HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-9, Page 7THE) SIGNAL : 3ODLRICI[. ONTARIO
The News of the District
5 4 4646446*****46. 446 t6*464645 4544644646454tiAYFIELD.' REID'S CORNERS.
Toranati. Jan. 7th.
moo of n& bigof Jfamilyo
ames Bre-uoiao Wail the
grist nes. Over thirty relatives par -
wok of the dinner, consisting of the
ewho isheigb
son. Mr. Donald
Bluty-three years old.
Blue,, rine of entertainers.
I I,
i„�HdPLang Syne," wade a
e sang
. wseb, and entertained his relaWvse.
%Ir. Blue is old in years but young In
TURIDAT, Jan. 7th.
Wilmot Lueee .—Ales. Mclean le
spending a few weeks visnd tingg friends
ri nd
el Chicago .... •
HeNay and family spent the holidays
with friends at orth.... .MIs.
VIy Curran,of Crewe, was the guest
of Ili"reek
Mary .Miss Evelyn t ys last
wentweek with friends near
wentlast..' Miss Jean Johnston has
rresumerteschhere. hb
et 'lues
TUESDAY. Jan. 7th.
Yis..lean Clutton has gone back to
earthture w resume her duties as
Miss Jessie Linklater and Miss Ruth
Ilium have returned to their respec-
tive schools.
Mie.- Ethel Jewell, who bee been ill
for some weeks with tonsilitis and
rheumatism, is slowly recoveriug and
we hope to see her about again soon.
°Well. the elections are over again,
with the result that the old council is
al m .o .1 completely overthrown.
Though a good deal of the "cream"
rose te the top some of the best was
lett in the buttermilk.
Mus Elsie Liokiater bee gone to
Guelph, to take a tbree ,aonl.h*
mune et the Mclkasald Institute.
Her going will cause quite • blank in
tbe ranke as she is a general
among a he seeing people
Willem Graham. of elbeppardton,
who was taken ill with a hemorrhage
while voting at Leeburn yesterday,
was teken.ovee re James Chisholm s,
when he stayed till this morning,
when the ausbulance was sent ter and
be was conveyed to tbe Alexandra
hospital. It is to be bopd he will
moo recover his usual health.
TUESDAY, Jan. 7tb.
Mr. Mcl)ermid, of the Dominion
Alliance stat[, 'Toront$, gave a very
convincing and satisfactory address
on Sunday. afternoon, in the town
hall, in the interest* of local optiou.
4tnoog the holiday visitors in Use
village we noticed the following :
Miss Maud Stirling, of Toronto ; Miss
Charlotte Stirling, of Port Elgin: Mrs.
Leone Loves of Nantoo, Alberta;
Mrs. and Miss Mtanbury, of Toronto;
Jae. Cameron. of Toronto, and Miss
M. Cameron, of Detroit.
WEDDED.—A quiet wedding took
place on New Year's evening, at the
home of Mrs. Thos. Harrison, on the
Ith concession, Godericb township,
when her daughter Delle was united
in marriage to William Scotchmer, of
the Bronson nue, Stanley. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. A. Mac-
farlane, of Bayfield, in the presence of
only the immediate relatives. Their
many friends wish Mr. and Mrs.
Scotchmer a very happy married life.
Icipal elections on Monday were
warmly contested. /mutat every avail-
able vote being used. Seven men
were in the field for the council,
Meows. Geo. Weston, Edward Mer-
rier. Sam. Moore, Jas. Thomson, Thos.
Elliot. Robt. Blair and Chas. Parker ;
and of these the first four headed the
polls. The chief interest of the day.
however. centred around the local
option vote. Three years ago when
the bylaw was voted upon here, it was
lost only by one-fifth of a vcte. This
evidently frightened the liquor party
and this time they worked day and
night, using every possible method. -
with the result the bylaw was lost by
about sixteen, owing to the iniquitous
three-fifths requirement. Otherwise,
it had been a tie.
• TUESDAY, Jae. 7th.
A H.t i'ry EVENT. —OO the afternoon
of Der•ember lith. at 2 o'clock. tbe
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McKenzie,
Lochalsh. was tbe scene of a very
beautiful wedding. when their secood
youngest daughter. .Annabelle. was
meted in marriage to William James
Robertson. of the 4th concession,
Huron township. The aeddisg otarch
was played ver sweetly on the hag -
pipes by her Donald. while
the wedding party gathered to the
'marriage altar over which a beautiful
arch .f evergreens richly sprinkled
with holly was tastefully arranged.
The hride, who was given away by
her father. looked charming in her
bridal veil and dress of cream silk
pailette trimmed with sequin and seed
pearls and allover lace She was at-
tended by her sister Rhoda, who was
dressed in sea green satin mousseline
trimmed with bead trimwiog and all-
over lace, while tbe groom was as-
sisted by Donald B. McKenzie. of
Licbaleb. After the manage cere-
mony had been solemnized by Rev.
J. 8. Hardie, the gathering of be-
tween thirty and forty guests partook
of a well-prepared dinner. Tbe rant
of tbe afternoon wits spent. in music
and singing. The bride's travelling
suit was dark navy blue serge with
black heavzr hat trimmed with a large
plume and made roses. The groom s
gift to the hride was a beautiful set of
mink fuse and • gold brooch set with
a pearl; to the bridesmaid. a brooch
set with an amethyst, and bo tbe
groomsman a tie pin with settings.
Friends present freen a diatan a were
from I,ondesbut•o' and Muskoka.
Abo'tt it o'clock the young couple
amid showers of confetti left for their
home et C'berrybank Farm, in Huron
township. where over a hundred
people gathered and spent the evening
m the usual manner. The rich pro-
fusion of useful and costly wedding
presents was iodicaUve of the high
esteem in which the young couple
are held among their many friends.
McerresY. Jan. Lith.
SATI'RDAY, Jan. 4th.
Bairpa.—The Sunday school Christ-
mas entertainment was a success, the
receipts of the evening amounting to
over $4200 Mho Annie McKay,
who was visiting/ et the manse, has
returned to her home in Teamster.
Misses Marie and Christine
Welsh have returned to the Collegiate
Institute in tioderich ...Miss Ina
Welsh bas returned to Toronto
Misses Christine McMullin, Jennie
Walden and Annie Brown left for
Toronto on Friday The many
friends of James Courtney will be
pleased to hear of his recovery
We are. pleased to learn that Willie
Thorburn is improving It was a
pleasure to see Fred Rose of Dun-
gannon, among us during the holidays.
...The annual congregational
meeting of the Presbyterian church
will he held on Tuesday, January 7th.
Miss Wilton has been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Wilson, on the 4tb Mrs. Oraham,
of Sheppardton, and her little boy,
visited her sister. Mrs. Russel Reid,
on Sunday. J H. Reid is fitting
up a span of tenses for which he will
doubtless get a good price . Ross -
well Rutherford was a visitor at Dr.
eat** in Dungannon, a few days agc.
You Run No Risk Wheu You Use
This Remedy.
We promise you that. if ynur hair is
felling out and you have not let it go
too far, you can repair the damage
already done by tieing Rexall "93" Hair
Tonic, with persistent and regularity,
for a reasopable length of time. It is a
eeientifc, cleansing, antiseptic. gertni-
cidal preparation. tbat destroys
microbes, stimulates good circulation
around the Bair roots, promotes hair
nourishment, remove. dandruff and
acts to restore hair health. It is as
Our Business College students have Pleasant to nee as pure water, and
returned to their studies at Stratford le delicately perfumed. IC is at ural
and Clinton. toilet necessity.
We want you to try Rexall "93"
Hair Tonic with our promise that it
will cost you nothing unless you are
satisfied with its use., It
comes in two sizes, prices 50c. and
Robt. I►yvidson and family have $1.00. Remember you can obtain
taken up their residence in the house RezaH Remedies in this community
formerly occupied by Mrs. Jas. Mc- only at our store—The Rexall Store.
llwain until they rebuild. H. C. Dunlop. Godericb.
The annual meeting of the Union
Sunday school is being held thin even-
ing for the election of officers for the
A number of _young people gathered
at the home of %Vit. Fuller on New
Year's Eve to dance the old year out
and the new year in.
The Hustler Righted.
Sarnia, Jae. 2. -- the Reid Wrecking
ensuing year and other Internees. Company succeeded today in righting
The usual tensity gatherings of the the sand scow Hustler. and the vessel
holiday season were held in the dis- is now tied to the Company's docks in
tract and many old friends front a dis- a half -sunken condition. A diver was
lance enjoyed the festivities in the old sent down to faeteu cables around the
hottles scow, and the Manistique, assisted by
the tug SayniaCity, after much pulling
and 'hauling managed to turn the
vessel right side up. The Hustler was
towed here, bottom side up, some time
ago, and shortly after the collision
which sank her near Algonac with the
low of two men. Outwardly the boat
is a disreputable sight, but she is said
to be as substantial as ever. Quite a
crowd of people watched the wrecking
crew at work.
THE FA n II ERai Cion. —The Farmers'
Club held its last meeting at the home
of James McMillan Anil a very excel-
lent program avas provided. The
nseetiog was opened by the vice-presi-
deot, J. Sowerby. following which the
minutes of the last meeting were read
by the secretary. 'Ibe chairman.
Oliver Edward. gave an interesting
address. after which violin selections
were rendered by George Montgomery
and Wm. Westlake and were greatly
appreciated. The addresses by Jane.
McMillan and Geo. W. Andrews on
the topic tor the evening, "Winter
Feediog of Beef Cattle," were very in-
structive, and Geo. Leitbwaite also in
his address gave some valuable hints
on "Feeding from a Dairy Stand-
point-" The members of the Club
then discussed the topic of the even-
ing. After a *bort intermission, the
treasurer's statement was read. show-
ing the Club to be in a most flourish-
ing condition. E. J. Elliott favored
the gathering with one of his popular
songs, which was heartily encored. A
violin *election by Arnold Laithwaite
and a selection by the Club Quartette
were warmly applauded. The gather-
ing passed a vote of thanks to Mr. and
Mrs. McMillan for the use of their
home. The meeting was adjourned
after the singing of God Save the
King. The next meeting of the Club
will be held et the home of, H. L.
Salkeld on January 9th. Addresses
will be given on "The Successful Feed-
ing of Horses" by J. B. Orr, Isaac
Salkeld and Oliver Edward. Resolu-
tions dealing with the free importa-
tion of ditching machinery and the
local licensing of automobiles will be
discussed, and also an excellent musi-
cal program is being prepared.
That Many Dangerous Diseases Spring
from Disordered Kidneys, and Are
Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Eel Creek, Cumberland Co., N. S.,
Jan.OStb.—(8peclal.)—That disordered
kidneye cause many dangerous dis-
eases, all of which disaoptar when the
kidney" are cured by I)oda's Kidney
Pitts, is againroved by the caws 01
lire. James ' r, Leadbetter, of this
place. 8be gives the following experi-
"I wish to tell all suffering women
to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, es they
are a sum cure for the worst form of
female trouble, kidney or heart
disease. i suffered from all these
diseases. Was attended by Ave doc-
tors, and also treated at a hospital.
They helped me a little, bet it was not
until i used six boxes of Dodd's Kid -
set' Phis that 1 got relief. They cured
ire- This wart In fico$, and i ass still
enjoying good health."
Comparing Notes.
..My wife hasn't • any swum of
1MMma said one man 'Vibe won't
„Itriy� i nay." Lk"
Ab ' "Us la gtisse has be at evieything 1
Pramieal Mee.
.Teti are forbidden In sesept Uper
said Ilse diner.
I as.. replied the waiter. 'but 1
/hsufoe we are both practised limas."
we a'w"
end 'he need wart eereer) wlt11
It Costs so Little
and Does so Much.
SATURDAY. Jan. itb.
NEWS NoTga.—Duncan Matheson is
home from the Collegiate Institute,
Ooderich, for the hulidays John
and Peter Matheson are home from
Alberta for the winter EdgarI
Robb is home from Sebringville fee
the bol•day. Frank McKenzie. of
McGill College, Montreal, is visiting
at his horse on the 12th rogcessioo....
Alex. McLennan, of the University of
Totooto, is visiting his sister, Mrs. D.
A. McDonald .... .Miss Rhoda Mc-
Kenzie, wbo teaebes at Oonstance, ie
h nue for the vacation.. .. A onetime
tul entertainment was held in Mise
Mcl.eod's school at the close of the
Cbristwas term. Rev. J. 8. Hardie
acted as chairs an, end an excellent
program was p esente 1 ....Roy Mc-
Kenzie capluriil a line large red fox a
few days ago.... .Donald Finlayson,
medical etude, +. home from Toron-
to for the holt...tys......Miss Minnie
Sandy, of Toronto, spent Christmas at
Thos. Sandy's . _.. Tho". Sandy has
purchased a ditcbing machine and is
taking contracts for jobs. Mr. Sandy
is enterprising and progressive.
Rod and Gun.
Rod and Gun published by W. J.
Taylor. Limited. Woodstock, Ont.) for
January bas a sontewhat striking
cover cut. being a reproduction of a
lady fox farmer. The same issue con-
tains an article on the Culture of
Black and Silver Foxes, uuder the
heading "Value." In addition, theta
are stories of outd' or life and sport
representative of both the eastern
and the western Provinces. "Along
the Mighty Mackenzie to the Arctic
Ocean," descriptive of it trip from Ed-
wotiton to the last post on the Mac-
kenzie River ; A Wild Goat Hunt in
the Rockiee; The Bear that Kept an
Appointment: Filling s Big Game
License in New Brunswick : Mink
Trappintea Good Luck at the Kilmar-
nock Hunting Camp", and other
stories in prose and rhyme. combine
to make an interesting issue of [this
Canadian sportsman's magazine. An
illustrated write-up nt the Rt. Thomas
tournament, held December 2nd to
t tb, is to be found in the Trap Depart-
ment, along with other notes of trap-
Thirty-eight Tons of Paper.
This enormous quantity of paper
was used in printing the 191off e edition
of the Na-uru-Co Almanac, just
preys. As each almanac weighs a
little less than two ounces, this means
that 700,000 copies were printed—one
copy for every eleven individuals, or for
every two families, in Canada.
Stronger evidence could scarcely be
given of the wonderful popularity
wbieh has already been won by the
Na-Dnl•Oo Almanac, now only in its
fourth edition. This is due to the
rich fund of useful information which
it contains, and to its valuable hints
on health and physical comfort.
Your druggist bas a copy for you.
Bee that you get it. .
Couldn't Be Beat.
Lord Londonderry tells a tale which
conveys mora'Twits I. oIrish-
man in hie mb
everlasting subject of Ireland's
"We'll not get home rule for ould
OIreland," said this eon of Erin, "till
Germany. Fr'anc's, Russia and Anter-
nteriew give them blayguerds of English-
men • good hating•
After a pause he added proudly :
11ad begor, t' whole lot of 'en, shoved
together couldn't do it 1 Ob, it's the
grated uavy we've got F
Qs/Maims of Demle.
"Our ranee is just and mast
triumph." concluded tbe suffragette f way
eiteging acee•ta- "And
lady rarest to ask a question. 1 shall be
Owed to answer it
■ASI yne get that sntao„tb effect
sow +re r asked a ;mete In ICM
fees. of it f• nil
He Had Eczema se Years and Doctors
Said "No Cure" --Yet Zam-Busk Has
Worked Complete Cure.
This is the experience of a man of
high reputation, widely koawn iu
Montreal, and wit •se case can :•.adily
be-inveetiga e,t. M. 1. N. %Iat,:.•h,
rt lives dr 1U1
t Inman o r freed d L. i
the eu eu a
Del.•rttnier avenue, M•, tr al, and h"s
lived i here for pewee, For two n y -the
years he has had ere nu. ou hi hand*
and wt ists. The d aura-•- doe. tasked
in blotenes which i cited, en when
setatcled rte^ame.pai••.fu4 Bail sore,'
followed. which di char-g.d. and the
discharge spread the di,.e,.e tan.il hi-
bands were one raw, p uuf..l mass of
sores. This mete of aliases u.utnued
for twenty -live years !
In that time tour eminent medic&
men tried to cure him, and each gave
up tbe case as hopeless. Naturally,
Mr. Marsh tried remedies of all kinds,
but he. also, at last grave it up. For
two years he bad to wear gloves day
and night so terrible was the pain and
itching when the air got to the sorer.
Then came Zam-Buk 1 He tried it
just as he had tried hundreds of
remedies before. But he soon found
out that haw -But was different.
Within a few weeks there weft
distinct signs of benefit, and a little
perseverance with thie great herbal
balm resulted in what he had given
up all hope of—a complete cure ! And
the cure was no temporary cure. it
was permanent. He was cured neat ly
four years ago. Interviewed the other
day, Mr. Marsh said : "The eure which
Zam-Buk worked has., been absolutely
permanent. From the day that 1 was
cured to tee present moment I bave
had no trace of eczema, and i feel sure
it will never return."
If yo0 suffer from any skin trouble,
cut out this article, write across it the
nenre of this paper, and mail it with
one cent staml, u p ty return postage,
to Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. We will
forward you by return a free trial box
of Zam-Buk. A11 druggists and stores
yell this fawoes remedy, 500. box or
three for $1.25 Refuse harmful sub-
Exeter Boys Run Away.
Exeter, Jan. 3.—Two Exeter lads,
aged eleven and thirteen, who had
decided to run away from home, got
aa far as Denfield on the evening pas-
senger train. When the train pulled
intro Denfield they jumped off and
Section Foreman Cleghorn, who saw
them made inquiries. lie and Station
Agent Miller learned of the runaways'
plans and then persuaded them that
they had better return home. The
boys agreed. and they were sent back
by the first northbound freight.
Boat Connection for Bayfield.
Sarnia. Jan. 3.—Wiib the report
from Ottawa that the deck at Bayfield
is going to be enlarged and the harbor
dredged, it is learned thatseveral Port
Huron and Sarnia capitalists are
going to run a freight and pttaeenger
boat [tow this point to that town as
"non ..t navigation opeos. Messrs.
Everett, of Cleveland. are behind the
&chetns and the lake shore district
between here and Bayfield. which is
removed far from the railways, will
be served with coal, brick. lumber.
Reddy's Petition.
Two IitUe people ware getting ready
to go to tied. Connie said her prayers
first. After praying for her tatter
and mother and relations, she Omagh*
she would add a petition of bar owns
and said. "Please. Ood, oaks Roddy •
good Ruddy boy."
his praysss after. a•d
be, too, tho ht he would sold a peti-
tion of his own. H. said : ••Phar.
and. tasrh Omani 1111 naiad her sow
TM Lent
'-Hee Ranee* was worth • rrdlll•Is
but oho threw him over for susethie."
-Married kw bye. did .her —
Having purchased the busi-
ness formerly conducted by
F. Barlow Holmes, we pur-
pose dealing in
Coal, Wood -
Lime, Cement
Fire Brick, Etc.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley Coal, two
lines which are recognized as
the best. We wish to give
the people of Goderach and
vicinity the best service pos-
sible, arrd shell be glad to
hest from all of Mr. Holmes'
customers and any others
who wish anything in our
All onlets left with Jae.
Yates, W est street, promptly
attended to.
'Phone No. 75
Yards at G. T. IL, Nelson Street.
One on Pop.
Witlie—Pop. what are —ancestors?"
Father—Wel!, I'm one of yours—
your g•andad is another.
N'i1Le=0h! Bat why is it that
folks brag about thew
Brakeman Recovers.
Whitechurch. Jan. 5.- R. Horning,
the young G. T. R. orakewan who had
tbe misfortune to have his left leg
badly crushed below the knee while
making a coupling at thio station 00
December 12. has recovered under the
expert attendancepof O. T. H. Surgeon
Dr. Scanlon, of Palmerston, suffi-
ciently to be out again. It is expecte.'
that the brakeman will resume his
usual duties on the Kiocardlne way
fteight at an eatly date.
fuuaemee, Jutuaat R i+8t8 Z
dein the wirer sash sed
TORONTO T. *ti. C. A.
AVTORMOaimc scnoOL
Win for Far Biskir 'rev
For Rall and Winter months a mart.
reliable person to sell our wellknown
fruit and ornami nt.al trees in Ooderk•h
and surrounding reentry.
of Lae finest nur*e.y stook grown.
Stock sold and delivered tetrads. Kiri[
and good delivery traaraatesd. T1dKy-
tive years. or beriberi experience etablew
as to offer rite best aaepey in our Roe.
Write for terns.
Pelham Nursery Co.
Multitudes of People
larly to repair wasted vitality and
enrich the blood to withstand
winter colds and exposure.
It contains the highest grade of
cod liver oil. medically perfected;
it is a cream -like food -medicine,
scrupulously pure and healthful
without drug or stimulant. En-
dorsed and advocated by medical
authorities everywhere.
colds—nourishes the membranes
of the throat and hangs and keeps
theta healthy.
tiosAing egra)a COTT','
£MULf1ON Ree bens me/ iseeriid
sreaiwese—sere, right *haste eat
al is inewevy thisibea
Equally gond for infanta.
children or aduks, but you must
have a00T7'&
r --. ^•--"e Tr.F,nM O te.-in
rotureer S
Lentil'. :170 lee, Rlesath. 88 SS tee
Tone.4e. 14,800
Wireless sad Subuserabe Rl/ads
1Lmpre,s of Ireland Iles. Y7
'Impress of Britain Jan. to
Tuni,tao ,chartered, .Jen. 'L
Empress of Ireland. Pleb. 7
Tickets and all iolornwt lou from any
stesushfp agent, or J. Kidd..ageol, C.
P. R., tiodericn, Ow.
McLean lEros.
The savings to be realized are considerable.
The lines comprising odd and broken assortments
are among our best selling stock, and now (narked
at lowest prices that assure the'r immediate clear-
ance. Four strong lines at sharp discounts are :
Men's and Boys' Overcoats.
Men's and Boys' Suits.
Odd lines in Underwear.
Odd lines in Shirts.
I1cLean Bros.
Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear. Fitwell (Hats,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs.
Can be picked up in a Shoe Steffe. If you get among
the proper shuns. it's one of the easiest things in the world
to get siwtei hingsuitable—for or an boll
it'll he useful'. loo. And serviceable. Aud appreciated,
you may be sure.
Slippers wake en excellent present. Nothing could be
more appropriate. say for your husband or hrothcr. We
have a lot of Slippers at different prices that would do. Yee.
Slippers are all right. So is a dressy, neat. stylish pair of
Shoes—for ladies or gentlemen. No trouble to please any
taste here—and do it, too, without charging more than you
think you ought to pay.
Corner East St. and Square
T. Swans'
'Bus, Livery
and !lack Stables
Passenger" railed for . in
any part of the [sown for
all trains at G. T. R. or
O. P. R. depots. Prompt
senv iM and •M *fel at t eh-
('h1i L,yr, y 41.41 fl. e;
•weir•* ,. 1 Ir IWwf�
tet. in •44t44S- sear
Your past roamers wells 11 4 d
'Phot. 1117 11,441.4u4. al Street
e===== o o%
� HolidayGifts
1 11
We have a great number of useful as
well as ornamental goods from wnich you can
make a choice.
What would be a nicer and more useful
present for mother than an up-to-date Happy
Thought Range or a Radiant Home Heater,
two of the best stoves on the market ? -
A number of other Christmas suggestions :
Silyer Table,!Dessert and Tea Spoons
Pearl -handled Knives and Forks
Electric Light Fixtures
Silver Knives and Forks
Larving Sels in cases
Shot Guns and Rifles
Coal Oil Heaters
Scissors in cases
H ockey Skates
Brass Goods
and many others
too numerous to
mention, which
we invite you to
call and see.
Li phones
douse 112
tor• 22