HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-30, Page 7Lys!
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he News of the District
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SLY rH. J. B. Ferguson, formerly town clerk
of Winaggham. ie now postmaster 4
Kerrisdals. B. C., a suburb of Van.
Moeuev. Jan. 27th.
Knox, of Oarlock. has gone W
to take • course in the Hurtl-
e there -
all Braithwaite, while taking
tor"Neely kicked by'other he k'
her horse
h d some ribs broken.
y, sod Mrs. MoOavin and daugb-
tow the West, are Yndavin a
nding a
months with 1G'&
a Mr. and Mrs. Win. Farquhar.
Mayon that Does Not Cast Any-
thing Unless it Cures.
Oive ingredient of
rderes iwhhicwhich )is odorless,
and colorless is • compara-
rw. direoWelt' vay. Combined with
luable ingredients.
extremely b� tor, in -
yes •Perfect rowel tyng thener
tnvigorrtor and
Orderlies are eaten like
Doable for their agree•
r(� City
` platand gentleness of action.
s.+2 t y do not cause t;Tr'iping or any die-
sble effect or inconvenience.
alike other prel>aretiotu for a like
they do not create a habit,
stead they act to overcome the
of habit u'yuired throush the
of ordinary lax&tivert. cethartics
harsh phasic and permanently re•
the cause of constipation or
or bowel action.
de will refund your money without
t if they do not do as we
will. Two risee, eand 10e.
only at our store—The Retell
H. C. Dunlop, Galeriah.
t of
it is
y will
)hone 19
e rne
T!ionowY, Jan. 28th.
ilJist1AL Mnrmio.—A special meet-
dColheutle township council was
Japery '2 trd. Meurbers all pres-
Movssi by C'ouocillor Young,
led M Councillor Mel.e.rty, that
following sanitary inepectors be
ted- No. 1 division. Win.
n ; No. 2. Wm. Msedel ; No.
1.J• Huston ; No. 4, Jame. W'at-
Car ied. Moved by Councillor.
on..econslecl by Councillor Meth -
n, that James McBride be rap -
ted member of tbe Bost, of
h. Carried. Moved by Couucil-
Mclarty, seconded by Uouucillor
oung, that John Young be auditor
place of Herbert Morrie, who could
qualify. hay int* bad contracts
the council. K. Melt -wane,
Binet Cuss Mot-IAL.—The Pro -
sive Bible class of Zion church
north) held a social on Monday,
h inst., at the home of Mr. and
John Treble. The affair was the
e of a contest, the losing side
the program and supper, and
were carried out in excellent
The program consisted of
salsa, instrumental music, speeches,
sand the rest of the evening was
in games and social talk. A
e n( thanks was tendered to Mr.
Nes. Treble, to which Mr. Treble
ed. inviting them to his home
at snore future date. All left
home declaring the had had a
enjoyable time. The members
a few invited guests numbered
-0n. Visitors from a distance
C. Treble. \Vatrous, Sask. • A.
akar, Crystal City, Man. ' Mr._and
tlauzhy, Crystal Uity, Man.: R.
Holme.ville t Mrs. W. Johns,
Sask.: Miss Clayton and Mies
Harringtcn, Onr. ; Miss A.
. Porter's Hlli ; G. Ryan, Nile ;
Gerald Alliman. Toronto.
seb sympathy is extended to Mr.
Mr.. lamer Rutledge. who were
able to attend owing to the ill -
of their two children. Mr. Rut -
is the secretary of the clam end
Rutledge a teacher in the Sun-
• school.
TUESDAY, Jan. filth.
tiveozaa Diuretic —A very sudden
death took place !Worley morning of
thie week. When Mrs. Wm. CheRew
went into the bedroom to awakes Mr.
()hollow she was surprised to nes the
look or, his face. Rhe rent for the
doctor et once, but when he arrived
Mr. Cheney*was beyond recall. He
had been a sufferer from heart disease
for some time and this last fall he
visited with his da bier in Toronto
for owe considerable time and also
took treatment, bit it did not do him
any good. The funeral took place on
Wedneeday under the auspices of the On Tuesday morning of last week,
Masonic Order, of which he was a at St. Peter's church, Drysdale, Miss
member. He was also a member of Alice Denommie was united in war -
the 1. O. O. F., I. O. F. and s number siege to George Boucher, of -Carson -
of other societies. He had been a ville.
resident of town for quite s number
of ears, having conducted a furniture
and undertaking business. Those left
to mourn bim are bis bereft wife and
two daughters and one son. day, 31st inst..
PRREIUNAL AND GRNHRAL -Quite a The license board for South Huron
numberfrom here attended the for this year is composedof John
funeral of S. Graney, of Wingham. He Middleton, Goderich township ; John
was at me time engaged in the under- 8het'ritt. Stephen, and William Del -
taking and furniture business here bridge. Osborne.
and was well known Jas. Curt, H. Hamilton has sold lot 21, con -
who had been visiting here for soe 1� M K'll to ht Iris
months, returned to Prince Albert,
Sask., Monday. He is engaged in tbess
real estate businethere Quite
a number of 1 are being brought
into the sawmill these days and the
sleighing is just right, there not being
too much snow. The difficulty seems
to be in getting men to cut the logs.
H. Thoma., ('. P. R. agent,
visited with relatives at Markdaleover John Scott has sold his farm at
Sunday . Mrs. las. Sims spent a Roxboro', McKillop township, to
few days of the part week with her James R. Scott, of Seeforth, end may
brothers and sister in Goderich town- go to the Peace River country, where ar
ship. Wm. Saunders, of Calgary, i bis brother James and his son e.
Alberta, spent a few days this week
witb his friend A. W. Robinson. He
speak, very highly of Calgary: and
states that it is growing by leaps and
bounds John Powney captured
quite a number of prizes at the poultry
exhibition at Godei ieh last week ..
Quite a number enjoyed tbeweelvea at.
a dance given by Mr. and Mre. E.
Reggio. sen., on Friday night. Most
of the party came from Hullett, the
former residence of the bride
Henry Metter. who was ecnfined to
the 'sortie for some time with an
attack of the grippe. is now able to
resume bis duties on the G. T. R.
Geo. Hailey, of fioderich, visited
friends in town Friday last.
E. Watson & Sons shipped a car of
cattle and one of hogs to Toronro this
week . . The bridge gang who have
been here for nom, time putting in a
culvert on the G. T. R. left on Satur-
day to do *tome -work near Sarnia.
When they get that finished they will
return here to finish the work
Mies Alva Stewart, of Goderich town-
ship. is visiting with her aunt. Mrs.
Jas. Sims .... Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mc-
Taggart spent Sunday with the lat-
ter s brother, GeoThompson, and
wife, of Hullett Mrs. Curtis and
Mrs. McMurchie went to Wingham
Saturday night to attend tbe funeral
of the late 8. Gracey Mr. Holly -
man, of Lucknow, spent Saturday
with his brother here F Thomp-
son spent the week -end at his home at
Kincardine... .Mies Bentley went to
Wingbaon Saturday to take charge
of She room in the public school there
which she has recently been engaged
to teach .... Miss Thompson visited
with her mother in Clinton last week.n!
John Hewas in Durham last
week assisting in the purchase of a
car of bulls for the Northwest
John Potter received a car of corn as
the elevator which he is going to sell.
R. J. Brown received a gasoline
engine for his farms last week
BruntonBnton Bros. received a car of ebeep-
skins for their tannery last week from
Brantford. They are doing a very ex-
tensive business in the fulling line
this year .... C. H. Beese received a
car of wheat last week for his brill .
W. H. McElroy is making great ef-
forts to supply the demand for chest-
nut coal. Besides getting in a good
supply of it he has also reduced the
price, for which every person ought
to be thankful. He received another
car this week . Archie Bell re-
ceived a car of soft coal for hi. chop-
ping mill last week District
Deputy O. E. McTaggart and suite
have now finished their duties of in-
stalling the officers of the different
lodges of Oddfellows in this district.
The last place tbey went to was Dun-
gannon, on Wednesday of this week,
when a public installation took place.
Kincardine has oilfired • loss in the
death of Samuel Hy, for many
years prominent in the civic attain of
the town.
The congregation of Melville Pres-
byterian church. Brussels, has ex-
tended a call to Rev. A. J. Mann, of
Toronto, Late of Woodstock.
Mrs. George McKay, a former resi-
dent of Brussels, died et the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Clark, Petrous.
She was nearly ninety years of age.
The opponents of the local option
bylaw at Kincardine have entered a
protest against the vote, and it will be
considered by Judge Barrett on Fri -
More Soap for Less
Less Money for
More Soap.
of Brussels. A light was seen in tibial
building about 7 p. s.. and an hour
later passersby noticed the glare of
fire through the window. The Maas
was soon put out. 1t was then dis-
covered that Ares bad been rin the
teacher', desk and in two ot the pu-
pils desks. fwo of these had gone
out, hitt the third was making good
headway. n WimpsAWimps Nonageoanan.
One of the oldest residents. of the
township of Osborne parsed away on
Wednesday. '22nd inst.. in the person
of Henry Francis, who was within a
few days of ninety-four years of age.
The deceased had been of a strong and
robust constitution all his life, and it
was only within the tortrt feww months
c top woe iso, o • that he had been ill, sue 1., a gradual
son-in-law, John Bolger. He purposes breaking up of the sv.tem. He was a
returning to the West, where he spent ' native of Devonsbi '-. England, and
a part of last year. came to Canada b ruts years ago.
A pioneer resident of the township He first settled in the township of
of Turnberr'y departed this life on Fullerton and fifteen years later be
Sunday, loth inst., in the person of removed to Usborne. Three sons and
Richard Wallace. The deceased was four daughters survive him.
in his eighty-seventh year.
IIPPInto7T's von FrsnaUARy.--The
y Lippincott'. is a well -
ripe and rich megaaine, full
varied fiction and papers adjusted
tie sea on. The comptete novel.
Phoenix." is by a DOW writer,
I re While its theme is en-
s unlike that of Mary Roberto
nehart's "t4pven Days," the reader
reminded of that now -famous story,
se of his originality, humor,
action. tangled but quite pious -
emptiest ions, trod general beeesi-
Tbe plot hinges upon a young
's well-meaning attempt to de -
her husband in a small matter
thereby avoid a family quarrel.
an untoward fate twists things
and one prevarication leed,, to an-
. till a half -doyen or mon people
involved and much trouble is
erred—trouble from whieeh the
adrotuy--sod very naturally—
has characters in the end. Most
will feel rather surprised at his
thingsin doing so, beeaues for a
Phoenii seem
" its hopelessly
which bay vpeared le Deist
a long time. The sheet Section
stains the blab level Izsd by Lip -
F. steadied. ••M!s iasdirs's
twits." by ltr.iiMh 'surdas.of • Heti •Mee4y wOeee's tisk to
e^untrY Apw where her abild-
PI y late eatias t�ssi o(
Ihssoe Rohi;Crew ias err
• neled. Theetwedeuttell Qmsas " by
Int n story. ` la Its
awl aMfi"Mee,
the Reek;
. Is s whimsical bats et Amur
see, b b.- WWw rins la "IV peal el �'
is sienosisimpie far ite
Walilla eel
� it react -
Joseph Regier, a farmer of the
Goshen line, near Zurich, died on Sat-
urday after an operation for appendi-
citis. He was forty-seven years of
age and leaves a wife and nine chil-
Mrs. J. G. Avery passed away at the
home' aj.her daughter. Mrs. George
Barkley. Brussels, on Wednesday of
last week. aged eighty years. Deceased
was for many years a resident of Sea -
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Geiser. Stephen township, on the 15th
inst.. David B. Geiger, of Dashwood,
and Miss Elizabeth England, sister of•
Mrs. Geiser. were united in wedlock
by Rev. E. Burn.
On Friday. 17th inst., Emanuel
\Vitmer. Fordwiele died suddenly of
heart failure, while eating his break-
fast. He was born in Waterloo county
in the year 1841. His wife and six
children survive.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos
Houlden, Exeter. on Wednesday-. 22nd
inst., their daughter Violet May was
nnited in marriage to Edgar O. Pen -
hale, of Hay township. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Colin Fletcher.
Three bereavements in seventeen
days were the sad portion of the
family of Mr. Hallahan of East Wawa -
nosh. On December 31st a son -in law,
Michael Kelly, died. On January 7th.
Wm. Hallahan, sr., passed sway, and
on January 16th his son John departed
this life.
On Wednesday. January 15. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hunter.
Fordwicb, their daughter, Florence
Pearl. became the bride of J. G. Me -
Vicar, of Smith, Nevada. After spend-
ing a few weeks in Ontario. Mr. and
Mrs. McVicar will leave for their home
in Nevada.
John Horton. one of the early
settlers of the Hensel) section, died on
the kith inst. at Brock. Sask., where
be had been staying with bis daugh-
ter. Re was seventy-six years of
age. The remains were brought, to
Heusall and the funeral took place
frotn the residence of his son Frank.
s$re y by ear l
Heessbrsakinglat Seaferth.
Mrs. D. W. Johnson. of Seaforth,
wh. shut up her house and went to
live in an hotel for the winter, visited
the honer a few days ago and found
that it had been ransacked from cellar
W attic. Clothes closets, trunks,
drawers and boxes had bees brokts
open and the contents turned out, evi-
dently in a search for valuables. Two
gold watch chaine are missing. Last
Saturday night the residence of L. L.
McPau!, Seatorth, was similarly ran-
sacted. The burglars were evidently
looking for money or jewelry, but
whether they were successful could
not be ascertained, as both Mr. and
Mrs. Mensal are away from town.
Sudden Death of S. Graney.
Samuel Grassy, for over thirty
years one of Wmgh sn'i best-known
btutne.s men, was tc.und on the Root
of hie bathroom late on Saturday
afternoon in an uDCOnbeiOUs condition
and died from heart failure in a short
time. Mr. (iracey bad not been well
all day, and was about to take •
The Late John Stein. bath and go to bed. Hie daughter
beard him fs►l, and rushing up found
ass renes : no rt u'
early pioneers of this section passed
away on Wednesday altermuon of hast
ween at bis home on Carling Terrace
in the person of John Stern, aged
eighty-two years. Mr. Stein bad been
in feeble health for some time. He
was born in Ireland and cause to Can- of the 1. O. O. F., C. O. F., and A. O.
ada in young manhood. He had fob V W. His wife died about four year s
many years been a resident of East ago. Three daughters survive, '-Nieces
W awanoeb. but of late years had lived Eva and Laura. at home, and 0 Mrs.
retired in Wingham. Mr. Stein was Thomas King
held in high esteem and his death
takes away another of the pioneers of
tt i s section. In religion Mr. Stain
was a Preshytep[�jan and in politics a
Liberal. Mr. Stein's first wife died
sixteen years ago and he is survived
liv his second wife and nine children,
viz.: Robert, James, Albert and Wil-
liam. in .the West : Andrew. of Ash-
field: John. of Kincardine; Mrs.. C. J.
Riotnul, Morrist Mrs. James Purdon
and Mrs. Wm. Put -don, of West Wa-
wenrrb. The funeral took place on
Friday afternoon to \Vingha.n ceme-
The death of Elizabeth McIntyre,
widow of the late Thomas Hill,
occurred at Clinton on Sunday, 19th
inst.. at the age of seventy-five years.
Before removing to Clinton Mrs. Hill
was for many years a resident of
Hullett township. Four daughters
and two sons survive : William T.,
of Hullett : James, of Londeshor•o'
Mos. M. J. Hill. at home : Mrs. John
R. Noble, of Hullett ; Mrs. ):has.
Baker, of Clititoo : �1rs. Jaynes Rath.
of York county.
Wing's T' A th t theu
him unconscious. She called s doctor
but it was too late. Mr. Gracey was
in his sixty-firetyear. Before going to
Wingham he resided in Blyth and tit.,
Marys. He was a Liberal and a life-
long member of the Presbyterian
church. He was a prominent member
On Tuesday morning of last week.
.in the Trivittjfemrorisl church, Ex-
eter, George Caweron Russell• a
young railway man of North Battle -
ford, Sask., and Mies Minnie L. San-
ders. daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Thos.
Sanders, Exeter, were united in mar-
riage. Hey. C. W. Sanders, rector of
Brantford, and brother of the bride.
officiated, assisted by Rev. D. W. Col-
lin.. rector of the Trivitt Memorial
church. The young couple will spend
a few weeks visiting in Ontario before
leaving for the West.
Ed. Johnston, of Grandin, North
Dakota. has purchased a 100aere farm
on tbe god concession of Hullett from
Samuel Brown, the purchase price
being $5,000. Mr. Johnston will settle
on the farm, having, decided that he
prefers Ontario to any Western State
or Province. He says that land is
selling as cheaply in Ontario as in the
Thomas Devereux, an old and highly
esteemed resident of Tuckersmith,
died on Thursday. 18th Inst., in his
eighty-eighth year. Mr. Devereux was
a native of Nova Scotia and came
to Huron with his father and.
other members of the family in
1813. He is survived by bis wife and
a family of two sons and one
Jas. A. Sanderson is starting a saw-
mill at Fordwich.
Wingbam fall fair will he held this
year September 25 and 20.
Enoch Folliok, of Exeter. is dead, at
t be age of seventy-seven years.
8eaforth will bold its fall fair this
year on September 18th and 10th.
The Jackson clothing factory has
commenced opera tions at Zurich.
Mrs. Daniel Harris, a former resident
of Howiek, died et Harriston on the
10th Ina
B. H. Cochrane hes sold the Wing -
ham Marble Works toThos. Johnston,
et Pshasy.
Easter expecte a busy year in the
building lies. A number of new
houses ars to be erected. -
John Walter has re-0pamed his hotel
at Beoeseeld for the accommodation
of the travelling sou blie.
Janis Brown, father of Mrs. Thos.
A. died at Clinton January
!LR ailed eighty-ilve years.
The [!youth Baron Agricultural
Society will hold a seed show at Brume
Reid on Friday. February 21st.
The dates for the tleabieth tail fair
1L Ws yaw are IM.Mmilmw 18 and
Bis )ibis the masts -p.
. As Ja•. Paull,. a former reeideet of
hy the ' W r. •yeter, died • W carat a oe ebe
that, tract . aged Meaty -thee. years.
A Spell of Weather.
Mrs. A.: "Well, if it isn't Mrs.
Whet a stranger you are! Why,
five'tyesrs since 1 sawou."
Mrs. B.: "Yea. Why haven't
been to wee me ?"
Mrs. A.: "Ob, dear. you know
bad the weather's been."
New Use for Hyphens.
A teacher was instructing her pupils
in the use of a hyphen. Among the
examples giver: by the children was
the wbrd "bird -cage."
"That's right," encouragingly re-
marked the teaeber. 'Now, Paul.
tell inc why we put it hyphen in 'bird-
g "it's for the bird to sit on," was the
startling rejoinder.
it e
Three of the five prizes .warded for
creamery putter at the Western On-
tario dairymen's convention at Wood-
stock this ninth came to Huron
county. W. G. Medd. of Winchelsea,
won first prize for a 58 -pound box ;
J. H. Scott, of Exeter, wee third :
and J. G. Gc'odhand, of Corbett.
fourth. A special prize also was
awarded to Mr. Medd.
Robert McAllister. aged eighty-six
years, died at bis home on the Parr
line. Hay, south of Hills Green. nn
Saturday, 18th iost. He was a native
of Scotland, but came to Canada when
quite a young man. He was a success-
ful farmer and took a spacial lnter.et
in live stock breeding. He is survived
by his wife. one son, William, on the
homestead, and five daughters.
Burglars at plrseseia
The drygoods store of 'Alen.
St/schen, at Brussels, was entered by
burglars last Thursday night and a
quantity eft furs sad ciotbing was
steles. B.tismee was obtained by
setting a hoes M the panel of the beck
door and two large books
by wY11 Aso was fastened. This
is the file hese lb. Stessbas'« store
has hese *ekes fete withls the last
few bas yews. Pia trace of the burglary
bees Semi
Alam t le ben fed,striws•
A d IN era'. sweapt was made a
few a gh • age te hese *Lars lea
Meheeleh less 01 setweol awe foe so. 10,
terry teteasiip. abasic eight riles sees
i hay.- plenty of
Gas Coke now. Can
fill all orders prompt-
ly. 'Phone 1221-
Aftor any Sickness
nothing so rapidly restores health
and vigor as SCOTT'S EMULSION.
It is the essence of natural body -
nourishment, so medically -perfect
that nature immediately appropri-
ates and distributes it to every
organ, every tissue—feeding,
nourishing and restoring them to
normal activity.
patent medicine, but is nature's
body -nourishment with curative,
upbuilding properties and without
a drop of drug or alcohol. It con-
tains superior cod liver oil, the
hypophosphitea of liras and soda
with glycerine, and Is so delicately
emulsified that it enters the system
without digestive effort—builds,
tomes and Sustain&
Atter croup, whooping cough,
mettles and other child ailments it
is natnrr s ally in rc..turfing health.
After grippe or pneumonia it
imparts strength and health, and
for colds, metele. sore. itiOt chests
sal throat troubles SCOTT'S
LdAN.MON gives tbe g...J4M ,!lief
Ikon a arum* Tomes*. Qatari urs
We are now prepared to;
supply contractors with
all kinds joI Mouldings.
inside finish. Flooring
and Sidings. apd General
Building Material.
We make a specialty of
Veneer Flooring in Osk
and Birch.
Dressing and Matching
by the thousand.
The Paget brain Door Co.
McLean Bros.
The' savings to be realized are considerable.
The lines comprising odd and br?ken assortments
are among our best selling stock, and now marked
at lowest prices that assure their immediate clear-
ance. Four strong lines at sharp discounts are :
Men's and Boys' Overcoats.
Men's and Boys Suits.
Odd lines in Underwear.
Odd lines in Shirts.
11cLean Bros.
Agents for • Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield 's Underwear, (Fitwell (Hats,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs.
Carloads arriving, No.
1 quality.
All Grocers stocking
i will not be offering
any Potatoes for sale at
my store.
James Ll.yi I SM
Length.:i.'O '.•.-t 3n•"d '•. i , Ire •
Tosanie. 14.300
Wireless sod Subiaertce Siris sla
Empress of Irelau,L .... Feb.
Empresa of Britain ... Feb.
Empress of Ireland .. Mar.
Vinprtse of Bril tin ...Mr r. 21
Lake Manitoba....... . . Mar.
Empress of Ireland April 4
Empress of Britain .... .. .... April 18
Lake Manitoba _ . .. . _ .. Apr11 !s
Empress of Ireland..... ... May 2
Empress of Britain ......,.May le
Tickets sad all infornearion.trom an
-teamship agent. or J. Kidd• Agent, C.
UUoaericn, ()n:.
The Grand Trunk Railway is the
most' direct conte from all taints
East through Canada via Chicago,
I tetroit, or Buffalo.
Round trip tourist tickets. giving
choice of all the best routes, to-
gether with full information. may
be obtained from any Grand Trunk
Agent. - -
F. F. Lawrence & Sone, Town
Passenger and Ticket Agents. Gode-
rich. 'Phone 8.
Poo e �—
We have a great number of useful, as
well as ornamental goods from wnlcniyou can
make a choice.
11 Carpet
What would be a nicer and more useful
present for mother than an up-to-date Happy
Thought Range or a Radiant Home Heater,
two of the best stoves on the market ?
A number of other Christmas suggestions :
Silver Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons
Pearl -handled Knives and Forks
Electric Light Fixtures
Silver Lir' lives and Forks
Carving Sets in cases
Shot Guns and Rifles
Coal Oil Heaters
Scissors in cases
H ockey Skates
Brass Goods
and many others
too numerous to
mention, which
we iniiite y3u to
call and see.
Phones : Store 22 ..House 112
!� Cl=====