HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-16, Page 3THE SIGNAI. GODERiCH OONTARII) TittriWDAY, JANUARY N. Mab M TnE pt$1NAL OMLY 6ENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TiONS• OLD ON THE MERITS OF IIN1 1I'� UNI/ENT 11E NOW Wit BR I FOR MEAL DffENCf ' IOTHERH000 Mew at its Last Stags In House of Commons - t ! The British House of Coinnionsc.m Minded on Monday night the retort stage of the home rule bill. Teo d.tos. Wednesday and Thursday will be given ever to the debate on the third reed- ing and the bill will be sent to the house of lords late Thursday night for >• formal reading on the succeeding Monday When the second reading Is pro- posed, the Duke of Devonshire w111 Stove its rejection, as his uncle, the 'ate Duke, did in the case of Mr Gladstone's bill, twenty years ago. The goserument'i plan makes it im- .sible for a meeting of the Irish Parliament to be postponed more than r year atter the bill's passing, though. Is the Ministers showed, a whole year would not necessarily elapse. The prospect of waiting a year with a chance of the Unionists coming into power In the meantime and repealing the Homb Rule law moved Tim Healy to wrath. "In a twelvemonth," he de - Oared. "the Government may disap- pear through a trapdoor and the bill la a puff of smoke." BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. tit) 1.1 LETT orsLEATHER GOODS .. order* attaaded to ea leaving t h.,u et THS BIG. Al. God«ide• A. E. TAYLOR. &Marroaeo MEDICAL Uri W. F. GALLOW. M. B. e tb r,.,rth rod s• :carpi urea.0t tummyitey Teisolosos F. J. R. MOUSTSR-EYE, EAR, pow and throat 0017. Hesse sarseon, •..v York UPbtWun.; earl Aural laetitu:e. Clinics! tale.. gar, ;....e red 1 Moat Hospital. Golden a SLaaes, �o 8St V. aced Mounted errtos Street. thesnor e'Dsiees Kiwi Church. Hover. R. torr &- w. oto I p r to 8 o. m. Teiephosa co II ra..xteta�-• T. LEGAL DROCDFAFOOT, HAYS & KILLOR AN. barristers, solictteee, notarise public. to the Mat1Wo5 Court. oto. 1'rIvaac ot4„ to lend at lowest rate. of inteest. tattoo. bust side Square Goderich. e. YWoUioUUT, IL l.'., it C. HAYS, J. 1- ` I Lu)ltA N. U G. CAMERON, K. nol.oner. notary pp0.. �3ARR18 d•L11 w duvet. Uuderte4 Mira door tion, tan nese. AtdAltLN:B OA-W(0W. LL.D., Mcltt- btld'rSAL. st,iseagr solicitor. eta. Godo. Etch. Money u DM at lowest rate.. ILI 0. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER. „.'lithos, COS11dOMr. eatery peen( . •street G demes. Out. e r�-,., tle+oinse AUCTIONIZR. REFORMS IN EDUCATION Mage Scheme to be Undertaken by the British Government theist Dseement en Proposals to Dominions and Mr. Sorden's Stand An official document Issued at L0u- dou states that Secretary for COlontes the Right Hon. Lewis Harcourt has Expectant Moth made an offer to the self-goverul,Adto ExpeC Dominions respecting an Imperial 1 fence Committee. The experience of Motheeboodisatry- The offer is In arrurdaucc with th ing one to most women and marks die - resolution proposed by Sit Joseph tlactly an epoch in their lives. Not one Ward, and passed at the last Imperial woman in a hundred is prepared or un - Conference, namely, that represen- dat'atands bow to properly care for her - tuition should be by ministers who self' Of Doors. n°arly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at wood be responsible to their suettunes,but many approach the own colleagues In Parliament. At the experience with an organism unfitted same time at was decided that a De- for abs trial of strength, and when it fence Committee should be establish- it over her system has received a shock ed in each Dominion. which would be from whiebitu hard to recover. Fol- Ivwilt right epee his Domes the nes- kept 1n close touch with the Com- eons strain of caring for the child, and mitten on imperial 1M•fence at home adatioetchange in the mother remits. Resolutions ulttmatety put forward There is nothing more charming than by the Home Government, and a. a happy and healthy mother of children, oepted by the Imperial Conference at and indeed child -birth under the right tbe Committee on Imperial Defence. conditions need be no hazard tob slthth o were that one or more represents at, with tad !selves fives appointed by the respective Gov - SUGGESTIONS and breken health resulting from an Int- ernments of the Dominions should be peed condition. and with ample ties invited to attend meetings of the in which to prepare, women will pandit Committee on Imperial Defence when le going blindly to the trial questions of naval and military de- Every woman at this time should rely fence affecting oversea Dominions upon Lydia E.PinkL}m'aVKetableCom- were under consideration. Mr. Har- ltd, a most valuable tunic and iavig- T'he British Government hes decided court says that the next great work in its pro "Th identical propo- sals Dee sale were placed before them, when b many homes gramme of social reform to be under- „Mr. Borden was here last summer, and, once ebildless there taken as soon as the Home Rule, the subject to consultation with col- are now children be - !Welsh Disestablishment and the Fran- chise Bills are disposed of. will be a colossal scheme for Improvement In elementary. secondary and higher edu- tstion The primary school education is to oondnue for a longer period; the mar- ts to be broadened, particular - the direction of Increased manual 11HOMAS GUAUDRuNgilt S ex tn. Goderke. All tastrootMee by mail ! Mtt rL �t ecce Will he proentely 1. rade 10. Meaeasse telesaene 119 INSURANCE. LOANS. 6TC. leagues in Canada, were accepted. cense of the "Mr. Asquith and 1 subsequently that Lydia E. Pink - had private conversations with Mr. ham's Vegetable Borden. at which he expressed the Compound makes desire that Cyiadian and other Dom- women normal, talon Ministers who might be in Lon- j� and strong, don be members of the Committee on Ti wast *dyke write a Imperial Defence, and should receive * f y� q•dal Ptakbae Medicine Oe. (excite Plcca l 1's Patterns r to coot dence knowledge of the 'boric) Ind technical Instruction; universitieshi • proceedings of the Imperfhl Gov- dil ) ' MLa" ane! letter will on the lines ot Liverpool and Leedsopened, read sad answered by a ernment in foreign and other affairs. �� Yd held b strict tlasftasase Sr. to be increased in number with We pointed out to him that the Corn - S special object of serving local yUttee on Imperial Defence to a pure Maeda over an arse of several coon- m advisory body, and is not and can Mas; scholarships or other subsidies Iwo to be forthcoming sufficient to open the door of he university to every boy or girl reat:hing the required Woodard. .))'1 PRIVATE FUNDS DS 'Tv h4 J.UUU leas to M.U. CAM C.f .,.'', nssome& ltsillatitali street. GoO.ncu. W• H. ROBERTSON. • DOIL'RANCL AOLN1. !'tea •vn UOnTNrnn : Brttlsa. Ca�� aro Awertran. et*:1umee. 8iOax, LSD a.MPWOYsaa' Liaan. rrr : 1M hoose Arieldriat sad Osmates oroorauoe, wets,. s[ Lsese4 int F1Dxi•Tr AND MIataM= OORDe : 1'0e L.a e moltty a4u0teseranwelJeapal• umw u teuideese. Oast r eK � off Vic eam M.torc. Leman' ataeere CANADA'S CROP REPORT O N as Figures Look Last Year Fell S shied 1911 !Mal estimates of the yield and ssltee of the principal field crops of Canada for the season of 1912 were Segued on Friday by the Department OM Trade and Commerce Upon a to- tal area under field crops of 12.474.000 acres a harvest was reaped the value of which. calculated at average market Woes, mates a total of $509,427.000. The area under wheat last year was 9.768,400 acres. of which 781,000 nares represents the harvested area of fall wheat grown prtncipally in Ontario and Alberta. but also to a limited ex- tent in Manitoba Saskatchewan and British ('olumbia. The total produc- tion of wheat was 199.236.000 bushels, of the value of $122.52.000'1. By comparison wlth'1911'- he results of last year's harvest, 5oth as regards yield and value, are upon the whole inferior. JOHN W. CRAMS. LIFE. Filth rod .oeideat lasareaes. Agent oar t u•. db. mutual and stook eera5. - u -,c, easeud se ens: plane ass et lowest rm.... n11 at amps .sresi West �e'sa Square p . Sari J. 'ii. ('>aAIU1L. aedatab fe,epaene c111LL4iP MUTUAL Yllth /A ill du R A N C E C 0rraret sed betatw Lonna property loiases Seatdrtlt P.O.. umt. ue-J. B. Mendes. Free. 1'. u.; Je. 4 onooUa, bee Oadericb Chinos D. lian ess.-rnas.. a 1'. u uvectone-I). F McGregor. elesta'tafoot e ; Joao O. tweve, Wmtareg; Wuas. ne. uveas; John lieuneweaa, eeiedesgm; Beed «Dud : Jobe elate tiaresee : Mahone )ick wen, meestielt V�aag Emig nitwits: J. W. lea..einorll�a. (�h: M. B a r t o c sea , WWIaber. ens kinakley, Doialaata- reMW'Msows etas pal Weawrnu44 and sea WOW _ewee. r5ONM" Pa • A J. MorrLk r C aeaw.CLLetoa. or at It tl 4,01'5 GeweA 111111111111Metreet. 4100arle0 ■AREIAGE LICENSES 1ALTRR K. KELLY, J. P.. 1 0OUI1IUCII. GNT. 1tiesULR OF MARRIAGL LICIlrf8Lg. EDFORD BLOCK Bait BBB . . SHOP. • dtM ��e • gid uhavlas rite _� - wand heeds alo7d . i[Yoor wgasMai d- B. N. not under any circumstances become ▪ body deciding on policy, which 15 INTERCHANGE OF OFFICERS and must remain the sole prerogative Minister of War Strongly in Favor of of the Cabinet, subject to the support Colonial and Imperial Exchange of the Commons. At the same time - we assured him that any Dominion The question of the interchange of Minister resident here would at all officers bet\teen Great Britain and the times havea free and d full access toDothe minions, which has received the Prime Minister, the Foreign Secretary strong advocacy of the Hon. Sam and the Colonial Secretary for fetor- Hughes, Canadian Minister of Militia, matron on all questions of imperial and Senator Pearce. the Australian policy Minister of Defence, was raised in "From Mr. Borden's public speech the British House of Commons last in introducing the Canadian naval week, bill R appears that he acoepts the Sir Gilbert Parker asked Col. Seely, proposals which we Dave made." I Minister of War: -Will the Govern - NEW YEAR'S HONORS meet tr the extension of the appointment of overseas officers in service here not only for the purpose Two Canadians .Knighted and Addi• of extending the good feeling existing tlonal Title for Sir Jamas Whitney but he foa helsition properof knowledge development Two peerages, seven. baronetcles and of the Imperial system' eighteen knighthoods were conferred Col. Seely: -We are very anxious to by King George in the New l'eer's list extend this interchange of officers in every way we can. CANADA MUST WAIT Postmaster -General to Observe Work- ings of Parcel Poet in States "You might say that I am closely watching the results of the parcels post system as just inaugurated In the United States. i may be able to crys- tallize these ,observations Into action later. But as yet the matter has not been even submitted by me to my col- leagues," stated Hon. L. P. Pelletier, Canada's Postmaster -General. to a newspaperman lad week, He stated that the scheme was such a sew one that Canada wouldby e have to exercise caution and profit he lessons learned by the United States One result of the patting into effect at tbe United States Canada has systemas far as was concerned been aseelood in the biooksde (a DosbolMoea am Toronto, Windsor sad Vadat towns. Forty year in use, 20 years the standard, pre- scribed and recommended by physicians. For Wo- man's Ailments, Dr. Mar- tel's'Female Pills, at your d "MiMM Nesbitt a Very Seek Meat There is little possibility that Dm. F. Beattie Nesbitt will appear at the present sessions of the CAmt0M Mb. Woes at ronto to snewer to tho Immanent omodest Wm to oo needdla v1Ilth the tenure et the librsadx Bask NW Justice Mtddlestoa met counsel the Crown end for Dr. s po tt a sad Dr. Ors bClam- Nesbitt's Dhysictan was ass sfes" rtllid to the conference to give sang Halorssflort u to his patien% esn- �tle� 'Tb former president d fibs Beak to said to be a !try 0r `- naan sad fears are gaamtta`ed ise may clot live to feee•ble•WOL I estwr'Ma Own downy. atydre.,tbaires Pveepwvw .at togaCom*0 tk. �awt Wedneedar. ala the pest year the etas power of the pr'esient sradota4 system has shown a eta g Meiners. The oaaamleM Ca surplus d $11.000 saber yetis operatlt& ezpeases, east et t aw and interest era lauds tench. AU setaare ter eater at... t the systems hare bees eherged mash atm We shall take of honors. There was considerable every step possible. disappointment in Britain when the names sere made known as govern ' BAIL FOR DYNAMITERS meet offctiils. manufacturers and mer- Pending an Aooeal a Huge Bond chants almost monopolized the re- Asked for Convicted Men wards. The stage, literature and art were entirely ignored. Sir James P. A writ^of supersedeas staying exe- Whitney. Premier of Ontario.was eution of the sentences imposed upon created Knight Commander or St. the dynamite consiprators recently Michael and St. George, and Hon. convicted at Indianapolis, was, issued Auguste Real Angers of Montreal, a in Chicago on Friday. Bail was asked former Lieutenant -Governor of Que- on the number of years which the bee province. and John Stephen Wil- prisoners had been sentenced to serve Ilion, editor of The News, Toronto, _$10,000 for each year. were made Knights Bachelors Ryan's ball was fixed at $70,000. Companions of St. Michael and St. Those who received sentences of six George included Lieut -Col. William years must furnish $60,000; four Patrick Anderson, of the Department years$40,000, and from that down to of Marine and Fisheries; Zachary $10,000 for the one-year sentences. Taylor Wood, of the Royal North- Sixty days are given for the filing West Mounted Police. of the appeal. Considerable delay 1s The Kings Police Medal was con- likely to be experienced in obtaining (erred upon John C. McRae. late chief the necessary bail for the convicted of police at Winnipeg. and William dynamiter,. Patrick Traynor and Hugh Y. Brown, « of the Winnipeg city police. Sir Edward Patrick Morris. Pre A FARMER'S OPINION. mier of Newfoundland, was created a - -- Knight Coommander of St. Michael I Ills. Gamble Finds a New Lease of Life and St. George. in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Knighthood also was conferred upon ne., Jen. tach. Frederick Williams Taylor, London (Special I; n t'^Wpi� em Gamhle, a well - manager of the Rank of Montreal �, known and highly respected farmer, WRECK NEAR PONTYPOOL livingtwo alike from heir, ha, {riven uhlrc has n.isoD. BUSINESS AND SHOWTHAND Snbjscta lraog*0 espsrt isstrorters 27, Genuine Bargains in all Departments LADIES' COATS CHILDREN'S COATS After a most successful fall season and to make room for the new Spring Coats now on their way, every garment that now remains is marked down at a price to effect a speedy clearance. $i8.00 Coats reduced to $I2.50. Si5.00 Coats reduced to $I0.50. $12.5o Coats reduced to $8.50. $Do.00 Coats reduced to $7.50. $7.50 Coats reduced to $5.00. $5.00 Coats reduced to 3.95. The same drastic reductions on all children's Coats. Remembernot a great many Coats left. CLEARANCE OF LADIES' WAISTS 8 Ladies' colored Weiet all this season's goods, regular 75c to $1.25, reduced to 59c. Ladies' white Lawn Waists. fancy rod tailored styles. all ises S regular $1.00 to reduced .50. Ladies' 0. Waists, just and - some Lawo and Marquisette Waists regular to hand, very handsome, in white, ecru and black. Sale price $2.95. DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS Sweeping Reductions in Fashionable Dress Goode. Dress Goods reduced to 3754o.r reduced 50c and 35c De ee Goode 75c and l du eem Goods ed to 2150. reduced to MM. 50c and tfOc REMNANTS REMNANTS REMNAN Tfi REMNANTS Special valuee in CARPETS and RUGS. Special values in Curtains and Curtain Materials and Table Covers. Special values to Blankets and Comforter's. Sole Agents for McCall's Patterns and Publications. �% MiIlar's. Scotch Store Mae 54 The Flat Rate. From The Seaforth Expositor. Mr. James Priugle in his mayoralty address to the ratepayers of Stratford sounds the correct note when be says : "It seems to me the Government made a bad mistake. when they discov- ered this Province bad an inexl,aust• able supply of electric power. that they did not develop it and supl'1y the wants of the Province on a fiat rate e cheapest. This would ' to .ow a in ell western towns and cities itt..tead of Aimed at Lloyd George. A canvasser was trying to sell a oopy of the life of Mr. Lloyd George and the answer was "No." 'But you 1 are a Liberal," said the canvasser. "Yes, yes." was the impatient reply. •'but you are going to the wrong people. You should go to the Conser- vatives." "Why?" asked the astounded canvasser "Because" - and the answer came quickly -"any Conservative would take the life ot have caused industries g P 'Lloyd George." draining everything to Hamilton and ion the canals Toronto and to points a g where cheap power can. be obtained that has cost the Government one 1 hundred million dollars to develop. , Our industries in Stratford all want beat instead of power which cauees the high price. There ie only one that needs 1:10 bprsepower to grind NM hatreds, In Port Colborne there is a (1,000 -barrel mill capable of being en- larged to 12,000 barrels where the rate is only $8 per horsepower: so that it is perfectly plain the city labors under great di.advantages in regard to power." r•glial seems KttMbM•tt< �gaal�sNeon ire.! PearteOY M TO M WOW toesiber ea Toseley. /lairs Taw foiwoolowete Is ars well soder wor,01.110•ttlat� esetrespers dfsdb0at r . Sot �time le hM. WOMBS r► Mt Ds bo aloins %site is asideled no positions. Cdage >• triodes feta sept )rd. Catalogue Iris. Ube stq Wow i! - -- - a. W. Westerwit, h. ,r r -- s for his faith tothe D LI ht Engine Made Wild Race to ID Uodd's Kidney Pills as A. remedy for 9 g ! kidney dieesee. along with Prevent Impending Collision '•i could not getout s out Dr'dti'e Kidney Pills.' Fa y Mr. Running beyond Burketon Junction Gamble "For len years 1 suffered k back mith h against the orders of the chlef train rheumatism, t.moiin. egAfter using aid despatcher. eastbound freight than urinary No. 902, of the Canadian Pacific Rail- hoses aches end Pins Kidney gPulls. i fled war, collided head-on with •west- y . K'dne Pills are the friend In justice to the present Govern- ment we must say that it is not re- sponsible for private companies ob- taining possession of Niagara power. That was the work of their ptedecea- sore. But in other respects Mr. Pringle is right. if the Hydroelec- tric 1.,ommisdlon can not orwill not tot more evenly and equitalay adjlt chargee for electric power they will do more harm to the country as a whole five times over than any good. The future welfare of this country - de- pends upon the country districte and not upon the cities. The trend of the population is from the country to tbe cities, and the present policy of the Hydro -electric Commission is designed and will have the result of increasing that flow. The result in a few years wilLbe that the country districts will be deserted and great manufacturing and commercial centres will be estab- lished where thio cheap power is avail- able. A few favored centres will have a monopoly of the bu.inees and popu- lation of tbe country. A few individ- uals will hold the wealth of these im- mense trade centres and the remain- der will be cervante. There will be the millionnice and the pauper, the ketone and the slum tenement. Thiele the natural and inevitable result of such a policy as that at present in operation in respect to the electrical energy of this Province. The power belongs to the Province, it is being de- veloped by the people's repreaenta- tivet the cost and risk of the bound 4relgbt extra about two miles laces- of1).tu old folkY They make them feel east of Pontypool early Sunday lung again. Mg. killing Fireman Adams, of w's y Toronto. and wrecking both trains. /t CIdN Call. J The other members of the engine crews escaped serious Injury by 1W Clinton, an. j6. -George: Carter, •inse000lonthisoucabsInevitabwhen lthe. y Asatwathreat ! .sroanneof WsevilelinammiClearftroer,m livbionreg ,athaCon- of the wreck was the vain oho of remarkable escape from death. nlrrde n a Itgbt snglne manned by two flus. a gun be bad just from Barketon Insetlon 80 Poatypl01 Carter was trying some new car- te the hope of beteg able to oat* the triages he tad purcbseed in Clinton, eastbound height and warn the eaww and stood in the doorway and fired •t of their danger. There was not lira, a tetget in the yrd. As nwas aoes he he however. for the light engine to esi i palled the trigger crash. and young Carter lay censer"se til with the gun stock clasped in Itis Nap Plant for tenderfeet with A portion .7f the barrel flew back over his shoulder. and striking Tae IIottsd States Steel Corporation the well ripped the plaster off. Oar- - tk. ttanslon of tet lay Dseooecioos for tome minutes. FIXING THE BLAME. The Boas: "My boy, why do you smoke cigarettes?" Office Boy: 'It's your fault." The Boes: "My fault?" Office Boy: "Yap, 1f you gave me dat raise I could buy stogies." Dearne" tato the Dominion of Canada Be had pnrebeeed ie. cartridges in la a hetet statement last week at Clinton, and whilst ey were not the New York. Chairman Gary salt: "We have decided to establalh a maw latch tsctaring Dry �• ••.^ __ *scored ems* years ago at Sandwleb. A famous philosopher was diocese. Ont la the comparatively near ts- in truth. "There are three times," tors we shall ens isa0S the ee•Otros- be said, e'wben a wan le justified in tine of some blest foramen aid WSW baa les • falsehood. They are, Asst, to We Mall prtobabi/ bsdM a wtte std • woman : tweed. for 1► women: sod rdl sets, etreetsral 11111, hair milk IOW third -well. Item* the third." perteoe other scilla 1 tampwa Hopoalways to the par - bad tit pS.aSASaa" Ammo ttlse jodopmen• Y for s Bermes sastaa s s kind he wanted be was going to try to make them do. T1Ih: LAR(;E ATTENDANCE the Toronto. Ont., enjoys 1a not the result of acct dent" There is n reason for it. We have roon for more. Enter now. Catalogue tree. !Plenty of Hot Water I do not want, as a Scotsman among 1 Scotsmen. to epend too much time in praising ourselves. in the opinion of most Scotsmen it is an unnecessary opetation: We have got that kind of unassailable self-content which makes 1 us perfectly indifferent to hostile criticism. -Mr. A. J. Balfour in Lon- don. Golfer on the green (after several attempts to bole the hall) : "What shall I do, caddie?" Caddie --"I should get down on ma tunes and blow it in I" Wife -"If i shoul•t die, would you starry again ?" I i usband-"Never, dear. 1 would a pend Lite rest of my days mourning fot you and enjoying myself.' people. and as such it must he oper- ated on a fair and equitable basis and not in favor of any particular locality or any particular class of the people. Any other system will work disaster. How this ie to he accomplished it is not for us to say. That is the business of those who have been chosen to rep- resent the people. The Hydroelectric Comsoissiou have done wonders thus far and have overcome what at first seemed to be almost insurmountable difficulties. They should set them- selves as soon as possible tr, solve the problem which we have just pointed out. The sooner they start the more easilywill the work be accomplished. Jnstice roust, anti we have no dmrbt will. be done, but it must not he toe longdelayed or irreparable injury will he result_ --- How Local Option Fared. Local option bylaws were carried in the towns of Clinton and Kincardine and the townships d Morris and Tnrnbw'ry, and defeated in the town of Wiii ham. the villages of Rester aid Hayfield and the townships of Stephan and kleglilop. in he town- shipthe Mjaw. was defeatist. ermulth the effort to nesea no 19atrtrday the IBM east will b s r tbsb8lbr forameace of duty. we memos sod Qo to O. C. Whitely whenever you want it prevents hot tempers. OUR PLUrIBING not only insures au abundance of hot water. hut absolute sat- isfaction. GOOD PLUMBING is a ncceesity. upon it depends the health and comfort of the family. Let us give you esti- mates end prove to you how little modern plumbing costs. FRED. HUNT Hamilton Street, Goderich A GOOD RESOLUTION FOR THE NEW YEAR VASSAR SHOES FOR WOMEN HARTT SHOES FOR MEN These are goods that will give the wearer satisfaction every time. They are sold in Goderich by J. 11. flcClinton East Side Square. 'P hone 622.