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Royal Tempters Cheers for 1913.
lilureka Council. No- 14* Boys)
Tempters of T.Ptpee iosee. has elected
the following officers for the year : J.
T. Newell, select committer ; MiesIs
Ethel Templeton, vio5. 15flaUl
W. C. Naltel, chaplain ; Mrs. C. E.
Young reoordag secretary ; Mrs. W.
J, ![o0re•th, financial eeeret ry ;
Chas, E. young, treasurer J.
Walter', horrid ; Mrs. J. T. Newell,
'wield Uberles Barker,
guard ; William Carey, sootiest ; W.
ttOCreath end H. W. U. Neftel,
so titers; W. ter, C. E. Young and
i\'. Carey, trustees.
uodetich Horse Markets.
rhe both market committee an-
uuunceul dates for fourGpublihc�bor+s
markets to be held In aderia
the nest three months : January Al,
February 23, March 25 and April 15--
eti'Tuesdays. It is confidently expected
that these events will be fully as suc-
cessful as thus of past masons, brog-
ing breeder, and buyersfief oreEacsale
gether for mutual pro
day tbere will be a public suction at
230 O'clock p. w., and some of the best
buyers in the country are expected to
be on hand. Dr. W. F. Clark be presi-
dent of the committee and Jewel Con-
nolly is secretary.
It Is Now Smith Bros.
Smith Bros. are now the proerrietors
of the Kest street
tkesin Smith
having disposed of
to his
sons, R. J. (Bert) and Halld y. The
late proprietor baa bad a s.tcceesful
and honorable business career in (lode -
rich, and in retiring from the active
management of the Bart street estab-
lishment with which he has been se
long connected he does so with the
goodwill of the entire community.
His sons bave been associated with
hors in the business and are well and
favorably known, and we have no
doubt they will keep the East ,tteet
h,ikery well to the hone
Oddfellows' Installation.
Last Monday eveotng, D. D. G. M.
McTaggart. of Blyth. and his team
installed; the officers of Huron installation
No. ft
degree was put on in taultlets style.
Tbe otficersinstalled were as follows :
I. P. G„ A. F. Bundy ; N. G.H. Tich-
►tourne; V.B., B. W. Craigie ; H. S.
N. G., 8. n; L. 8. N. 0., .1. S.
Platt; R. 8. V. G„ N. McAnlee: L. S.
V. 0.. A. Johnstone conductor. J.
Newcombe; Warden. L. L Knox : R.
S. S.. B.C.Munninte; L.8. S., H. P.
Seeing; recording secretary. Chas. A.
Reid ; financial secretary. Dr. W. F.
Clark ; treasurer, U. C. Whitely ; I.
G.. H. Jane; G. 0., H. Turner: •hat -
Iain, Rev. J. Pollock. Following the
installation the wants of "the inner
man" of those present were looked
slier by the serving of a supper.
The Kiaigeton-M. Millinery Parlors.
As noted Nat. week, Mist Cam hill
hes taken over the millinery business
uo Kingston street which bad been
cooducted with such success by Misr
D000gh for some yew. Mies Camp-
bell has been connected with the busi-
uese for a number o[ears, is well
known to the pele of (;odsricb, utd
will wake it her aim to maintain the
higb sypdard of taste aod'skill' which
has always been associated with the
house. She is one of our own Gods -
rich girls. and has the rot dial stood
wishes of a host of friend. in her busi-
ness yeotwe.
A New Feature of the Public Library:
The Goderich public library board
bias Introduced • new feature which
will be welcomed by the citizeos. On
payment of 5c members will be
Allowed to reserve any book, and will
toe notified by postcard that the book
is in the Iibary. Such book must be
taken out within three days from the
issue of postcard. Sundays and holi-
days excluded. This privilege is in
vogue and is very popular in the
public librariee of Stratford. Toronto
and other Targe centres in the Prov-
ince. Our library has now tdopted
the feature and beccefortb any
member may have books reserved on
Payment of 5c.
The Barnardo Boys.
There was a fairly good attendance
at the entertainment given by the
Barnardo Boys at the court house last
Thursday evening. The musical pro-
gram given by the boys under the di-
rection of their musical instructor,
Mr. Aaron. was more than ordinarily
interesting, introducing a great vari-
ety of instruments, such as handbells,
xylophones, ocarinas, bagpipes. MAD -
dollops!, etc. An address by Rev. W.
J. Mayes. threw a great deal of light
upon the work t hat is being done
through the agency et the Barnardo
homes and enlisted the sympathy of
many who for the first time (earned of
the wide scope of the benevolent in-
stitution founded and fur many years
carried on by the late Dr. Birnado.
An opportunity was given to those
present to subscribe towards the fin-
ancial needs of the work.
Court House Notes.
A charge of assault laid against
Tea, Drennan, of Ashfield, was heard
by Magistrates Kelly and Reid yes -
tents y, and judgment was given this
morning, the defendant being fined
S1Hmod oussa, The case was the out-
come of a flintily disagreement which
for the second time within • few
months has made serious trouble.
Another charge of obtaining money
under false pretences bee been laid
against John G. Ohamnny, of West
Wawitoosh, the complainant in this
cant' being John Campbell, a Wawa-
nsh farmer, who claims that Clem -
:ley got $t1(i from him. HIS trihal on
this charge and oo tes e siwiler tyke
preferred by Cyrus Scott
place before JudgeDoyle peal Thurs-
day, the Lard inst.
Agricultural Society Meeting Adjourns.
The annual meeting of the WVes•.
Huron Agrictutal Society was held
Wednesday of this week. The audi-
tors' report net tieing ready. the busi-
ness was not concluded and an ad-
journment tyke made to Tuesday of
next week, at 2 o'clock p. w. Officers
and directors were elected u follows :
President, "sear Salkeld ; 1st vice-
preeident, M. McKay ; 2nd vice-presi-
dent, G. W. Andrews. Directors :
South of town --Geo. Laitbwaite. D.
Prouse, Geo. Salkeld, Harry Salkeld,
Geo. Sturdy. North of town -Chu.
McNeil. Hugh Hill. Fred Quaid, John
Clark. Jobe Fowler. For the town -
W. F. Clark. T. W. Bel, C. A. Beid.
W. T. Murney, 1.. L Knox. Honor-
ary directors -B. N. Lewis, M. P..
W. Proudfont, K. C. M. P. P.
Councillor Laitbwaite. James Con-
nolly. Robe. McLean, Wm. Warnock,
J. W. Salkeld. B. C. Mannings, W.
E. Kelly, John Md.Ciure,8. Biret. J.
L Aitken.
Public Library.
Mr. J. G. Geddes Manager.
It has been generally known for.
,ome time that Mr. W. L. Horton was
retiring from active service with the
Union Bank of ®&nada, and the change
in the managership of the local branch
is now announced. Mr. J. G. Geddes
having been appointed the manager
nere. Mr. Geddes has been the acting
manager for some months, and bait
.already made s place for biwself in
the esteem of the business men of
Godericb, and the interests of the
Union Bank will be well looked after
in his hands. Mr. Horton is being
retained by the Bank in an advisory
caparity, so that his long experience
and intimate acqueiotaoce with
commercial affairs in Goderich will
still he at the service of the Union
A Runaway.
Last Friday afternoces a horse
owned by J. Flick. ut BenneUw , ran
ane while its town. throwing Mr..
out on the roast Mrs. Flick
was, taken to Dr. Eutmereun's ofioe,
but she was not eeridusly injured,
having escaped with only • few
bruises. Thr bores started to run
from in front of Sbarmares shoe storm
which! Mr. Mick bad jute entered. It
ran down East street, with We Flick
in the cutter, and on tarring the cor-
ner at Victoria 'tryst tbe cutter was
upset and Mev. Flick was thrown out.
The horse still continued 10 rum along
Victoria street and turning up Hauge
tun street ran back 'to the Square.
and finally was stopped In trout of Lite
Bedford hotel. The cutter was con -
adorably damaged.
Poultry Show Next Week.
Tbe annual winter show of the
Huron Poultry sod Pet Stoat Amerce
al( win be held at the town hall.
God ch, next week, and the direc-
tors request that the townspeople
turn out and give their generous assis-
tance towards making the event a suc-
cess. The show will open on Tuesday
nett at 8 o'clock p. m. and will be
open all day Wedoeed•y and on
Thursday until 3 o'clock. The admis-
sion fee will be 10 cents; for children
5 cents. Entries are already coming
in, and there is good reason to expect
a splendid showing of the finest
poultry of the county end district.
Half-adozen cups are up for competi-
tion, with any number of minor spe-
cial prizes, and there will be keen con-
tains in many lines. A lecture on
poultry by an expert will be given op
Wednesday evening and should be
heard by all who are interested in the
important poultry industry. W. J.
Carter, of Constance. is president of
the Association, and Walter H. Har-
rison, of Goderich, is secretary. 11:
W. Pardo, of Ingersoll, has been en-
gaged to act as judge.
Public School Board.
The membership of the public school
Seed for 1913 is as follows : For St.
David's ward -A. D. McLean and R.
H. Cutt : for SL Patrick's ward -R.
J. Acheson and Dr. W. F. Callow ; for
St. George's ward -Alen. Saunders
and Lionel G. Parsons : for St. An-
drew's ward -H. E. Hodgeos and J.
inaugural meeting
of therbo•rd for1013 washed on Wed-
nesday evening. Dr. (;allow was
elected chairman for the year and the
following committees were struck :
Contingent -R. ti. Curt, A. D. Mc -
Lean, J. W. Craigie. Finance -J. W. hytery agreed W his translation. The
ScS heel R. a. Amen-, G. L Persons. induction of Mr. Peareey,Into his new
D. McLean.l la11.e E. HA. dSaunders,..A. charge et Herriston will take place
D. H. E. 'Hodgems. IThe ''g
tint named in ea.h cane to be chair- during the last week in January.
man of the committee). Baptist Church.
Dr. Macklin was appointed to the Divine worship will be held next
Collegiate Institute hoard and Prin-
cipe Long to the public library taiard. ing service i1 a. w., evening service
Mr. Long was trans ted also u a 7 p. m.. Subject for evening's dis-
member. of the entrance examination course : "The Garden of Eden- Bible
hoard. It was resolved that each school end Bible ciass 3 p. m. Visitors
teacher he instructed to conduct the will be .cordially welcomed to all these
religious exercises in his or her own services,
room in future. The principals' re-
port for December showed a total st-
tendance of 5111 divider equally te-
tween boys and girls. Inspector Tom
reported to the board and some mi-
ters which he dealt with were refer
red to committee. Twelve applica-
tions were received for the position of
caretaker of Central school and Tboe.
D. T•ichbourne was appointed to Sep-
tember 1st next. A letter of conddl-
eoce is to be sent to the family of the
late caretaker, Mr. Tait.
Tavta.DAT. JABOAsk le. MB dl
Atilraau Particulars of a
Specifications include: E L E C T R I (i
drive for cam and pump shaft. 116 Mob wbeel
base, 34x4 tires on demountable rams, ens sits•
rim, full eleptic stroll rear• springs. Bosch unagneso, ell nickel fittings. foot
rest. robe rail, horn, pump, jack, tire repair outfit, top. windshield, eta.
You can get other details without putting yourself under any obliga-
tion, but we would say that this is the best buy for 1913, and your order
should be placed at once to ssatre spring delivery, es the output. Is sure to be
snapped up at this figure.
5 Passenger Model
Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co.
GODERIOH. ONT. 'Pawns 24i
Service as usual next Sunday in
Victoria street chur•clt. Mr. Saveuge
will preach in the interest of missions.
A cordial invitation to attend these
services is extended to all.
At North street Methodist church
nex(Sunday the pastor, Rev. Alfred
Brown, win have charge of the ser-
vices and will conduct the adult Bible
class. Rev. David Rogers, of St_
Thomas, will preacis in tbe morning
and the pastor in tike evening. These
will be the first of • series of mis,ton-
ary services to cull ate 'on Sunday,
January 28th. A . tdial welcome to
The Presbyter, of Huron held a spe-
cial meeting at .gmondville on %on -
day morning. January 13th, when Mr.
Carswell presented a call fromthat
congregation to Rev. James Argo, B.
A., of Lobo, London Presbytery.
signed by 1913 members and twelve ad-
herents, and promising a stipend of
=1.0(11) per annum with use of manse
and four weeks' Annual holiday. The
call was sustained and was trans-
mitted to the London Presbytery, and
Mr. Carswell was appointed to plead
for Mr. Argo's translation. At the
same meeting x call from Guthrie
church, Harriston. wes presented to
Rev. W. T. Pearcey, of Londesboro,
and was accepted by him. The Pree-
Tbere was a full attendance of the
members of the public library bond
at the meeting on Saturday. 11th inst.
An account from (bas. Harper of
1117.1V for repairs to the furnace and
lighting system was ordered to be paid
and also the secretary'saccount of
815.38 for salary and postage. The
librarian reported receipts in Decem-
ber of fle.11 and an issue of 1.242
books and magazines. The treasurer
presented his report of receipts and
expenditures for 1012. which will in
due course come before the public. The
librarian was instructed to paste the
labels ea the new books as soon as
they are received from the printer. As
soon as this is completed they will be
ready for distribution. The amount
ezpeoded no books lane year is
very much larger than in the previous
year and the number Awaiting dis-
tributioe is large. ft was decided to
procure & copy of the American
Library Association catalogue and a
oopv of the Canadian Abilene; for
The Late Mrs. Shurrie.
Mr. and Mn. Walter Sharp were at
Brussels last week attending the fu-
neral of Mrs. Sharp's mother. the late
Mrs. Shurrie. The Brussels Post says
of the deceased :
Last Saturday morning. January 4th.
about 10.90 o'clock, Mary McKenzie,
relict of kiss late James D. Sherrie of
Morris township, was beckoned away
to her home in the skies. She had not
teen very rugged for some time and
yet was able to go about until the
Tuesday previous to her demise. Mrs.
Shurrie was born at Middle River.
Cape Breton. eighty-five, years ago,
and came wart with her parents to
Culross township fn herearly girlhood.
Fifty7-eix yeah ago she was married
to Mr. tlharret in Rest Wawano,h and
they were residents of Morris for over
forty years, her husband predeceas-
ing bee by twenty-three years. Four
years ago Mrs. Shortie, ton and
daughter case to Brua.als. The chil-
dren any : Jobe, Mori)M : Mrs. Wei'
ter Sharp, Godetich : Hen.ah, de-
ceased tweedy yeses ago : James and
Miss Robots& J.. at homes The fang
lletLumley, of aitch. kiwdly offi-
zin the
, D. Warwick. P. 800tt, D.
G. Hogg. R. 8bedden and W. Wink.
trust est was lade is At use& mine-
teee. Dsos.Md wan a quiets kindly.
woman ova of the best
sad of Atte religions
landw by a wwIde abets greedy bMoved of
Meade im sitars their sympathy
with the **growls' otse.. )Mita. Stew -
totes we sot �erose forgotten
is SWAN * anti lenity.
friends • Maass* who
rise. J. Pert-
� sod A. Mr .nthe
i the i odety bas ever had.
dMn and kiss ineseetloeca fx the fntaee an
flare. liar favorable.
Alum. , WIlllgbsm- , t
took plies Kati art rn
W of �
Psllbesrere were 8.
Three months of solid winter ahead of us.
How about your winter overcoat, Pridham
the Tailor has some elegant goods you ought to
see -
Art supplies. fancywork materials. est.. in
fall sappy at Smith's Art Store. Kart street.
Imirove the winter evenings by making your-
selfproficient In some line of handiwork
Put the poultry show on your visit-
ing list for next week.
Be sure to hear the Dixie Cborus
next Thursday. It is something
The regular monthly meeting of
Ahmeek tempter. I. 15 D. E., will be
held in the court house on Monday
next, 20th inst., at. 4 o'clock.
At Victoria Opera Howe.
Peru's Peerless Play rs a, re present-
is sen -
s at
Vg some very
this week. Mles
Victoria Opera
Hazel Corinne. the leading a.-treee,
and Dan Malloy, star comedian, are
the favorites wfth the playgoers, but
the other members of the company
uphold their several parts with marked
ability. The attendance each night
has been fairly good. especially con-
sidering the many other attraction* of
the week. Friday night the play will
he -Poly of the Circus." For the
Saturday matinee (2:90 p.m.) "Anita.
the Singing Girl.' is billed, and tbe
closing play of the envagement, on
Saturday evening. will be 'The Little
Coed; which made a hit en Monday
night and is being repeated by special
TM" t put the house
ager Mclean has
tbrough a thorough course of reno
ration, and the improved appearance
is the subject of mauy complimentary
* -� ' 1 T web (Oar) 3�N,1MwM1
Bank Money Orders
Save Trouble and Loss
•)F ('A' 'IA By looses of the Bank Money
Orders which we Mu*, you cin
Godericb Wins from Seciortb.
The hockey season opened in Gode-
rich on Monday night with a game be-
tween the Seaforth and Goderich U.
H. A. teams at the West street rink.
The game was fast considering the
little practice the teens have had.
Some of the Goderich players had not
been in the game for some years, and
taking this into consideration the boys
put up a good game and with a few
more practices will make a fast teem.
The game wu called shortly after 8
o'clock by the referee, Ernie Cooke, of
Toronto. The Seefortb boys were the
first to score, but Goderich soon
evened the tally and the half ended
with the more or.t all.
In the second half tbe locals started
off strong and were the first to tally,
out Seaforth came back and evened
the score. The borne boys attacked
the Seaforth nets fiercely, and soon
added another to the score, and Frank
McGaw on a pretty end to end rush
scored the last goal. making the final
score 4-2 in favor of Goderich.
The Seafortb team put up a strong
game, making some nice combined
rushee. The Tame was clean. very
few penalties being handed out by the
referee. and these, for miner offences.
The teams lined up as follows :
Seaforth Goderich
G. Case goal D. Meleor
R. Mc0eoch point F. McGaw
R. Hays cover -point H. Belcher
:t. Muir right wing A. Mclvor
R. Winters centre Jas. Wiggins
1'..1enes rover R. MacDonald
A. Dick left wing D. MacDonald
Time -keeper -B. Pridham, of Toron-
to. Goal umpires -H. Troyer and H.
Friday Game Postponed.
Owing to the mild weather and poor
prospect of ice. the game scheduled
for tomorrow (Friday) night between
St. George's Church. Clinton ani Godetich oo the Goderich
The rector's Bible class will be re- rink he's been postponed for a week
mime' neat Sunday afternoon .at 3 and is now flae3 for Friday .,f next
o'clock-. week.
Next aueleda .`sling Rev. J. B. Seaforth Wins at Clinton.
Fotheringham will give a lecture on Clinton, Jan. 15. -(Special.) -An in -
"Robert Burns." Mrs. King andMr. 1 termediate O. H. A. game was Bayed
Parsons will sing Scotch songs and here tonight between Seaforth and
Mies Pridhau will give some readings. Clinton. The gone was closely con-
tested throughout. At hall time the
FARMERS' INSTITUTE score was 4 to 2 in favor of Clinton
- _ and at full time four all. to the extra
Meetings Next Week at Londesboro' and fifteen minutes' play Seaforth scored
Holssssvive. two. while Clinton got one, resulting
in win for Seaforth by 6 to 5. The
Two meetings of the West Huron line-up:
Farmers' Institute have been an- Seafortb- L3nal, Case ; point, Mc.
send sums up to 950 to aby point in Canada 1Yukon excepted) or
to any of the principal cities of the United unites with iniuimuw
rost\and trouble and aheolutely no risk of Inds.
Orders fur sunt up tole cwt 3c. -from Ile to inti, 8c. -troth
--- ---- -
$10 to fee 1tk. -from ice) to S50. 13c. Use them,
G. GEDDES, Manager Goderich Branch.
1.191111110N. ENG.. ItlitANCM. f r- w. AIME.
a Te eadneesie. tut. w 1 G•sus, C. star sesesell.1 Andrei led sren.i...
Halliday Smith is about again' atter
a severe attack of typhoid fever. He
will stand a little rounding out vet,
but be is getting there all right.
The members of Inverness Camp,
Sons of ScotlenJ, have had under ccn-
sideration the holding of a Burns an-
niversary supper, but have decided
not to attempt it this year. This will
be a matter for regret to those who
remember the very interesting Burns
celebration held under the auspices of
Inverness Camp last year ; but they
can look forward to sotnething espec-
ially good • year hence.
Mise Reynolds, superintendent of
Hodgen. Bros.' millinery department,
bas returned from Wiogham. whither
she was called by the death of her
mother, Mrs. J. R. Reynolds. The de-
ceased lady was an old resident of
Wingbane having lived in that town
since 1876, and was highly esteemed in
a wide circle of friends. She leaves
two sons. one at Winnipeg and one at
Duluth. and six dauehters, all of
whom are at home except Miss Rey-
noldsof town.
Children's Aid Work.
The regular meeting of the Children's
Aid Society was held in the court
house in Tuesday afternoon. The
matter ret obtaiainr a children's shelter
in this town was discussed, and it
was decided to obtain an option
present hospital property,
the executive.
question was hMt r. idn ent o� the
executive. The
Seelety was appointed to ettend the
concert to he given in Setitueta on
Wednesday evening for the lrwsept of
the (%ildren's Aid Society. it wee
also derided to send to tbe � ier 01
the town pledge eards
the annual report, the sending of ria
pledge cards to he followed by •
personal etlnvsse by the ladies. The
'ermine dist-ed the oomtitictn of
two bow,Moseys.to
make than wards reported om
TM i. o. o. F., (.-
Hump I.odf[v.
stru,cted to tbask the bridge for the
.ane. was one of the hint
The meeting
Pounced for next week -at Londes-
boro' on Thursday, January 2.3rd, and
at Holmeeville on Friday, the 24th.
The visiting delegates who will ad-
dress these meetings are W. D. Dyer,
of Columbus : O. Schuyler, of Brant-
ford, and Miss Robson, of ilderton.
At each place an afternoon meeting
will be held et 2:30, and an evening
meeting at 7:30. Each afternoon a
separate meeting will be held for the
ladies, to be addressed by Miss Rob-
son ; and the evening meeting will be
a joint meeting.
Teuesoar, Jan. 10th.
Vail wheat, per bush i 0 els to ti o
Buckwheat, per boob 0 iA to 0
Peas, perhuspee h J
Iloresainge,Barley, tar bush
neer, family, er cwt
near, patentPer cwt
Ikea, par tee
Berme• per ten
May, par too. new
WWssdd, Per load
Rum. perils
Old Cheese. per Ib
New Cheese. alas 0 tui to 0
Ates, per�'r bele parbl 1 d0 to 2
p0( spy-- 0,4tnybushel
o good, per cwt. 3 M to t
sxpori, per •wt 3 e0 to e
gp'ep♦ per cwt ........ 3 15 to .. 3 s0 to M
Lambe. per head 3 00 to 3
1 00
1 ON ttoo
Re 0 Po
I to
0 ! 10
Magistrate Kelly this afternoon had
to deal with the case of a young boy,
a pupil at Victoria school. who with-
out. any provocation struck bis
teacher in the face with his fid with
such force as to cut her Hp badly, sev-
eral stitcbes being required to close
the wound. The lad appears to Wive
an ungovernable temper, and as he is
without a mother's care it was decided
to make him • ward of the Children's
Aid Society, and he will be committed
to one of the Society's shelters.
lbs musical and lecture entertain -
Mt to be given In North street
Methodist obneab oaM�y. 115
p Misr" will be a
�ion w 11111
heel'Mrs... yet 1 Ki eiiMIictidi ethers � 11
. wilt niers a
as ''Tbe *swat el[
Obese." The hien stye : -Not • dry
and woad .t ""y
Oar. Presesds tee
pleas �i.L fir g-- at i e stish.
Geoch ; cover -point., Reel: rever,
Jones ; centre, T. Dien ; left wing, O.
Dick ; right wing. Muir.
Clinton -(coal, Johnston; point. Mc-
Donald ; cover -point. Rumbell ; rover.
CIuf ; centre, Kerr : left wing.
Draper; right ,wing, Mitchell.
Referee -E. Cooke, Toronto.
The Scheduled Games.
St. Marysbas withdrawn from the
intermediate O. H. A. contest in this
district, and the remaining games on
the schedule are as fellows :
Jan. 17 -Clinton at Godericb.•
" 21--Godericb at Seeforth.
3)--Goderich at Clinton.
•Postponed to January 24.
The Record.
Won Lost To Play
1 0 3
2 1 1
5) 2 2
50 Goderich
t to Seaforth
o ei Clinton
so en
2 7.5
22 00
Ip 00
11 00
10 00
3 30
0 A
O 95
e is DIED.
pp WILLIAMS. At Kindersley. Sa+k.. on Ds -
00 oembor 2fhh. Henry B. Willluns. em of
•ia Mr. end Mn. Chas. W. Williaraa, of (Lode
00 rich townahip. aged 21 years and 7 months.
Mt'I'HAIL. At Porters; Hill on Jan, eth
t 00 Jean Sterling. widow ot the late Archibald
00 Martell. s heeds year.
You think o: buying eny-
tbing to tell you the tithe,
you sb.wd think of us. Our
values cannot be matched in
town. There is a quality
about our
Watches and Clocks
that is never prevent except
in high-grade titre -pieces.
There is also a littleness of
price that makes our store
doubly inviting. You are .,s-
eared of good ;value if yon
buy from is.
Jeweller and Optician
t'o'ner ('•etx.rr.e tit.. nti Square
Mr` H. T. Edwards visited friend+ in Sea
forth last week.
Miss Beatrice Wells is spending the week'
with her sister iu Brantford. •
�tixs Marion Bogie has been vudtiog her
Dant Mrs Pennebaker; at Cli•ton-
J. W. Kitts. secretary of the American Road ,
Machine t'u. and Mrs. Kitts are away on a
holiday trip to Wilmington, Del.. and other
1913 _
MOYMR.-Atthe manse. Conn. on January
tub. to ties. sod Mrs Moyer, a goo.
MILLER.- At Allan, Sask., no January 7t.k, to
Mr. and Mn. J. Robert Miller. a eon.
ALL/N.-In Clinton, on Jaausiry 11th, to Rev.
A. K and Mrs. Ailbn, of Quin Lake. Sask..
a daughter.
Taltow.per lb 0 rM to 0
Hides. per ewt ..... 7 of to 7
Sheepskins 0 Al to 0 ND
URI M O- Q no newsier
std Kat some of kin meear'e C4oataine
Tx. Onelatent: Base •toy trouble
wee your tg'
The Odd MOM: Rio . but it sem
\o 1 ••art hits the
stt.sfsnn$50 p wNosshen she hold. my
moetb np.n to Sive me ml' Medi. tne.
WHAT HE 001'.
ied ye set anithing for )our
1W1 --A sutil ettt Omni. a kiss,
•Mg top with 111 has So Ie ainl .tw,nve
b'aek •.
3 . 'The undersigned -3
Qwill paydthe highest - t1
cash prices for all
kinds of good Logs
4elivered at the
mill, foot. of Angle -
sex street, (.odericb.
Custom sawing
and general mill
work done promptly.
J. -E. Baechle
Public Horse Markets will be held in
Each Sale Day means a day of big
Farmers, get your Horses of all kinds
Buyers, be on hand and you will be
able to get the hest+
Public auction
Ds. W. F. CtaKK, V. S., President.,
nese COP/NODDY, Secretary.
will present
The Epic of
the Negro
Victoria Opera House
Thursday, Jan. 23rd
on the Y. M. ('. t. Coarse.
Part I.- 1n the Jungles of Africa.
Scenes - The Hunt. Pewee for
Rain -- Offerings of Fink Fruits
Selling Slave to Malay (hief-
Initiatittn of Youth to Masbood.
Part ii. -On the Mlasistelppi.
Sasses --in the Cotton Fields- In
the Prayer Meeting.
Part iii. -Ob tM l.yrenm PIat-
Plan men at 1I. T. F4car-tie at
9 a. se l',te.dav to ti,•ke'-M•Mere
etas on tt e..ra.-, .te • •, b • please
Tkkets - 60c SOic - 3Sc.
When you ere buying Family
Groceries, the first consideration
is Qual ity.
We goarant.re that our goods
will stand the duality test every
time. We want you to' ;try
them. anal if for any resent) you
are not perfectly satisfied we
want you ea let us know. We
are here to give you satisfaction
in Groceries'.
Wye `Is s trial nn your 0.15
Sturd) & Co
. t
ill ,.-rt -. The Rgnare Ooderich
1 ' have plenty of
Gas Coke now. Can
fill all orders prompt-
ly. 'Phone 127.
M. Robins
Don't forget when you
want to bay Is Suit or
Overcoat or nnytbing in
Ready-to-wear, come t0
You will And that yon
pay les. than anywhere
Everything we eel we
guanines* to be right. or
your money heck.
Give es a trial and you
vein beregular eostossere
at this steer.
Open evenings until A p. ne
M. Robins
pith Aide Siemer.