The Signal, 1913-1-16, Page 7rat
new pro
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They ata
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riety we
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h Bag Addk sM.
▪ if thes the, iesses
tyY seeald
area u. Ulla Acid sed
sag r sscer
astir lle$ ya
wawa Dead's try Pas
bare arab a gnat part et
Ikeir 1M
et them
shooting pains sad _cell
re• mass pi
s;sg joint*. There is
tot oar sten way -
7br (Proud Trunk Railway is the
spat direct none from ell points
gait thn.ugh fatted* via Chicago,
lieu et, or Buffalo..
Round trip tout i-1 ticket*. giving
&Art of all ,t.e tea routes. to.
eerier Mite full itlfermation, area
fir °t.wir,od from any (:rood Trus",
Aerut. .
t' l Laa ranee t Sonia Town
.,red Ticket Agents, Godt-
nrh 1'h„tie 1.
The Goderich
Grain & Feed Co.
b,od Ire Cald a ell's MuisesssMeal.
t.e a It fatten your horses and
car of Meaiitoha feed
wheat lues Arrived.
Sole Agent for Royal Ihxple
Stock Specific...
(roods delivtred to any part
attar town.
Special attention given to
fsemera• *mots.
Car of Feed l'o re for sale.
Warehouse - Hamilton St.
Sat +,,a-(; T.R. Track. Phone
11..1. Rutledge has charge of
the retail dspae;siest.
A. J. COOPER, ser.
fL Swarts'
Bach ,Stables
MowrarrL Brauer
Jeer Oar TM11�84It'Atts
Passengers called for in
any part of the town for
all trains at O. T. R. ppr
C. P. R. depots. Proin t
service and °acetal atten-
t wide vela paget so k
-dato easy
Your baeseliej
'Phone 1(rt
Montreal Street
'ltivteae,T. JAav&a4 IA Me
,_ �, 1-ls"--a NII RESUME WAR
AietiaR Lake Levels Piensiea t
be U• 8. Secretary .f War. I The folbwitrj�gg fres, The London ,
Free Press rsl[ers a well known
Stigma), o, tri who recently retired Prom the farm
Wasb4n[too, Jac. 12. -Henry L. former resident of Col towtwhip
Dtad States
S.cretatr of
War, baa dankd Ib. apPplication the and is ince a citizen of tioderieh :
seniHu y district of Obieago to increase i WIPING NotItiadTarbay That Ad -
the amount of weir d
rawo from , Qed�.�
Lake Michigan from 4,167 cubic test In Hueco county. j Q pS Failure
seootd Cihte amount now N resident vt the Province ti-
The original Old Man Ontario lire
pero pro
ized, to 10,000 cubic feet. He thus I ably.furnishes e, bettor typi of
plonettel ens �'aaas
states his conclusions : more Ube 11s1t1•i leasseary d State for
"First.That the diversion of 11,000 (`,wadanetbe splendid elearecteristice
cubic fret per second from Lake Mich- of his generation them Mr. Jobo Titan,
igen, as applied for in this petition, now residing on Brock street, in Godes
would auhstsotially interfere with the ash.
navigable capacity of the navigable It is six Ltlrse yeah •inns he
waters in the Great Lakes and their settled in Uolborue township, near
connecting rivers. , Nile and during tee time lance be bas
"Second. That that being leo, it would lived on same farm. Although
not be appropriate for me. without eighty-three it is only short time ago
expressCongreesional sanction, toper- tbet be found it'neemeary to give u
mit such a diversion, however clearly the country lite wad remove with his
demanded by the local interests of the non end daughters to town. Mrs.
sanitation of Chicago. 1 TIMO died *owe years ago.
'Third. net ono the facts bele pre- i Thousands of people have become
scatted no such codes of local perw•u
!familiar wiih Mr. Tiflnn'shaul; es, and
ant necewity to made evident I his figure in characteristic poses shout
"Fourth. That he provision* of
the Canadian treaty for • settlement
by joint cowwiuston of 'questioue or
oar.,•,s of ditrlenos' between the
United States and Canada offer a flu-
tter reason why ou administrative
officer should authorize • further
diversion of water. manifestly ao io-
jurioue w Caoads, against ('tna,iian
How Canada Is Affected.
Dealing at length with the rea.ons
that have influenced his decision the
Secretary says:
"Ibis United States has improved
shout 1016 harbors and rivers on the
Great Lakes affected by this divelelon
the faro,, through pictures of "Old
Man Ontario" without knowing who
the mistime' was. Mr. R. R. Mallows,
a Goder•cb photographer, who sup-
plies pictures Ill a great many Cana-
dian and United States magazines. is
a nephew of Mr. 11fsln, and haw made
a Dumber of most interesting pictures
of his uncle on the farm where be
labored so loos. The illustration here-
with shows Mr. Tiffin using a teen -
planter. Newton McConnell, Sam
Hunter and other Canadian cartoon•
i.ta always present "Old Man Oo-
terio" as a wen of the same general
"JohnMcWhinney is one of the few
improvement,' tueu that 1 remember as lett* here
and has spent on such im
P when 1 catur to this 1. u t of - the
over ninety millions of dollar-. The oountry," said Mr. Tittle, to the course
Canadian Government has improved of en igteresung intervi.• a even The
over fifty harbor- on Georgian Bev Free Press on Christmas Day. "He
and Lakes Huron, Sr. Clair, Erie end ie righty--eveu today, I Is Neve. Au -
Ontario. By treaty, American ve.ele other is Mr. William Ca.0?hell, now
ate accorded equal rights of navigation town assessor, who has not reached en
with Canadiao vessels in all these greet an age by a good many veer.."
waters, including the tit. Lawrence .
River. The teduction.of the water in Nabve of Old England
these harbors and cbat.nele would Mr. Tiffin vise taro in Cumberland,
diminish to just that extent he near Carlisle, in England, and was but
amount of these itnprovemeutr, and thirteen when his father, the late
would nullify to just that extent, the Joseph Tiffin, corny out with his faiu-
tsffacN of the moneys which have been it From Toronto distt ict he started
appropriated for that purport by the out. with • ooutlwanlon for what wax
respective guvernwentw. Connecting then the far north, up ti,ward Lake
.•Pinus portions of these w iterways Huren.
are the two canal, at Sault Ste. Marie, ..There wets opposition singe lines
the Welland Canal, rod a number of from Hamilton just then,- Mr. TimAn
canals on tbeSL Lawrence River. Tbe related, "conducted 1.y men named
available depth of water over one or Hobson and Uaty. The result era.
all sills of each of these canals would that we got up here for $1.50 each,
be affected,and in .tome casae re- and got up in .1 comparatively short
construction 'might even be made time, travelling. of averse, night and
neoeasary, day.
"The International Water•ways (lotn t Galt we were advised by a tee -
mission reported that it would be • ernkeeper to keep right on to the lake.
conservative estimate which would Trnosportation este. from intend
make the lose to the navigation ion- int. were Ser high on grain, he
wrests resulting from a reduction of moo• _y R
6 inches in the depth of water as $1,- more favorable rata rout e wbyawater.
500,000 per annum, or a sum which, We took bis advice.
capitalized at 4 per cent, would ••1 bought my hundred acres for 3117
amount to a loss of $37,500,000. The 10e. or less then $000. Tbis was nn
lowest careful estimate of injury to Ma 12th, 1x48. We made ouru
vessels vels alon.0 is reported by Pee in • little log house nn the eighth
the chief of engineers as 111,00U,000 per concession that was all filled with nay,
year•.•, except about the fin -piece, and on
Not Necessary to Chicago. June 13th moved over to the farm on
the ninth.
Klett von begin to sail! and (t -e1 a
ferning sesiene a to the weal' mages,
er wises • tarkli.g tvritattof in your
t•.tarts yag t>,r,ly is 'prom Cts
a1 Setd maid that herensoe trouble-
some eel the esenuiritslestbutt thing to de Is
b Wee Neausee Syrup of Linseed.
Megane end Ode ssdyeto mod keep it eP
Mae .td Ms ipmes e..ltrdy.
Snared Llesssd,
r(.kiMdyng je ateshedy flee from
use a sus owl be veil
bis }Sallet teals. esd
':n ell"aR '
aloft the
taw•, psstmaliagespewrestem, sad
hes Ms-Dro-Ce A7^!1'
IF- it
awl Cheesiest Ce el
r. Stimson told. that, tate addition- Roads of Corduroy.
al water asked fur is not necessary to
a roper sanitation of the city of "The roads in those days were very
Chicago, stud adds on this point : rough, mostly corduroy and any
"The evidence indicates that at but- agtount of hemlock roots sticking up
tom the issue conies down to the *cross. Hauling was by oxen, and
question of coat. Other adequate our farm implements consisted of n
systems of sewege disposal are possible broad•sbared plow with wooden beam.
and are in tree throughout the world. the sickle and cradle and hoe. Wheat
The problem that confronts Chicago is was the principal crop ; we , would
not different in kind but simply larger reap our spring wheat end sow fall
and more pressing t h to thatwhich tan- wheat. But we certainly grew good
fronts all of the ether cities of the potatoes."
Gieat Lake., in which nearly 3,000,000 The Early Chards.
people of this count y are living. The
urban population of those cities, like
that of Unictgo, is rapidly increasing,
and a mehud of dip wiuon of their
vestige whish will not injure the pot-
able character of the water of the
lakes must sooner ur later be found
for them a11, The etltdence before me
satisfks me that it would be possible
in one of several ways to at least so
purify the sewage of Chicago as to re-
quire very much lead water for its
dilution than is now rt,1uir'eb by it in
its unpurifled condition.
Tbe decieion against Chicago's eon-
tention will ctleue as g toilet to Cana-
dian nay igati3n interests. Some
months ego strong representations
were rade on behalf of the Dominion
Government and various municipali-
ties, Toronto being represented by F.
S. Spence et the harbor conimiwien.
The general argument they advanced
was that the propo+ed withdrawal of
water would seriously lower the level
of the Great Lakes and thus menace
navigation in C•nadien waters.
The Wingham Postofftce Affair.
There was considerable excitement
at Wingham over the rumored re-
moval of Postmaster Fisher. The
Wingham Times explains the circt-
stances thus:
Mr. Fisher bas been acting fie poet.
master and eeµ'etaker iya* per public
accountal; he has occupied the resi-
prvce rooms v)ded fore theer hcar,uie ikingg. and
Re -
Gently the Deparcaretaker separate decided th
have a caretakerome
ppoo,stniaster*bip, and hence gave Me.
Fisher notice tothe rooms.,
ware vacate
which regarded
he Depart-
as caretakers residence.
was no desire on the part of any Cone
sweat ve to NIL ;dr. Fisber r.woved
from his Intsitiail as postmaster. As
mon as the matter was known, lead.
Itta Cossrvatives telegraphed Mr.
Bowman at Ottawa and ibbe action
was stayed While no nor. eon far se
we know, has any thought of depriv-
ing Mr. Fisher of hia position. if the
Department sees fit to appoint a care-
taker abet then the postmaster we
rime it is quite within (tit W'e'eone
ob Gan
(mind by any reason* moon. But
C. and no valid Ie 0ticle'
I we lima_arm erheard even the widoww�a� of • deem ea the part of any person
t of 1 for hr. Fhhn to leave the postomes
sestderlea__,_ --
"How 401 • Ne t
t.W t
ti..a." .en awie
uero. point r
"Tee 1 we slowed dews a tells
Mount Blanc Awl Lake Qglp
Mtn*. Mr iltward Orly, and
Aabf•sedess of lbs powers have
TWIP1111satatiese to Sacked
cess— lag the projected boar
Airs London et the Twin* Mks-
4►alnh fs eittlssMns to a definite
of the pukes asptlatloas. 5rr
Turkey L considered own -
ill. Hestia Pemba end that
wa not r epoaable ler the ste-
n the worm of the coutsres►os.
tea. deafeed Bp as Balkan al-
b* eoly without asking hia opts -
bat without even allowing him
�Ma It Whoa be egged to do
8e had welted a whole week.
that redeotloe would bring the
1a a more reemoaabse and Feeder-
enderyaw, but $$ no trove bad been
• their part In this diredi•a
▪ desire bad been manifested to
that farther reetitoatton at the
Turkey was proposed to Ipol-
1y h Menti Adidas
sot remain 1rt Medea t•ds`ti -
debreDos to Britain widen baa
them so hospitably, and oat
tlalpipd for the ether ere, Seohad
consented on t to tale -
to Conetantnople waft for
Instructions. •
Mks from the powers to the OO
Government has been prepared.
Om In tuna end. wbtie noose-
eoos -Turkey bs leave the gfesttoa
Ins Aegean Islands In the hands
tin powers. makes it clear that
has no a1Lrna1ln anent to
sea &bee do not believe unit the
— wblab the powers will pressat $
Oosa!&atlnople will bane the.
llll.ets hat not wining to make a do
step without dee nodes to
they have nettled Sir adman
and the Ambassadors se their
to deootvos Ude analetise
sOs&—poreneoosly with or shortly
year the presentation of the note to
1lbrb. They w111 be [lade to se -
IMO the war tour days latae
Mssrlyr Nine Hundred Pa•eartoers
Taken From Strained tietsniena
!flea the stranded stewed* Uran-
SIS passengers were tad o[ at
Head, at the WinneS to
Harbor on aaad.i asd Laded
MtWien safely. 1io lives were lost.
Main Huston and his mar re -
aboard the shtpt which hong
WM bows on a reef the nets*
M) get off at low water. The
Wage et a ship tram slob a prsdIca-
Mt is generally at high water, but
0. captain evidently thought that the
atbMrpart of the ship )n deep water
would drag the forward part Of at
The Uranium struck at 11 o'clock
Reds" morning in thick weather. She
embed on the ledge a quarter of a
anis north of Chebocto Head het
gad log station.
The .kip struck when the tide wan
belt high, and in the middle of the
afternoon her bow was sig fed oat
d water with seven fathoms amid
eddy, sad seventeen fakes* at the
'Ile wort of the IIrsa&
atm pssaetsgSte to the erU
abamer Lady Laurier was
Root as the latter snivel • the
pelta. The number of ,,•s tis
was IMO, of whom MO Web ter
York, and 140 for Iasataz. one
100 beteg ream and Cha treacle.
Epeerage. The l i 1y UMWboil
and children flet and ills
were transferred to he elsmma
Tbe &Rios lw of 0e
paple on board was Snfiele le dsllrel4
&dela Austrian. The Urania In ctwsM
.oado°i.m nada 4 tlh.
tdet galleCay.
This was the time of the los' school-
house and usually church servicer were
held in these buildings. Mr. TiR1n
well recalls special services being held
in the district, acid how far people
would travel in tboee days to attend.
Rev. Samuel Fear was superintendent
of the district for the Methodist church.
He preached in North street church,
Goderieh, then • m:e.ion. once a
month, and it student aesiatant also
once a month, making • fortnightly
Even in those days The Goderich
Signal was published.
"It's editor then. Tom McQtneen,
was the first man I ever voted for,"
said Mr. Tiffin.
There was great excitement in the
country at the time of the Fenian
alai tn.
1 had a load nt grist at. Piper's Mill,
tiode4iob," said Mr. Tiffin. '•wben
word Dawe that the Pentane had
handed on the Bayfield road. I thought
1 would get the flour tate)y home
anyhow. and 1 did. Theo everybody
turned out and started tor the scene
of action. We hadn't a thing in the
way of actual weapons, only pitch-
forks and the like."
Mr. Tithe's farm in Colborne has
been add to s Mr. Seed. of Turnhet•ry
township, for about $7,(1110. This is
the Stet time it has eh/anger! hands
sloes sixty-three years ago when it
brought 3117. There are Roe buildings
on It now. of course, and it has
excellent orchard lead.
Modern Irrigation Is Fulfilling
Bible Predictions.
Pastor Russell at Washington Temple
-Discusses Second Text Quoted on
Union Depot Portal. -Millennium
Is Beginning, He Avers - Greater
Bleedings To Follow Shortly.
Washington, D.
C.. Jan. l2. --Pas-
tor Russell preach-
ed this afternoon
et the Temple, eor-
Der 13th street and
j!kw York avenue.
to a large aud-
ience. H,• trade
the rather 5tartltug
declaration t h a t
the Milleunlulu is
already here. that
Chronology Droves
that we have Beed
living under Sime
of ite ble4sings for
tlhe past thirtytight years; and that
ear modern conveniences and progrr'as
ase suable to the beginning of
file rolling away of the curse, and the
Substitution of the Divine blessing.
The Pastor said that She reign of
11111smish for * thousand years not only.
Rs® bind Satan and hinder his fur-
ther deception of mankind. but will
Also bring light, knowledge, illumina-
tion, to every corner of grit- earth. He
MoiMstd out the beginning of these
blgaa•tnga as already with us; but they
wonly the faint dawning. of the
ester light which will flood th
world, when the Sun of Righteou.+-
mees, Emmanuel's Itilo00113, shall be
inanidested above the Danson.
The speaker went on to say that im•
mediately before us a a terrific .toren
which will 000vuiae the present order
we thiap-•-eoaal, financial, political
The momentary chaos
will �,yield to the Primo of Peace, who
will then take to Himself His great
�o�ee 11
and reign . will say to the
bt wy waves of trouble, ..Peace, be
Aga and there will be a calm, even
es was illustrated on the Sea of
Pedlar anagen showed that the
e10® of trouble which will precede
the establishment of Mewiah'e King-
dom will be the natural result of the
°peestion of the laws of Justice. This
priaeiaie always operates along the
linee of cease sad ellen. Humanity
ewe not use the wonderful blessings
of the present as they ninth'. Selfish-
ness monerans amongst rich and poor.
The earth's abundant supply for the
weeds el all is bringing discontent,
because the neural is hall of
feiblinsea, depravity.
God will allow selfishness to lewd
on to its inevitable result, and thus
will demonstrate, to mankind the eui-
seea °t sin, selfishness, meanness,
and the besuky of holiness, righteous-
nssss l armory with God.
"The Desert Shall Blossom."
ns Pastor then called attention to
leant 311, the first veree of whish de -
aha -The desert shall rejoice and
as the rose." He showed
bkst rri anon is literally fulfilling
peopbsey and bringing about mar-
vellous easults. Our Government is
ao.apesstang with on intelligent fel-
downtime= to ssolaim what was ore e
�gposed to be worthless land.
j ..miler work of reclamation is
ming m in Arabia. Bbort1y the land
of the Arabian Nigbkr will realise
m a estaral way changes far more
wooderinl than those of the fairy
Sales which entranced our childish
ioagiaaboos. The great Sahara Des-
ertr alaq has been examined b7 en-
erthatnes. who have aseerttain.W
mini d it lies below sea level. At
comparatively small cost, iL can be
iat®dated and brought to a high state
of cultivation- The speaker also said
that the Scriptures prophesy that the
Dead Sea will one day be oonnected
with the ocean.
OM Mere Wonderful Things.
PastorRummell than applied Isaiah
363 to our day, sad declared that he
i< laying to awry oat Da commands.
The Scriptures ohne that before the
world ese
!togs, the Obemti d Christ must first
be gathesed sad changed to spirit -be.
togs by the First Rasarrrction.
Mtagulded Benevolence.
Orcin Orowtis'Useee.
in WInoipeg. Toronto, Montreal
and other Canadian vitas well -mean
ing religious or chariest -de orgentra-
Moms are appeallni to the public for
Money with which to send foni,
elotbing and Christmas cheer into the
poverty at Haien hones of these
eitlea. in the majority d eases
poverty tomtits the doors of tbsew
hsebas homes borne the bread -
willows have bead Need by eooarmio
pressors 10 nooepe Ws than a living
wage. \'et mast of then poor people
need tat y'�sa�quare deal and -sot
ty.ot Iasi ace tie vialfar of nor
fndthe Would
devote their W=Inipro=
.i t
aeetdNiotq tMM
have Chrism ohm mare than ase
widen year aged wend sot ha
Oreie for ed to b tM r
v> fill.
Dregs are the bell Mani; they are
slam?. mallr MAI Oak
Zflay est as Mm e
Holds Record of Cornell University for
Piques! Perfection.
Ithaca, Oct. dU.-A perfect man bas
been discovered in Cornell. He is
flawless physically and the most
powerful man in the university, ac-
cording to Dr. t9. A. Mulford, Cornell's
physical director.
E. Wight Men, twenty-seven, a
freshman in the State College of Agri-
culture, is pronouoced the beet speci-
men of physical tuanhood that records
abow the university has ever had.
"He is really • wonder," said 1)r.
Mulford. "I cannot Mee where he
could be improved upon physically.
He has 201; pounds of muscle and
bone and not an ounce of fat. His
health is perfect."
The pbyaical director made a de-
tailed examination of the students
and compiled statistics for an anthro-
pometric record, such as Dr. Dudley
Sargent of Harvard uses.
Mr. Wightman was asked this after-
noon for the secret of his pbvrical per-
fection. He replied it was clue to hip
environment and not to any conscious
efforts of his own. He said :
Father Cleared Farm.
bless -
"My father was a powerful man and
eget ted els strength clearing away
section of wilderness in Huron county,
Ontario. My mother was a hug
woman. 1 wee born on a farm and up
to my twentieth year wax engaged in
rugged work on the fart.
"Outdoor life and an ahundence o
farm work made it unneceseary for m
to take special exercise. I attain
my present height, 5 fret, 11
inches, at the age of sixteen year..
When it cisme time to go to school,
the schoolhouse Yeas a few miles away
and in the absence of traneportatio
facilities 1 walked to and from my
"I like a natural life. I indulge i
good things in u,oderstion and in
things not at all. I have a good aQ
tits and eat regularly. i sleep etgh
or otne hours a night. I hare neve
dieted, hut eat wholesome food.
"1 avoid wbat would harm me phys
frailly. I never drink nor smoke. M
morale are good. 1 don't wot ry no
hecome angry or melancholy ova
little reverses. 1 avoid an
extremes of all kinds."
1 1T Alit this has bean a000mpliabed,
the `alstllte Yetis.Woman Moa 17n�� Measianill iw�hlamh
Admirer Blindstom/ MAI sums=ties seamed anything
Atm moments shier feria hatmos•
Thin he sties a{inded Eyes.
that Jew' mis-
led tab) the pr>vats wooden Mama edea were meed* lli onstiooe of the
Pit Dr. Fletcher. on iorbeswork d His Second Advent. During
�aehog, on Wednseda' btu d 11ilennerr' oar Lord and His
1 Gosh well remove, not only physical
Ming. sa Ilagliahmas. 11 Ma at all Dir basso deathless, lameness. die.,
Ohnea ravisher to the egasee - nip human wsakneeses and fail-
miakind will receive earthly blessings
bra. Alfred Eamon mil fMe
NW hes ,.dung bum he tau of Adam.
Example of Perfection.
Dr. Mulford, inspeaking of M
K'ightu,an as an ideal of human pity
ical perfection. hoe noted the absen
of extremes in the teen's makeu
His face is strong, hut neither ug
Stir handsome. His cheeks are neithe
rosy nor pallid. They are neitbe
drawn nor round. He looks at on
Entity, but not in a staring way. Hi
jaw is neither prominent nor recedin
The perfect. than is not planning t
spend the rest of his life in continuou
exercise. His ambition is to be
teacher, for baying attained physi
perfection he is striving for a cora
ponding perfection mentally. He h
taught for three years in a distri
school near Newburg, His only exe
cite then was walking.
Mr. Wightman proposes to ,pen
the next four years st the College
Agriculture and then to teach agricu
tore, not in a rural school, hut in
small college. He is married a
makes hia home at :111:1 East Mi
lwW a now aspen sae* will prsseni
be bar *nanny. hilt'. 8n ossa alfa ihm ii lad
baits tato his von lto�. will kerne Dave posed away.
H aves was a bookings, •a alt•. 'A H isttwey Shall Be TMs."
�stmpa t at Fieb hemp ft�saK rill The context mentions a iligba'ay
�a Hawaeeock. dolens �ylet s. of Holiness to be smlealished. This
waved wt11 distinctly dtfier tgem (be bnmd
was fie iEriillett wtststaat. 'i'ha ism► acrd sad the narrow wy Everything
Med wafts& 1s denelbaa es ps�Ms will be removed that will hinder lour
the meet atrtli3etatp beadiems wemat man women back to perfection
m Among. 1ltvgs peebakl► tss Tis reward at the a the way
non been hdf weslde brit ere will be very different from that given
d. see ballet b.ema 111guna to those who now walk the narrow
ogre way of sell-sacrdice. Adam was s
I 1.1161 man. not a heavenly being God
Dwshsee New Qsfeewlsl� rsharuges
theta win. sickness. menace death
not He made Adam king
ewer earth. w tth dominion over as
e law loyal ands
Hl� gest tosluenyytwig d .aceaturet. ('.red's pe�pose are the
oats. she was lrhlRs most COO ma te+da> ea tit jhe iptinn,na
b the 1orel �sl. (artist died to redeem humanity 111
�. last wassimaai evessrg y rife time. all will awake- Amen the
tram par • My or .. els '1t51' of death to an opportunity to
the hos seg Bas ibot,54 alio, return 4, redo -Kam as bunion beings.
Geed Qirews
angered sstde par and apse
mitten atghr. 111► ..r bei May -I've lust bps reading about
Rota: eeedltllaa 1Mtdi ,eealydas�'
bolding hated
The above refers to a young ma
well known in Gnderi..h, where he
tended the Collegiate Institute f
several terms. His father is Jackson
Wightwan, formerly of East Waw
• ssiao *Lis what ails
Tamil g se0*Ig teha dN bY I=an► -i Pow t
ed patient seemed 1t Uwe p► men
••a 10 he •,Atli fits On ..
MI5 P-�F (` •
Woman-D1d you know that y
dog killtvi my cat?
Man -oh, yoe, but I've put a mus
on him so he can't do 1t again.
Over the huge old fireplace of t
Mansion House kitchen, which is to
renovated, there is the inecripti
Swear not, lie not, neither repeat
Bella -"Oh, dear, the diamond
mT engagement ring bas got a flu
it. • Georg. -'Take no notice, d
ling. Love should be blind,
know." Belle -"Yee, but one n
not be stone blind !"
"Mother. how can I tell that
husband still loves me ? Can I w
he mks me for kisser,?" "No,
child,you may be sure he loves
when e asks yot1 if you wouldn't
to have more pin money."
She -"And bow is your bach.
fritnd ?" He -"When i saw him 1
be was mending very slowly." Mb
"Indeed! 1 didn't know bed been i
He -"He hasn't been -be was sew
fresh buttons on bis underwear I"
The moat delicious ilevtxs,wi
the best and purest Cream.
ad at the BALMORAL OATS.
dere bytelephone for Ice Cream
in bulor in bricks attended to
promptly.' 04.
For F.11 and Winter months a smart.
to sell oar well-known
fruit omni annum mW trees to Ooderich
and rurrounding ooantrr.
of the finest nursery stock grown
Steck mold and delivered to trade. Muir
and good deUvery guaranteed. T.frty-
fiveyears ofWWeiner°sm
u+ W nee tin lest wave In our line.
Write ter bass.
Pelham Nurser' Ca.
Stock t; Poultry Specifics
FREEW. will send absolutely free, tar
W asking, postpaid, one of our
large 64 -page books (witk ta-
sertl, on the common diseases of stook and
poultry- Tells bow to feed all kinds of 105.7
and light horses. colts and mars, miles mere,
calves and fattening steers. also bow to beep
and feed poultry so that they will lay .. well
in It contains M60
in winter as aoamer.
recommends from all over Ganda, from people
who have used our gosh. No tarsier should be
without it.
You can fatten cattle and lap in a menthe
less time by sing our Royal Purple Stook
Specific than you could possibly do wittiest u.
feed labor and
thereby saving a month's and
the scat to you will not be more than t1.66 fee
six pip or 11.00 for one steer. It will keep
your horns in skew esaditioo with ordaaarp
feed. 1f you have a poor, misenbM-took-
ing animal on yoer place try k oa this see
stet and see the marvellous rsult which will
be obtained. Our Stock Specific wilt
the milk taw three to eve Ila tier cow per
day. while being fed in the stable. A lib
package will Let • cow or eons 70 day& '
will make your hens lay lust r well 1a tw
winter a in the summer, and will keep thew
free from disease. These are nee
goods Pete
unadulterated We do not me any cheap bile'
to targe differ,*
maks a pwkase. energy
from any on the market at the present tisme.
Royal Purple Stock Specific, 60e ochre. •' fon
Gate pekgs., in an air -tight tin, for P1.80
Royal Purple Poultry Specific. 26e and boa
pekp.. and 81.60 air -tight tins that bo
four 600 pekes.
Royal Purple Lite Killer, 26c and See tine
3°e by mail.
Royal Purple Gall Cure. 26e and 60e tins; MO
Royal Purple Sweet Liniment, 60e bottle; 00
by mail.
Royal Purple Cough Cure, 60e tin : 60e lc
Royal Purple Disinfectant, rhe and 60e tins.
R�LPnrple Roup Cure, Mie floe: *00 b
Royal Purple Worm Powder. 26e tine: Mks
Manufactured only by
TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co
London. Canada
"Royal Purple Supplies and Hook
lets may be obtained from"
A. J. Cooper, FIour oat
Feed. Godertch.
COALBest Scranton Hard
Coal—all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates—the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Dome s t i c
Lump Coal — most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut.
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard -
wood and Kindling.
tt Peter MacEwan Estat
Telephone fila
That Wonderful Event
IP THERE is a time above all times .Ana •
woman should be In perfect phydcal camdli M
it wt�k the wMuse aspAreevviaous to the amino ef her eM
mime miler ilsani •
*Mks to the Ells ram he M ass
P.IiikisvAea it As beim lgresae s•/ww'i
per•1wcanine aware
kens dbass e! "shed m•ida� a w•mma
Yew h•q/Yt can w yes our *stet Nrua s
fe et
Msepsaa s lea s( ��/aw0al•`p�
11 is goer privlM4* is area es Drs flees M adobe, teed R of
eke* free el charge. a ammo ash apaimisicallens roti