The Signal, 1913-1-30, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH : ON'TARI() itiOtlsnaT, ialtnadtilf IR IMS a mire THE 0111411/111 AND ONLY fiENO1NE BEWARE OF IMITA- TION$. ULD ON THE MERITS ON IINAIU'� LINEN? Big 0 KBI NDIN G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. u01.11 LETT/CHINOon GOODS A,. node.• promp�tt,ly auseled to M leaving 'bets a THS SIGNAL QdsAe► A. It. TAY LOB, tersaveoan MEDICAL DR. W. F. OALL01W. M. B. nese esti re,yapos, heel arrest, Oed.rlec, aeraidCalla trn.rtta+7 aka• Tehmeseelst F J. K. FORSTER-EYE, BAR. L. and West LA m4• glad A� I ate Tea gar. Nur..d '1 Li. � Y°tresy~tly ttia�et�Stree sposseet, epyo.ite Knox t 7M.re ti. la L' a.m.YwiPea..7testi. et. T.lsr'-. C. LEGAL DROU UI•'(UT, HAYS t KII R- 1 A'. b-rrwer., soldier.. octanes public. le the Maritime Overt. eta Private yd, to land at lowest rate. it 1nteevt. Vidor. a.. -t rale • +quare• Owarieh. W. MK ri;u►'uiri'. . t;.. it C. aAYd, J. L A' 0. cAu1i1:3ON. K. C. 8ARRIS- ,` an thalami'. nown. rater.pLaird d bus ddt[se ',11AKLN.� v4MAtuW. L4116. i3AK- 1 si4TLz ..uaresy. solider, esu. Opls- Mes.7 w sea u Isotac cess.. u 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SU. .dla,or. eaeamWawer. eatery vie. ons. misdate' sweet. Oedertsa. Ont. A VETHRAIi JOURNALIST. Mt. asrsard McEvoy Rescuing from Active Work to Lime u Easised- Last week's number of The Turont., Star Weekly in its -Page snout People" had the following reference to the rather of the Merv. McEvoy of towo, who visited them • few weeks ago on his way to the Old Country A Lecent visitor to Toronto was Mr. Bernard McEvoy, of Vancouver. wbo, atter twebty•four years of newspaper work in Canada, has determined to quit that department. of activity and to live In England. whore be will de- vote himself to literary and artistic smatter.. Mr. McEvoy's rxperieucrs in Gamuts have been interesting. Thr father of .iz boy*, he came to Canada chiefly because he thought his rosily woutu have a better cbance bere than in the UM Country -a hope which bas bee: happily &realized. Joining the rdUutial staff of the Mail and h:mpire 01 NM, he I. -m oisted with that journal for ton yetsra7 during which be ep.riahzed in municipal reforms and in teehn•c.•1 e.! oration. On the death "t e:. W. dont.uK, he because connected in bale with the .puhli..hing Hrm of Grorge N. Moiling A Co., and in • the same year published •'Away From Newspaperdom, and Other Poems." In 11111x, as the result of a five months' leisurely journey to the Pacific Coast, be published -From the Ureal Lakes to the Wide H est" iBriggs0-a book of Canadian travel which received much commendation, and of which a cheap edition bas recently been published. In LSM he hal reported for the Ontario Govern- n.rnt on technical education in the United State visiting all the chief to 1902 he went to Vancouver. where he has eioce been connected with The Daily Province of that city. In 1908-7 be undertook a year of syndicate work in Kogland for several (anedian journals. in The Daily Province Mr. McEvoy conducted a c .luso of comment on matters of c•,ncempor•ary interest over the sig- nature "Drugenes." and entitled "Street Corners." This attained considerable popularity, and desk with all 'meta of subjects, from the comedy of the street to questions of theology, • combination of humor and seriousness which seems to have suited the Vancouver public. Mr. Mc- Evoy was the recipient on leaving that city of many marks of ap- preciation. being honored with • ban- quet by his press" confrere.., and also tine by the artistic fraternity. In the latter connecyoo it may he said that during all his journalistic years Mi. McEvoy's recreation 'has been land- scape painting. and be has frequently exhibited in the shows of the B. C. Society of Fine Arts, of which he has been a member since its commencement. He was also an active member of the Vancouver Library Board for several years and has done much useful work in connection with that growing institution. AAINIIIA AUCTIONEER. 1PUOMAS GUKDRY 1 AOCTLUNtEit Box .'. U4erlo► AY testrocttoov by mad 1r ten •I Naomi' ulLe will be prUmtrJY 81 - Leaded ;o. Ke.wter0. 14600000.1171 - INSURANCE. LOAKS. ETC. �yv t PRIVATE FUNDS Tu $MV.WV Men. Aye a Y. G. t'An- ar,sa rseeeerer. nemutw etevet. ',Pudenda. W Li. ItUtfllRTr ON. • 11 i t:$ANCY AUkNT. Visa AND L16HHT11NQ : Neitle1. Canadian and Amnon. &mina , await see dna a iFilATasa' !ALARA it ITT : 'rM (loran Aaaldeat sad elasf•nte. urtrdetron, Lassaisd. mR LeaMa. SAS- IDaUTT AMUUOaaaRraa ??ansa: Ta. U.tt. e wouta .sae tisaeaatestJtelml ear. VILLA u rvaasass. ameiaaai 10117/41.of Fie - :Oda Alai DU Lwvia'. riteelel Pales 176. JOHN W. CRA' illi, Lint, 1•IKK aua aealdeot direr nes. Agent tor leading menial and meet .wnpan es.' Partl ad U .e. cite llat ata wet alums eMestaad care nod alb 1001* Wel. All .t ams., versa: worse J. C. (fir. tsedset.r Oat r...p..w M. t1cK1W.Gf MUTUAL; I'UtK IN IL d U it a N C lr C O.-Verea ant YAlatatd 04- wa- J. D. Aeneas. d p .. P.04 JAA 1.00.8117. teehays. __ V. 04 u PIls.04 7 imeeter•-U. F. Alo(isgarr. aeatertk : Joao Jona W thieve. Winthrop: Worse 1ita 0 a. &-os' H...w01 .ehag.n James Hergoreea ; Jana Weil. Hannon : tdaleoiin Matteis AVMs:J. W. gee Bdmwvllle' R. Bmib. H a t t o e t- W illi•m� Ckseeay. nest -eta : tllae.aMy. t'lsareethreueq-aolds•• can pay tewere.aw woe Iter Hata' word. r'e-opt/° at B. J. Marriott a Clothing leasee.. i14W0. •r at 11 all's Owner?. Rawavwn retest. 0onerrea MARRIAGE LICE1t:SES WALTER E. KELLY. J. P.. AODZIUCH, ON'1. IBSUSR OP klARRIAOL LiCgNSSct. SEATING PARLOR U$DVORD BLOCK DABBER SHOP. 1P -'lir wsRimelle sad seesaw steed Me best serves la Asylum its WNW lled • wUl aMpi4-$M' . B. reertsgr. LUSTROUS HAIR FOR WOMAN. Wit PUNISHMENT BE EYERLASTiNG Sins of All Parisian Sage Starts Hair Growing and Increases lis Abundance -bio Poison- ous Sugar of Lead or Sulphur in De- lightful. Refreshing Parisian Sage. If you haven't enjoyed the marvel- lous benefit derived from using re- freshing Parisian Sege, the modern hair grower. beautifier and dandruff rengedy, you have missed a real treat, Kvery woman should use Parisian Sage not only to banish dandruff and other head troubles. but to prevent falling hair. Mildness, grayness and faded hair. Parisian Sage puts life and lustre into any person's hair. It keeps the scalp and hair immaculately clean and causes the hair to come in thick end sbuodant. Parisian Sage is not a dye. it does not contain a particle pf poisouous land to discolor the hair or any injuri- ons ingredienL Get a bottle today. It costs only half a dollar and is sold at drug stores and toilet counters everywhere. E. 11. Wigle guarantees it. }'arty years in; use, 20 years the standard. L pre- scribed and recommended by physicians. For Wo- man's Ailments, Dr. Mar- tel's Female Pills, at your druggist, / LEARN THE AUTOMOBILE sys1,rsss adig Ai v le wpm! Its tiro tall elis*t is TAXI A =as N MMD T'OM!!"a T. ill. O. A. werrossessu, seaNa. Omen h an ■mt osiaw AV M INA IY111irLif tan► Ignorance Forgiven, Wilful Sims Punished. 1 THE LATS REV.:WSTiN POTTER. A Former Mabee* PaeMr is Gederub amid Baa • Frees The Dweda. runt. etas.e Much regret was felt by the entire community upon learning of riles suds B411 den death of Rev- Austin Per last Thuiday.- Since • severe illness. • your ego he had not meinteined hie usual strength and vigor, but there had been no serious Cause of com- plaint unto about Christmas. when be bad an attack of stomach trouble, wbich be was unable to overcome. It was nut thought to be anything seri- ous, however. until last Wednesday, when be was taken with acute indi- gestion during the night. During Thursday he continued In extreme pain. until the evening, and it grad- ually proving too much for his weak- ened 000dtuon he sank peacefully away, hie term of life having been just tbrrescore tears and ten. During hie tour years residence ill Dundee., Mr. Potter made friends with everyone. He was a man of strong convietiuos, but at the same time was possessed of such broad mind, hearty iwpulee, and genal. so- cial nature that be bad always a cherry word for all, no matter what their creed or belief. These were not considerations which entered into bis f.ieodsbipa. As a preacher in the various fields in which be labored, he was a speaker ut ability and powet. He was always a wide ,e.der and posseserd eonsider- able literary ability, and his 'look Usa'n the tem per nee question, entitled "Flom Weal h to Poverty," h d a aide cireulatr,n, and received much favorable criticism He was also apt in verve, and throughout his steer locally published nearly a little piece of poetry and striking sketch, His descriptive' powers were also marked. and added much to his ap- preciatie.n tis a public speaker, as did ala,. h e h.ppy'actrtty of always hav- ing •.tory to suit the occasiuu. I1.: has beets much in demand as a lec- ture', etture', paitisularly upon subjects re- h►'inK t.. the Civil %Vas, his lectures upon "Abraham Lincoln." and "Grave and Gay t.. a Cavalry Soldier's Lite," having been listened to with pleasure oy rteeer. its sudietces tbrnughout the Piovinte. Mr. Potter was h.,rn November 28. 11412, in Benhuty• Oxfordshire, Eng- land. When he teas about three teats old, his parent' left the laod of their bir-h for the lotted States, lo- cating at }Wettest ei, N. Y. Atter re- siding there for about five yearn they moved to Durham county, living Sint at (ohours, and then at Lee - 'Lard. Here be lived until; eighteen or nineteen yeare of rage, when he Left bowie and rt tui nod to Rochester. The Civil War then being in progress, however, be soon became imbued with the spirit of the times. and in 1883 fussed the 16th New York Cavalry. hie love ret hones making him prefer that section of military service. His regiment was sent to the front almost immediately with the Army of the Potomac, and until the end of the Bible Students New See They Were Misled By Creeds of Dark Ages - Enlightened Study Makes God's Word More Reasonable and More Precious Daily. 0150:1K EUSSELL) Worcester. Mass.. January 21 --Pas- tor Russell had crowds to hear him to -day. We report his discourse from die text:- "These shall go away into everlasting punish- ment; bilt the righteous into life eternal." -Matthew 95 46. Thespeaker de- clared that man- kind recognize two great facts: (1.1 that all are sinners, imperfect; and (2.) that a just penalty for stns is proper. This can be admitted even by those who deny that the Bible i. inspired. He believes that our fore- fathers added to Seriptures. without realizing it. The Baptist "Underworld." :Our Baptist friends in their nee translation of the Bible, use the term "underworld," instead of "hell" in translating Sheol and Hades. This is a step in the right direction. All edu- cated people know that Sheol and Hades signify the death condition. Why should Christian ministers spend years in seminaries to learn these things, and then fear to tell people the facts? Do they not realize that -the misunderstanding of this subject is stumbling thinking people into Higher -Criticism -infidelity, etc., and leading to atheism and anarchy; What The Bible Doss Teach. The Bible declares death to be the extreme penalty of the Divine Law- es of human law. Adam's execution was a tragedy -930 years pl dying. His d.-scendants share his oondem- nation. The death sentence would have ended our race, had not Divine Mercy provided Jesus as our Redeem- er. He is to deliver mankind 'from bondage to death, during the Millen- nium. Meantime, this Gospel Age has been introduced for gathering His Church. When it is completed, rite Kingdom will be inaugurated for blessing all manLind. Then whosoever will may return to full harmony with God and attain everlasting life. The parable of The Sheep and the Goats belong to the Millennium Age.. We recall the Scriptural promisee that when Jesus shall appear in glory, His Church will appear with Him: and thus we know that the parable is not yet fulfilled. After the completion of the Church Meea ah will estabiish His, Kingdom. Mankind will then be on trial to determine who desire to be the Lord's sheep, and who will manifest the way- ward. goatlike disposition. A thou- sand years have been apportioned to separate the sheep from the goats. At its close, all having the sheep dispo- sition of meekness wiil be at the Mediator's right hand of favor, but all having the goat disposition will be at His left -place of disfavor. The sheep will receive the kingdom nrivinally given to Adam. The goats will be sentenced to everlastng fire - destruction. Elsewhere they are said to go in the lake of fire" the Sec- ond Death' -Revelation 20:14. Gehenna Fire Unquenchable. Fisherman's Luck. Thr Sitnsona had been married but • short while when the husband went fishing with a party of friends. He fished all morning and caught clothing. In disgust be returned to the office and telephoned to his provision -dealer to send up a dosen bass. Upon his arrival home his wife waked, "Well, what luck did you have, deny' "Oh. we had fine luck," he replied enthusiastically. "Didn't the boybring Unit dozen bus i gave him r -W117. yea, 1 suppose be did." replied Mn. Stson. trying hard to repress a smile. 'There they are." And she pointed to a dozen bottles of Bass ale. -February Lippincott'e. RAILWAYMAN'S TROUBLE Was Serious Indeed. bot It Vanished When He Used Dedd•s Kidney Pills. Barnsdals, Lake Joseph. (sot.. Jan. 27th.--(Special)-"When 1 tame to this country." says Mr. Bert Gostick. a well-known resident of this place. •'1 worked on the (7. N. 0. Railway. and while tbere i was taken with pain. in my back sod kidneys. i went to a doctor, but he did me no good. and 1 got p had that when 1 came home from work 1 could not stand up etraigbt. and my limb seemed twice their urinal wise. "Reading of Dodd's Kidney Pills, I decided to try them, and after taking Ave boxes, 1 Hod myself perfectly cured of all my troubles." Dodd'e Kidney Pills always make healthy kidney-. Healthy kidneys make pure blood. Pure blood is the keystone of health. Wrung Oft. The shades of the gowe and turkey were discerns, the efreum.tatice• whfoh Lad attended theirwrite esatha.Qe! . .. "DWI you oiler any obJei ^h" wed -ylaid �i yes 'squired the seb . Ya Anted Ws gooeess.np. "1 stied oat. 'Heap what • sale tr what did you my nest r Ittgeired the neM R tfslear losses Mr a memmi thj peso t'saws err Mo Pram. Gehenna is the Greek name for the valley outside of Jerusalem. where offal was destroyed. Fires were burn- ed there to kill the germs of putre- faction. Into the valley were can dead doge. cats. etc., upon which worms fed. This picture Jesus used to illustrate Divine Government in the end of His Reign. Wilful evildoers will perish in the antitypical Gehenna -tire Second Death. Another suggestion by the Master was that hands. feet and eyes had better be destroyed than that the indi- vidual go into the Second Death. No d.ne thinks that the Lord me.ant us literally to cut off our hands and feet; nor should we think that He referred to literal fire. The lesson taught is that everlasting life ie worth any sacrifice. If • sin secs as pre- cious as a hand or an eye. we should -. partite from it at any cost, to attain ..vwlssting lite. "Into Everlasting Punishment." Our text declares that the goat class will go into everlasting pTmiahment. What is the nature of that punish- ment? The Scriptures say that 'the wage• of sin is death" -not eternal torment Fao Ole Master really said that the groat (lass will go into the Second Death None will be rescued from it in any manner. 'The word punishment in our tact Domes irnet the Greek kolasiw. in classical Greek. kolaein means to prune, •a t.• cut out dead branches from a tree So Jesus really said that the goat class will go away into ever- lasting cutting off -from life --into everlasting death Antra/ter definition of kolaein is to restrain. as "the char- ioteer restrain. (kolaain) his steeds " So from flit standpoint. the Master said that all of the goat class would go away into everlasting restraint What restraint is so everlasting as the Second Death? A pamphlet explaining the parable of The Rich Man and Lasarns will be sent free to any tasking • postcard re nest Address Brooklyn Taber- nacle. Brooklyn, N. T. Osrreeeled WoMsws. Ya ietrete -Did be .arty eoenseled seipasef Pelleaeme-Yea R. had his fists in We psanllt. A Osaly AA. ANA yaw Os JAM, al Moine r1NrNerImo lir -d I"lcCa l l's Patterns t L�.-MILLARUSON j Perrin's Gloves NOW SHOWING THE 1 NEW SPRING GOODS Anderson's Scotch Zephyrs We bave received our import order of these celebrated Scotch Zephyrs in a larger range of designs than ever before, embodying the latest word in Gingham styles. They come in light and dark colors, in stripes. checks, plaids and plain colon, pet yard ISc. Anderson's Kindergarten Cloth A new fabric for boyo end girl.' wear. spe- cially made for hard wear, maker splendid lather house dresses, absolutely fast color, per yard Sic. Special Values in Cottons Special vellum in White Cottons at old prices, Sc, 100, 124c It. per yard. Horrockses' famous Old Country Cottons, ab- solutely pure and free from filling, per yarn 1& - and 18c. Circular Pillow Cottons Circular Pillow Votton, best quality, 41.1, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 inches wide, per yard from dlc. Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings Special values in bleached end unbleached Sheeting, 2 yards and 2t yards wide. from Sic to rioc yard. Special Value in White Flannelette Thirty -tour inches wide, extra quality. spiel, did wearing, per yard 124c. Flannelette Sheets or Blankets Special value in the best quality Flannelette Blankets, extra quality, small, medium and large size. white or grey, per pair $1.25, $i.50 ana $1.75. Special Showing of Satin Bed Spreads A special showing of Satin Bed Spreads, im- ported direct from Manchester, handsome designs, full double bed size. at a2 50, *3.51: to $5.00 each. Annual showing of Whitewear during Feb- ruary, the choicest garments of the leading Can- adian factories. Visit our new Lace Curtain department- McCall's Patterns and Publications. "The Store that is all that a Store should he." Plisse % Millar's Scotch Store 56 daughters, Mn. E. W. Mahood, B. 01 81. Louie, Mo,. and Mrs. C. Mocre, B. A.. of Dundas. mourn the loss of • loving husband and affection- ate father. Another daughter. Mrs. 0. G. Bull, died about a year ago, whose death wax a continual sorrow to Mr. Potter. He is survived by two brothers, Albert Potter, of Toronto, and t. has. Potter. B. A., of Watford end two' sisters, Mrs. Mary Ann Watford„ of war he was in active service, Hgbting Streetsville, and Mow. Thcs. Creeper, in many of its great battles, and Lek- of Toronto. iug'k distinguished part in the Battle of the Wilderness. He was twice promoted for bravery, and before bis discharge was First Sergeant of his company, be,ng the youugest officer of hie regiment. He was one of the demacbment which was detailed on the search for Edwin Booth, the mur1j4 derer of President Lincoln, and after - winds, at the trial, was an officer on guard. At the close of the war, Mr. Potter returned to Canada and taught school in the township of Clark, Durham county. Having a desire for greater education, however, he entered Vic- toria University. then located at Ce - While there be determined bourg. that it. was his duty ro preach -the Gospel. At the conclusion of his col- lege career, he therefore entered the ministry of the Metbodist church, be- ing received on probation in 11470, and ordained in 1874, since which time, until be retired from the active min- istry in 11107, he faithfully labored in the cause which he had so deeply at heart, meeting with much success, and being universally loved by the people among whom he labored. because of his genial goon nature. sincerity, charity and sympathy. During that time he was stationed at. Bracehridge, Eglinton. Belmont, Hood Head. Yunge St. 8., Wellington, Sharon. Lloydtown, Dundalk. Hanover. Tee, - water, Goderith, Dungannon. Clif- ford, Hagersville, Paisley, George- town and Smith.ille. health, he In 1907, owing to poor retired from the active woo k of the ministry, and after *pent' :ter two years with his daugbter, Mrs. E. W. Mahood, in St. Louis, and his son. A. J. Potter, who was then located In Hancock, Mieb.. he canoe to reside in Dundas. He was not-.otent, however. to remain inactive. end soon tarok charge of tb. Union set. ices then being held tSnnday evenings in the school- house on the Hamilton road, where his preaching and ministrations met with much appreciation. The cause prospered. a ',err church was found to be necessary. and the fine Binkley Union church wait built last year, Mr. Potter taking great interest and pride in the work of its erection. in 1875 he was married to Mina Sow) C. Garrett, who now with one son. A. J. Potter. of Detroit. and two a 8 She --"They say a `man has seven gee." He -"Woman is more stable. he has one age and sticks to it." (^ A CRATEFUL COUPLE Neva Scotia Man and Wife Both Benefited By GIN PILLS UST how much diferene'e GIN PILLS can make in the home life can be guessed from the letter below. Where formerly both husband and wife were in more or leas constant misery with backache, they are now delighted to be almost free of the old trouble. Lyons Brook, N.S. •'You are perfectly free to use my name in any way to benefit GIN PILLS, for they deserve the high- est praise. My back has never troubled me since taking GIN PILLS, and my wife feels much better after taking GiN PILLS for her back. She thinks GiN PILLS will make a complete cure." JAMES L. NAUSS Why shouldn't you or any of your friends who may be sufienng with Rackarhe. Rheumatism. Lumbago. Sciatica. Weak or Strained Kidneys, Burning or Scalding ['rine, Painful t'rilistion nr frequent holds in the i:idneys and Bladder, get the same relief that so quickly came to the Nauss hntne when they started to use GIN PILLS ' Remember. you buy GIN PiLLS on our .tan.iing guarantee that they will cur.• or Torr nwney will be promptly f • •,'.rel. soc. a box, 6 for $3.5o. Fa .1,0.c iree if you write National T -ng erd Chemical Co. d Canada, Limited Tomato 111 ICE CREAM The most delicious flavors, with the best and purest Create, serv- ed at the BAL.IIottAL CAFE. Or- ders by telephone for Inc Cr .tm in bulk or in bricks attended I n promptly. Telephone tat. F. E. BURDETTE (.ET THE BEST. 1T PAYS. -!,1_IOTT he Cheerful Life Tt to tbs raglan! erveyone to Mee sod .-jay the ebesrfel If.. W. ewe h to emedves wad times sub. Nee with es t. live Us.N1fa we, must M se if m basalt takes bela .f em. the wife, reetber sad i__r wffinelag teem bet fismb•a. servwms.sR aceas..sae tear enamel dee le drmem. e�•i�maJ t�. ssar •11111•0-411 .-r • kms m •••••11. WO /Mob e .mob. SW* mei .gwt.me bas nems marnetrkb dot DR. PIERCE'S Ivorite prescription ereiwt`ralos._ak01 waWMJ0r1.- waldSs .rtmaweeW.w aTnesa •mear gr. �rti *tisesmt rake. s ilWOW , WWI anvil r*$s hair*. war W bawds. steps- - - - t Amy swamies. T. Swarts 'Bus, Livery and Back Stables MoNTRKAL STRSirr JUST OFF THE SQUARE 1111t.s BUSES MEET ALL TRAINS AND : PASSENGER : BOATS Passengers called for in any part of the town for all trains at G. T. R. or C. P. R. depot.. Prompt service and careful atten- Chir Livery and Hack service will be found up- to-date in eves y respect. Your patronage solicit ed. T. SWARTS 'Pbone 107 Montreal Street Toronto. Ont., is a Commercial : chool of the Hfgbest Grade! NONE BETTER IN l'AN- ADA! Graduates in .strong demand. Enter wow- Catalogue free - Plenty of Hot Water whenever you want it prevents bot tempers. OUR PLUf16ING not only insures an abundance of bot water, but absolute eat- isfacti.'n. GOOD PLUMBING isa necessity, upon it depends the health and comfort of the family. Let us give you esti- mates and prove to you how little modern plumbing costa. FRED. HUNT Hamilton Street, Goderich A GOOD RESOIUT13N FOR THE NEW YEAR TU Hl VASSAR SHOES FOR WOMEN HARTT SHOES FOR MEN The a are goods that will give thrwearer satisfaction every time. They are sold in Goderich by J. H. licClinton East Side Square. 'P hone 62e_