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District News
HATi RGAY, Feb. let.
Miss Lottie Walters i► able to be out
again atter her recent Ilene=
Albert Walters, of 'Crystal City,
Mao.. is visaing his old trieods here.
Miss gage Fisher hasggooe to Dutton
on a visit to ber aunt, Mrs. Henry.
Lorne Puckrin and his beide, of
'Whitby, are visiting at the home of
his cousin, Cbaa. Oke, for • few days.
Bongos ltraugban, of Winnipeg,
and Mies Nellie, of Torooto, spent •
few days here under the pareotal roof.
Harold Walters and Elywn Long,
of the G. C. I.. and Albert Oke, of
Clinton Bosine= College, spent the
week -end at their re.pe:the homes
WgDxaaDAY, Feb. 5th.
Mr. and Mn. Echlin. of Nile, were
visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Jesse
Gledhill, on Monday. They found the
old lady • little brighter, but still very
The recent severe weather has lett
the roads in an icy condition, which is
bard on pedestrians as well as hornier.
Mrs. Jas. Long fell down one day on
cowing from the store and badly
bruised her face.
The quarterly service was held at
Zion church on Sunday afternoon. A
good company & semb1ed and the pas-
tor preached from the words. "Are ye
able to drink of the sup that 1 drink r
A reception eervice was held and four
joined in membership with the church
and one came In from soother church.
Seven others were reported as being
received on trial. The quarterly love -
feast and sacrament service. werealso
held. The official board met at° the
Benmiller church on Tuesday after-
fternoon, when Mr. Brown was invited to
remains t bird year.
MONDAY, Feb. Std.
Mrs. Hyde and son Harold visited at
Cargill this week.
Mies Rutbarfotd spent the week -Had
at Wm. McAllister's, on the tith con-
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thompson re-
turned to their home at the -Soo" on
Rev. Wm Mackintosh preached the
prt'p.sratory sermon for Rev. J. 8.
Duncan, of Lucknow, en Saturday.
Quite a number attended the We.
wanosb Fire Insurance Co.'s annual
meeting held at Dunllannon on Wed-
nesday of last week.
Tbe sad news was received here of
the sudden d••ath of John $arheur, at
the home of Mr. Irwin, Huron town-
ship, where Mr. Barttour had been
rnakin,t his bowe since he sold his
Mr. and Mn. John Halkeld and Mr.
and Mr.. John Low and dough rr, of
Saskatchewan : Mrs. A. Dun -wore
and .on, and Miss Eva Salkeld, of
Stretford, visited at Donald Ruther-
ford's I.st week.
A Livingstone centenary service
was held by the Calvin church Bible
class on Sunday evening, when Rev.
W. Mackintosh gave a very interest-
ing addrese. The collection was in sad
of the oew light.
day, January 222nd, the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Todd. Eft. Helens,
was the scene of a large gathering, this
octaasion being the celebration of their
golden wedding anniversary. Among
those present from a distance were—
Mr. and Mrs. John Crowe, of Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. James Ford and Mies T.
Ford. i•1 Milton ; Mrs. Moorehead and
Mrs. Wilkinann, of Brampton ; Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Thompson, of Sault Ste.
Maris ; A. Avery, of Artnow : Mn.
Collins, of Bervie ; Mr. and Mrs. H.
Brownacombe, of Cargill ; Mr. and Mn.
D. E. McDonald and Mises Mabel,
Flora and Verna McDonald and Thom-
as McDonald. of Winghaw ; Mr. and
Mrs. Guest, of Kinlough ; and Mr. and
Mn. It. Thompson, of Pro.pnrity. The
large dining -morn was prettily decor
aced with red and gold and the tables
with carnations and ferns. After
partaking of the bountiful supply of
good things, the guests spent the
evening with music and songs, Mies
Mabel McDonald rendering several
recitations and readings in splendid
style. D. E. McDonald provided some
.ting music on the pipes and Misses
Flora and Verna McDonald delighted
the gathering with their Highland
dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Tudd were the
recipients of several messages ret con-
gratulations from outside points, also
the following one from the congre-
gation of Calvin church. St. Helens
To Mr. and Mn T. Todd. 8t Halen.t
Drug F'sttiios,--Oe this the fiftieth aunt
ver.arr M your wedding day we. the members
of Calvin abueebr tender to you our dnrere.t
ooapetalaUoma All these years of tour
'married life have been spent in our midst.
With pleasure do we remember that during
that time, as members of our congreeration.
not truly have you worshipped with u. but
both of you hare taken a lively and active
interest 1n all of the work of the nongrerstIse.
W. rejoicer wi,bou In that clod ham spewed
you to see Cbll day. and that on tbt. bamey
eeraMon you are surrounded by your nhIMe,n
with whom abs Heavenly Father has blared
you. Our united prayer I. that Dud will non
Gnat to dhow Iiia taro. ante roe and that the
daye to carie mar he among the brightest and
of all your days.
ea behalf of the nongrugatym-
Your mom
wire ism lticttrrwH.
et- Helens, January n. 1515.
Mr. Todd baa been extensively en-
gaged in farming end Cha lumber basi-
n.m in the vicinity of $L Helens for
nearly fifty years, and has earned for t
himself an enviable reputation for
imetitede and fair dealing among bis
Wide eirele of bushier. acquaintances.
)rmy tangible evidences of goodwill
and etrte8111 were accompaniment of
Wo. awns.
FSJDAT, Jan. 81st
Jamas Jobtwton w$e taking up bin
l$tlpeeete mop on Saturday last No
seen cbge to Florida to spend the
ie. Jae Hamilton had charge of
at the home d J0110Clywd road. on T..odey
NORDA T. Fob. ems.
IMI=atMQYbsr flan weak
A me ierat peva. in tbis vicinity
are suffering from a siege of their of
enemy, le grippe.
Mr. Goodwin. of Clinton, visited at
his daughter'., Mrs. 8. R. MaiMatb's,
last week.
The nett meeting of the Literary
Society of 8. 8, No. 1 win be held
Thursday, February 13.
An entertainment will be bels in the
Taylor's Corner's school house on the
evening of Ftidsy, February lith.
A Commix-note.—Will you allow we
a little space in your valuable columns
to correct an ungrounded report con-
cerning the financial standing of the
Goderich Township Teleeppbb000. System.
A report bas been cir'oulated Dot only
throughout our own township but
also through neighboring municipali-
ties, that our system has gone back
financially during the last year and
that we are now one thousand dollars
in debt. This report is both false and
misleading. We do not aim at layiog
up a surplus., but when the books were
audited oo January +td they showed
$lt3.43 more to our credit then they
did a year ago, sad. while we have
$1,033.34 borrowed from the municipal
council, we have $1.485.00 in cash,
agreement papers, stock on hand. eta.
to go against that amount, tearing a
net balance of $431.72 to our credit.
Our telephone system never was in
better shape financially and every
other why than it is today. We
have one of the cbeapeat and most
satisfactory telephone systems in ex-
istence at the present time and any-
one wishing to become • subscriber to
the tame may do so by applying to E.
H. W is., Clinton, George Holland.
Holmesville, or 0. W. Potter, Porter's
Hill. Osuaos Hot.L.xn, President ;
0. W. Porrx., Secretary.
We are called upon tbu week to
record the death of one of Oodericb
township. oldest sons, in the person
of Simon J. Mc(Jullagh (only son of
the late John McCullagh), who passed
away on Tuesday night, January teeth,
after a short illness. The funeral
took place from the family residence,
Huron road, on Friday . afternoon,
January 31st, to Goderich cemetery,
and although the day we. • very
stormy our • large number of friends
and neighbors tinned out to pay their
last tribute of respect to the deceased.
Mr. McCullagh was horn in Goderich
t)wnabip sixty-eight years ago and
lived on the same farm all his life.
He was • man well known and highly
reapected throughout the township,
basing a kind and quiet disposition,
and always being willing to• lend a
belpng hand to those who required iL
Tbr esteem in which he was beld was
manifested by the great number who
called to see hint during his illness.
He was•a strong type of sturdy man -
he od, never having known what sick-
ness was until a few weeks before his
death. in the year 1872 be married
Klizebeth McConnell. ret Port Albert,
who survives biO3, The union was
blessed vaiib nine children—four girls
and five boys. One boy passed away
in infancy and another (Albert) died
ahout five years ago in his eighteenth
year. Tbe four deur bters, who were
all present at the funeral, are Mrs.
Frani. Welts, of Port Alhert ; Mrs.
Jetties Johnston and Mrs. William
Fuller, of Goderich township, and
Mrs. Austin Church,' of West
Wawsoosh. The surviving sons, Ben-
son, Garfield and Freddie, are living et
home. Besides his sorrowing widow
and family deceased leaves throe
sisters : Mrs. Gabriel Elliott, of
Goderich township, Mrs. D. Miller, of
Detroit, and Mrs. Martin, also of
Detroit. The funeral service was
conducted by Rev. A. ' W. Brown,
psatnr of Benmiller Methodist circuit.
The pallbearers were deceased's boy-
hood chums : Thomas Ginn, John Mc-
Gibbon,'Jobn Holmes, John Sturdy,
Charles Fuller and Richard Chambers.
in religion Mr. McCullagh was a
Methodist and in politics a staunch
Conservat i ve.
TUESDAY, Feb. 4th.
Mies Ella Reid, of Ebenezer, called
on friends around here last week.
Miss May Redmond, of the G. f%. I..
spent the week -end at her home here.
James Boyle is assisting bis nephew,
Joseph Boyle, to cut woad this week.
Miss May Fowler, of Goderich,
visited friends in this vicinity last
A number ofHung people from this
vicinity attended the tea -meeting at
Auburn on Monday evening.
Owing to • break on the engine the
Button & Johnston sawmill was shut.
down for a couple of days last week.
A number of young men around
1)oonyhr,ok treated their friends to a
party:in Mr. Parsons' house last Fri-
day tening. All report having had a
A box social under the anapie ss of
the SL Augustine Women's Institute
was bold in the ball here last Thursday
evening. A large crowd was present
and all seemed to enjoy themselves.
How to Tell 1f Your Hair 1. Diseased.
Even if you bay. a luxuriant head
of hair, you may want to know
whetber it i. in • healthy condition or
not. Ninety-eight per cent. of the
people need a hair tonic.
Pull a hair nut of your bead, if the
bulbet the end of the root is white
end shrunken, it proves that the hair
is diseased and requires prompt atten-
tion it its loss would be avoided. If
the bulb 1. pink and full, the hair i.
healthWs wast everyone whiles hair te-
'Coins treatment to try Roma 'lag"
Hair Tome. We premier that it shall
not ne anythingmosoli . It dt.. not gate
m wowa�t�e� f t M N.iRt.sd to
overseen Megrell. retiree ea*
tiers, M edges me tine bele room.
figura' the heir att.'ly is VW bead.
grevr War sad overeows
le trope wbetb=1114'111r
H demo owl our da...,
that we west yes
to Itkh rias s�'f. t. Two. dues See
end $1.0. Seel only et aur New-.
TeoGor Boma Seim 9 C. D.
TU DAY Fn.. 4.
our sad dutT w ottreeicle tie deeds al
wrq�slleQat01 We °
of the a a tdisrict • wyt °
departed tide hie oe Sunday wetting.
January !lith, at abs age of eighty-
three years. Tbs dsceaysd lady was •
native of ooenty Kerry' Ireland, com-
ing to Canada In heryouth. Atter
60036 time .he was married to the late
Charles McCarthy, who predeceased
Mr by waneears She and her late
husband endured all the privations
and hardships of abs pioneer days, bat
like must of theme old heroes they
overcame all obstacles and were able
in their declining years to take life
easy. Mrs. McCarthy leaves a family
of four eons and three daughter.. The
sons are Florence, Patric Timothy
and William, all of Asbelrld, sod the
daughters are Mary, Elisabeth and
Bridget. A brother, David Duron.
survives and fives at Moline, 111. The
funeral took place froru the home-
stead at 10 o'clock Wednesday runt n-
ine to St.. Joseph's church, Kings-
bridge, where requiem mase was said
by Rev. Father McCormick. Rev.
Father Dean, of SL Augustine, per-
formed the funeral obsequies at the
grave. A large number of neighbors
and friends were present to pay the
last tribute of respect Regwe.eat in
THURSDAY, Feb. 8th.
WgnDSD.—On the afternoon of
February 4th, at Toronto. Agnea Mae
Drennan, of Kintail, was very quietly
united in marriage to Colin Kennet
Mc0regor, of Detroit, Rev. Harper 8.
Gray officiating. The 7ipy couple
lett to visit Western rete, after
which they will reside in troll
aOoiitinaed from tags 1.1
part of the work ; that the matter of
the Rowland bridge, in regard to
which it was proposed that this oounty
should pay for it, be left over until
the June meeting; that if found
necessary the Rayue bridge in Ash-
field be built this summer ; that if
necessary, and if the county of Bruce
he willing. the Chambers bridge on the
Ashfield bnuu•iary and the Dickey
bridge on the %Vswanosh boundary be
built this year ; that the account of
Richard Hoggartb, for building two
bridges on the c3unty boundary be-
tween Tuckersmith and Hibbert town-
ships, be left over until the June see-
sion ; that the tender of Henry Wil-
lem, for the bridge between Hay and
Stephen townships at Eleven Mile
Creek, be accepted, at $887; that if
necessary the Cot heft bridge between
the townships of Stephen and McGil-
livray be built this year.
The committee referred heck to the
council the motion regarding partici-
pation in the Provincial good roads
grant and for council sent it over to
the June meeting. In the meantime
the clerk is to procure all necessary
information to be placed before the
House of Refuge.
The house of refuge committee re-
ported that "fhb management of the
county institutton,had engaged in the
growing of onion. very extensively
and successfully, hut there were no
facilities for curing the onions. The
providing of a proper building was
recommended. A request from Mrs.
French, formerly matron of the bowie,
for a grant was held over until the
Juno meeting.
Education Committee.
The education committee recom-
mended that the high schools of the
county be paid the following toms less
amount of fees collected from county
pupils : Goderich, $3,678.88 ; Sea(nrth.
$3,812.00 ; Clinton, $3,929,50; Wing -
been, 12,797.58 ; that the following
amounts be pai.i for Huron county
pupils attending other schools : 8t.
Marys, $70.31: Listowel, $37.81 ;
Parkhill, $191.57 ; that Rev. D. W.
Collins be the representative of this
county on the senate of the • Western
University ; that Manley school, in
McKillop, be $ centre for the entrance
examination if so recommended by
the inspector ; that the usual grants
to continuation -.lasses and the schools
doing fifth form work be continued
for 1913 ; that the usual grant to the
high schools (or Collegiate institutes)
of the county, $2,000, be divided in the
same proportions as in the last three
years ; that the public school inspectors
of East and West Huron receive the
commendation of the council for their
repotts, so full and explicit., and that
400 copies of each of these reports be
printed and handed to the inspectors
for distribution to the teachers and
trustee boards ; that each of the two
inspectors - receive for travelling ex -
penes., postage, stationery and all
expenses a fixed sum of 1350 ; that
petitions be forwarded for approval to
the various county councils of Ontario
asking the Provincial Government for
increased grants to high schools and
continuation classes.
County Property Committee.
The county property committee
recommended that tbo use cf the
court bouse for other than county
purposes he left to the decision of the
warden, clerk and the chairman of the
county property committee. The com-
mittee reported having inspected the
goal. registry office and court house
and trade a number of suggeestions,
including one that further excavation
be made in the basement to provide
a place for the proper storage of the
books and records •tf the county.
in council the first clause of this re-
port was amended to reed that the
court house be not need for other Chas
county) purposes. The proposal for five
rzsvtding of • storage room in the
t was held over to the Jose
meeting, and in regard to the coal
shad at the Real it was derided to erect
a two-story building according to
t mod verifications submitted to
k oounell.
Spacial Committees.
The apeeiwi eomvittee reeoxnmesded
that the r'onoei! endorse the petition
for the removal of the duty on Im-
ported dttehisg t e hInams, and thus a
he sent M • eoevenfloo to be
at Torewa eo take Into eonsidee�-
Oise the tatiggt railway lands cos an
e*dlwe gnus be enamored with tarn
illitrafervesee tire Ha o,, Rm y tnetilleation �
104..yllesaische It P. It mooed=
eoreDs►wa 4 er
*as rstbtig sad el ktmctoiC
lack. else kidney
it awes Backache every those.
Goods Coming
every day or two. Perhaps it is not too early to have a look
at them. You will find here the best that cash can buy and our
offerings will be found up-to-date in all particulars and our values
are exceptional. Everything seasonable that properly belongs to a
first-class Dry Goods business here for you to pick and choose from.
The following few items will give you an idea what to expect.
application for a charter, the clerk
was instructed to communicate with
the Minister of Railways and the
members of Parliament for this -
oounty and obtain any particulars
possible regarding the proposed rail- I
Executive Committee.
The executive committee recom-
mended the usual grant to the 33rd
Regiment of Cie per mac it each day
at camp ; also the following grants :
$10 to the Sick Children's Hospital,
Toronto; $10 to the Prisoners' Aid
Association ; $700 to the three hos-
pitals of the county, to be distributed
oo the same basis as the Government
grant; the usual grants to the tall
fain and public libraries ; $25 to each
of the Women's Institutes; 1125 to the
Huron Poultry & Pet Stock Associa-
tion ; $25 to the Clinton spring show ;
$15 to the Beekeepers Association;
1101 for flowers and shrubs for Court
Rouse Square ; the same grant as last
year to high schools and schools doing
continuation or fifth form work.
The,grant to the 33rd Regiment was
extended to include the men from this
county who might go to camp with
the Army Medical Corps and the 31st
Field Battery.
This is a good time to rake your Printppuur-
chases. Stock new and the beet to be bad. Crseit
Brand, 31 to S2 inches wide, colors absolutely
fast 124.
Our ten -cent Print is the best we wee offered
at 10c and colors just as good ae the best prints.
Dress Goods
A shipment of new merges, in navy blue and
black, from 86c to $1.50. They are from 48 to 54
inebee wide and the best we ever offered at these
Thousands of yards here foe your inspection,,
10c, 12ic, 15c and 25c. Remember we are always
in the front rank with Gingham., Eogliab and
Scotch makes. Both cloth and colon ma be
relied on.
All -Over Laces
Our import order for th6ss goods has got bere.
They are & beautiful lot, and at web prices/ We
glover had steels values In past seasons- Hand
Ings, Insertions and Trimmings,' Edgings in au
almost endless variety.
New edgings, insertions, 27 -inch fiouncings,
45 -inch skirtime, at prices from 48c to $2.23. Im•
ported direct from Switzerland.
Among oar new spring offerings can he found
a. foe assortment of 2z3, 3x19, 314 and 111x4e, all
of which came within the last few weeks. Come
and get our prism on them.
Follow I: Crowd
to M. ROBINS' STORE, where the
is now on in full blast. We:have been
very busy during the first few days of
this sale. But as we have an enormous
quantity of goods to clean out yet we are
giving the prices another cut.
How Can You Hesitate ?
19 Suits left at a $5.50 tag
20 dozen men's fancy top shirts, regular
sizes,'regular price $l.00, for 49c
6 dozen best black genuine fur Caps, all
sizes, regular $2.5o and up. Sale
price 95c
5o dozen pairs socks, regular 35c a pair.
Clearing at per pair 19c
Our prices do not speak==they "holier"
M. ROBINS South side Square
Open in the evening
WHEN we Rave occasion to send motley through the
mail, we can do no better than follow the lead of the
business man, who long ago discovered that the easiest,
afest and simplest way is by Express Money Order.
Direness mai invviabiy remit by this method. Weems we rapidly
lar,Ibtg to appreciate the significance of this 6r+ sad they, too. are
now large users of Express Orden.
The- le se Lwow Oars to few renid It ata min we e.1 it Y.. be oo he
00003 60 •1660• 6100. ere. vtu .400 be pee Oa ad.0.601 ear aarsamw .I
Dominion Express
&Farr aqua
fere new, we. bee
ea euros Ons we...
doer say as.eves•
sae le eVar wrn,
nae an e.nA Cir.
Word res rerareaat
es ear rase ... Sift
0.w,1,‚mei e
" N . . t1"
10 w.. i!•
as moa ems
in having a handsome piece
of Furniture added to the equip
Swat of bee home. We carry
a large range of Furniture for
all purposes, and amyosis desir-
ing a new set or • sia&M Piste 1.
invited to Ball and see our stock.
We are always glad to *bow nor goods, and no perms need 1111
under any obiig•tloe to perebase from us utal.es we have W right
article at the rigbt psies.
These are goods that will give
the wearer satisfaction every time.
They are sold in Goderich by
YOU are iavlbd to can.
J. H. McClinton
East Side Square. 'P hone 622.
The Square
Coda rich
Agent for Vewdb.ies.r Planes.