The Signal, 1913-1-30, Page 1>v.
d f-
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Clubbing Rates
It you do not see the paper
or magazine yes want in
one clubbing Miss' awe e
about tt. We may
be able
to get it for you SILO reduced
The Signal
Renew Your
to p'he Signal and secure
one' of the handsome
t'alendary for 1913.
Eventually the only dollars that cdunt are those that have
been saved. A realiyttion of t bis should stake you a depositor.
Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto
Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager
'Pitmen : ID; Housa M. P.O. Box 3154
Two 'buses meet all trains.
Private calls have prompt and
careful attention. First • clam
11. livery coitus at all limes.
Rieponable prices.
F. st T. M. DAVIS A
South Street 'Pbone Nu. 51
i�y-Y MAA
I' ro ker : ab o a pair d vetoer cartaina.
e pptr to BOX ti. THE SIGNAL
tf nuaaUty of good winter apples for sale by
the barrel. Rill be delivered ea town it de -
deed. Any penmen waatiag a barrel of good
fruit i• req ue.ted Wilton see a postcard oe tele-
phone by Oodje�ri,�eb Maakipal Tel.pboee try
tem {'line--$Lbartai of $Lfb If barrel
u returned JOHN SO NEST. OobAeb P.o.
11' renewers : sae ear of Ma•Rebs oats.
teed whist: also a quantity et stud gttain.
ore. Tl*rdar■ and Saturdays, J. r- AN-
I) 0r Wiese. Dlrset ham grower. Sliver
King. Wiftomp, Wh ssi No, ;, Battiq
rimy Yellow tlwL prows from stock ems
Mat woo torero $311011eNtfeeltqa. at Oabwa
• oro Sow. Splendid vaeleftra
vitality gsarantosa i1 Ib- Seeks
for. f- m. b.. 11. t'. K. I. ��la or ever
at •i•edst prima D. A- .1 T. BiyI♦ s -
•rood. Lou Co„*(
t.. Id�b Ontario Ctrs
r •
BroweAweale{ht ai
atter ANTIS. -Peroneuiting fano help
titrsaOMNI td &poly at sto WILLIAM -
LIN, Yapt;14,
LIN, Dominion Employment
Amok is It Hedges, Ont. Orders lett with H. D.
w St Halsor, Ont., will receive proving
suaatloa [tau
in or nese Gader cls ; one w1111aa
to work. Apply J. c. OAR WOOD, Po..wer, ,
anew. Oat.
DRA Marta wad I Rimy Hospital.
ORIryrr8. , airy W
• OTLAND, servant0 Cambia r a SLIM F. J.
Alwsy• n s right
sal M barber. Oar
haprevei met gassiest prams and In.
tttrrletisa eaallty iso position in *bort
&no heat for tis). sgss. MOLKK COLLEGE,
a▪ main. row
making lhis;exawination antiestimste route. as ii .limina - the danger that
of cost to pot your Bloc In ouch a con- the other three ate open to. tat beir.g
dittos) (bat it will pose any examine- damaged or assent away b - the ice
• I lion which the Government or the
Ka, away Board may see fit 10 con ' ue-t.
Difference of $3ou,000 between Cost of Ontario West ! 1'o sytit up. then, this section is is) .
very had .tate and is tar from being
Shore Railway Construction as Estimated by En-' r,.rupleted in a eatisraeloey manner :
gineer Middlemist and the Amount Said to Have i at the -ante time. in waking the
estimate tot this. 1 have endeavored
Been Actually Ontario and' 1i keep down the expense at far a. I
I could conscientiously do .o. N i Municipal Board Requested to Hold an Inves- • pro-
vision has been mode for any turnouts
for passing carp in the work at present
tigation. fie'
The next section from Kintail to
Kincardine has hero partly graded,
The mumeipalities interested in [bel Town of Goderich $150.OU.) but tmly to the same average width ..f
guarantee of bonds of the Ontario •, Kincatdiise _.. 5SI,IIOU I nine feet, and Len again the light cute
West Shore Railway are now in pan Township of Asbdvld 13 5.0001 hove seen used up to make the em-
rewioo of the report of H. W. Middle " Huron w 73,OW hrnkroents. To get the full width of
mist, C. E. on matters in connectins . fourteen feet, 1 would suggest vetting
with theit
railway, and an interesting Total $4110,(1110 an extra live fret of land and ditch
document it 1.. oaof Briefly, it is to the rt- on thele amounts the respective between the fence and the hank. as
feet (11 that the cost of the railway so municipalities are now paying inter- previously explained Where the deep
far constructed. together with mater- ret at five per tent., tooling a very cuts co
sal on band. and allowing fifteen per hese yy burden upon the ratepayers.
cont. on construction for profit. is 1n addition to the moneys represented vet to get out, and this will help to
S31.4300. or len lbws half for amount by the municipal guaranteew, it has Make the fills, hut the galleys at these
which J. W. Moyes. president of the keen stated by Mr. Moyes that over places take the most of the exca• &Lion,
West Shore Company, says ba
Olga actu-
ally been spent ; and (21 at it would
coot the tidy sum of $7V7,53111 to com-
plete the road between Goderich and
servant at Ate4sadra Marine hospital.
Apply to MUM (1R1rr1TftiS, sanrisundset
Water AND Light
(�w��g raws[akar* ad bavise re-
ssivsi/ taelrwedwriabla �tig t�JsaaakaleaerN. sad tor
1 to pal
giber iiiseleo. t Oswasidoo
Ms ex•
teiedS4 eke Uwe ttir por•eet for wblcb (
the oathJy_r iewegy nth.dlessiset will be allowedI
A. Stratton. }
Ci�sstsr W. and L. l ow. 1
1 how Much Did Your
I Savings Earn in I912?
Money) invested by us in inside property in Weyburn,
Sask., earned from SO to 300 per cent. the past year.
We strongly advise the purchase of inside property
in Weyburn now, as everything points to 1913 being
the most prosperous year in the history of Western
Weyburn will be the next
big city in Saskatchewan
rn has been chosen as the central controlling
divisional point on the new short line of the C. P. Ry.
between Winnipeg and the Coast. Twenty miles of
new yards will be placed in Weyburn in 1913.
We have some choice property five blocks from the
heart of the city at *23o per k*, $so cash, balance
LW6, 12 and 18 months. This is a first-class investment
and will net you big profits within the year.
nte us for full particulars.
Ea V. Campion & Company
Bead os: Wiybaraas
. Nk-
Resettsrd, Oust. *Mee: : • Market Et
AJI fisstara (Iorreapaadesee abased be addressed to our
Braatlteeti eyes.
•a .mate : hay M Weyfusra. Oast.
me such as at Eighteen Mile
Creek, there is considet able excavation
This means that the municipalities
will give up any notion ot taking over
the toad and putting in enough addi-
tional money to cotnplete it. Even if
the amount considered neceesety to
complete the rood were much smaller
than Mr. Middlemists estimate, it
would be a difficult [natter to per-
suade the ratepayers of the municipal-
ities to assume any further liability in
respect of the nndei taking. Wbat is
to he done in the is a
problem that it will take some time to
*Ave : but a hegioning bits been made
in asking the Ontario Itesilway and
Municipal Board to hol.i an investiga-
tion into the work 314 ne by the West
Shore Company "ani generally every-
thing in connection with the affairs
of said Company. and to apply any
and 1,11 remedies within its power,'
A meeting of representatives of the
interested municipalities was hero held
on Friday last at the town hall to
meet Yr. Middlemist and to receive
Isis report. Those present were Mayor
Mitchell and Councillor Hunter, of
Kincardine: Reeve Wilkinson and
two councillors of Huron township ;
Reeve Hunter end Deputy Reeve
Stewart, of Ashfield : Mayor Reid,
Reeve Meanings and Deputy Reeve
Clark, of Goderich ; rod Messrs.
Prnudfoot and Garrpw, solicitors.
After considerable discussion of the
report and the situation it revealed. a
resolution was adopted stating that
the whole •ituatioo was unsatisfac-
tory to the municipalities which guar-
uaranteed the hoods of the railway and
whine that the Ontario Railway and
Municipal Board conduct an investiga-
tion as above stated.
The amounts of the guarantees are
as follows:
Per tae suety and delivery of new cedar
femme poste as we :
Ma pants It n• long. -Y- to el- tope
Li posts i 0- long. 7- to 1- toper
Also Is telepbsme poles 3-: to 4" top- Yb O- long
sada hardware' brooms a •it•' square x 12 try
lll poste to b..oend and straight Delivery
t9 be made before March I. one mile north of
(*tit line co Hayfield rood. Temdera to be ad-
dressed o• or before February Rb [text to BOE
ft. SIONAL orrice. t.,oderfeb.
IO ROoNKD Mmes. near (i. T. K •satins
and convseteat t0 taaarfra *FM" at SIO
NAL orriCSL At f.
11 situated two -,.tory Wink beim : all mod
ern ooersslenesa For Heather particulars
apply at SIGNAL OFF IOC. istf.
11209,(JOU bas already been expended on consequently there 1e not ,ouch 10
Ole railway. haul away. Again. overhaul is an
Mr. Middletaist's Report expensive itew, if for any consider-
Mr- \liddlewist s report is as fol- :i'.• distance, so that I think the
lows : ditching method cheaper in the end.
To the ('orporWons of the Townsof Goderich Thera are no bridges built un this
and gioossa Askf, and the Townships of section, excepting, 1 believe, one r
Hamm and 4d- of abutments hear Eighteen Mile
Gsx'rutME2e. --Moine two months Creek, w that these will have to be
sgo'l was instructed hy you to invete- provided. 'rhe abutment. at the lass
tig•te the condition of the Ontario mimed creek have been partly built
West Shore Railway from is junction up and still have the wooden forma on
with the C. P. R. tracks in the town- them, hilt the concrete is of such pont"
ship of Colborne to the village of Kin- quality that 1 think it would he
tail, thence to Lambton street. in the cheaper in the long run to replace
town of Kincardine. which has been them with ones of good coocrete,
partly constructed by the aboie- especially as they are very high and
named Company : also to make an curry a seventy -loot -span bridge All
estimate of what amount of money; in the rest of the bridges into Kincardine
my opinion. it would take to complete 1 have bad to design myself in order
the whole line over this distance. tc- to get the necessary nm root of
gether with the additiou,al distance materials.
from a point near the (' P. R. jcor- Regarding rails for this section 1
tion and across the Maitland River could only find Mil tons had been
into the town of Goderieh, the sauce 'cheered by the Gr•an!t l'runk Railway
to include the whole of the electt•i.-al at Kincardine. which would he
equipment. and rolling stock neves- .ufl:cient to lay a single track 7M
Bary for working the Inc. • milem Inns• leaving I.l)f1O moss ot•9.7
1 cow• beg to submit for your e- 44- rriilay, ,stilt tol be gut to eompl•te the
sideration Ibe results . t my invests. lice to Ii iotail. Of the sal ton., somt
'ration embodied in this report, and (OO tone have been strung along the
the estimates of cost of the above- roadside 'towards the villag' of
mentioned portions of the line in Ainbrrlev, and the balance lie l•. the
question attached betewitL. Grand Iinink yard at Kincardir e. I
Before going into the {question of faller therewill be enough fish I tet..s
cost, I will take up the condition io at the engine house at the C. 1'. H
that part of the line aahieb was partly junction with probably enough bolts
constructed by the UntAie West
spof ikes tobut take rarechez
of the 3511
Shore Uonipanv, as 1 saw st. wben 1 tuns would have
drove over the' route in November to, he got for the 1,0811 tune of new
last. For the sake of clrarneve 1 will r.tils above-mentioned. As to ties. all
divide their work up into two poo- ( saw were about 3.000 at Ainberley.
tions. (a'Prom the C. P. R. function and 1,tki0 at the engine house, the
to Kintail ; (b) from Kintail oto Pine other material there being bridge ties,
River, where their work stops. The fence p itis, and one seventy-foot steel
grading has been done along the span for Eighteen Mile Creek and two
whole of section .a) for an average spans of twenty -five feet, the two last
width of Dice feet for the top of the being plate girders. These I have
embankment and the deep cuts about enumerated in my estimate of material
twenty feet, but 1 may say that in attached to that for the cost pf work
several places where the tills are deep. already done by the It.u,way Coin -
near culverts crossing eit.eam., the pony,• There are also ti s at Goderich
are projecting over the edge of the to boildtng the
hanks have fallen away until the ties which 1 think would largely contribute
additional two miles
hank. This of enurtte would have to into that town.
be put right and the banks made four- 1 will now take up the line fr int the
teen feet wide all through. to allow of Kincardine road over the Maitland
proper ballasting and for safety. The River into Goderich. 1 may say that
track bas all been laid up to Kintail, this is the most expensive portion of
hut haste) he lifted and lined up and the whole. as it requires considerable
ballasted. Up to this point 1 found trestle -work and two steel bridges of
the culverts in fairly good condition. Bial feet and 1:.4I feet respectively. the
except that the wing walls will prob.
ally have to he r.i-e1 slightly to take
the elope for a fourteen -fait hank.
This is generally .peaking %bat 1
found along this p-.rtion of the line.
tout there is a trestle and a seventy -
t. of -span steel Midge Derr the gulley
at Port Albert. i made a careful ex-
amination of tbi- sad found the
Ir. -sole in poor condition. The hena
are built of round {piles with * 12112 -
in. cap and sillhese pole+ were put
up with the bark Tett on and ate show-
ing signs of decay and will duubtlrse
have to be temporarily repaired by the
contractor to permit of his making
11.• earth Rll, tor which this trestle
wail oeig;nally intended. Some em-
banking has been done at each end.
and will have to he made up to the
proper grade and width. Regarding
the bridge piers at this point i rosy
ay that they are unsatisfactory and
would never he passed by any Govern-
ment inspector. To try and patch
then[ up would be very difficult, and 1
think would result in failure. as the
edges are all broken and th? gravel is
elbowing through. So 1 have come to
the conclusion that tele beet method
would be to encase them in about
foot or eighteen inches of good con-
crete all around and tree then[ as a
core. so to speak. binding the new
concrete to the old by mean. of iron
cramps let into the present piers. In
addition to fixing up these piers. the
wing halls will beets to he built hefore
the trestle is filled in. You can there-
fore see that in addition to the filling
of the trestle with Perth emhankment
there is ennsidetwbl,• work io he done
at this point.
Now regarding the supply of earth
to get * fourteen -i. wit embankment 1,11
along the line, since the material in
the nuts Ass been Deed up already. 1
world.nggert that Ave feet additie,isl
right of we v, be obtained aed the fsrwe
set hack tote diateneeend s diteb dug
between the tents and the esihank-
meet of sefllchnt width and depth to
supply the additional 111. 1 coaslder
this candid be good riot only for the
railway bet for the owner of the ad-
joiafng11aa111, for in driving over the
route I helia* 1 tie slitter os the lead
was Method and torrid not /e4 away.
whereas K IOW ditch was due It woige
• aleridfy assist inrsearretag
ttil sur -
fuse water. i aleonot several
woods.' culverts built of rowed poke
w this ereeioa. sad it will be eery
Iteeleatiry Ile put thews
etilheefof repair peso `iampaetios, Y
a mew
I dealt I! rhe Amor system le rib (0) d sm.ItRAR
se[dr*Mery, sad giff lass r t1aR 11t i 1 ehanningel eanider tine the tut
aa Nowsate wrest. Astir a r. J. mutAli ism
'J NAL Office. Heated by bot water sod
weak in congestion. Apply to J. P. H1towN•
i' by the late Jake ea Me bd era-
oerdoo of ('olba7e. -1* ewes.
Good stone
woodebsd �ims 1e - krdra*BC wao�
supply : /end Kaes ; rzaaf srakssi ' tom aerie
of'.h red at af bosh. bargain
M ra
aaMaw* swhoa
a rate.
Aril',Aril',to MKS. Cements some.
ee Oodwica 1' o
yif st >eefisr _ _ isaetlt neof e
!}�qt. 1r.�iei�sms 1.
git.gEAALL-10o AOR 0V LAND
l r k�rsss�M et ohs wove a
al YMr ssldwati s .wast Awn: hMaet�ss tams `was,'
�wty ell r gad "emir; *seat both
Caeid MIN idtCK flwear'ta4tag.
- awes. lot ll, seine mdw s, E. a OM►ersa
Barr & eMWI Miriam 3. . Mim slid
Wow ___ s 11__ : bold water paste .t kin
Mst.ii4 1
Asters P. R
le.1' �/u v==aawi, cawrr we tnw�ete rwAi
raA�w! 1awwreMa sae MHt
=sedo =at ibia
S amala a t arr
and logs during the spring cods, to
prevent which might meso cousider-
able extra ripener. 1 would point
out that these tout estimates are ap-
proximate only. wino Accurate data or
Ievele were available.
Regarding the cost of the line from
the e. P. K- junction to Kincardine.
I [wink the attached estimates epeak
foe themselves. The earthwork quan-
titiest have been carefully computed
from a profile of the line furnithed by
the Company for every hundred feet
or less of the distance. and the quan-
tity of work already done has been
deducted from the total, treeing what
still bar to be done The same applies Robert McKay, Reeve of Tucker•
to the cost of the bridges. rads, ties smith. is Warden of the county fit
and all material. and the prices areHuron for the year 11113 By long -
the present standard costs of the dif-
feret classes of work to be done. l'onsestanding agreement the Liberals and
These bays all been carefully checked i alternately
of the county council
end compared with the ecru of Simi- alternately choose from among them -
lar work, now going on in different ' "elves the membri• who ithe Libe War
para of Ontanu, and 1'am of opinion i dun. This yyear it was echo choice
turn and Mr. McKay was the choice
that there will be very little mar- • of the Liberal caucus. Reeve Bailie of
gin between a contractor's boos tide , west Wawanosh led 00 the first
resider and the figurer now subtuitted, ballot, and when it cruse ta choice
it being always understood that the I between two only the vote was a tie
prices are only for flet -clam conrtroc• I between Messrs. Bailin and McKay,
Lion, such as would paw the inspection but another ballot gave the decision to
the Tuckersmitb mac. Of tbe thirty-
one members of the council the
Liberals this year number nineteen
The council met at 3 o'clock on Tues-
day afternoon. All the members
were present except Reeve Stewart of
, Rewe Bailie of West Wawanosh a Close
Competitor - A. McEwan ot Blue -
vale and t+. Cantelon of Clinton Ap-
pointed County Auditors- -County
Council Now in Session at the
Court House.
of tbe Railway Board. The quantities
from the G. T. R. crossing near Kin!'
sardine into that town are only ap-
proximate. as no particular route has
been decided on.
The electric eattimate has been made
out on the sauce basis and includes
everything necessary for the trans-
mission of putter froom the point On motion of boMert McKailie and
where it is d.itvrr-ed by the Hydro -
Mr. Robert McKay. Reese
electric Commission at Goderich. of 1913. smith, was elected Warden
This includes substations and over- hifor ecThe Warden subscribed W
bead work. pole., and I he bonding of Honors declaration of aoandn before leis
the track, and every item r• quinol. Judge unyle loon ad -
Next. as to -the tolling stuck. --'This dustbe the council, thanking the
was estimated for an hourly service of members for the honor conferred upon
cars ehch way. or four cars for pitmen -
gees with two spare cars for use in Applications for the position of
auditor were fwd from J. borne
case of emergency or for extra tragic,
two baggage cars for light freight, and „,,,t._coHenealt : I . K. Bennett.
one .ketole locomotive for heavy R'toxieter : P. Cantelon, Clinton ; J.
freight, with a provision of $21,000 for Cameron, Kintail, 'land A. alcSwan,
ten flat awl ten box care. making the Bluevale,
line complete in itself sed also in a The committee to strike the woad -
position to handle freight ftom the log cuwwittees for rhe year wu
C. P. K. at the junction, if that coo- appointed, ae fe.,lLisi : tone s- Leckie.
nectioo is retained. Hratnan, Keie. Livingstone sad alc-
The estimates of cost of work to be A. M.cEavan and P. Cantelon were
done for each division of the line a• appointed the county auditors.
mentioned is t report are attached
herewith. and sEM1E one which in my
opinion abound here covered the value
of the work already done and m aerial tt�
on hand. These ere all made out In poiru and wilt oencefor.h ,rtvn ki ranee
succession and se complete +omit: -u v of attention to the home office. t.•leknow, where
the total expenditure yet to b.. nude w-111 be found' avert d^y- -til rii.,deev mull.
is given at the end. oTiCE..-TH.E LOCAL AGENCY
Seven turnouts and two freight cars Nin I syn�iaaeoa tocTbs Signal 1. a1 the Past.
Whether with a car barn at each end °dice taot.t and Stationery Store. where
of the line with pits for examination or'dc^' will tea tweslvad tor .flbmoriptlon,., ad -
of cars ere included- In conclusion 1 crow tee iiif n•ae . ud rs04pa "til be
sires for araae�ta mu kw W same-
niay add that owing to my being un- - THURSDAY, Jan. 3Uth.
tilde W obtain the information 1 ei-
ppeecctri from the Railway Company 1 Mr.. ..1 -lin Maunders, of Mafeking,
here been greatly delayed in making
is vi.nt... .1 the horse of Blies and
up this report, and 1 am quite unable Mrs. James Why ori.
to say what material has been ordered Mr. anti Mrs. \'t . Elliott returned
and paid for by them outside of that 1 on Wedgies lay to New Liskeard. after
saw on the ground, so that it is pos- I spenling some tune with tri. nils sud
Bible that 1 bare not got a reliable ar- relatives here,
count of phi., consequently this is very Miss Clara Sproul spent a few days
uncertain. in Goderich this week.
Trusting the delay has not mused ! Mrs. N. J. Treleaceo was celled to
you any serious inconvenience, I re NapPanee oh Tuesday, owing to the
main•Yurs truly, " sudden death of her brother.
H. W. MID e.tMtgr. I Mr- and Mrs. W. ('empbell visited
Goderich friends on Wednesday.
later swing divided into three sans Accompanving this report are a; The annual meeting of the West
of 15(4 fort each, to say nothing f s number tat detailed eotimates of the Wawanosh Fite Insurance Co. was
subway under the C P. H. and one I cost of the work already done and of I held here on Wednesday of-�is week.
under the G. T. R. 1 made four the work to he done to complete the,
estiurtte, of this proposition• ootid between Goderich and Kinear- Reeve Bailie is in Goderich this
141 L.-aaing the Kincardine road week at.. nding the county council
the line woulo curve east of the Patton
property, thence under the C. P. R.
and the guliey east of the C. P.
R. roadway- bridge on the Goderich
Northern road. on e 3 per cent. grade.
striking that road at grade. crowing
the fiat to the river on a trestle fifteen
feet high, thence across the river on
the mouth side, tinder the G. T. R. and
up the side hill on • 2 per cent. grade.
to Wellington street end thence to
West street Total coot without rolling -tots: 1Mf 71112) \V eDNIieDAY. Jan. Sikh.
Ill Leaving the Kincardioe road. IM.Net.c. c•at.H0,0N-OiLwoa .-On Monday
thence curving round the east side of Tot gist meth rolling .t.xk tX oats• morning, Jwnuwryi S7tb, in Rt. Joseph's
the Duff property. passing under the ' F.+timate for roiling stock, ins iudfng a pas church, Kinptibridge. w very poet t y
C. P. H. and across to the east side of .eager rare t I,. wge cars tar Ilia' freight wedding Was solemnized. Miss Helen
one eiec[nr Innmotire. in flat can, I•• .n+ Hees M. Gilmore, uate nurse of St.
the above-named galley.. on a :1 per
Valuation of Works A Executed.
cent- grade. then passing over the Already Joseph's hospital. Chatham, being
Godericb Northern road on a trestle Rrrh• of e, ay•:$4
t 14:1414'.116'''
,'i im united to George Calhoon, of ('wlgarr,
thirty-seven feet high. and over the reoclna on one 'id' 44.414•■• Alta. Rev. Father McCormick otll-
steel bridges raised to coo to Excavation. including. er cialed, assisted by Rey. Father Dean
R correspond, bael wow.. of St. Augustine. .G
another trestle twenty-two feet high, P.peculvert,- -. i,atn.o• g tine. At o'clock the
thence under the G. T. R. and up tbe mss. flab Plat•.. bolt.. bridal party rot., -ed the church and
aid. hill to North street on w a r cent. `pike . etc .• Including proceeded to the senctuar to the
per witebea sed eroatar... ;nem.. 1 y•
grade, thence along North street to R*11a.tlmg- sass). • strains of the wedding march. The
the court house. This would effect a Tie,. 93tue• bride was richly attired in a gown of
taring track.
7 5tti"' shaded ivorysatin Made in vier
saving of $1tt At7.dl) over mute Baty Road and farce emanate_ a9,•r, panier
Leaving the Kincardine toed as Bridass mrd martini 31,;It'tu•
style sad wore a large Aloe hat with
described in (at. then following the Tesperary trSsW at Port tem I trimmings of mink fur and white
same court* on a 3 per cent. grade Kiwi.. eto.r1•k.,O,.o, 81,,n.9.0.4,4.000„, ospreys. She alas) wore the groom's
Newt -
down the gullet' and crossing the Engineering :. per cent g ft, a handsomslj designed gold neck
Northern roved on the level, - - ! iwce set with pearls. Her only attend-
Goderichtbeoce across the [tat to the river on i>t>*' k: ant was Mira Nellie Sullivan, who was
Pmnt 1-• ern, M,IKM
a trestle fifteen tea high to the - - gowned in old gold silk and wore a
bridges, "wrong the aver, thence on • $ i1' a Mack bat The groom was at -
Add for material ant tar ..- mum be fogad : sifted h James Gilmore. of We
trestle eighteen feet high to the 7„, tem itagms•a fusilier y y -
G. T. R. and passing under it follow- fteetamat wasa4 tat M-titllJtn bunt. Rash. brother of the Imide. At
sing up the erode hill to North Setame(S 1..4u irw LA7&i" lite rnnclumion air the imp..asivr cew- on a :( nes tent. goad.,lbasseim ef gems* MA story the tut} diner to the biose nt
thence along North street to the iAW.iidglae* the ea Mother, where a dainty
court boom, effecting a +wving Drat__e� 10' wedding dinner was nerved in a din -
(h1 of t171R,47A.5u- giie1eMal�ilaia freest we at Lease ingroom taste(oily decorated with
tdl Lewving the Kincardise need, tlt.A............ -s.
smilax and pink and wbIu.earnatioos
thence ria the east side of the Patton 'ree� ... des Mr. and Mrs Calhoon left by the L
aversely, thence under the C. P. R. 1. 1 leastat .stun 7�•7t
o'clock Irwin .n mute to �'anee,uvet,
and down the above -mimed R�rh.y on s
We. at W ..... urns MLd1ia wbetr thec will upend the wit:nt*.,
a E nest. grade to the lewd d the - s aper which they will reside Cal-
Oriderieh Northern road, thence east pry. Mrs. ('+Ihonn travelled in a
along lbw Sala rn the nor'.b silent the neatly tailored suit of goer whilreotd
river for a distaree of about 1.diX fast TO OUR REAL)tR$ wad wore mink funs- lir grootnp
on • AB, then on • trestle roost SOD gift to the bridesmaid was • go
1) LrrJcnow. Ma• resand stint • outride
dine. Following are two summaries
the several estimates. meeting. J
SuTotal Cost of Work to Be Mrs. James \Vhyatd is laid up with
a broken arm. On Tuesday evening
Done and Roiling Stock. 1 she slipped on the icy street and fall -
cast of lime into llodattcb . per 1 inn fractured her left arm between
esa.imate roD $161.901.343a the elbow and the shoulder. The in-
(ost of one om ('. P. R. junction
to K:ntatl I illi y is a painful one, but the sufferer
Cott of ore from Ki.ta•4 1.o r.ruA e1" getting on as well as could he ex -
ton Anent. Kincardine
(soot of elertrioal e•;afpmest for Pi
mare. . UK:70.0f
feet log[, sed of a- average belgtst of
Mese feet, to • meet brtdg. fa three
epees of Ilii feet ear_ thence along a
avengetruetle of an
hat t the eel �I
4zry to the
fi. T'. port
E.. theses p tf. are hill to
lrfosM street aelitbat etr.te( to
the es* ,t Musl4g a wing over
Owing to tie eaesperted demand
for advellariag Mrs weak, the
sews rolssota of TWIN/pal ane souse -
what lepton&. 1f yen deal sae what
you want is this iosae, kbkiy wait w
week and we *ball ley M setae ap to
oar nett liras with the Isappolliage of
the town sex flltll111t la the wan
Mas . tie meats are always
&eeklaee with prettily designed pen-
dant •et with pestle. slid to the
groom.aan s to. pin with darnond
netting- The man?] frivads of Mr. and
Mn- Calhoon wide thins t
Imppioe.s and prosperity.
•'Oh' those wearers."' 0Ir (hat
estwrkraot." Pisaaaef reeolleettriaa.
Rapthe edinreh