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The News of the District
511.44645445.46464546.44445 4545446 41446fle 4441 4454566454146444645R
llostoav. Jan. 13th.
Miss Olive Pollock is attending the
Stratford Busibem College.
Miss Margaret Peck fine gone to
*each school near Grand Heed.
tieorge Edward Johnson sod 0111 -
ford Keys are latentilog the Guelpb
Agt [cultural College.
TUESDA,Y„ JED. lath.
Arruit LX Locain.--Dooald Morrisoo.
Okotoks, Alberta, t visiting at Mo -
Mr. sad Mrs. It. M. Gil.
iaore visited the latter's sister. near
Yeeswater, it week BUB. Hen-
derNon, of Detroit, is spending a few
jays under tbe parental roof. T.
F. Henderson arrived home froto the
West last week Jim Gilmore is
visiting his Netter, Mrs. O'Hara, of
TtrmaY, Jan. 141b.
. 0. F. Ovricana. - Loodesboro'
Lodge, C. O. F., has elected the fol-
lowing officers for the year: C. R.,
Brundson ; V. C. R., N.' Hill: chap-
lain. W. Mountain : R. 8., J. C.
Mali; F. 8.. F. H. Johostos ; trete.
srer, John Brunsdoo ; 14. W., It.
Youngblut; J. W.. J. Youngblut ;
8, B.. M. Brawn; J. B., Jas. Maley ;
conductor, W.11. Lyon ; trastees, .M.
Brown, C. Weymouth, F.Gibbs; court
physician. Dr. Allison; auditor, E.
Werorgarnte. Jan. lfith.
A. E. MIN. of Saskatchewan,
will preach at BenmillerMethodist
church next Sunday morning.
J. Moore bas retorned home from
the West. Ile is looking well and
gi V W-4 a good report.
Rev. G. W. Hallman is bolding .pe-
-al e% Anitelistic services each evening
at the Evangelical church. The Meth-
odiat Floor is assisting him.
It young people's service at Bethel
:I:midi next Sunday evening for [IP
Benininer circuiL Rev. R. J. McCor-
mick. M. A.. of Holestreville. is the
ip.-ciiI preacher. This service should
not 1W iniseed.
Mi-. W. Millian is a little better.
Mrs..I. Gledhill does not seem quite so
well. M's. Stewart is very much im-
precis!. Mrs. A. Maedel, while not
well, is able to get up and do a little
day liv dav• It ie thought it will take
. .
lune a time for her to recover her
Mrs. Arthur Fisher at present in
the hospital at Stratford. Some few
days ago she underwent an operation
en the face to remove some harnitul
matter that had been accumulating
there. -It is believed that this medical
treatment is to be satisfactory and
asesesfal. Bar minty triamItt are
wishing bee well t hroukh this ordeal.
tory nieeting of council today the fol -
losing took and sobscribed the decla-
rations of office aod of qualification
and tooktheir mate, ormstituting the
board for 1913: Wm. Hunter. Reeve!
Mum Stewart, Deputy Reeve; Joe- P.
Dalton, JILL Alton and Jno. A. John-
ston, councillors. Th. Reeve made a
neat opening address outlining the
work for the year and calling on his
colleagues for caution and co-opera-
tion in the year's work. The minutes
of December 15, 1912, were then read
and on motion of Messrs. Stewart and
Dalton were approved. Bylaws 1 to 8
inclusive, Mang the officers' salaries
and to provide for pima/arta interest
coupons on railway hoods and ap-
pointing tbe following officers: John
Cameron, aseeellOr I Up. McDonagh.
collector A. R. Finlaysoo and int%
Long, editor,; Dr. Simpson. medical
officer of health W. B. Hawkins.
metnher of loeal board of health;
David M. Johnston, Riebard John-
ston. Neil Murdoch, Thos. Garvey and
Role. Drennan, sheep valuators, and
dividing the township into marl divi-
sions and appointing road commission-
ers for each. were all duly mimed. On
motion by Messrs. Dalton and Alton,
the contract of the usual printing wee
again given to The Dungannon News.
The clerk was instructed to endeavor
to bay. all boundary amounts for 1012
in shape for adjusdniesit at DEXt meet-
ing. Another letter from C. °arrow
for eettlement for McConnell calf was
diecueled and on motion bv Messrs.
Dalton and Johnston it wee aecided to
refuse the elaim. Moved by Mowers.
Stewart and Alton that the collector
be given to February 15411 10 complete
his collections end return the roll.
Carried. On motion by Messrs. Stew-
art and Alton, Wm. Buekingbatm was
refunded $2.50 on busbies* tax because
of the lois of his dam. Two applies -
tion: for :eland of dog tax were refused,
it being illegal to refund such tax after
the revisioi of the re ll In May. On
motion of Messrs. Dalton aod John-
ston orders were passed makinog the
usual grant. to Dungsannt! sad "ck"
now agetswnwrid societies, each $12.50
'the Rich Obildren's Hospital. VOA*:
Fouu.tv, Jan. 1010. Haryana V. Jan. llth.
Miss Gertrude Youog has returned 81i. v se WRDDEMO
10 Toronto Atter • brief visit at her The silver wedding of Mr. and Mre.
home. Wendel Smith today was one of the
Miss Loretta Young left Monday for
Parkhill. where she will engage in the
teaching profession.
Miss Mabel Young has gone to
Stratford to resume her studios et the
Central Business; College.
Mies Ida Barkley has releunied her
duties at 8. 8. No. 1. She holidayed
at her home sA Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell and
family, of Sudbury. are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMil-
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and fam-
ily spent New Year's with tbeir rela-
Gees, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Youog,
Miss A. Dale, of Granton. a former
teacher In our school, visited with Col.
Varna.* and family for a few days dur-
ing the holiday week.
T. L. Tretbeway has returned to
Cobalt :heir • brief visit with his rela-
tives here. Mrs. Tretheway and little
.on will remain for another week.
Miss Irene Young has returned to
Ayr, where she is teaching school,
after having spent the vacation with
ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Rev. James Hernilton, of Goderich,
conducted a cottage prayer -meeting at
the home of Mrs. Clark, sr.. Wednes-
day evening. There was a good at-
tendance from Leeburn.
The Smith's Hill auxiliary of the
Women's Home Missionary Society
held their monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Will gallows, Wednes-
day afternoon.
SATURDAY. Jan. Ilth.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuller gave a
large party for their many friends last
H. K. Revell has returned from
Walkerville, where he was visiting his
Miss Mamie Salteld returned on
Monday to Clinton. .vhere she is at-
tending Business College.
Misses Blanche Elliott and Margaret
Ross have returned to Stratford,
where they are attending Business
The sale of farm stock on Tuesday,
January 7. at ,.Jas. Ross', Ith conces-
sion, was a emcees. Prices were fair
and everything was disposed of.
RobL Davidson, who was burned
out very recently, has reuted the
home of the late Jas. Mcliwain till his
own is rebuilt. The esteetn in which
Mr. and Mrs. Davidson are held was
shown by the large sum that their
many friends and neighbors cootrib-
'Red to help them in their heavy loss.
The Literary Society in connection
with Union Sunday school bas again
°agonized and the first meeting will be
held in Union church January 17.
The chief feature of the program will
be a debate: "Resolved, that young
men should remain in °uteri)," the
affirmative to be taken by J. McMil-
lan and V. Elliott and the negative by
J. Yuill and M. Bichan.
greatest mond eveots that have oc-
curred here in some time. The Ana
weather mid splendid sleighing added
much to the festive occasion. At as
early hour in the morning spacial ser-
vices were held in St. Bonita*, church,
atter which • sleigh -ride, in which
relatives and friends took part, was
enjoyed. A splendid dinner
served at the hotne of the bridal
in tbe afternoon. and in the eve
social program was rendered in
style. The sliver gifts were
in the postal 'Totem at Hayfield bast
been recommended by the route -map-
ping officials of the Government.
Tbat village is to be a distributing
point, with two mails daily. The line
from Brucefield to Seaforth is to be
cut off. According to the maps made
by the Government officials many
oountry postoffIces will be wiped out
of existent*. On the town line be-
tween Hay and Stanley three offices
will be dispensed with. They are
Hillagreen, Blake and Drysdale. On
the Bauble line, St. Joseph will be
dropped. Heneall, Zurich and Dash-
wood will be distributing points. The
rural mail carrier will be vested with
all the powers of or postmaster, having
authority Li issue money orders. etc.
Smith, of the big peach farm on the
Seuble, 'south of 81. Joseph, said to-
day: regret to tee so many politi-
cians trying to coovert every popular
scheme into politica Electricity,
water and coal. as factors in power
energy. are used to advance some sel-
fish motive, regardless of tbe benefits
that might trecrue to the people at
large. In this district we need trans-
portation facilities, and in view of the
fact that wood is becoming soiree,
with coal an uncertainty. electricity
as a source of power and light appeara
to be the only hope for future busi-
ness encouragement. Huron county,
with its many sources of water power,
would be able to swell the great vol-
ume at Niagara. The transmiaeion of
electricity being instantaneous, a flat
mut for power would have gond re-
sults. It would plaoe all parts of the
Western Province on an equal base
for competition, and prevent the cen-
tralization of commercial industry at
any one point.."
Cox -Si ect..t. Ift.--The marriage took
place on Christmas Day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair, of the
2nd concession. Stanley, of their daugh-
ter, Lottie Ellison. to J. Leslie Cox,
Porter's Hill. The ceremouywas per-
formed by Rev. D. E. Grant, pastor of
Willis church, Clinton, in the presence
of a large number of invited guests.
The bride, who was unattended, was
handsomely gowned in ivory satin
with pearl trimmings and carried a
sheaf bouquet of bridal roses sod fern.
The couple Ptood under an arch of
evergreen and holly aod before a large
bank of ferns and flowers in the draw-
ing -room and the house was prettily
decorated for the interesting event of
*Christmas wedding. Miss Elsie Lobb
plowed the wedding music. At the
oonclusion of the ceremony and when
the bride and groom had received the
congratulations or those present. all
=k of sumptuous feast. A very
umber of beautiful gifts proved
the popularity of both bride and groom.
The grooto's gift to the bride was at
gold watch and ehaio, and to the pian -
let a pearl crescent Mr. and Mrs. Cox
left on the afternoon train from Clin-
ton for a honeymoon trip and on their
return will reside at Porter's Mill.
Te bride's going -away oostume was
a tailored snit of brown whipcord.
with which she wore a large Hack
and in paymeot of election expenses
and several small seem:Ida nr 1012.
luununting is all to 11180.60. Jas. B.
3••hristeire. manager of the Gods!'"
Rural Telephone Co., was present to
urge the council before parraing_it
law to allow the Homo and Kinkier
ranninipal sratem to oome in to Lodge
that they coopent to a fie or some
obeap connection between the two
IlTnivtne- Mr. Johnston also assured
1110 conned that some conesettee bad
to be made miry soon and that other
Menet oonneetleas were Wien ionksgt
ftw, nappahdly with Meg Colborne. the
Nortlilluroti and Mei Myth systems.
.0111 Ihotlein ca MOM% Dalton and
Johnston coma adjOereed to Pehrn-
err Ith at 1 p. us.
an=Visitor- W1. M. Smith,
is your Insebeadli
-••01h, Issi'e doing wee. trob
you. mons He's got • job at • ems
tea tory goer." Distrait Visitor Otheset-
mirs'airlyi-: Ma. well. 1 but" "II
*kb ailw.
TUESDAY, Jen. lith.
Ambrose Brophy is engaged drawing
umber tc Lu. -know at present.
TUEADAY, Jan. 14.
Ekorricks-McCirgeorgv. - A quiet
wedding was solemnized at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Josepb McChesney.
fourth line. Warwick. on Wednesday,
Jaouary I, when their eldest daughter,
Grace Mae, was united in marriage
to Rae Cameron Eastman, of Arkonav
At 10 o'clock in the morning about
thirty guests, immediate relatives o
the bride and groom, were assembled
in the parlor to witness the ceremony.
While Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartlett
played the wedding march, the tridid
party took their places, under the
bridal arch of evergreees. The bride,
beautifully attired in cream satin de
chine, trimmed with pearl garniture.
and carrying a bouquet of bridal
roses, lily of the valley and smilax,
was given away by her father. She
was &misted by her sister, destrice.
and the groom hy his brother. As the
last strains of the wedding march
were heard. Rev. H. W. Wright pro-
ceeded with the ceremony of mar-
riage. After tbe benediction the
happy couple received rongratulations
and hearty good wishes from all
present. When all had congratulated
the bride and groom the whole party
retired to the dining -room and were
served with a most excellent wedding
dinner. Immediately after the bride
and groom took their departure, amid
showers of confetti, for the train at
Watford for their future home at
McGaw. The bride's travelling suit
was of navy blue .ergo. with large
picture hat of same shade. Among
the many beautiful proesents was a
handsome set of furs from the groom
and a aubstantial cheque from the
bride's father.
The Cheerful Class of the Col
Evangelical church poet at tbe home
of Mr. and Mrs. Schwans on January
10th for the purpoee of re-organidog.
The meeting was conducted b_y•Harrey
Hallman, the president. The NO-
retary's and treasurer's reports were
given. Mao reports from the executive.
lookout and visiting committees.
Officers for the year 1913 were elected
as follows: Provident, Willie Duna
vioe-president, Hervey Heilman sec-
retary. Miss Rose Dome treastwer,
Harry Parrent ; teacher, D. Schwan:.
Afterwards Ben Munninga acted as
Will Redmond Is helping his uncle' kehairosan for a debate on the subject,
Hugh King, to cut wood this week. "Resolved. thet it is easier th live •
James Ploughman, Cameron Jolter- Christian life at the present Lime than
son and Jneeph l'hcmpeon are cutting when Christ was on earth." The
logs for Ms. Joh.oston in T. McCabe's affirmative side was taken by Harry
bosh. Farrant and Mho Sylvia Hallman and
smile these days. k little boy arrived Se-hilram.. Par rtwu."1".. favor
on Monday th claim his alfertions. rA" negli"" u few Lunch
WEDDiNti.-A very pretty but quiet
wedding took place on Jsousry 1st at
the !mire of tbe ide'a parents,
Mr. arid Mrs. 8. Carter, Sri line, it
being the occasion of the marriage ef
their youageat daughter. Wilhel mina,
to J. Smith Brumereff, of Winnipeg.
Noce but the relatives end the closest
friends of the bride were present. At
5 o'clock in the evening the bride ap-
peared on the artu of her brother
George, of Fort Francis, who was
borne for the oscasloo. She wore pink
nune-veilIng over silk mull, with
trimmings of chiffon and satin. Rev.
R. A. Miller. of Auburn, performed
the ceremony. After congratulations
were over be happy company repaired
to the diningromr. wbe-e a dainty tea
wits served. The diningroom was
prettily decorate 1 with pink and
white carnatioea. ferns and maple
leavey. The evei.; misspent in Ping-
ing and playing games. The Nide
received a goodly number of beautifu!
Armenia soot from Toronto, London,
Peterboro, Fort Francio, Winnipeg
end other places. Mr. and Mrs.
Brumwell left for their new home in
Winnipeg on Tuesday. On going
away the bride wore a black velvet
dress. with Russian pony mat, black
beaver hat and Pemian paw furs.
Their many friends with them a long.
happy and prosperous journey
through life.
Dandruff Disappears. Falling Hair
Ceases, When You Use Parisian Sage.
No preparation has done lei much
to stop falling hair. eradicate dandruff
and make women's hair beautiful as
Parisian Sage.
It, ie the only certain destroyer of
the dandtuff microbe, the cause of
most hair troubles.
Parisian Sage is most daintily per-
fumed• it is an ideal preparation, not
sticky or greasy. It doe, not contain
poisonous sugar of lead cr sulphur or
any dye.
It is a magnificent dressing for
women who desire luxuriant hair that
compels admiration and for men and
children nothing can compare with it.
It does aivey with -terrible scalp itch
over night and causes the hair to grow
in abundance.
And a large bottle of Pat isian Sage
costs only 50 cents at all drug and
toilet counters. E. R. Wigle guar-
antees it,
Wm. lifter is wairiveir timid the negative by Willie Durst end 01
Congratulations' was served an after spending a very
pleasant evening the gathering die-
m The sawmill in T. McCabe's hush is periled.
running at frill time now. with Wm.
Stustrt as bead sawyer. James Dorian Hydro -electric Current Off.
fireman and engineer, David Mc-
Allister tail sawyer, Joareph Flynn Acton Tree Praia
ledger, and Wm. McIntosh muter. The first interruption of the Hydro-
- _ electric current from Niagara. mince
it was turned on bore on 14th Deeem-
RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO MID her, occurred on Sunday night about
Liisia BACK eleven o'clock. Otio of the heavy al -
ominous wire* of the tranonnissie%
can he cured by the ergs, fruit kidney
and liver remedy.
--- -
One of the Early Settlers of Huron -First
. Tax Collector in Mullett
Seatorth, Jan. 13.-)ames McMich-
ael, one of the earliast pioneers of
Huron county, died at his home in
Seafortli today at the age of eighty-
nine years and ten months. His deeth
is motioned by a large °umber of
relatives and friends who became
warmly attached to him by his genial
Mr. McMichael was born in Earko-
mains, near Sanquimr, Durufrieshire,
Scotland, on March 9, DM. At the
age of eighteen. years he came to Can-
ada with his parents. At this tinse
be bad served four years tamping the
joiners' trade, which he followed for
ten years after his arrival in this
country. One year after his arrival
he bought a farm of 100 ACTOS in
Mullett, for which be paid *M. He
cleared six acres, and then rented it
for five years for the clearing of
twenty acme. Mr. McMichael was the
firet tax gatherer in Mullett. Tbe
taxes on his own place were eight
shillings and sixpence, which is about
102 of Caoadian money. At that,
time the English money system was
in use in this country.
In 1852 he. went to Australia. As
there were no steamers, the voyage
wag made oy sailboat. and occupied
sixteen weeks. Ott his arrival there
he went to work in the gold diggings,
a rather hazardous employment, as
the miners then mostly consisted of
criminails who had been transported
from other countries. The method a
extracting geld from quarts was then
unknown, and the rninine was mostly
done by each num digging for himself.
This work giving him mire eyes, be
remained at it only friar months. and
then turned tc his trade. taking . con -
tools for buildings. Ele remained
four years in Australia, mod then
returned to Scotland. going by way
of Cane Horn. Vibihe there hs
married Margaret Laidlaw, of Ditto-
frieehire. He breigght hie bride to
Hullett, and immediately huilt *stone
house on biro farm. where he lived for
twenty-eight years.
With the "geld wife- he made two
trips hark to his naUve land. the first
In virrt, and the second in 114811. Two
before his second visit to the
grt)ountry he had retired from the
farm aod bad moved to &Worth.
where be resided tbereafter. On
November 24, 1908, he was bereaved
line blroke with Ito load of lea. a by tbe death of Ids wife. In late Mr.
point between here and Guelph. said Mcatichgot sitgeted the game of bowl
falling across the telephone wires of tag on the green how which has ha.
the fins thortccirecldted it and anone esosedingly emenlar. He was
off the entTelllt president or the bowilag club from tbe
addition th coffin/
blew out the Hobo' ing amide, MN Mom it was orgaoised. He bought the
transformer station here. The break gyvon and seaasated it to the cloth. On
Imo innatod and rvindrnd *hotel IOW anemia, nf hi. Paraders, for pl. vino
Polon on Monday the amen bowls, he wee known *smog
Brantford. Oot-, An& 111, mi.
Your modistes, Pig Met bee
Inward weeders for me. 'The rhea -
pains have entirely left me sod
everrwahrties to car remedy
Too itre at 1 y to loth this.
MONDAY, Jan. 1310.
Mims Lilian Clark returned to Tor-
onto on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Todd and Mrs.
Gaunt are victims of Is grippe.
Mr. and Miss Godkin, of Morden,
Man., are visiting at Mrs. Ramage's.
We are glad to see WO& MOQUillan
out again after his attack of &ppendi-
Mrs. J. Gordon and Donidda, of
Ottawa, visited friends in this vicinity
last week.
W. 8. MeCrostie and John 3dcPber-
son returned from the West before
tbe elections.
MiS3 Brooks, of Whitschurch, was
the guest of her grandmother, Mrs.
Ramage. over Sunday.
John Webster returned from Coch-
rane last week, quite whole, in spite or
the reports to the contrary.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Taylor returned
from the West last week_ and are the
guests of the formet's father, Will
MONDAY, Jan. 13th.
Miss 0. Foster, of Sheppardton.
was renewing old acquaintances in the
township last weet.
sMrs. F. Campbell and little daugh-
ter, of Winnipeg, visited at the home
of Thos. Cox last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt ThOmpson,. of
the Huron road, entertained about
one hundred of their friends and
neighbors to a dance given at their
home on Wednesday evening, J&1111-
^ry tith. All present had a most en-
joyable time.
The auxiliary of the W. F. M. S. of
the Union church held. its regular
monthly rueeting at the home of Mrs,
Thos. Johnston on Friday afternoon.
It was decided to hold a parlor social
on Friday evening, January 24th, at
the home of Bert On.
TUESDAY, Jan. 14th.
Mader Albert Wiggins, of Goderich,
visited at Jas. Yuill's over Sunday.
Mrs. Revell. of Welkervilte, Ont., is
viontine at her son's on toe fourth
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Elliott are
visiting friends in Michigan.
Everyone is enjoying the kood
sleighing these days. Even the bad
piece of road uear town on the Bay-
field rq.ad is in fair condition ,ince the
snow flan covered the defects.
A number of the farmers of this
district attended the Municipal 'bele-
phooe meeting at liohnesville last
Friday afternoon..
A number of young people met in No.
1 school last Tuesday evening for the
purpose of forming& Literary Society.
It was unanimously decided that a
society be formed. The following
officers were elected : President, G.
Salkeld ; let vice-president, Miss M.
Johnston ; 2nd vice-president, Miss M.
Bichan secretary-treasurei, R. &m-
ale ; organiet, T. Salkeld ; directors,
Mitosis E. Salkeld, V. Laid:melte, M.
Curwen and D. Bali: Mine
I. tialkeld. J. Porter, R. Hichan. The
first meeting is to be held in the
school Monday evening, January '31.
. AI . his OP 11.,."-•pnet.miuro l.v the wows
A AD daystars 15 and 50 ceint• or This is a time in which pension and ' Roots."
bv The pm or,.. gt, =adios on woman scene have This rnneral iek• Mace trom tee
"The Dixie Co. appeared here last
night as tbe first number on our pro-
gram and to say that they made it bit
would be putting it mildly. It was
nearer a home -run. Every feature of
the program was the best one." -C. P.
Stanley. New London. Wis.
The most gladsome thing in the
world is that few of us fall vet y low;
the eaddest that, With rineli
ties, we seldom rise high. -J. M. Bar-
0111 ow_ 0,caciach stinesa op to ass ^swot v,ivhout Methodist rhstreh TaltPINIILy with I
I • Tt ;.......e.rwet in Maitland hen t •-• wet e %
iririt.16110 dr,1CfrITIor
in the Treatment
o f
ei OLD'
:110N Cli`Tio:
'(vc-food; prom
,ind pertnalien
)1 on SCOTT'S
The savings to be realized are considerable.
The lines comprising odd and broken assortments
are among our best selling stock, and now marked
at lowest prices that assure their immediate cleat
ance. Four strong lines at sharp discounts are :
Men's. and Boys' Overcoats.
Men's and Boys' Suits.
Odd lines in Underwear.
Odd lines in Shirts.
Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield s Underwear. Fowell [Hats,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs.
Ladies' and (lents' Slippers
Boys' aod Girls' Skating Shoes
Ladies' and Gents Skating Shoes
Boys' and Girls' Slippers
Bootees for the Baby.
Everything M beautiful, comfortablt
and serviceable Footwear.
Styles Right Prices Right
0 •
Corner East .Se. and •$qiiare
elL ====11=1 ==== ===INA
il HolidayGifti 11
We have a great numt er of useful as
well as ornamental goods from wnicti you can
make a choice.
What would be a nicer and more useful
present for mother than an up-to-date Happy
Thought Range or a Radiant Home Heater.,
two of the best stoves on the market?
A number of other Christmas suggestions:
Silver Table,IDessert and Tea Spoons
Pearl -handled Knives and Forks
Electric Light Fixtures
Silver Knives and Forks
Carving Sets in cases
Shot Guns and Rifles
Coal Oil Heaters
Scissors in cases
H ockey Skates
Brass Goods
11 Sweepers
and many others
too numerous to
mention, which
we invite you to
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