HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-23, Page 10r - were rear
t'and Bags
Hand Bag=
in green • t ' 1 "iris suede.
good size, Ito cord handle.
special 'S'.
Hand Bags
swan size. Tsai levt1ter, n ilh
.mail Mange putty. •perini
Hand Bags
in brown or black leather,
large size. long cord bander.
fitted with small change
puree. While they last.
Hand Bags
in black only. large size,
fitted with email ^bangs
purse, t-gulat $2.1111, while
they late, fists. each.
The Colonial Book Store
item. 1'cill'F:R. Prop.
Phone hilt Goderich.
We are now prepared to
supply cuntractore with
all kinds loliMouldinga,
Inside Finish, Flooring
and Sidings, and General
Building Material.
e ut..ice >a spleeialty of
Veneer Flooring in Oak
and Birch.
Dressing and Matching
ha• the thousand.
The Paget Grain Doi Co.
OODERI('H Letterer)
Maple Leaf Grocery
Have you tried our choice
FCe can recommend ourIinee.
All staple aim fancy Groceries
on hand in first class quality and
at reasonable prices.
Try us for Hotter and Eggs,
So GU o /( o u n
'PHONE: 52.
m itationc
d Dodd's Kdaey Peas ars
legion_ The bra is imitated.
the ostaide costing and gape of the
pis are Whited and the ear -hordes
Kidney Pills is imitated Imitation are
dangerous. The original V sae. Dodd's
ICdesy Pitts have a reputation Imita-
tors have mese or they wu ds't imitate.
So they trade on the rspetatios of Dodd's
Kidney Ms. Do not be deceived_ There
is rely ons DODD'S. Dodd's Is 1!e
original Deers is the name to be care-
ful abeel-
o-o-o-n �s
The Grand Trunk Railway is the
most direct route from all points
East through l'anada via Chicago,
Detroit. or Buttalo.
Round trip tourist tickets. giving
choice of all the tent routes. to-
gether with full information. may
be obtained from any Grand Trunk
F. F. Lawrence & Sens. Town
Passenger and Ticket Agents, Oode-
rich. 'Phone 8.
Good Feed
I have some good feed wheat
for sale at one dollar a hundred.
Also acme hrat-class No. 1. wheat
This lot will make good flour.
'Anyone in need of Cattle. Hog
or Poultry Feed will find it to
his advantage to come and ex-
amine t.heee grades before boy-
iog, es they ate considered by s
many the best value of any feed
wheat off -red in Goderich at tbe
present time.
P. T. Dean
Corner Bs at,iitreet and Square
Gederieb. Ont.
Sold on small
('all and hear
the l'olumbia
O raphnphone.
-Hearing i
We r•arry a
lenge stark of
Hee trsl. a n d
Walter H. Harrison
Having purchased the old -es-
tablished and well-known millinery
business of Miss 1)onogh, l have
decided to clean out the balance of
trimmed and untrimmed Hats at any
price. These are all high-class Hats
and must be disposed of at once.
Miss Campbell
Kingston Street, Goderich
Wm et S Worth Theft Night
Sailers ttks Ciemp enable,
About 1110 persons went down
Bodin h on Tuesday to witness
hockey match between Msatorth
Ooder tch
The gone was a strenuous one.
during the first half Seaforth had
better of the play. keeping theistic
the'Sailors' territory most of the ti
Tbey rained the abets thick and
os. Donald Mclvor in the Bode
goal, but be turned them aside in
old-time form. Frank McGaw
the first goal for the Sailor
a beautiful rush. but Seaforth
oeeded putting in three tallies
foie the half ended, making the
3 to 1 in favor of Seeforth.
The second half of the game s
feat. Seaforth scored the fleet g
but the Sailors were now press
hard on the Seaforth nets, and s
seeded in scoring five goal* het
quitting time. Seaforth *cored
more goal. and t be game ended w
the score 0.5 in favor of the Gode
1 Ary SW tar bar delightful taip to the
llediterraatreta. All the teacher. ad
aims scholars, and we are sure the downs,
wish her "boE Mia Halloo,
H. A., tit Toronto University, takes
to Mime 8oalte's work until midsummer.
the title mere to us highly recommended'
sad and we bespeak for her a cordial and
♦eatrty ooagtetsdon
as re -
car- The Literary &.slaty is being re
for ganiae.d for the new term which w1111
k in this year be unduly short. Klectiou
ate.. of c4lcers takes place Thursday even
feu tea
recti Weekly examinations are again he -
his ing held. rbe results sit thole held
scored January 15 are wfollows:
nuc- Physics -J. McClinton t6 4 u roe tw-
bs- I low 611 Cbembtry-4i. Warnock 77. i
score G. E. fere 40. German -M. Hemet
tared I e1 ; none below 311.
nal, Foam rat. A.
ing . British history --T. Cowan tib, U.
uc- Jones 4N, J. Johnston 40. J. Stetbers
one POR)( 11.
ith French -R. Bradford A0. R. Jooee
rich 43. B. Boyd 43. R. Hamilton 311. 0.
Hayden Mi. 8. Briruicombe 33, H. Pow-
ell b.( Stoddart 14.
Business law -E. Long end M. Leon-
ard 11 : none below.
During the first half, whilechecking
a Seaforth player, Dan McDonald had
hit eyeaceidentally cut, but he wettable
to continue playing after having it
attended W. Alex. McIver had a head-
on collision with the boards. requiring
surgical att. ration. Lewis Elliott.
while acting as Foal umpire, was hit in
the mouth with the puck. cutting his
lip badly.
The teams lined up as follows :
Seaforth Goderich
G. {'ase goal D. Mclvor
R. McOeoch point F. McGaw
D. Reid c. point. H. Belcher
0. Dick 1. wing D. McDonald
J. Sills centre Jas. Wiggins
A. Muir r. wing A. Mclvor
P. Jones rover R. McDonald
Referee -Ernie Cook. of Toronto. •
The band text the Sailors at the sta-
tion on their return from Seaforth and
headed a torchlight orocession to the
Square. Considering the little prac-
tice they have had. the home teem are
bowing great form. and unless Clin-
ton shows up wonderfully well the
district championship will come to
Goderich. Then if tbe ice only h
out we eronv have some excitl
matches before the season is over.
later -Clinton has defaulted
games with Goderich. to the mat
arranged fur Friday night on the Incal
ice is off.
0i r RIDER.
The were was 4-1 for a while,
the yaws of the Ooderich rooters
striking the floor.
Hard luck. Hec. !
its 1/ Loetnow. has vended vbnlett outside
ch points and will henceforth give h4. entire
atteoUon to the home office, Lacknow, where
be will be found every day. All modern meth
ads -
FORM 1. A.
Arithmetic -P. Sullivan 100. R.
Dewar 4d, G. Newton 45, G. Field 4.
V. McDonagh 41. B. Cutt 40, K. WOW.
ton 40, E. Sallow* 34. Graham Roes 27.
W. Dalton 3S.
'FORM 1. R.
Literature --G. McKenzie 90: none
below. J. P. Hvtai,
Fier Own Special Concert Party.
Woodstock Sentinel -Review : The
solo and part singing of Mr. Jeeeop,
who has a voice of unusual quality,
was a tiest rarely accorded.
London Advertiser : A feature of
the evening was the alto solo, "Love's
Old Sweet Snng." by Mr. Charles-
worth, while the conductor, Mr.
Jessop. has a very pleasing bass voice.
His singing of Bevan's 'Toe Old
Soldier" was delightful.
a� In Dun anima torTbe Shoe! to at the Post-
e4ea Boak and 8taibnery store where
w�! weave will to ,.rived for snbucr(pdoni, art-
. wrrtlYnr and Job sunkOr"(
and re
pts will be
ttlr for amounts [aid for the same.
till THURSDAY. Jan. :ned.
an Everett Mallough has returned from
me a trip to Toronto.
James Gap of Toronto, called on
friends in the village one day last
The annual meeting of the West
Wawano.h Fire Insurance Co. will he
held here next Wedneeday, January
Rev. J. E. Hunter will preach in
Goderich on Sunday evening and C.
A. T-bbutt will take the server in
the Methodist church here.
DtttreElcr ()tlaANt)E Lolxla.-The an-
null meeting of Wawanosb District
L 0. L wan held in the Orange Hall
here on Tuesday, 14th inst., when
J. S MacMatb. Past D. D. M., of
Goderich, installed the following
officers fot 11713: W. M., J. A. John-
ston : O. M.. S. Thompson ; chaplain.
J. 13. Young : R. 8.. T. G. Shepperd ;
F. 8., J. A. Elliott ; taeneurer. W. J.
I Buck ; D. of C., Thos. Ferguson.
President Edwards was on hand t
length. life size, and was perhaps
inch or two toiler when he came ho
after the game.
Johne} Wiggins' boys are the Ori-
ginal Ho.key Hustlers from Hockey -
town. Rh ?
The referee handed out only a few
Penalties and seeme t to be quite im-
partial in bestowing his 'favors."
Secretary Wigle was there to see
that his team got fair play. They got
The Seaforth seven are a great
bunch of players. and it took a mighty
good team to heat them.
Stratford and London are beginning
to get wothly in the knees over the
prospect of meeting eke Sailors before
the season is over.
"Bob" Elliott was among the promi-
nent citizens of Gode,icb who wit-
nessed the game: but it takes a
deal to hoodoo the Sailors when they
get going.
The Seaforth people had a big cel
bration during the first part of th hut Ooderich had to keep the
fun going during the last half.
"Bonnie Dundee" sounds prett
good on a winter nigh(, when the M
have been nut playing hockey.
Here's to you. Dons1.1 Mclvor ! Yo
have an eye like a hawk.
Among the spectators was Tow
Clerk Knox, whose official report
the next meeting of the town counc
will doubtless convey the iafonnatio
that it was "some game."
The Very Latest.
Ssafortb has protested Tuesda
night's game. on the ground that on
of the goals was Improperly awarded
to Ooderich.
Cleveland Hockey Fans Rely on Former
Goderich Goalkeeper.
The Cleveland Leder onhlishes a
excellent likeness of "Bill" Chapman
formerly goalkeeper for the Roderic
hockey seven and new with the (`leve -
land team. Al..ng with the p„rtral
are a few paragraphs which indicate
that Chapman he. struck the fancy
of the Cleveland folks. Thus -
"When Ray Marchand guarded the
goal Inc the Cl-veland Athletic Club
hockey team those who termed them
selves expects joined in proclaiming
him the best ever seen here.
"When he left here to show his
ability in Canada th4tee same experts
were in m..nrning. They feared a
capable man for • he position never
would be found. Marchand was such
a star at the position that now he is
in greet demand in Canada.
"When the mourning was at its
height along came Bill Chapman with
a look of modesty on hie fate and his
expression carrying the aswertinr. 'ell
try ro snake good.'
Chapman said little. He did so
much that long ago Inc.) hockey fans
ceased to worry over the roar of
"Chapman stops prospective goals
oltirh like a target st•gio Mullets. HP
make, himself the target. The only
*ere way to snake a proal when Chrp-
lan is on guard to to hoot him out
of the way and have the goal tips
acs (which keeps von coughing away, night
and day, will quickly di.appear if you
u take Na-Drn-Co Syrup of Linseed,
Licorice and Chlorodyne.
D Na-Dru-Co$vrnpdLinseed, Licorice
at and Chlorodyne quiets the throat -
tickling almost instantly, loosens the
n phlegm. promotes expectoration, and
cures the inflammation of the mucus
Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed. Licorice
Y and Chlorodyne has the great advantage
e • of being absolutely free from harmful
drugs of any kind. In support of this
statement we are willing to give to any
physician or druggist in Canada a full
list of its ingredients.
You can therefore give Na-Dru.4 s 1
Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chien.
dyne to any member of your famay
n with perfect confidence that it will bi,s
altogether beneficial
If Your druggist am supply you with
either :Sc. or toc. bottles. The National
t Drug and Chemical Co. of
Limited. 314
School opened January 8th with a
attendance. a f.w new ones t4iw►.
in to take the pile. of those drop.
�goee The number cm the rop 1111
182-4W ►.nye and 1M rine.
Parents are aeked to co.grerste in
Netting the Kaden to pert y stet t led down
to wort. lit amIIwmeot/, romps/loft
NM social duties bare their,,,� aop. hotonly their tsgfti nave, es„c,
host I.pt seboni dot he he offire l�ei-
P toass
>rim Hangs Ire oa Monday, lase.
Public ROM Markets will be bold r
Barb Soh Day means a day of bee
heel ere.
Pbrsuw+, get your Horses of all kiwis!
he on hand and gnu will he
mode to get the best.
Pehlke aeetwo at Zan p as each pub
Dn. W. R. Ceenet, V.&, Prssellie R.
'ARM Oatlwet,t.v. tiettrllukary
}, a .ter 1
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Cloth Coats to clear
at tlalf Price
HIS is the best Coat news you have
heard this season. It is a part of our
business policy to clear each seas-
on's goods the season they were
bought. Tl: carrying out of this
policy mean ; the sacrificing of all
Cloth Coats now in stock. All are new
since the fire of Septtamber last. The time
has come to let them go, and Saturday
morning we start to do it. Friday, January
3ist, we enter stock. These Coats must
be sold before then. Here is the list. One-
half regular price takes any of them com-
Saturday morning, January 25th
One Black Cloth Coat, regular St;.00, half price $8.50.
Two Black Cloth Coats, regular $13.00, half-price $6.50.
One Black Silk Velvet Coat, regular $35. oo, half-price
One Black Velvet Coat, regular $..o.00, half-price $20.00.
„One Black Velvet Coat, regular 835.0o, half-price 817.50.
One Black Velvet Coat, regular$43.00, half-price$21.50.
One Child's Red Chinchilla Coat, regular '$t;.00, half-
price $6.5o.
One Child's Red Chinchilla Coat, regular $15.00, half-
price 87.5o.
• One Misses' Red Chinchilla Coat, regular $15.00, half-
price 87.5o.
One Misses' Grey Chinchilla Coat, regular $15.00, half-
price, $7.5o.
One Young Ladies ,;rrey Chinchilla Coat, regular $17.00,
haif-price $8.50.
One Young Ladies' Blue Chinchilla Coat, regular$17.00,
half-price S8.5o.
One Misses' Tweed Coat, regular $13, half-price $6.5o.
One Misses' Tweed Coat, regular$13.5o, half-price $6.75.
One Misses' Tweed Coat. regular 813, half-price $6.50.
• One Ladies' Grey Tweed Coat, regular . $16.5o, half-
price 58.25.
One Ladies' Brown Tweed Coat, regular 815.00, half-
price 87.5o.
One Ladies' Grey Tweed Coat, regular 813.00, half-
price S6.5o.
One Ladies' Brown Tweed Coat, regular $12.50, half-
price $6.25.
One Ladies' Grey Tweed Coat, regular 812.50, half-price
One Ladies' Brown Tweed Coat, regular $15.00, half-
price $7.5o.
One Ladies' Brown Tweed Coat, regular 819.50, half-
price $9.75.
One Ladies' Dark Chinchilla Coat, regular 819.5o,
half-price $9.75.
One Ladies' Tweed Coat, regular S17, half-price $8.5o.
One Ladies' Tweed Coat, regular 821, half-price $10.50.
One Ladies' Grey Tweed Coat, regular $18.50, half-
price 89.25.
One Ladies' Brown Reversible Coat, regular $15.00,
half-price $7.50. ,
Orie Ladies' Brown Tweed Coat, regular $18.00, half-
price 89.00.
One Ladies' Chinchilla Coat, regular $23.00, half-price
Two only' damaged Black Coats. The last we have that
came through the fire. They have tur collars, are
both of the same material with quilted linings.
There is enough fur and material undamaged in the
two Coats to make one good garment. Saturday
morning you can take the two for $3.50.
Three Ladies' Short Caracule Coats, two black and one
grey. Would make over for children. Saturday
morning, each 5oc.
Any Trimmed Hat $1.45
:IS Trimmed Hats still of our tables. hod they must he sold
before stock -taking. The actual value .of each is from5() to
98.00. We adopt no beef-besrted measures when it romps to tbs.
final clean-up. Our Millinery Season ends this week. They must
he told, en Saturday morning you take your choice of the Sri for
Do not forget the great Embroidery Sale. Thee
savings it offers are so real, so genuine, so app rent, that
you cannot afford to let this chance pass.