HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-16, Page 10k •f'naenDAT, JA.t'+111 10, 1913 Lott* Lawn NotePaper and Envelopes tit r have ) urt ref -sired a rltipweot of .p .sal Note Paper Labelled "Latus Iwwu." This paper comer in two sizes, letter and Dote. with envelope* t4 match. special 10e per quit? tier paper. and Irk per package en- velopes, Wen a alae with beg um row envelope. tame price. 10s I.,•r guile for paper. o. 1tC per paajk..ge en v� islopes. Lotus Lawn Boxed h.cb l,.w ttiontaine 1 quire of (weer and 1 package 01 envel- op. -e. letter and note razr. special r wi 1..1 Lotti. Lawn Writing Pads. ge ,tae Vv. small sive 10c, also a pad which folds into note paper -is . special °Sc. The above paper is the test paper ..hown anye here for the mon. y The Colonial Book Stere (.ISO. PORTER. Prop. 'Phone 100 Goderich. Soe.eteeseeseereeeeseseWoaeoesseeoWss stwayeetweese Building Supplies We are now prepared to supply contractors with all kind. of Mouldings. Inside Finish, Flooring and Sidings. and General Building Material. We make a epecialty of Veneer Flooring in Oak and Birch. Dressing and Matching by the thousand. The Paget Grain Door Co. GODICRi(11 LIeerreo Maple Leaf Grocery HAMILTON iTRF.ET. (:l /1)ERICH Have you tried our choice Teas AND Coffees? We can recommend ourlines. All staple and fancy Grocet ies on hand in firm -clam quality and at reasonable. pricee. Try us for Butter and Eggs, J. Yong 'PHONE fill. TILE SIGNAL GODERICH I : ONTA RI O IIR. NEWTON,o.. �ptISIFTUIT. OF attle fie endee u ke�encs . pots... e . v011 be every day. AL ardeve NOTICK-THE LOCAL AMIN('Y luLtuastanies ter The Saari{ is at fir Pad aloe Hook sad atNMaery M/is�es, where anima wall to received tae eekseeigliear. d vaetLdae asd Jab week. and se s e(s wad be elves ter .mosatr Lipid tar ted Gar W wtntems r. Jan. 15th. S. McMsth, of Ooderieh. is renewing aoquaintancer in the village and vett- nits-. Mr. and Mrs. i1. J. Young, of Gods- ricb. spent Tuesday in the village. Mrs. Ribt Header -eon spent Tues- day in Goderich. Frank Jones and M. Staples west to Goderich on Monday to attend the bockey match between Seatortb and Ooderich Mr. and Mr.. Levi Snyder. of Radis- son. Sask.. are visiting at the borne of Mr. and Mn. D. G Henderson. Mn. R. McKenzie is spending a few days in %Vingbam. Mrs. J. M. Roberts and daughter. Mini Edltb. spent a few days of this week in Ooderich. the genets of Mr. and Mrs. George Woods. Bailie Stother'. of Mafeking, who has recent{' returned from the We.t, called on friends in the village one day this week. Rev. J. K Hunter was in London on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Howe. Rev. O. Gomm is recovering froom a L.evere attack .11 1a grippe. r.I LLNA By H rtuix'e KICK . -A well- known and esteemed resident of West Wawanosh. in the person of Matthew Sproul. of the 2t.d concession, died on Sunday evening as the result of injuries received tbe previous evening. Mr. Sproul was in 'be stable putting a blanket on a horse which had just come in from a trip to McGaw when the animal kicked. knocked him down and crushed him severely. He lingered turd Sunday evening. when death ensued. The funeral took place to Dungannon cemetery on Wednesda afternoon and was conducted with the honors of the Orange Order, o f Good. Feed Wheat I have some good feed wheat for stile at one dollar a hundred. Also some brst-case~ No. 1. wheat .This lot will make good flour. Aliyooe in need of Cattle. Hog oe Poultry Peed will find it to hie advantage to come and ex- amine these grades before buy- ing, as they are considered by many the best value of any feed wheat offered in Goderich at the present time. P. T. Dean Corner East, Street and Square Goderich. Ont. i• ONE= THIRD OFF DISK RECORDS SLIGHTLY USED A fine lot of Disk Records, all in excellent shape, have been taken in exchange. A limited quantity. Look them over. You may find just the one you want. Walter H. Harrison Jeweller And Optician OODERi('H MILLINERY Having purchased the old -es- tablished and well-known milliner\ business of Miss Donogh, 1 have decided to clean out the balance ' of trimmed and untrimmed Hats at any price. These are All high-class Hats and must be disposed of at once. Miss Campbell Kingston Street, Goderich which the drowsed was a a�e�hge Owing to the inoses of deosasell'5 pgiaaswtoore. Rev. O. desist. Rev. 3. 1L Must; was this of>ldatieg eiergymas. Mr. Sproul was sevestyooe years of age and it survived by three sons ad two deughters : David and lasses. of West Wewaeoeh ; Matthew, of Lusk - sow ; Mrs. Thos. McIntyre. of A. Iliad, and Mra. W. J. Davison, of Stiriiogs-llle. Mich. Wii.uuip. - A happy event took place Wedoesdey morning of last week et the boute of Mr. and Mrs. John Parks. of Aebtield, their daugh- ter, Elisabeth. and Tho. H. Camp- bell. of Shoal Lake. Mau., beinit joined it) Matrimony by Rev. T Dung, rector of St. Paul's cbureb. The bride, who was given away by bee father. was attired in brown sink, with point lace and Paisley trimmings. Atter the wedding repast the happy couple departed to visit Toronto and other points before taking up their 1 residence on the room's farm in Man- itoba. The brides travelling suit was navy blue broadcloth trimmed with satin and black picture hat with plumes. The numerous and costly wedding gifts bore testimony to the popularity of the bride{ pair. Tisa grooms gift to the bride watt a ticket and chain set with pearls. T'bs bride was one of our popular young ladies, and her many friends in Dun- gannon wish her happioe.s and pros- perity in her new sphere HULLETT. MONDAY. Jan. 13th. A family reunion took piece during the holiday season at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mason. There were thirty-eight present. iocluding the old folk. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mason, sr.. of Clinton : Mr and Mrs. Harry Jailing and Mrs. Cotton and ber son Eddie, of Detroit, and Miss Williams. of Bing- hampton, N. 1 . The Warren farm 00 the t1h con- cession has been rented by Albert Mowll, of Clinton. who will more to it in a few months. J. Lawson has arrived from Saskat- chewan with his bride to speod s few months at the home of his father, John Lawson, Londesboro'. Min Leila Ford, of ..Clinton. hes entered upon her duties as teacher of the Constance public school. Will Hall, of the Molsons Bank staff at Highgate. has arrived at his home at Cooetence to recuperate after an attack of appendicitis. J. L. Wasmann. of Clinton, bee been engaged to teach in school Nc. 7 and Mise Edna Levis in No. 9. They, have both just graduated from Clio - ton Model ScbooL PORTER'S HILL. TI'RSDAV. Jan. 14th. Mr. and Mn. S. McPhail and daughter visited in Kippenover Sun- day. Mrs. McDougall and Minnie, of Dun- gannon. attended the funeral of Mrs. McPhail on Wednesday last, and spent s few days in the neighborhood among old friends. Lorne Tabor left for his home in Sweburg on Tuesday. ENTERTAINMg 'r. --Under the au- spices of Bethel churct, a dinner and entertainment will he given at the ho=pe of Mn. J. H: Elliott. Out line, on Monday, January 27th. Look for particulars next week. SPOTTING HIS MOTIVE. Mrs. Dowd -T w(.h you would dress more carefully That delightful Count de Frique 15 never .een without gloves. lir. Dowd -Probably he's afraid of 1.•avtng hie finger prints on something. OLO PROVERB. "Ah, 'them that bar. rets'- nrter they run over a feller." PIKER. Harold Hollownut-['m so certain of it rd bet my b=ed os. i1. Pill) Pickles ---And If rd bet aay- tbiar against It rd be giving too big odds its NiAA-SIDE Art Critic: -Why. that rattail Mobs ahead five mike away.^ Artist lest had a owe pales and T eneldn't make it go farther i 1 1 1 I L THEHALF THOUGH li SAL.E HE January Sale is half over. Half the time for you to take advantage of its many money -saving opportunities is gone. Do not let the rest of the month slip by without profiting by this unusual merchandising event. This week brings its share of good things for thrifty buyers. The outstanding feature is the big offer of new Embroideries at prices just about One -Half Reguli. Untrimmed fiats 39c Clearing them all at this price Now for the final clean up in the Mil- linery 1)epartmegt. Before the end of the month there must be an empty 'kola -room for ac's positively will not take them into stock. There are now about 50 untrimused, ehspes to sell. Blacks and colors. All good stylish up-to-date Hats, new this season. The last of ...our hig purchase of samples. The reenter prices are 11.50 to *3.00 each. Saturday morning you can take your choice of the entire stock, in- cluding children's Hats, without any re- serve whatever, for the insignificant sum of sso All Trimmed Hats $1.95 90 or 40 stylish and good quality Trim- med Hats. These represent our entire *tock. They are all tbe Hats we have left, many of them trimmed specially for this sale. The regular values are up to 36 00 eaob. Clearing January Male, at each $1.95 22c Towelling 121c Pure linen Crash Towel- ling, plait), 22 inches wide. heavy weagbt. A special shipment from the 'Scotch mills. Regular 17c and 1tic. January Bale, per yard 12 'zO Glass Towellings 10c 33 inch Glass Towelling. Alt pure linen, fine even weave. red border. a splendid dryer. Special fur January Sale 100 Beautiful Cottons I2c 2qualitles fine English Cot ton. One medius heavy weight. The other tine Cam- bric finish. Imported dire=r from Manchester. Splendi.l for ordinary and general household uae. Special for January Sale, per yard 12 , o More Sample Uloves 23c per pair Just received this wet k an- other shipment of sample Winter Gloves, in black and colors. The regular values of these Gloves are up to 0lc and 75c per pair. All are samples. This will be the last lot we can get this sea - Goo. Saturday morning they go on sale. at per pair .... 22o $10.00 Week in the _ Coat Department \a,w for the great clean-up of ladies' Winter Coats. Letting -go -time is bere. Satu,dsy- morning we mate a most re- markable offering of new and handsome N -inter ('oats tot ladies. All we put on sale are new and up-to.date garments. A splendid collection. Your choice of the entire special lot only ..$10.00 There is a straight saving of 93.610 to 8/4.6[1 at least on these Coats. Only a lim- ited quantity to ssll. The Bargain Plush Coats Just 1 or 5 of these handsome Plush Coats left to sell, This is utdoubtedly the tomtit offering of high-class garments we ever made our customers. The buying oepoetunity was most unusual and we marked these high-class garments at prices from $10.00 to MOO lees than they could be bought for regularly. Tbere are just five left to te1L All new up to -date New York styles. Garments of high quality and superior workmanship. The cps we have left are. $21.00. 227..80. .00. These prices are from 910 to 93D lees then the actual value of the Coats. A General Clearance of Quality Furs We want to impress every reader of this paper with the fact that we have a big stock of high quality Furs to sell' and that we are going to sell them. There is a reason that makes the clearing out of the enure stock. imperative before the season it over. We never had as many high - claws Furs at this season -3f the year sad never had them bought at such advantageous prices. for late last month we secured a lot from a manufacturer who was ow -snacked. very much below their actual value. We are making special efforts to sell these and will make it worth the while of every lady thinking of Fur b:tytng to buy here and now. Persian Lamb Muffs and Neck -pieces at Reduced Prices. Alaska Sable Muffs and Neck -pieces at Reduced Prices. Mink Muffs and Neck - pieces at Reduced Prices. Grey Lamb Muffs and Neck -pieces at Reduced Prices. Western Sable Muffs and Neckpieces at Reduced Prices. Black Fox Muffs and Stoles at Reduced Prins. All other Fun greatly reduced in price for Ilei. J , Clearance We will guarantee to save you et lean 1-4 to I3 the actual vklue at any Fur. we offer during the January Sale. This is a strosg statement, but we have the goods to uact It Up. . i A Great Chance to Buy Material for a Winter Coat 1 S $1.00 a Yard Takes Any Cloaking in the Store Si You can judge by Ibis offering bow determined we are to clear all Winter stocks. We have about 25 coat 1 len,rths. reversible cloths end chinchilla. Lengths run from 1_ to 44 yards. Of some few ends we can give you any length you wish. These. are all new goods this season. Right up to date in style and color. The regular prices are front 92.00 to 113.2e per yard. Wltbcut any regard to former prices or any reserve whatever we group them in one lot and offer you ycur choice at per yard oily $1.00 Fur=lined Coats at Bargain Prices Lediee' Fur -lined ('oats, genuine rat lining. Alaska arable collar and all wool shell. Garments of undoubted worth. Resider 950.00 to 160.01. A special purchase. Clearing for January Sale, choice of the lot each only 11186 .11111 A WHIRLWIND OF EMBROIDERY BARGAINS - Here is news of the most sensational Embroidery selling ever attempted by this or any other .store in this part of the country. A gigantic purchase of Embroideries from the Swiss mills and their agents. Mostly surplus stock and over -makes from the mills, or unshipped orders from thea Thousands of yards from the coarsest to the finest., from narrow Edgings to 45 inch klounciagents. gngs. The quantity was so great we hesitated before closing the deal, but the pricer was so low we finally took the lot, because we felt sure that once the re -1 markable values were realized they would quickly be snapped up. There never was such Embroidery selling in Godetich as will be here the next few weeks, for you can buy these new embroideries at just about HALF WHAT YOU USUALLY PAY. Lay in your spring and summer supply now. Embroideries aril Insertions 5c Four hundred yards Embroideries and Insertions. Uowns of patterns. Wide and oat ivw saw tor. ttegular values t4-. January dale epa.caal do Allovers and 27 Inch Flouncings 39c Hundreds of yards in this lot, 30 or 5 disticct patterns. }Fine quality lawn and ntu.hoe. Beautiful designs mut- able fur cureet covers. children's dreesea unoerrkirte, etc. Actual values 116c w 1111.011 pet yarn. Our special January Sale price per yard sg+o $1.00 and 51.25 Flouncing 59c Twenty -,even -loch hlouncing Em- broidery. These Flouncing, art 27 inches wide. There are 15 distinct pat- terns to select from. The qualities are those usually soid at $1.00, $l.715 and 91.50 per yeast cud there are some spec- ially handsome patterns in the lot. January bide price fta this lot is pet yard . ..... ..... ...1111110 11.50 Flouncing 79c It may be early to ouy muslin dresses for nett summer but ween you can get Embroideries such as these at this price you should not let the opportunity go by. 12 or 15 patterns to select how. tis Web Flouncing=. handsome designs ut) the finest of muslin*. Regular value., 91.35 to 91.50 per yard. January Sale per yard 78o Valenciennes Laces 25c Per Dozen One hundred cards Valencienne. Lace. and Insertions. assorted patterns, widths and qualities. Regular 4c to Ile per yard. fast up one dozen yards on a caro and .old that way onlyspecial per card as. The Big Special 7c Per Yard This i, the Big Special in the narrow widths. 01$1 yard. awed Embroideries and Insertions. Many widths. many pattern.. Values that sell ordinarily at 12}c to 18c. This special purchase al- lows us to make this most remarkable nffer. Your choice per yard 7o 18 and 27 Inch Embroideries 25c Hundreds of yards 18 inch Flouncing and Corset Cover Embroidery and 27 iamb Flcuncitigs. Downs and dooms of patterns on fine quality muslin. A11 beautiful designs. Regular values 96c to Ole per yard. On account of the very low price at which we bought them we are able to offer these high-class Rm- btoideries at your choice per yard-. ... Sao These are the most remarkable values we have ewer offered in Embroideries. Very Fine Embroideries and Insertions 124c These are the really dainty kinds. suit- able for tine underwear, childreu4 dresses, etc. Neat patterns *Defy woven no the finest of mull and musiin.. Pat- terns in this lot that will appeal to every lover of beautiful En.broWarier. These are really extra vale,. Regular Ile to tae. This tannery Sale llpecial pew yard ........ 1.4. We want to emphasize the fact that every yard of these Embroideries is brand new, fresh from the makers in St. tial. Switzerland. it is only because they were bought direct under circumstances most unusual that we can sell them at anything like the prices they are marked. At the prices they would have to be sold at had we bought them regularly and in the ordinary course of business we could not begin to dispose of the quantity we had to take, but we are able to make the prices so low that we feel sure it will not take long to clear the entire tot. it is beyond a doubt the greatest chance to buy Embroideries that has come your way for many a day. HODGENS BROS.