HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-9, Page 8• ihOaepall. JaKUanv 9, 111: GOKE 1 (tbave plenty of leas Coke a n . Can fill an orders prompt- ly 'Pitons D. F. HAMLINK GRAND THUNK-SYIS wAY CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA AND THE SUNNY SOUTH 7'he (grand Trunk Railwayis the most direct route from alpoints East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit, or Buffalo. ONLI MOILE TRACL 101111 Round trip tourist tickets, giving choice of all the beet routes, to- gether with full information, may be obtained trona any Grand Trunk Agent F. F. Lawrence & Sons, Town Passenger and Ticket Agents, Gode- rich. 'Phone R. CANADIAN fAC1f'IC SPECIAL CRUISE AROUND THE WORLD CIIPIESS 51P "RUSSIA" and "ASIA' • a INee C. P. R. Pacific Steamship.. The EMPRESS OF RUSSIA will leave IAverpool April let. ceiling at (Hbraltar. Ylllefnnobe and Port Said. proceeding ria Nue", °Manho. Penang. Singapore. HHone Kong. Shanghai. Nagasaki. Kobe uod Yokohama. arriving Vancouver Jane 7th, Ifl't Vessel remains Is days at Hoeg Kong. EMPRESS I IF ASIA will millirem Liver- pool vcr- pool May t7th, making similar cruise. Most direct connection for April let 'ail- ing Is via "Empress of Britain from St. John. N. B.. March 21st. Rate fir fhire Cruse, $639.11 Exclusive .1 maintenance between arrival time In Kna and end deoerture of "Em prams or Rueda." Full particulars from Jaw. Kidd, C. P. R. agent. Or write M.O. Murphy. D. P. A.. C. P. Ry., Toronto. • t1 Good Feed Wheat 1 have some good feed wheat for sale at one dollar a hundred. Alen some hrat-clan.. No. 1. wheat This lot will make good flour. Anyone in need of Cattle. Hog or Poultry Feed will find it to his advantage to come and ex- amine three grades berme buy- ing, as they ate considered by many the beat value of any feed wheat offered in Goderich at the present time. ^ P. T. Dean Cotner East, Street and Square Goderich, Ont. Whooping Cough warns COW £31154 COMM ealolt7flU 4TYr OWN an►aas+a■ae sere A •1e. se. sear and canon w.atweet be bee .las hoses.. ..di1,a Onto. •/...tealametnee *sae tMpa. ..w• w r,Usa 0•W..Hera. aea.waile Crew Mama n Is a NOON r selle.ere e e•, A.natL The air ceeryb.e the er,eeette .gee. hw.l..a with e,.. r e.ee.B, sere•.... seethes w we lavas re Hoes tee awwYe ► N e..N.l alaltle ba.ll.le te was raa,.fad..ld.se. aaad petal t•► &norie4re best8et. ALL OIIOMSSTS. CRPSOLCNR A PT1C THROAT TA mwt. Imitated three.M.Pb. rd CIL . asepa Vat's Cesedwe Ce. M Credos& M. •.T. 4 An ideal dessert -Blackstone'• de- licious lee cream in bulk or fancy bricks. 'Phone ?AO. Diaries Blank Books Filing Cases FOR 1913 Diaries Offer and Pocket Diaries for 1913, ranging in price from 15c. up to 11.00. Blank Books A full stock of Blank Books from so ordinary 10c. Blotter to 10110 -page Ledger. Blank Book' ruled either Mw- ute, Journal. or Ledger. from :fur. up. Shannon Files (genuine Shannon Files, com- plete with index. cover and punch. price $1.91;. The same Without punch 75c. Shannon Filing Cases Complete with index, 53.00 pet' dozep. Without index. 112 75 per dozen. Sold singly with index. 30c, or 4 for 11.00. Without index 25c. each. Canadian Almanacs for 1913, bound in cloth. only $1.(k). The Colonial Book Store (.ISO. PORTER. Prop. 'Phone 100 Goderich. coseWebelehehosteshewasweeersesece ONE=THIRD OFF DISK RECORDS SLIGHTLY USED A fine lot of Disk Records, all in excellent shape, have been taken in exchange. A limited quantity. Look them over. You may find just the one you want. Walter 11. Harrison Jeweller And Optician GODERICH ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics FREE We will send absolutely fns ter the •sting. postpaid, or of wr larer 64 -page books r with is - ▪ meet), on the common diseases of stoek and pou•try. Tells hew to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, mita aadmaw, mileh cows. waives sad fattenly .Mete, also how to keep and feed poultry as that 1ley will lay as well In winter as in summer. It eontains rhe recommends from all over Cancea from people who have used our ,Fos. No farmer should be without K. You an fatten cattle and ho in a monk's les Urge by ,wins our Royal Purple Stook Speen& than you could possibly do without it, thereby sari.* • month'. teed and tabor and the east to you will met be men ties 11.50 for six pito or 11.01 for ens .Mae. It will keep your horses la ohms condition .2 h ordinary feed- If yes hyo • poor. Ok..nble-loek- Ina animal an Seer pines try It nu this en. anti and ser the marvelfoes Houle which will be obtained Oar gook Specific oil' inereme the milk Mw three M en IM -ver now per day. while Mae M la the stable A 440 package w111 last • eery of mese 70 dye. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC will sake your hose `y teat as well is tM winter as In the eaetmev. sad will keep than free Duni taborer. 'rh , gear n eve pasaidwalelt,eted. We de not me awe erose Mee M ash • large essheaei *drab Mem* f row any es the Yea►kat et the preaest tbse Royal Purple Sleek $pollee. 1n. peltee.: four ler pekoe., o au ale -tight 1 a. for 81.50 Rotel Panda Poultry aporia., 81. sed gee pekes.. sod SLIM edratebt the that bold Icor 1 Royal Purple Lip. Ki11rr- Ne ad Ns dui: toe by malt Royal Parols Can Cure, 2k earl 6•e des: MOs to wail RyslP.e Purely Rw.we I.iMrnrM. stitr ee e: eye l n ew Purp. Ce.ek CAMP, Ma tie : see Ire ..n Royal Purple nleiwfei4et vee mid Me yea. mural Perp, Reap Can, aN Use . gas sP inset Purple Nees. lewder. 15. Yr: flan h .regi Me-sfestwrel NO be TheW. A.Jenktns Mfg. Co. London. Canada Building Supplies We are wow prepared to supply contractors with all kinds of Mouldinga, Inside Finish, Flooring and Sid inice wad General Building Malarial. We make a specialty of Veneer Flooring in Oak and Birch. I)rwing and Matching Icy the thousand. r "Royal Purple Supplies sad Monk lets may ha obtained frons.. A. J. Cooper. Flour ae! Feed. Goderich TIM SIGNAL CODERI CH1 : ONTA RIO Municipal Elections. 1 oeUewl hem page 1.) STEPHEN. Reeve- -Sanders 41101. W i lest 4ML'. Deputy Reeve -love 510. Yearley 1111. Councillors -Elliott 51115. F'itnkbeioer 4411. Keilerilaann 488, Keys 436. Elliott, Ftnkbeiaer and Kellerwann elected. Local option defeated by 15. HOWIOK. Reeve -J. T. Winter. Deputy Reeve -Reuben Harding. CJunclllore-Wm. Crawford. Louis Desntnerling, J. W . Edgar. My IL ILIA/P. Reeve --J. M. Oovenlock (aoclama- tion). Councillor's -John Oovenlock, Robt. Archibald, Conrad Eckert, F. J. Mc- Quaid. Local option bylaw failed to carry. The vote was : For. 275 ; against, 188. The favorable vote was short of the three-fifths requiremetrt. TUCK ERBMITH. Reeve -Robs. McKay. Councillors -R. Bell. H. Orioh, J. F. McKay, J. Cameron. Local option bylaw sustained. For, 315 ; against., 187. TU RNBEHRY. Reeve -John Mulvey. Councillors -Arthur Wheeler. John McBurney. John Rutherford, Joseph Wellwood. Local option bylaw carried. For, 275; against, 145. MORRIS. Reeve -J oho Mhortreed. Councillors- Wm. Laidlaw, W. H. Fraser, Wm. Thuell, Duncan John- ston. Local option bylaw carried. For. 358; against, 177. �t �wW ti•Ir iarwY Cd�lNALA. R. ti=la eL !(MF 4 akaOM at Aker here. 11 OMwevw : ltd wetL""a, Mrs. kyr New YMr vi ill, «t as nave Ude week adesdtss the frrwral of b mote. Arthur llrellath, who hat bees a• The Mg- oal'* ulsoh•nloal staff tor several rears. FIR We week fee 0steets and way take a posit..oe thare. Artksr is capable of bedding down • awed Job anywhere. Seatortb News: Mr. sad Mrs James Louse of Uoderlcb were v ow la town for the belt d Idr. and a J. Dalton and fanny. opf� erlolt. are v Mn. Dalton's panels. Mr. and Mrs. D. Denovao. Mr. and Mrs I'. Ma, Hook street. aooem- pealed by their mod Iran and Albte, have re- turned sturned from Detroit. where they took part to • ut fash> roue*,'1he� sour Jowph and Remelt eh recede to Detroit. .nd the pstwat■ and the eve coos had their l brim ins. dinner together at the house of Thome, elan. Two other sans John. of Winnipeg ad William. of Mooseiaw were unable to be peement. but they dM not forget the oeoaaton sad the sone Joined to presseUng • Ctu Is mar 'membranes to the parents. THE COUNTY COUNCIL.. Several New Faces Will Be Sem When It Convenes. The reeves and deputy reeves who 1 will compose the county council for 1913 are as follows. new members La- ing marked • : Aahlield - Wm. Hunter, *Chas. Stewart. Colborne -•Samuel Bisset. Gaderich township -John McClure. Stanley -Wm. Glenn. Hay -1. Kalbfleisch. Stephen-- • W. D. Sanders, *John Love. Usborne-•Saznuel Routley. Tuckerrmith-Robert McKay. Hullett-James Leiper. McKillop -John M. Uuvenlock. East Wawanueh--•J. N. Campbell. West Wawauusb-Wm. Ba►lie. Morris -J. Shot•treed. Grey - Robt. Livingstone, John Brown. Tornberry-•John Mulvey. Howick-J. T. Winter. R. Hard- ing. oderich town - B. C. Runnings, W. F. Clark. Clinton -David Cantelon. Seeiforth-•John A. Stewart. Wingham-•J. W. lieKibbon. Exeter- W. J. Neaman. Hensall--•J. W. Jrtwein. Bayfield--aieo. Lindsey. Blyth -Dr. W. J. Milne Brussels -John Leckie. Wroxeter -C. Rete. THE WARDERSHIP. Reeve Bailie, of West Wawanoeb, One of the Leading Aspirants. This year it is the turn of the Lib- erals in the county council to choose the Warren from among their num- ber. There will be quite a race for the honor. William Bailie. of West Wa- wanosh; Dr. Mil be. of /Sly tn; Root. McKay, 01 '1'uckeremith, and J. M. Govenlocz, of Mclir!lop, who have been looked upon ar a.pitants, have all been returned to we council by their respective municipalities in this part of the county Nerve Bailie ie. 01 course, the favorite, end it would be a great pleasure to his frieuds to. see him chosen to preside over the deliberations ut the council durlug the year. By long experience. by close acquaintance with municipal affairs and by natural adaptability Reeve Bailie is eminently fitted for the coveted position. and The Signal hopes that he will get it. PERSONAL MEN fION. Mies Ivy Elliott to vhdttog her brother. W. L. at London. Edward Cowan IOC on Saturday for Blyth to visit hie relatives there. J. H. Wor•ell a tome from the West for the remainder of the winter. Both Quick and Permanent Strength. if you are run down or tared out, if you take cold easily, have no appetite. are losing flesh or have other evidence of lowered vitality, try our MacLeod's System Renovator tinder ou. guaran- tee to refund the price paid if the remedy fails to give entire satisfaction. It aids digestion, tones up the nervOua system and /dyes both quick ard per- manent revolts. One dollar a bottle. Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine Co., Ooderkb, Ont. For sale by E. R Wigle. A Handsome Cornice adds both to the appearance and value of your house. Yon would pay more for a house with than without one. So would others if your house was on the market. TINNING, ROOFING AND CORNICE WORK done by us can always be told by its floe appearance and long wear. A your cornice is be- ginning to *how signs of age and weaLitess let us estimate on a new one for you. Ycu will he surprised at what a low price we will do it for. FRED. HUNT Hamilton Street, Goderich Logs Wante f T h e undersigned will pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of good Logs delivered at the mill. foot of Angle- , sea street, Goderich. Custom sawin g and general mill work done promptly. . E. Baechl e Mrn. (Tae Hawkins. of W Indsor, la Tinkle& i her *toter. Mer W. R. (.:lark. Dan Nicholson returned to Queen's Unit -w l elty, Kingston, cm Saturday. Mies Blanche Knox le visaing her sister, -Mrs, Kilpatrick. at Helgrave. Mots Mabel of Terento. 1x visiting her friend, Mise olive 1110 Ore Bath of Toronto, spent New Yens -s with her friend Plenom Marded. Mies Minute Campbell ret rued on Saturday 1 to Sainte, when also le teaching school. Dosald Clark returned on Saturday to Perth. when he le teaching In the high school. •Mr. and Mrs Mitchell. of San Francisco, ere raking at the Meme of .sr. and Mrs. u. Bell. Mies Hlsst and lir Natront returned last Thursday from a s net to relatives at MonteeaL a W. H. Harrison. theewoler, 1. up town again atter his Mines. W. are all glad to see MIs Ade Martln, .so bad tweevtaklag In town, has returned to her kens Ie e1las(bane McLean. she attended Mitten Scbool teat teem. Mae taken • 5e1550$ at , thinslacale. Dr. Meagan* Cyder. of ter H. R. sea the fie of 1.7. ea salver H. RarrFa- w ew Teary. L►ar. Mrs Marrymauve"kHeresbws.w, who had sea viet- its re Stratfeed.reteread on *turd* a her . Mee. Nitwit. .1 Morrie wed children. of Ameba. Ikea., tow visiting NM Merr(e brother. spa Ulm _Mr..tr ..g�W, Rw dneee. of I.o-sal, het., mad Mga�•mayv�Y Asa xiro are t be geode of Mr. mry .Ji��ksw D. U. M. pFr A. O. U. ref wtwre f Cite u t aMs {flag the of re T. L. Pratt .15 ser the drat rte. es Neagh sw teed .rt.rw..d. Nen Masan et' h*elithe le& the t asaerspwdhi hon arm= mete= (wows le ser A.eae �e ha (w to Ye sae •• w� (' a Me.. lire.t Mpg I with Ww Maple Leaf Grocery HAMILTON STREET, (lODERiCH. Have vow tried our choice Teas ANI) Coffees? W e can recommend our lines. All staple and fancy Ortwwies on hand in fins clams quality and at reseorabie prices. Try es for Butter and Kgg . S. J. Young 'PROWS 1111. AI�.L DEPARTMENTS SHARE IN THE 4 JANU-ARYSALE I 01.0 NTEREST in the January Sale increases as the days go by. It could not well be otherwise. Brand-new goods fresh from the mills and bought specially for this great selling event are daily opened up, and go on counters and tables priced to save you money. Accumulations of odds and ends and broken lots and balances of the winter stocks have been gathered together and a January Sale price put°b`1 all to cleat. We have never run a J ' nuary Sale as good as this. Never has there been one on the long list as truly money- saving as that of 1913. Watch the papers for the weekly news of it, and come to the stoic as well, for there is many a bargain here that never gets into the paper. WE HAVE 600D FURS SPECIALLY PRICED We have a lot of Furs to sell before the winter is over. They are all good Furs too. Furs of quality. Furs that can be de- pended upon. Furs that are right in style and will give the buyer perfect satisfaction. In the seas- on's most popular Furs, Persian Lamb, Mink. and Alaska Sable, our stock is exceptionally large. We show many handsome Neck- pieces and Muffs that were ex- ceedingly good value at original prices. At the prices we are pre- pared to quote to January buyers they are undoubted bargains. We want to emphasize the fact that we have a very special reason for wishing to clear the stock to the last piece before February. 1st. We are willing to make it worth your while to help us do it. In low-priced Furs we have splendid values too. For Mar- mot, Western Sable and Black Marten, either Muffs or Neck- pieces, we are prepared to quote prices that will be of interest. This January Sale of 1913 is the greatest chance to save money on Furs that has come this way. A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF FUR AND FUR= LINED COATS Right after Christmas we were offered a special lot of Fur and Fur -lined Coats at very tempting prices. We closed with it at once and while they last are prepared to offer exceptional value in thor- oughly, dependable garments. All the Fur -lined Coats are made from good quality broadcloth with primerat linings. Collars are either Western Sable, Alaska Sable or Mink. We are selling in this way: - A good Marmot Coat, fully guaranteed, is marked at (a Choice Canadian Rat Coat, tick homy far, is priced at ........ $9e. o0 Fur -lined Coat with Mink tallier is priced at Fur -tined Costs with Alaska Sable collars are priced at $42.111, Extra choice .h1gloErade Rat Costs are priced at .:'7s-oo High-grade Far -Basil CAM rim Molt col- lar, priced at - .. (57.50 Cloth Cosh with Per cellars see priced at 51375 Men's Coats with Far Collars, priced at $13.75 There is a astrieg el frogs $5.00 to #213. 00 on each of these grrsaah and we hack then all with oar uogaaltla4 guarantee. "SECONDS" IN UNDERWEAR Do not lose sight of the great sale of Seconds in ladies' Underwear. Once this case is cleared out we can get no more this season. It is a chance to save a tittle money if you have Underwear buying to do. Ladies Vests and Drawers, regular tic, January Sale roc Ladies' Vests and Drawers, regular aro, January Sale 39c Ladies' Vests and Drawers. regular sou, January Sale 39c Ladies' Vests and Drawers, regular 75c, 5c• Jammy Sale 5oc Ladies' Vests and Drawers, regular 51.60. January Sale $1.o9 61 A BIG TOWEL- LING EXTRA Just in this week direct from Ireland, a big shipment of Linen Towellings. This is w high-grade crash. guaran- teed all pure linen, 22 inches wide. Bells in the regular way at ISe per yard at least. This lot bought specially] for January Salo. at per 7 1220 Note the extra width. This Towelling will make splendid lea or hand towels. January Sale in the Staple Department Special prices in every -day -want goods for the month of January. Hare are Cottons and Nein- soots specially priced and ready for early sewers. A fine white Cotton, English make, close even thread, cambric finish. 1Oe per yard Vl. Heavy white Cotton. extra strong thread. closely woven. a splendid cotton for ordinary ore. Full yard wide. Im- ported direct from Rnglaod. Pet 1111 yard L No. 222, very soft nainsook finished Cot - too. A quality that is made purposely for fine underwear ; full yard wide, Eng - limb make. January Sale. per yard 12/, "Unique Longgeoioth." This is a fine closely woven Cotton of English manu- facture. fine even thread. soft flnieh for easy sewing. It le vary durable and spe- cially .tiled for underwear. January 1 `'# A C Sale, per yard "The Famous Queen Cloth." Bright fin lab. English make, exceptional gnality, a vett' popular cloth. Special for Ian - nary Bale. per yard I BLEACHED SHEETING 25c One hundred and twenty -flue yarda Engliah Bleached Sheeting. Plain. 70inch- es wide, a s•rnng. cervi-eahle Sheeting{ that will give most Faith -factory 25c we. Janney Sale. per yard ..... . FANCY SILKS SSc One huodred yard. craney W&LUngs aatd Dims FOike, neat *tripe iWeeta In *hots and twee -toms. Regular 71e to Mfr /r �a Jmatary Sale, peer yard JAI TRAY CLOTH s 23c Embroidered end ham-etitcbwd Tres 0110 . two {gaga Mdaggigi for J•so- 25c ary CLOAKINGS TO CLEAR $1.59 )fere is a chance to get material for a Winter coaL Our satire Cloaking .toek, Chinchillas and plain reversible cloths. All this seasons goods. Part of them a de- layed shipment of Chinchilla cloths that should have been here early in the season and only arrived this week. Regular values 12.00 to 53.00 per yard. Janu- ary Sate, choice of the lot per $1 yard This is a most unusual bargain. GENUINE "LLAMA" HOSE 3 PAIRS FOR $1.00 Two hundred pairs ladies' genuine Llama Cashmere Hose. Fine. soft wool. seam- less' teat, properly shaped and fall else. Standard 60r. imported direct from Eng- land. January Sale Special, $ pairs for $1.00 PLUSH CUSHION COVERS 25c Phtsh Cushion Coven, standard eine. Resortdd colors. Npecial for Jinn- 25c cry Sale .59 • A Great Millinery Clearance When we bought the hig int of Sample [gate and Wings we bad this Jaeoar7 Sale in mind. We knew we coots not eel[ them in the ordinary eout'.e of budgies. bot knew lust aa well that for January they could be wild at Special Price& The awes are worth all the way from $1.50 to l8�) each. The Wings from lOe to 51.50. One amusing have taken the shapes ad trireme(' them with these (rings midi other trimmings and in this way we areable toothy the moat unusual bargains in released Rate. The actual value of every phi In the showroom le from 59.110 to 5R00. We have s a& no reserve whatever. All on tables and we give yew our choke of any Trimmed Hwt 51.95 In the ebowrooni at otsly. .. . HODGENS EROS.