HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-23, Page 1T
• advantage
to rest of the
event. This
mut One -Half
ekinthe _
1st Department
reef clean-up of ladies
Letting -go -time is bete.
it we mate a ueoel re -
of new sod handsome
ladies. All we put on
ip-to-date garments. A
a. Your choice of tbe
only .*10.00
might aviog of p•60 to
.hese Coate. Onlya Hm-
tin. Plush Coats
these hrndeome Plash
. This is undoubtedly
of high -clans garments
customers. The buying
mast unusual and we
-class garments et price.
00 lees than they meld
Marty. Tbere are lost
11 new upto-date New
manta of high quality
kmanahipp.. The pri
$27.110, �yl0.
47.0. .00H
re from *10 to N leas
lue of the Costs.
�^---..-v ••ter•• -+N
a Winter Coat
'king in the Store j
ew determined we are
bare about 25 coat
ached.. Lengths run
w ends we can give
are all new goods
tyle and color. The
Ye per yard. Wltbcut
reserve whatever we
u yGUr choice at per
Jar j
gain Prices
t lining. Alaska Sable
of undoubted worth.
putcbase. Clearing for
h only X00
any other ,store in
heir agents. Mostly
sands of yards from
so great we hesitated
re that once the re -
Embroidery selling in
it about
supply now.
nch Embroideries
yards 18 inch Flouocirw
'ver Embroidery and I
1. Dose*. and dolens of
tie quality muslin. A11
na. Regular values 36c
On account of the vary
ioh we l oogrbt them we
it these high -clam ICas-
s r choice per yard .. ., CIN
o.t remarkable values We
in Rmbroiderier.
mbrolderiel and
really dainty kinds. suit -
underwear, childrea'w
it patters. Mosey wearer)
null and muslins. Plat -
that will appeal to every
1 P..mbrniderier. Teets
vales. Regular to
n• ar• y Rah *penal 1
ash from the makers
est unusual that we
�besold athad we
of the quantity we
to clear the entire
for many a day.
Qbbing Rales
1f you do not see the Wpm'
or megawatt you want�ln
our clubbing rates, . able
about it. We may
to get it for you at • reduced
-( The Signal
Renew Your
to The Signal and secure
ono of the handsome
Calendars for 1913:
T21 SIGNAL PAIN r'No 0o.. Ltd.. Pvmuseu m
Set you' cbildirn an example of thrift by opening a saving,
account for them.
Head Office, King and Bay `'treets, Toronto
Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager
The New Year Right by
taking out an insurance
policy with '1 he Mutual
Life of Canada.
'Neje= : Ovtrwe El: Hoosg 160. P.O. Box 364
Now ADV TISEMENTS-Jan. 43rd.
11111 Cstdogea Now Reidy -Dare i Owner e
Bead ea. Loudon ... e
('aldwelll Met•.ru. Meal - Caldwell Fes30a.
teethed, Hund&.. Ont .... .... ...........
Pow tWalTrainee -Cetera B.s4n. (aiiMS.
Stratford. ..... It
Servant Weeded- Alexadts loeptal 1
Last Week of Clewing Bat. --D. Mast it
don.. ... . .... .. .... .. _.. e
Mack Knight Shoe Pe4W-r. F. Dade/ 1116...$
Beed Cert for 8a1s-D. A. Jeffery. illeIYr •
weed. Utes . .� .
• One Anneal rale -W. C. Pndham.. ...,
Tb• iiellspt•lialsw Singing Patty -Y. M.
C. A. Connie.
deed Potatoes for 8s3-J&.. Lloyd & 8..... i
Monarch Shoes -Downing & MaoVIsar... ... 7
Boarders %ranted- Aper at Sig••1 !lam.... 1
January Sale -W. Acheson & Soo 1
Employment Wanted -J. C. therwesd.brierh,
t. . . ...... .... .. ...... 1
Cutters at Cult Price -Rolm Winos. ... . 7
!inose tor Sale- Sinai Odloe . 1
Automobiles. Earner. eta -Let Street
Garage. &
Columbia Ortphopbone..-Walter H. Hent -
son . _ .... 10
They ser dale Clem Saturday -Tie Colborne
. 4
• Hand begs -The Colonel Hook Stare.. ... 10
Watch for the g dale -M. Roles 4
S pacial Crame around the World -C. P. it.... 1
Reader -1'. P. K .... .... .... 0
Loan Menet.- W. H. Shaw. Toronto .. t
Howie to Rent -Signal trace ... 1
Annual Report ()mediae Beak "of COO.-
11111K0- -. 4
Her Own dpea-1al concert Patty-Ylsuri
Opera Homs ... a
S tamped Good. tor Kmtwei4wp-Tbe ao.
Store 3
Feed for dale --J. V. Andrew 1
Bold er.- Iil.ckdate'...
Two 'hums meet all talcs.
Private rail. have prompt and
careful at t potion. First - class
livery onttle. at all tlmea.
Ri mutable price..
F. h T. M. Days
Smith Binet 'Phone No. M
NOT= TO CRZDTl01121.
>�O?ICE To commas.
veers Sr (tOOpmCII is tress 00178Tv or
Mowsr4a oris sirs sew
lartlt, th.tmamtR
uirl" farm belp
s..mld .ttipll u ones to WILLIAM IIoQUiL-
LiN. Dominion Oovernmeot Kmploy. .,(
Aae.t, et. Helens. not. Orders left with H. D.
WOODS. 8t Helens. Om, will receive prompt
attentive. yQd
lady students pvlerrel. In house with
mindere envenomed. Fee parUealars .pelt
at SIGNAL OFrio'IL It.
All pares Inhering b
UCd• ow& MB be eew.s.atsL .
o • Pt).
The mead' of the corporation of the County
et Huron will meet In the council chamber
b tae Town of Oodericb. on T )).� the
Wti day •of Jwaaaarry�. Amount. for�tJeoeat
mist be pieced with the clerk befit LAI. dam
W. Clerk.
Dated January 14th, IWS
`_ _ ___--.-.-r__„-ter
"M'e'"isrla et ser ries to tbe v o ( To Water and,
etas Y Ysl bitY that alt to hove Mvl�'j
dales egats.t tie mate d tbe .here .amgd
Jobe ('serf -he died Of theos !.d day et e a D. Light Takers
,.mbIfew �w muw0.lwtto...4brrHema►
A. McKim exeester ad.0...i1 :rel et Bav�
p a benne eie ir�bt mfr Me end
%V et.w Mateo for 1913 are now dee and
_ass rtith.lr dal.adead:get tie them -mai dl.00ant of ten per amt. will
rbliand t a asy. mid rte th ad ilei afme h. allowed if paid In Jannis,
el ere tat to Mennen
e .d date L. e• s executer
tap'u"etl s Cas po.tie.wtied to emidt* Special N'tice to A11 in Arrear
bra .gyp 10. peewee ..dU.d for Water and Light
regard .sb to use calms of wbie be
Lave received .Klee ed that be HALM will be rent on 1n a few days
Tis = M Il r Me ea:d anon er antenet and If not settled p2003447 ZOOMS wlil
Mem emu.o of wham dales be Mall bended to tee Cementation to deal with
st tip Mee meshed ,:odea
i4 st OeMtak MP Ota der ((,, `et Ja emey. W. T. Murney A. Steelton
jaUDFOOT- �SIre n eielter. /w Itascatar. G1Yrsrir W. W LCollector.
flow Much Did Your
Savings Earn in 1912?
Money invested by us in inside property in Weyburn,
Sask., earned from 50 to 300 per cent. the past year.
We strongly advise the purchase of inside property
in.Weyburn now, as everything points to 1913 being
the most prosperous year in the history of Western
sir -
Weyburn will be the next
big city in Saskatchewan
Weyburn has been chosen as the central controlling
divisional point on the new short line of the C. P. Ry.
between Winnipeg and the Coast. Twenty miles of
new yards will be placed in Weyburn in 1913.
We have some choice property five blocks from the
heart of tht city at $25o per lot, $5o cash, balance
6, 12 and 18 months. This is a first-class investment
and will net you big profits within the year.
Write us for full particulars.
E. V. Campion & Company
Bed Mlles : "towbars. Seek.
Breedlove. Ont. algae: IS :Comet Si.
All Rselsen earresposeseest ebeeti be addrsaed to our
N.Ner•aaoee t Any Book he Wigton'. Reek.
tlRA Marin .ad General nasion!.
three or fuer pupil nurses. Apply to Yldd
GRIFFITHS. Sup.rint•ndeut. 31 -Ie..
wrv.et at e.oe. A ly to MKS. F. J.
BUTLAN,p. Clembri. rood
VI drug Menem ad tek etapbl. Apely
H ft3tY
U. HILWKR. 151 Danaa..treet. TTo.-
ocU 1.4t.
WANiltD.-AT OMR, Elie 10
lea. •1 barber trade. Expert tn.trection
ta.wtrim. prime:* ; toots tree : always ars em
piuymmt for barber. W nie fur o.telogue
*ULNA CU1.L*Uk. Toronto. euw.
ea oomptaion. referetroa. required. Ap-
ply P. U. PDX 6.ia
wrvaac at Alexandra Marine M.nt.l.
Apply to Mob GRIFFiTHS, s.psrinto •ot.
MEN r W oe user tledericb'; o.e wrtn.g
to work. Apply J. C. GARS trUir. Peetest e,
illetiou. Om1.
yellow cern : one tar of Maottoba stats :
WOW.; etre • qusnutl of mti.d grata.
time 1Liredeyr and Saturday.+- .$ F. A N
bErxwis. stat
On the ear. Men from (newer. Silver
king. Whitecap. Wie000.da .o.bailey.Yellow (l
Early Yelloent. .crown from .look rem
that woe three sucoes.ive first pias at Ontario
taro dhow. dpkrodkl ene.1a5• varlet:..
Vitality gaarauteed. el per 70 lb_ :lack.
free, f. o. b.. M. C'. K. R. Teu bu..btk or over
at modal pia. b. A. JKVFKKY. Blythes-
weed. Even Cu. tint.. Member Mara (kern
Greene' Aasotiatice.
JA HOWLED boure. near G. T. Rs dation
sod convenient to lectrlee. Apply at 010.
110089 FOR BALK. -A. WELL
rl1.ated two -'.tort brick Muse..11 mod
ern 000venisu0ea For further particular..
apply at SiONAL OFFICE.
on New/ate afoot. Apply to F. J. PRIED
A]f aDtl
t►FF1Cli23 TO RKNT NEXT TO sto-
TJ NAL Macs Heated by hot water sad
veldt la •saamihs. Am* to J. P. BROWN.
home on Asgleses Pratt, occupied by J. W.
Spwter. /*p1e .t Doom on the ar to
H. L MORIIUPH or G. Yswim.
• TAGK known .m the Naftel rotas, oar
mar of welling on and L1/btbo.se street.: ttas
furan.. elecuie tfgba wed otaer modern eon -
venoms... Apply to PROCDFOOT. HA VS it
K I LLORA.N. 3011
HURON'SGREATFAIR. If..tuie, 0 only to the young hitt
their sedate elders. f t is no urs blink-
Includes Some Suggestions for
provernent of the Fall Exhibition -
September 17, 18 and 19 tete Dates
for 1913 -Business transacted at
Adjourned Meeting.
the Im-
The adjourned annual 'meeting of
the West Huron Agricultural Society
wag held at the town hall on Tuesday
afternoon. when the »editors' report
was presented ••d adopted and other
business transacted.
Following the general meeting, the
directors met end its -appointed .1.
Ades Fowler secretary and Alex.
Young treasurer.
Wedneed•y. Tbu•wday and Friday,
September 17, 18 and 19, were decided
up•n e the dale, of the tall exhibition
of 191'3.rh
The president, Isaac Salkeld, was
appointed as delegate to the district
Fairs Association meeting to be held
at Loudon Febrile. y 1,t, asd Vi••e-
Presidrnt Malcolm McKay and Or.
Clark were appointed to attend the
meeting of the Ptovinci.el Fairs Aseo-
eiati'tn at Toronto on February 5111
and 8th.
GommiU.es were struck as inflows:
Revision ..t Pr ze Li.t--1. Salkel.l,
M. McKay, W. F. Clark, Gro. W.
Andrews, J. S. Clark, G. t3alteld, C
McNeil, U. Prones. L. L. Knox, H.
ealkeld. W. T. Murney.
Printing -L. L. Koros, T. W. Bell,
Y. McKay, C. A Reid, H. Salkeld.
Attracti000 - H.. fialkrW, W. F.
Clark, C. McNetL T. W.. Hell, 0. W.
Track and Speed Tests W. F.
Clark, T. F. Quaid. D. Preux, G. W.
Andrews, C. A. Reid.
Horses -G. W. An.irewe. T. F.
Quaid, G. Sturdy, T. W. Bell, W. F.
Cattle --J. 8. Clark. H. Hill.
8beep-3 ealkeld, W. T. Muniey.
Pige-C. McNeil, John Fowler.
Poultry -U. Pruuse, G. Leithwaite,
T. W. Bell.
Ladies' Work and Fiue Arta -M. Mc-
Kay, G. W. Salkeld, C. A. Reid, T.
W. Bell
Bread. Preserves. etc. -John (,lark,
Gro. Sturdy.
Fruit -G. Andrews, G. Laitbwaite,
L L K•nx.
F'lower•r- I. Malketd, H. hill.
Vegetehles, Field Ito, tit and Grain -
C. McNeil, T. F. tented. Jobn Fowler,
H. Salkeld.
Grounds and Gates -President and
Grand Sutnd-W. T. Murney, H.
Salkeld. M. McKay. L L. Knox, T.
W. Bell.
Time Program for mil
The directors of the Godericb
Industrial Exhibition intend to make
another decided step in advance this
year. The prizes in all classes of live
.tock are to be increased, in order to
enhance the interest in this important
section of the Exhibition. Attention
is to be given to placing the grand-
stand in better shape. Last year the
receipt& fioin the grandstand would
have been las Fier if there had been
any more room for Orme desiring to
patronise it. Other features of a first-
class fair are to receive attention.
and the Goderich Industrial of 1913 is
to to "greater and teeter than ever."
M Me late Joke Halliday an the 3rd cm -
market et ONew.e. e&.atning lira scree.
Good stew tee* w11k frame Welles and
woods.sd . harems le home : hydraulic water
.nsoly : good hare; yea or 4i.td : ten eetes
o1 bt.b. Convenient to ebareb and scheol
offered at a bonnie for immediate 51n.
Apely to MRs. HA LiDA1-. cameral street.
or Ooderice P n
halt d lot en In the fourth nam
H on. Intern Divides K tbi township et Mb
Osla eosins Re eats The beIMings we -
skate • Rams and frames boraaee..pp There le
as �emailermee.da.nt ram-. tI4
LORAI t. 0u4wia. 1141
li mile oath of the tows .t Seaton:.
Hay ►oars all under
e delyatl.s • Mak
hems leese.•
ety mu. te a 4 S ' we& mesas dem ;li; woo
Eryd.R21 FOR' BALE.-311ZTY-plus
sen. 1st ti, emsmesa t s D °albw.a
nae a hae hems beam Miss mill
Ober emgdlMaft. 1 weer.4..=mere at alb
berebiro =11si4rIvies&�sbw etir
Med bald
PUMPTrews es Ines eb be
.3814 gem .MI . Bre le dm Lang
mil Honed. wif 1ema.e, w� art Gel
esteem elan o .ed 1 mairp
e w 1
'AT FM RS••�Wat sneer
elee am Me A.
wG `Z�''"
, .
egos*r TOWN
*�*/�* . d authorising
evening sbylaw was
THE v11cI authorising she execution of
Inc fact....11.4 as the county town and the contract for Hv,irn-electric power,
the wait fee ot the district we 1.11-.1 t . it pacing been di-• uveretl that the
rise to the occ*sieu and make . . a resolution of Friday evening was not
"•stunner," Iravuig all ethers a 1., r HYDRO CONTRACT EXECUTED sufficient. The contract was accord -
two behind. 1'hr pits.. list might Its AND FORWARDEU TO TORONTO. ; ingly executed this morning by Mayor
i Reid and Clrik Knox end sent to Tor-
The contriot is fur 7W horse-
Appuintments to Collegiate Institute power, the price named bring IKi7 per
tinned, Library Board and Board ot, boot:.
Health -Mayor Reid Getting After THE HURON PUBLICITY SCHEME.
New Industries --G. T. R. to Extend I AIR EDITOR., -With your per-
Tnek on Maitland Road. I mission, we should Tike to offer sorer
__- -- suggestions, wise or .otherwise. on the
Huron publicity scheme. In the first
our of date a. Junrhr gourd. , The town courted held its regular place. we think the ad. appearing in
The director• desore w express their session on Friday evening All the the county prem, asking for "farms
gratitude to the town council of Gude- members were present, with Mayor for sale," pr•ematufe. %Viten a con-
nieh and the council of the county of Reid in the rAair siderable number of farir.ris want to
Huron for their Kraut• to the Society. A letter t.• the collacin from the sell in a community it is likely to
to the many special prise donors std Gudericb %Vbeel Rigs. Limited, and arouse suspicion where land is pro-
oseh members, also to the exhibitors, one from the Goderich O. gen Co. in ductive and times good.
whose work makes .our show what it reference to arrears were read, and The moat successful business meta
N to be, always the leading fair in ; were referred to the finance commit- place their goods W the hest possihle
Huron roomy, and to many of the, tee. advantage aa to appearance and
judges wbo for little And in rases I Lettere asking for donations to the quality, so as to please and.. attra.a a
•r no reetuneratiuo Performed
their; Sick Children's Hospital. Toronto, and prospective buyer. Would it not be
arduous duties with care and sec- the National Sanitarium Association wise, and we tbiuk the time baa come,
Seeded admirably in giving entissac-' were read, and a grant of $10 was when the county should set about
tiou to the large majority of exhibi -) given to the Sick Children's Hospital improving the train highways and
tor -. , and of *6 to the National Sanitarium restoring them to the condition of
'rip- again of tbe eowiety will be Association. ft rater days when Huron's main roads
feted is detail it the tteasuret's re y A letter from the Huron Children's were the pride of the Province' Whet
IAA is 1 Aid and Humane Society, soliciting with the generous grant from the
elulaui.•e•i . n belief of the direr.' financial aid, wee read, and was re- Province of one-third the expense of
to,-. [erred to the finance committee, construction, and possibly one-sixth
I.AA(• SAI.KELD. J ADM FOWLER, � A letter from C.dooel McDonald of the cost tram s Federal grant, the
P. e.i.lrnt, Secretary. ; with reference to the C. P. R. freight burden of taxation might racily be
Uod'rich, LAnus•y 15. 1913 !shed bylaw was read and referred to reduced. and even if it. were not
Ft -*noel Statrmeat. the water. light and berbot• commit- lessened the reduced expendiuu'eo in
ter. power and friction would mean a great
The ti a cis! .tatrmrnt for 1912 ie.' Reeve Runnings brought to the at- paving iu the prolonged useful-
as"fodnw.: I tention of the council the condition of !Wee of both vehicle and horse, not
ntnu'r.i'-'.. ' ' the sewer on Cameron street and rec- to mentipn the pleasure of those who
Masco nor from batt ... .. ... a `3213 ow mended that a larger pipe be put drive over these roads'. In fields
I�i.l•lireg���. �'e in, but His IVorship remarked. "If adjacent to them roads unsightly
ewe 0-. end.et pts ...... ••�' Lt7t 45 the residents on Cameron street heaps of stones, h.i borin briars,
Grsn te.sd r...i..,...... �.. t12e3 g
Comity a.►.t.. - �•` Me would rend in a petit:on te the council weeds, etc., might be coneetIed by
Town whet.. - ' ` 10a1tD' a,;tion would be taken in the matter." means of a crustier into the bra metal
Hetn,.h oteut b.ttwl ntsd sewed. tirh- A statement froth the Union Bank for the construction and maintenance
Ile[' .. .. ...... .... _-. .. tTL.50'
eiee,„od sees • 35.701 showing the standing of the several of these roaes. The farmer could be
Entry tans- �Dpoultry fee. r trifled racesor w1?t'1 871133 town accounts ns on December 31st, allowed statute labor for removing the
1912,and a 8Ui
Mlseedane•+vA ei,a5 Cement from the teras- stones to the road to he crushed.
Cash en...uber..hip and sub rripio.s . 1ua.:5 carer of the county of Hilton, showing In this way he would be helping ow
IMoadou. in geode. to value of . -- 11/75 amounts paid to the town treasurer the publicity scheme by addiug to the
Tote e_'.*Les during 1912, were read, and refe'•red to appearance of the landscape and
ureaonn ars. , the auditors. eohenciog the value of his property at
the contract as sent elovember
E:pause dal.s atoa w Fate. .t•.ocL- A letter from tee Hydro -electric the same time.
two 3 15301 Power Commission, requesting that in looking over the reports of the
Mitchell a Vanatter, sinew teal-t2nd Bureau of Indust. ies you will observe
t�� the largest increases in the value of
land arm found iu those counties that
bave'arlopt.ed the Good Roads move-
ment. Location as to a good road
affects the value of land v. ry mater-
ially. We cannot expect much of •
rise In land .while the Federal Govern -
meet, L g;ving away the ticbest land
ith the world, and the Provincial
Governtnent offering. in the cls bell,
well timbered Land, the timber of
which will more than pay for clearing.
aith the constant admonition in the
press : "Go north, young man;" tint
it is well to get in a position to avail
ourselves of the a•tventages which
Huron offer.. If any of our urban
friend& are, owing to the preaeure of
increa,rd in amount in the bides'
work Hasse.. and al.., in flower: and
fruit, while t.o'.Itt•y And Hower lists
need revising to Grine them up to
date. Thr judges ho three or tour
classes expressed themselves as t.. the
need of a revision, and cowpariaor.
with the 'Orme lies of other fairrsboW,
115 that we are certainly cumbered up
With a number of antique articles and
fruits re.fertiv u.elesa and as much
The Directors* Report.
The directors of the West Huron
Agricultural Society beg to report to
the member on this the annual or
statutory meeting on the operations
of the past year. and to this they
Would add some suggestions which
their experience has shown tbem
would be desirable to improve the
working or popularity of the fall show,
W which the efforts of this Society
are mainly confined.
The opening of the fair was most
snapesious and we were favored with
the presence of Sir William Mulock.
enter Justice. who, as as agriculturist
of experience, expensed himself as
gratified at tieing here at the cere-
Our deploy of fruit and flowers was
very extensive. as shown by the re-
port'. to Government In excess of Inst
yeses. The entries In horses. live
stock generally and poultry showed
mote or lees failing o net 3n account
of material..nor ot want of interest,
but the very peculiar weather of the
summer session threw tbe harvesting
eo late that very many would-be ex-
hibitor could not spate the time ea
get ready for the show nor attend it_
The number of new member was in
excess of that of last year and the
amount of subscriptions and done -
tions was larger. The attendance at
the fair was exceedingly good and
taking tato .wbdderstion the fact that
we had only the .e,-ood afternoon as •
real good attendance getter. it being
so wet in the evening, the receipts
were quite gratifying to your direc-
The Midway Wall not filled as usual
and the esuse is not far to seek.
Coder t condition. everything
M eonsbinad. even midway.. and • hsr-
Aetln meet be struck with Dome -hoes."
Mla ere eco All Up. There sr. set
staedasds et pries sed we cannot hope
w SU these M bargain rate.. Most of
the Dhows ne a now in the Mogis-
ahrgl d the year and obi. by :sets of
the billboard or . kindred p.Mime
don, sod it ars Boebty we rat to flit •
eertat. .met tor the ainueapente or
fres &Mem a toe . tires make offer of
*hat Nary will supply for the some,
as tees and sash .ill be saved, 'be
attractions and Midway can bs
erg .41-_ ose and the ereere
s004, f.* eillitios Y sow se waste ea
w• penaltateil-i•t riemail m
awe 1911+. he executed. teas read and it wits
Prise menet i ted sits
Prin•lr.g. wdre.Wlswatsd /etelttg- wast mored by Ihputy Heave Clark• sod
Speeiwl anrs.cttewr t f4s0 seobodrd by lJoutcillor Vatatter, that
iizleg [rack Q,....,... - 71L3•
Band .... 73.ou the contract be signed in duplica 1 r by
fA y
prize• b -t _M*41,11Lee.gtitiis , ' LI>RIb the Ma or and deck on behalf o1 the
Otea-. ..5.1s ,•- - fie' town• and nae cope it returned t'. Cue
ae er-' expsogas......... .. _........ sag' dydr-trelectetc Commission.
Judge- tear .na ,iztierws....
(inn tablas•negsr.4ttitlea.w.etntesreaEMr The Mayor hrought to the eette"tion
Mi an,e one. erpeoea d tale if of Lbe council for oeoessity of bring
Balan.e on nano - su'81 ing more factories to tbe town. The
WNW Board of Trade. be said, had been
$ working bard on this matter, and be
HURON POULTRY SHOW. pad rexived two Innen from
companies who wished to establish
Many Birds of High Degree at Awed hoch tsetoriesone heiuq at present
E:hitabon sitouated 1n Hamilton and the other in
The somal exhibition of the Flur hn Toronto. "If we are to get these
Pouter • and Petexhibition
~ionk Association ewes es," said His Wnrebip, "we
mustio more than communicate with high living, contemplating, a change
was held in the town hall. Gcderich• them ; we must offer them some in- to rural lite, they cannot do better
this week, opening 011 Tuesday azd ducement to mettle in our town." than purchase a faint in Huron. The
closing today. There wad a splendid The council after some discussion land can be bought for lest than it
display ot poultry, n kering shout appointed the Mayor and the presi- coot to clear its from five to twenty
575 birds of many different vxrieties. 1 dere of tbe Board of Trade as a dollars per acre. to say nothing shout
Those competent tri judice stated that i deputation to go and interview these draining,, fencing, orchard, etc. The
the quality of the exhibits was re- companies. land it more productive than in the
warkxbl�' good. The off: isl judge ' A team letter was received am the Nett. Prices are good, the old-time
was H. W. Pardo, of Ingersoll. whose'
decisions gave good satisfaction.
On Wednesday evening Mrs. Daw-
loon. of Brantford. a poultry expe.t,
gave an address on the care of poultry
and was beard with interna by a
Grand Trunk Railway no. asking for drudgery is thing of the putt. with the
permission to extend its line along the' assurance of a good living, and we may
Maitland road so as to snake it easier confidently look tor a reaction when
for the shipping of goods from the cry will be "Back to the farm."
Baechler'a mill. ' M. LOCKHART.
Auburn, Jen. 18.
audience. It Was moyed by Deputy Reeve
largegiven hy MayorRe
; d for Clark, and seconded by Councillor
The and
the best collection in any variety was Young, that the Grand Trunk Rail -
won by Wm. Carter, of Constance. way Co. be allowed to extend its
The cup given by Walter H. Harri-
son for the best hir'd„in the show was
won by Wren Sheardown, of Gode-
rich. Mr. 8heardown also won the
Asea.iatio n cup for tbe best collection
of W en.lottea.
Carl Worrell. of Godericb. won the
cup given hy the Association for the
best collection of Rocks. Ell _`1
The full list of prier -winners will be
published next week.
The annual business meeting was
held this morning, when officers were
elected so follows : Preeideut, Wm.
Carter. Co••.-tniice ; vice -remittent, J.
V. Ortwein. Hensel!: secretary -treas-
urer. W. H. Harrison. Godetich; di-
recurr•s-Godericb, John Howrie and
Wm. Doak ; Clinton. J. A. Grigg and
H. A. Hovey : Henodi, Messrs. Small-
acombe and Bengough ; Wingham,
T. Bower and T. Angus: Blytb. J.
Powoey ; Bayfield, Dr. Smith and Mr.
Pollock : 8eatortb, Metiers. Fell and
J. Daly ; Zuricb, E. Zeller and Mr.
Battler ; Exeter. J. Ford and T. Car-
ling; Brassie. Meyers. Downing and
Ballantyne : Benmiller, J. C. Dunt.
it was decided to bold the next an-
nusl exhibition in Goderich the third
week of Jannary, 1914, and the 1915
show at Heiman.
Her Own Special Concert Party.
Hamilton Spectator : Mist Alex-
andre Bradley powers* a clear lyric
soprano voice of beeptiful tonal
quality. Her @twat- atlon is likewise
it delight. Her rendering of The
ti iiggbUngale charmed and amused her
&udienoe to a high pitch of entbusairtic
Go 1pb Herald : Mies Alexandra
Bradley poeseree a sweet rich voice
of great nage. sings with an easy
grace that easily captivates ber
Aylmer Reformer : Mir Bradley M
a yonang artist and bee beautiful dear
soprano voide will so doubt give bar .
wonderful reputation
When you revere 'Irani o' .teas"
call at Meek stones. 'Phony 11Yl.
Mies Campbell seaminess that her
milksie►y per lora en Kisptoo .twit
be dosed during the month of
. and will reopen with a
of seer 1eode tor eyries.
track at present on Maitland reed RIFLE CLL H SUPPER -The Colborne
3Olnorth of Ae t as per et,e
distance with Rifle Association held the annual sup -
bylawor No.400 feet •a per , pr flied per in the ball it 8altfotd on Thura-
aaid acLd, of not providing the day evening last, when over seventyy-
said tis right dues not extend past lot five memhen'and their friends geth-
pleagu s or ulinci!. to he 'at the et•ed together and spent a pleasant
pleasure of the council. and that a by ening. The supper provided wag
law be prepared'I all that could be desired. Afterwards
The council appointed De. Alex- rich aabort musical program wag rendered.
ander hTeellaslor a member of the C. A. Robertson acting se chairman.
for the years 19to Institute tinned 1914 and 1915. sod
Rev. Joseph Elliott a tnembei of the! A dainty, delightful, delicious dc.
Goderich free public library hoard for seat, Blackstones ire cream in bulk ot•
the years 1913, 1914 and 191:.. I fancy bricks. 'Phone 241.
A. D. McLean. James Mitchell and Mr Hunter announces that all
H. C. Dunlap were appointed mem- wingers who intend to join in the pro-
Theben of council t hoard of nisi.health. duction of Gaul's '•Holy City" must
then adjoutnt.l' he on hand next Monday evening
Special Meeting. 27th inst., At 8 c'clock hi Knox church
At a special meeting of the council lector mom
MONDAY. Jan. 211th.
Huron County's Contributions Much Below Those of
Other Counties.
The followin
to hospitals has
g list of grants given by county councils in Western Ontario
been handed to The Signal :
Although the
than that of asy
higb..'et is the Pen
*2.500.00 2 Berlin Hospital 111,96OMD
Gait Hospital 111.250.0e
112.8H8.00 3 , General Hospital, Guelph *061.00
St. John'. •' >t9119.121
Fergus Hospital IIHOS.011
*'2.0009 2 Walkerton Hnopital •1,51111.09
Ki.cardlne Ho.pltal 3:91.4*►
$2.000.110 a Cdltngwood Hospital $500.00
Orillis Hospital swam
Berrie Hospital *600.610
Midland Hospital 3300.4*)
*7110.00 1Steal ford Hospittai *701100
$1,000.00 1 Owen Sound Hospital *1.0110.00
*1.000.00 i carnia Hospital $1.000.0e
*1./00.00 2 WWoods$1,0119.00►
ck Hospital s1,0.00
111300.1.10 8 Clinton HospitalngoHospital**100.4
Wl*gbam Hoepitel =MOO
Goderirb Hospital 111e0.01)
amwatm.et of the Bounty 04 Harem h very Newell, higher
of the other comities, ire amemeed view being the sensed
sines its etentribotlo.t. t.. Isospit.l etei.Mne see are Mr
(YI'. TO.A(7t