HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-30, Page 44 Tavnapal, JAXC*IY 30, 1II13 THE SIGNAL GOD ERICH : ONTA RIG SINIMMEID i ICLEAN FREE! FREE! A.I Railway Fare We will pay your fare for round trip for a distance of 15 miles if you purchase during this sale $20 worth or over. 1 FREE! FREE! With every purchase of $lo worth or over during this sale w will give fele a Clock, guaranteed a good tithe -keeper. 1 $WE(POUT SALE � I I I i i BIG AT ROBINS' STORE, COIJERICH SALE BEGINS SATURDAY MORNING i FEBRUARY Ist, AT 9 .)'CLOCK NOW BIGGER THAN EVER This great clearance event is an immense affair in volume and values, with only one end in view, namely, distribution. Peopie wait for this Sale because they know it presents economies as no other store ever offers them. Greatest Bargains Ever Offered at the Greatest Sale Ever Held Don't make the mistake of waiting: until the last day of the Sale. This is the time when you need these clothes, and these are 'remarl5; able prices. We expect the biggest business we ever had. These who conte first will be the happiest. 0 i i If a Real Money -saving Event Is of Interest to You, Read This Ad. Men's Overcoats (Single and double-bre.sted) Regular price $18.00 to #2I1.(e), for.. . 11.2 75 Regular price 115.01 to $10.00. for. $9.75 Regular price 110.00 to $14,00, for. $8.75 Regular price 118.00 to 110.01), Men's Suits (In all - wool serge. *weed and worsted) Regular $10.011 to W10.00, for .:$11.75 Regular $13.011 to 116.00, for .39 Regular slow to $13.00. for r.M Regular $8.10 to $10.0e. for 16.50 Boys' Overcoats Regular price 17.110 to $3.00, for. $4.l;;1 Regular price $5.00 to $8.011, for.. WIZ Regular price ,3.11) to 14.30, for. .. . $2.75 Wool Underwear Regular 11.511 per garment, for... . ... ..1411.' Regular $1.00 to 11.'.; per gar- ment, for, per writ.. .. ,.$1.4.; Fifty Shirts only, puie wool, reviler $1.10 to $1.50, fot 055 F Ieece=lined (Underwear Regular *1.'35 per ,nit. fol.... <1 Per garment . flit• Boys' Underwear Flei.e-lined. P,•I .nit . .i9c English Wool Mufflers All shades, regular 75c tr. $1.411, for. . Spr. All shades. regular 76r, for 2Oc All shades, regular 25c to 36e, for. ......... lbs Men's Overalls Black and atri ped( seers lie w i t h slash; book, regular 11.25. for Black end striped / overalls with elastic tack. regular $1.1x1• for Men's Overalls CONTINUED Moleskin Pants, regular 11.25 LO $1.50. for.... (1c Sm 1eks, regular $1.00. for. 69c Boys' Over.►lls,reguh-r 75c, for 45c Boys' Suits (Two and tbree-piere) - Regular 16.140 to 18.00. for .$4 2.5 Regular 14 00 to $8 00. for..$3.25 Regular $3.50 to $5.00. for..112 25 Boy's Buster Brown Suite, regular $2.511. for.... .... 11.10 Men's Pants (Sizes 31 to 43) Regular $4.00 to $5.00, for. $2.00 Regular $3.011 to $4.00, for..1 229 Regular 12.50 to $3.00, for..$1.73 Regtular 11.75 to $250. for. 11.25 Regular $1.50, for. .. ...$1.15 Regular $1.226, for , SIM Men's Fancy Vests Regular 12.50 to i*3.10, for..11.19 Regular $1.25 to $2.00, for... 86c Men's Working Shirts Regular 11.00. for .... . 85e Regular $5c, for 01Bc Regular 75c, for 50c Regular 05c, for ........ 49c Regular 56c. for 40c Men's Soft and Derby Hats Regular $2.501 to $2.75, for..$1.S5 Regular $211), for $1.55 Regular 31.5e. for ft;c Men's Winter Caps (termini. $1.(10 to 111.25, for ...stir ltegular 75c, for...... ..43r Regular 51k• to fro, for. 20c Toques Regular .IIc, for Regular 36c, for ....... Men's Wool Socks Regular 50c, for / :fir Regular 35e. tots Zit. Regular 25r•, for 191. Special Norio 1 is special Hocks. four pairs for is STRIKE THE IRON WHILE i GOODS ARE NOT SATISFACTORY We *ILL EXCH1' ,;F. OR RETURN EVERY 1102.1-1R PAID 1'S Ties Regular 73c ties, for..... ....42r Regular .50c ties, for 33c Regular 35c ties, for 23e Hook -on Tier. regular 25c, forl3c Hook -on Ties. regular 20o'for..Rc Bow Ties, regular 5e. for 3c Men's . Fine Swea>t6 Coats Regular 14.00 to $4.50. for $2.51) Regular 1'300 to 13.50, for $22.19 Regular $2.00 to '12.59, for $1.09 Regular $1.50 to $1.75, tor 80c Regular 75e to $1.440, for 50e Boys Sweater Coats Regular $1.2 to $1,50. for....96c Regular $1.00 to 11.26, :or 75c Regular 75c to 11.00, for ... 45c Pullovers, regular 4k to 85c. for... . . 33e Children's Sweater Costs, reg- ular 75c, for Men's Fine Coat Shirts 45c Regular $1.50, for.. Regular $1.25, for .. Regular 75e, for Braces Regular 75c, for..............43r Police Braces, regularSOe. for 35c Police Braces, regular 35e, for 21r Collars Fifty dozen Cullara, broken mires. regular 15e. for :ie or two for.. .... 5r Sheepskin Coats Men'- sheepskin Pea Costs. regular 14.IMt, fot 63.75 Men's Lined Gloves Regular $1.10 to $1.225, for....A1r ft.•gular $1.50 to 12.V5. for.,11.($) IT IS HOT SOUTH M. SIDE SQUARE ROLIINS i I i 1 GODERICH, lej I DISTRICT NEWS. le ST. AUGUSTINE TvieoAY. Jae. tlth. News Ntrra _Miaii Ali.» (:lark, cd Brussels` spout the week -end with het I sinter, Mrs. Wm. Thompson Mr., Yrs. and Mies Dooslda McDonald. of Jamestown. visited at Wm. McAllis- ter's this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer. of Whitby, ars visit - Mg at Mrs. John Thompson', ' Mr. sad Mrs. Lawson, of Saskatoon, visite Ing friends in this vicinity last week. .A number of the young people flow the vicinity attended the Burns i anniversary ball at Lucknow last Friday night. All report having had n Ruud tune...Donald Fowlers auc- tion sale oo Mday was attended by quite a number from this vicinity. ... Wm. Bray. of 81. Helens, is working with A. E. Johnston these days Skating is the order of the day for quite a number in this vicinity, the , ice being very good since the recent 1 thaw and the return of frosty wear her. AUBURN. THutuwAY, Jan.:11th. Some of the children are att7icted with chickenpox. The Presbyterians are preparing to remodel their manse this summer. Jas. Hickin*bottotn has been called to Uxbridge owing o. the severe ill- ness of hie sister. Rev.. R. Miller conducted prepare- 1 tory servitors for Rev. A. Laing on ; Friday at Auburi. and Smith's Hill. Wm. J. Dobie has left for Rainy River to loo's after his firm. He ex- pects to be away two motiths. D. W. Fergus(' 11, of Edmonton, Alta., formerly manager of the,Ster- ling Bank here, was renewing se- quaintancee in the village. He looks as if the West ago ed with him. Dosed Fotrosrr THI8.-Remember the anniversary services if Knox church. Auburn, next Sunday. and the eunper and concert on Monday evening. Services on Sunday at 10:30 a rn. and 7 p. ni. ; Rev. W. D. Turner, B. A.. of Blyth, to prearh. On Monday evening tea will be nerved from 5 to 8 o'clock. and for the pro- gram to follow the services of Hervey Lloyd, vocalist, Miss Lilian Dillon, pianist. and Mies Mildred K. Walker. eloriit11111, secured, ant, all of Toronto. Neve bbe secured, and in addition [bene will be addre.sea by Rev. Mr. Turner. of , Myth, and Rev. R. A. Miller, of An - burn. Admission to tea and concert, 40e; children under twelve. 'Jllc. THE COLBORNE STORE Introduction In introducing to you our new Spring Stock, which is now being con- stantly added to (new goods are coming on alm Dot daily), we desire to direct your attention to a few facts in connection therewith. We have exceeded all past efforts in securing a stock complete in all departments. The goods have been purchased with great t:.tre alts judgment, bought in the best markets, and will be sold at close prices. We will give our customers the advantage to be derived from successful and experienced buying. We thank you most heartily for your past support and cordially ask for a continuance. All -Over Laces Our ituport order for thew goods bas got bete They are a beautiful lot, and at such prices. We never had such values in past seasons. Band - logs, Insertions and Trimmings, Edgings in an almost. endless variety. Embroideries New edgings, iueertiuos, 27 -inch flouncing,, 15 -inch skittngs, at prices from 48c to $2,25. Im- ported direct from Switzerland. Rugs Among our nee spring offerings can be found a floe assortment of -..4z3, 3x31, 314 and 3x44, all of whith came within the last few weeks. Come and get our prices on them. Laces Edgings and insertions to match, in Roglisb, French and German Val*, Torebons. Cluniea, from 2c to 30c. New Dress Suitings, New Serges, New Cotton Suitings, New Prints, New Ginghams, New Bandings, Frillings, New Jabots, New Linen Collars, New Lace Collars and New Art Sateens. A few Winter Coats, prices from $lo.00 to $17.00, any one of these at just about half-prit;e. Mrs. Carter, who has charge of our Dressmaking, is'prepared to do all kinds of Dress and Coat making. All work up-to-date and satisfaction assured. Two OR THREE APPRENTICES WANTED. J. H. COLBORNE BENMILLEH. pending a short time there visiting WEDNaohtntY. Jan. 3)tb. with relatives. BKsMILLER BIUEPA. -There is no THE FARMERS' CLUB. -A well -at - service at Benmiller and Bethel tended and enthusiatic meeting of the enurebes next Sunday. owing to the Fanners' Club was held at the home quarterly service at Zion (north) to of President Revell on Thursday even - be held in the afternoon Mrv. Ing, January 23rd. The secretary - Arthur Fisher is doing as well as treasurer's report allowed a member - can be expected. Her stay at Strat- shlpofeeveoty-nix. Acommuoication ford hospital is expected to close this re Hydro -electric power was received week and she will then come hemp. from Mayor Reid, of Goderich. The Last Friday night et Benmiller Club favored devoting an evening to the discussion of Hydro and its rari- Hallthe boys of the village treated nus neon on the Tarin. Three repre- their friends to an oyster supper. Ssetyhody was Jolly and a great eentativee of the Wm. Paviea Co., of evening was spent Ctrs. Jas. Wiegham, were present and demon - Long complains of rheumatism. Per- Fated to the members the advantages haps "complains" is hardly the word of sending their cream to the larger to use. She suffers and smiles, and factories. This company is consider- limps up to church and down to the .ing the advisability of building in store. We hope she will soon be bet this district. A discussion on good ter.t Revell, led ough by tcut l tOwaite and m y esuggestions THEY ARRIVED --BUT A LITTLE for the improvement of our highways. LATE. -Our greatest excitement this The next meeting will he bels ou Feb - week was through the overturning of ruary Oth at the home of GNIW. Lymburner and his wife and a party Salkeld, Isaac Cu en and John Sow - of young ladies who were on their Eby will speak on seeds and seed way from Goderirh to give a special grain. The chair will he taken by service at Benmiller on Sunday even- HatTy Montgomery at 8 o'clock sharp. ing. The accident took place on the ' -H. SwtasD. Lzecretary. narrow roadway near A. Vanstonee l. farm. The time was about 7 o'clock, just when it was darkest, and evi dentdy the wheels got out of the track, perhaps through skidding on the icy road, and into the embankment, and over the vehicle went. The team ex- tricated themselves and in great frigbt made toward Goderich. There were fourteen or fifteen persons in the up- set, set, but all escapedwith a good shak- ing. AfterYeco ring themselves at Mr. Vanstone's the party proceeded on foot to the church, where a large assembly had been patiently awaiting them a fall three-quarters of , hour, altogether ignorant bf the accident half a mile away. A good service was held and their visit was much appreci- ated. Another rig from town was 'phoned for, the one in the ditching considerably damaged. the rig that woe bringing Mr. M. g E- Andrewe. Bayfield W. road. Orabam 0ODERICH TOWNSHIP. MONDAY. Jan. 27th. 31iss Janie Yuill is visiting friends at Wingham. Mr. Revoll, of Welkerville, Ont.. visited at his son's, H.K. Revell's, over Sunday. Mr. Goodwin, of Weyhurn, Sask., bas been visiting at hissister's, Mrs. S. It MacMatn's. The Literary Society of 8. S. No. 1 held their first meeting in the school last Monday evening. In spite of the very disagree.ii' ie weather we had that night about forty were present. A goo program of sings, readings and speeches was given. The next meeting will he held Friday evening. Jan uary 31. Tt'HRH AY. Jan. Prayer -meeting was held at the bones of Mr. and Mrs. McMillan. 0th concessioo, last Tuew.ay night., with Rev. Jae. Hamilton in cbarge. Goodwin and his sister. Mrs. leve Campbell, end little son Gordon, of Clinton. spent toe week- end with Mr. and air,. B. MacMath. A very enjoyable ...Ciel was heM at Use borne of M t . and Mrs. 1. B. Orr. 4th concession, tinder the Aueppire►s of ' the W. M. 14. of 1 -nine church. An excellent program was provided, am - Listing of a ebor s. phosugrapb .rise tions, .•ending by S. Mee/lath. trio by Misr V. Elliott and Meese. C. Cog and 0. Edward. reading by Mol. Jos. Hamilton. sok, by Miter %'. Elliott. reading by Rev. Js- llaruilt.Mr. Au old-tae1Nwed (brig tuat.•b &id..1 R Rraat decal to [ In •,f • hr e.,•n ing• Th tt4Rowdo see woo largo and mush 18Mis V doe Mr. and Era. t).i for their kind hwopitality. A5Iinns Y. Ian. Mt. Robert who _r _� woo w c om to attend a swfa- taw1 of 8., Nolo, lir. 'tlittss, Is 4 Asthma Catarrh WMw COMM !ASIC caner .,-f1. s cam CADS r.ra5Lmnt* 1515 A .h.pt., safe mid treatment aa.t for ben. 0,01 twwtd.r, ,tMwt dining th. .t....ch sus ate..... l with ru,.emfor thirty venni. The a•r c.•_. ,,g M. anG-r-t;e e,rvr, herMM . with a, c -y b ..ch. n. Wei bna.hing Ow ,ens tannest. and stairs the Copps, assuring ...clod manta. Crr.olea. is Ine.luabl. f0 5,.N1e,a wit. Mu.•t eb,1.:-ea and . BOOM In earners from Anh.na. a.nd as postai for de.orit•tire booklet ALL DROOOI$T5. Try CRP.501.FNP. ANTISEPTIC THROAT �c TABLETS r..r e.a irritated fav tl ,,ne andn 'sre .,••�K' Y e • r ...,- r Of I. our Yaps Cresols= Co- s Gordan& IL. NA. Looming efts, e ROBERT WILSON The Massey -Harris Agent has 5 Cutters to clear 001 at cost price. if you need a cutter come and see what we have. We have the . FLEURY PLOWS JOHN DEERE PLOWS VERITY PLOWS MASSEY-HARRIS and MELId1TTR (lthAM NEP- AR RATORM RAIN WAGONS and SLEIGHS 1. RA Y'S. CANADA CAR- RIAGE AR- RIAGE and MOUNT FOR- EST HUGGIEll ULC HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER. Try a few hnndt.d-It will pay yoti. 1 have just received a carload o1 the famous Frost Rene. and Gates and tlieel Fusee Poet. When y.si are in town coma in and see what we have. TheIasseyHarrisSesp Y1tri'5ten Street. God.r,eh. (1W. • Ask Any Express Agent- Ypu' 11 be met with a prompt and courteous explanation of why an Express Order is the safe and simple way to send money by mail. Thou.ands of dollars go astray annually • by carelessness in remitting money. When a few cents for an Express Order will avoid lou and ensure the safe delivery of your remittance, isn't it, to put it mildly, poorludemest not to use them 1 Tow to saves wil abw you hew wary itis to obtain ar props -•Order• The security of your sorry is absolutely svaraa,teed when you remit by Dominion Express Mone Orders mdFarvarques akw, M+avy min ha am Mower naps wimp 'b.- toss stomp bowl oils hood in tan sollimiai imam RATES W ..ohne - . - ) s Owe; to ate - . 4 Yw If- . -ta- K er ora '' ANY WOMAN DELIGHTS In baying • handsome piece a of Furniture added to the equip til v meat of her home. We carry ---T.10.-:,..;:""1""-' a large range of Furniture tor _ '•►= all purposes, nod anyone desk_ ing a new set or a single piece is �'x.. invited to call and nee our stock. o.tr goods, and no person nerd feel We are always glad to show under any obligation to purchase from us unless we have the right article at the right prior. YOU are invited to eon. GEO. HOHMEIER The Square Ooderich tont for NordIs take r Plow,*