HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-2-6, Page 1NTRAL 3 COLLEGE r FORD, ONT. deal training dlitsartineets, ('ueutw, a.4 Tslegrayhl. eu w000th and pt act toy +xpsrissead and rrai to pttNtioes. N•r �+ deo and student, u'a, re. Write tot our fres BLAH. Principe 1-Y Y• 11 is {. It CENTS urs Now anuary was everywhere. them by a er ought to uit us much than keep article you Lely, for lye unqualified only to be chances like a 'oats to sell ool Austrian ime muskrat and pliable. uine Alaska this 'season', .p39.00 Iartii $ 13.75 rality beavc rm collar of , serviceable $13.75 oats. Skin. ched. Satin One size eel. Remits' $47.50 Tined with of a fine im- quality that ode Western $45.00 f Mink at 'rices I Neck Pieces we are offer - al value. We vere fortunate urwlveg. We errtocked and Ir anything he this lot and t we are sone r lou can save heck Piece if Clubbing Rates I f you do not ase the paper or Wagasioe you groat is our clubttlog ra$eU,'"'"•=ue• about it. We may be able to get it for you at a reduced rote. T1u. Signal 8 X fY FOURTH YLA.N-N. 1111 'fwd. Renew Your Subscription to The Signal and semi. one .,t the handsome t'.alen+bare for Ifni. GOD$RICH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1913 THX SIGNAL PhDs ?NG CO.. Ltd.. Pv.uaa.'. THE PROPOSED INVESTIGATION. 44.11104 I1HE STERLINGBANK OF CANADA ONE-TENTH SAVED Try setting okapis ontoteatb of gout income each week. You will not miss taewhich will accumu- Lote.urpeiis y if deposited is the Stechem Blank. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager PLACE YOUR !NS UJRA NCJB A. O. NISBET INSURANCE AND REAL ES1 ATE OFFirE NEXT CANADIA-N RANK OF OOMMERCE, GODERICH 'Fumes.: Orrto'a 2D : Hex: ss UM. P.O. Box 381 G ODERICH 'BUS LINE Teo 'buses Inset all trains. Private calls have prompt sad careful attention. Fir.t - class livery outfits at all times. ' Reasonable prices. THE DAVIS LiVERY F. h T, M. Davie South Street No. 51 wA1fTED ibEi ARM HELP AND DOM F- TIC a- BI$TANTa-Pereoe+ ming rarer help shoed at ones to WnldAlt MoQUIL- V.t. Orders left with H. D. am �48t Reims. oat., wilt receive prprompt 1(t. A 1TICD._ AT T$FrnALEKAN- Gluosert `t. App1y TIDOS a -s. WANTED -AT ONCE, MEN TO iTT learn barber trade. Expert eaeataat peon ice ; helm free : alw-ys el sem. t o barbee:' wette roe .siebega. CtItLRYt Taemto eow. WANTED. -A 0001) GENERAL swevaat at Alexandra Marine bogkMl. Apply to M18S GRIFYITH.y, sup.rintedsat tE Aw.PPRESTiOE8 Idth WANTED. TP6- 1. ARr pessary MRS. W SITUATIONS VACANT. FOE fAL1L VOR MALE -A GOOD flOLID OAK i' rocker: .Me a pair of viewer earteica Apply te BOX li TYgB$GNAL. UY YOUR BEILD CORN NOW. O a the ear. Direct hem grewr. 11111.66 Whine& WI- .'s 7. Seam. y Yellow Dent, sgemba from weak waved Mat wee three a.s..Jvs ant ad thderie Cen Show. Vishaytearastes&B _per ar IL s asst t w b M. C. K R Ten baAeta or mer of WII price. D. A. lINTICItY. Rlythwe- wme. B..r, tin- tint.. Member Ontario Gare Oe.wuru Acme atter. ata pox SALE. - TWELVE 0000 ++ twoyeuoid .deck*... gist. M. Apd7 .t THIS OFFIC&. jIOR SALE. -NATIONAL CREAM 110. Iy .telt taws I. a e e condi and clean. 'Pba si `smMr Clemind err write FP. v LAWSON. De.N.. • PPRENTICSB Ni ANTED. - FOR _bedews.aliMmen Apply Kerte 14 to ( &Kklntston street. • ut WANTED. J Tm TENDERS WARTED hem swots s. delivery MS Nap g r 1.atf, i to etops Y palls O • Nag. 7- to 8• top.. Alma arisoliam peke P. to 4• top. 3l' O• long sad a1berdweed brume I •x4 square z ifnom 0" All Vast is be wend and straight Delivery w be rods • M.gib a. ow 'LOUSE FOR SALnE. se -A WELL CER Yes •• read. Tamers to be ad - denoted two-story brick hou; ell mod - drew" ee •r F ' a[k sett to BOX ern conveniences. For bulbar parUa cur. BfOMAL Ci apply at SiGNAL OFF ICF 741E of new cedar AUCTION SALES Mo14DAy. Feb. In,-Anetleo *sir 118 household turn.tuee at Um residence of rhi late Mas. Bauws, dart strait. Tttuawr (o. NDay. •.a twt.eer. Savcanay. Feb. 8. -Auction sale of house- hold furniture and 8urulebtngs, at the rest - dent's of J.ivae Lta.tN, Wert street. TItoran Ot•roar, auctioneer. WgoslsDar, Feb. It. -Auction askot tam deck sod t..tplm s a* se lot K. L it. A.eblield. ).DuAiw Dation. prupri u.; TaosuOt•a- D n, ,tarrtJOner. ICE BUSINESS FOR SALE Good Reasons for Sating. ApF1� �0 SIGNAL OFFICE. Reasons for Sating. Aptly to SIGNAL AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OP' UOUSRHOLD FURNITURE, YYC. lam iastruct.d Jo sell b/ peblio aueMOn at the realdeooe of tbe late Mrs. Brown. East street, Oodertcb, on MONDAY. FEBRUARY unit. commencing at 1:70 o'clock ebarp, all the coo tents of the bosun. eooatating of parlor. Moine - room �tbedroom and kitchen furniture. luclad- ida, diabos. ln.. crockery and tlawmw.re. bedding, cutlery, etc. Yveiything w1L be disposed of. Ter.n.r.sr deb. THOS. O UNDR Y. Aectiuoeer. �L•S1LEAR1NG AUCTION SALE OEHOLD FURNITURE AND FURNISH- INGS. Mr. Jame) Logao well well by public section at ala re (dence. West street, Uuderich /two doom west of portodloet. on tlaTLRI/AY. FEBRUARY 8. commencing at 2 o'clock charµ the contents of the hoose, osoileling of parlor suit 16 Dienes, as good ss mewl ; parlor tabu., fancy table,. pictures. plants. eases and fancy work ; din- ing table, very heavy oak. oo,.t $IQ, a short time Ito: 1 new clock. oak sideboard. couch, contains, dishes, dining chair.. oak hall rack. Modern Jewel parlor 000k coal stove, &stood as nein ; two complete mita of bedroom furni- ture, toilet sets, mattrerees. springs. crpet«. curtains Ind blinds. iron bed with mattree.• springs. etc. Kitchen furniture. including I upkadid Moffatt range. with water front. only used ah.,ut ooe year ; 1 washing machine. 1 lawn mower, 1 good gasoline stove, garden bow. rakes, sDbvel+, spade and numerous other articles. Everything will po.itively be disposed of. as Mr. Logan is giving up housekeeping. Terme car0. THUMASGUNDRY. . Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION BALE o - FARM STOCK AN r1MPl.SNIvire. lir. Reward Lakes *II ..entry rebate aeo- lfeo et lot 82, L R. AMI I& on N'F.DNCIfDA.Y• FItBRUARY lSrn. commencing at I o'd.•ok sharp : One heavy mare, seven years old. In foal ; 1 heavy mare. At years old. in foal: I driving bone. dI years old: 2 heavy horses. coming three years old : 1 heavy mare, corning two ears old - 5 cows. sso. pp.d to be in calf ; 4 Liter., rising two years old : 5 calve.. 1 Deer - Ing Moder. 1 Deering mower. 1 dim barrow. 1 Maarsy-Barrie disc drill. 1 Me.ay-t7arrie hay- loadr 1 hay rake. !Chatham wagon. 1 set of bob.dejgb.. 1 tap boggy. I cotter. 1 National santi. 1 walkfat plow, 1 net of harrows, 1 set of doubts harness. 1 set of light harness, a q City of hay. and numerous other articles. YverytAlne will be disposed of. Terme : All Fame of SIO and trader. eytsh • over that amount. eight month.' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint not.-.. A Miscount at the rate a( . per Dent. per annum allowed for cash oo cr. dit amounts. EDWARD DALTON. THOS. GUNDRY. Prop.. Kingsbridge P.O. Auctioneer. POR SALE Olt TO RENT CARD OF THANKS. (1ARD OF THA NKr:. -M RS. SIMON S1 J. MaC.Wtb and frmar desire is .bbl way to epees their heartfelt gra&tt de for tete H omen -How did you get that Car- dA.g W fsirw M tbebytr neighnow departed btu- niite medal' ,ked am 1.ther. and for the sonny totem et 'ramp -heroism• lady. I teat it sympathy th to e Now which Chey bavegnetaleed n ear m froa (ruy that was twice my le his death. Beek Shaine.. will not be for $9•50 Ccb. sold at $9.50 mines' weal. $3.50 $3.88 fished with S7.75 $7.75 J - iewspaper• Bow Much Did Your Savings Earn in 1912? Money invested by us in inside property in Weyburn, Sask., earned from SO to 300 per cent. the past year. We strongly advise the purchase of inside property in Weyburn now, as everything points to 1913 being the most prosperous year in the history of Western Canada. Weyburn will be the next big city in Saskatchewan Weyburn has been chosen as the central controlling divisional point on the new short line of the C.P.Ry. between Winnipeg and the Coast. Twenty miles of new yards will be placed in Weyburn in 1913. We have some choice property five blocks from the heart of the city at 1250 per lot," 150 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. This is a first-class investment and will net you big profits within the year, Write us for full particulars. E. V. Campion & Company dead Aloe: Witham. Rpd. Drew* 11.Ort.. *Meer • iRaaiyst St AS IiaeM .a earesq=matabe addressed to our Deeps a Amy Sash of Weytweet Seek- L4OR SALE. -A BUILDING LOT 1' e. Newgate street- Apply to F. J. RID RAM tiFFiCES TO RENT NEXT TO SIG - ll NIL Office. Heated by hot water and vault In connection. Apply to J. 1'. ARI, W N. 7&f. LWR SALE. - FRAME ROUSE. 12 seem norm corner Want sad Waterloo atresia Fr farther particulars apply et SIG- NAL GFFaf'L 4111! . stem �1OR BALE eAtntTdeghoAalfBAROA1NN.-owA od odic fall lot of Nelsen sod Albert streak AIM thi onrrtagesboo mad Slit. mar of taws hall with r without to . Aap1/ a P 0t'D- ri POT. RAYS t K1f bORAN _ 2t LIOR BALE. -THE FARM OWNED i' by the MW Joh. Hallldwy on the mrd ron- cew.loe of Colborne. conWnirot ing acres. Good stone bows with frame kitchen and woodshed : furnace le home : hydraulic water wpols ; good baro ; sones *.chard : too sores Of bomb. Oonve.ient to .koros and schost Oared at • for Immediate suis. Mealy to MRS 11ALLIDA.V. Cameros strew. or ()oda** P 1) ARM FOR SALE. -THE EAST land tot one r bas Matti eastern Divides d of A&k id of hams mad Y�Utble la=ttLnLORN,doiertets. tti RBALE-100 AoRES OF LAND li clay loam an ender IUvatiss beak�os� adios aorta of {t�owws et Pss6eN. frame Mew Mewl/psie led sea iith eementdoom; 01ag od repair ; well at boaigor iRM FOR BALI. -SIXTY-FIVE .he. Ntk14...D. Calborso kitehen son gieljgrei�w..an.1�> pt aM 1=i, driving Masi water vss/ al W f7mm• COUNTY BUSINESS. RESULTS OF THE FIRST SESSION OF NEW COUNCIL. A Number of Bridges to Be Rebuilt during the Coming Summer -Non- resident Pedlar's Fee Increased to $2C,0 -Petition for Removal of Duty on Ditching Machines. Some Results of the Session. Proposal to take advantage of tbe Provincial grant for road improvement held over to the June meeting. License tee Inc a non-resident pedlar to be MO; for a resident the same as before 1$'451. 1 No action towards the secur- ing of a district agricultural - representative for the county. Court house to be used here- after for county purposes only. Hospital 'rant (for three hos- 1 pitals of the county; increased j $100 -from =600 W S7(1). 1 The county council cuocludetl its first session of the year on Friday. Following is a continuation of last week's report of the proceedings : John Leckie, Reeve of Brussels. and W. Lane, county clerk, were appointed on the board of criminal audit. Russell E. Manning. manager of the Royal Bank at Clinton. was appointed a trustee of the Clinton Collegiate Institute ; and W. F. Vaoetone was appointed trustee of Wingham high school. W. B. R-eidenhommer, of Ezetet. was re -appointed CO the board of c Jnty examiners. WSDNESL) AI. The report of the striking committee was adopted and the btnndrogcommit- tees for the year are as follows : Standing Committees. Executive - Jobn Leckie. Wm., Glen. W. J. Heaman. W. D. Sanders, J. N. Cantpti lL Special -J. T. Winter. J. W.. Ort- wein, ('. Stewart, J. Mulvey. J. Brown. Finance -J. M. Govenlock, D. Can- teton. J. W. McKibbon, John Love, J. A. Stewart. Education -I)r. Milne, Dr. W. F. Clark. Geo. Lindsay-, S. Bisset, J. Leiper. Road and Bridge -Wm. Bailie. ft. W. Livingstone, C. Reis, L. Kalb. Mewl). J. McClure. County Property -B. U. Monologs, Wm. Hunter. J. Shortreed. 8. Rout- ley. R: Harding. Equalization -Whole council. Warden's -J. Shortreed. Wm. Glen, C. Munninge. J. M. Govenlock, Dr. 'Milr.e. House of Refuge W. J. Heitman, J. Brown. J. Leiper. W. D. danders. The following communications were read : From the clerk of the united coun- ties of Northumberland and Durham, asking this counts, to cooperate in petitioning the Federal Government to remove the duty on ditching machines, as none are trade in Canada. From the county of Orgy, respecting assessment and taxation, and asking co-operation by this council. From the Huron Lake Shore Rail- way Company, rottfying the council that application is being made for a charter to build a railway from Sarnia to Meaford through the eounties of Lambt.00. Huron. Bruce and Grey. These were sent to special commit- tee. A petition respecting pedlar& licenses was sent to the special committee. A number of applications for grants were sent to the executive committee. Communications from the secretary of the Good Road. Aa.ociation, asking that delegates be appointed from this county. and from the county 01 Wellington, re.pecting aid to roast.. were sent to the road and bridge committee. A number of other communications. statements and accounts were sent to various committees. Dr. M. Nicbol.on was re -appointed trustee of the Goderich Oollegiate Io- otltute. J. U. Smith. R. A., of Wingham high school. gra. appointed to the board of coun(y examiners. A motion by Messrs. Bailie and Osnteloui that the council petition the Department of Agriculture to appoint • district representative for this county was sent to the special com- mittee. A motion hy Mesere. Bailie and Heamtn that a bylaw be prepared to enable this county to participate in the Provincial grant for good roads was pent to tae road and bridge com- atdws. A motion hy Messrs Cant.iou and Minos that the usual grant of Y lis stride to the Mob schools a ooeswiek Clinton. Eleatorth and Winolises tier bas year 1844 was went to the edaeation ootassitt.e. W. McKay. of liesse11, gra. AD- peiatld to the board at dinner ex - ...fair,, tee by yt+.e e Tletibbea that SLUM be , ftp the and 011enne. to enlebe sdivided la, tiles .air air hat yea.. wee eft de cri*_._1I.. enseadttes. �t�JMw ha tile lake knows en Ibe Says* grip sent to the road and budge commit- tee. A motion by Messrs. Stewart and Hunter. that a new bridge tot built on the north boundary at Lochalsh, known as the Obambers bridge. it the county of Bruce should be willing to pay one-half the cwt, was refet-nd to the same committee. Motions regarding varions grantor to Farmers' Institutes. fall fairs. public libraries, eu•.. were sent to the execu- tive committee. A motion by Mews. Bailie and ('ampb.11 that the Dickey bridge on the boundary between VI"awanoshand the county of Bruce, be rebuilt this year was sent to the road and bridge committee. Gaoler Grin reported eight pris- oner's in custody at the county gaol - three for vagrancy. two for assault, one for house -breaking. and two in- sane inmates. Mr. Griffin asked that the council would decide to build the coal boors and women's departments at. the gaol as desired by Dr. Bruce Smith. inspector of prisons. A motion by Messrs. Monologs and Bailie that Rev. J. B. Fotheriogham be appointed the repreeentative of this county on the senate of the West- ern University was referred to the ed- ucation committee. THIIRID A Y. The county treasurer sent in a de- tailed statement 1.1 finaoces, summa- rised as follows : Total receipts for the fyear, S16)1,441.97 ; total expenditures or the year, *144,540.24 ; cash on hand at close of year, 813 f101.73 Taxes levied sod raised in excess of expendi- ture, 84.086.20. Deheuwre debt, 8113,- 000. Sinking foods, $)19,54(1. Six towns and villages had nut paid their rates et the close of the year. D. Patterson, county engineer, re- ported on road and bridge work. He bad examined the river at the Clinton bridge, where Mr. Sterling claimed damage was done• by the altering of the watercourse, and reported against the claim. He submitted tenders for a bridge over the Eleven Mile Creek. boundary of Hay and Stephen town- ships. He reported that some btidges on the boundaries df the county might have to he erected this year. tut. the work would have to tie dune in con- junction with the adjoining counties, and he had DJ notice of what action they would take. The ,total amount of olden iss.ed since his -December re- port was $9.17368. The largest amounts were $5,000 to A. Hill & Co., on contracts, and $2,500 to Lawson A Witherspoon as third payment on the contract at Auburn bridge. A motion by Messrs. Heaman and Senders that Rev. • D. W. Collins, Jf Exeter. be appointed as the county representative on the hoard of the Western University was referred to the education committee. A emotion hy Messrs. Leiper and Govenlock that the bridge known as the Rowland hrtdge. between the townships of Hullett and McKillop, he paid for by tbe county WAS sent to the road and bridge committee. Dr. Burrows was appointed to the trustee board of the Seaforth Collegi- ate institute. ft was moved by Messrs. Cantelon and Clark that the Ontario Govern- ment be petitioned to increase the grants to high schools, on account of the increased cost of teachers and the large deficiencies in municipalities supporting high schools. This was sdjnt to the education committee. Before adjournment the council was given an opportunity of reviewing the work done by the publicity committee towards getting out the pamphlet advertising the county. It is ex- pected that this will shot tic be ready for printing. FRIDAY. Friday was spent mainly in consid- eration of reports from the commit- tees. The petition asking for the increase of the pedlar's license fee was taken up in gouncil, having been referred back by the special committee. The petition. which had over one hundred signatures, asked that the fee be made 8301 for a pedlar with a team and 871110 for a pedlar using a single horse. Under the old bylaw the rate was $26 for residents and $100 for non-resi- dents. no distinction being made a to the manner of peddling. by two horses, one borse. or otherwise. it was decided by the council that no change should he made except that the fee for non-resident pedlars should be increased to 82W it was decided atter some discussion not to ark for the appointment of a district agricultural repreeentative. Mouse of the members said they had not sufficient information in regard to the proposal. in the afternoon i)r. McNally. dis- trict health officer. •ddresned the council and gave an interesting and inetructive talk on health matters. The road and bridge committee and the county engineer were given authority to dispose of that portion of the old Auburn bridge not required, If a suitable arrangement can be made for Resale. A motion by Masers. Love and Bailie. that the bridge known aa the Corbett bridge, between the town- ships of Stephen and McGillivra b• built this year if the county of Middle- sex is willing to .hare is the cost, was sant to committee. After the passing of two bylaws to eoodrm r+wlstfoss d the council the rw.selos wast dose& COMMITTEE Iti(PORTS. Reals ase Sedges. road W 4se eanweittas wade the egun Awe Wa- w� rtehigs, Oat she wader be sllwied to by the w- c7and eorNese at ones, sad dist os *WLreedy,a reete the relate y ens east et the eon d their londirreQia ti�iEi( THREE IN A ROW.- AND OW: AND HOW MAN r TO GO ? THAT'S THE QUESTION. The Huron and Ontario Railway, the Huron Lake Shore Railway and the Central Railway All Heading This Way (that is, on Paper --C. -N. R. May Have Something to Do with One of the Proposed Lines. It's a poor railway proposition these days that hasn't Gooerich in it some way or another. Within the last two weeks no fewer than three projects have come to tbe front that give this town a place in their plans. It is announced from Ottawa that the charter of the Huron & Ontario Railway Company has been renewed. This is bencetorth to be known as the Toronto «Northwestern Railway and is to reach Goderich from a point east of Toronto b way of Toronto, Owen Sound and Kincardine, continuing W Loudon sad possibly to Windsor. The Huron Lake Shore Railway, for which incorporation is being sougbt, is projected to run from Sarnia to Nestor(' through the counties of Lawbton, Huron. Bruce and Grey. The Canadian Northern Railway is mentioned in connection with both of these projects, but this may be merely newspaper talk. The thirdroposed line is that of nt the Geeel Railway of Canada, which is projected born Montreal to Mid- land, with a branch to tioderich. An interesting feature of this project is a suggestion that the line may be used as an extension of the lotercolonial Railway to the Great Lakes. If one of these cowponies will come alcog and use the Ontario West Shore Railway, it will be thrice welcome. • May Amalgamate with C. N. R. Ottawa, Jan. :13.-1n the railway committee Lode* the bill respecting the Huron and Ontario Railway Com- pany was reported. This road, first chartered in 1806 and frequently re- newed since, will henceforth he known as the Toronto and Northwestern Railway, and�1a� given permission to amalgamate wffb'the ('. N. R. Ike charter provides for the building of a line from Ontario county through Oehawa and Toronto to the ctunties of 8imcoe, Grey, Wellington, Huron. Routh Lawbtoo and Middlesex, and E. N. Lewis, who promoted the hilt: stated that large sums had been spent in surveys. It was rather freely intimated in the committee that the C.N. R. has its eye upon this old charter. which offers wide scope for building all through Western Ontario, winding around by Owen Sound, Kincardine, Goderich. into Middlesex county via London, and then west to Wind- sor it desired. Huron and Ontario (sill Passed. Ottawa, Jan. 31. -The House to- night gave the third reading to and passed E. N. Lewis' bill respecting the Huron and Ontario Railway Com- pany-. wbiJi renew. its powers to build through Western Ontario. E. A. Lancaster. chairman of the railway committee, stated to the House that there was even- assurance of the intention of the company to be- gin construction work. The route of the road is north from Toronto to the Georgian Bay. then along the shore of Lake Huron into Middlesex. and possibly west in the direction of Windsor. The charter has been 'in existence for some years, and ha., been several times renewed. FARMERS INSTITUTE. Series of Six Supplementary Meetings Announced. Supplementary meetings of them West Huron Farmers' institute will be held as follows : Wingham. Town Hall. Monday. February 17. Blyth, industry Hall, Tuesday, Feb- ruary 15. Nile, Orange Hall, 1% ednesday. Feb- ruary 10. Dungannon, Orange Hall. Thursday, February 20. tit. Helen.. Mechanic& Inst Hall. Friday, February 21. Kintail. McDonald s Hall, Saturday. Fe'iruary Y.L. The delegates for these meetings are F. E. Millen, 0. A. C.. Guelph ; Wm. Scarf, of Durham. and Mrs. W. J. Hunter. of Pleaant. in addition addresses are expected from F. Met- calf. of Blyth, and R. R. Sloan, of Porters Hill. on the arae and market- ing of fruit. and by inspector Tom, of Goderich. and R. M. Young. of Car- low. 'awelow. on snhjeets to be chosen. Afternoon and evening meetings will be held at each place. A Genuine City Attractlon, Would an attraction that is playing the large cities, es Ottawa. Toronto. Hamikon and London. interest the twtot+le of doderkh P Massesr Ma .s•s ha. secured such as attraction. by making stessial inducement.. far two of seat weak. Tuesday seed Wednesday. Fneswaey 11 and i1 Oa the share dales Fed 10e. and eeriest ly led present tL.M Me most /epsslar plays : •71i. Girl awl the DlpMee a 'trawl drs- re Olay. and -fse lee 0irl and tate • litsibles eeesedy .seer M tow acts, Pogue lie. de and iltee. Pe a Rood awe, wet rky -4be Monet e4furoh. Tu the Editor of The 8iyoal. Slit, -In your report of the meeting of repreeentatives of the municipali- ties interested in the guaranteeing of the bonds of the O. W. S. H.. it,was stated that a resolution was pused asking the Ontario Railway and Muni- cipal Board to hold an investigation into the affair, of the above Coulpany. Before any money is spent. would it not be well to find out, first, whose affairs are to be investigated, and. sec- ondly, if the tribunal selected is itself so clear of all blame and complicity- as to arduct a thorough investigation ? It would also be well to know what benefit would ao•crue to ancone now to hold an iuvestigation. With regard to the first point the investigation would need to be very extended, as I do not recall any in- stance of any opposition to the scheme from the beginning on the part of any public man to the ((Imo of Goderich or the adjoining municipalities, with but two exceptions. But on the contrary business men. professional men, men without any profession, lawyers, mun- icipal officers. editors and legislators vied with each other in trying to in- duce the ratepayers to support 11 *ad to foist the payment of the money on an unwilling electorate. From its in- ception it had the support of all the legal lights in the town of Goderi:b, one of them going so far ad to accom- pany the leading municipal official of the town to a polling place in the township of Colborne to act as scrutin- eers on behalf of the bylaw guarantee- ing 'ho to the extent of x,000, though th 1oth_).aew that they had no legal right to so act. These law- yers also bad the supervision of the drafting of the bonds, b law and weements of the company,y fl d theft there wao provision made to protect an unsuspecting pub- lic who placed their confidence in the ability and integrity of their ofllcera, only to find when too late that that confidence bad been misplaced. The various councils interested never con- sidered the lnterestei of the travelUag public. hut granted the Company fran- chises of the roads and street.+, and the county council also granted them the right to cranes the river at tialtford on the county bridge. The Famines. men of the community not only used their votes but. Also their influence to induce others to support the scheme ants looked with reproach on those who dared 'oppose it, while tbe so- called representatives of the people in place of trying to prevent the grant- ing of the charter, or the ratification by the Legislature of the agreements and bylaws of the Company. used their hest efforts to have them passed. Now when we find so many people were mistaken in the scheme (to put it mildly), why should an investigation be held at ail when we might suppose that the promoters and builders of the road were also mistaken, or why sup- pose one man could have been able to mislead all others and be the only one to resp anyy rewar Mr. Middlemistd? reporta that over A4a ,I/1)0 bas already been ,pent, even though be never saw the men at work ' on the contract or knew that a por- tion of the track had to be relaid at night with a considerable outlay. while officers of the town and county had to be paid to watch in case this Pathway to fortune should he stolen• which had be known would probably bring his estimate up to the $400.000 ; if not, his estimate could have besorin- creased by the same proems of arith- metic he uses in making 431 bridge ties at $1.50 worth $775.140. or 1,000 fence poets at 15c worth 81,8110. It would also be interesting to know by what process of high finance he values a right of way forty mile.lcog through a good district at 81,713, while an old engine shed dear at $300 should be valued at *2,041). If there has already been 8300,000 spent, and it requires practically B801,01) more to complete and equip the road, the feasibility of obtaining' capital to operate it should he just se apparent now as it was at the inception without any investiga- tion Th.en with regard to the second point hove the decisions of the On- tario Railway Board in the past been such se to warrant any great ie.ult_s now? in the investigation held by the vice-chairman regarding Dunlop crossing. the township of Colborne was told that as the township had never given any bonus to aid tbt, Company they should not object to the Company's obtaining some of the highway. even though they had no right to it, and when over two years ago the chairmen of the Board was asked to inve■tIigtate the condurt of lbs Railway C'nmpany he informed the writer that -he would either hare. to fish or cut bait,- and now as the fishing has already been done and a con- siderable number of sockets were caught nothing remains but to cut bait for other Themes such as Broths hylaw, or the Huron and Lake Shore Railway now being exploited. i have also been informed on the hest of authority that when the various agreements end bylaw. of the differ sat musictpalilies were to bo ratified by tb• Legislature the opinion of the thairman of the Hoard was asked re- garding the advisability of tbe ratifi- cation. and though he considered they looked shady' yet bis doubts were quieted by the fact that not only had We electors sup I tbsm but mo the advice of r solicitors the "ens ono munieipsl councils had= them. However, i do not that this relieved biro of his dtlye& and arseerisestly t do not Wok a teary fierosgb ink• o to M iaY .v a M*7' 1P• ties Rins..ad tike variolas kiss might am well Rave tone ben& d nes th. payriast d des J. T