HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-23, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS aortlest. Choir el Hoiniererille. The choir of North geoid Methodist oburch heti an ecjoyabie skagbride on Wednesday emoting, wbeo they gave • conorto in tire Methodist church at Holinesville. The program iriellided atm uses by the choir, solos by Mrs. King, Miss Marjory Altkeis mid Chas. H000rer, vocal 011 by Mrs Slag and Mr e Humber. aid sesitatiele by Mire Beatrice Petaluma end Miss ROM Alarm, all of which reomived the h0000 agpisesse ot the audience. Aft. the esocert the ladles of the egaMenentert&lard the abuts at et • ,arsosage. L. • h ot Rev. Austin Potter. L lie death °marred at Dundee. Ont., on Thursday. January lfith. ot Rimy. Austin Potter, at one time pester of Victoria etreet Methodist church. (loari oh, sod also • forgoer pastor of tb, Dungannon Metbodist churcb. lir. Potter was seventy years of age sad leaves a widow, one .on. A. J. Mrs. E. W. Mabood. of 1St Lotr Potter. of Detroit, and two lad MM. C. H. Moore, of Dundee. He was a nova of outstanding character sod further reference to his loterest- ing life will be made in these columns next week. Acknowledgment from Government House. The tollowing ia a copy of a letter re, ,c, ,a from Government House, Os - tato, by Miss Skioni. thanking ber for pi esenting the Dsk. of Ossaariught with it poem entitled "Ootoades 0011.1, owes. loot Willow -I NO cri.or General te tieltssieliedlat letter of the 1.1tb WM._ sad is Wohnt. was much interested le readlea f sea Years taartibillx. Asmicri SUMO. Private Kw -rotary. Aloe k..i. rqdruniss. oedema. Moeda Died in the West , neaforth Expositor: Word wait ri- ceived here on Sunday of the death of Mrs. Eggleston', who had been a resident"( Seafortb for some years. not )ggleetone left bete ebotit ten days previously for some point in Cal - donde. w Imre she intended to .prod the %%inlet. She died at El Pero. Tex- as. whileon her way. Heart dieease is ruppiteed to he the caus ile e of her sod - dee death. as rhad been Puttering from that fot rotne time. Sire was travelling alone. Mrs. Eeriest one woe s native of California, but bad for erverod years resided in Can a. e the tem - of periVOSter tne sthow yea Is The Mammy Case. J. (4. Cbrammosey. ot West Wawanosh, was before Judge Doyle this afteroono on two charges of obtalninikemouey uader fates pretences. was sequittad on the Campbell charge. hot on the charge preferred by W. Scott be was fouod guilty. lance wee not peered, the Court beteg ordjourned for a month in order to give Chaniney an opportunity to make Ireetittaloo. Water and Light Commission. The water and light commission held 11. orgaoisation meeting on Wednes- day ormioing. The members of the commission for this year are Mayor Raid, W. T. Murney and A. S. Chryetal. Mr. Mummy was re-elected chairman for 1918. The detuurrage claim made last fall by the owners of the coal barges King and Donaldson wee taken into consideration, and it w..decided to authorize an offer of Iffil0 in settlement of the same. Tbe claim is for 111.275. It was decided to take up the matter of Hydro -electric power at once and the Hydro -electric Cominiesioc will be asked to send epgineers to Lay out • lighting and power system for the town and also to adviee as to the best kind of electric pump to be purchased. Tenders will be &eked for coal in car Iota to keep the Orrot running until the opening of navigation. The Board of Health. The town council at it.. meeting last week .pointed tbe members of the local Board of Health, and as a result of its nominations E. R. Wigle. for the lain two years chairman of the &mord. is no longer a member. The action of the council is unfortunate. as Mr- W4[Le Look greet interest in the 04, work the Board and in conjunction with the medical health officer was planning a continuation of tn. active work which has been carried on by tbe Board during the last two years for the improvement of health condi- tions in the town. The Signal some titne ago had occasion to remark upon the fact that the Hosed of Health. whicb for many years was atmost an unkoown quantity. had come to life and was doing things in eerneet. With this itaiirformation Mr. Wigle bad considerable to do. •nd it seems strange that Its activity in this con- nection should he nipped in the bud by the action of the town enuncil in dropping him from tee Board, An Excellent Program. The entertainment in North street Methodirt church last Thursday even- essw l°14"1°"11 tewnl (i_.,°derieh- De- log, under the auspices' 01 the choir. ceased was well ades.°"1" Yew' though not very well attended was She was a highly cultured Lady and greatly enjoyed by those wh„ were made many friends while here. preaeor. The organ numbers by Er- Scotioh Concert. nett Prid ham. o rite n at of K no x rttratford. were delightfully Invoice., Comp. sons of Scotlend, eiluee11- har airsitged with theStatiffer Coutts- "wire emu weee PieYed in 111asteril- Bain Stlish Concert Company for style. Mrs. King sang several of the one of their popular entertaiorments to old favorite songs in excellent voice, he given tlIVCtbIi& Opera House ou the choir gave threecborusee Wednewls y • Fe 5th. Teti* which showed thorough training. A taks 0,,. of tbe „Diver_ piano trio hy Misses Pearl Knox, slay supper. and will give Goderich Scots and their friends the opportun- ity of he.ariug Seottish mimic. Scottish reading. and Scottish characteriza- tion, all of the higbeet order. The couipany include' Millard Grant titeuffer, chanicter interpretee : Mad- ame Cootie -Bain, Scottish reader and vocalist; Miss Annie McKay, palmist, end Howard Rumen, the Comadi&o baritone. Popular prices. Further announcement next week. What In- verness Camp does it does well. and the people of Ooderich may look for a grand entertainnoent OD the 5th of February. Collegiate LeCttlre. The secood of the Collegiate Institute eerie* ,of lecture* will be given Friday evening, :ilia inst. It is looped thia all who appreciate tbe educative aod intellectually stimulative value of these lecture., and that number is growiog. will keep the date open. 71se lecture, "Natural sod Artificial Means of Meet- ing infective Diseases," dealt, with a select that is revolutionizing ruedical treatment of many of the diseases that hitherto have baffled the skill of the doctors. The lecturer is Prof. J. A. A myot, of Toronto University, Ootario Provincial liaiteriologist, than whom THE SIGNAL: GODERICII. ONTARIO LOCAL TOP148 IN BRIIIF. intsedve t peemoirde. Demi tai/Stealialia'sairtwelltere ass an lartiMley seereek mesiela 014.. *misboare= drew mit ruzi..t: Mae Dree la see First horse market of the season in Oodsoich next Tuesday. J&nuary IL Robert Wilson, tbe Massey -Harris egem, makes an Interesting announce - Meet in our advertising columns. The Blackstone orchestra filled engagements at Wingham lost Friday night and at Dubiin on AVedneedary evening of this week. 1 be members of Ahmeek Obepter. I. 0. D. E., gratefully acknowledge the receipt of lie, contents of the hospital box at Captain Babb's. AL piano and vocal recital by the pupils of J B. Hunter will be given on Saturday, February let, at 4 o'clock p. The public is invited. On Wednesday evening the Marine Club entertained their friends in the clubrooms, and an enjoyable evening wasspent in playing cards and danc- ing. Rev. 0. U. Hallman, of Colborne, takes soi interest in poultry and was a successful exhibitor at, the county show this week. lie bad six birds on exhibition and took rix first prizes. A meeting of the Huron Publicity. Aseociation was held at the court house on Friday last. The matter for the pamphlet to be issued by the Association to advertise the oounty is in course of preparation. The frontispiece of The Canadi&P Hqrticulturist for Jianuary shows a pylamid of well -formed. clean -looking apple. which, The Horticulturist in- forms its readers, "were portion of the 1912 crop of Mr. It.. R. Sloan, of Porter's Hill, Huron county. They were Northern Spy* and were grown on trees twenty year; of age. The orchard was *prayed thoroughly three r Ilea eine Egalleen a too 0OrreA4 Edo. Prolbam and E. King was 'kit - fully rendered. An especially inter- ofrioncan. will spoilt at tbe morning eating 'feature of the program was service and Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Dun - contributed by Idiss Beatrice Pridham Kennon, in tbe evening. Offerings for in eeveral reading., which were given missions. A cordial welcome to all. with exoellent manner Ind expression. missionary tiermons will be preached -The 1Last Portage," one of Dr. Drum- in Victoria street cburch next Sun- mond's cbarecteristic poems, woe day. At 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. Alfred rendered with Ifuch true sympathy Brown will preach, and in the evening and appreciation as to grip tbe hear- at 7 o'clock Mr. Geo. A. Stanley will er's heart. Altogether the programa speak. Subecriptions in aid of wig- wag one Which did much credit to the won., win be rectived. director, Mi. King. Rev. Geo. E. Ross, pastor of Knox Fruit -growers' Demands. church, is giving a series of interest - R. ft. Sloan, of Blyth and Portei's ing studies of the Ten Command - Hill, was in town on Friday. Ile had memo. These will be continued at just returned from a meeting of di- both services next Sabbath, the sixth rectors of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Commandment to be taken up in the .3,100Cifit WO. of v-hich Aseociation be morniog and the seventh in tioe even- ts one of the leading spirits. The di- Mg. rectors at this meeting passed resolu- The first of the series of missionary dons calliog for a more definite de sermons in North street church were scription of the grade* of fruit under preached last Sunday hy Rev. David the Fruit Marks Act urging growers Rogers. of St Thomas', and the pastor. and shippers of apples to PrePaie at Rev. David Rogers' sermon in the once to meet so socremed demand for morning empherized the necessity of boxed apples. in preference to the fruit sending miesionaries to foreign fields packed barrels ; calling the Mien- and Rev. A. Brown's sermon in tbe Lion of the Federal Government to the evening was a very thougbtful and compteint from the Western Prow- earnest presentation of the mission&ry ince. that United States boxed traits wore, are sooting into Canada with grade Baptist Church. times with lime -sulphur solution and arsenate of lead." The euchre party given by the Gen- eral BroughrChapter of the Daughters of the Eingire last. Thursday eveniz succers. There was a barge attend- ance and every person ireemed to en- joy the affair. The prizes were won as follows : Mrs. Griffin the tirio ladies' prize: Mrs. Seeger, the second; Toon McDermott, the first gentlemen • prize. and Misr Grace RIgnas, who inane Cid fellows' Hell was a work t k rifleman's e second. oo a ge pari. After supper was served music was supplied and daocing begoin. The net receipts of the party exceeded $50. CHURCH NOTES. The annual congregational meeting of Knox church will be held on Wed- nesday eveeoing, Ann inst. Mr Savauge of Serforth, (scrupled . . the pulpit lo Victoria street church last Sunday. Dr. Diedd being confined to his house on account of ill health. rertuone in the interest of missions. i eltock & poultry specifics At North street Methodist church. '''''' i ROYAL PURPLE \ Mr. Savauge pia -ached two splendid next Sunday the . missionary miniver - FREE w''''''' free. f" sa will be held. Mr. G. A. litaoley, tar eeklae. Postpaid. one of our . Mtge 64 -page books twith is - ihruummy. J..v.sy vas is EAST STREET GARAbE DKA.LIIREI IN AUTOMOBILES, GASOLINE ENGINES, BICYCLES and all kinds of SUPPLIES. Repairs of all Kinds Done Right and on Time Skates Ground I5c per pair tnit= Total lads (Ow) • $69,1111.161 OF CA DA Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. GODERICH. ONT.' PHON Z 243 BENMILLEN. J. C. Durst, the well-known poultry breeder, timed the keen competition at the Guelph winter fair end carried off two prises -Boa for pullet and third for hen in single mount) white Leghorn*. Rev. M. E. Lytnburner. cf Goderich, will preacb at the evening service in Benmiller Methodist (-bomb next. Sun- day. Special music will he rendered by young perple fro,. (intierich - --- GODERICH eseRKETS. - TIRVIII.DAT. Jan. 'Med. Vall wheat. per onan 1 0 WWII OW Bur \ wheat. Per bumb • 911 to 0 50 Osle, per boeb • al to 9 32 Peas. per tmeli 1 99 to 1 ut Barter. per SnAh *tato OM Screenings. per ton SO SS to *) no Plow, family, per owt 1 II fa 2 75 near. Patent. Per elit • 111114: '2.3i 00 ot0 Brio. par ton (Iberia, per ton le to di el0 Hey. per tot), new 11 110 to 12 On 501. 10 00 SVV:od. par load 1010 .S50 Rutter. per lb 0 RUM 050 ono cheese. Pet It/ a 11 to 0 OS New Cheese. 0 is t, ii Iii Sim. fresh. per dos 0 II6 to h 17 Apples. per bbl .1 JO to 2 Ott Potatoes. per bushel ... 1 SP to i 00 Cattle, °Miley to good. Per nwt. 4,19 10 5 2r• Cattle, export, per owt ll 3 39 to ti Ilil Rat+ ..... .... .......... ft 23 to Nbee . cm cwt 3 511 10 4 AD iamb.. Per ha" 3 WI to 5 ii0 I. 05 to 7 10 to 7.0 u 30 to . A, TiceLow.rrerrclwill Shce:okins . .. BORN. COLEMAN.- At fioderieb. on December lob. to Mr. and Sir,. tt. A t Crimean. of Maude, Sa.k.. a von Robert Ansmel. DIED. W Fl ITT 1' - At Ooderich..iii Januam 23 Julia . Shea. widow of the late Martin WbitAy. aged tit yams. GIODERICH TOWNSHIP. Douglas McDougall, of Brewster. Wash., arrived last week to spend the remainder of the winter at his home at Porter's Hill. There was it large attendance at tbe IDeetilie of the Goderich Township Telephone System. The number of subscribers is now 301, an increase of twenty-one during the year. The moinager* of last Year were re-elected. as follows: President, George Holland ; secretary, 0. W. Potter; ,oinimisesioner, E. H. Wise; auditor, Geo. Laithwaite. 1 HORTON. -In GoderIch. on Thurvday. Joon. ivy lath, Mark Horton. iu 01. 3204 year. J. W. Thomas has been very ill with an attack of blood -poisoning, iand is at the hospital. ••••••••••••==.1 thei e lano h Leber authority tin the sub- marks not corresponding with the ject 01 micro-organisms in Canada, or IClumfilan regulations; sekIng the Fed- eral Government. In the event of the United States UOVOInment not reduc- ing its duty on apples to the level of the Canadian duty, to increase the Canadian duty to equal the United suites duty of 75 a barrel ; aul ex- pressing disappoinuoent with the un- satisfactory manner in which the Do- minion Railway Commission had treated the request of the fruit -grow- e rs for improved railway rates. both freight and express. even in the United States. The more we become enlightened on the workings of these mysteriods, everywbere- rfe.c, yet eitisive germs, the tem will that nameless dread which many have regarding them bold its terrors over us. This lecture will tiring us au intelligent calm, because it will show us that of tbe many hundred varieties many are harmless, R0I00 are mankind's toost woeful servants, and only a few are injurious. and it will further show no bow wisely to combat the latter. Principal Hume, who has heard tbe lecture three times Liready, assures us that a great treat. A great enlightenment and a greet benefit is in store for al who attend. Dilate of Duncan McDonald. Duncan McDonald. • native dr the uternship of Wesley, died at Parkside, Mask • Januar, Sch. Itoreserly Mr. McDonald was well mid eternality known is the gesso et Magni S..0 upriglot sod Iscesorable resifts*. but h. bad .peat most 4 Me lite la the West, deateas bona der miner amid bodasns urea 01 many yams. He was • Montana, ea wr11 sit Mayer et that city for rievoral sesieseadve tame. Hit was Vieilliag kis deem ie eadist- chains what b• we. stricken with a severe attain ot rheumatism.. while tar01osts4 batally. Mr. M.D. teas hare near Greatos. his didior. 111111assuterrms, . Area ea eashismilbdrt the eadrea taw Om ani Dena Manisa* beldam 001414111Y. Wies* et the stai- d enmity sad sbay- , bemened oat lleDsoodd was the bet. beim it= ewer needed by sidle wed b. ine. et the Ounitmaite seri). on the common diseases of stock end poultry. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy •nd light homes. colts sad mares, mach cows. calves and fattening steers, also hoer to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in winter as in summer. It contains 360 recommends from all over Canada, from peopte who hsve used our ,.guods. No farmer should be without It. You ean fatten cattl. and hogs in a month's ism time by using our Royal Purple Stock Sped& than you could poesibly do without it. thereto, saving • montk's feed and labor and the met to you still not be more than 51.10 for six pigs or 51.00 for me steer. It will keep Year hems in show condition with ordinary feet. If you ha‘e • poor. miserable -look - Mg animal ori your place try it 05 this one drat and see the marvellous reault which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific ell' laeresee the milk flow three to Ave lbe oer cow per day. while bring fed hi the 'table. A Me wage will last a cow or oorse 10 days. ROY A L PURPI.E POULTRY' SPECIFIC will make your hens MY hot le "MB i° tb• winter as hi the summer. and will keep the. free from diemee. Thom goods are pure and unadulterated. We do not toe any cheap filler to mike a terse oaskage, elitilab different from any on the market at the present tins, Divine worship next Lord's Day, the paotor officiating, 11 •• m. and 7 p. m. Morningtheme: "A Multiplying Church., Evening subject: -Seek ye the Lord while he may be found." A song service is held every Sunday evening from 7 o'clock to 7:15 o'clock. Coon. and enjoy some good congrega, tiooal singing. All Beata free ! Hymn books provided. Everybody welcome, An Evening with Burns. The schoolroom of St George's e llourch wee crowded to the door on Teesdai evening, when the program was devoted to the memory ot Robert Berns, in honor of the birthday anni- vereary of the Scottish bard. Mrs. King sang sweetly several of the "mild Soots senge," Mier Beatrice Pridbam recited cluarmingly some appropriate soleations, and Mr. G. L. Persons sang In his inimitable manner and with an unnoist•k&ble •'burr" The chief rea- lises of the evening, however. WWI an addiggig• by the rector, Rev. J. B. Fitheringhear. on the life and work of IBMs& The addrees revealed the memand speaker as • discriminating stedient a Bums and an adobe ad- sdrar bis voltam in hearty era- pougirsitth his Wale iltimasimerelt. r. Pathoolastban road some and beam 4 Dosed velum memnisegirshe mass with sprospeStil someseet. sad rewrite* idle Nide him swat bare bees ethisitAllb adipose atm efauule ot the be bed ewer Wine 141111V4s. dee& ea sellsass wood" el a mesh bite the mem la shish it wae".21 lawyer aidisometion add he met at the den * irons el Shoshe was mewed hi114.dirsessallideet wed soiciatled by psiinewaL" Doman ars be Zsenr" did Oohed. et Dem* I Cease wee a stweash Presbyteries wed 14 Weed be the Illeasele =.1,1 The gweabw ie oe. iornaide aw AL, K.40.441. _ PERSONAL MEN 1I014. Next Y. M. C. A. Entertainment The Kellogg --Haines Singing Party Tuesday, April 1st Keep it in mind. Royal Purple Stock 968,1111/e. 60. Pekgs • four ide Pikes- in an air-tkrbt Un, for 51.10. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25. and 50e pekes.. and 11 50 air -Light tins that bola four 50. pekes Royal People Lice Killer. 213c and 60e tioll ; 20e by mail. Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25. and 60e tins . 30e hy Royal Purple Sweat Liniment. bee bottle , 60e * 07 Royal Purple Cough Cure, 60e Un 60e Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25e and 60e tins. WPM! Pnr9l• Rego Cart 25. this . SOr bs, Royal Purple Worm Powder, 25. tins ; 110e 01 Roy McLean, of Brantford, 1 boom on • visit If. U. Gaarieroci. K.( Is in Bootee tile week on prAeedonal bushier. lira J. B. Parnbam. of Distrett, la railing bar seoUser. Ifre. Wm. Green, Mrs. J. W. 01046111. of &muffler. Melted Mrs. Newell. East street. tbis «set. Norman Newell, who la worth/11ln Miiebell stunt elasory at Ms home In tows. Mr. and Mrs. J. rtolelsert, at lasiseartn. Man.. are vialMnit reissiver IS WS diarist. Um McIver, Zest street, wbo bee bees seri- insely Okdem Chrieusaa la .045 10 letup egele. Wm Mary Coloratura. Trafalgar street, left tbM membeg to wend • manta with her skier he Telenfle. *at papV:f Masa Annie L limatinett .411 be le beers* Is imprornso after bar re SINK 0.= a (ammo tweet. • fir asty. Ray Medd. of Victoria ass raceme% 1OSSS su:areet violas' Mrs. H. le teems. Mee& et Kea 013. Neville. Jr.. te Isere tbat ebe 10 lealworing reeve' very sevir. aurae a is ra• matt -Meal aptiadde se Cliatas .skid tar a at dm vase saw. ea the lewd is Ind tows es derecary dor Doyle wm gewegee kw I a• tsetse h 1411.4. 07 Read 118:- are.e.shicleSraere re. lira tbe esse eerie abdalaFterfkrIMIlefe., bliola. ere Neeet Arrft Mr= lllaantactered eats bx TbeW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. Lowdos.C.aneda "Itoyia Put ple Supplies and dook- lets may be obtained from" A. J. Cooper, Flour Feed. Goderich. sod a EI .-s*000 ant R J. a Melo•5.0 "Ne411= *5 a 11 WS 1. .1101 /1. fel te 11.4.1 I. arse 00 Bank Money Orders Save Trouble and Loss By means of the Hank Aloney Orders wioich we issue, you oan seod sums up to 1150 to any point in Canada (YuLup exceptedt or to any of the principal cities of the United States with lll i l dentin cost and trouble and ahsolutely no risk of Lao. Orders for sums up to SS cost 3c. -from tia to $10, dc.-froni $10 to giO, 10c. --front RIO to $50, 15c. Use them. J. G. GEDDES, Manager Goderich Branch. LONDIIK ENC. 112AMCM4 1. w. assn. .6 4. re. C. MART 211111111111.111ssistsst Mberreger. EVERY TIME You think of buying any- thing to tell you the time, you should think of us. Our values cannot be matched in town. There is a quality about our Watches and Clocks that is never present except in high-grade time -pieces. Theie is aloe a littleness of price that makes our store doubly inviting. You are AS- uvred of good value if you buy. trout J. S. DAVEY Joserellon and Optician Corner Colborne St. and Square The Porter-••liave vou lost Koine - t Mug. sir!" Suruly-"Ay. ay ; but it's naothing- -only tlit• threepenny bit o' sillier A was ghoot toe go-. ye for cat ryin' ma bag WerreseraiterereereassraterineWeliteke" M. Robins 11,c Own SPECIAL CONCERT PARTY MI OS MAUDE C. BRADLEY payments est:. -Victoria Opera House OD Tuesday, January 28, ammo neerlese! enter- tainer, Helen \Myrick Shake-, in monologues. stories and plays, assisted by J. Edwin Jeseop, late conductor sand Vase soloist of the Royal English 13e11-Ringera and E. Vates Charlesworth, alto ithe only alto of repute beard in Can- ada for thirteen yearsl. and E. Alexandra Bradley. lyric so- prano. We call attention to the handsome window cards and guarantee the public an unusual treat in twine. duets and trios, and highly delightful and amus- ing numbers by the entertainer. Prices 25c, 35c and 50c ......mososiesesfs"0" T h e undersigned will pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of good Logs delivered at the will, foot of Angle - sex street, Goderich. Custom sawitig and gene al will work done promptly. WeferaikaPisiorftelsvasse$WWiiiesseieek• E. Baechle New Stamped GOODS for Embroidering MacEwan's and COAL Carloads arriving, No. 1 quality. All t;rocers stocking heavil% . I will not be offering any Potatoes for sale at my store.„ Jams 1.to)a & Sea Best Scranton Hard Coal -all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates -the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Dome stic Lump Coal - most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace Coke. All kinds ot Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate ir Groceries When you ale buying Family Groceries, the first consideration is Quality. We guarauteie oast our goods will stood tbe quality test every Lime. We went r-Jii to tey these end if for tatty reason you are oot perfectly satisfied we want you to let us know. re %Ye ate here to give you rat irfact oat in Groceries. (Dee DO a trial on your WM. order. Sturd) & Co. Grocers, The Square, Goderkb 'PHONE 91 Lanes' Weists, -newest de- signs stamped oo a variety of materials such es Plain Lioeu. Cerded 12:ode Lac.n, !fforcoo..: OM. Muslin. Stamped Nightgown@ and Underweer. Pillow Casec., Linen and Co( tom Towels, large, also guest stamped in • large variety tit pretty designs. Luncheon Sete. .Lunch tiothe. Serviette., Hot Rolls, Etc. Dresser Scarfs, Tray 1,I,itne Centrepiece., Doilies, Pincush ions, Tf.J. Cosies Children's Dresses, pretty de- diti4M. C. Embroidery and Uro elm% Threads. white Mod colored Silks for embroidery. Silk Floes and Rope Silk in ell *bade.. Largo vat let y 01 Tinted 1 ;OD- tronseritte. Otiehione end Soares. Cluny Laos and Pringr, 111/1111A11 And lan. for ()entree and (Nab 1)114. 1'11111•h- work Linen. ran falba ciwern Linen hy t be oard. Milk nod Satin kelOwers uladie 10 order. All at most reasonable pricers. Mrs. L. B. Tape Singer Store aAtinMeeiMoeMeesioncoMoWiseseds RENEW Your subscription to 1N -IE SloNAL for isit3.