Babb ; secretary - insurer, Graham Rosa : convener of axial eomunttse, Willie SWAY : or ,rows eoruwutee. Howl. Swanson : of sthkuc committee, Harold Currie. Their oro °Mlcsse will be hastened at use bcnquet on Pebruary 11th, when lien. W. Tebbe. of Wycliffe College. lips I1.oat commiesiooer for Waterloo snooty. will he present as guest of honor. The Y. M. C. A. rooms have received as additional decoration in tbe Nreaeotalon of a tine gilt -framed Coronation" photograph of Miss Ski u p, who his always shown great WNW in the Boy Scouts. AldtwebWRev. J. B. Fotheringham. The $gest, Mn. McDonald. and the eucutive of the General Broca Chapter. 1. It. 11. E., have •rr NMI of interesting addresses to be delivered at their chapter meetings. All somber% of the Order, of any Caplet, will be welcome to attend sod bear three addresses. Tbe first tido sena will he given next Mon- day. letb inst.. by Rey. J. B. Fotber- ingliam. in the jury room of the court bouie. The second address will he given by Rev. (leo. E. Ross the second Monday in Meech and the titled by i'-incipal Hume the second Moodey in April. Further notice of these will be given later. The address on Monday seat will commence at 4.45 p- en. The bssiniw meeting of tbe Obapter will enneence at 4 o'clock, and all mem- hes ate requested to be present as promptly se possible in order to have the business completed before the boar Axed for the address. Captured at Detroit Professor Arnyot's Lecture. The secood-lecture in the Collegiate lostitute series was given last Friday evening. and although the night was a disagreeable ooe and the subject as announced did not promise & popular addles, the audience was larger than for the opeoine lecture. Prof. J. A. Atnyot, of Toronto. Provincial hector iologist, wee the lecturer, and be made Ids subject "National and Artificial Means of Meeting Infective Diseases." M interesting as a romance. 'I'be Professor bee a very pleasant voice, ovoids the tees of technical terms, and preeeoto his facts iu a way that makes his story of the ubiquitous fascinating as a fairy tale and withal highly instructive. Short of • verbatim report. we could hardly do justice to the hectare: so we do not attempt to report it Kuntz -Ayers. Thomas Murphy and Donald Mc- bosaid, who are orupposed to be im- plicated with Edward Burling In a nester of recent cases of hope -break - i•1 and stealing. are expected to arrive in town tonight, bevies beets apprehended at Detroit. h is the of the Crown oaken tb.t now, have in custody the' men r'eapoesible for several cease of house- breaking at Seaforibt as well as for the horglary of Alex. Strachan'a store at Brussels. As 'fated last week. Burling has confessed to the Brussels afar, sod on Monday be was con- victed before Judge Holt. Bentsen was deferred until something more he learned of the other eases in which Me prisoner is supposed to be mixed sp. A diligent mirth by the con- atabke revealed a Jorge quantity of goods hidden is Burjnet@ boom oa Heath succi. Some of it was eon - reeled at the bottom of tam owl box, *Lb a couple of bundresiweigbt of sal on top of it. Some of Use stuff has been identified as the property of $eafort h peopb whose houses were rm- astly broken bete, ew& Berneg wap Yesterday committed for trial tee the ebarge of stealing from the house 01 L L. McFaei $sefnRh. High 00.- stable Whiteside@ howls" sseur'ed • de• retiption of two 1111111111 kaown to ban Wen in Burling's sompasy, circular' users erns oat ••tleg for their einem- 'evasion 'evasion and the saes Were. as •lrwdy listed. nicked up at Detroit. Whin anvst.d each mac bed • for coat end •a►, which is eapp..d to be a past d tba Monty neared +t Brussels. The seen denied that they had steles the sista. claiming that we ton sees in Dome .ecus ty Nista.. W Inas h•�odweasgse M ssaamsm. rlleDoe- •1••the net firm utlesd who• bed bit employed Is Iwo the meet two months, or se. M • waedar•r. M Mmy. tires aid. 1$aDs.- Beth of tic,, were tleeerletR on •t'• beth le sewn. fletltlns asait fist_ ��..�� ���` Bre lees him Wen solely, abort two Sean �ed =sew& whom real same. aiam Ida rope ee Jobe r. be Dorm was arreast e m heearea wwish tat' �" bliadbry.bat astime wee LOCAL TOPICS IN BR*F. er valent e s � w to be erswlaro la emus, awaa's Art Won has a meat eYWy of v erns t. tate la nee ekasrr• e[ t . 1ceMu••r nest ld- Mak Wieser male bier sbIL Perham rep dad • new overeeat of tea late to net see •ow yea will sed 11 all melt winter. agyway. Frtdbao"e• Salta side Scones, it the place ler Theomnootooatthllyyry meeting of tbe Chil- dren's Aid Society will be held on Tuesday afternoon nest, es 4:15 p. M. at the court house. A metropolitan attraction at Vic- toria iatoria Opera House Tuesday and Wed- nesday sett, Mr. bred Byers and oompaoy in "Tbe Girl and the Drum- mer and -The Girl and the Tramp." The editor of The Signal has m- oseyed an invitation to attend the thirteenth annual at-home of the Huron Old Boy. Aaeociatioa of Toronto, on Friday evening, February 21st. The members of the county council on Friday aternoon paid a visit to the factory of the American Road Machine Co. and were much interested in the process of turning out the celebrated Champion reel -building machines. On Saturday, Tennant Drennan NO/ badly injured at the elevator. A box of tools tailing from an upper story hit bine upon the head and left shoulder. A doctor warn called and his injuries were attended to, and we are glad to my that Mr. Drennan is rapidly recovering. One of the society events of the week was a fancy dress bell held Monday nicht in the Oddfellows' Hall. It was arranged by some of the young bankers in honor of one of the fraternity. About seventy-five persons were present, and the affair was voted a brilliant success. The Marine Social Club held au en- joyable social at their club rooms on Mor.day evening. About aeveoty-Uva guests were present. A feature of the evening's entertainment was a poetical tribute to the "Mariners of Lake Huron" read by Miss Skimings, who received quite an ovation. At St. Peter's church. on Tueelay, Rev. Father McRae united in marriage Christina Marie, daughter of Samuel Ayer., of liodericb, formerly of London, and Edward J. Kuntz, of Saltford. The bride was given away by her father and was attended by Miss Lillian Kuntz, sitter of tbegroom. while F. L Ayers. brother of the bride. &seisted the groom. After the cer- emony the wedding party drove to the borne of the bride's parents. where they partook of a sump'uous wedding hrrakfaaL The groom's gilt to the bride was • handsome silver tea - service, to Or bridesmaid • beautiful pin set with pearls, and to the grooms- man a handsome pearl tiepin. The young couple received many beautiful and costly presents. They left on Up 2:40 G. T. It train for points east and on their return will reside in Gnderich. Death of John Hillier. Itis with deep regret that we record the death of John Hillier, an old and bigbl respected resident of the town. Mr. Hillier had been failing ion health for some time and on Sunday mcrniog last be passed to his reward in the seventy-fourth year of his age. The deceased was born in Devonshire, England, and came to this country wben he was acbiki, settling witb his Parents in Markham township, in the county of York. then reeving to Grey township. in the couoty of Huron. He afterwards came to lioderich, where for eighteen years he conducted the business on Kiogston street that is now being carried oa by R. H. Cult. When Mr. Cult took over the business, Mr. Hillier inoved to Goderich town- ship, but after a few years be moved back to town, where he lived a retired lite until his death. He is survived by Isis wife, • daughter of the late Hillary Horton seven daughters and three sons. The daughters are: Mrs. R. H. Cott and Mrs. Fred Hunt, of town ; Mrs. John Fitch. Mn. Edward Hill. Mrs. Will Rutledge, Mrs. Will $ebwants and Mies Pea. 1. all of-Britisb Columbia. and tbe sons are Will sed John, of Calgary, and Harry. of Tor- onto. The' funeral will take place on Saturday afternoon to Maitland oemrterv. EAST STREET GARAGE PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT REOARDINO BICYAJ.ES FOR I9I3 - ---- -- - We will be able to offer you a wheel made by the same firm that makes Cleveiead. Yassey- Harris and Brantford. but aa- sembled by uerrralvse. This mean• a good saving and it will be to your interest to get our prices. Our SicOe repair department was good last year, but it wiry be better and bigger altogether nett summer, and glen though you mar not be a custooer we would hke to have you drop in and see what we have to offer. It will pay you to keep us in mind when thinking "Bicycle." Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. GODERICH, ONT. PHONIC 248 PORT ALBERT. TUE LATE JOHN McQLAaats.-The death of John McQuarrie occurred on Sunday. 216th ult., atter only a few hours' illness, bears failure being the cause. Tbe deoeseed bad been stay- ing here the last few weeks with his nephew. John Green, and prior to that lived with his sister, Mrs. Campbell, at She pardton. He was formerly a resident of Saltford. He wee never married. He was born seventy- three years ago at Cape Beaton and came to these parte when a young man. H. was a quiet. un- assuming nun, of more than avenge intelligence. and was highly respected by those who knew him. What you love-weiners aod sauer- kraut.. Tbe Baptist church. Tbe Hamilton Spectator published on Saturday the results of a "book - lore contest" which it had been con- Jucting for some weeks. Mrs. W. A. McKim, of town, was well up in the list,of prize -winners, winning a feater suitcase valued •t $15. Other prize -winners in Goderich are Miss Olive Goldthorpe and Mies Mabel Rey- nolds. There was a good house on Wednes- day evening tor the entertainment given by the Stauffer Uoutta-Bain Scottish Concert Company under the auspices of Inverness l anip. 8. O. S. The program was suticieotly varied in character to be very enjoyable. Mr. Stauffer, the character artist, ap- peared to be the favorite with the and ience. According to The Kingston 'Whig one of the surprises ot the recent municipil elections at Kingston was the re-election of Ald. T. F. Harrison. A partisan attack was made upon Ald. Harrison, and "annihilation" wee tobe his portion. but, as The Whig pots it, "the people went to the polls and re- turned the noted Methodist B'ihle school auperin'endent as their repre- seotative. The victorious alderman is the father of Walter H. Harrison, jeweller, of Godeticb. CHURCH NOTES. MacEwen --Goldthorpe. At the leek's's home, Bruce street. on Tuesday, February 4, at the noon hour. • quiet and pretty wedding took place, Emily, daughter d Mnos . Jamey') Goldthorpe. sr., Iain`` united in mar- riage to Hugh J. A. MacEwen, eon of the IatesPeter MacEwen and of Mn. MaeEwao, town. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. Fotheritlg- ham rector of St. George's church. The bride was prettily gowned in deepest cream ninon over white silk. with trimming% of richbouquet cream e. lace. Bbe corded a large of roses end maidenhair fern and wore a very lovely pe.rl pendant, the gift of them groom. The bridal couple were unattended. Frederic Egener played the WWI Chores from Loheogrin and Keedielmobn'e wedding mareb. midi dories WI signing of the register mag ">leeeseee." Atter 000gratula- tiose were elliered, lunch was served and toasts waw proposed to. in the dining -room the tions were daffodils and smilax. Mr. cod Mrs. Maclwan left on the tkiitt� P. It. train for a abort honey- moon in Buffalo and New York, the bride travelling in • tailored suit of fawn and brooae tweed, mink tan and lawn beaver bat, with whit* osprey sod touches of orange. Both bride sed groom are well known sod papular. and • boat of trend• wish thaw all manage of taproomMaraud needs litrandian sad Mises• Mabel said of HemelBolds us IElse titlibilWidildbote��sr�I~%uItw t Kr. d ldar V. T.flus of 01leid etwdsloek. an A. E. Duff, who has been district ger agent for the Grand Trunk ilway for several years, is resigning his position to engage in the real estate business at Winuipeg. TAKO THE NEW TOWNSITE in the granary of Saskatcbewen, 110 miles west of Saskatoon. $120,000.00 paid out last fall for wheat delivered at station. Openings for good geeeral store, 75 -barrel mill, blacksmith and general repair shop. For information •pply to THoe. GArLZY, Oreille. or W. H. l'Att.O$S, 4013 $t. Catharines 8t, Went. MontreaL a MOB OF CANADA d Tsui bids (gear) • WNW II Save Time When You Are¢usy by carry i M /making by mail. Ju latah us your deposits, or your cheques when you want to withdraw money. We give special attention to business handled in thii way, and will be glad to have you make use of our service. )• L G. GEDDES, Manager Goderich Branch. L61 111. rad. ddidilCd. W Throalemese. W. r ..w.* . a. M. C. MART SWIM. Aealleesss BOWWWw. sit -1 .t - The Ladies' Auxiliary and the officers of the Junior Department of the Young Men's Christian As- sociation invite the parents ot the Juniors and Boy Scouts to their Annual Banquet to be held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Tuesday, February 11 th, at 6.80 p. en. They wish to have every Father and Son .it down togejber at the supper. The guest of honor for 'the even- ing u M. 000. W. TEBBS, Boy Scoot Commissioner for Waterloo Co., who will give an address. Service will be conducted next Sunday ion Victoria street church by Mr. J. A. Irwin, of Clinton. The annual service for railway men will take place in Knox church on Sunday evening. In the morning the pastcr. Rev. Geo. E. Roes. will take the teotb Commandment as the sub- ject of his discourse. A cordial wel- come to all. Divine worship will be conducted at the Baptist chur_h ono. Lord'. Day at 11 a. m. and 7 p. rn.. the pestor omete- ing. Bible school and Bible class at 3 p. m. Young people's meeting every Monday evening, 8 p. o. Visitors will be cordially welcomed to all these ser- vices. At North street Methodist church next Sunday the pantos. Rev. Alfred Brown, will have charge of the sere vices and will conduct the adult Bible clam. Rev. J. W. Graham, D. D.. general secretary of education, will preach morning and evening. A cor- dial welcome to all. St. George's Church. First Sunday in Leos. The rector is preaching a special ser- ies of sermons throughout the Lenten season. On Sunday mornings the subject will be 'The Voices from the Cross:" ono Sunday evenings. "Modern Prophecy;" on Wednesday yeveningsat 8 p. w.. "Messages Col- lects : " on Friday afternoons at 4:90 p. w., 'The Forbidden World." BORN. D16 Mr. sod lint e Dietrich, ooeJanu- ar, ht. hilt, • boy. PARKE-At Dungannon. on Taerday. Febru- ary 4ib. to Mr. nal Mre. Richard Parke, • ,ono • MARRIED. The asset Dslei esppelr4, will tbe �fabreary door&' Me derail' eared file ado._ Tan Oho wind' wf dBtewit I U Wall &-”"":"11111".‘-ml .�« ewe mrd r dr sus tied dr = tliR1"111 him as Ism e. teeter. The term unit 1 tushe •ed� roll st.ed La Dutch reetsmte. •'y R••oee le lloskieg leto bele heady on sale. I. ivse O e'edoeb. M5cCWAN RPL -At Use home of J. B. ' gart AJ llae- Ew1aaJ•o d ne CHWalsER- o!dy. Silks. Jaime Mr. • ra 1Mal imam et DIED. HILLIER. la Uedortok on (Sunday. February 1. Jobe Hillier. Is Wend' fear. es J. Whooping Cough IMAM ainip LIMA 111111111111191 CJLTAean 1'0135 ..+....ease ase • d.r.aa sib nee saran er■ie sal lar A r...sa•arc sow..... w glimeerUlis . i.. orallows .e mesa Mara arnaae. eaer...e ,.. a.... 1..r.am.a. n. 894/ WOWS malt erre bowl. W arrears sew . ,ruse ruse eawasaatety sre000►re0.0.111 .setae OW& Mae Ornetirri.r wore e,.e totareer•b'us God rr.ra.w.w..amna MA. SetlSSSSTL r 4 v.p. 6ewaee Ca a tl.tedr a. Ills. New Stamped GOODS for Embroidering Ladies' Waists, newebt de- signs stamped on a variety of materiale such as Plain Linen, Corded Linen, LAMB, Marquis- ette. Muslin. Stamped Nightgowns and L' nderweeir. Pillow Caere, Linen and Cot- ton. Towels. Targe, also guest size.. stamped in a large variety of pretty designs. Luncheon Seta, Lunch Cloths, Serviettes, Hot Rolls, Etc. Dresser Scarfs, Tray Cloths, Centrepieces, Doilies, Pincush- ions, Tea Cosies. Children's Dresses, pretty de- et s. D M. C. Embroidery and Cro- chet Threads, white and colored. Silks for embroidery. Silk Floss and Rope Silk in all shades. Large variety of Tinted C'en- trepieees, Cushions and Scarfs. Cluny Lace and Fringe, white and tan, for Centres and Cush- ions. Punch -work Linen. tan and cream Linen by the yard. Silk and Satin Flowers made to order. All at most reasonable prices. Mrs. L. B. Tape Singer Store T6eStoreofQeality FRESH BREAD EVERY DAY We bare contracted with Johnston Bros.. of London. w supply in with their celebrated X X X BREAD Joboston's X X Z BREAD Is well and favorably knows in the larger centres, and is soli at the popular pries of FIVE GENTS per loaf. Our first shipowet will arrive cwi Satardey o ,,i h u resat. Watch for it. JUST A FEW SPECIALS FOR TBIle WREK Leitrim. wisp. b ode:meebc bunch Or•.e.COeleea, tree► sod tasty, 5r bunch. Pork Sausage. Rose Brand, ler lb. Little Pig !unease., enesetbing sew, 18e 11. We sin supply you with any - Wei r Osweeeie•. and ptioreMee satidaetioo. Let ue demos trate. Bern's Grecery Fig and Hamilton st ' Phone Watch Bracelets are among the uewe.t novel- ties to which fashionable women are giving their ap- proval. 1f you admire dainty ornaments and up-t.odate de- signs in Attractive Jewellery it will pay you not only to watch bracelets, bat to give your at• ention to our display f of other articles. Some new trinkets are hero .01111. that were designed especially for men's use. So we invite gentlemen as well as ladies to see our display. JS. DAV EY Jeweller and Optician Corner Colborne St. and Square i Great Reduction Sale OF BOOTS and SHOES After taking stock we find it will be necessary to clear out a lot of our. Fall and Winter goods in order to make room for Spring stock and we have decided to offer to the public our entire stock at prices which you cannot afford to miss. We will commence this great sale Saturday, February 1st, and continue it each day up to and including Saturday, February 15th, 1913. Come as early as you can, as the ,first buyers will have the best assortment to choose from. This Sale will be STRICTLY CASH, as we cannot charge goods at reduced prices. Below you will find a partial list of what we have. Any man's $s.00 Shoe in the store for. ' $3 85 Any man's $4.5o Shoe in store for $3.45 Any man's $4.00 Shoe in store for $2.95 Any man's $3.50 Shoe in store for $2.75 Any man's $3.00 Shoe in store for $2.30 A mixed lot of Men's Boots, regu- lar $3.00 to $5.00. Sale price $2.00 Any Lady's $4.00 Shoe in store for $3.20 Any Lady's $3.5o.Shoe in store for.......... $11.i0 Any Lady's $3.0o Shoe in store for $2.40 Any Lady's $2.5o Shoe in store for $I.90 Any Lady's $2.00 Shoe in store for.... $I.65 A mixed lot of Ladies' Boots, regular $3.00, $3 5o and $4.00. Sale price $2.00 Ladies' Oxfords in Patent Leather and plain Kid at prices to suit purchaser. Men's Heavy Winter Felt Boots at Greatly Reduced Prices Men's Heavy WinterjTan Boots. Regular $5 0o. Sale Price is $3.T. What we have left of Ladies' Felt and Bedroom Slippers on sa;e at....Greatly Reduced Prices This is a Genuine Bargain Sale, everything exactly as advertised, and if you expect to be in need of any Footwear in the near future it will pay you to attend this sale. Positively no goods charged at these prices. Space will not permit us to give any more details ; so be sure to come and be convinced. Wm. Sharman THE SQUARE OODERICH. ONT.