HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-2-6, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO ThtN DAI , Fta10Afy76, 1113 THE WAR IS RENEWED Mtmt Yield or Maks Last Stand for Foothold in Europe SND The Balkan war has been resumed ONLY Rio bombardment of Adrianople began et 7 o'clock Monday night and a small skirmish occurred at the Tchatalja tines. The armistice lasted exactly two months. Bulgaria has turned a deaf ear to the remonstrances of the powers. tnd. unless Turkey yields to BW A R E Um Balkan demands, the allied armies OFwill now attempt to drive her cone imI,I,A. ieletely out of Europe. The Porte ordered the Turkish TIONS. plenipotentiaries not to leave Loudon until hostilities were resumed and I Instructed the army to await the at- tack before firing a shot Osman M- iami Pasha of the Turkish delegation, on Sunday ridiculed the assertion tug' the allies would be able to storm Adri- anople to a tew days. He pointed out that the fortifications on the hills sue 4`osnding the town toren a circle 25 miles In diameter, within which are other circles equally strong. In addi- tba the town is protected by such nat- ural defences as the Rivers Arda, Landja and Maritza, and he declared that the garrison in the fortress could resist an enemy even tenfold superlur in numbers which the allied forces are not. The plan to take Adrianople by star- vation had evidently been abndoned, tke 'Turkish commandant having proved kis ability to furnish supplies indefinitely for the fighting men and the civilians within the town. The Turkish delegation have re- ceived instructions from their govern- ment to renew the declaration to the representatives of the powers and to the British Foreign Secretary. Sir Ed- ward Grey that Turkey desires peace cad has made great sacrifices to attain this object Bo0KBINDIN G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. BALD LE IT)31NU e LEATHER GOODS apeslid es wvtne tt�eKrdT °1O O.dseisi A. F.. TAYLOR, S sewn O M&DICAL W.F. (*ALLOW, IL�stB. ,.totes► North TeYab �tzt �'d teem"�'n rsowi. J. R. IFORSTER-EYE, EAR, and thews orj Rosso Jana tato, ores ties M a►erlso Scree'and apw„tte gnaw Mirth. Boors k ,s m. l to s r. m.. 1I.$. TNsobass G. LEGAL DEOUI 'OOT. ILAYS A KILWR- �,.�s• stlri.to Us. Ma aOeset. Private lands to sad as lew+at sates st tatierom. 3.4 aids flusara Ooi.riaL MIA uyuUT, IL C.. Ii. C. HATM. J. L i1U 0ttA'. 1( O. CAMERON. >L � a. VCR senar. mead Wass- mantaseta iia, Hi•. b. flaw bow rices liAkterki tiAttltOW, l.l.lR.. etAtt- IterMist to 1 loWawaR w' Gale- na. il a ear. 0. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER, r.liawr. nsnsnsllanmer, weed rime eases ilanMltas w.wrt, UdsA••, tM .. AUC IO1 113. iIROMA.S OIINDRY 1 AUCTluNWt Bea C. O.5afs.- A1t wreer.ius try 'soli a in as Miami m.. will h. 4rualiisty •t- teesas to ris.asers tapas... ►ly INSURANCE LOANS. BTC. Hi i ul PRLVATK FUNDS Tu >♦f+V Wv lana. Asan to M. O. CAM - 6au'. n.rita.a[, liamiaar teeest, Uiessriea. Ll' R.ltOBKRTOOle. 1 • LNititra&NCI AGENT. Fat urn Censurers*: Mask Cemadlaa nal eco new= can lrsQso*mle l+a>W ter : l estn'a iasseastos t�K UbiiuatUpa: 1s •B eaany sail b u Ye alutMa d Vic- toria Orwidasau. saetaa� eanew sec bL Lisette s l• & Pb'+. 1111. JOHN W. ORAleul, LIFE, FLRb and aeeisas1 t...e..... Agent ttw land.__ ,ta.l and lane leua.awoer Su .. .deotea se ear. Mees aim M iaOsaalata an u aim. wawa weetesestaa/SgansY raala.sii DR.BEATTE NESBITT DEAD $R<lrrwted of Quashing of Indictments Before the End Cme Within an hour after the Indict- ments against him were quashed at Osgood* Hall by Mr. Justice Middle- ton, Dr. William Beattie Nesbitt died on Friday afternoon at his home in Toronto, from heart failure. He was conscious for some time before death, and passed away with the full knowl- edge that the charges against him had been withdrawn. Atter making the motion on Thurs- day afternoon to have the indictments against his client quashed. Mr. Hart- ley H. Dewart, K.C., counsel tor Dr. Nesbitt, and Mr. W. O. Thurston, as- datant Crown prosecutor made an ap- pointment with Mr. Justice Middleton to hear the argument at a special sit- ting In Osgoode Hall. His Lordship decided to quash the Indictments after a abort hearing. In announcing his de_Ision be said that as there were tseverel polnts•of considerable interest end importance in connection with the case, he would reserve his reasons for quashing the Indictments. The late Dr. Nesbitt had a meteoric career and was, perhaps, the must prominent man of the younger gener- ation 1n the public life of the day. de - log to Toronto at 19 as a farmer's boy from Oxford County, he entered the University and at epee came to the front in college life, belnfaforemoet both as a student and an athelete. Besides attaining prominence aa a medical man. Dr. Nesbitt became one of the big factors of the Conservative party in Ontario. and also was inter- ested in the promotion of commercial enterprises which, however did not al- ways turn out to be successes. His connection with the Ill-starred Farm- ers' Bank undoubtedly put a period to a highly promising career, as with kb dynamic force and .ambition he would assuredly have made his influ- ence felt in a wider sphere or public life. �I1f UTEST,MAR,(ETS Toronto Grain Prices Latest wholesale quotations tot grain at the Board of Trade Toreson. are : Ontario Wheat -New, No. 3, winter wheat. white, red or mixed, 95c to 16c, outside. Partially sprouted wheat. $4c to 88c. Manitoba Wheat -New No. 1 Nor.. 95c, No. 2 Nor., 92c; No. 3 Nor.. 89c; feed wheat, 65c to 66c. Canadian Western Oats -New No. 2, 41e; No. 3, 3951c, on track, lake porta. Ontario Oatp-New, 32c to 33c. out- side, 37c to 37 Sic, Toronto. Corn -Kiln dried -No. 2 yellow. 71c; No. 3 yellow. 70c; New, No 3 yel- low (prompt shipments), 66c, all rail. track. Toronto. Rolled Oats -Per beg of 00 Ib.. $t225; per barrel. $4.70, wholesale, Windsor to Montreal. Peas -No. 2, $1,16 to $1.25• car lots. outside. Buckwheat -No. 2, 52c to 63c, out- 'ddo. . Rye -No. 1, 72c to 72e, ontslde. Barley -No. ;, barley. 64c; No. 2 am 1rcIlILLOP MUTUAL F1RE IN it 8 u ec s N c ts C o.--r.rta .aa wiatea sur rproperty taowa'L laaaeeto P.O.. talkers -J. B. I`eLsas. P' a,Ibialaida'ie• Y. 0.: Jur t o.•a11y. • "i 4 ,a P. u 7 arsetateen hays, ss►- 1JVe.4 e►- L. 7. itoOr+gae. cMe14 ; Jebn O. oei.ve,Wtwain Ia tes Jabs enam• eled. lar.s;Jabs .ie.isn: Regalia Ma w.s, 1lraseaaM. riot.: J. M. Ysm. 5 vtD• R.Beake. Narioet• Whine Cbesaq, 8eeterth: irhen, tion seta. t'emar•ssram• saw P1 .rmo.aata w awn fialr�eaeµM a "Pl � tt A J. Murtha e astalas �t it 1. uta'. Or.,e.rv. airta.s.a amt. Ustiorteb 1A111A05 WC111S121 IY AL114le4. ONT. P.. mouSAKIUSCZR OF ksawe1AOL LiCti S I SHAMING PA1LO1 1211DFORDD IUAKMi BARBER SHOP. r stood sum tro �wdlissita mg patio= las MSS Oisrvfss Is abating.. etne1Wren Lala et�et�a, sea. Ld ss s$bret Iss OPPlinlabfilL H. IL tra. $3c; No. S, 66c; feed bariorl 4/e, lake ports. M:111teed-Manitoba bran. 310 to $3/G shorts, 322.00; Ontario bran. 31,1 Accident to Mn. Leckie. to $30 to hags, track. Toronto; shorts.. Brussels. Feb. 3. -Mrs. Leckie, wife In. et Reeve Leckie, Brussels. bad the il'Distort use to tall while skating on Farmers' Market-" ' Saturday. breaking her arm between }bnowtng are the latest quetatioae for the wrist and elbow. She waa about farm produce at 8t. Lawrence Market.' totarnn corer' wised she tripped in Termite:- •bole in the ice and fell. She was Tali wheat bush ....$ •16 to $ ,17 quickly removed from the ice and taken to ber home. This is the. sec• NUJ .39 .4d and person who has been senoualy in - wheat .90 .034 jured on the local rink within the past tib .70 few days. 52 .00 CURE KIDNEYS AND, RHEUMATISM DISAPPEARS Nnus PS Nip Get rid of YOUR Rheumatism for good by taking that reliable remedy, GIN PILLS. They will relieve the pain -they will strengthen the kidneys --they will cure you to stay cured -or your mosey w ill be promptly refunded. Montreal, March 29th, 1912. "It affords me great pleasure to inform you that 1 have used GIN PILLS for about six months and that they have done me a great deal of good. I had Rheumatism for two years cad this winter I saved myself from it by taking GIN PILLS. I highly recommend them to the public." A. BEAUDRV. GIN PILLS nentralir. the acid con- dition of the nine, prevent the forma- tion of arae acid in the blood and stone is the bladder and kidneys, keep the kidneys well and strong, and thus cure and ward off Rheumatic attacks. Soc. a box, 6 for $2.5o.,,, Sample free if you write Notional Drag and Chemical Co. Limited, Toronto. 145 ey Buckwheat Rye .75 .00 Peas 1.26 1.16 New hay ...... 15.00 16.00 do. No. 2 12.00 13.00 Clover hay 3.00 10.00 Straw, bundled 14.00 16.00 Straw, loose 9.00 10.00 Eggs, new laid, dozen.30 Butter, dairy .30 I- orty years in use, 20 years the standard, pre- scribed and recommended by physicians. For Wo- man's Ailments, Dr. Mar- tel's Female Pills, at ,your druggist. `e e LEARN THE AUTOMOBILE `a � tb6t0. r set; T A aotulls w 11Rgrigroadfl ' .20.�n.a > do. creamery Fowl. dressed, ib Chickens Ducks Turkey Geese Live fowl, 10. " ChicksIM - Ducklings " Turkeys ▪ Hens Potatoes, bags Apples, barrel Dressed hogs Celery, bunch .......... .05 BIG NAVAL PROGRAM= Twenty -Two Battleships and Cruisers to Be Bunt. Great Britain's constant effort to maintain her sapremac7 at sea is Pr! danced by the fact that twenty-two bat- tleships and batUe cruisers for her navy, all of the most modern design will be under construction In British shipyards during the present year. Furthermore the First Lord of the Ad- miralty. Winston Churchill bas pray tieally promised to ask Parliament for money for five more large ships, and It is possible that this number will 10 Increased to six on account of the sit- uation to the Mediterranean, and Italythe action of Austrie-Hangar? and In Increasing their naval programseg. The total new dlsplaceaeot ander way amounts t0 660.000 tons, and the cost will run very near $400.0410.000. .30 .15 -16 Scrutiny at Kincardine. Kincardine, Feb. 3. -County Judge id Barrett beard evidence today on a scrutiny of ballots cast in the vote cn local option. and reserved decision un- til judgment is made known in these West Lorne cathis month. J. P. .35 Haverepenman;n. K. C.. appeared for the ap- .33 W E. lianev. K.C., of Toren - .33 to, and J. H. Scott. of Welkin ton. for .16 local option people. in looking into .20 qu.lificret ions it was found that five hal- - t0 .4 lou bad been marked by persons not .K .36 entitled to vote. to the scrutiny, the 16 .i3 t.wperance people gained two votes, 13 .15 but Mr. lint -orison called. Robert T. Walker. who swore that be voted in .15 I6 jg' two ward', thus nullifying two votes and a bait cast for the by-law. These .18 .20 will be deducted if the West Lorne de - 1.00 1 13 •13 10 ti•ion is sustained. 2.00 2.00 11.00 12.00 .08 Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices quoted for live stock at the Western Cattle Market, Toronto. are: Export cattle. choice .. $6.75 to $7.10 6.00 6.76 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.76 5.75 6.25 5.00 6.50 5.00 6.55 4.50 5.00 2.50 4.50 4.75 5.26 4.00 4.50 x.50 4.00 4.50 5.50 4.25 6.00 3.76 4.25 3.00 3.75 2.50 3.00 3.25 4.00 70.00 50.00 70.00 60.00 6.00 6.00 4.50 8.60 6.00 8.40 .00 .00 10.00 do. medium do. bulls Butcher cattle, do. medium do. common Butcher cows, do. medium do. common Blancher bulls do. medium do. light ..... 'Feeding steers Stockers, choice ' do. medium do. light canners attars Milkers, choice. each.... 50.00 • do. medium 40.10 Springers, choice 60.00 do. medium 28.00 "Sheep, light ewes sji.50 do. heavy ewes 4.50 hacks and culls 2.50 7.75 do. culls . _... 5.60 Hogs. t.o.b 8.35 do. fed and watered 8.75 do weighed off can. 1.00 Gabe' 4.00 choice. choice... Duke and Duchess Going 4.mS. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of CoaaaUgbt ore expected to sail for Mislead within the aext tem weeks. The general opinion Is that the Duchess will not return to Case aria and lust bow far tete would ISSN the movements of his Royal HiglineM I. a subject of conadderabili spawlm he tion. Tbe hike goes back to oe leave of absences, d winch, accord g te the eta babe 111, las lot bees determined. It Ibe Dake returns at all. lie stay wfil tat 16 a bag ems, as lb tarts et eMee was ad1 Wooded to 'Mead over two Times. 1a some everters 1t is snored 43tat Bad Orey may be reappointed (lac' aria's Governor Oeaersl. t°Y test .buffalo Cattle Following are the latest ttvertoeb 1paotations at East Buffalo cattle star Cattle -Prime steers. $3.25 to 38.60; butchers. $6.76 to 38.00;. bulla. $6.00 to 20.76; stock betters, $4.00 to $4.60; shipping, 37.26 to $8.00; betters, $4.75 to 37.60; cows, 33.25 to 36.75; stockers and feeders. 34.60 to $6.50; fresh cows end springers, active and steady at $26.00 to $80.00. weals -$4.00 to 512.00. Hogs -Heavy, 37.90 to $8.00; mixed. 38.10 to 53.20; yorkers and pigs, $8.20 $8.30; roughs. 37.00 to 37.16; stags, $6.60 to 36.60; dairies, 37,85 to $8.20. Sheep and Lambe -Lambe, 31.00 to 31.60: yearlings. 36.60 to $8.40; wetb- ere.. 15.76 to 36.35: ewes, 34.50 to $6.60; sheep, mixed. 34.50 to $1.75. I ooster Killed by gen sasbee 111se10. a ewer d Murray ole Id (e alleged was Wrest wild u WOO Nur >nIdi ssin Stew clad ea Mem discadores ed dm arrest fas/wa.tfe et a liana obs r 1• Ai at ` a be Ares! Ws it It Me 101 *romp Timms Tembest. Imemism Om ell Z:1111. aa11 �t tIr Dry Dock for Sault Ste. Marie. The promoters of a. div dock for Sault Ste Mat ie. Ont.. have succeeded in financing the eutetprise in Eng- land. whereby M. sae. Petbwick Bros.. Limited, of Plymouth and Lon- don, one of the largest contracting firms in England, hive undertaken the construction of the dry d. ck at an estimated expenditure of $1,000,000. It is expected that the contracts in connection with the construction and financing of this project will be ex- ecuted in London before the end of the month. Arrangements are made with the city of Sault Ste. Marie whereby eone;ruetion will commence not later then April 30th, 1913, and will be carried on continuously there- after. Tbe dry dock must be com- ple2ed reedy for operation by October 1st, 1911. It will probably be tont- pitted much earlier than that date. Chicago Llveetoek The latent quotatfoss for livestock ut the Unites Stock Yards. Chicago. are: Cattle -Beeves. $6.26 to 17 AM; Texas steers. $4.75 to $7.60; stockers µ1d feed*etea.. $4.75 $7.60. cows and heifers. $alb to 17.45: calves. 36.10 to 110.00. Hogg -.Light. $7.40 to 37.70; mixed, ff.41 to $7.70; heavy. $7.20 to $7.70; rough. $7.20 to $7.46; M41'. 18.00 to 17.46: balk of sales. $7.00 to 17.16. , Sheep-NatIva $4.60 to $6.00; Year $6 MI to $7.76; lambs. natio, 00 to $6.70. Heade llesebaata aro awlag at estett'/ etI w babel badm es talrowu: Me. 1 311.Ntit $13.N M, Ib.$ 10.0010 11.11 Gm 1M. 1 1.10 10 11.11 111909/0ty, 1Na 1 1.1611 5.03 M. 1M. $ 1.1010 1.01 MI/las nand 1.1110 1.110 earner. 14 s1.1116 0.66 Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills owe their singular effectiveness in curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of stimulating and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organs to thoroughly filter from the blood the uric acid (the product of waste matter) which gets into the joints and muscles and causes these painful diseases. Over half a century of constant use has proved conclusi.dly that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills strengthen weak kidneys and 41 Cure Rheumatism SaIN Nub lad Mow 0111111144 SOM. Tmemer- -tfq. .2 1 311.Nw$u.11 O1gw� Mom& Lt �L 0LM leo 11.AM 110ab3DS s •••• 3.00 1.a ficCall's Patterns D T'I I LLAR u SON Perrin's Gloves r NOW SHOWING THE NEW SPRING GOODS Anderson's Scotch Zephyrs We have reoeived our import order of these celebrated Scotch Zephyrs in a larger range of designs than ever before, embodying the latest word in Gingham styles. They comp in light and dark colon, in stripes% checks, plaid- and plain colors, per yard 15c. Anderson's:Kindergarten Cloth A new fabric for boys' and girls. wear, fps cially made fur bard wear. makes splendid ladies' house dresses, absolutely fast color. per yard 20c. Special Values in Cottons •t r Special values in White Cottons at old prices, Sc. 110, 121c to lee per yard. tj Horrocksei famous Old Country Cottons, ab- solutely pure and free Linen filling. per card lfic and Pic. Circular Pillow Cottons Circular Pillow Cotton, best quality. 40, 42, 14. 40, 14 and 50 inches wide, per yard from 5)c. Bleached and' Unbleached Sheetings Special values in bleached and unbleached Sheeting, 2 yards and 24 yards wide. from 25c to afro yar Special Value in White Flannelette Thirty-four inches wide. extra quality, splen- did wearing, per yard 121c. Flannelette Sheets or Blankets Special value in the best quality Flannelette Blankets, extra quality. small. medium and large size, white or grey, per pair 11.25, 31.50 and 11.75. Special Showing of Satin Bed Spreads A special showing of Satin Bed Spreads, im- ported direst from Manchester. handsowedesigns, full doable bed size, at 32.50, $8.60 to 35.00 each. Annual showing of Wbitewear during Feb- ruary, the choicest garwenta of the leading Can- adian factories. Visit our oew Ince Curtain department. 91cCa11's Patterns and Publications. "The Store that is all that a Store should be." Lae* Millar's Scotch Store 56 It costs only $i.00 for a year's subscription to Huron's Brightest Newspaper. ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics We will sand absolutely free, for the making. postpaid, one of our arse 64 -page kooks Iwith in- sert). cm the eowimon 'Lorisa of stock and pwttry. Tele how to feed all kinds of heavy cad 14.10 horses. eons .sl alar,. mikh cows, .aloes and Wormingthat they 1 1.y m how to keep and feed powkn v'e le whiter ea in summer. 1t contains 360 meowed' from an over Canada. from people who base mead our roods. No farmer should M without ft. Tau um fatten tattle and hose in • mowth's lass time 10 using oar Royal Purist. Stock essidar thou you could pes.ibir do without thereby saving • a.,eth's feed end labor and the ease to yes will net be more the. 81.50 for six Mos er $LH for ems steer. It will keep your bums he show asaditloe with ereasel feed. U pen have a poor. taierwbi laa.- hg aim& .w your plass try It oa this Date first and use the marvellous meek which will be .banal Oar Stalk Obeid&0 nl` Iwrtesss the milk flow three M ave 10 xr sow pee day. while beim fed d the stable. A nee parings era Lot a oew or sons 70 days. ROYAL PURPLF, POULTRY SPECIFIC win maks pour heels W lest ss wen h too whale ss la the ani r, sad will keep Oral fro. final iseme. nem snob are pan ad wswIstiorstsd. W. .is ant lase any eheap SOOT to Saba a Imps sasimps, .•075ls difetvst from say on the manse' at the present time FREE Reuel Purple Stork 03.14r, ice pekoe.: r„or Vie psoas, la .n e/rtl.M iia fere 11.11 ifuyat PuiSis Poultry sp..lSs. las and 10e Piga. ga. andel al so ale -legis' use tk.1 hold Bapat P. ,ie 'af.is. EID . ue ..d to the; fsawFal.11. Boyd Pts►b ran cera gas sad ase tins : nee let awn meet Perm" sweat Brent. w battle : sae asp 0 lligpir Courti Cues. ase tis : eM be awed lupi Dnietwluaf tie ere ase kine. Veins* Pews Ems. 0M tins ; Me be tatPen s Warn lewder. Iles ran : pas 1b 3lssafoll...a whir 1. tammitiammoss Th.W.AeJ. Vcllas .Co. 10 of aisei trues e A. j. Cooper. Floor and Fend. Godedki Great Clearing Sale - - -----•-O F-..-- ew Ranges o Hetus AT W. R. PINDER'S Every Stove Must Be Sold Forthwith to Make Room for Other Goods The increasing trade in my Plumbing and Heating business necessitates' more room for the display of Bathroom Furnishings and Fittings, Heating Apparatus, Roofing Material, etc. Also for some time past I have realized the impossibility of devoting suffi- cient time to the Stove end of my busines§ to do it justice. This and the need of additional floor space tor the lines in which I am more actively engaged is the sole reason for this Special Sale. No better Stoves are made ; no better Stoves are offered for, sale ; no such bargains are being offered for Stoves of equal quality. This is an opportunity to be taken advantage of NOW. The constant ten- dency of the Stove market is upward. Every Range and Hekter is , included in this Clearing Sale. Not one is being reserved. Read the following : tine No. 9 20 Empire Steel Range, with tiled • high closet and reservoir, six boles, ther- mometer in oven door, full nickel trim- mings. A handsome and well -made Stove. Was 162.00. Noe, to clear 1147.00 One No. 9-18 Empire Steel Range. with reser- voir and high closet, full nickel ti was 346.00. Now, to clear 11.00 One No. 9-18 Uneeda Good Cheer Steel Range, ,quare with bleb shelf, full nickelled. was $4230. Now, to clear. 1414.00 tine No. 9-31) are Empire Queen Kange. six holes. tea shelves, fall nickel hese. etc. A oeat - looking and subetentiallt made Stove. was $41.00. Now. to cleat 0114.00 One No. 9.18 sire Penn Esther Plyin Range, ,ix holes, full nickelled beam. was 3K16.110. Now, to clear 527.00 Two No 920 Penn Esther Ranges. six boles, tea shelves and reservoir, full nickel hearth and trimmings. Handsome- Lia they were 8.00. Now. to clear 1 33 .00 0 One No. 11 Good Cbeer Steel Ranee. with high shelf, a compact and handy Range for a small kitchen, was *27.50. To clear..=17.00 One No. 5.; Good Cheer: Baseburner Double Heater, with oven and ten shelves, full nickelled trimmings. First class in every respect, was 343.00. Now, to clear...$3 B.00 One No. S:, Good Cheer Bakehurner Double Heater, without oven, but same as one described above otherwise, was 1:18.00. Now, to clear ... $84.00 One No. 71; Good Cheer Double Heater Oak. will burn coal or wood, full nickelled, was IM1.IM1. Now, to clear (1111.60 One No. la Hot Birt Heater. with nickel trimmings, was 115.00. Now, to elear.$10.00 Also a number of Seonod-band Hester. and Stoves will he offered at great bargain to clear. We will continue selling the same make of Stoves handled by us for years, hut from photos and catalogues instead of stocking them, as we have not the room for their display. We want to clear out every Range and Heater before the Spring rush of work begins, so come at once and see what we are offering. As these Stoves are quoted below present wholesale prices, the terms must be cash or its equivalent. W. R. PINDER Opposite Colborne Hotel Hamilton Street, Godsi ck