HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-30, Page 5An Odd Dusign
wheal purchasing jewellery
always sought. Every article
Abse we sell is neat and Artis-
tic. Mauy handsome pat-
terns will be found here that
cannot he duplicated: they're
so odd and attractive in de-
.il^ flit
•llewery Display
is eurpaeacd by none and
equalled by few. it little mat-
ters what you wish, our stock
will afford you the best choice
st for price you wish to pay.
Jeweller and Optacta..
t .artier Colborne St. and Square
e is
TIRDIt*DAT, JANUARY >dl. 1010111
TOPICS�h.e *LitDuwh.0 willhebeid IadI. f hy.B. , EAST STREET GARAGE
Instaf►•t.on. 1 Death of Mrs. James Brown.
leofficers were Metalled Mrs. James Brown, who bad
following D• • G. M- at the f to health for some tirur,
MorrieJ-Maple [Md Lodi., Na 17, called t tbte life on Monday o&orn-
ti f W , on Monday_emptier ; Mrs Brown was born da
0i �talkoW i M. Herbert
the year IMO. and when
Wm. Good ; Moan -
W. R. Sin=�nGeo. Wds .
✓ WM. BlakAstson • rO�. ; Guide, Thus.
W. ee •• Mi; rsp eseut&Lto
Lodge, Herbert Morris.
Monthly Horse Market.
qqew toy n was brought to Canada,
liviug in Woodstock hcfore takiug ce�pp �V loo streets and broke his hip.
her rssldeuos in Goderich. In 1tlrp, The ambulance wusummoned and he
ok• she ruarritd 'him"was taken to the hospital. The aoei-
who oho died amity yeah ago.
dent is a very serious one and Mr.
Four of [Weir family survive, namely: Brophey has the sympathy of the
Walter, of apeLabe ; Arthur, of Surat- townspeople in his suffering.
ford; Mrs. W. 0. Nowlin, of Ano
Arbor, Mich., •� tn
MiesAlice, at. The Ladies' Aid of North street
The funeral tool[ ppitees on Wedoee- Methodist church purpose holding •
day afternoon to Maitland cemetery. "Sox Social" in the lecture room of
wether was favorable for the
inly horse market
there was
ted in Dumber
offarmers and buyers
somber o -good elms of bores*
Mleedr d for eP at auction s0% a
for weretold at good prices. The
t« for the next side, to be held
-v 2.5, are bright. and portions
u ritber the saleor purl
ful bounties of imat. year 1l be em -
passed tela year. Watch papers We Were just received some revised quotetlous fr o the
and window bills next week: FAIRBLK people for tbeir line of engines, see follow :
An unfortunate accident occurred Old Price New Prise
on Tuesday afternoon to John 1 b. p. HarisooW $ 90.00 $ 80.00
ropbey, one of our old and hest- 4 h. p. Vertical $290.00 $IN6.O0
sown citizens. While Doming up- ti h. p. Vertical WOW $175.00
own Mr. Brophey slipped on the icy Itis admitted by all that these engines are the best made, and now that
dawalk at the corner of Quebec sod they ean be bought at such a favorable figure they should command your
Rev. Geo. E. Row conducted the rr the church of the evening of Thum -
P. M. We have •
1912 Ford 5 -Passenger Car
as good as new, complete with ell tool., bumper,
and spate tube. for sale at sees.
1f you want a bargain speak quick,
electric lights
for this is • real iiargein.
vices, and the pallbearers were J. H. day. February 13th. Before that even- Huron �r
Gasoline Engine
Colborne, J. W. Vanatter, D. t4tod•
dart end J. A. Robertson, ingand itoynibsoace ti.►iot;b pase to beta diei^t:ruibuted ■■ er ua.ete� GCDERICH, ONT.
to place pennlee, �r (Abieer money,
of Regimental Officers. corresponding with the size
The annual business meeting of th$ he or she wears, doubling the amount
torereeent the two feet. Io return
for this the ladies provide • supper
and a program of vocal and instru-
mental music and readings. it will be
an interesting evening for all who
eta officer* of the 39rd Huron Regiment
of horses should Issas it • point' was held Wednesday afternoon at
wee heed. Clinton. There was a lergeattend•nce
t and the meeting was one of the best
Wednesday Nigh
tatiou is on e_t a Wer the In the history of the regiment. Atter
�• regular business of the meeting
had been concluded Major Gordon -
Hall. G. N. 0., London, conducted a
ewer game," In which all present took
part, illustrating the tactical man-
oeuvres of armies in actual service.
At the conclusion of this "game,"
Major Gordon -Hall gave a lecture des-
cribing the different branches of the
service and their particular duties.
Thou who went from Goderich to at-
tend the meeting were Capt. Dunlop,
Capt- Sale, Capt. Varcoe, Capt.
Rundle, ('apt. Nagel and Lieut.
Wednesday merle the
comelyer'outTbteSttickets oU� Concert
ifist, and there is every prts-
psct of a full house. The plata of the
woe will beopen Ioabolde res-
taurant on Monday tor ticket-holders
tad tae Teetday for the general public.
roe, are p„•. sic and hila. Tickets
•lr he bad from W. 0. Sillar. or Oram
l Isreroees tamp. S•
Orr members of the Cwip.
IM pixie Chorus.
Victoria Opera House was well filled
Mf Thursday evening when the Dixie
*ores gave an excellent concert in
Or Y. M. C. A. course. The
. interesting and in.tructive, sbow-
(>< tk. prowess of the American
oto rare tern their life of slavery
b tee jungles of Africa, through the
Ipdsgc of slavery times in America
soil Abed emancipation, and during
Ili! year: 91 freedom up to the
pene.t. Tbe
,r. ..les end
til cincluded allbanjo
gee, wet'- rendered with a high
dterre of artistic skill.
ytxary Society Organizes.
Society oa
n, t;. C. 1. Literary Wi y tam ted to reenter his "fifty" the
'Ikurstlsy saterpfee Wit elected the "lady had flown. She was found later
falt•wiag rifled[. [ortbr . 1. StrangKteep, ; at an hotel in Clinton, but the hill, it
y,.t• prr.ifrut, Dr. H. 1. Strang :, wee said, had aseed out of her hinds.
'e.,iol.at. If. H,.Ilman; let vier-peesi- P
1evt, ti. t•.o-. end vice-president, C. An attempt was made to arrest her.
flee: ,rretatt U W.Phillipa: but she went to Mel in her rooms in the
tirearer, F. Fingland ; editor Uf hotel and the constable. a mere nun,
Officers Ars Perplexed.
The county officers of the law have
• peculiar cue un their bands. An
Exeter woman who is s.uiewbat of a
character was entert tining some
friends one evening last week. and one
of her guests -a young man from the
West-was.sbibitine as;0bile which
was rare enough to ee regarded as a
curiosity. Tho hurteee professed espe-
ciel interest in it. and the young man
allowed her to take it in her hands to
examine it. She handed it back to
hint. as tie supposed ; but when he
came to look at it. afterwards he dis-
reveted it was only a two dollar bill
he had. Wbeu the young man at -
.,ural, T. Kidd : assistant editor,
Ilse N. Griffin : teenier, Misr I. Currie t
awsdllnt., Miss Agues Saunders.
M•. E. Willisme. MOM J. Nairn and
Let'. Welsh. The society will open
tee term witl&.a promenade on Friday
evening t,f next week.
Confesses Burglary at Bruesets.
Ise- Hurling i« in ctutody on the
Mame of leveling into the ettee of
Alex. 3traehaa, Brussels, last Thurs-
day night aasd stealing hoots, under -
we.. rue ciao hard other goodie Bur-
urlief bas confessed. and states tbat an-
other teen, Daniel Murphy, alias Dins-
mJre, was with him in the hurglery.
Iludmg'i homy ia in town, on South
Mot. end he says tbat Murphy
boarded with him for some weeks be-
fore the burglary. hut be has since dis-
appeared. High ('onstable White -ides
pc a ,doe to the perpetrattori of the
Oen and followed it up until be lo-
cated Burling, who at flet was not in -
dined to admit the charge but after-
ward, este in and confessed the whole
thing. He also gave up some of the
stolen goo.is, including silk.. boots
sad underwear. The [note valuable
portion of the missing goods bas
disappeared with Murphy.
The Late Mrs. Whitty.
:1r.- Martin Whitty after an illness
of several months teamed away on
Thursday, January 'Lard. at the home
dJamr's bean. Regent stmt. Mrs.
Whitty was for many yews a mi-
dget of Kintail and later of Kings -
was thwarted. Then someone drove
and Machinery Co.
'PeoNK 243
right spot. It
food for husky
At Knox churlnext Sunday Rev.
Geo. E. Ross will take for his morning e
subject the eighth Commandmeat: in
the evening he will give & discourse young oung people on "The Heroic
The monthly meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society of North
street Methodist church will be held '
on Monday, February 3rd, at 3 o'clock
p. m, The rest fund collection will be
Serviceas usual in Vietoria .trent
church nest Sunday. Rev. A. E.
preacher of the day. Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper will beadminiatered
Alli(, of Quill Lake, Sark., will be the
after the forenoon meeting. All are
invited. -
Last Sunday in Victoria street
Methodist church Rev. Alfred Brown,
pastor of Nnrth street church.
preached in the morning, and in the
evening Mr. 0. A. Stanley, of Luean.
gave an interesting address. Both
spoke in behalf of the missionary
cause. 4
A:,At North street Methodist church ,
Cowan's seemsto hit the
is a great
you::g ath-
letes : satisfies the appetite:
easy to digest::.
and delicious
1''nel /Ar COCOA?
I -4. _
the quarterly- services will ne held
next Sunday. Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper in the morning. The pistol.. .-;,�j
Rev. Alfred Brown. will preach and
eond'tct the adult Bible class. The
evening meek will include the duet.
"He Lifted Me," by Mrs. Humber and
Mrs. King. A cordial welcome to all. '
her by night back to her home at Ex- DUNLOP.
.ter, where at last accounts she was
WB7\Si1DAY. Jan. 2nf.h.
still holding nut *menet the officers of Cote -motes MoURNi; Hie. -In the
the law by the simple expedient of passing away of Mark Horton, who
remaining iu tied and defying any died at his mother's home in Goderich
man to touch her. or. the 16th in.... Colborne lose. one of
its hese-known young men. Though
Mother and Baby Uead. . only thirty-two years of age he had
Much regret will he felt in Goderich had a varied retreer. being one of those
and vicinity at the death of Mrs. S. who could.turn their hand to any kind
W. Alexander. of Bonner. Montana, of work. For some years he was the
which occurred in the hospital at Mis- right-hand man of J. T. Goldthorpe at
souls. afcntena, on Saturday, Janu-
ary lith. the following paragraph in
retereoce to the .ad event is from The
Daily Mi'e,ulian of Missoula :
"Mrs. Johanna .tlexan.ier died at
SL Patrick's hospital at ; o'clock last
evening. Mr. Alexander has been
chief clerk at the Big Blackfoot Mill-
ing Company for the put few years
and they made tbeir home iu Bonner.
Mrs. Alexander is survived by her hus-
urband, en infant child and a daughter
wbo is living with Mrs. Alexander's
sister in Spokane. Mrs. Alexander
hes many friends in Missoulaand Bon-
ner who will be deeply grieved to
learn of her death. The remains were
shipped to Spokane last evening for
While the body of the mother was
being taken to Spokane, the baby
died, and both were hutied in the
same gteve. Mrs. Alexander was form-
erly Mies Josie Jones. of this town,
and was born in Colborne township.
She le aurvived by her husband a.td
baby Jane. aged three years: her
bidve. but during her recent illness father. Wm. Jones, sr.: s brother,
she wet living at the home of Mr. and Wm. Jones, jr., and Mrs. Jobn
Iln James Dean, of town. The fu-
seral took place at S o'clock on Satur-
lay morning to Kinppbridge Catholic
cemetery. Father , of St. Aug-
wt'nr,,rnndltcted the funeral services.
The pallbearers were J. Griffin, J. Dal-
ton. James Mean. John Dean. T. Joy
bad P. Austin. Mrs. Whitty is aur -
rived by one datygbter : Mrs. Martin,
o f Kineshridge, and three eons: Joe-
os-Whitty. of Portland, Oregon
Jaime Whitty, of San Francisco, Oaf.,
sd Michael Whitty. of Vancouver.
B. C. Those of ber children who were
present at the funeral were firsMar-
tie, of Kingsbridge. and Joseph
Whitty. of Portland. Oregon. The
dunce and hes late husband tor
buy yeet s conducted tbe postomce
a' Kintail and were widely
n in the northern putt of the
Sons cef England Have Big Night.
lave:pool Lodge L 0. E. B. S., had
surf* night Wednesday of last week.
when District Deputy Crawford, of
leedest,otu', installed the omcere for
tie r.,ming year. Visiting members
.f the society were prevent from
Londe.' oro' and tienmiller and after
de installation supper was served. at
ti -a.11, Melon of which there was an
tsrellent program of music and
making. H. J. Morris aeted as
e ion and opened the peograat
wit". a neat speech. D4,teiet Deputy
Crawford followed with an interesting
W oo. and other nomhwre were
Orate phone ..lection hy Wen. DUD -
>Mg" : addres. hy R. Redfern : song,
Seery M. w ; address. Perry Walters;
!reg. Mr. Crawford; &ddree., Mr.
tSt>Id'• of Malt; gramophone .ciao
: eddrss., A. Gledhill. It was
Ci ai delaht whoa lied Rasass
a•Mt lyrDtaght tbe fie to t
,11181*. tie alleges les NM see as M-
aw.: peat presi s► Geo
Wm. Pre.ianat
rass ate, R. , w►alMre; 1.1 Brea
a •IMtar,b; end sena..
uwaes.eib' lamer Gnarl. Dam
tr.D W : traders.
Thou. Itasehaw
Ourrao, a sister, all of Spokane.
Wash., and another sister. Mrs. James
McGurran. ret Cuselton, N. Dakota.
The family is well remembered in this
locality, and the bereaved ones will
have much sympathy in their hes.
St- Valentine'. Day Friday. February' 14th.
Valentinecards at Smith'. Art Store. East
street ; One-etaa,' variety. Headquarters for
faaalwork and art material,. Yon are Invited
to n1L
Alves,* at the head of 'he p ce �at'rid
hams tailoring emporium. Se ' in
sulUng, trim -strings. overcoat togs : lawn cut :
guaranteed at ; skilled workmana`dp. fall m
PTtdham the Tailor when yon want satisfac-
tion In clothe..
Edward Fitzsimmons,
has been committed to
charge of vagrancy.
Collegiate lecture Friday night, at
court house. g p. m. Everybody go
and enjoy a rich treat.
The ladies auxiliary of the Y. M.
('. A. will meet Saturday atternoon.
at 4 o'clock, in the Y. M. C. A. rooms.
The pupils of J. B. Hunter will give
a abort recital of piano and vocal
mr-ic in Knox church basement on
Saturday. February 1st, at 4 o'clock.
The public is invited.
of Exeter,
gaol on a
Keep in mind t he Collegiate hot tire on
Friday at R p. m, in the court house.
Bublect, "Natural and Artificial Means
of 'heating Infective Diseases." hy
Prof. .1. A. Amynt, Provincial blacter-
Mr. and lira. T. E. %Yeller. of Tor-
rence ann•runce the engagement of
their eldest daughter, Hattie Entella,
t0 Wlthvd W. Treleaven. of 'Toronto
(formerly of Goderichl. The marriage
will take plane early in Merril.
'rhe regular meeting of the tiade
vIehbeaneb of the. Women's institute
wal he held at the hem. of Mrs. Gavin
Green nn Thursday, February flth. at
>t o'clock. A full •tte'odanca is de-
sired. Visitors Always welcome.
intetwting din-, tines of the We -t
' Hums Formers' lc., tint.. were held
Ilawit Weald Laode.bora' and nel•see-
at these aseedags is
1 M .Ru wt Owls a
tl�S eremlea NwM of a wio„el'a
icon, •. ibi.• ac.
the Point Farm during the summer
months. Some year ago be went
sailing on the lakes. but heeovping toes
ill to work be went into the hospital
at Owen Sound. On hie recovery he
stayed on at the hospital in conne•'-
tion with the ambulance work. He
also workedet the Goderich elevators
as night-watchman for some time and
in various other reeponeihle positions.
Last summer he took A position with
J. G. Kuntz at rte Kingston street
garage in Goderich until finally his
health broke ,down entirely and
bravely be gave up the fight. Mark
was a general favorite. Hit. bright:,
cheery wage won him friend,' every-
where, and hie willingness to oblige
made him a useful as well as a pleas-
ant companion and friend.
RYAN. In Dungannon. on January 8W. to
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan. a daughter.
HOWEI.L-ire Gnderieh. on January 29th. to
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Howell. a daughter.
Mc UARRIIL-at fort Albert. on Sunday,
January at Jobn Mdluarrie. aged 73 years
Mc('ARTHY.-in Amt.fleW, on Sunday. Jamu-
ary 3a, Mm Mary McCarthy. aced 83 yearp.
BRI )WN. -In Goderich. on Monday. January
17. Mary J. Brpwn. widow of the late
Jame. Brown. acted 64 year".
M(e IA.0eoR--in Ooderieh township on
Teeday. January wtb, t3laton O. McCul-
lough, aged 67 year" and 1 months.
ALFA ANDgR. -At MIa'.oula. Montana. on
Saturday, January 11th, Jock Jones, wife
of S. W. Alexander. of Bonner. Montana.
formerly of Ooderiehr
LAFFKN-ELLTIiTT. - At Billingham. R -a -h.,
oo January lath. by Rev. Mr. Warrener.
Annie Elliott, eldest daughter of James
taliott, Nib. to Christopher 11 ♦Ren.
Under the auspices of Inver-
ness C'tmp, Sons of Scotland.
The Stauffer
Coutts- Bain
Concert Co.
Wefinefelay Evening. Feh.ruerT
.ith, in • program of ltcuttleb
toNir, Scottish readings and
Scaitisb characterisation.
Millar Grant Stauffer, charac-
ter lets serer : Mediums Courts,
tistH; :tat
Prices 1.5e, 35c and SOc
4laa alt idwamd« open t t 1, t
lkal sfe ala Wusd•y : to the pub
Be on Tuesday.
Stock & Poultry Specifics
Logs Wanted
T h e undersigned
will pay the highest
ca.b prices for all
kinds of good Loge
delivered at the
mill. font of Angte-
sex street, (,oderieb.
Custom eawiug
and genet al mill
work done promptly.
J. E. Baechler
FREEWe will send absolutely free, for
the asking, pmM••id, one of our
�nsimi Larne 64 -page books (with in-
sertl, on the common disowns of stock and
poultry. Tells how to feed an kinds of heavy
and light horses. colts and mares. witch cows.
calves and fattening steers, aho how to keep
and feed poultry so that they will lay as well
in winter as in summer. It wntains 360
recommends from all over Canada. from people
who have used our goods. No farmer should be
without it.
Youan fatten cattle and bogs in a month's '
lees time by using our Royal Purple Stock
Specific than you could possibly do without it. I
thereby saving a month', feed and labor sad
the east to you will not be more than st.e. he
Six Digs or 81.00 for one steer. It will bap
your bones in show condition with ordinary.
feed., If you have a poor. aherab1 -look-
ins animal on your plass ars it on this one
art and see the marvellous result which will
be obtained Our Stock Specific Nil' Merano
the milk flow three to Ave Ion oar crow. per
day while being fed in the stable. A 50s
package will Eat a cow or none 70 days.
will make your hens lay jest ss ...II in obs
winter on In the summer. and will keep them
free from 0..... Thee goods are pare and
unadulterated We do not me any cheap filler
M aria a loess task-•-. entirely different
from say on the market at tbe present time.
Royal Purple Stock Specific. 50e pekes.. four
See pekes.. in u air -tight tin, for 81.50.
Royal Purple Poultry Specific. tie and 50,
pekes-, and 81.80 sir -tight tis that hold
four 50c pekes.
Royal Purple Lice Killer. 2-.e and 50e tine;
30e by mail.
Royal Purple Gall Cure. 25e and 50e tins ; Soo
by mail.
Royal Purple Swese Liniment, 50e bottle ; 60e
by mail.
Royal Purple Cough Cure, 50c tin ; 60c by
Royal Purple Disinfectant, 225e and 50c tins.
Rohl Purple Row) Cure, 25c tins; 30r by
Roy▪ al Purple Worm Powder. 25c tins: 30c by
Manufactured cnty by
TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co.
"Roca1 Purple Supplies and tl,:k
lets way be obtained hien "
A. J. Cooper. Flour and
Feed. Goderich.
Best Scranton Hard
Coal --all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates --the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose, ,
Empire Lome s t i c
Lump Coal -- most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for range(., box stogy ; s
and fireplaces.
Standard Ch stn t
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds 0t Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEw'an Estate L
T.I.pbot,e i•
ese'+`ileret"a' , ,w r,$8, 37S,ON
Total Awes (Oren) - W IIS IN
Save Time 4hen
You Are Busy
by carrying on your banking by
mail. Just mail us your
deposits, or your cheques when you want to withdraw money.
We give special attention to business handled io this way,
and will be glad to have yon make use of our service.
J. G. GEDDES, Manager Goderich Branch.
L Piliws. ENii ltlitAISCIL I s- w- Aswt. - -
M T11••t se*e. Si,. Lc l i- N. C. SART iii I3 AsaleaboW8 Modieres.
Great Reduction Sale 9-111
After [akin(; stock we find it will be
and Winter goods to order to Sp g
necessaryto clear out a lot of our Fail
make room for rin stock and- we have decided to
offer to the public our entire stock at prices which you cannot afford to miss. We
will commence this great sale Saturday, February ist, and continue it each day up
to and including Saturday, February 15th, 1913. Come as early as you can, as the
first buyers will have the best assortment to choose from. This Sale will be
STRICTLY CASH, as we cannot charge goods at reduced prices. Below you
will find a partial list of what we have.
Any man's $5.0o Shoe in the
store for. $3.65
Any man's„$4.5o Shoe in store
for $3.45
Any man's $4.00 Shoe in store
for $2.95
Any man's $3.50: Shue -in ,store
for $2.75
Any man's $3.00 Shoe in store
for $2.30
A mixed lot of Men's Boots, regu-
lar $3.00 to $5.00. Sale
price $2.00
Any Lady's $4.00 Shoe in story
for $3.20
Any Lady's S3.5o Shoe in
Any Lady's $3.00 Shoe in store
for $2.40
Any Lady's $2.5o Shoe in store
for $I.90
Any Lady's $2.00 Shoe in store
tor.,-. $1.65
A mixed lot of Ladies' Boots,
regular $3.00, $3.50 and
$4.00. Sale price $2.00
Ladies' Oxfords in Patent Leather
and plain Kid at prices to suit
e purchaser.
Men's .Heavy Winter Felt Boots
at Greatly Reduced Prices
Men's Heavy WinterjTan Boots.
Regular $5.00. Sale Price
is $3.75
What we have left of Ladies' Felt
and Bedroom Slippers on
sale at. ...Greatly Reduced Prices
This is a Genuine Bargain Sale, everything exactly as advertised, and if
you expect to be in need of any Footwear in the near future it will pay you to
attend this sale.
Positively no goods charged at these prices.
Space will not permit us to Live any mere details; so be sure 'o come and
be convinced.
Wm. Sharman